Friday, March 5, 2010

Isramart : Alternative Solution for Carbon Emissions and Global Warming Is Out

Isramart news:
In his new structural strategy for global warming and the environment, Henderson articulates a powerful approach that goes to the root of environmental problems: the foundations of the market economies.

The second edition (2010) argues that modifying the incentive structure of markets could create a Green Economic Environment (GEE) which would promote for businesses a shift to greener practices and products and switch demand and consumers to environment-friendly alternatives. The new approach would make the massive power of the economy work for the environment instead of against it.

Some of the topics covered: cap-and-trade problems, global warming, revenue-neutral strategies, renewable energy, recycling and reuse, non-renewable resource conservation and protection, green economic environment, biofuel efficiency, waste management, etc. The first edition r(2008) received a positive review from Green Pages, the US Green Party quarterly.

Book information: The 21st Century Environmental Revolution (2nd Ed.): A Structural Strategy for Global Warming, Resource Conservation, Toxic Contaminants, and the Environment. By Mark C. Henderson