Friday, February 26, 2010

Isramart : Emisiile de carbon din industria UE au scazut cu 11%

Isramart news:
Emisiile de carbon ale Uniunii Europene au scazut in 2009 cu 11%, in contextul crizei economice, arata un studiu al institutului de cercetare Point Carbon, care a analizat companii din cele 27 de state care participa la sistemul european de schimb al cotelor de emisii de CO2.

Astfel, emisiile din industria grea in cele 27 de state membre au scazut la 1,886 miliarde de tone, cu 233 de milioane de tone mai putin decat in anul precedent, arata datele Point Carbon, citate de Reuters.

In 2008, emisiile de dioxid de carbon ale Uniunii Europene (UE) au scazut cu sase procente, comparativ cu 2007.

Romania sustine la Copenhaga reducerea emisiilor de carbon cu 30%

"Aceste cifre ne spun doua lucruri. Confirma ca recesiunea a antrenat o scadere a emisiilor de pe urma unei mai slabe productii industriale si a scaderii cererii pentru energie [...] Insa cifrele arata si ca piata carbonului functioneaza cum trebuie. Reducerile de emisii observate in sectorul energetic rezulta, partial, si din pretul ridicat al CO2 inregistrat in primul semestru din 2008", a comentat anterior Kjersti Ulset de la institutul Point Carbon.

Isramart : Certificatele de emisii de gaze cu efect de seră sunt clasificate ca valori mobiliare

Isramart news:
Începând cu data de 23 februarie a.c., certificatele de emisii de gaze cu efect de seră se pot tranzacţiona pe pieţele reglementate sau pe sistemele alternative de tranzacţionare, administrate de operatorii de piaţă autorizaţi, în conformitate cu prevederile Legii pieţei de capital.
Bursa Monetar-Financiară şi de Mărfuri Sibiu administrează singura piaţă din ţara noastră pe care pot fi tranzacţionate astfel de certificate.
SIBEX utilizează aceeaşi platformă de tranzacţionare (Global Vision) pe care se tranzacţionează peste 95% din certificatele CO2, la nivel european, potrivit conducerii BMFM.
În context, trebuie precizat că, în urma Avizului nr. 10, emis de către CNVM, certificatele respective sunt clasificate ca fiind valori mobiliare.
Directorul general adjunct al BMFM, Darius Cipariu, a declarat în context: "Prin decizia de clasificarea certificatelor de emisii de CO2, ca valori mobiliare, şi prin posibilitatea tranzacţionării lor la Bursa din Sibiu CNVM şi SIBEX deschid, practic, un nou segment de piaţă pentru intermediari, oferindu-le posibilitatea de a tranzacţiona pe o piaţă nouă, cu un potenţial de zeci de milioane de euro. Potenţialul său este evidenţiat şi de faptul că au existat deja contracte cu cel puţin şase brokeri din afara ţării, privind tranzacţionarea certificatelor CO2".
Bursa Monetar-Financiară şi de Mărfuri Sibiu a lansat încă din decembrie 2009 contractul Futures CO2 2008-2012, reprezentând echivalentul a 100 de certificate de emisii de gaze cu efect de seră (100 tone de emisii de CO2).
Pentru a avea acces la piaţa emisiilor de gaze cu efect de seră, toţi membrii SIBEX şi ai Casei Române de Compensaţie care doresc să tranzacţioneze contracte CO2 2008-2012 trebuie să-şi deschidă conturi la Registrul Naţional al Emisiilor de Gaze cu Efect de Seră, unde şi CRC deţine un cont.

Isramart : Public sector managers know little about carbon targets

Isramart news:
There is widespread ignorance in the public sector about climate change and the need to cut down energy use, according to research published today.

A survey of public sector managers carried out by CIPFA revealed that 78% had either vague or no knowledge of the Carbon Reduction Commitment energy efficiency scheme, or had never heard of it, even though the emissions trading mechanism, which will start this April, will cover most larger public sector organisations.

The research also reveals that 66% had ‘only a very limited understanding’ of the 2008 Climate Change Act, while a further 19% knew nothing about it.

A clear majority – 59% – knew little about their performance indicators for climate change.

While 81% of authorities kept records on how much energy their organisation used, only 39% had data on greenhouse gas emissions.

Most respondents were senior-ranking managers or executives, with the majority working in finance departments across the public sector.

CIPFA is planning a series of workshops on carbon finance to address the knowledge gaps and explore the implications of carbon reduction on public budgets.

The first of the three events will focus on the challenges that accountants face in understanding the practicalities and complexities of the CRC and applying this understanding to the financial management of their organisation.

CIPFA’s sustainability technical manager, John Maddocks, said: ‘There are many excellent public sector green initiatives but, as this survey clearly shows, there is a need for CIPFA’s carbon finance events to improve knowledge of sustainability issues and the financial impact they will bring.’

Isramart : TD's Global Business Operations Are Now Carbon Neutral

Isramart news:
TD Bank Financial Group , today announced that its operations in Canada, the US, and international locations - its entire footprint - are now carbon neutral.

"This is a significant milestone but we know there is still a lot to do," said Karen Clarke-Whistler, Chief Environment Officer, TD. "Thanks to the terrific effort of our employees as well as the helpful input we've received from environmental and community groups, TD is the first North American-based bank - and one of only a few banks in the world - to reach a carbon neutral goal. We look forward to engaging with key stakeholders as we continue to work on environmental issues."

In April 2008, TD became the first bank in Canada to announce a goal of becoming carbon neutral in its domestic operations in 2010. Since then, TD has expanded its plans to include its international locations and its US Personal and Commercial Banking business - TD Bank, America's Most Convenient Bank - which is made up of more than 1,000 stores and 2,600 ATMs from Maine to Florida.

TD reached its carbon neutral goal with three approaches:

Energy Efficiency

TD has taken significant steps to improve the energy efficiency of its operations. Energy efficiency actions account for approximately 10 per cent of the Bank's carbon emissions reductions, and our goal is to increase this percentage in the future. TD has retrofitted lighting, upgraded data centres, improved heating/cooling systems, and introduced a new fleet policy to improve fuel efficiency. Pilot projects are also underway to assess initiatives that will further reduce TD's energy use, including flexible workspace scenarios, LEED Certification green building design standards, and rooftop renewable energy generation on local branches.

Renewable Energy

TD is using its corporate purchasing power to facilitate development of new renewable energy sources such as wind and low impact water power. Since 2009, TD has been purchasing renewable energy certificates equivalent to the electricity consumed by TD's operations in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island plus its network of 2,700 Green Machine ABMs. In the US, TD Bank, America's Most Convenient Bank, is purchasing renewable energy certificates equivalent to 100 per cent of its electricity consumption this year. Electricity consumption makes up 75 per cent of TD Bank's overall energy consumption.

Carbon Credits

TD is neutralizing its remaining emissions by generating local carbon offset credits through investments with social partners like Habitat for Humanity Canada, Greening Canada Fund, and Tree Canada. TD is also purchasing offsets from Zerofootprint and Carbon Zero in Canada, and Blue Source and NextEra Energy Resources in the US. The US credits will also be used to reduce TD's international footprint. By investing in activities and local programs to reduce carbon emissions for others, TD is able to neutralize its remaining emissions while assisting non-profit and other organizations to develop new revenue streams and reduce their operating costs.

"TD is a pioneer. They've essentially built a roadmap for how large organizations can go carbon neutral and have proven there is a business case for going green," added Dr. Ron Dembo, Founder and CEO, Zerofootprint. "We applaud TD's commitment to environmental leadership and the way they're leading the charge on developing standards and protocols to ensure a high quality of carbon credits."

TD continues to be recognized for its environmental activities and was recently named a Climate Disclosure Leader by the Carbon Disclosure Project, and for the second year in a row, one of the Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World. This year, TD will be celebrating the 20th anniversary of its TD Friends of the Environment Foundation, one of Canada's longest-serving environment and wildlife-dedicated charities. Learn more by visiting

About TD Bank Financial Group

The Toronto-Dominion Bank and its subsidiaries are collectively known as TD Bank Financial Group. TD Bank Financial Group is the sixth largest bank in North America by branches and serves more than 18 million customers in four key businesses operating in a number of locations in key financial centres around the globe: Canadian Personal and Commercial Banking, including TD Canada Trust and TD Insurance; Wealth Management, including TD Waterhouse and an investment in TD Ameritrade; U.S. Personal and Commercial Banking, including TD Bank, America's Most Convenient Bank; and Wholesale Banking, including TD Securities. TD Bank Financial Group also ranks among the world's leading online financial services firms, with more than 6 million online customers. TD Bank Financial Group had CDN$557 billion in assets on October 31, 2009. The Toronto-Dominion Bank trades under the symbol "TD" on the Toronto and New York Stock Exchanges.

Isramart : Australia: Legally Green: CPRS, Sea Rise Policy, Wind Farm Development and Carbon Offset

Isramart news:
Just over two months since the dust settled on the last minute all night negotiations which went into making the Copenhagen Accord, viewpoints on
the outcome of the Copenhagen climate change talks have been extremely mixed. On the positive side, the Copenhagen Accord has been described as an “important political tool”, “vital first step”, or in the words of President Obama, a “meaningful and unprecedented breakthrough”.

On the negative side, however, the descriptions have ranged from “climate change scepticism in action”, “fiasco”, “death warrant” or more graphically, a “colossal pile of fudge”! Regardless of which side of the fence you stand, it is fair to say most people would agree that the outcome of Copenhagen did not live up to expectations.

Isramart : Spaniolii pun turbine eoliene pe gropile de gunoi ale britanicilor

Isramart news:
Gigantul industrial FCC din Spania planuieste sa instaleze turbine eoliene pe gropile de gunoi din Marea Britanie in initiativa de a produce mai multa energie verde cu mai putine proteste din partea publicului, informeaza Reuters.

Multe propuneri pentru construirea de ferme eoliene in Marea Britanie au fost blocate sau amanate ani de zile din cauza puternicei opozitii din partea localnicilor. Acest lucru a determinat dezvoltatorii sa construiasca mai multe proiecte eoliene costisitoare in larg, in timp ce industria eoliana de pe uscat din Spania a prosperat.

FCC planuieste sa investeasca pana la 114 milioane de euro in instalarea turbinelor eoliene, care vor avea o capacitate de productie de 80 megawati (MW), pe terenul unora dintre cele 100 de gropi menajere din Anglia.

Compania detine deja 553 MW de capacitate eoliana instalata in Spania, Austria si Marea Britanie.

Isramart : Mitsubishi va investi 100 milioane de lire intr-o noua ferma eoliana in Marea Britanie

Isramart news:
Mitsubishi, unul dintre liderii mondiali in productia de turbine eoliene, a anuntat ca va investi 100 milioane de lire intr-o noua ferma eoliana, care va fi situata in partea de nord-est a tarii, informeaza The Guardian.

Propunerea celor de la Mitsubishi va crea sute de locuri de munca ‘verzi’ si vine in contextul in care Siemens a cumparat actiuni in cadrul Marine Current Turbines, o companie energetica britanica. De asemenea, grupul spaniol FCC a anuntat ca va investi alti 100 de milioane de lire in turbine eoliene.

Directorul executiv al Mitsubishi, Akio Fukui, a declarat ca firma evalueaza mai multe optiuni de amplasare a fermei eoliene, in zona de nord-est. O turbina prototip va fi construita in urmatorii trei ani, iar productia la scara larga ar urma sa inceapa in patru ani, a adaugat Akio Fukui.

“Lucram deja cu UK Trade and Investment de ceva timp si vrem sa mergem mai departe pentru a ne creste afacerea cu turbine offshore alaturi de parteneri britanici, pentru a crea competitivitatea necesara pe aceasta piata, precum si beneficii economice pentru Marea Britanie”, a declarat Fukui

Isramart :Emisiile de noxe din industria UE au scazut cu 11% in 2009

Isramart news:
Emisiile de dioxid de carbon generate de companiile aflate sub reglementarea Schemei de Emisii a UE au scazut cu 11% anul trecut, in mare parte din cauza crizei economice, sustin analistii din cadrul Point Carbon, citati de Reuters.

Emisiile din industria grea din intreaga Uniune au scazut la 1,886 tone in 2009, cu 233 milioane tone mai putin decat in anul 2008, arata estimarile Point Carbon. Scaderea inseamna ca a existat un surplus in alocarile de cote de emisii la nivel UE de 77 milioane de tone.

Emisiile generate de utilitati au scazut cu 88 de milioane de tone, pana la 1,18 miliarde de tone, in timp ce emisiile din sectoarele industriale – mai ales industria cimentului si otelului – au scazut cu 17%, pana la 704 milioane de tone.

Zece analisti chestionati de Reuters estimeaza ca firmele aflate sub reglementarile UE au emis 1,98 miliarde de tone de dioxid de carbon anul trecut, cu 100 de milioane sub maximul schemei de emisii.

Sistemul cap and trade, arma UE impotriva schimbarilor climatice, acopera aproape jumatate din emisiile totale ale statelor membre.

Isramart :ONU va evalua expertii de mediu care au comis erori intr-un raport climatic

Isramart news:
ONU a anuntat vineri ca va demara o analiza independenta a Grupului interguvernamental de experti in evolutia climei (IPCC), castigatori ai premiului Nobel, a caror credibilitate a fost afectata de erorile dintr-un raport pe tema schimbarilor climatice, anunta AFP.

Intentia ONU a fost anuntata in contextul in care expertii de mediu reuniti la o intalnire internationala au incercat sa profite de ocazia de a realiza inca un pas inainte in lupta cu schimbarile climatice, dupa ce discutiile din cadrul summitului de la Copenhaga au esuat. Ulterior, a crescut numarul vocilor care cereau schimbari in cadrul IPCC.

Purtatorul de cuvant al programului ONU pentru Mediu, Nick Nuttall, a declarat ca va fi alcatuita o comisie formata din oameni de stiinta independenti, care sa evalueze si sa ajute IPCC.

Cel mai mare grup interguvernamental pe probleme climatice din lume este alcatuit din cateva mii de oameni de stiinta a caror datorie este sa studieze schimbarile climatice si impactul lor. Cu toate acestea, reputatia grupului a fost afectata dupa ce intr-unul dintre cele mai importante rapoarte din 2007 erau facute estimari legate de topirea ghetarilor din Himalaya pana in 2035, o informatie care a fost discreditata si care a alimentat scepticismul legat de rolul omenirii in procesul schimbarilor climatice.

Inaintea summitului de la Copenhaga, IPCC a fost zguduit si de alta problema: scurgeri de informatii care, potrivit scepticilor, aratau ca datele stiintifice fusesera modificate pentru a masca dovezile legate de incalzirea globala provocata de om.

Isramart : Cel mai mare vapor solar din lume

Isramart news:
500 metri patrati de panouri solare pe un vas marin formeaza cel mai mare vapor solar din lume.

Acesta se numeste Planet Solar si masoara 35 metri lungime si 23 metri latime, informeaza Greenlaunches.

Sistemul fotovoltaic al vasului este capabil sa capteze 103,4 kilowati de energie de la soare pentru a-si alimenta motorul care are nevoie de numai 20 KW de energie pentru a se putea deplasa cu o viteza medie de 15km/ora.

Construit la Clubul Knierim Yacht din Kiel, nordul Germaniei, vaporul solar poate gazdui cu usurinta pana la 50 de persoane si va fi lansat la sfarsitul lunii martie.

Planet Solar va efectua un tur al lumii incepand din aprilie 2011. Avand o greutate de circa 60 de tone, uriasul vas va strabate cei 40.000 de kilometric in jurul lumii in aproximativ 140 de zile.

Isramart :Thai Airways Details Carbon Footprint Information of Inflight Meals

Isramart news:
We are not entirely sure why, but Thai Airways International’s inflight menu now features the carbon footprint information on its Thai Signature Dishes served on board.

The new feature starts with two Thai Signature dishes, Chicken Mussaman Curry with steamed Thai Hom Mali Rice (13.6 kg CO2 e per 250g serving), and Green Curry with steamed Thai Hom Mali Rice (13.9 kg CO2 e per 250g serving).

Carbon Footprint labeling is actually the result of THAI’s participation in the “Carbon Footprint Technical Cooperation Project for Thai Products”, in cooperation with the Thai Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (TGO) and the National Metal and Materials Technology Center (MTEC).

This project utilizes the Thai National NCI Database and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to increase production capabilities and boost competitiveness amongst Thai industries through assessment of greenhouse gases (carbon footprint) emitted from these pilot products with the aim to lower energy consumption and maximize product efficiency, allowing consumers to participate in greenhouse gas management and further increasing competitive edge in global markets through global warming reduction.

Carbon Footprint is the quantity of greenhouse gas emissions from each production unit for the whole life cycle (cradle to grave) of a particular product. Carbon Footprint thus calculates the carbon dioxide equivalent of the emissions issuing from the extraction of raw materials, transportation and parts for assembly all the way to waste management for end of product life.

It is not clear how much the airline would save from doing away with the menus altogether, or better yet, creating an e-menu and putting the information in the inflight entertainment system.

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Isramart : Malaysia to reap benefit from carbon projects: trade commissioner

Isramart news:
KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 19 (Bernama) -- Malaysia has vast potential to reap immense investment value from carbon projects, says Australia's Asean Trade Commissioner Garth Taylor.

"Carbon projects are typically finance-intensive. Even a small project will cost two to three million U.S. Dollars. Larger projects can run into millions of dollars," he said.

Taylor said an Australian business delegation, specialising in carbon projects, will be in Malaysia from March 1-2 to seek collaborations in green technology.

The "Carbon Cluster" delegation will have members from 25 Australian companies.

"We are aiming for 10 projects over the next 18 months to get out of the Carbon Cluster. So the investment potential you can see is quite large," he told BERNAMA in an interview.

Taylor said the "Carbon Mission" is the first offshore activity for the recently formed Australian Carbon Cluster, a value chain of project-ready companies focused on developing sustainable emission reduction projects offshore.

"It is the very first for the Carbon Cluster into Asean and Malaysia. This shows how important is Asean, including Malaysia, to Australia," he said.

Among others, Taylor said there would be a large networking event, business-matching event and a business roundtable with Energy, Green Technology and Water Minister Datuk Seri Peter Chin Fah Kui.

"We are inviting members from Asean countries, including from Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Singapore, to come to Malaysia to speak to the mission members," he said.

Companies that fill a role in the carbon value chain include financiers, compliance buyers, technology owners, project managers and designers, specialist engineering firms and a range of carbon consultancies.

Taylor said there would be a large networking event, business matching session and a business roundtable with Energy, Green Technology and Water Minister Datuk Seri Peter Chin Fah Kui.

"I hope Malaysian businesses will be involved in business matching with the delegation.

"We offer Malaysia in particular quite a strong offering in carbon projects.

Isramart : Eastern states intensify wind power sourcing

Isramart news:
Eastern American states will source more of its electricity from renewable resources after Tennessee Valley Authority signed a 20-year power purchase agreement for 115 megawatts of wind power.

The power purchase deal was signed with Horizon Wind Energy for its Pioneer Prairie I wind farm located in Howard and Mitchell counties in Iowa, which has a total output of 198 MW.

Parts of Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia would be partly powered by wind because of the deal.

Horizon Wind will provide electricity through the first phase of Pioneer Prairie. The wind farm will yield a total of 300 MW once the second phase is completed, enabling it to power 90,000 houses yearly.

Horizon Wind is a subsidiary of EDP Renewables the United States-based unit of Spain’s EDP Renováveis (NYSE Euronext: EDPR).

"We look forward to a long partnership with the Tennessee Valley Authority to supply their customers with pollution-free wind energy," said Ana Maria Fernandes, EDP Renewables’ chief executive.

Developers say the wind projects will help reduce Iowa’s energy carbon footprint which was over 58 million metric tons in 2008, based on data from the Energy Information Administration.

Tennessee Valley is a nonprofit, federal company providing energy to almost 9 million people through local utilities.

EDP Renováveis is the fourth largest wind energy company in the world. Its United States arm also recently finalized a long-term power purchase agreement with AmerenUE, giving the latter rights to buy over 102 MW of electricity from the second phase of Pioneer Prairie.

Isramart : Calibre’s Cecil Jones Certified as “Carbon Reduction Manager”

Isramart news:
Calibre’s Cecil W. Jones has been certified as a Carbon Reduction Manager by the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE).

The AEE, a nonprofit professional society with over 11,000 members in 78 countries promotes “the scientific and educational interests of those engaged in the energy industry and to foster action for Sustainable Development.”

The certification program recognizes professionals who have distinguished themselves as leaders in the pursuit of carbon reduction. Earning his CRM certification identifies Mr. Jones as demonstrating a high level of technical expertise in energy management and environmental practices.

Isramart : Environmental Reform - Carbon Tax On New Cars is Just the Start

Isramart nesw:
Johannesburg — An ad valorem carbon tax on new passenger cars was just the start of environmental fiscal reform, with debate on a comprehensive carbon tax set to continue this year, the Treasury said yesterday.

The carbon tax on vehicles will be payable from September, and will range from 0,6% to 4,1%, depending on how much the cars emit. The tax will apply initially to passenger cars, but be extended to commercial vehicles once agreed carbon emission standards for them have been set.

The budget review said the main objective of the revised tax proposal was "to influence the composition of SA's vehicle fleet to become more energy efficient and environmentally friendly".

Treasury chief director Cecil Morden said it was decided to convert from ad valorem tax to a flat rate as an ad valorem system would be based on the vehicle price and the tax would then become a tax on luxury cars rather than a carbon tax.

The Treasury had received strong arguments for a flat rate on emissions rather than a tax based on vehicle value, Morden said. A discussion document on the feasibility of a more comprehensive carbon tax would be published in the first half of this year, the Treasury said.

Although the government prefers a carbon tax, a discussion document on the possible scope and administrative feasibility of emissions trading in SA will also be released for public comment towards the end of this year.

Other environmental taxes and charges are also under consideration. These could include a waste- water discharge levy in terms of the Water Act; pollution charges under the new Air Quality Act; levies on the waste streams of various products; a landfill tax at municipal level; and traffic congestion charges.

Peet du Plooy, trade and investment adviser for the World Wide Fund for Nature, said a carbon tax would be an appropriate measure for SA, and relatively cheap and easy to implement.

A carbon tax would be complementary to monetary policy, and it would also help to augment it as it would directly tax consumption. This would also be a master instrument to steer the economy away from carbon intensity, he said.

"It might not change consumption immediately, but it will change your investment decisions," said Du Plooy.

Isramart : Major companies leave carbon-rule alliance

Isramart news:
A major business and environmental alliance formed two years ago to promote federal carbon regulation shows signs of cracking as chances for federal legislation this year fade.

Duke Energy was a founding partner of the U.S. Climate Action Partnership. The group has backed some principles of legislation adopted by the House of Representatives and pending before the Senate that would limit carbon emissions.

The legislation would set a cap on emissions and allow businesses to trade carbon credits.

Two founding members, Caterpillar and BP America, announced this week they were leaving the partnership. The oil company Conoco also announced it is withdrawing. The companies said they still support the basic principles of cap and trade, but they do not support the current legislation.

Duke CEO Jim Rogers joined other U.S. CAP executives in a swing through Washington this month to support regulation. But he says “its more likely than not that they don’t do it” as Congress faces elections in 38 weeks.

“The clock’s ticking. They haven’t done health care, they haven’t done financial reform, they haven’t done a stimulus bill they want to do, and we are kind of next on the list,” he says. “I think the conventional wisdom is still it will happen next year.”

The latest efforts by U.S. CAP have tried to reframe the issue as less about addressing global warming and more about clean air, jobs and economic stimulus issues. Rogers says major U.S. companies of all sorts are hesitant to invest in new projects or expansions until the carbon issue is settled.

With the recent departures, U.S. CAP now has 28 members, including Duke, General Electric, Environmental Defense Fund, DuPont, Shell and the Natural Resources Defense Council.

Isramart : Carbon credits to replace US $ as global currency

Isramart news:
Till now the question was whether a group of currencies would replace the dollar or even gold? Now, here comes the prediction amidst global warming and cllimate change concerns that carbon credit will replace the US dollar as the currency of international trading within five years.

The forecast was made by research, development and advice consultancy Archial Sustainable Futures following the publication by Finance Secretary John Swinney of a Carbon Assessment of the Budget for 2010-2011 – making the Scottish Government the first administration in the world to produce a carbon assessment alongside its budget – which, according to John Easton, head of Archial Sustainable Futures, effectively makes carbon a currency for the first time anywhere in the world.

The Carbon Assessment, based on the expenditure data presented in the budget and a statutory requirement of the Climate Change (Scotland) Act, provides an understanding of the impact of Scottish Budget expenditure on global greenhouse gas emissions as well as the carbon impact of Government spend.

Easton said, “The macroeconomic study undertaken for the Scottish Government shows Scotland’s public sector organisations their budgets for the year ahead in both sterling and carbon.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Isramart :Mamuţii energetici naţionali vor face provizioane pentru tranzacţii cu certificate de CO2

Isramart news:
Electra şi Hidroenergetica ar putea fi scutite de impozit pe profitul investit

Electra şi Hidroenergetica vor face provizioane, în perioada 2010-2012, pentru a avea fonduri pentru tranzacţii cu certificate de emisii de gaze cu efect de seră, iar Ministerul Economiei trebuie să aibă în vedere facilităţi fiscale pentru gestionarea acestor instrumente, potrivit unui studiu.
Potrivit unui studiu realizat de Institutul de Studii şi Proiectări Energetice (ISPE), care a participat şi la elaborarea procesului de restructurare a producţiei de energie care vizează crearea Electra şi Hidroenergetica, printre măsurile potenţiale se numără scutirea de impozit pe profit pentru profitul investit pentu achiziţionarea de certificate de emisii de CO2.
Studiul ia în calcul, totodată, şi crearea unui fond de rezervă în cadrul contractelor reglementate din care să fie acoperite costurile suplimentare generate de tranzacţionarea certificatelor.
Potrivit planului naţional de alocare a certificatelor de emisii de gaze cu efect de seră, fiecare companie care face parte din cele două societăţi naţionale are un număr anual de certificate pentru perioada 2008-2012. Astfel, Electra are pentru intervalul 2008-2012 un număr de 73,2 milioane de certificate, din care în 2008 a consumat 25,7%, respectiv 18,8 milioane de unităţi. Hidroenergetica a consumat în 2008 un număr de 8,9 milioane de certificate, echivalentul a 19,7% din totalul alocat de 45,1 milioane de unităţi.
Electra este estimată să producă după anul 2013 peste 28.000 GWh pe an, iar Hidroenergetica 24.000 GWh pe an, menţionează sursa citată. Electra va fi formată prin fuziunea Complexurilor Energetice Turceni, Rovinari şi Craiova, Nuclearelectrica, două sucursale ale Hidroelectrica şi Societatea Naţională a Lignitului Oltenia. Hidroenergetica va fi înfiinţată prin fuziunea filialelor Electrocentrale Deva şi Electrocentrale Bucureşti din cadrul Termoelectrica şi va avea în structură sucursala Paroşeni şi Termoserv Paroşeni din Termoelectrica, filialele Hidroelectrica din Bistriţa, Buzău, Cluj, Curtea de Argeş, Haţeg, Porţile de Fier, Oradea, Sebeş şi Slatina, precum şi părţi din Compania Naţională a Huilei.
Un certificat de emisii corespunde unei tone de dioxid de carbon, iar prin alocare se stabilesc limitele cantităţilor de dioxid de carbon pe care industriile au permisiunea să le emită.

Isramart : UK firms flout CO2 ratings for buildings

Isramart news:
The drive to cut Britain's carbon-dioxide emissions has been hit by companies' reluctance to obey new rules to reveal how much heat and light their buildings waste.

Nearly three-quarters of firms are flouting legislation requiring them to disclose energy performance details for the properties they sell or rent out, The Independent has learnt.

The refusal to comply with the law raises fresh doubts over this country's ability to meet a European Union target of reducing emissions by at least 20 per cent by 2020. Nearly one-fifth of UK emissions come from business and industry.

Thirteen months ago, the Government brought in legislation requiring "energy performance certificates" (EPCs) of commercial properties to be produced whenever a building is sold or leased out.

The documents, similar to those that householders have to supply when they sell their homes, assess a building's use of heat, light and water. They are regarded as an essential first step towards reducing buildings' emissions.

But a study by energy assessors Elmhurst Energy has concluded that only 28 per cent of commercial buildings marketed for sale or lease carry the legally required EPCs.

Grant Shapps, the shadow Housing Minister, said he was shocked by the low levels of compliance with the law. "If we're going to meet our legally binding climate-change targets, then we'll need to see urgent action," he said. "We know that meeting the challenge of climate change requires thousands of small steps to be taken. We will start by recognising the energy performance of all buildings, domestic or commercial."

EPCs are similar to the colour-coded labels provided with washing machines and refrigerators. They place properties into one of seven bands depending on their energy efficiency. But the requirement to produce them rests with companies putting the property on the market, rather than the agents handling the sale or rental of the building. Failure to comply with the law can carry a fine of £5,000.

Gavin Dunn, operations director of Elmhurst Energy, said the drive "is very much part of an attempt within the European Union and the UK to move towards decarbonising the economy.

"We need to reduce the energy consumption of every building, and the first step is to get the information about their efficiency."

Isramart : Romania este prima tara din UE care clasifica certificatele de emisii ca valori mobiliare

Isramart news:
Certificatele de emisii de carbon sunt, incepand de ieri, clasificate ca valori mobiliare, putand fi, prin urmare, tranzactionate liber pe piata de capital. Romania este prima tara din Europa care ia aceasta masura, dar alte state europene au scutit certificatele de carbon de TVA, “ceea ce le aduce la un numitor comun”, a explicat, pentru Green Report, Toma Dosteteanu, director executiv Casa Romana de Compensatie (CRC) din cadrul Bursei Monetar-Financiare si de Marfuri Sibiu (SIBEX).

Tranzactionarea certificatelor de carbon pe piata de capital nu afecteaza Planul National de Alocare, ceea ce inseamna, practic, ca, de exemplu, o termocentrala poate in continuare sa vanda certificate de emisii catre o alta termocentrala in mod direct. La comercializarea ca valori mobiliare, diferenta consta in scutirea de TVA. Potrivit avizului aprobat de Comisia Nationala a Valorilor Mobiliare (CNVM), prestarea serviciilor si activitatilor de investitii financiare avand ca obiect certificatele de emisii de gaze cu efect de sera se vor desfasura exclusiv prin brokeri autorizati. Acestia sunt 38 la numar, a mai precizat Toma Dosteteanu, pentru Green Report.

Directorul executiv al CRC a declarat ca CNVM a mai aprobat avizul de tranzactionare a certificatelor de emisii ca valori mobiliare si acum un an, dar, in urma consultarilor cu industria, acesta a fost retras. Motivul retragerii a fost, spune acesta, impotrivirea reprezentantilor din industrie fata de introducerea companiilor din Planul National de Alocare sub incidenta avizului. Masura care tocmai a intrat in vigoare exclude tranzactiile intre societatile din Planul National de Alocare.

Reglementarea reprezinta, insa, o amenintare la adresa tranzactiilor directe in cadrul Planului National de Alocare, in opinia unui broker de la o companie din Praga care a dorit sa-si pastreze anonimatul. “Cred ca marile companii energetice detinute de stat trebuie sa faca ceva pentru a nu pierde controlul asupra pietei”. Acesta isi mai pune problema asupra eventualitatii ca fiecare stat sa procedeze dupa modelul Romaniei. “Este ciudat sa tratezi “problema” la nivel local, doar o mare piata europeana asigura accesul la preturi corecte”, a declarat acesta pentru 2Celsius.

Romania primeste un plafon de emisii de la Uniunea Europeana pe care il distribuie, prin Planul National de Alocare, catre industrii. Pentru perioada 2008 - 2012, plafonul european este 2,08 miliarde tone de emisii anual. Din aceasta valoare, plafonul Romaniei este de 75,9 milioane de tone anual. Un certificat de emisii echivaleaza cu o tona de dioxid de carbon.

Isramart : 43,6 MW de energie eoliana instalati in Romania pana in 2011

Isramart news:
Firma Blue Line Energy, din judetul Bistrita-Nasaud, are in derulare, in diverse stadii de executie, proiecte de productie a energiei electrice in turbine eoliene cuprinse intre 525 si 555 milioane euro. Primele unitati vor fi operationale pana la sfarsitul acestui an, informeaza Mediafax.

In prezent firma are in lucru trei proiecte proprii, care cumuleaza 43,6 megawati (MW), cu o valoare totala de peste 65 milioane de euro, a confirmat, pentru Green Report, Darius Nath, directorul Blue Line Energy.

"Cele trei proiecte sunt primele trei dintr-o serie mai lunga. Daca totul merge conform planului si nu vom avea alte surprize legislative ar trebui sa fie functionale pana la sfarsit de 2011, in zona Tulcea", a declarat pentru Green Report Darius Nath. "O parte dintre proiecte sunt 100% autorizate, respectiv cu contract de racordare. Ba mai mult, o parte din infrastructura si chiar o parte din statia electrica pentru cel mai important dintre proiecte sunt deja realizate", a mai adaugat directorul Blue Line Energy.

In total, proiectele pe care firma le-a dezvoltat sau care sunt in curs de finalizare pana la finalul anului 2012, pe intreg teritoriul Romaniei, se incadreaza intre 350 MW si 370 MW, aproximativ jumatate din puterea unui reactor nuclear de la centrala de la Cernavoda.

Firma are un capital social de 8.000 de lei si este detinuta de trei persoane fizice, respectiv Dacian, Ofelia si Darius Nath.

Romania a instalat in 2009 surse de energie eoliana cu o capacitate de 3 MW, ajungand la un total de 14MW.

Isramart : Parlamentul European vrea achizitii publice mai verzi

Isramart news:
Comisia pentru Comert International a Parlamentului European (INTA) a votat un document care specifica noi directii in achizitiile publice, mai exact intarirea mecanismelor impotriva coruptiei si folosirea lor pentru promovarea dezvoltarii durabile.

Amendamentele au fost propuse de grupul socialistilor si democratilor din PE, reprezentat de Sabin Cutas, care a insistat asupra achizitiilor publice verzi, care sa tina cont de mediu si de drepturile omului.

„Comisia Europeana trebuie sa urmareasca promovarea transparentei si includerea dimensiunilor sociale si de mediu in cadrul acordurilor pe care le incheie cu partenerii sai comerciali. Uniunea ar contribui astfel la dezvoltarea administratiilor si economiilor tarilor partenere, urmarind totodata obiectivele de dezvoltare durabila", a declarat Sabin Cutas.

Achizitiile publice reprezinta 16% din PIB-ul UE, precum si un aspect major al comertului international.

Raportul "Noi evolutii in domeniul achizitiilor publice" va fi votat in comisia de fond, Comisia pentru piata interna si protectia consumatorilor (IMCO), in luna aprilie 2010, urmand ca votul din cadrul plenarei Parlamentului European sa aiba loc in luna mai 2010.

In urma cu o luna, ministrul mediului, Laszlo Borbely, a declarat ca institutiile publice vor fi obligate sa faca achizitii verzi. Ministrul a spus ca se pregateste un Plan National de Achizitii Publice Ecologice, prin care, de pilda, calculatoarele cumparate de institutiile publice vor indeplini cerinte verzi sau institutiile vor fi obligate sa foloseasca energii regenerabile.

Isramart : Crate & Barrel Warehouse Robots Cut Carbon Footprint of Retail

Isramart news:
So far, most companies have installed Kiva warehouse automation systems because they want to improve efficiencies and cut costs.

But, Crate and Barrel is betting that there’s even greater potential. The company recently purchased a Kiva system for its Tracy, Calif. Distribution Complex (DC), and it’s especially keen to see how these innovative robots can help drive carbon footprint reductions.

“Our customers expect to get great value and service from Crate and Barrel, but they also care about our carbon footprint. This played a role in our selection of Kiva Systems,” says John Ling, vice president of supply chain management and logistics at Crate and Barrel. “Kiva’s mobile robotic approach is not only the most cost-effective way to automate pick, pack and ship operations, but also the greenest. The robots themselves are energy efficient, plus the entire robot zone can be operated with almost no lighting.”
According to Mitch Rosenberg, Kiva’s vice president of marketing, the company’s unique material handling system has helped customers (including several big name retailers such as Staples, Zappos, Saks and Walgreens, as well as medical device companies like Boston Scientific) simultaneously improve productivity, speed, accuracy, and flexibility.

Now, with the help of Crate and Barrel, Kiva is going to get an opportunity to fully explore the green aspects of its robotic system, as well.

Already, several sustainability benefits can be inferred. For instance, with regard to environmental stewardship, Rosenberg says that Kiva’s warehouse automation systems:

* Are more energy efficient than conventional warehouse carousel/conveyor systems. Traditional systems guzzle energy, and they’re typically “on,” whether they’re needed or not. By contrast, each Kiva robot uses only about as much energy as a laptop computer, and they only run when they’re actually needed.

* Do not require controlled warehouse environments. That means Kiva robots can operate without lights, heat, air conditioning, etc.

* Offer opportunities for incorporation of solar/wind power for warehouse operations. Since Kiva robots store power in their batteries, they could be tied into a company’s on-site solar/wind energy grid. (Plus, even when powered conventionally, these battery-powered robots can continue to work during power outages!)

* Are portable. When warehouses consolidate or otherwise need reconfiguring, traditional carousel/conveyor systems are usually scrapped and then replaced. By comparison, a Kiva system can be easily and efficiently customized to changing warehouse needs.

* Reduce packing errors –which in turn, reduces the extra energy and GHG emissions associated with product returns and replenishment.

* Improve the efficiency of truck deliveries. By automatically sorting orders so they can be loaded on trucks in “reverse stop sequence,” a Kiva system helps makes deliveries faster and reduces truck idling times.

In addition, Kiva’s warehouse automation systems offer broader CSR benefits, such as:

* Fewer injuries to warehouse employees. Traditional pick, pack and ship workers have to locate, lift and carry products, often while dodging fork trucks and other common hazards of the warehouse. What’s more, some workers walk up to 20 miles on their shift, Rosenberg says. Once a Kiva system is installed, however, workers aren’t even permitted in the “robot zone.” Instead, they monitor their stations, where the pick, pack and ship activities are much more ergonomically designed.

* Less noise. In a conventional warehouse, fork trucks zip in and out of the aisles, blaring their warning horns as they go. Conveyor belts clang non-stop. “It’s usually like a jet way,” Rosenberg says. Kiva robots are virtually silent, and the warehouses where they work have even been described as “serene,” he adds.

Rosenberg admits that Kiva does not yet have documentation to prove the system’s green benefits –but that’s precisely what makes the company’s new collaboration with Crate and Barrel so exciting.

“We are in the business of reducing the cost of storing and shipping stuff,” he says. “But, of course, we want to be as green and socially responsible as possible. This is not the same old thing that goes 10 percent better or works 10 percent faster. This system changes the game in fundamental ways.”

Does that mean these robots can make “the game” more fundamentally sustainable? Seems to me that installing a system at Crate and Barrel’s Tracy DC –which happens to be the largest industrial facility in the country to achieve Gold designation from the U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) certification program –is a good first step toward answering that question.

Isramart : Crop plants can help absorb carbon dioxide emissions: Expert

Isramart news:
While it has often been blamed for adding to atmospheric carbon problems, the agriculture sector could be absorbing carbon emissions if farmers grow the right plants, an expert says.

Professor Richard Bush of Southern Cross University (Australia) told an audience of students and lecturers in Jakarta that certain plants could be utilized for carbon sequestration (storing carbon dioxide) to reduce atmospheric carbon and control climate change.

"...when plants accumulate silica, as part of their cellular structure, they also accumulate a small fraction of carbon," Bush said.

The ability to capture carbon varies among plant species and varieties, he said.

“This variability can be harnessed and we see it as a potential way to capture and reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere,” Bush said.

By selecting certain varieties of crop plants, farmers could help accumulate carbon and return it to soil in a secure way, he said.

Plants with high carbon-storing capacities include wheat, bamboo, sugarcane and rice, Bush said.

With this selection of crop types, up to 11 percent of the annual global carbon dioxide emissions could be captured, he said.

Fahrizal Hazra, a lecturer at the Bogor Institute of Agriculture (IPB), said the discovery of the role of crop plants in mitigating the greenhouse effect could help improve the image of agriculture.

Isramart : Carbon Reduction Legislation Could Net Millions of Pounds in Windfall Penalties

Isramart news:
THOUSANDS of UK companies could end up handing the government a windfall of more than £230 million pounds in penalties unless they move fast to comply with new Carbon Reduction legislation.

Recent surveys indicate that around 66 per cent of the 5,000 businesses which will be affected by new regulations are unaware of their responsibilities and possible repercussions.

Energy Solutions Consultants has estimated that firms could end up forking out at least £70,000 each if they don’t comply with the new rules which come into force on April 1.

The CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme, formerly known as the Carbon Reduction Commitment, is a compulsory energy efficient emissions trading system central to the UK’s strategy for improving energy efficiency and reducing CO2 emissions.

The scheme is mandatory for organisations which have at least one half-hourly electricity meter. If they use at least 6,000 megawatt-hours (MWh), or have an annual energy bill of £500,000 or more, they will have to register and comply with the legislation.

However, if their half hourly metered energy supply is below 6,000MWh they will still have to make an ‘information disclosure’ and prove they are exempt. Failure to do so incurs an automatic fine of £5000 and £500 per day until it is submitted. It is estimated that another 15,000 businesses could fall into this category.

The scheme, which is enforced by the Environment Agency in England and Wales and SEPA in Scotland, is, in the first instance, likely to affect government departments, universities, hospitals, schools, banks, retailers, hotel chains, large business, factories and many others.

“A number of recent surveys have shown that between half and two-thirds of businesses are either unaware of their duties or haven’t started doing anything about it,” said William Morris, Managing Director of Energy Solutions Consultants.

“If you add the automatic £5,000 fine each company will get for failing to submit their information on time with the minimum penalty of £50,000 added to energy costs it’s a lot of money. But, there’s an additional fine of £500 a day until the information is submitted to the proper authorities and gathering it all together could take a month or more, that’s at least another £15,000 on top,” said Mr Morris.

As of April 1 organisations using more than £500,000 worth of gas, electricity, water, oil and other energy sources have to submit a “robust” report detailing their usage of electricity, gas, oil, water and other energy sources dating back to the beginning of 2008.

Organisations will then be expected to purchase carbon allowances at £12 per tonne to off set their emissions and submit a detailed roadmap of how they intend to reduce those emissions over the next few years.

League tables of the best and worst performing companies will be published at the end of each year and, depending on how well they have done, organisations will either get up to 10 per cent of their energy costs back or have to pay 10 per cent more. Those figures are due to rise year on year to plus or negative 50 per cent.

To ensure correct accounting directors will be required to sign off on the energy use reports and could face up to three years imprisonment if they knowingly falsify the information.

“Indications coming back from various surveys within the energy industry have shown the vast majority of organisations who will have to join this scheme don’t know enough about it,” said Mr Morris.

“Among those that are aware about 20 per cent are struggling to comply and are using vast amounts of in house resources to produce a report which if not completed properly could cost them tens of thousands of pounds”.

Energy Solutions Consultants is one of the country’s leading specialists in helping organisations save energy costs, reduce carbon and comply with all the requirements set out by the CRC legislation.

“We have invested a lot of time and effort into developing our Carbon Check software programme which has all the DEFRA carbon calculations preloaded,” said Mr Morris.

“Our engineers are all accredited by the Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE). They can take any organisation’s data and, using our software, provide a 100 per cent accurate assessment of energy expenditure, carbon liabilities and potential savings in a fraction of the time it would take several people to do in house.

“Correctly done the CRC legislation provides an opportunity for organisations and businesses to save costs and reduce carbon emissions but if ignored or handled badly it could prove to be a very expensive exercise indeed.”

Isramart : Carbon Trust seeks design consultancies

Isramart news:
The Carbon Trust is looking to establish a new framework of consultancies and appoint a lead group to address its branding, digital and print communications.

A four-year contract with a €4m (£3.5m) budget is on offer to the successful consultancy which will lead the design across a range of marketing services.

Eight successful consultancies will sign a framework agreement and work on stage one of the project for two years. These same groups will then be invited to tender for the role of lead agency to complete the project over the final two years.

A tender issued by the Carbon Trust states that ‘branding and brand positioning’ are under review, and that service providers will need to address ‘project-led campaigns to provide innovative solutions to briefs’.

‘Digital, online and mobile marketing activity’ are highlighted on the tender, as is the requirement to ‘provide all copywriting and design skills and services, through to publishing and print services’.

The Carbon Trust provides specialist support to business and the public sector to help cut carbon emissions, save energy and commercialise low-carbon technologies.

Isramart : Spelman and Riley competing to cut carbon; plans for artwork at Seaholm

Isramart news:
Austin City Council Members Chris Riley and Bill Spelman won election last May on promises to be environmental stewards. On Tuesday, they announced that they will be competing against each other to see who can do more to reduce greenhouse gases, which many scientists say contribute to global climate change.

Over the next year, Riley and his three aides and Spelman and his three aides will track how much they reduce their carbon footprint — a measure of how much greenhouse gas their actions create in their everyday lives. They will use a carbon footprint calculator created by Austin Energy. At the end of the year, the office that loses will help install energy-saving measures in low-income homes.

Both offices are currently responsible for about the same amount of carbon-dioxide emissions.

"I'm looking forward to outmaneuvering Chris's office as we set our targets and track our progress online at the carbon footprint Web site," Spelman said in a news release. Riley replied: "Now Austinites will be able to see our footprints as we walk all over the office next door."

City Council talking trash

The City of Austin could embark on a planning effort soon that will create a blueprint for how Austin tackles trash and recycling needs for the next 50 years .

On Feb. 25 the City Council could give HDR Engineering the go-ahead to begin writing a master plan for the Solid Waste Services Department for up to $1.2 million . The plan will take at least a year to write and is supposed to lay out specific ideas for meeting the zero-waste goal the City Council has adopted, which aims to dramatically reduce the trash sent to landfills by 2040 through recycling, reuse and other means.

The plan could be a fresh start of sorts for Solid Waste Services , which has been under fire for negotiating a money-losing contract with the recycling company Greenstar North America.

It also comes as the city is reviewing proposals from seven firms interested in building an Austin recycling plant. The plan will be the first major initiative led by new Solid Waste Services Director Bob Gedert .

Seaholm wall to be public art

The Seaholm Power Plant, which sits on the north side of Lady Bird Lake, is prime real estate, but, its Art Deco lettering aside, not exactly the prettiest thing along the shoreline. On Feb. 25, the City Council is scheduled to vote on a small step toward spiffing up the area.

The city is already planning to redevelop Seaholm and the neighboring Thomas C. Green Water Treatment Plant as a mix of shops, condos and amenities. Part of that plan is shrinking an existing substation to make room for a new library and then turning a wall that will enclose the substation into a work of art.

Exactly what sort of art hasn't been decided. The city has budgeted $750,000 for the wall and would spend an additional $181,200 that is already budgeted for public art. The city's Art in Public Places program would commission the design, engineering and construction.

Isramart : World class carbon management needs business transformation

Isramart news:
Until CEOs take ownership of carbon management as a business transformation challenge, not a corporate responsibility issue, their firms will fail to achieve absolute reductions in CO₂ emissions, according to a new report from independent research firm Verdantix.

World class carbon management requires the appointment of a Chief Sustainability Officer, a cross-functional strategy for reductions with a 2020 target, co-ordinated business process changes and an integrated carbon management technology platform.

“Dumping carbon management responsibility on CSR Directors without providing them with the authority or budget to execute dooms many carbon reduction plans” commented Peter Charville-Mort, the Verdantix Analyst who led the study.

“Our research with 33 industry experts shows that underneath the green-wash, most firms flounder with weak carbon management initiatives. Evidence of failure includes CSR and energy managers who don’t get the opportunity to explain carbon issues to senior execs, decision-makers who struggle with terrible energy data, unachievable CO₂ reduction goals and initiatives that progress at a snail’s pace due to insufficient staff and funds.”

The Verdantix report, Best Practices For Carbon Management, provides detailed advice on the development and implementation of a carbon business transformation plan. To achieve absolute CO₂ reductions year-on-year firms need to:

* Strengthen governance to deliver transformational change. Dumping a broad, carbon-related change programme on the CSR Director is doomed to fail.

* Best-in-class carbon management requires a Chief Sustainability Officer(CSO) with a small Programme Management Office that quantifies value and risk, co-ordinates initiatives and engages stakeholders. The CSO should be picked from a general management role internally.

* Create a 2020 strategy for carbon management. CEOs first need to get the right people on the bus – with the CSO in the driving seat – and then buy into the carbon journey to 2020. Post-2020 firms need a transformation vision due to much tighter regulation and intense customer pressure for sustainability credentials. Climate change and sustainability advisors at firms like Deloitte and Ernst & Young are well-positioned to provide strategic input.

* Design cross-functional process changes across energy, operations and finance. Ongoing cuts in carbon emissions require a portfolio of projects such as building management systems and electric vehicle fleet trials. To succeed with multiple, simultaneous changes firms need a programme based on granular energy and fuel data, financial analysis of projects and assessment of unintended consequences. Consultants like CH2M Hill, Scott Wilson and WSP Energy have expertise in project-related carbon and energy services.

* Implement integrated carbon management systems technology. To reduce carbon emissions firms need accurate, timely and complete data on energy and fuel consumption. World class carbon management requires not just energy and carbon software from vendors like CA, Hara and Verisae but also metering systems from providers like Landis + Gyr that track energy consumption or refrigerant leakage at the asset level.

“Absolute reductions in CO₂ emissions require transformational change across governance, strategic thinking and process redesign. But today, firms only achieve incremental change.” added Verdantix Director, David Metcalfe. “Time is running out for CEOs to act before the jaws of GHG compliance regimes and competitive pressures on sustainability close around them. Seventy-six per cent of the global industry expert panel believe weak carbon management will pose a material risk by 2012.”

Isramart : Any excessive dependence on the sale of forest carbon credits could turn out to be problematic

Isramart news:
Some interesting questions are raised as one looks at the news reports surrounding the new 300 page report ‘Climate Cure’ released by Norway on February 17. It’s targeting emission cuts of 30% by 2020 from 1990 levels. The current emission levels are around 54 million tons v about 50 million tons in 1990, and the report is looking at ways to reduce emissions by 15-17 million tons/ year by 2020.

Herein lie some interesting bits of information and this might all be still evolving, but it does give some insight into the ways they will reduce their carbon footprint. They don’t want to buy more than ⅓ of credits from the likes of Amazon rainforests and other foreign carbon credit purchases, and that category would include Guyana, Brazil, Indonesia and the many other rainforests. It would also include credits via CDM projects, etc, and even the ones bought from the carbon markets. That would further limit forest credits. Even if we assume 100% of their less than ⅓ carbon credit purchases are from rainforests and that Norway buys 0 credits from other sources including 0 from carbon markets, and also assuming that they only buy them from Guyana-like rainforests, that amounts to around 5 million credits per year. At the current carbon pricing, that amount is around US$90 million with credits trading around 13 euros. But then they recognize that forest credits are the lowest cost entry, and most likely these credits are not going to be bought on the carbon markets but in bilateral arrangements as with Guyana, Brazil and others. What share of 5 million carbon credits does Guyana believe it will secure in mutual agreements and what is the current implied carbon pricing per ton?

The document talks about 3 million tons or so absorbed by pine forests, which are most likely to be additional pine plantations, etc, besides current pine tree holdings. And the rest and bulk of the emission cuts will be done locally as well as via carbon capture and storage; reducing oil and gas production related emissions; clean, renewable fuels; electric cars; energy efficiency in buildings, etc, etc − a big list of technologies, energy conservation, etc, and the costs being assigned are as high as 200-250$/ton.

One possibility is that forest carbon credits will keep going up over time, but it would matter little if the country has secured long-term credits at fixed, low prices. If they want to lower emissions and fine emitters locally, there is bound to be a disconnect with the forest credits as that market will only fill part of the emission reduction needs. My guess is that most countries will follow similar routes, and that some, including China, India and to some extent even the US, are already talking about focusing on local solutions, local renewable technologies, local reforestation, etc, etc. Some are calling the Copenhagen agreement dead already, so where does it leave the forest credit markets and plans that rely heavily on them?

There is bound to be a market for them, as over time, these markets will grow, but any excessive dependence on the sale of forest carbon credits can turn out to be problematic.

And one more thing. A comment from the Norwegian Environment Minister quoted by Reuters referred to the 0.25% cut in the projected size of their oil-dependent economy by 2020: “It means we’d be as rich by Easter in 2020 than we would otherwise be at Christmas” in 2019, Environment Minister Erik Solheim said of the small cut.

Some of the miners, local farmers, Amerindian communities and others who are being told to start adjusting may take objection to this. If it affects Norway’s economy only 0.25%, we all do hope it doesn’t affect them more than 0.25% as they sell their credits and get into arrangements that require a lot of local adjustments.

Situations in the carbon markets and each country’s adoption of climate-change solutions, etc, are in flux right now, so it’s almost impossible to project the long-term future, but Norway is for sure providing some guidance as to what paths are emerging, and some of those do affect Guyana and its people.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Isramart : Liber la tranzacţii cu certificatele de emisii de CO2

Isramart news:
Contractul CO2 are scadenţa de o zi, iar tranzacţiile cu certificatele executate în cursul unei sesiuni sunt garantate de către Casa Română de Compensaţie (CRC).
Fabrica de paine
23 Feb 2010 Fabrica de paine
Comisia Naţională a Valorilor Mobiliare a dat liber azi la tranzacţiile cu certificatele de emisii gaze cu efect de seră, acestea fiind clasificate ca valori mobiliare. În prezent, Bursa Monetar-Financiară şi de Mărfuri Sibiu (Sibex) administrează singura piaţă din România pe care aceste certificate se pot tranzacţiona în conformitate cu prevederile legale în vigoare. Mai mult, Sibex utilizează aceeaşi platformă de tranzacţionare (Global Vision furnizată de Trayport Ltd. Londra) pe care se tranzacţionează peste 95% din certificatele CO2 la nivel european. “Prin decizia de clasificare a certificatelor de emisii de CO2 ca valori mobiliare şi prin posibilitatea tranzacţionări lor la Bursa din Sibiu, CNVM şi Sibex deschid practic un nou segment de piaţă pentru intermediari, oferindu-le posibilitatea de a tranzacţiona pe o piaţă nouă cu un potenţial de zeci de milioane de euro.
Potenţialul său este evidenţiat şi de faptul că au existat deja contacte cu cel puţin 6 brokeri din afara ţării privind tranzacţionarea certificatelor de CO2”, a declarat Darius Cipariu, director general adjunct al Sibex.

Încă din luna decembrie 2009, Bursa din Sibiu a lansat contractul futures CO2 2008 - 2012 reprezentând echivalentul a 100 certificate de emisii gaze cu efect de seră (100 tone emisii CO2). Acest contract se tranzacţionează pe sistemul electronic al Bursei din Sibiu prin intermediul a 38 de membri autorizaţi (Societăţi de Servicii de Investiţii Financiare și bănci comerciale), având preţul exprimat în lei și nefiind purtător de TVA. Contractul CO2 2008 - 2012 are scadenţa de o zi, iar tranzacţiile cu certificatele executate în cursul unei sesiuni sunt garantate de către Casa Română de Compensaţie (CRC). Livrarea certificatelor către cumpărători, respectiv virarea contravalorii acestora către vânzători sunt asigurate de asemenea de către CRC a doua zi după executarea tranzacţiei.

Pentru a avea acces la această piaţă a emisiilor de gaze cu efect de seră, toţi membrii Sibex şi CRC care doresc să tranzacţioneze contracte CO2 2008 - 2010 trebuie să îşi deschidă conturi la Registrul Naţional al Emisiilor de Gaze cu Efect de Seră, unde şi CRC deţine un cont. Un client care doreşte să vândă certificate CO2 trebuie să le transfere în contul intermediarului deschis la Registrul Naţional al Emisiilor de Gaze cu Efect de Seră, care le transferă apoi în contul CRC. Casa Română de Compensaţie va credita contul intermediarului respectiv cu cantitatea de certificate aferentă care va fi disponibilă pentru vânzare sub forma de contracte CO2 2008 - 2012. Persoanele juridice care doresc să cumpere certificate vor alimenta contul lor de la intermediar cu sumele necesare, iar acesta va transfera sumele respective în contul CRC. Fiecare intermediar va fi limitat în ordinele de cumpărare de suma pe care o deţine în cont la CRC reprezentând valoarea certificatelor. “Comisionul total Sibex şi CRC este de 0,6 lei pe contract (include şi comisionul CNVM de 0,1 lei/contract), adică 0,006 lei pe tona de CO2, acest nivel fiind unul deosebit de avantajos. Spre exemplu, pe Bursa Bluenext din Franţa, care este una din cele mai mari pieţe pentru certificate EUA, comisionul este între 1 şi 2 eurocenţi pe tonă (0,04 - 0,08 lei/tona). Alături de avantajul comisionului scăzut, considerăm că modelul de decontare propus are, faţă de alte modalităţi de comercializare a certificatelor de emisii, avantajele garantării, transparenţei şi vitezei de execuţie”, a mai declarat Darius Cipariu, director general adjunct al Sibex.

Isramart : CDM to tackle festering Chinese wind issue in March

Isramart news:
Clifford Mahlung, the newly appointed chairman of the Clean Development Mechanism’s (CDM) executive board, says the group’s next meeting in March will be focused on resolving its ongoing dispute with developers of Chinese wind projects.

Mahlung acknowledges that there is a growing fissure within the CDM’s board regarding whether to register clean-energy projects in fast-developing countries such as China, where they may be commercially viable without CDM funds.

“The board itself will have to make a decision – they are not at one place,” Mahlung tells BusinessWeek. “For me personally, if the projects are achieving the ultimate objective of the convention, which is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, then that should be paramount in the thinking.”

The conflict came to a head – and grabbed international headlines – when the CDM’s board rejected applications from 10 Chinese wind projects less than a week before climate-change talks commenced in Copenhagen. Last week, at its first meeting since Copenhagen, the board reversed its decision on two of the projects, while rejecting six new ones.

Mahlung says the board will tackle the issue at its next meeting starting 22 March.

In early February, Mahlung, a meteorologist by training and Jamaica’s lead climate negotiator, took the helm of the CDM from Lex de Jonge of The Netherlands.

Mahlung, who served as vice-chair of the CDM’s executive board in 2009, has made it clear that he will make greater transparency of the group’s proceedings and the expansion of CDM projects throughout Africa and island states top priorities of his tenure. In December he commented that he wants to see a new CDM in 2010 “where the board spends less time behind closed doors”.

“I also hope to provide more information and clarification on some of the decisions that the board makes, by having a full-time communication specialist recording and reporting certain aspects of the board meetings, with the aim that we can have more people understanding clearly just how the board operates.”

Isramart : EPA "imblanzeste" regulamentele ce limiteaza CO2-ul

Isramart news:
Agentia americana de mediu (EPA) a anuntat luni ca va atenua regulamentele privind emisiile de dioxid de carbon, pentru a inlatura temerile legate de impactul pe care il vor avea asupra economiei, transmite Reuters.

Administratia Obama a cerut ca EPA sa reglementeze aceste emisii, pentru a-i forta pe marii poluatori sa sprijine legislatia de mediu, blocata in Congres. "Imblanzirea" regulamentelor ar putea acorda mai mult timp senatorilor sa dezvolte un proiect de lege viabil, care sa includa si o tinta pentru emisii.

In septembie, EPA anunta ca va cere centralelor pe carbune, rafinariilor si altor companii care emit mai mult de 25.000 de tone de gaze cu efect de sera pe an sa obtina permise care sa demonstreze ca folosesc cea mai buna tehnologie disponibila. Noile regulamente vor fi facute publice la sfarsitul lunii martie.

Anuntul facut luni de EPA vine ca raspuns la o scrisoare trimisa de senatorul democrat Jay Rockefeller, semnata si de alti senatori. Acestia se plangeau ca limitarea emisiilor va afecta productia centralelor energetice. Reuters citeaza surse din Congresul american, care arata ca Rockefeller va propune o lege prin care tinta pentru emisii va fi amanata pentru 2-3 ani. Mai mult, senatorul republican de Alaska, Lisa Murkowski, ar putea propune in martie un proiect legislativ prin care i se interzice definitiv Agentiei de mediu sa limiteze emisiile de CO2.

Directorul EPA, Lisa Jackson, a declarat ca noile regulamente vor intra in vigoare cel devreme in 2011, iar in cazul centralelor mici, masurile ar putea fi amanate pana in 2016.

Isramart : ISPE: Scutiri de impozit pentru cumpararea de certificate de carbon pentru Electra si Hidroenergetica

Isramart news:
Ministerul Economiei trebuie sa aiba in vedere masura scutirii de impozit pe profit pentru profitul investit pentu achizitionarea de certificate de emisii de CO2, se arata intr-un studiu realizat de Institutul de Studii si Proiectari Energetice (ISPE), citat de Mediafax. Potrivit acestuia, Electra si Hidroenergetica vor face provizioane, in perioada 2010-2012, pentru a avea fonduri pentru tranzactii cu certificate de emisii de gaze cu efect de sera, iar Ministerul Economiei trebuie sa aiba in vedere facilitati fiscale pentru gestionarea acestor instrumente.

Potrivit planului national de alocare a certificatelor de emisii de gaze cu efect de sera, fiecare companie care face parte din cele doua societati nationale are un numar anual de certificate pentru perioada 2008-2012. Astfel, Electra are pentru intervalul 2008-2012 un numar de 73,2 milioane de certificate, din care in 2008 a consumat 25,7%, respectiv 18,8 milioane de unitati. Peste jumatate din capacitatea instalata a societatii nationale se afla in termocentrale, cele mai poluante instalatii de productie a energiei electrice.

Hidroenergetica a consumat in 2008 un numar de 8,9 milioane de certificate, echivalentul a 19,7% din totalul alocat de 45,1 milioane de unitati. Un procent de 60% din puterea instalata a acestei scoietati se afla in hidrocentrale, care produc o energie mai putin poluanta.

In ce priveste previziunile de producere a energiei, Electra ar urma sa produca dupa anul 2013 peste 28.000 GWh pe an, iar Hidroenergetica 24.000 GWh pe an, mentioneaza sursa citata.

Electra va fi formata prin fuziunea Complexurilor energetice Turceni, Rovinari si Craiova, Nuclearelectrica, doua sucursale ale Hidroelectrica si Societatea Nationala a Lignitului Oltenia.

Hidroenergetica va fi infiintata prin fuziunea filialelor Electrocentrale Deva si Electrocentrale Bucuresti din cadrul Termoelectrica si va avea in structura sucursala Paroseni si Termoserv Paroseni din Termoelectrica, filialele Hidroelectrica din Bistrita, Buzau, Cluj, Curtea de Arges, Hateg, Portile de Fier, Oradea, Sebes si Slatina, precum si parti din Compania Nationala a Huilei.

Mittal Steel Galati, cel mai mare poluator

Romania poate emite in perioada 2008-2012 o cantitate de 379,72 milioane de tone de dioxid de carbon, respectiv 379,72 milioane de certificate. In fiecare an Romania dispune de 75,94 milioane de certificate.

Cei mai mari poluatori din Romania sunt Mittal Steel Galati, care are alocate, in intervalul 2008-2012, aproximativ 71 de milioane de certificate, Complexul Energetic Turceni (34 milioane certificate), Complexul Energetic Rovinari (28 milioane certificate), Electrocentrale Deva (20 milioane certificate), Complexul Energetic Craiova (17 milioane certificate), Regia Autonoma pentru Activitati Nuclear - Sucursala Romag Termo (14 milioane certificate), Lafarge Ciment Medgidia 912,3 milioane certificate) si rafinaria Arpechim detinuta de OMV Petrom (9,6 milioane certificate).

Industria energetica are cel mai mare plafon alocat pentru perioada 2008-2012, respectiv 208,6 milioane de certificate, urmata de industria de productie si prelucare a metalelor feroase, cu 61,6 milioane, industria cimentului, cu 41,2 milioane si industria de rafinare a petrolului, cu 28,8 milioane de permise.

Plafonul european pentru perioada 2008-2012 este 2,08 miliarde tone de emisii anual.

Un certificat de emisii corespunde unei tone de dioxid de carbon, iar prin alocare se stabilesc limitele cantitatilor de dioxid de carbon pe care industriile au permisiunea sa le emita. Companiile vand si cumpara certificate de emisii in functie de indeplinirea tintelor de poluare. Alocarea certificatelor se face intr-o prima faza pe sectoarele de activitate din economie, apoi pe instalatiile care emit dioxid de carbon.

Isramart : NZX Drops By Record After Slashing Proceeds of Carbon Unit Sale

Isramart news:
NZX Group Ltd. had its biggest one- day drop in Wellington trading after the operator of New Zealand’s stock exchange slashed NZ$19.9 million ($14 million) from the expected sale proceeds of its carbon registry unit.

The lower priority given to carbon trading since the Copenhagen conference last year has cut demand for the registry’s service, NZX said in a statement late on Feb. 12. Accordingly, the company is less confident of the 2012 earnings forecast used to value TZ1 Registry when it was sold to Markit Group Ltd. for $37.1 million in July, NZX said. The stock fell as much 8.3 percent.

TZ1 was the world’s largest environmental registry, with more than 350 customers and 38 million metric tons of voluntary emission reductions recorded, when it was sold. Under the terms of the sale, the exchange will share TZ1’s profits with London- based Markit until the end of 2011, at which time it may gain or forfeit as much as $17 million depending on the registry’s performance.

NZX fell 18 cents to NZ$2 at 3:45 p.m. in Wellington, its lowest since Dec. 7. The stock is headed for its biggest one-day decline since it began trading in June 2003.

Amid tough conditions, TZ1 leads the market in customer acquisition, NZX said in its Feb. 12 statement. It’s well-placed to benefit when political and corporate demand for carbon instruments returns, the exchange said.

Isramart : Arabia CSR Network holds workshop on carbon emissions offsetting and trading

Isramart news:
The Arabia CSR Network held its first workshop of 2010 on 18 February in the Center of Excellence, DIFC. While the Arabia CSR Network itself was launched at the Arabia CSR Awards ceremony on 26 October 2009, the Network's predecessor, the EEG CSR Network, has had a long track record in advancing Corporate Social Responsibility in the UAE and Gulf region through workshops, seminars and CSR training sessions.
This first workshop under the Arabia CSR Network banner focused on the much debated issue of Carbon Emissions Offsetting and Trading, and brought together an impressive line up of international, regional and local experts on the subject. With the central question of the day being whether Carbon Emissions Offsetting and Trading is a failure or represents the future, both advocates and sceptics were heard.

Closely affiliated with the UN Global Compact, the Arabia CSR Network linked this first workshop to the UN Global Compact Principle on the Environment. Mr. Hans Bolscher, Special Advisor for Climate and Energy Issues to the Ministry of Environment in The Netherlands, presented an international viewpoint and shared his many experiences gained in the European climate negotiations.

He stated that while the solutions to reducing one's carbon footprint are relatively easy, their implementation has proven to be very difficult. Mr. Bolscher highlighted subsidies, taxes, cap and trade mechanisms and voluntary compliance as viable solutions for implementation, but stated that the most important mechanism is compliance by law.

Other Presenters came from global and regional players such as Deloitte's Mr. Nick Main,Global Partner Climate Change and Sustainability Services, who provided the audience with insights into Emissions Offsetting and Trading practices from a corporate point of view. He also shared his experiences of the COP15 with the audience.

Mr. Philip Moss, Emissions Trading and Finance Manager of Masdar, contributed a regional point of view, tackling the question of whether the current trading and offsetting schemes are applicable to the Gulf region. He forecasted that Masdar will invest in a number of areas that have great potential for the region, including Fuel Switching, Gas leak reduction systems, Gas flare reduction systems and Methane analysis. More specifically, Mr. Moss outlined biomass, fossil fuel, methane and landfill projects to be in the pipeline for Masdar, with an aim to drastically reduce the carbon footprint of the UAE.

He outlined a number of challenges that will have to be overcome in order to achieve viable, long-term succes, and highlighted that "Many developers and organizations in the GCC are nervous about implementing changes into their infrastructures."

In his capacity as representative of Bellona, Norway's largest environmental NGO and as a former advisor to the UN, Mr. Svend Soyland provided attendees with a Civil Society viewpoint of the current Offsetting and Trading Schemes.Case studies were presented by Deutsche Bank and Dubai Electricity & Water Authority (DEWA). Speaking on behalf of DEWA, Mr. Bert Kleinveld, Director 'Special Projects' reiterated the ambitious mission of DEWA, to reduduce GHG emissions and to make Dubai the lowest carbon economy in the region. To advance this goal, DEWA, through its newly launched Dubai Center of Carbon Excellence wil actively advance this goal. Mr. Kleinveld laid out the main focus of of the center and highlightesd its 'Clean Tech Fund' which will focus on clean technologies and and will promote 'Clean Power, Clean Transport, Energy Efficiency, Waste Recovery, Water treatment, and replacement refrigerants.'

Providing participants with an international, regional and local overview, as well as with insights from the corporate, government and civil society sector, the full day workshop offered a well rounded programme, in which the issues were debated from all angles.

Attended by top level executives, finance and CSR specialists, environmental experts and other interested parties, the workshop explored whether Carbon Emissions Offsetting and Trading schemes are indeed a solid global solution in the fight against Climate Change, or merely a convenient white-washing method for rich and powerful organizations that smaller companies cannot keep up with. This highly relevant topic, that was the source of heated and often frustrating debate during the Copenhagen Climate Conference in December 2009, also brought out critical and intense debate during the recent workshop, which was exactly what the organizers had intended. Mrs. Al Marashi, President of the Arabia CSR Network stated in her welcome remarks that 'It is high time for an open and critical debate on this subject' and invited all stakeholders to take active part in it.

In addition to hearing from speakers and being presented with several case studies, participants engaged with presenters in two panel discussions, led by Arabia CSR Network (CSR) advisor Hope Sherwin.

Participants in the workshop, which lasted from 9.00AM to 3.00PM were treated to five star culinary treats, including an extensive lunch, courtesy of the Arabia CSR Network's supporting partner Jumeirah Group. Support was also received from the DIFC, Centre for Excellence who graciously hosted the event as well as Deloitte, who provided generous logistical and financial support for the workshop.

Isramart :Carbon Trading May Have Hit Brick Wall

Isramart news:
Touted by its supporters as the best and cheapest way to fight global warming, carbon trading is losing momentum amid the uncertainty created by the failure of the Copenhagen summit meeting and President Barack Obama’s political troubles in the United States.

Investors are steering clear of energy-saving projects meant to generate carbon credits, and traders in Europe are hunkering down through a period of consolidation that is disappointing to those who had hoped carbon markets would grow quickly into a $2 trillion-a-year business.

While the European Union’s Emission Trading System is ticking along, it is looking increasingly likely to be the only big game in town for years to come. Those who see carbon trading as the best way to cut worldwide emissions quickly are wondering if their vision of a global network of markets, encompassing the United States, Australia, Japan and other countries, will ever be realized.
“That bold vision, clearly, that hit a brick wall at Copenhagen,” said Dieter Helm, a professor of energy policy at the University of Oxford who argues that taxing carbon is a more effective way of ensuring emissions cuts. People will go on trading carbon, he said, “but it’s not where the future lies.”

Negotiators at the December summit meeting failed to deliver an agreement on binding carbon caps for countries around the world, a move that would have positioned carbon trading as a main mechanism for meeting them. And in the United States, Mr. Obama’s political difficulties — highlighted by the Democrats’ loss of the Massachusetts Senate seat long held by the late Edward M. Kennedy — is a setback for his contentious cap-and-trade plan, making it unlikely it will become law this year.

That may mean that carbon trading loses the primacy its advocates had hoped it would have in the fight against global warming. It is instead being sidelined by other approaches, like the E.U. goal of renewable energy accounting for 20 percent of energy production by 2020, Dr. Helm said.

“Clearly, there is a question mark over the role of the carbon markets at an international level,” said Guy Turner, the director of carbon market research at Bloomberg New Energy Finance.

Carbon trading, the centerpiece of the idea known as cap and trade, took off in 2005 when the E.U. launched its market and has grown rapidly since then. Companies in heavy industries like power generation that are part of the system receive credits for the amount of carbon dioxide they are allowed to produce, which is determined by a systemwide limit, or cap.

If a plant emits too much carbon, its owners must buy more credits. Those come either from firms that have excess credits or from projects certified as having reduced emissions in the developing world, for example an energy-efficiency overhaul that cuts the amount of pollution created by a cement plant in China.

Investors in those projects, often environmental finance companies that raise money through public offerings or from big entities like pension funds, make decisions with an eye on the profits to be gained by selling carbon credits, mainly in Europe. The credits can then be traded on exchanges like the European Climate Exchange, based in London, and are ultimately purchased by utilities that need them to offset excess pollution.

The system of creating credits through green projects, called the clean development mechanism, was set up by the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, and its future is in doubt if negotiators fail to create a framework to succeed Kyoto before it expires in 2012.

That uncertainty has made potential investors nervous. “It has become very difficult to raise new money,” Mr. Turner said. “That’s the killer from Copenhagen.”

While green financiers and others are still starting projects in the developing world, those firms cannot count on returns from carbon credits and must find other, more reliable funding streams.
Abyd Karmali, the global head of carbon markets at Bank of America Merrill Lynch and president of the Carbon Markets & Investors Association trade group in London, estimated that new investments in such projects fell 30 percent to 40 percent in 2009 and will probably slide another 40 percent to 50 percent this year.
The failure at Copenhagen also makes it less likely that Europe will adopt a more stringent target for cutting carbon emissions by 2020 than the 20 percent reduction that it has already pledged.

As the Copenhagen conference floundered, E.U. leaders backed away from a deeper 30 percent cut they had considered offering as a carrot to tempt negotiators into a tougher international deal. Deeper emission cuts would increase demand, and therefore prices, for internationally generated carbon credits, and make investment in new projects more appealing, as well as boost the value of credits in Europe.

Worldwide, carbon trading markets were worth $125 billion in 2009, Mr. Turner said. In Europe, which accounts for 70 percent to 80 percent of the total, the market is likely to contract this year, he added.

With the European carbon credit prices down sharply from 2008 to 2009 and likely to remain flat in 2010, in part because the economic slowdown has resulted in lower energy use, many once-bustling London trading desks have quieted, analysts say.

“A number of trading houses might be saying, ‘We had three traders, we might scale back to two,”’ Mr. Turner said.

Richard Gledhill, head of climate change and carbon markets at PricewaterhouseCoopers, said he had been contacted by European traders and others working on international projects who were looking for jobs.

While the European trading system is well established and will remain in place at least until 2020, the market is mature and lacks the growth potential it will have if the United States or other international players decide to start carbon trading, said Sam Fankhauser, a principal fellow at the Grantham Research Institute on Climate and the Environment at the London School of Economics.

That may be just as well, Dr. Helm said. While carbon trading makes sense in theory, implementation in Europe was riddled with special-interest deals and giveaways to industry that made it far less effective than taxing carbon directly, he said. The same would almost certainly apply to any future U.S. system.

In Europe, Dr. Helm said, policy makers should set a floor for the carbon price, to keep it stable and high enough to push big emitters to make cuts.

“Taxes are better than permits,” he said. “But we’re stuck with the permits, so we end up in a world where we have to say: ‘Given we’ve got that system, how can we make it work better?”’

Isramart : Carbon Friendly Submits its Phase I Poland Afforestation PDD for VCS Validation

Isramart news:
Carbon Friendly Solutions Inc. (TSX Venture Exchange: CFQ) ("CFS" or the "Company") is pleased to announce it has submitted its Project Design Document (PDD) for VCS Validation with TUV SUD Carbon Management Service, in Germany, for its Phase I Warmian-Masurian, Poland Afforestation Project (the "Project")

The Project consists of 932.51 hectares of private lands, of which 4,084,972 trees were planted on 671.12 hectares. The Project land was aggregated and afforested in cooperation with CO2 Reduction Poland Sp. z o.o. and eight different private land owners over a 30 year project period and is located in the province of Warmian-Masurian, Northern Poland.

Carbon Friendly CEO Michael Young commented; "We have spent a considerable amount of time and effort to ensure we have developed a high standard Forestry Offset project start to finish. We are excited to continue this process by submitting our PDD for VCS Validation to such a globally recognized and reputable company as TUV SUD."

About VCS

The Voluntary Carbon Standard (VCS) is a leading certification standard for offset credits in the voluntary and emerging compliance markets. The VCS was initiated by The Climate Group, the International Emissions Trading Association, the World Economic Forum and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development. VCS is based upon the requirements of the Clean Development Mechanism and the ISO 14064-2 standard for project-level greenhouse gas emission activities


TUV SUD is an international market leader in the validation and verification of climate change projects worldwide. The team of forestry experts of TUV SUD deliver audit services for all kind of forestry based projects worldwide: atmospheric carbon removal by newly established reforestations and improved forest management practices, as well as greenhouse gas emissions reductions by avoided deforestation and degradation. Overall, the first forestry projects under various carbon standards have been certified by TUV SUD, including the first CDM projects, as well as the first projects according to VCS and CCBA.

About Carbon Friendly Solutions Inc.

Carbon Friendly Solutions Inc. (CFS) is a project proponent that provides solutions for companies, organizations and individuals looking to reduce or offset their global warming impact caused by greenhouse gas emissions while including the generation of carbon credits for sale in the global Voluntary and Compliance markets. Through its wholly owned subsidiaries, Global CO2 Reduction Inc. and CO2 Reduction Poland Sp. z o.o., CFS is focusing on removing and offsetting carbon dioxide emissions from the completion of reforestation, biomass energy and renewable energy technology projects that are independently validated and verified to globally recognized standards and methodologies.

Certain statements included in this News Release contain forward-looking statements, including disclosure concerning possible or assumed future results of operations of the Company. Forward-looking statements typically are preceded by, followed by or include the words - "believes," "expects," "anticipates," "estimates," "intends," "plans," "or similar expressions. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance. They involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions, and the Company's results could differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements. The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.

Isramart : Npower Welcomes Cash Rewards for Low Carbon

Isramart news:
npower has welcomed the Government's announcement regarding Feed-in-Tariff (FIT) levels and urged consumers to buy now to take advantage of the Government scheme.

The scheme offers financial assistance when installing solar PV panels, potentially earning customers GBP986 per year.

Julia Lynch-Williams, Director of Energy Services for npower, commented: "According to Government calculations, consumers generating their own electricity from solar PV panels could earn approximately GBP986 per year from tax free generation payments and bill savings combined.

"The new Feed-in-Tariff arrangement means homeowners have the opportunity to earn more than ever before from generating their own electricity and together with a grant, solar is certainly a more attractive investment than it's ever been. Given that the Government has increased generation levels since the consultation in July, now definitely looks to be the best time to buy."

With a typical installation costing around GBP12,000, FITs will see the payback period considerably reduced.

npower has seen enquiries in solar panels increase by 200 per cent since the Feed-in-Tariffs were first announced in July 2009, and expects this trend to continue.

To help homeowners take advantage of FITs, npower solar offers a complete 'one-stop-shop' service including site survey, grant application support, installation and buy back of excess energy.

npower's website includes guidance for homeowners on solar installations, including a suitability calculator which tells homeowners whether their property is suitable for solar installations and offers a free estimate for installation.

About npower:
npower has 6.6 million residential gas and electricity accounts throughout the UK. npower is a market leader in renewable energy. Consumers can join the energy industry discussion on npower's interactive debating website - the brighter energy debate, where they can post their questions, views and comments.

npower is dedicated to helping UK businesses use energy more efficiently and therefore spend less money on their bills. It aims to have a positive impact on the communities it serves and reduce customers' carbon footprints whilst always improving service.

Npower hometeam installs, and services boilers, in addition to offering boiler repairs and a wide variety of heating cover options in conjunction with homeserve. Those interested in taking part in energy industry discussion can visit npower's interactive debating website where users can post questions, views and comments.

Isramart : Carbon Offsets and Recycling Bins Do Not a Green Olympics Make

Isramart news:
The pressure to green-up the Olympics builds with each games, forcing the host cities to get creative. Like using beetle-chewed wood for your skating center's roof With an unexpected lack of snow making skiers' lives miserable at this year's Olympics, Vancouver is smartly following the trend of going greener than the Olympics before it. Carbon offsets and recycling bins are as old school as a 720 on the snowboard half pipe, so the Canucks had to get a bit more creative to ensure the 2014 games in Russia take place in a world where snow still falls over Sochi in February.

The Richmond Olympic Oval is to Vancouver as the Bird’s Nest was to Beijing (though on a scale more befitting of Vancouver than Beijing). The 8,000-seat, 512,000-square-foot building uses a novel styrofoam insulation beneath the ice to obtain the necessary ice temp, thickness, flatness and hardness for a variety of events. Heat waste from cooling the ice is used to keep the arena warm. The iconic wood wave roof was built with one million feet of timber from trees killed by the pine beetle, the largest such usage in the world. The pine beetle epidemic that’s ravaged the forests in British Columbia (more than14.5 million hectares) is itself a result of consecutively warm winters.

Just how much energy does the greening of the oval save? 43,817kWh in the past week, the equivalent of an individual running 478,000 km. A quick check on the Venue Energy Tracker website will offer such real time data on energy consumption for each Olympic venue. Power company BC Hydro, in conjunction with the Vancouver Organizing Committee, has built the site, and hopes it could serve as an example of what home monitoring could become. See a spike in usage? Try turning off the lights in the popcorn machines. The running plot shows the actual consumption alongside the predicted baseline had green innovations not been added. Greenhouse and energy savings per occupant and per area are also provided along with some nice examples to help visualize savings.
Even the gold will be green in Vancouver. Metal salvaged from recycled televisions, circuit boards, and other such e-waste was purchased by the Royal Canadian Mint from metal company Teck Resources out of Vancouver for $1.24 million to make the 1,014 unique undulating medals. The gold that’s not green will actually be more than 90% silver while the so-called bronze will actually be copper. For more on their unique fabrication, there’s an impressive video about the stamping, milling and etching required to make the medals on the site of the Royal Canadian Mint.

With the summer games in London just two years away, the Brits are determined to play the eternal game of environmental one-upsmanship, hoping to take the title of “greenest games ever” from Vancouver as soon as their flame is lit (hopefully without the technical difficulties). And they're getting creative: The Olympic stadium in East London for the 2012 games will be built, in part, from 52 tons of scrap metal from guns, knives and old keys confiscated by the Metropolitan Police Service (they’ll see your pine beetle and raise you). Even the streets will be paved in green with plans for 16,000 slabs of energy sucking sidewalks that use deformations in a rubber disc beneath the slap to store energy that will power street lights and subway systems.

Isramart : Bend startup is banking on carbon credits

Isramart news:
The climate change legislation passed last year in the House of Representatives is commonly called “cap and trade.” Though the bill's fate is uncertain, the nickname is a reference to regulations that would cap greenhouse gas emissions and create a framework for trading so-called “carbon credits” between those entities that produce excess greenhouse gases and those that destroy or sequester them.

Though the science behind such legislation is hotly debated, proponents and critics alike say the carbon credit market could be lucrative, perhaps worth $700 billion by 2013, according to Specialists in Business Information, a Washington, D.C.-based research firm.

Voluntary carbon credit trading markets, such as the Chicago Climate Exchange, already exist.

However, Oregon has indicated its interest in developing its own cap and trade system, as part of the Western Climate Initiative, a consortium of Western states and Canadian provinces that have committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Hoping to capitalize on the nascent carbon credit trade is a Bend startup, First Record Carbon LLC. Its first project successfully kicked off in 2008, when it registered carbon credits at Knott Landfill for the benefit of Deschutes County.

More recently, it has begun working with agribusiness giant Cargill Inc. on a similar project at an Idaho dairy, said Jay Castino, the company's founder.

So how does it work? What are carbon credits, and who buys them?

To answer those questions, it might help to explain how Castino got into the business.

A mechanical engineer, Castino said he's always been interested in waste-to-energy projects. A few years ago, he started poking around Knott Landfill, curious as to what the landfill was doing with its methane emissions.

Methane is a natural, carbon-based byproduct of decomposition. At landfills, it is commonly burned off — or flared, in industry parlance — either to satisfy air-quality regulations or, in the case of Knott Landfill, to prevent the foul-smelling gas from affecting nearby residents, said Timm Schimke, the county's director of solid waste.

The gas also can be flared to generate electricity. But landfill-based waste-to-energy projects remain costly and don't easily pencil in the Pacific Northwest, which has the cheapest electricity rates in the country, thanks to abundant hydropower, Castino said.

But in his poking around, Castino realized the county, by burning methane, was destroying a greenhouse gas many times more potent than carbon dioxide. Methane combustion does produce water and carbon dioxide — also a greenhouse gas — but methane absorbs more of the sun's infrared radiation than carbon dioxide.

In the world of carbon credit trading, the landfill's act of destroying methane — or reducing a greenhouse gas emission — is commoditized. In other words, the landfill was generating carbon credits that could be sold or traded.

“Jay came in and said, ‘You might have a viable (carbon credit) project there,'” Schimke said. “I was aware of the concept but hadn't considered whether we had a viable project until he came into the office.”

So who buys carbon credits? In a typical situation, a buyer would be an entity that produces more greenhouse gas emissions than are allowed or accepted by either government regulation or voluntary caps. The purchased credits would offset the excess emissions, allowing the entity to declare itself “carbon neutral.”

Currently, the biggest market for carbon credits in the U.S. is the Chicago Climate Exchange, a Chicago-based futures exchange founded in 2003. It is a voluntary, though legally binding, futures market for carbon credits.

With the county's permission, Castino began developing a system to track how many carbon credits the landfill was generating. Castino then registered his findings with the Chicago Climate Exchange, and the results were verified by a third party.

In May 2008, the landfill sold its first batch of carbon credits, netting $8,000. Castino's company earned a small commission.

But the county has not sold any credits since. Instead, the county is banking the credits it produces in hopes they will become more valuable when federal or state legislation mandates a cap and trade system.

“(They're) waiting for a legal framework because that drives the price up,” Castino said. “Right now, the only reason people buy these things is for social responsibility, or climate guilt.”

Currently on the Chicago Climate Exchange, carbon credits are trading for between 10 and 15 cents. The peak price was more than $7 in summer 2008.

(The actual units traded on the Chicago Climate Exchange are called carbon financial instruments. One CFI equals 100 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent. The Environmental Protection Agency defines carbon dioxide equivalent as a measurement unit used to compare the emissions from various greenhouse gases based upon their global warming potential.)

The exchange also tracks privately negotiated carbon credit sales among its 400 members. Those deals have netted prices for carbon credits, also called offsets, that range from 15 cents to $2 in the last four months.

In addition to a commission on sale, First Record Carbon also earns money by charging the county a subscription fee in exchange for cataloging how many carbon credits the landfill's methane flaring is generating. Castino's company uses a Web-enabled database application to track the credits and “bank” them for the landfill.

Castino has a patent pending on the system, which he dubs the CarbonCreditor. It allows customers to track how many carbon credits have been generated as well as calculate the expected future supply.

His company has three employees, who share office space in a former cabinet shop on Bend's First Street. Castino's company was among 10 selected to make an investment pitch at the 2009 Bend Venture Conference, and the company is currently looking for investment backing.

Castino likes to steer clear of the political debate regarding global warming and climate change. His mantra is more pragmatic: “Sell picks and shovels,” he says, referring to the generally more successful merchants who sold mining materials to the mostly unsuccessful miners during the nation's past gold rushes.

“On one hand, some people think (cap and trade is) another way to tax people, but on the other, people think it's a way to indirectly finance renewable-energy projects and transition to a cleaner, greener world,” Castino said.

Regardless of whether federal legislation is passed, California, along with the Canadian provinces of Quebec and Ontario, plan to open a cap and trade market in 2012.

Oregon companies would be able to participate in that market because the state is a partner in the Western Climate Initiative, said Bill Drumheller, a senior policy analyst for the Oregon Department of Energy.

The WCI is a policy framework targeted at reducing greenhouse gas emissions that Gov. Ted Kulongoski adopted in 2007 along with the governors of Arizona, California, New Mexico and Washington. The WCI has since been joined by Montana and Utah as well as the Canadian provinces of British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec.

However, in California, a petition drive is under way to scale back the state's global warming legislation, passed into law in 2006, and the state's planned cap and trade market. Additionally, the governor of Arizona announced last week the state would pull out of the WCI due to the potential economic impact of a cap and trade system.

Ted Costa, a Californian who is helping launch the petition drive, said a cap and trade market would have an adverse effect on the economy.

“Only the biggest corporations will be able to buy these credits,” Costa said. “Small business won't. It makes no sense whatsoever.”

But Drumheller believes carbon credit trading in whatever form is a field that's likely to explode in the coming years and said he sees more entrepreneurs entering the space every day.

Adds Castino: “Industry can see the writing on the wall, regardless of the status of the federal climate legislation. Interstate policy is not waiting to begin market-based mitigation on the effects of climate change.”

Luke Dupin and Jay Castino, of First Record Carbon, pose in their Bend office. The duo's company is a startup that helps client organizations tap into the world of carbon credit trading.

First Record Carbon LLC partners Luke Dupin, left, and Jay Castino created a system that allows customers to track how many carbon credits they have generated.