Monday, January 31, 2011

Isra-Mart srl:Erste 3 Megawatt Windkraftanlage Bayerns in Betrieb

Isra-Mart srl news:

Bayerns leistungsstärkste Windkraftanlage erzeugt ab sofort auf den Jurahöhen in der Gemeinde Sengenthal ökologischen Strom. Das Kooperationsprojekt der Firmengruppe Max Bögl aus Sengenthal und der Firma Windpower aus Regensburg ist mit einer Gesamthöhe von 180 m die erste 3 Megawatt Windkraftanlage in Bayern.

Mit ihrem gewaltigen Rotordurchmesser von 104 m erntet die Repower 3.4M Wind auf 8.500 m2, einer Fläche größer als ein Fußballfeld. Die Jahresproduktion liegt mit über 7 Mio. kWh höher als bei vielen bestehenden Windkraftwerken an der windreichen Küste Norddeutschlands. Ausschlaggebend dafür sind insbesondere die Höhe der Anlage und die Größe der Rotoren.

Das Kraftwerk produziert mehr als ein Drittel des Stromverbrauchs der gesamten Gemeinde Sengenthal. Durch die Produktion der hochpräzisen Beton- und Stahlsegmente des Hybridturmes im Fertigteilwerk und dem Stahlbau bei Max Bögl in Sengenthal, die Logistik und Montage vor Ort sowie die Projektentwicklung durch ortsansässige Unternehmen erfolgte annähernd 50 % der Wertschöpfung in Bayern.

Isra-Mart srl:Freiburger Pfizer Werk ist „Facility of the year 2011“

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Das internationale Non-Profit-Netzwerk ISPE (International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering) hat das Freiburger Pfizer Werk ausgezeichnet: Für seine „beeindruckende“ Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie kürte die Jury den Standort zur „Facility of the year 2011“. Das Wettbewerbskomitee, in dem renommierte Experten der Pharmaindustrie vertreten sind, überzeugte das umfassende Nachhaltigkeitskonzept des Standorts Freiburg.

„Pfizer Freiburg zeigt, was Nachhaltigkeit wirklich bedeutet und erzielt damit beeindruckende Resultate. Das Werk deckt über 90 Prozent seines Energiebedarfs aus erneuerbaren Quellen. Energieeinsparungen von 30 Prozent wurden erzielt“, so die Urteilsbegründung der Jury. Die Juroren berücksichtigten bei ihrer Bewertung die knapp 200 Umweltprojekte des Standorts und bewerteten die langfristigen Erfolge des Nachhaltigkeitsprogramms.

Zu den Projekten mit Vorbildcharakter gehört beispielsweise SPRING (Strategic Plant RestructurING): Die über 50 Jahre alten Labor- und Bürogebäude des Werks verwandelten sich beim Umbau in hochmoderne Bauten, in denen Energie effizient genutzt und nachhaltig erzeugt wird. So sorgt die Geothermie-Anlage mithilfe von Erdsonden für die Klimatisierung der Räume. Sonnenschutz und eine optimale Wärmedämmung sparen darüber hinaus jährlich vier Millionen Kilowattstunden ein. Auf dem Dach des Gebäudes kommen Solarzellen zum Einsatz, aus denen das Werk Strom gewinnt. Zum Nachhaltigkeitsprogramm gehört zudem Europas größte Holzpellet-Heizanlage. Mit ihrer Hilfe spart das Werk seit Oktober 2009 jährlich rund 5.000 Tonnen Kohlenstoffdioxid gegenüber fossilen Brennstoffen ein. Das entspricht einer Kostenreduktion von rund einer halben Million Euro.

„Nachhaltigkeit zahlt sich langfristig aus – ökologisch und ökonomisch“, sagt Werksleiter Dr. Axel Glatz. „Wir freuen uns sehr, dass unser Engagement auch internationale Anerkennung findet. Pfizer Freiburg hat mit seinen umweltfreundlichen Technologien mittlerweile eine ‚grüne Kultur’ am Standort etabliert.“ Bereits im Dezember 2010 wurde Pfizer Freiburg mit dem Umweltpreis 2010 des Landes Baden-Württemberg ausgezeichnet.

Im Wettbewerb um den renommierten „Facility of the year“- Award setzte sich das deutsche Werk in der Kategorie Nachhaltigkeit gegen 26 Projekte aus elf Ländern durch. ISPE vergibt die Auszeichnung gemeinsam mit der Branchenmesse INTERPHEX und dem Fachmagazin Pharmaceutical Progress in sechs Sparten. Mit dem Preis werden seit 2005 innovative Produktionsanlagen von Unternehmen der Pharma- und Biotechindustrie ausgezeichnet. Die Sieger werden Ende März auf der INTERPHEX in New York (USA) geehrt.

Isra-Mart srl:Bundestag verabschiedet Änderung des Energieleitungsausbaugesetzes

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Auf Initiative des Bundeswirtschaftsministeriums (BMWi) hat der Bundestag eine Änderung des Energieleitungsausbaugesetzes (EnLAG) beschlossen. Die Änderung vereinfacht und beschleunigt Planungs- und Genehmigungsverfahren im Rahmen der vier Erdkabel-Pilotprojekte, die das EnLAG vorsieht.

Das vom BMWi initiierte EnLAG beschleunigt Planungs- und Genehmigungsverfahren für den Bau von 24 wichtigen Leitungsausbau-Projekten. Auf vier Pilotstrecken können Erdkabel eingesetzt werden. Dabei kam es auf den Pilotstrecken bisher teilweise zu Verfahrensverzögerungen, weil nicht klar war, wer über die Teilverkabelung entscheiden sollte. Mit der jetzigen Feinjustierung des EnLAG wird klargestellt, dass die zuständige Landesbehörde das Letztentscheidungsrecht hat.

Neben der Beschleunigung des Netzausbaus schafft die Regelung auch klare Regeln für den Einsatz neuer Technologien. Die Pilotregelung soll Erkenntnisse über die Vor- und Nachteile beim Einsatz der Erdkabel-Technologie liefern. Nicht zuletzt ist die Regelung auch im Interesse der Bürgerinnen und Bürger, die von der Infrastruktur betroffen sein werden: Das Verfahren über die Einsatzmöglichkeiten des Erdkabels wird mit der neuen Regelung transparent und eindeutig.

Die jüngste Maßnahme ergänzt die vielfältigen Aktivitäten des BMWi beim Netzausbau. Um die Akzeptanz des Netzausbaus zu erhöhen, erarbeitet das BMWi gegenwärtig ein Konzept für eine "Informations-Offensive". Ziel ist eine bessere Kommunikation und Transparenz des Netzausbaus. Die Bürger sollen zukünftig frühzeitig mitwirken können, wenn die Netzbetreiber ihre Netzentwicklungspläne erstellen. Die beim BMWi eingerichtete Netzplattform wird ein Dialogforum schaffen, um Lösungen und Konzepte gemeinsam mit den wichtigsten Interessenträgern zu entwickeln.

Auch die Planungs- und Genehmigungsverfahren werden beschleunigt. Gemeinsam mit den Bundesländern entwickelt das BMWi Musterplanungsleitlinien, die die Genehmigungspraxis der Länder vereinheitlichen sollen. Eine Bundesfachplanung mit einem Bundesnetzplan soll langfristig die Verfügbarkeit von Trassen für den Leitungsausbau sichern.

Isra-Mart srl:Erneuerbare Energien nicht verantwortlich für massive Strompreiserhöhungen

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Der Bundesverband Erneuerbare Energie (BEE) weist die in der Öffentlichkeit erneut angeführte Begründung zurück, die Erneuerbaren Energien seien Schuld an den ständigen Strompreiserhöhungen. BEE-Präsident Dietmar Schütz: „Dass die Erneuerbaren ständig als Deckmantel für die massive Preistreiberei vieler Energieversorger missbraucht werden, ist schlichtweg falsch und dazu unseriös.“ In den Jahren 2000 bis 2010 stieg der monatliche Beitrag, mit dem ein durchschnittlicher Haushalt den Ausbau Erneuerbarer Energien fördert, um rund fünf Euro an. Die monatliche Stromrechnung stieg im gleichen Zeitraum um etwa 30 Euro – also sechs Mal soviel.

Erst kürzlich habe die Bundesnetzagentur klar gestellt, dass der erfolgreiche Ausbau der Erneuerbaren Energien nicht zur Begründung für drastische Strompreiserhöhungen taugt. Im Gegenteil: „Die Großhandelspreise für Strom sind in den letzten zwei Jahren um teilweise mehr als die Hälfte gesunken. Auch die Netzkosten gingen in den vergangenen Jahren deutlich runter. Doch nichts von dem wird an die Haushaltskunden weitergegeben“, kritisiert Schütz das Gebaren vieler Energieversorger.

Mehr noch: Die Untersuchungen der Bundesnetzagentur hätten deutlich gezeigt, dass viele Energieversorger ihre Strompreise in diesem Jahr senken könnten – trotz gestiegener EEG-Umlage, so Schütz. Die zunehmende Menge an Erneuerbaren Energien bewirkt zudem sinkende Börsenstrompreise, weil nach und nach teuere Kraftwerke vom Markt gedrängt werden. „Während die Industrie bereits heute von den sinkenden Großhandelspreisen für Strom profitiert, dürfen private Stromkunden jedes Jahr aufs Neue für das überzogene Gewinnstreben vieler Energiekonzerne ihr Portemonnaie leeren“, sagte Schütz.

Isra-Mart srl:Höhere Kosten für den Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien vielfach abgelehnt

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Das öffentliche Interesse am Thema Klimaschutz ist zum ersten Mal seit einem Jahr wieder gestiegen. Der aktuelle Index des Klima-Barometers von co2online verzeichnet für das vierte Quartal 2010 einen Anstieg von 55 auf 73 Punkte, bleibt aber insgesamt auf einem niedrigen Niveau. Ein viel diskutiertes Thema des vierten Quartals 2010 waren erneuerbare Energien. Ihr Ausbau wurde in der Öffentlichkeit vor allem im Zusammenhang mit der Laufzeitverlängerung von Atomkraftwerken sowie der Strompreissteigerung diskutiert.

Gefragt nach dem wichtigsten Grund für den Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien, sprechen sich die Teilnehmer vor allem für die Unabhängigkeit von fossilen Energieträgern (39 Prozent) und für Klimaschutz (36 Prozent) aus. Die Finanzierung der Energiewende ist jedoch für die Mehrheit der Befragten umstritten: 55 Prozent sind der Meinung, der Ausbau sollte sich ohne Subventionen finanzieren und nicht zu Lasten der Verbraucher gehen. Die Umfrage fand vor dem Hintergrund der Erhöhung der Strompreise statt, die die Energieversorger mit den gestiegenen Kosten aus der sogenannten Ökostrom-Umlage begründeten. Nur noch 28 Prozent sind bereit, den Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien durch einen Stromkosten-Aufschlag mitzutragen.

Bei der Wahl einer regenerativen Energiequelle für das eigene Heim gibt es bei den Befragten einen eindeutigen Favoriten: die Sonne. Die klare Mehrheit würde eine Solarthermie- oder Photovoltaikanlage (zusammen 59 Prozent) installieren lassen, um ihren Haushalt mit Wärmeenergie oder Strom direkt vom eigenen Dach zu versorgen. Das Heizen mit Holz oder der Einsatz einer mit Ökostrom betriebenen Wärmepumpe fanden weniger Zuspruch.

Isra-Mart srl:Energetische Sanierung des Kriminalgerichts Moabit abgeschlossen

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Das Kriminalgericht Moabit wurde energetisch saniert. Rund 100 Mitarbeiter der Berliner Staatsanwaltschaft und des Amtsgerichts Tiergarten sparen so künftig 45 Prozent CO2 ein. „Ich bin beeindruckt und außerordentlich erfreut, dass der ursprüngliche Charakter des Gebäudes und insbesondere die historische Gestaltung der Sitzungssäle trotz der umfassenden Modernisierung erhalten und sogar noch unterstrichen werden konnten. Vor allem freue ich mich aber, dass die Staatsanwälte und Richter jetzt in angemessenen Räumen arbeiten können“, sagte Justizsenatorin Gisela von der Aue bei der feierlichen Schlüsselübergabe.

Die BIM Berliner Immobilienmanagement GmbH (BIM), die für nahezu 5 Millionen Euro aus dem Konjunkturpaket II den Bau aus den 1950er Jahren modernisierte, hat besonders darauf geachtet, die Sachlichkeit der End-fünfziger Jahre wieder erlebbar zu machen. Die ursprüngliche Gestaltung der Verhandlungssäle blieb erhalten; das Parkett wurde abgeschliffen und neu versiegelt, die Holzvertäfelung an den Wänden gereinigt sowie die Holzbänke und Richtertische sorgsam aufgearbeitet.

Zudem erfüllt der Bau nun die Anforderungen der Energieeinsparverordnung: Das Dach erhielt eine neue Dämmung und Abdichtung, die Fassade ist mit Vollwärmeschutz und wärmegedämmten Kunststofffenstern ausgerüstet. Außerdem modernisierte die BIM die gesamte Haustechnik – Sanitäranlage, Heizung, Elektronik und Beleuchtung – nach energetischen Gesichtspunkten. Die Büroräume wurden mit einer Beleuchtung ausgestattet die der täglichen Arbeit am Bildschirm gerecht wird. Außen liegende Jalousien sorgen für eine natürliche Kühlung im Sommer.

Isra-Mart srl:Erneuerbare Energie: Gezielte Förderung statt Gießkannenprinzip

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Die EU-Kommission hat einen neuen Fortschrittsbericht über die erneuerbaren Energien vorgelegt. In dem Bericht legt die EU-Kommission dar, welchen Finanzierungsbedarf sie in den kommenden Jahren für notwendig hält, um das EU-weite Ziel zu erreichen, bis 2020 mindestens 20 Prozent des europaweiten Energiebedarfs aus erneuerbaren Energien zu decken.

Der Bericht setzt auf die Optimierung und eine größere Konvergenz der nationalen Fördersysteme hin zu einer verbesserte Marktintegration und regt darüber hinaus an, dass die Mitgliedstaaten zusammen arbeiten, um einzelne grenzüberschreitende Projekte an kostengünstigen Standorten im Ausland zu fördern. Diese Möglichkeit der gemeinsamen Förderung war in der 2009 verabschiedeten Richtlinie zur Förderung erneuerbarer Energien eingeführt worden.

„Der Vorschlag von Kommissar Oettinger ist ein wichtiger Schritt in die richtige Richtung. Ich unterstütze den Ansatz, auf eine stärkere Konvergenz der nationalen Fördersysteme und eine verbesserte Marktintegration der erneuerbaren Energien zu setzen sowie ergänzend zum nationalen Ausbau einzelne grenzüberschreitende Projekte gemeinsam mit anderen Mitgliedstaaten zu fördern. So können wir die Förderhöhe an die jeweiligen Standortbedingungen anpassen und sicherstellen, dass Standortvorteile auch tatsächlich als Kosteneinsparungen beim Verbraucher ankommen und nicht durch Überförderung ins Gegenteil verkehrt werden. Deshalb bin ich froh, dass wir uns auch innerhalb der Bundesregierung auf der Basis unseres Energiekonzepts verständigt haben, dass ein EU-Fördersystem mit EU-weit einheitlichen Förderpreisen keine Option ist. Der Fortschrittsbericht von Kommissar Oettinger unterstützt diesen Weg“, so Bundesumweltminister Norbert Röttgen.

Isra-Mart srl:Baden-Württemberg führt Sonderprogramm zur Siedlungsentwicklung fort

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Ein auf zwei Jahre befristetes und mit zwei Millionen Euro ausgestattetes Sonderprogramm des Landes Baden-Württemberg soll weitere innovative Projekte einer nachhaltigen Siedlungsentwicklung in Städten und Gemeinden auf den Weg bringen.

Um weiterhin Anreize für flächenschonende Siedlungsentwicklung zu setzen, will das Land Baden-Württemberg auch in diesem Jahr insgesamt eine Million Euro für das 2010 erstmals aufgelegte Programm „Flächen gewinnen durch Innenentwicklung“ bereitstellen. Mehr als 40 Kommunen, wie Deizisau, Kirchheim u. Teck, Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Neuffen, Weilheim/Teck und Wolfschlugen erhielten derzeit Fördermittel. Förderanträge könnten noch bis 10. Februar 2011 eingereicht werden. Einen Förderschwerpunkt bilde der ländliche Raum. Dort, so habe eine statistische Sonderauswertung ergeben, sei der Flächenverbrauch besonders groß. Mehr als die Hälfte des Zuwachses an Siedlungsflächen entfalle auf den ländlichen Raum.

In den Jahren 2008 und 2009 sei die Ausweitung von Verkehrs- und Siedlungsflächen, gegenüber täglich 10,3 Hektar im Jahr 2007, um rund 30 Prozent auf täglich sieben Hektar zurückgegangen. Seit der ersten statistischen Erfassung der Siedlungs- und Verkehrsflächen in den 1950er Jahren wurde damit der niedrigste Wert erreicht. Die erfreuliche Trendumkehr beim Verlust naturnaher Lebensräume sei insbesondere dem in den Rathäusern des Landes gewachsene Bewusstsein über die negativen Folgen einer ungezügelten Ausweisung immer neuer Siedlungsflächen geschuldet. Bis zu der von der Landesregierung langfristig angestrebten ausgeglichenen Flächenbilanz sei es jedoch noch ein weiter und steiniger Weg. Der seit nunmehr zwei Jahren zu beobachtende leichte Bevölkerungsrückgang unterstütze zwar die vom Land verfolgte Siedlungspolitik. Allerdings liefen der individuell steigende und der in höherem Alter zunehmende Raumbedarf den Bestrebungen des Landes entgegen. Mit dem wirtschaftlichen Aufschwung sei im dritten Quartal 2010 die Zahl der Baugenehmigungen im Land um 18 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahresquartal angestiegen. Die Neubauvorhaben von Unternehmen zogen sogar um 22 Prozent an.

Isra-Mart srl:Hildegard Müller zur Mitteilung der Europäischen Kommission zu Erneuerbaren Energien in der EU

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"EU-Kommissar Günther Oettinger verknüpft seine Forderung nach höheren Investitionen in die erneuerbaren Energien mit der Notwendigkeit eines effizienten Mitteleinsatzes. Die deutsche Energiewirtschaft unterstützt das ausdrücklich. Deshalb sollten in allen EU-Staaten jeweils diejenigen Erneuerbaren besonders stark gefördert werden, die den größten Beitrag zu einer sicheren und wirtschaftlichen Energieversorgung liefern. In Deutschland sind das Windenergie und Biomasse. Das deutsche EEG setzt in dieser Hinsicht derzeit die falschen Anreize, indem private Investitionen zu stark in die Photovoltaik gelenkt werden, die aber nur zwei Prozent des Strombedarfs in Deutschland deckt.

Langfristig geht es der Kommission um eine europäische Marktintegration. Alle Fördersysteme müssen darauf ausgerichtet sein, dass die Erneuerbaren auf Markt- und Preissignale reagieren und in ein intelligentes Gesamtsystem eingebettet sind. Der BDEW hat für Deutschland dazu ein Marktprämienmodell vorgeschlagen, das jetzt auch vom Bundeswirtschaftsministerium unterstützt wird. Auch bei der Marktintegration, nicht nur beim quantitativen Ausbau, sollte Deutschland Vorreiter sein."

Isra-Mart srl : Certificatele de emisii CO2 „ard“ la profit complexurile energetice

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Complexurile Energetice de la Rovinari, Turceni şi Craiova cheltuiesc zeci de milioane de euro din profit pentru a cumpăra certificate de emisii de gaze cu efect de seră, din cauză că au depăşit plafoanele prevăzute prin Planul Naţional de Alocare. Fără a se arăta interesat de soarta unităţilor amintite, la care statul este acţionar majoritar, Ministerul Mediului a anunţat recent, prin ministrul Laszlo Borbely, că România vrea să vândă un „surplus“ de 300 de milioane de certificate de emisii.

Statul nu este interesat de profitul Complexurilor Energetice din Oltenia şi anunţă vânzarea de certificate de emisii de gaze cu efect de seră, deşi unităţile amintite au depăşit în fiecare an plafoanele. Ministrul mediului, Laszlo Borbely, a anunţat recent că România deţine peste 300 de milioane de certificate de emisii de dioxid de carbon şi prin vânzarea acestora s-ar obţine venituri însemnate, care ar putea fi investite în amenajarea de spaţii verzi. În tot acest timp, Complexurile Energetice de la Rovinari, Turceni şi Craiova au ajuns să îşi depăşească plafoanele anuale de certificate, primite prin Planul Naţional de Alocare, şi sunt nevoite să cumpere certificate la preţuri ridicate. „România are 300 de milioane de certificate de emisii de dioxid de carbon, pe care am putea să le vindem. Aceste certificate înseamnă două miliarde de euro şi banii ar veni în România pentru diverse scheme verzi“, a afirmat ministrul mediului, Laszlo Borbely, care a precizat că banii obţinuţi din vânzarea certificatelor vor fi utilizaţi pentru amenajarea a sute de parcuri.


Surse din conducerea Complexului Energetic de la Turceni au precizat că certificatele de emisii de CO2 nu acoperă integral necesarul şi că până la sfârşitul anului 2012 unitatea va trebui să achiziţioneze întreaga diferenţă dintre certificatele aferente consumului şi certificatele alocate prin Planul Naţional de Alocare. Principala nemulţumire a conducerii CE Turceni este legată de faptul că certificatele se comercializează pe piaţa liberă, iar complexurile energetice sunt dezavantajate de acest lucru. De precizat că volumul certificatelor este direct proporţional cu producţia de energie, însă există unităţi care au produs mai puţin decât şi-au propus şi au rămas cu un surplus de certificate de emisii de gaze pe care le pot vinde. Astfel, cu toate că sunt societăţi care au capital majoritar de stat, complexurile energetice ajung să fie defavorizate de faptul că statul nu a avut în vedere o alocare corespunzătoare de certificate de emisii de CO2.

În top la emisii

Complexurile Energetice de la Rovinari, Turceni şi Craiova sunt printre cei mai mari consumatori de resurse din România. De asemenea, nivelul emisiilor de dioxid de carbon creşte proporţional cu producţia de energie, respectiv când pe piaţă există o cerere ridicată şi preţurile sunt competitive pentru producători. Potrivit datelor oficiale, pentru perioada 2008-2012, Complexul Energetic Craiova a primit o cotă de 13.526.693 de certificate, Complexul Energetic Rovinari - 24.222.537 de certificate, iar Complexul Energetic Turceni - 28.183.496 de certificate. Pe ani, fiecare complex energetic are de consumat o cincime din cantitatea totală alocată pe perioada amintită. Statistica arată însă că toate cele trei unităţi şi-au depăşit plafoanele de certificate alocate şi sunt nevoite să achiziţioneze certificate de emisii de gaze cu efect de seră CO2 la preţuri de câteva zeci de euro pentru un singur certificat. Se ajunge în situaţia ca zeci de milioane de euro din bugetele celor trei companii să fie cheltuite pentru achiziţia de certificate, pentru a putea susţine producţia.

Isra-Mart srl : Seful UNFCCC: ”China castiga cursa pentru economia verde”

Isra-Mart SRL news:

China accelereaza rapid pe langa SUA si Europa in cursa pentru dezvoltarea energiei curate si cu emisii scazute de carbon, ca strategie de stimulare a economiei sale nationale, a declarat ieri un inalt diplomat al ONU, citat de Bloomberg.

”China o sa ne lase pe toti in urma. Chinezii sunt foarte hotarati sa castige cursa pentru economia verde”, a declarat Christiana Figueres, seful Conventiei ONU asupra Schimbarilor Climatice (UNFCCC), in cadrul unei conferinte din cadrul Forumului Economic Mondial de la Davos, Elvetia.
Anul trecut, China a crescut spectaculos, cu 30%, investitiile in surse de energie low-carbon, ajungand la o suma totala de 51,1 miliarde de dolari, ”de departe cea mai mare suma, fata de orice alta tara”, se arata in statisticile Bloomberg.

Companiile americane vor avea de pierdut

Compania Ernst & Young a anuntat in septembrie 2010 ca, pentru prima oara, China a devansat SUA la capitolul cea mai atractiva tara pentru investitii in energii regenerabile. ”Poti sa sari etape – nu e neaparat nevoie sa urmezi modelul din nord. China ne demonstreaza asta”, a mai spus Figueres.

Oficiali chinezi, intre care si liderul negociatorilor climatici Su Wei, au declarat ca tara lor va adopta in curand un plan pe cinci ani de dezvoltare a energiei regenerabile.

La aceeasi conferinta, comisarul european pentru Actiune Climatica, Connie Hedegaar, a declarat ca afacerile si companiile americane vor avea de pierdut daca vor alege inactiunea.

”Companiile americane ar trebui sa inteleaga ca suntem aici ca sa declaram raspicat ca aceasta este o cursa. Este rau pentru afaceri si pentru economie sa nu te numeri printre primii, ci inca sa mai eziti. Sper ca si mai multi oameni de afaceri americani sa inteleaga ca trebuie sa faca presiuni asupra politicienilor lor”.

Isra-Mart srl : Vicepresedintele ANRE, Petru Lificiu, a lansat albumul "Patrimoniul natural al Romaniei"

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Presedintele Autoritatii Nationale de Reglementare in Domeniul Energiei (ANRE), Petru Lificiu, a lansat aseara, in cadrul unei ceremonii, albumul "Patrimoniul natural al Romaniei".

Publicatia contine date istorice, descrieri si informatii exhaustive despre parcurile naturale, ariile protejate, rezervatiile speologice si rezervatiile biosferei de pe teritoriul Romaniei. De asemenea, albumul contine fotografii inedite cu fauna si flora ce constituie patrimoniul natural al tarii.

”Cartea aceasta este un indemn pentru ca natura sa fie privita cu alti ochi si pentru ca romanii sa inteleaga ca traim intr-o gradina splendida. Avem obligatia sa o protejam si sa o predam mai departe, fara a stirbi generatiei viitoare dreptul de a se bucura de ea”, a declarat Petru Lificiu.

El a explicat ca pentru realizarea albumului s-a bucurat de sprijinul Forumului Ecologistilor din Romania, iar informatiile si imaginile publicatiei au fost colectate cu ajutorul unui numar mare de speologi si fotografi.

Natura are nevoie de oameni puternici

Potrivit autorului albumului, ONG-urile si partidele ecologiste mici din Romania au proiecte si actiuni, sustin seminarii si organizeaza plantari de copaci dar aceste actiuni nu sunt suficiente fara o sustinere din partea celorlalte sectoare.

”Fara actiunea unor oameni puternici, politici, de stiinta, din business nu o putem proteja si nu putem arata Europei bogatiile pe care le avem”.

Petru Lificiu este fondator al Forumului Ecologistilor din Romania si fost ministru al mediului in Guvernul lui Adrian Nastase. La lansare au fost prezenti printul Paul al Romaniei, episcopul Sloboziei si Calarasilor, Vicentiu, actorul Marius Bodochi, cantaretul Gheorghe Turda, precum si alte personalitati din domeniul politic, economic, ambasadori, dar si oameni de afaceri.

Albumul "Patrimoniul natural al Romaniei" va fi disponibil in curand in librarii si va costa 100 lei.

Isra-Mart srl : Forumul de la Davos. Diminuarea resurselor ar putea provoca urmatorul razboi sau criza mondiala

Isra-Mart SRL news:

Urmatorul razboi sau conflict economic ar putea fi cauzat de diminuarea resurselor, a avertizat presedintele Indoneziei, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, in cadrul Forumului Economic Global din Davos, ce a adunat lideri politici si economici la nivel mondial, pentru a dezbate cele mai urgente probleme ale planetei.

”Populatia lumii va atinge curand pragul de 7 miliarde si va ajunge la 9 miliarde pana in 2045. Jumatate din acesti oameni traiesc in Asia. Imaginati-va presiunea asupra resurselor de mancare, energie si apa. Urmatorul razboi sau conflict economic poate fi cauzat de diminuarea resurselor, daca nu gestionam aceasta situatie impreuna”, a declarat presedintele Indoneziei, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, citat de International Business Times.

Aceeasi ingrijorare a fost exprimata si de presedintele francez Nicolas Sarkozy, care a criticat dur institutiile bancare globale si a promis sa intervina pentru a stopa speculatiile responsabile de cresterea preturilor la alimente si energie, potrivit The Guardian.

Sarkozy, care este presedinte al grupurilor G20 si G8, a declarat ca securitatea alimentara constituie prioritatea esentiala a presedintiei franceze a G20.

Pe muchia unei noi crize

Organizatia Natiunilor Unite pentru Alimentatie si Agricultura (FAO) a avertizat la inceputul acestei luni ca preturile alimentelor pentru produsele de baza au inregistrat un nivel record, alimentand temerile legate de inflatie, protectionism si cererea redusa din partea statelor cu economii emergente.

Acelasi mesaj ingrijorator a fost transmis si de ONU, inca de la sfarsitul anului trecut, dupa o reuniune pe tema scumpirii alimentelor unde s-a discutat despre riscul crescut ca dezastrele ecologice din ultimii ani si investitiile speculative ar sa cauzeze o noua criza alimentara mondiala.

Scumpirile spectaculoase pot fi puse in buna masura pe seama fenomenelor extreme produse cu o frecventa neobisnuita anul trecut. 2010 a fost marcat de o seceta puternica in Rusia, fortand suspendarea exporturilor sale de cereale. Mai recent, inundatiile din Queensland, Australia, incep sa se resimta asupra preturilor la mai multe produse de export, ce risca sa afecteze in primul rand pietele asiatice (India, Bangladesh si Japonia).

Tot mai multe proteste

Publicarea celor mai recente rapoarte privind preturile la alimente a coincis cu proteste violente in Algeria si Tunisia si Egipt unde oamenii au iesit in strada din cauza somajului si inflatiei.

Revoltele au fost declansate de o crestere accentuata a preturilor la produsele alimentare de baza cum ar fi laptele, zaharul si faina.

Potrivit unui raport al Bancii Central Europene, citat de, Romania se situeaza pe locul 1 in Europa si pe locul 12 in lume intr-un top al tarilor cu cel mai mare grad de risc de infometare. Romanii ar ajunge intr-o situatie critica nu pentru ca nu ar mai exista grau, porumb sau zahar, ci pentru ca acestea ar ajunge la niste preturi foarte mari, pe care oamenii nu si le-ar mai putea permite.

Isra-Mart srl : Cum sa reduci cu 95% necesarul de hartie intr-o banca?

Isra-Mart SRL news:

Printr-o combinatie de solutii software si eficientizarea fluxului de lucru, compania IBM a ajutat filiala Bank of China din Londra sa reduca necesarul de hartie cu un spectaculos procent de 95%, relateaza Daca inainte banca avea nevoie zilnic de 23 de kilograme de hartie, in urma implementarii solutiilor a ajuns la un necesar de pana la un kilogram.

In paralel, IBM a imbunatatit eficienta tranzactiilor financiare derulate de angajatii bancii. Compania a reusit acest lucru printr-o combinatie a programelor sale de software Informix si Centric iSolution. Reducerea necesarului de hartie s-a facut prin eliminarea celor aproape 3000 de mesaje pe care Bank of China le transmitea intre filiale in fiecare zi. Fiecare trebuia printat manual si distribuit.

”Imbunatatirea accesului la informatii a reprezentat un punct cheie in reducerea costurilor”, a declarat Stephen Hinds, director operational al sucursalei londoneze a Bank of China. ”IBM si Centri iSolutions si-au dovedit eficienta, ajutandu-ne sa imbunatatim gestionarea numarului in crestere de tranzactii bancare si sa monitorizam mai bine activitatile din toate departamentele”, a mai spus acesta.

In ultimele luni, compania IBM insasi a incheiat un parteneriat cu Schneider Electric pentru imbunatatirea eficientei energetice a sediilor si operatiunilor sale, si-a extins proiectele de management al apei pe tot globul si a continuat sa aplice solutii de green IT, ca cele de la centrul de date din Carolina de Nord, certificat LEED (certificarea americana pentru cladirile verzi, n.t.). Ultimul raport financiar al companiei arata ca, in urma aplicarii acestor masuri, IBM a avut o crestere de 10% a profitului pe 2010.

Isra-Mart srl : Politia din Grecia a gasit hotii certificatelor de CO2 in Romania

Isra-Mart SRL news:

Atacul cibernetic care a determinat inchiderea pietii spot de tranzactionare a certificatelor cu emisii ar putea avea originea in Romania, au declarat surse din cadrul politiei din Grecia, informeaza Euractiv.

Politia a identificat intre 8 si 10 adrese Internet Protocol folosite de hackeri pentru a ataca registrul national de emisii al Greciei, a declarat un oficial al politiei, care a dorit sa-si pastreze anonimatul.

„Am localizat adesele in Romania. Interpolul a fost notificat”, a spus acesta.

Piata spot de permise de emisii a Uniunii Europene a fost inchisa dupa ce certificate de emisii in valoare de peste 30 de milioane de euro au fost sustrase din registrele nationale ale mai multor tari europene.

In registrele nationale sunt plasate si inregistrate permisele de emisii ale companiilor pentru a fi apoi tranzactionate in cadrul schemei de emisii, un mecanism realizat ca masura impotriva schimbarilor climatice.

Atacul asupra Registrului European a fost cel mai recent dintr-o serie de incidente si scandaluri care s-au adaugat la factorii ce descurajeaza alte state sa adopte sisteme similare.

Isra-Mart srl : Rosneft vrea sa dezvolte o platforma in Marea Neagra, impreuna cu ExxonMobil

Isra-Mart SRL news:

Reprezentantii corporatiei Rosneft din Rusia au semnat un acord cu cei de la US ExxonMobil pentru a se uni in dezvoltarea unei platforme petroliere in Marea Neagra.

Intelegerea dintre cei doi giganti petrolieri a fost semnata in cadrul Forumului Economic Mondial de la Davos, Elvetia.

Recent, Rosneft a anuntat ca va dezvolta o platforma impreuna cu BP in Oceanul Arctic, iar anul trecut, compania a invitat TNK Chevron sa i se alature in sondarea Marii Negre.

Prima parte a proiectului va implica explorarea zonei in care va fi implementat proiectul Tuapse Trough. Acordul semnat la Davos prevede formarea unui joint venture care sa conduca activitatea de explorare de la Tuapse Trough.

„In prima parte a proiectului, se va explora una dintre cele mai bogate depozite din Marea Neagra, Tuapse Trough, al carui rezervor este estimat la aproximativ 1 miliard de tone de combustibil”, a declarat adjuntul premierului rus si presedintele companiei, Igor Sechin.

Americanii finanteaza cercetarea

Reprezentantii biroului Exxon din Rusia au declarat pentru Interfax ca actiunile companiei americane in societatea creata pentru dezvoltarea proiectului Tuapse Trough va fi de 33.3%. Rosneft va detine, prin urmare, 66,7% din actiuni. Prima parte a proiectului, de explorare, va fi finantata de ExxonMobil.

„ExxonMobil va completa experienta pe care Rosneft o are in regiune, participand cu echipamentele de ultima generatie si tehnologia de top destinate implementarii proiectului”, a declarat Rex Tillerson, din partea Exxon.

„Avem deja un parteneriat cu Rosneft care functioneaza cu succes pentur proiectul Sakhalin-1. Intentionam sa extindem aceste relatii pentru a preintampina cerinta de energie din Rusia si din regiunea Marii Negre”, a mai spus el.

In vara anului trecut, Rosneft a semnat un acord similar cu o alta companie din SUA, Chevron, pentru a dezvolta un proiect comun in regiunea de vest a Marii Negre. Proiectul cuprinde o suprafata de 8,6 mii de kilometri patrati. In perimetru au fost identificate 10 rezervoare, din care 5 par foarte promitatoare. Investitorii spera sa exploateze 80% din totalul resurselor existente, de aproximativ 860 de milioane tone de petrol, potrivit clasificarilor internationale.

Isra-Mart srl : NI renewable electricity creeps up

Isra-Mart SRL news:

Just above nine per cent of Northern Ireland electricity was generated from renewable sources last year, statistics published yesterday revealed, meaning that the province still has work to do if it is to meet its goal of 12 per cent by 2012.

The third Northern Ireland Environmental Statistics Report says that in 2009/10, 755,000MWh of electricity was produced from indigenous renewable sources, equivalent to 9.3 per cent of total electricity consumption.
While this represents a huge improvement on 2000/01, when only 1.4 per cent of electricity was renewable, it still falls significantly short of its 2012 target and the far more ambitious goal of 40 per cent renewable electricity by 2020.

Last year, energy minister Arlene Foster said around £1bn would have to be spent on overhauling Northern Ireland's infrastructure to achieve that level, but insisted the province was on track to meet its 2012 target.

However, Richard Murphy, a lawyer in the Belfast office of McGrigors law firm, said that planning delays had halted Northern Ireland's attempts to expand its onshore wind industry.

"We're clearly headed in the right direction. However, there is cause for concern," he told the Belfast Telegraph. "The number of applications for new facilities is stacking up and delays in the planning process are significant. We know that some planning applications are taking as long as three years to be approved, so we desperately need to look at how that situation can be alleviated."

"The government also has a target to get the use of green energy up to 40 per cent by 2020, and unless the situation is addressed, that looks unlikely to happen," Murphy added.

The statistics also showed that a third of municipal waste was recycled or composted in 2009/10 and that air and water quality was improving.

Isra-Mart srl : Suzlon inks Indian wind energy mega-deal

Isra-Mart SRL news:

India's Suzlon Energy has received an order worth $1.28bn (£806m) to supply 1,000MW of wind turbines to the UK's Caparo Energy, the firm said in a statement late on Friday.

Caparo Energy, an independent power producer, plans to commission 500MW of turbines by March 2012, and another 500MW by March 2013, all in India.

The price of the turbines for the first 500MW order is fixed, while the next 500MW will have an index-based price so that any price rises can be absorbed.

The projects will be located in Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan and Gujarat, and are expected to have generation capacities ranging from 50MW to 100MW each.

Suzlon will supply a number of wind turbine models such as the S88 and the new S9X series 2.1 MW turbines.

Tulsi Tanti, chairman of Suzlon Group, said the deal was a sign the Indian wind market was expanding fast. "With large players like Caparo entering the market, we are seeing large independent wind power producers in India becoming a major force," he said.

Caparo Energy has its registered office in the Channel Islands and was listed on London's junior Alternative Investment Market in October 2010, although its main focus remains developing wind power projects in India.

The firm plans to have a portfolio of 5GW of wind power projects in India by 2017, including 3GW of capacity from Suzlon agreed in a preliminary deal last year.

Caparo secured a 4.5bn rupees (£62m) loan to partially finance those plans, and said on Friday it plans to raise further funds through loans or a share sale.

The timing of the deal is vital to Suzlon, which is saddled with almost 215bn rupees of debt and is seeking to ramp up orders before a two-year grace period on principal repayments ends next year.

In 2009, Suzlon sold a 35 per cent stake in Belgian wind gearbox maker Hansen Transmissions International for $370m in a move to cut debt.

And earlier this month Tanti and family members were forced to deny reports that they were considering selling their stake to Spain's Gamesa to finance debt.

Suzlon projects now generate 15GW of wind energy capacity in 25 countries worldwide, and the group's order book stood at 3.8GW at the end of last year.

Isra-Mart srl :Europe's renewable boom dampened by onshore wind slowdown

Isra-Mart SRL news:

Europe's renewable energy capacity reached record levels last year, despite a slowdown in the development of onshore wind farms that has sparked concerns across the industry.

According to figures released today by the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA), the overall market for renewable power capacity, including wind, solar, hydro and biomass, increased 31 per cent during 2010, rising from 17.5 GW to 22.6GW. Overall, renewable energy accounted for 41 per cent of all new energy installations.However, while the total level of investment in new wind energy capacity remained flat at €13bn the amount of new onshore wind capacity added during 2010 was down 13.9 per cent on the 9.7GW installed during 2009.

The industry's offshore boom continued with the amount of new capacity from offshore win farms soaring 51 per cent to 883MW, but EWEA chief executive Christian Kjaer warned the slowdown in the construction of new onshore wind farms, particularly in Western Europe, was a cause for concern.

"These figures are a warning that we cannot take for granted the continued financing of renewable energy" said Christian Kjaer. "Better access to financing is urgently needed, and the European Union must act without delay to prevent Europe losing its leadership in wind power and other renewable technologies."

The new EWEA figures show that wind power installations still accounted for 17 per cent of new electricity generating capacity in 2010, but for the first year since 2007 the EU did not install more wind power than any other generating technology with 28GW of new gas power accounting for 51 per cent of new capacity.

In addition, the EU last year installed more coal power capacity than it decommissioned, representing only the second time since 1998 that net coal-fired power capacity has increased.

The European Commission today released a statement detailing how it plans to improve access to finance for renewable energy projects, but Kjaer warned that it would have to act swiftly to put its plan into action if it is to avoid a continued slowdown across the wind energy sector.

The statement calls on member states to better align their subsidies for renewable energy projects and double overall investment in the sector to €70bn a year.

"If member states work together and produce renewable energy where it costs less, companies, consumers and the taxpayer will benefit from this," EU Energy Commissioner Guenther Oettinger said in a statement.

According to the Commission unifying the huge variety of subsidies and incentive schemes offered across the bloc would deliver overall savings of around €10bn a year.

"While different financial instruments are used in all member states to develop renewable energy - grants, loans, feed-in tariffs, certificate regimes etc. - their management needs to be improved," the Commission statement read. "Investors need greater coherence, clarity and certainty."

The statement comes ahead of a crucial meeting in Brussels on Friday where energy and environment ministers are expected to discuss how to meet the EU target of generating 20 per cent of energy from renewables by 2020.

Isra-Mart srl : EU moves to ban fake carbon credits

Isra-Mart SRL news:

THE Environmental Investigation Agency has welcomed a European vote to end the corrupt global trade in fake HFC-23 carbon credits.

THE London-based Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) has welcomed a European Member State vote to end the corrupt global trade in fake HFC-23 carbon credits.

A European Commission proposal to ban the use of HFC-23 and N2O credits in Phase III of the EU’s Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) – which runs from 2013-20 – was approved on Friday (January 21) by the Climate Change Committee.

However, instead of coming into force from January 1, 2013, as proposed by the Commission, the prohibition will be delayed until May 2013 after the original deadline was strongly resisted by a small number of powerful industry players who have persuaded some governments, including Italy and Spain, of the need to stall the ban.

“Despite the delay, which may allow further use of about 50 million carbon credits, this is indeed an historic day,” said EIA Global Environment Campaign leader Fionnuala Walravens. “Less than a year after NGOs exposed the fraudulent and problematic nature of industrial gas credits, the world’s biggest carbon market has banned their use.”

EIA has been at the forefront of efforts to expose and halt these hugely lucrative dodgy credits, widely awarded to companies in return for the destruction of greenhouse gases manufactured solely for that purpose.

A week before the vote, EIA addressed a top-level European Parliament hearing, highlighting how continued use of HFC-23 credits stifles investment in truly sustainable projects, is poor value for European consumers and conflicts with the goals of the Montreal Protocol on ozone-depleting substances.

“Industry interests have pushed hard for the ban to be delayed beyond May 2013 and this outcome is a compromise. It has demonstrated how all interests can unite for the sake of the climate and for the credibility of the EU’s Emissions Trading Scheme,” said Walravens.

“These deeply flawed HFC-23 offsets have no legitimate place in the market; all they’ve done is subsidise Chinese and Indian chemical producers and dominate the ETS to the detriment of truly sustainable offset projects in Least Developed Countries.

“The vote sends a global signal that the industrial gas project ‘cash cow’ is over.”

Interviews are available on request: please contact Fionnuala Walravens, at or telephone 07939 035481.

• Carbon Trading made simple – to help your audience/readership quickly get to grips with the issue of carbon credits, EIA has produced a short animated film, narrated by comedian Ronni Ancona. View it at or and please feel free to include a link in your story or embed the film on your website.

Isra-Mart srl : Doubts over UK offshore wind targets -Carbon Trust

Isra-Mart SRL news:

LONDON, Jan 25 (Reuters) - Expected UK offshore wind deployment by 2020 may be far below levels the country needs to meet European Union renewable energy goals, a director at the government-funded Carbon Trust said on Tuesday.

Industry expectations are for 19-24 gigawatts of offshore wind power by the end of the decade, said Benj Sykes, director of innovations at the Carbon Trust, based on informal soundings of leading players.

That contrasted with the 29 GW the organisation says is needed to meet a legally binding EU target for Britain to get 15 percent of its energy from renewable sources by the end of the decade.

"We're looking to close that gap," Sykes told Reuters. The Carbon Trust is meant to drive carbon cuts across the British economy.

"We agree that 19-24 GW is definitely achievable. We may need more, depending on what happens around heat and transport."

The EU target refers to heat, power and transport, and if Britain achieves more in one area, then it will have to do less in others. When generating at capacity, 1 gigawatt can power about 1 million homes.

Successive British governments have pin-pointed offshore wind as a vital part of the country's efforts to cut carbon emissions and replace fossil fuels with renewable energy.

However, the present government has set no specific target, while the previous Labour government said 33 GW was feasible by 2020 but had a "lead scenario" of 13 GW, in a strategic review of Britain's energy needs.

"There have been a lot of numbers flying around," said Sykes. "That's not been helpful."


Britain's statutory advisers, the Climate Change Committee (CCC), said last year it would like to see 13 GW of offshore wind installed by 2020 and that a failure to meet that goal would put more dependence on nuclear power to meet emission targets.

The difference with the Carbon Trust's figures was a result of differences in how the target is split between technologies.

"The Carbon Trust analysis assumes lower contributions from heat and transport and so requires more from electricity. It also assumes that less of that (electricity) comes from other technologies," such as onshore wind, said a CCC spokeswoman.

Britain is currently consulting on levels of support for new offshore wind power projects after 2014.

"We want the market to deliver our overall renewable energy target using the most efficient mix," said a spokesman at Britain's energy and climate change ministry.

"As part of the work to develop our renewables roadmap, we will be working with industry to get a better understanding of how far, fast the industry could scale up for 2020."

It would be helpful for offshore wind industry players, especially in the supply chain, to be sure of the scale of ambition and that support would continue beyond 2020, said Sykes.

Britain's Crown Estate, which manages the country's offshore resources, has announced private sector bids to develop just under 50 GW of offshore wind power.

Isra-Mart srl : Slow start for first dedicated carbon footprint fund

Isra-Mart SRL news:

The first dedicated carbon footprint funds have got off to a slow start with the funds going live on Monday, later than anticipated.

AdvId: 2776176 AdId: 233882824 CrId: 40311404

At the launch of the IFSL Carbon Footprint UK Equity Index Tracker Fund in June 2010, Ralph Pettengell, the chief executive said he aimed to launch before the end of the year.

However, due to delays the fund did not launch until Monday and will be invested on 14 February 2011.

Mr Pettengell said: "The delay, which was really frustrating, was due to waiting for Financial Services Authority authorisation of the funds.

"The positive is that it has given us more time to communicate our message to IFAs and stockbrokers."

There has been some good news for the fund's managers since the launch with the government announcing a £12 per ton levy on CO2 in its spending review in October.

Mr Pettengell said political will was increasingly being focused upon tackling climate change issues.

He said: "Using a passive filter with an active overlay, the fund is weighted towards the more carbon efficient companies the the FTSE 350 capitalising on those developments."

The fund tracks the UK 350 Carbon Optimised Index, a benchmark created and calculated by FTSE exclusively for Carbon Footprint Investments and based on the FTSE 350 Index.

Mr Pettengell claimed back testing showed the fund had outperformed the FTSE 100 for the past three years and since the index went live in August 2010 it has risen 13.69 while the FTSE 100 had risen 13.65 achieving "marginal outperformance".

He said: "What we are doing is to develop funds that reduce the investors carbon foot print without detriment to performance.

"The greater the squeeze is to move to a low carbon economy the greater the investors will benefit."

The Carbon Footprint Fund also plans to launch a global fund based on the same principles as the UK fund in the next year.

Isramart llc: Offset Ban Will Boost Demand for Africa Carbon Projects, UN Says

Isramart LLC news:

The European Union’s ban on carbon credit imports linked to some industrial gases will boost demand for Clean Development Mechanism projects in Africa, a United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change official said.

“The huge new demand as a result of removing industrial gas credits from the supply will increase the attractiveness of CDM in Africa,” David Abbass, public information officer for the UNFCCC, said in a Johannesburg speech yesterday. That means “Africa is of growing interest to carbon market investors.”

The EU ban targets energy and manufacturing companies’ use of United Nations-sponsored offsets linked to hydrofluorocarbon- 23 and some nitrous oxide credits. Two-thirds of carbon credits issued under the CDM derive from industrial gas projects in China, India, South Korea and Brazil, according to the UNFCCC.

“The HFC-23 ban should realign focus on channelling efforts elsewhere,” Paul Curnow, a partner at Baker & McKenzie, said in a speech at the Carbon Markets & Climate Finance Africa conference yesterday.

The ban will result in a “dramatic loss of supply to the market,” Michael Rumberg, director of technical assurance for Noble Carbon Credits, said in Johannesburg yesterday. “The big question is what is going to replace these.”

Africa will hopefully be one of the beneficiaries, Lenny Hochschild, managing director of Evolution Markets Ltd., the world’s largest environmental brokerage company, said yesterday in Johannesburg. “If the supply starts to get generated from Africa, the demand will be there, certainly from Europe.”

CDMs in Africa

Currently only 25 CDM projects are registered in Africa, two-thirds of them in South Africa, the United Nations Development Program said. There is the potential for as many as 3,200 clean-energy projects in Africa, Abbass said, citing a 2008 World Bank study.

“I think there’s a lot of low-hanging fruit in terms of CDM in Africa. It’s just been lack of awareness and over concentration on Southeast Asia,” Robert Kelly, regional technical adviser for North Africa at the UNDP, said in an interview yesterday.

As the CDM market evolves and matures, opportunities naturally diminish in places like China and India, Kelly said. “Africa, both in compliance markets and voluntary markets, is going to see a real revival.”

Access Barrier

The key barrier for most CDM projects in Africa is access to finance to get the project started, Kelly said.

A lack of carbon financing knowledge at local financial institutions and the perception of high risks for overseas investors has prevented development, the Africa Carbon Credit Exchange, a Zambia-based trading platform and fund portfolio, said on its website.

“Getting the equity into Africa is difficult because people are reluctant to put money into Africa,” Lawrence Cole- Morgan, manager for structured finance for Standard Bank Group Ltd., said in a speech.

Targeted efforts will be required to stimulate credit supply, the Africa Carbon Credit Exchange said.

“CDM is an investment mechanism and factors such as macroeconomic stability are vital to catalyze investment,” Kelly said. African governments need to encourage private sector investment, entrepreneurial spirit and the wherewithal to capitalize on business opportunities, he said.

“Low-interest credit facilities, a rejuvenated banking sector and awareness in the local banking community that carbon credits are monetizable assets against which lending can be done, I think all of those would have real value,” he said.

Isra-Mart srl : Interest in Carbon Market Growing Amid Shortcomings, UNFCCC Says

Isra-Mart SRL news:

Interest is increasing in the United Nation’s Clean Development Mechanism, the world’s second-largest carbon market, an official from the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change said.

“I see the interest in CDM growing," David Abbass, the public information officer for the UNFCCC, said in an interview in Johannesburg today. "It’s evident in our pipeline. Even in a time of relative uncertainty, we still see the requests for validation rising,”

He was countering a statement yesterday by Robert Kelly, the regional technical adviser for North Africa at the UN Development Program, that the CDM is “barely making a dent” on the amount of greenhouse gases released in to the atmosphere.

“I don’t think anyone would say that the CDM hasn’t been successful. It’s created an international environmental currency. It’s the first tool of its kind,” Abbass said.

The Kyoto Protocol set emission caps for 38 countries through 2012, establishing the UN Clean Development Mechanism, or CDM, as a worldwide carbon market. It is a cornerstone of the group’s efforts to tackle global warming.

“It won’t be the only solution. If we look at the amount of emission reduction that needs to take place, then it’s correct, we need a scaled up CDM and we need other mechanisms. No-one ever imagined that CDM would be a silver bullet. It is however a wonderful tool that we have at our disposal now,” he said.

Isra-Mart srl : Hackers Caught in $38.5 Million Emission-Rights Theft

Isra-Mart SRL news:

ATHENS—Europol and Interpol working with European Union member police departments were able to prevent hackers from pocketing €28 million ($38.5 million) from the sale of stolen emission-trading rights, according to senior people directly involved in the matter.

"There was good coordination between Europol, Interpol and EU member police departments this week. Acting quickly within four hours after the emission rights thefts occurred, €28 million in money transfers were blocked," the senior person said.

A carbon-trading system sets a cap on the pollutants companies can emit and then forces heavy polluters to buy credits from companies that pollute less—creating financial incentives to cut emissions.

"The EU companies targeted have not actually suffered the losses and the hackers have not gotten a cent," the person added.

The hackers were based in Romania, the person said, and targeted servers in the countries where they wanted to steal carbon-dioxide credit, using them as robots to penetrate trading systems security and accessing member accounts through corporate systems that weren't well guarded.

"The hackers were very well organized and extremely hard to trace. For instance in Greece, they penetrated the server system of the University of Patras, using it as a Trojan horse using a Greek IP and then hit cement company Halyps. They stole €4 million in credits from the unsuspecting company," the senior person said.

The sophisticated cyber-thieves then sold the stolen emission rights to market participants in countries like the U.K., the Netherlands and Austria, but authorities quickly clamped down on the fund transfers.

"The hackers have been traced and identified. Arrests will be announced in the next few days, and their identities will be revealed," the senior person added.

Trading in carbon dioxide has been suspended in the EU. In Athens, transactions have been stopped since Jan. 19 and won't resume until an independent report is submitted to the European Commission that is deemed to be a satisfactory resolution of potential internet security issues, according to the local Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Climate Change.

"There is no such thing as a full proof computer as long it is connected to a modem. Local Greek companies need to better appreciate the threat and do more to secure their IT systems," said Manolis Sfakianakis, the head of the Cyber Crime Department in Greece.

Isra-Mart srl : The great carbon trading scandal

Isra-Mart SRL news:

Carbon allowances, Europe’s main weapon against climate change, have an impact on every household, yet the scheme is open to fraudsters and profiteers.
Within a few clicks of a computer mouse, stolen goods worth €28m (£24m) had bounced from the Czech Republic to Poland, Estonia and Liechtenstein before disappearing.

Distracting local regulators with a fake bomb scare, thieves behind the heist had made off with 500,000 carbon allowances – intangible products worth around €14 each that are the European Union's main weapon against climate change.

Companies, such as those in the utility and heavy manufacturing sectors, are obliged to own allowances for each tonne of carbon dioxide they produce. The bulk are given away free by member state governments, but can then be traded between market participants to penalise heavy polluters and reward the more energy efficient.

It sounds complicated and remote from everyday life, but the system has a very obvious impact on everyone living in Europe. It pushes up household bills and the price of manufactured goods in return for the wider social good of falling carbon emissions. The high economic cost to consumers and businesses is why it matters that the €90bn market across 27 European countries works effectively.

In the context of such a big industry, €28m is perhaps the equivalent of stolen penny sweets from the corner shop. But part of the reason it has caused so much concern is that this is the fourth time that the carbon market has been hit with a major scandal.

Isra-Mart srl : What is carbon trading?

Isra-Mart SRL news:

Europe has been trading permits to emit carbon dioxide since 2005. The economic concept of the trading scheme is simple but the practice has been fraught with problems.

Policymakers distribute permits to emit carbon to utility companies and heavy industrial polluters. At first these were given out free but now a small proportion is auctioned off by governments and eventually most will be sold in this way. Any allowances not used or extras required may be traded on the open market, as each country gradually reduces the amount of available credits.

Industrial players proved so effective at lobbying that they were showered with extra permits that they did not need in the early years. The UK power sector will make at least an additional €1.3bn (£1.1bn) purely from carbon trading. The recession has only exacerbated the glut as industrial emissions fall, pushing down the price of a carbon credit to €14.

This has meant there is not enough incentive for utility companies to switch from coal or gas to building new nuclear plants or wind farms without state incentives.

Isra-Mart srl : Emissions trading

Isra-Mart SRL news:

The government has hinted at a delay in launching a greenhouse gas emission trading system. A government bill put on public notice last November set the start date on Jan. 1, 2013. The Presidential Committee on Green Growth reported to President Lee Myung-bak on Thursday it would make the bill more flexible regarding the timing of implementation and allocation of emissions permits before submitting it to the National Assembly in February.

The government has taken a step in the right direction, given strong opposition from business circles to the legislation. Since November, companies in energy-intensive sectors such as steelmaking, power generation and chemicals have raised their voices against it. Business organizations and, to the embarrassment of the presidential committee, even the Ministry of Knowledge Economy joined the corporations in demanding that emissions trading be delayed until after 2015.

The legislation envisions a cap and trade system in which a company that discharges emissions above its cap is required to purchase extra credits ― licenses to pollute ― from other companies.

Companies claimed that the bill would impose too great a burden on them and seriously undermine their competitiveness. If enforced in its present form, they feared, it could force some sectors to cut output. An expert from the state-run Korea Energy Management Corp. predicted a drop in steel production due to the government scheme. A cut in steel output would hit the auto and shipbuilding sectors as well. He also said a cement manufacturer that discharges 10 million tons of greenhouse gases a year would have to purchase emission credits worth 70 to 300 billion won a year to maintain its output, a cost too high for the company to bear.

Industrialists also pointed to the recent failure of advanced countries such as Japan, the United States and Australia to pass their carbon trading plans through parliament. On Wednesday, Canada said it is not interested in setting up a cap and trade system without similar steps being taken in the U.S. China, the world’s No. 1 polluter, said it would introduce cap and trade within the next five years, a lukewarm commitment at best.

Under these circumstances, critics warn that Korea would risk putting its companies at a competitive disadvantage if it presses ahead with its initial scheme. Korea, they advise, should wait until its rivals take action.

But President Lee Myung-bak hates such a cautious approach. He wants to boldly move ahead of the pack and make Korea a regional leader in GHG emissions trading. Referring to corporate resistance to the government’s plan, Lee said in late December, “Most companies seem to regard carbon emissions trading as a regulation. But it is important to see its positive aspects. It is a business in its own right and can play a significant role in boosting economic growth.”

The government’s cap and trade scheme was intended to jump-start the carbon emissions trading business. It was also aimed at facilitating Korea’s voluntary efforts to cut its GHG emissions by 30 percent from projected levels by 2020. Korea set this reduction target in 2009, although it was under no international obligation to do so.

But the government’s plan, however well-intentioned it may be, cannot succeed without cooperation from the participating companies. To win their compliance, the government needs to address their concerns. The implementation schedule should be made more flexible taking into account slow progress in global efforts to combat climate change. A binding agreement has yet to be forged to replace the Kyoto Protocol that expires in 2012.

While the government needs to alleviate the burden on corporations by easing the terms of allocating emissions credits and promoting emissions reduction in nonindustrial fields such as transportation and buildings, companies should also take their share of responsibility. Emissions reduction is an obligation they cannot avoid.

Isramart llc: European carbon markets close after EUR28m theft

Isramart llc news:

Airlines that have lodged their 2010 carbon emissions data and are waiting for the European Union (EU) to respond with Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) carbon permit figures may have to wait a little longer.

Cyber thieves hacked into Czech and Austrian registries (each EU country keeps a list of permits held by companies in its jurisdiction) and stole EUR28m of permits, causing the trading scheme to be suspended and carbon prices to rise to more than EUR15 a tonne.

As a result of the fraud, the spot trading market - which already trades around 20 million tonnes of carbon a day on behalf of mining and other industries - has been closed until countries tighten their security.

Other carbon trading bodies including Blue Next in France and Climex in Netherlands are closed 'until further notice' and the largest spot market, ICE Future Europe, will be offline until at least February 7.

Isra-Mart srl : EU carbon registries still closed

Isra-Mart SRL news:

The national registries for EU carbon trading permits remain closed 12 days after thefts by hackers forced their closure by the European Commission. Some may be allowed reopen this week, EU Climate Commissioner Connie Hedegaard said on Friday, but those identified as not up to scratch on security may stay closed for some time.

The Commission closed the registries to market transfers of EUA emissions permits on January 19 for at least a week as news came to light that security of the online registry systems had been breached in the Czech Republic, Austria and Greece. Over a million EUAs have been reported stolen by Czech emitters and around two million overall are missing worth up to €30 million.

Greek police say they have traced the illegal access back to IP addresses in Romania and that Interpol is investigating further.

The registry closures have halted spot trade in EUA permits but futures trade, accounting for the bulk of the EU carbon market, is not affected. Each member country of the EU must file a report detailing security measures to Brussels before it’s registry can reopen.

Hedegaard moved to counter questions over the credibility of the carbon market following this latest fraud episode, reiterate that the fundamentals of the market are sound. “It’s not the system that is wrong,” Bloomberg reports Hedegaard saying. “Wherever you have financial assets of some kind, you can experience fraud. We see that in all sorts of other areas. Just because someone robs a bank, you do not say the whole banking system doesn’t work.”

Isra-Mart srl : EU exec wants green energy subsidies aligned, raised

Isra-Mart SRL news:

(Reuters) - The EU's executive called for member states to align their subsidies for renewable energy and ensure a doubling of overall investment to 70 billion euros ($95 billion) a year to meet climate and energy security goals. The strategy came ahead of a meeting on Friday where leaders will try to reconcile an EU target of getting 20 percent of energy from renewable sources by 2020 with a debt crisis that has pushed some countries to the financial brink.

"The Commission calls on the member states to... ensure a doubling of annual capital investments in renewable energy from 35 billion euros per year to 70 billion euros," the Commission, which initiates EU law, said in a statement on Monday.

It said that while the EU remains on track to meet its renewable targets in 2020, most of the EU's 27 states missed their indicative annual targets in 2010.

Wind power construction slowed by about one tenth last year, an industry body, the European Wind Energy Association, said on Monday.

"If member states work together and produce renewable energy where it costs less, companies, consumers and the taxpayer will benefit from this," EU Energy Commissioner Guenther Oettinger said in a statement.

His team estimated that unraveling the tangle of Europe's national subsidies could lead to overall savings of about 10 billion euros a year.

"While different financial instruments are used in all member states to develop renewable energy -- grants, loans, feed-in tariffs, certificate regimes etc. -- their management needs to be improved," said a Commission statement.

Isra-Mart srl : CEZ loses 700,000 CO2 permits in cyber attack

Isra-Mart SRL news:

(Reuters) - Czech power group CEZ said on Thursday it had detected two unauthorized transfers of its emissions permits, totaling 700,000, in a cyber attack on the Czech registry last week.

CEZ said it had made a claim with Czech market operator OTE but had yet to receive a response. It has also filed a criminal report.

Czech newspaper Mlada Fronta Dnes reported on Thursday that the stolen permits were valued at 240 million Czech crowns ($13.6 million). CEZ declined to confirm the report pending an investigation.

"We believe the entire situation will soon be resolved," CEZ said in a statement. "In view of the ongoing investigation though, we are not going to disclose any further details."

The Czech carbon registry closed last week for an indefinite period after data of account holders was manipulated and EU allowances vanished.

The European Union froze spot trading in the carbon market after the security breach, which saw the theft of at least 7 million euros ($9.6 million) of emissions permits from the Czech Republic's carbon registry.

Isra-Mart srl :UPDATE 3-EU says spot carbon market may re-open next week

Isra-Mart SRL news:

LONDON, Jan 28 (Reuters) - The spot market in European Union emissions permits may re-open next week, the EU executive Commission said on Friday, but some carbon exchanges and registries doubted a re-start.

The uncertainty riled the carbon lobby which wants a definite deadline for the resumption of a market which normally trades about 40 million euros ($54.82 million) a day.

The spot market closed last week after the theft of pollution permits called EU allowances (EUAs) worth up to 30 million euros, and remained shut on Friday two days after an EU Commission deadline for a phased re-start.

National registries are the place where EUAs are eletronically assigned to trading companies and polluters in the EU emissions trading scheme, the bloc's chief weapon against climate change.

"Current expectations are that the first national registries may be able to resume normal operations in the second half of the week beginning 31 January 2011," said an EU Commmission statement late on Friday, confirming an earlier Reuters story. [ID:nLDE70R0TU]

The statement is unlikely to satisfy the International Emissions Trading Association, a carbon market lobby group, which earlier on Friday demanded "a deadline by which registries will be back online".

"While the safety of online banking has been scaled up, EU Member States have failed in protecting an 80 billion euro market, thereby undermining the EU's main tool to reach climate objectives," said Henry Derwent, head of IETA.

The Commission confirmed on Friday that it would give the carbon market 24 hours notice before reactivating a registry, after these had shown adequate security.

The spot market is about a quarter the size of the futures market in emissions permits, which continues to trade.

Registries and environment ministries in France, Britain, Germany, the Czech Republic and Estonia on Friday were unable to confirm on Friday any date for re-opening. "I cannot imagine that European registries will open next week," said Jiri Stastny, general director of the Czech carbon market operator OTE.

Meanwhile exchanges have previously said they were closed to spot trade. CE Futures Europe (ICE.N), which operates the largest emissions exchange, said on Thursday spot carbon trade would be suspended until Feb. 7.

The Czech registry said on Thursday that its missing EUAs were in registries in Germany, Estonia and probably Britain . Those registries would not comment on Friday.

Isra-Mart srl : ICE will not reopen for CO2 spot trade until February 1

Isra-Mart SRL news:

(Reuters) - Emissions exchange ICE Futures Europe will not reopen for spot carbon trading until February 1, it said in a note to members on Wednesday.

"The suspension of trading in the (spot) contracts is extended until open of business on Tuesday 1 February 2011, subject to further notice," it said.

The exchange suspended spot trading last Thursday after the EU Commission stopped the transfer of spot carbon permits after several member states' registries were victim to a cyber-attack.

The Commission said last week it would halt trade until this evening.

However, late on Tuesday the Commission said it would only reactivate registries when they have met minimum security requirements and it would give the market 24 hours' notice when it did so.

Some registries will remain shut for at least a week longer.

Isra-Mart srl : Czech carbon registry shut at least 6 weeks

Isra-Mart srl news:

PRAGUE Jan 27 (Reuters) - The Czech carbon registry operator OTE said on Thursday it does not expect to reopen for at least six weeks following the theft of at least $7 million euros of emissions permits in its system.

OTE also said in a late evening news release it had located all 1.3 million of its missing permits, including 610,000 in Germany and Estonia. It said it was waiting on confirmation that another 500,000 were in Great Britain's registry and that it knew the location of the other some 200,000 missing permits.

"OTE does not expect to renew operation of the Czech registry until an acceptable solution is found in Europe," Jiri Stastny of OTE said in a statement. "We estimate the time of the closure of the Czech registry to be at least six weeks."

Most carbon exchanges suspended spot trading last Thursday when the EU Commission imposed a week-long freeze after a potentially concerted theft by cyber criminals of emissions permits worth up to 30 million euros ($41 million). [ID:nLDE70J0Q9]

The EU commission said this week it would only reactivate member states' carbon registries when they have met minimum security requirements and it would give the market 24 hours' notice when it did so. [ID:nLDE70O1OP]

Some registries have already said they would delay restarting for at least a week. (Reporting by Michael Kahn, Jason Hovet and Roman Gazdik; Editing by David Gregorio)

Isra-Mart srl : Extra U.N. climate talks set for April in Bangkok

Isra-Mart SRL news:

Climate negotiators from almost 200 nations will hold an extra session in Bangkok in April to try to unblock work on a successor to the U.N.'s Kyoto Protocol for slowing global warming, officials said on Friday.

They said that 2011 is likely to mark a slowdown in the overall number of U.N. meetings about climate change after a rush of talks since 2007 failed to come up with a treaty.

"The session...will be held in Bangkok from April 3 to 8," according to an official who took part in a video conference meeting this week. The Bangkok talks will gather senior government negotiators.

The meeting adds to an existing schedule of a June session in Bonn, Germany and annual talks among environment ministers in Durban, South Africa, at the end of 2011. Another session is likely to be added between Bonn and Durban.

In Mexico last month, ministers agreed steps including a deal to set up a new fund to channel aid to developing nations as well as a goal of limiting any rise in temperatures to below 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 F) above pre-industrial times.

Officials say talks in 2011 will try to fill in the details of many of those plans, including greenhouse gas cuts meant to help avert ever more floods, heatwaves, droughts and rising sea levels predicted by the U.N. panel of climate experts.

The biggest unsolved issue is finding a successor to the U.N.'s Kyoto Protocol, which obliges almost 40 developed nations to cut greenhouse emissions by at least 5.2 percent below 1990 levels by 2020 during the period 2008-12.

Japan, Russia and Canada have said they will not extend cuts beyond December 31, 2012 unless all major emitters -- led by China and the United States -- sign up for a binding deal. The United States never ratified Kyoto, arguing it would cost U.S. jobs and wrongly omitted binding goals for emerging nations.

Developing nations say that rich nations, most responsible for burning fossil fuels that emit greenhouse gases since the Industrial Revolution, must extend Kyoto while they sign up for less strict curbs on their rising emissions.

Many nations doubt that a legally binding pact can be agreed soon, partly because of opposition in the U.S. Senate to calls by President Barack Obama for cuts in U.S. emissions by 2020.

Obama promised measures to promote clean energy in his State of the Union address on Tuesday but did not once mention "climate change."

Isra-Mart srl : EU says spot carbon market may re-open next week-UPDATE 1

Isra-Mart SRL news:

LONDON, Jan 28 (Reuters) - The spot market in European Union emissions permits may re-open next week, an EU climate action spokeswoman said on Friday, nine days after the theft of up to 2 million carbon permits forced a general closure.

But carbon exchanges are either closed to spot trade indefinitely, or have already ruled out re-opening next week, suggesting the general shutdown will enter a third week.

All national registries, which are the repositories of permits called EU allowances, remained shut on Friday, two days past the Commission's earliest, Jan. 26 planned re-start date.

That follows a general closure of registries and the EU carbon spot market on Wednesday Jan. 19.

The Commission said earlier this week that it would wait for national emissions registries to confirm they had minimum security measures in place before reactivating them, and give the market 24 hours notice in advance.

"The first (registry) reports have been received and are under review by the Commission," said climate action spokeswoman Maria Kokkonen.

"There will be a conference call this afternoon and we'll put an update on the DG climate website late this afternoon."

Regarding the possibility of registries re-opening next week, she said: "It depends on the length of the report, the time needed to assess it. Theoretically it's possible."


The Commission has estimated that up to 2 million EUAs were stolen, worth 29 million euros at Friday's prices.

Regarding re-opening its registry, a spokeswoman for Britain's energy and climate ministry said on Friday that it was still running security checks with the EU Commission. "We're not in a position to give timescales," she said.

The Czech registry said on Thursday that it would be shut for at least six weeks. The Austrian registry said last week it was shut until further notice.

Spot trade on the ICE Futures Europe, which operates the largest European emissions exchange, would remain suspended until February 7, it said in a note on Thursday.

The Paris-based BlueNext spot exchange said it was unable to give a date. Dutch bourse Climex said on Thursday it would be closed until further notice. Nasdaq OMX Commodities has also suspended spot carbon trade until further notice.

Analyst Emmanuel Fages at Societe Generale/Orbeo estimated that the value of lost transactions could amount to 350 million euros ($479.7 million) if the suspension lasted until Feb. 1.

The Czech registry said on Thursday that its missing EUAs had cropped up in registries in Germany, Estonia and probably Britain.

The UK, German and Estonian registries were not immediately available for comment on Friday. The Czech registry has published the full list of missing permits at:

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Isra-Mart srl:CEZ Group a pierdut 700.000 de certificate de emisii poluante

Isra-Mart srl news:

Grupul ceh de energie CEZ a detectat doua transferuri neautorizate in urma carora au fost sustrase 700.000 de permise de emisii poluante, au anuntat reprezentantii companiei in aceasta dimineata.

Potrivit presei internationale, certificatele furate valoreaza aproximativ 10 milioane de euro si au fost sustrase in urma unui atac informatic asupra registrului din Cehia. Reprezentantii companiei nu au confirmat insa cifra, multumindu-se sa raspunda ca asteapta rezultatele oficiale ale anchetei.

”Fiecare certificat de emisii avea o serie si un numar unice si nu poate fi transferat decat intr-un alt registru al unui stat membru UE. Din acest punct de vedere, este simplu sa dam de urma lor”, a declarat Eva Novakova, purtatoarea de cuvant a CEZ Group, intr-un comunicat al companiei.

Registrul de comercializare a certificatelor de emisii din Cehia a fost inchis saptamana trecuta de operatorul OTE. Ulterior, operatorul Registrului european central a suspendat transferurile din toate registrele europene din cauza unor incidente de securitate inregistrate in cazul uneor registre nationale in ultimele doua luni.

Reprezentantii CEZ au anuntat ca au depus o sesizare la operatorul ceh al pietei, OTE, insa nu au primit inca un raspuns. Totodata, compania a depus o plangere penala.

Isra-Mart srl:Raport: Energia regenerabila ar putea inlocui resursele fosile in UE pana in 2050

Isra-Mart srl news:

Combustibilii alternativi au potentialul de a inlocui treptat, pana in 2050, resursele fosile de energie, se arata intr-un raport lansat de Grupul de experti europeni in domeniul combustibililor folositi in transport.

Studiul arata ca UE va trebui sa dezvolte pana in 2050 surse de energie fara petrol si fara emisii de CO2 pentru sectorul de transport, urmare a necesitatii de a reduce impactul actualilor combustibili asupra mediului si a preocuparilor legate de securitatea aprovizionarii cu energie, informeaza Euractiv.

Raportul realizeaza, in premiera, o analiza cuprinzatoare care acopera intregul sector de transport. Necesitatile de combustibil pentru diversele tipuri de transport ar putea fi indeplinite printr-o combinatie intre energie electrica (baterii sau pile de combustie pe baza de hidrogen) si biocombustibili - ca optiuni principale, combustibili sintetici ca optiune de tranzitie, utilizarea metanului (gaze naturale si biometan) - ca si combustibil complementar si a gazului petrolier lichefiat (GPL) - ca supliment.

Sursele fosile vor fi treptat inlocuite

Potrivit raportului expertilor, combustibilii cu densitate mai mare de energie sunt mai potriviti pentru operatiuni cu intrebuintare intensiva, cum ar fi transportul rutier de marfuri, transportul maritim si transportul aerian.

Combustibili alternativi sunt solutia optima pentru “decarbonizarea” transportului, prin inlocuirea treptata a surselor fosile de energie, se mai arata in raport.

Viabilitatea tehnica si economica, utilizarea eficienta a resurselor primare de energie si accesul pe piata vor fi insa decisive pentru cresterea cotei de piata, la un nivel competitiv, a combustibililor si tehnologiilor alternative pentru vehicule.

Mixul energetic, solutia viitorului

Expertii considera ca cererea de combustibil si provocarile legate de emisia de gaze cu efect de sera vor necesita, cel mai probabil, utilizarea unui amestec de combustibili care ar putea fi produsi dintr-o varietate mai mare de surse primare de energie.

Acestia mentioneaza ca, la nivelul UE, exista un acord larg asupra faptului ca, pentru a satisface pe deplin cererea de combustibil la nivel european, vor fi necesari toti combustibilii care pot fi folositi in mod durabil.

Isra-Mart srl:EU disarray makes it easy for carbon credits hackers

Isra-Mart srl news:

BRUSSELS — Europe boasts that its control of polluting rights makes it a leading light in moves to save the planet, but patchwork national systems for trading carbon credits have simply left hackers licking their lips.

As of 7:00 pm on Wednesday (1800 GMT), the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), which allows around 12,000 companies including huge multinationals to buy and sell rights to pump industrial gases into the atmosphere, now and in the future, has been shut down.

It won’t re-open for a week after cyber criminals scuttled in and swiped two million “certificates” — free polluting permits issued by national European Union governments that are currently worth some 14 euros each.

Each certificate equates to one tonne of emissions, but the national systems of five EU states — Austria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece and Poland — each fell victim to “concerted” online thievery over five days this week.

Credits stolen just from the Czech Republic were worth seven million euros.

The system’s weakness is the cause of enormous frustration in Brussels, which would like to have central control, and is an embarrassment as well as the EU tries to nudge international partners into deeper cuts to emissions over the coming decades.

The reason is it depends on 27 national guardians, who cannot agree on minimum cross-border online security standards.

The scheme will re-open on January 26 “but only with those countries which will have taken sufficient measures to reinforce their security,” according to a top EU official.

Fourteen of the 27 European Union states need to boost security around their entry points to the largest multinational, greenhouse gas emissions trading scheme in the world.

Maria Kokkonen, spokeswoman for Danish EU climate action commissioner Connie Hedegaard, did not list the countries immediately, but said powerhouse Germany was not among them as it had already ring-fenced its IT following a previous attack.

“We very much hope that this series of incidents speeds up the process” of tightening security ahead of a planned switch to an EU-wide registry in 2013.

“The sooner states take security measures, the sooner we can reopen the system,” she stressed.

Experts from the 27 states will meet in Brussels on Friday to try and hammer out new action.

All the hackers need are passcodes to get in, and the investigation under way will also try to establish whether there were insiders at any of the companies or servers involved.

Some 80 percent of transactions are for long-term annual quotas, but quick instant credits, for companies who need more and who buy them from those who don’t, involve instant payment.

The European Commission says hackers open an account in the system and close it as soon as the money is transferred.

The volume stolen and re-sold represents just a fraction of global permits, but the system has repeatedly suffered security breaches.

Last year a series of emails that was sent to trick users into divulging their passwords, a type of attack known as “phishing,” sparked panic and forced a halt in trading in 13 countries including Spain.

The European police organisation Europol estimate a value added tax (VAT) scam on carbon credits in 2008 and 2009 netted criminals five million euros.

Isra-Mart srl:Carbon Reduction Commitment leaves landlords in legal limbo, says Jon Vivian

Isra-Mart srl news:

In the Comprehensive Spending Review last October, the government announced that the sale of CRC allowances would no longer be recycled back to participants of the scheme, but would instead be used to support public finances.

The government is under huge pressure to reduce the budget deficit and the announcement marked a significant departure from the scheme as previously introduced, as revenue neutral. Industry bodies have severely criticised the announcement, which has been described as a stealth tax.

Details are still to be worked up about how the revised scheme will be implemented, but a great deal of work had been undertaken in connection with the revenue-recycling payment, and the revised arrangements will have a significant impact on the relationship between landlord and tenant.

The way we were …

Previously, the revenue recycling repayments that were due to be received by participants were to be based on actual emissions that had taken place and their position in a league table relating to these.

In multi-let buildings, the landlord was to be responsible for buying allowances, which were to be recycled at a neutral cost. The issue the industry had been seeking to address over the last two years is how the scheme would fit into the contractual relationship between landlord and tenant.

The prevailing view was that, because the scheme was revenue neutral, existing standard lease provisions that dealt with the payment of taxes or outgoings would not permit a landlord to recover costs from its tenant.

The previous position was that many landlords decided not to try to recoup the cost of CRC because of the difficulty of negotiating the changed position with tenants and the prohibitive cost of calculating and collecting contributions.

There has been some drafting in leases to allow landlords to recover a proportion of CRC costs, where the landlord agreed to make available to the tenant the relevant recycling payment.

Power responsibility

The accounting of the costs of CRC to support public finances instead of revenue recycling gives the scheme the appearance of a carbon tax. Landlords should scrutinise their existing documentation carefully, the tenant covenants in leases that relate to the payment of taxes and outgoings in particular.

Landlords will face arguments that the cost of purchasing the CRC allowances is not consistent with the relevant drafting of their leases and therefore tenants are not liable to pay.

For leases that have come into effect since the original CRC scheme was outlined, which provided that tenants should pay towards the cost of allowances on the understanding that the landlord will account for a due proportion of the revenue-recycling payments, it seems that tenants will be required to contribute to costs, but with no revenue-recycling payment from their landlords to mitigate the position.

There has been some suggestion that the removal of the revenue-recycling payment is a change to the original laws and will require further legislation, which the government, at this stage, has not obtained. It is unlikely that any challenge on this basis will have a lasting effect, as the purchase of allowances will generate £1bn of revenue for the government.

Isra-Mart srl:CFTC authorized to regulate carbon-derivative market

Isra-Mart srl news:

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission has the authority to regulate the nation’s nascent carbon-derivatives market, a government report concluded Wednesday.

The report – prepared by the Environmental Protection Agency, the Treasury, the Securities and Exchange Commission and several other regulatory bodies – said the Dodd-Frank bill granted the CFTC the power to oversee carbon-derivatives trading. Carbon-based instruments have yet to emerge on a national scale in the U.S. – but regional carbon-trading programs are springing up on the coasts, and a nationwide cap-and-trade initiative may still be in the offing.

A major energy bill – which could have included a cap-and-trade provision – was seen as a possibility in 2010, but the Obama administration elected to focus on financial and healthcare reform. With the GOP having taken control of the House, action on cap-and-trade is not likely in the near-term. Still, carbon trading could take hold in the future.

By mandating detailed reports of swaps trades, the Dodd-Frank legislation will provide for sufficient regulation of the carbon-derivatives market, Platts quoted the interagency study as saying.

“Comprehensive oversight of carbon derivative products, whether traded on an exchange or [over the counter], will be achieved,” it noted.

Isra-Mart srl:Swedish Family Goes On Carbon Reduction Quest with Volvo Electric Car

Isra-Mart srl news:

Even the loudest environmentalists would find it difficult to cut their personal carbon emissions by 85 percent. But that’s exactly what each member of a Swedish family of four will be doing for the next six months. The Dad, Mom and two teenagers will become human guinea pigs—green ones—for six months as they agree to move into the ultimate energy-efficient home, powered by wind and solar, with high-efficiency appliances used to cook locally produced sustainable food and, of course, drive an electric car, the Volvo C30 Electric.

The family “won” the privilege, beating out 50 other families that applied. “It sounded really exciting,” Hannah, 16, said. “Who wouldn’t want to live in a climate-smart house with solar cells, green electricity and an electric car in the driveway?” The family’s quest is for each member of the family to live within the limits of one tonne—that’s a metric ton—of carbon emissions per year. The average Swede emits about seven tonnes per year.

“We’ve always liked adventures and challenges, and working out a climate-smart lifestyle is just about the most exciting thing imaginable,” said family father Nils. “So far we’ve been well-intentioned ‘wanabees’. We’re aware of the climate problem and we want to make a positive contribution. But without any systematic choices available, all we’ve done is made well-meaning efforts here and there.”

The project is sponsored by A-hus, Vattenfall and Volvo Cars. ICA and Siemens are the project’s specialist industry partners.

The family moved yesterday into the “One Tonne Life” climate-smart house just outside Stockholm. It was built by A-hus, wooden house experts. Vattenfall, the energy company, equipped the house with technology to measure the family’s electricity consumption in real time, and provided solar cells, while supplying renewable electricity from windpower and hydropower via the grid. ICA, the grocery store chain, is helping the family members make conscious choices that reduce their meals’ climate footprint. And Siemens equipped the house with appliances designed for low energy and water consumption.

The solar panels on the carport roof will meet a large portion of a household’s heating and hot water requirements during April to October. When the sun is not shining and the accumulator tanks have no solar power stored, the Lindell family gets renewable energy from Vattenfall. And parked under the carport roof is a prototype Volvo C30 Electric, which takes eight hours for full charge, and provides about 90 to 100 miles of driving range—enough to cover almost all of the Lindell family’s needs.

The family will be ditching their two gas-powered Renault Scenics, one seven years old and the other ten years.

The “One Tonne Life” project gives Volvo Cars the opportunity to study how an electric car fits in a modern family’s lifestyle. “The project will give us clear information about what we need to deliver so buyers feel that a battery-powered car is attractive and cost-effective to drive and own,” says Lennart Stegland, manager of Volvo Cars’ Special Vehicles division.

At, we can monitor the Lindell family’s progress during the six month experiment. In fact, we have a direct line into Volvo and I’m pretty sure we can get questions about the car—and our messages of good will—delivered to the family from our online community of plug-in car drivers. What do you say? Should we adopt them?

Isra-Mart srl:Carbon cutting mindset filters down supply chain

Isra-Mart srl news:

Supply chain firms are becoming increasingly receptive to customer pressure to cut carbon emissions, but their overall ambition still falls short of meeting global requirements set out to limit temperature increases.

That is the stark finding in a new report published yesterday by investor-backed group the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), which urges blue-chip firms and their suppliers to publish information on their carbon emissions and climate change strategies.

Significantly, this year's report saw a 40 per cent increase in the number of supply chain companies responding to its questionnaires. In emerging markets such as India and China, the response rate was twice as high as for the Investor CDP questionnaire.

It also found that more than half of its blue-chip members and a quarter of their suppliers have saved money as a result of carbon management activities in the last year.

CDP welcomed the growth in respondents as evidence that blue chips have inspired their suppliers to cut carbon. "Members have a big influence on their suppliers and they are increasingly using their power to enforce a chain reaction," it said.

However, the report also found suppliers' ambition to cut carbon is currently insufficient to meet carbon reduction requirements to limit the rise of global warming, as set out by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

Only one third of responding suppliers had set a carbon reduction goal and those which had been set fell short of global targets. "Should this status continue, this would mean global emissions by 2015 will increase by six per cent instead of the necessary 20 per cent reduction," it said.

CDP insists that supply chain management is critical to cutting emissions, as more than half of an average company's carbon emissions are produced in the supply chain, rather than within its own four walls.

CDP advised companies to adopt different tactics to reduce supply chain emissions depending on demand pressure. For example, when both supply and demand are high, leading firms collaborate with suppliers to boost performance. However, when demand is high and suppliers are unwilling to adapt, CDP advises businesses to redesign their end product to reduce emissions across the entire value chain.