Monday, February 28, 2011

Isra-Mart srl:Cat te costa sa-ti pui panouri solare prin programul Casa Verde?

Isra-Mart srl news:

Prin programul Casa Verde, care urmeaza sa fie reluat in martie, o casa in care locuiesc 3-5 persoane poate beneficia de un sistem de panouri solare pentru apa calda la un pret care sa se incadreze in fondurile oferite de stat. Cheltuielile cresc insa atunci cand numarul locatarilor este mai mare, in cazul in care proprietarii doresc si incalzire prin panouri solare, ori cand panourile sunt de o calitate foarte buna.

Sistemele de panouri solare pentru case pot fi de trei tipuri: pentru apa calda doar in timpul verii, pentru apa calda tot anul sau pentru apa calda si aport la caldura.

Necesarul de energie se calculeaza in functie de numarul locatarilor care folosesc apa calda din boilerul conectat la panou. Astfel, pentru o locuinta in care traiesc 3-5 persoane, este suficient un boiler de 135-162 litri, a explicat pentru “Green Report” Adrian Berneaga, directorul firmei Solar Duo Best.

Necesarul de apa calda, acoperit pana la 100%

Un astfel de panou acopera necesarul de apa calda al unei locuinte intr-un procent de 80-100%. De primavara pana toamna, razele solare sunt suficiente pentru a acoperi intreaga cerere de apa calda, iar in timpul iernii, procentul este in jur de 75%.

De asemenea, sistemele cu aport la caldura pot furniza intre 30 si 40% din energia termica intr-o locuinta. Acest procent depinde de intensitatea razelor solare.

Cat platesti, atata face

Panoul solar necesar pentru a alimenta un asemenea boiler costa 6.000 de lei, exact cat finantarea oferita prin Administratia Fondului de Mediu. Astfel, doritorii nu mai trebuie sa scoata bani din buzunar pentru panou, instalare, racordare sau manopera. Singurele cheltuieli suplimentare apar in cazul panourilor mai scumpe, cu garantie mai mare.

“Pentru o casa cu 3-5 locatari, noi oferim un panou la 8.000 de lei, deci clientul trebuie sa plateasca diferenta de 2.000 de lei. Insa oferim o durata medie de viata de 25 de ani si 5 ani garantie. Din pacate, sunt foarte multe firme pe piata care importa panourile din China, avand doar un an garantie, perioada minima pe care o cere statul, iar de regula pensionarii apeleaza la acestea, deoarece finantarea le acopera toata cheltuiala. Insa ii tine fix un an panoul”, a declarat Lucian Golea, distribuitor de panouri solare prin firma Akuna Sol SRL.

De asemenea, sunt mai costisitoare sistemele care ofera nu numai apa calda menajera, dar si aport la caldura.

Birocratia prelungeste obtinerea banilor pana la 4 luni

Cel mai lung pas al intregii proceduri de accesare a finantarii pentru panouri solare prin Casa Verde este analiza cererii depuse la AFM. Acest proces poate dura intre doua si patru luni.

“Este foarte greu de explicat de ce dureaza asa de mult. Eu va spun in cunostinta de cauza, deoarece am vorbit cu juristi, cu experti de la AFM: dosarul este standard, are documente simple, iar analiza ar trebui sa dureze cel mult o jumatate de ora”, a adaugat Afrian Berneaga.

Dupa obtinerea aprobarii, solicitantul are la dispozitie un an sa execute lucrarea. Instalarea panoului, cu toate pregatirile necesare, dureaza o zi sau doua. Dupa doua zile se face proba lucrarii, iar solicitantul poate depune actele pentru a primi plata de la AFM. De regula, banii sunt primiti in 2-5 saptamani.

Isra-Mart srl:Investitorii din Orientul Mijlociu, atrasi de terenurile agricole din Romania

Isra-Mart srl news:

Investitori din Orientul Mijlociu - Qatar, Arabia Saudita si Emiratele Arabe Unite - si-au exprimat interesul pentru terenuri agricole in Romania, in vederea cresterii securitatii aprovizionarii cu alimente, arata o analiza Reuters a sistemului agricol romanesc.

”Exista un potential urias pentru afacerile din sectorul agricol si al fermelor”, crede Per Villumsen, conducator al companiei daneze FirstFarms, ce detine peste 7.000 de hectare de teren agricol in Romania. Potrivit acestuia, posibilitatile de dezvoltare din tara noastra sunt asemanatoare cu cele care existau in SUA, in urma cu 100 de ani. ”Inainte, oamenii plecau in cautarea succesului spre vest, acum se indreapta spre est”, a mai spus Villumsen.

Preturile terenurilor romanesti destinate agriculturii sunt estimate la aproximativ 2.000 de euro pe hectar, ce reprezinta, in medie, 15%-20% din pretul terenurilor din Marea Britanie şi Germania, potrivit lui Richard Warburton, managing director al fondului de investitii suedez Kinnevik Agri.

Pretul scazut este un stimulent puternic pentru investitori. Totusi, acesta vine cu ”la pachet” cu nesiguranta privind regimul juridic al terenurilor si multitudinea de proprietari. Potentialii cumparatori ar putea fi nevoiti sa negocieze cu 100 de proprietari diferiti, fiecare cu cate un hectar sau doua, iar unele proprietati sunt greu de stabilit din cauza registrelor incorecte.

Agricultura ar putea fi motorul economiei

Potrivit analizei, intentia autoritatilor romane de a introduce o taxa pe terenurile agricole necultivate va incuraja tranzactia cu terenuri, facilitand ulterior achizitia unor suprafete fertile mai mari si conducand astfel la cresterea productiei de culturi traditionale precum graul si porumbul.

Taxa de 100 de euro pentru fiecare hectar necultivat inca asteapta aprobarea Guvernului, dar se asteapta sa grabeasca consolidarea si marirea productiei in contextul cresterii fara precedent a pretului la alimente.

Aproximativ o treime din cele 9 milioane de hectare de teren arabil din Romania este lasat de izbeliste, iar restul este cultivat prin metode ineficiente. De cele mai multe ori, la originea terenurilor necultivate sunt fragmentarea suprafetelor agricole si regimul incert al proprietatilor revendicate.

Analiza Reuters mai arata ca Romania trebuie sa utilizeze mai bine fondurile europene. Potrivit datelor raportate de autoritati, agricultorii romani au reusit sa obtina doar 10% din banii disponibili pana in 2013. ”Romania ar trebui sa ia exemplul Noii Zeelande, o natiune moderna cu o productie agricola importanta. Agricultura si alimentele ar trebui sa fie motorul economiei romanesti”, a spus Stuart Meikle, analist de agricultura si autor al publicatiei

Isra-Mart srl:Researchers give thumbs up to vertical-axis wind offshore turbines

Isra-Mart srl news:

The company behind an innovative vertical-axis offshore wind turbine design that promises to slash the cost of wind energy is on the hunt for technical partners and investors, after a two-year research project concluded that the technology could provide a viable alternative to conventional turbines.

The £2.8m Nova project, a consortium incorporating a number of universities, engineering firms and the Energy Technologies Institute, examined a vertical-axis turbine design known as the Aerogenerator that has been developed by UK-based startup Wind Power Ltd.

It today published the results of its feasibility study, concluding that the design could provide a "credible" and potentially lower-cost alternative to traditional horizontal offshore turbines in some circumstances.

ETI chief executive, Dr David Clarke, counselled that it was still "early days" for the project, but expressed optimism that the design could reduce the cost of offshore wind energy by making turbines easier to access and maintain, and ensuring they can better exploit the high winds typically found in deep-water areas.

"The study looked at both fixed and floating structures and concluded that floating turbines could be placed in deep-water areas of more than 60 metres, which benefit from higher wind speeds," he said. "This would help to reduce the cost of electricity generated by wind power."

Speaking to BusinessGreen, Wind Power founder Theo Bird said that the company was now seeking technical partners to begin work on a 1MW prototype device and had received expressions of interest from sites around the world that want to host the world's first vertical-axis turbine.

He added that the company was in the process of appointing engineering giant Arup as project management engineer for the initiative and was aiming to get its first device in the water by 2015.

The company is also looking to raise funds for the project, although Bird said the firm had no intention of creating a "cathedral of cost" and currently estimates that it can complete the next phase of the project for around £30m. "It is not a lot given the huge scale of the opportunity," he said.

Isra-Mart srl:Ernst & Young: Government cuts hamper renewable energy transition

Isra-Mart srl news:

Ernst & Young will today release the latest analysis of global renewable energy markets with a warning that government spending cuts are threatening to undermine the industry's continued expansion.

The latest update of the consultancy giant's Renewable Energy Country Attractiveness Indices confirms that overall investment in clean energy hit record levels during 2010, rising 30 per cent year-on-year to $243bn, according to figures from analyst firm Bloomberg Energy Finance.

However, the report, which rates countries based on their renewable energy policies, technologies and infrastructure, found significant country-to-country variations in the level of support available to renewable energy projects.

For example, China again cemented its position as the most attractive market for renewable energy investment with total wind energy capacity soaring 64 per cent year-on-year to 42GW, while the US market continued to expand after the Obama administration extended its high-profile Treasury Grant Program and announced plans for new clean energy targets.

However, the outlook was mixed for many other countries as governments sought to tackle budget deficits by trimming renewable energy incentives. For example, feed-in tariff incentives were cut in Spain, Germany and Italy, while France imposed a three-month ban on new projects, and the Netherlands and Australia also scaled back incentives.

The UK remained fifth in the Ernst & Young rankings as the promise of improved support for clean energy contained in the government's Electricity Market Reforms was offset by the uncertainty created by the controversial decision to order an early review of feed-in tariff incentives for some solar projects.

"While the UK government can be commended for starting to create an energy market that reduces risk to investors, there is some uncertainty as to whether the new proposals will encourage competition and create a level playing field for investors," said Ben Warren, energy and environmental infrastructure advisory leader at Ernst & Young. "There is also concern over whether the proposed arrangements may end up too complex for investors to navigate."

He added that the willingness of some governments to scale back renewable energy incentives could impact long-term efforts to curb carbon emissions.

"Where energy policy is less directly linked to job growth in the clean energy sector, we are finding governments and policy-setters increasingly focused on delivering a low-carbon economy in the most affordable manner, possibly at the cost of longer-term economic value," he said. "Time will tell whether white-flag-waving, in terms of CO2 reduction ambitions and the pursuit of investment, will prove costly in some of the more mature renewable energy markets."

The report comes just a week after a landmark report from the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) concluded that the development of a green economy would lead to better GDP growth than business-as-usual and would require investment totalling just two per cent of GDP.

Isra-Mart srl:Reports: South Korea carbon trading scheme to launch in 2015

Isra-Mart srl news:

South Korea's long-awaited emissions cap-and-trade scheme will come into effect from the start of 2015, according to local media reports.

Quoting senior government officials, the Korea Economic Daily reported over the weekend that the government is poised to present a revised carbon trading bill that will essentially water down previous proposals following intense lobbying from industry groups.

The bill, which still requires parliamentary approval, would result in a national emissions trading scheme coming into effect from 1 January 2015, two years later than originally planned.

The paper also quoted the prime minister's office as saying that the revised bill "increased [the] percentage of free carbon allowances to reduce burdens on companies". The percentage of free allowances is now expected to rise from 90 to 95 per cent of all allowances.

South Korea has won plaudits from green businesses and clean tech firms for investing over 80 per cent of its economic stimulus package in low-carbon projects and committing to cut emissions by 30 per cent against business as usual levels by 2020.

However, the government has consistently struggled to secure support from industry for its proposed emissions trading scheme, which has been repeatedly delayed and watered down. Last month, business groups stepped up calls for a moratorium for the plans, arguing that South Korea's export-led economy would be put at a competitive disadvantage as a result of the scheme.

The news comes just days after the Australian government announced that it would move to introduce some form of carbon pricing mechanism by mid-2012, despite continued resistance from the opposition Liberal party and some industrial groups.

Isra-Mart srl:Carbon and energy software spending to hit $207m in 2011

Isra-Mart srl news:

Industries such as oil and gas, telecommunications and utilities are poised to push spending on carbon and energy software to $207m this year.

The market could top $558m by 2014, according to UK-based research firm Verdantix. In a new report out last week, the company predicted the carbon and energy software market would grow by a compound annual growth rate of 51 percent between 2010 and 2014.

"In 2011 the US market for carbon and energy management software will expand to meet the needs of early majority buyers," said Verdantix Analyst Peter Charville-Mort in a statement. "From 2012 we will see a second wave of more cautious buyers entering the market. They will build on the successes of sustainability visionaries like Becker Underwood and $10bn revenue firms like Chevron and DuPont. Firms which recently appointed chief sustainability officers will lead the second wave of demand for carbon and energy software."

Seven sectors are leading the charge for energy and carbon software, Verdantix said, including oil and gas, telecommunications, utilities, technology, retail, banks, and industrial engineering. Verdantix predicts the carbon and energy software industry will see its largest growth spurt between 2011 and 2012 before experiencing a decline to growth levels that could still be considered quite high.

Overall, the increase in spending on carbon and energy software will benefit many of the major players, such as CA Technologies, Enviance and Hara. Verdantix expects there to be a consolidation in software vendors between 2011 and 2012 as underfunded companies head for bankruptcy and others get gobbled up by their competitors. Verdantix predicts the current field of 28 leading vendors to slim down to about 10 by 2012.

"Compound annual growth above 50 per cent is good news for the market but by 2012 software firms without sufficient venture capital backing and those that failed to secure services partnerships will fall by the wayside," Verdantix Director David Metcalfe said in a statement.

Deloitte has partnered with the likes of CA Technologies, Hara, IHS, SAP and Tririga to help customers deploy carbon and energy software, a trend that will continue as deployments grow in scale and complexity. Other software vendors are partnering with consulting firms that can help customers take action with the information gathered, such as CH2M Hill and WSP Environment and Energy.

Other software firms are finding opportunities in outsourcing services, Verdantix said, pointing to the recent announcement that CA Technologies and Capgemini would partner for a managed sustainability service based on CA Technologies ecoSoftware platform.

Isra-Mart srl:Green signal for high-speed rail consultation

Isra-Mart srl news:

The Department for Transport has today launched the consultation exercise on its proposals for a £32bn high-speed rail network, predicting the controversial project will deliver £44bn of economic benefits over the next 60 years.

Transport minister Philip Hammond this morning unveiled the consultation on the initial 140-mile High Speed Rail 2 (HS2) route between London and Birmingham, urging businesses and interested parties to contribute to the debate on whether the UK needs a high-speed rail network.

The proposed connection with the Midlands is set to cost £17bn, slashing journey times between London and Birmingham to less than 50 minutes. Plans unveiled in December propose that the next stage of the project will continue via two branches through Manchester and Leeds to Scotland, as well as link with Heathrow and the HS1 route, which connects London and the Channel Tunnel.

Subject to the outcome of the consultation, the government hopes construction work would begin around 2015, with the line to the West Midlands completed by 2026 and the legs to Manchester and Leeds finished in 2032-2033.

The government is keen to pursue its flagship transport policy and has been touting both the economic and environmental benefits of the project, arguing that it expects the network to shift as many as six million air trips and nine million road trips a year onto the new rail network.

But the proposed route would see 250mph trains dissecting the picturesque Chilterns, an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), up to 14 times an hour – a prospect which has been met with uproar by residents and their primarily Conservative MPs.

The government has said the track passing through the Chilterns would be housed in tunnels, cuttings or run alongside the A413 main road for all but 1.2 miles and has promised a full Environmental Impact Assessment if the project moves forward.

Hammond also pointed to predicted economic benefits of around £44bn and fare revenues of around £27bn over a 60-year period, calling for the public to back the scheme in the "national interest".

"High-speed rail offers us a once-in-a-generation opportunity to transform the way we travel in the 21st century and would help us build a modern economy fit for the future," Hammond said. "Countries across Europe and Asia are already pressing ahead with ambitious plans for high-speed rail, while some of our key rail arteries are getting ever closer to capacity. We cannot afford to be left behind – investing in high-speed rail now is vital to the prosperity of future generations.

"Of course we will do everything we can to mitigate the impacts on areas like the Chilterns, but projects like this have to be decided on the basis of the national interest and the overall net benefits it will bring to Britain."

But campaigners near the proposed route remain unconvinced, labelling the scheme a "multi-billion pound white elephant" and calling into question government claims that the project will create 40,000 new jobs.

Environmental groups are also cautious about the proposals, generally supporting the concept of increased investment in high-speed rail, but warning it could distract from more urgent public transport upgrades.

Richard Hebditch, campaigns director at Campaign for Better Transport, warned the government may lose sight of the need to improve the whole rail network amid the battle to push through HS2.

"We're very worried that ministers will need to cut budgets elsewhere to pay for high-speed rail," Hebditch said. "That could mean even steeper fare rises and cuts in local rail services in order to pay for it. And the best way for rail to offer a greener alternative is to electrify much more of the network but plans for electrification could be put back as high-speed rail eats up all the funding."

Isra-Mart srl:Top Chinese official warns pollution harms growth prospects

Isra-Mart srl news:

The Chinese government has again signaled that its upcoming five year plan will incorporate tough new environmental rules and increased investment in clean technology after the nation's environment minister offered an explicit warning that environmental damage was harming the country's growth prospects.

Writing today in his ministry's newsletter, Zhou Shengxian reportedly provided one of the bluntest assessments of China's environmental challenges offered to date by a senior government official.

"In China's thousands of years of civilization, the conflict between humanity and nature has never been as serious as it is today," he wrote. "The depletion, deterioration and exhaustion of resources and the deterioration of the environment have become serious bottlenecks constraining economic and social development."

The essay appears to be part of a co-ordinated attempt by the government to prepare the ground for its next five year plan, which is widely expected to herald a major acceleration in the country's efforts to curb greenhouse gas emissions and develop a more sustainable economic model.

In addition, Premier Wen Jiabao reportedly said over the weekend that the country should aim for cleaner growth, while reports earlier this month confirmed that vice premier Li Kequiang has similarly called for major green tax reforms and energy saving initiatives as part of the next five year plan.

According to various reports, the plan, which is expected to be finalised later this month, will see $1.5tr invested over the next five years in a range of high tech industries, including alternative energy, energy-efficient technologies, advanced materials, and alternative-fuel cars.

Zhou warned that such investments in cleaner technologies are essential if long-term economic growth is to be maintained.

He also revealed that the environment ministry will play an increasingly proactive role in tackling pollution and is working on a "risk assessment system for atmospheric pollutants and climate change" that will see the climate change impact of new projects considered before they get the go-ahead.

Isra-Mart srl:Icelandic pipe dream promises green power exports

Isra-Mart srl news:

The Icelandic government is examining the feasibility of transmitting up to 18 terawatt-hours (TWh) of geothermal and hydropower to the UK each year as part of its efforts to revitalise the island's stricken economy.

Ambitious plans designed to establish Iceland as a major exporter of clean energy have been mooted for years, but now state-owned utility Landsvirkjun is looking to revive the project with the launch of a detailed feasibility study.

The company, which currently produces 75 per cent of Iceland's electricity, is exploring plans for a 727-mile transmission cable that would connect the island to Scotland and could enable energy exports worth up to $1.2bn (£0.74bn), allowing Iceland to rival Norway in terms of energy revenue per-capita.

The $2.1bn project would result in the longest transmission cable in the world and as such is likely to face numerous technical challenges.

However, Industry Minister Katrin Juliusdottir told news agency Bloomberg this week that the project has the full backing of the government.

"We have to consider options that allow us to generate the greatest amount of revenue," Juliusdottir told Bloomberg. "Connecting Iceland with Europe via cable gives us the chance to sell our excess power onto the spot market in Europe."

Iceland produced just over 17TWh of electricity in 2010, the vast majority of which went to four large smelters, with 73 per cent coming from hydropower fuelled by glacial run-off and 27 per cent from geothermal sources.

However, the government estimates that 75 per cent of the island's energy resources are underdeveloped and that output could double or triple over the next 30 years if more environmentally sensitive areas are exploited. It sold geothermal firm HS Orka hf to Canada's Magma Energy last year with a brief to diversify to industries beyond smelters, such as data centres and chemical industries.

The cable could also feed into the EU's proposed North Sea super-grid project, which aims to help back up increased wind energy capacity with more predictable renewable sources, such as hydro and geothermal.

Isra-Mart srl:Further investment funds shelve solar plans following feed-in tariff review

Isra-Mart srl news:

Boutique investment firm Triplepoint has reportedly become the latest investor to shelve its interest in solar projects, following the government's controversial decision to conduct a fast-track review of the feed-in tariff incentives available to larger solar installations.

According to reports from news agency Citywire, the firm has suspended the launch of its planned £100m Solar Income fund and is now awaiting "greater clarity" on the future of the feed-in tariff scheme before moving forward with its renewable energy investment plans.

"We've pressed the pause button on the investment programme," Chris Tottle, a principal at Triplepoint, told Citywire. "We are not going to be accepting any new capital."

The company is at least the fourth firm to postpone solar investment plans in the wake of the government's decision to review the level of feed-in tariff support for solar installations with more than 50kW capacity.

Matrix last week suspended its clean energy fund, while Ingenious also announced it was closing its two solar funds. Similarly, Andrew Newman, finance director of Low Carbon Investors (LCI), told BusinessGreen earlier this month that the company had shelved all investment plans for large solar photovoltaic projects until the fast-track review is finalised, while ethical investor Triodos Bank is said to be reconsidering whether to continue with solar farm investments.

Ministers maintain the early review of incentives is necessary to avoid a "gold rush" by large solar farm developers that threatens to eat into the limited funds available for feed-in tariffs.

But industry insiders are furious at the decision, insisting the government has breached a promise to provide investors with details of a "trigger point" that would lead to an early review and undermined confidence across the sector by launching an early review of mid-sized as well as large solar installations.

It also emerged last week that to date just £6.3m has been paid to households and businesses that have installed renewable energy technologies under the feed-in tariff scheme during the first nine months of its operation – well short of the £30m to £51m believed to have been budgeted by the government for the first year of the scheme.

Isra-Mart srl:Businesses face five per cent hike in water bills

Isra-Mart srl news:

Businesses will face a hike in water bills of around five per cent over the next year, according to new figures from industry regulator Ofwat.

The watchdog confirmed late last week that household water and sewerage bills in England and Wales for 2011-12 will rise by 4.6 per cent, meaning the average bill will increase roughly in line with inflation to £356 a year.

Average bills for businesses are harder to quantify as all firms are metered and many negotiate contracts with utilities on a case-by-case basis. However, a spokesman for Ofwat confirmed the average increase in charges for non-household customers for next year will stand at around five per cent, fractionally above the November RPI inflation rate of 4.7 per cent.

The watchdog said the final price settlement was around 10 per cent lower than the figure requested by water companies – a decision that is bound to spark fresh concerns across the industry that it could struggle to fund the necessary increase in investment in flood defence and climate adaptation projects.

The price settlement also includes plans for water companies to meet strict new water efficiency targets that require them to increase metering and reduce leakage with a view to saving 100 billion litres a year by 2015, as well as proposals that will see the industry step up investment in renewable energy projects and river protection.

"No one wants to see bills increasing, particular in tough economic times," said Ofwat chief executive Regina Finn. "When we set limits on prices, we listened to customers and challenged companies hard. That's why average bills are set to remain broadly in line with inflation up until 2015, while companies are investing more than ever before, £22bn."

However, the five per cent hike in non-household bills is still expected to intensify pressure on businesses to invest in improved water efficiency measures.

Isra-Mart srl:80.000 Wärmepumpen gegen hohe Heizkosten

Isra-Mart srl news:

Wärmepumpen nutzen regenerative Umweltwärme, wie z.B. Wasser, Erdwärme oder Luft als Energiequelle und bringen sie mithilfe des Kältekreislaufes auf ein höheres und damit für die Heizung nutzbares Temperaturniveau. In der Energieregion NRW sind zurzeit rund 80.000 Wärmepumpen in Betrieb. Vor fünf Jahren waren es erst 32.000 Wärmepumpen. Diese Zahlen veröffentlichte nun die EnergieAgentur.NRW, die im Auftrag des NRW-Klimaschutzministeriums den Wärmepumpen-Marktplatz NRW betreibt.

Neben der energetischen Sanierung der Gebäudehülle steckt das größte Einsparungspotential in der Heizungstechnik. Hier bietet sich die Nutzung effizienter Wärmepumpen an. Durch neue Entwicklungen im Bereich der Kompressoren und der Kältemittel sind Wärmepumpen nicht mehr nur für Neubauten interessant, sondern bieten jetzt gerade im Gebäudebestand viele Vorteile. Auch die Einbindung einer solarthermischen Anlage zur Warmwasserbereitung ist problemlos möglich und hilft, die Effizienz weiter zu steigern. Wer Wärmepumpen CO2-frei betreiben möchte, kann mit einer Photovoltaikanlage so viel Strom im Jahr selber produzieren, wie seine Wärmepumpe verbraucht.

Isra-Mart srl:Photovoltaik: Mehrertrag auf teilverschatteten Dächern

Isra-Mart srl news:

Leistungsoptimierer insbesondere auf teilverschatteten Dächern einen deutlichen Mehrertrag ermöglicht. Als erster Hersteller bietet SOLON damit ein solches System aus einer Hand.

SOLON SOLraise ist ein Komplett-System bestehend aus einem SOLON-Modul mit eingebautem DC/DC Leistungsoptimierer, einem darauf abgestimmten Wechselrichter sowie einem webbasierten Monitoring-System. Zudem kann das System im Brandfall komplett spannungsfrei geschaltet werden, was eine hohe Sicherheit für Anlagenbesitzer, Installateure und die Feuerwehr garantiert. Technikpartner von SOLON ist SolarEdge, ein führendes Unternehmen im Bereich Leistungsoptimierung und Monitoringtechnologie.

Bisher galt, dass der Energieertrag einer Solaranlage von der Leistung des schwächsten Solarmoduls bestimmt wurde. Solarteure empfahlen deshalb, zeitweise verschattete Dachbereiche großzügig auszusparen. Mit SOLON SOLraise, ein für SOLON-Module optimiertes DC/DC System, erschließen sich neue Möglichkeiten. Der in jedes einzelne Modul integrierte Leistungsoptimierer erhöht den Energieertrag durch kontinuierliches, modulinternes MPP-Tracking. Dadurch werden Mismatchverluste, das heißt Verluste bedingt durch unterschiedliche Leistungsvermögen der in Reihe geschalteten Module, vermieden und Anlagen-Mehrerträge von bis zu 25 % ermöglicht.

Im Wechselrichter befindet sich serienmäßig eine Kommunikationseinheit, welche die Leistungsdaten modulgenau auf einen Server überträgt. Die Leistung der Anlage kann über ein webbasiertes Monitoringportal jederzeit am eigenen Computer oder sogar mobil auf dem Smartphone überwacht werden. Das ermöglicht frühzeitige Fehlererkennung bis hin zur Modulebene.

Isra-Mart srl:PowerWind verkauft 10 Windenergieanlagen nach Bulgarien

Isra-Mart srl news:

Die PowerWind GmbH hat weitere 10 Windenergieanlagen nach Bulgarien verkauft. Die Turbinen vom Typ PowerWind 56 mit einer Nennleistung von jeweils 900 Kilowatt werden bis Ende 2011 an verschiedenen Standorten am Schwarzen Meer (Hadji Dimitar, Poruchik Chunchevo), sowie im Landesinneren (Stara Kresna, Stara Zagora) installiert. Fünf der Anlagen gehen an den bulgarischen Projektentwickler MTK Group, drei an die Firma Ruah ODD und zwei an Trakia Ecoenergia Ltd.

Die erste PowerWind-Anlage in Bulgarien ist seit Dezember 2009 bei Hadji Dimitar in Betrieb. Durch die Kooperation mit dem bulgarischen Serviceunternehmen ABC Windfarm Ltd. kann der deutsche Hersteller allen bulgarischen Kunden schnellen und hochwertigen Service anbieten.

Isra-Mart srl:International Geothermal Association jetzt in Bochum

Isra-Mart srl news:

Die Geschäftsstelle des geothermischen Weltverbandes „International Geothermal Association“ (IGA) nimmt in Bochum ihre Arbeit auf. Bei der Wahl des neuen Gastlandes konnte sich die deutsche Bewerbung gegen eine internationale Konkurrenz durchsetzen und unterstreicht damit die wachsende Bedeutung der hiesigen Geothermieszene.

Die Geschäftsstelle der IGA ist seit dem 1. Januar 2011 offiziell in Deutschland angesiedelt. Der globale Dachverband der geothermischen Gesellschaften mit mehr als 5.000 Mitgliedern aus 65 Ländern wird bis Dezember 2015 aus Bochum koordiniert. Der GtV-Bundesverband Geothermie hatte bereits im Mai 2010 den Zuschlag bekommen, den rotierenden Sitz der IGA für die kommenden fünf Jahre als Gastgeber zu übernehmen. Im Rahmen eines Kooperationsabkommens unterstützen die Hochschule Bochum, die EnergieAgentur.NRW und das Geothermiezentrum Bochum den Verband bei der Trägerschaft. Finanziert wird der neue IGA-Standort Bochum durch das Land Nordrhein-Westfalen.

Isra-Mart srl:Gebäudeautomation: Neuer Leitfaden beschreibt einheitliche und strukturierte Vorgehensweise

Isra-Mart srl news:

Gebäudeautomation ist nicht nur eine technische Herausforderung. Sie erfordert auch ein hohes Maß an Kommunikation und Transparenz. Prof. Dr. Michael Krödel von der Hochschule Rosenheim hat hierzu einen neuen Leitfaden veröffentlicht, der den Weg hin zu einer verständlichen Beratung und einem strukturierten und nachvollziehbaren Planungsprozess für die Gebäudeautomation weist. Der kostenlose Leitfaden wird zudem durch Excel- und Powerpoint-Vorlagen ergänzt, mit denen die Übertragung der Vorgehensweise auf eigene Projekte erleichtert wird.

Der Leitfaden „Beratungs- und Planungsleitfaden für die Gebäudeautomation“ beschreibt eine Vorgehensweise, die mit einer für den Nutzer verständlichen Beratung beginnt und dann in einen strukturierten und nachvollziehbaren Prozess übergeht. Der Gesamtprozess zur Einführung oder zum weiteren Ausbau von Gebäudeautomation gliedert sich in vier grundsätzliche Abschnitte. Die ersten beiden Abschnitte "Beratung" und "Planung" werden im Leitfaden eingehend erläutert und anhand eines konkreten Beispiels detailliert dargestellt. Die Abschnitte "Umsetzung" und "Betrieb" werden nicht detailliert beschrieben aber es folgen einige grundsätzliche Anmerkungen.

Isra-Mart srl:Flächendeckender Solaratlas Berlin online

Isra-Mart srl news:

Welches Dach ist für die Installation von Photovoltaik-Anlagen geeignet? Wie viel Strom könnte es produzieren? Wie hoch wäre die Investition? Für alle Berliner Dächer werden diesen Fragen nun vom Berliner Solaratlas beantwortet, der flächendeckend im Internet für alle Berliner Gebäude zur Verfügung steht.

Berlins Dächer sind voller Energie: Sie könnten rund 3 Millionen Megawattstunden Strom pro Jahr liefern, wenn alle geeigneten Flächen mit Solarmodulen bestückt würden. Theoretisch sind mehr als ein Drittel (220.000) der insgesamt 560.000 Berliner Dächer für die Installation von Photovoltaikanlagen geeignet. Hier liegt ein enormes Potenzial. Denn derzeit sind in Berlin laut Solaranlagenkataster der Senatsverwaltung für Umwelt lediglich rund 8.000 Dachanlagen installiert. Das Solarpotenzial pro Dachfläche wurde aus Dachneigung, Himmelsrichtung und Verschattung sowie weiterer Daten wie durchschnittliche Sonneneinstrahlung, Wirkungsgrad der Module, etc. berechnet. Mögliche Einschränkungen durch Denkmalschutz weist der Solaratlas aus. Nicht erfasst sind in dieser Potenzialanalyse Statik und Zustand der Dächer. Der Solaratlas ersetzt daher nicht eine individuelle Beratung und Analyse durch Fachleute.

So funktioniert der Solaratlas: Zunächst führt die Eingabe der Adresse des gewünschten Gebäudes automatisch zum Standpunkt, welcher das Gebäude auf der Grundlage eines Luftbilds der Umgebung zeigt. Ist das Hausdach rot eingefärbt, heißt das: Perfekt für Photovoltaik geeignet. Ist das Dach grau eingefärbt, dann lohnt sich eine Photovoltaik-Anlage leider nicht. Zu jedem Berliner Haus ist ein Datenblatt verfügbar, das alle Informationen zusammenfasst, unter anderem wie viel Strom auf dem Dach produziert werden könnte und wie hoch damit die CO2-Einsparung wäre. Darüber hinaus erscheint die Information, was die Ausstattung mit Solarmodulen kosten würde. Ein weiteres interessantes und informatives Feature stellt ein Rentabilitätsrechner dar.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Isra-Mart srl:Amenzi de peste 100.000 de lei intr-o razie impotriva defrisarilor ilegale

Isra-mart srl news:

Comercializarea lemnului fara acte de provenienta si incalcarea regimului silvic le-a adus amenzi totale de 117.500 de lei persoanelor si firmelor prinse in neregula de catre reprezentantii Ministerului Mediului si Politiei, care au desfasurat o ampla actiune de control in judetele Harghita si Neamt.

La actiunea de control, desfasurata in perioada 22-25 februarie, au participat 42 politisti din cadrul Inspectoratelor de Politie Judetene Harghita si Neamt, 21 de jandarmi din cadrul Inspectoratelor de Jandarmi Judetene Harghita si Neamt, 31 specialisti silvici si 2 comisari din cadrul Garzii Nationale de Mediu.

Oamenii legii au organizat 15 filtre in cele doua judete, pentru a depista eventualele fapte ilegale asociate cu exploatarea, circulatia, depozitarea, prelucrarea primara si comercializarea materialului lemnos. De asemenea, ei au verificat 18 societati comerciale din domeniul silvic si au constatat 19 infractiuni – 15 la legea Codului Silvic, 3 privind evaziunea fiscala, iar una privind regimul circulatiei pe drumurile publice.

Totodata, 33 de persoane au fost depistate in afara legii, valoarea totala a sanctiunilor aplicate fiind de 117.500 lei.

De asemenea, politistii au confiscat 287 metri cubi de material lemnos, in valoare totala de 51.270 de lei, iar 781 metri cubi material lemnos, in valoare de 189.551 de lei, au fost ridicati pentru a li se stabili provenienta.

“Orice taiere ilegala din padure va deveni infractiune”

„Daca facem o comparatie cu 2009, taierile ilegale din 2010 au fost mai putine. Insa nu este suficient. Voi propune in continuare sa inasprim si mai mult sanctiunile. Voi propune sa constituie infractiune orice fel de taiere ilegala din padure, indiferent de cantitate, nu numai cazurile in care este depasita cantitatea de 5 metri cubi, asa cum este in momentul de fata. Actiunile cum a fost cea de zilele trecute contribuie la reducerea acestui fenomen”, a declarat ministrul Mediului si Padurilor, Laszlo Borbely.

Astfel de actiuni ample de control pentru prevenirea si combaterea taierilor ilegale de arbori din paduri vor fi organizate pe parcursul intregului an, au precizat reprezentantii Ministerului Mediului.

Isra-Mart srl:UE ar putea dubla pretul emisiilor de carbon

Isra-Mart srl news:

Uniunea Europeana ar putea dubla pretul emisiilor de carbon in urmatorii 20 de ani pentru a reduce poluarea, potrivit unui document al autoritatilor de la Bruxelles.

Astfel, costul unui certificat de emisii ar putea creste la 36 de euro pana in 2030 si ar urma sa ajunga la 50 de euro pana in 2050, se arata intr-o prezentare pregatita pentru o conferinta ce va avea loc luna viitoare si obtinuta de Bloomberg.

Isaac Valero-Ladron, purtatorul de cuvant pe probleme de mediu al UE, nu a dorit sa comenteze informatiile, deoarece documentul inca este discutat de autoritatile de la Bruxelles. El a precizat ca planurile UE pentru anul 2050 vor fi prezentate in 8 martie. Planul va fi discutat de ministrii Mediului din blocul comunitar in cadrul unei intalniri care va avea loc in 14 martie.

Programul de reducere a emisiilor cu ajutorul certificatelor de mediu a fost implementat in 2005 si se afla acum in a doua faza, care va fi incheiata in 2012. In a treia faza, care se va derula din 2013 pana in 2020, cantitatea de gaze poluante permisa se va reduce in fiecare an.

Isra-Mart srl:Scottish firms shake off microgeneration planning rules

Isra-Mart srl news:

The Scottish government has moved to ensure businesses installing rooftop solar panels and ground source heat pumps can do so without planning permission, removing one of the main barriers to installation faced by many firms.

Householders and domestic properties can already fit certain microgeneration technologies without troubling the planners, but a consultation last year revealed widespread support amongst non-domestic property owners for the planning rules to be relaxed similarly for businesses and public sector buildings.

As a result of the consultation, and in line with the Climate Change Act, the Scottish government issued a parliamentary order on Wednesday that removes planning restrictions on five specific technologies from March 18.

Solar thermal panels, solar PV panels, pipework for ground source heat pumps, pipework for water source heat pumps, and biomass boilers will all be able to be fitted without planning permission, as long as certain restrictions are met.

For example, buildings in conservation areas will still need to apply to local councils, while solar panels cannot overhang roofs by more than 200mm.

A Scottish government spokesman told BusinessGreen that the body had "no immediate plans" to include micro-wind turbines in the list of technologies not requiring planning permission as it wanted to "minimise impact".

"These changes will help cut red tape in the planning system and enable savings on energy bills," said infrastructure minister Keith Brown. "While we cannot have renewable energy equipment anywhere or at any cost, these measures strike the right balance between allowing small-scale renewables and safeguarding the quality of our environment.

"It will also contribute to our efforts to ensure that Scotland's planning system is an aid rather than a barrier to increasing sustainable economic growth."

Isra-Mart srl:Heinz and Coke team up to squeeze ketchup into PlantBottles

Isra-Mart srl news:

The Coca-Cola Company has this week announced a partnership that will license the beverage giant's plant-based packaging to Heinz for use in its ketchup packaging.

The bottle technology, which Coke launched in 2009, uses a plastic sourced from sugarcane waste to replace 30 per cent of the plastic in beverage bottles. The company's goal is to eventually achieve 100 per cent renewable sources for its packaging, and licensing the technology to Heinz will no doubt help fund the research process.

Heinz plans to introduce PlantBottled ketchup this summer across the United States, switching out about 120 million of its 20-ounce retail and foodservice bottles with the partly renewable packaging. The PlantBottles will have a special label and environmental messages to communicate the benefits of the plant-based packaging to shoppers.

During a press conference earlier this week at the CAGNY annual conference in Boca Raton, Coca-Cola CEO Muhtar Kent and Heinz CEO William Johnson spelled out the details and the benefits of the partnership.

"This partnership represents a significant landmark," in Coke's journey to achieve its environmental goals, including water neutrality and carbon neutrality, Kent said. Furthermore, it is "the future of the world, we at the Coca-Cola Company believe, lies in the golden triangle of partnerships between business and industry, between business and government, and between civil society".

Coke has already planned to invest more than $150m in the PlantBottle technology, with a goal of reaching 100 per cent renewable and recyclable packaging as soon as the technology allows. Although both CEOs declined to share financial details of the licensing agreement, adding a no-doubt-significant investment from Heinz into PlantBottle technology will also help Coke further its research into renewable packaging.

Kent also said that Coke expects to double its use of PlantBottle packages as the company expands beyond the current nine countries where they sell the products, as well as expand the number of brands that use PlantBottle packaging.

Heinz CEO Johnson said the partnership is a strategic initiative from Heinz as well. "Switching to PlantBotle is another step in our global sustainability initiative to reduce [emissions, waste, energy and water] impacts by 20 per cent by 2015." Heinz said the company is on its way to achieve those goals, which were announced two years ago.

Kent cited a study conducted recently at the Imperial College in London that found Coke's use of PlantBottle technology can cut the company's carbon footprint by 12 and 19 per cent. And as plastic recycling rates increase, the carbon impacts of the bottles continue to decline. Kent said that PlantBottles used in Denmark are made of 50 per cent recycled plastic as well as 30 per cent PlantBottle.

Although the PlantBottle technology currently costs slightly more to produce than traditional plastic - costs that both CEOs repeatedly said were not passed on to shoppers - investing in renewably sourced and recyclable packaging provides both more future cost stability and helps achieve sustainability goals.

"Over time, depending where the price of nonrenewable fuels go," Johnson said, "this could be a long-term cost savings because of stability. Long-term, we see this as cost benefit."

Isra-Mart srl:Habitat banking "dangerous", warns WWF Brazil chief

Isra-Mart srl news:

Schemes allowing companies to offset environmental damage by funding projects that encourage biodiversity and reforestation are "dangerous", according to the head of WWF Brazil.

Denise Hamú has worked to raise much-needed private sector cash for conservation projects since she became chief executive in 2003, through partnerships with companies such as HSBC and BskyB.

But Hamú told BusinessGreen she is very wary of tapping into more funds via so-called habitat banking mechanisms, an idea that has secured support from the UN and is currently being investigated by the British government.

Habitat banking would be loosely modelled on the carbon offset market, letting farmers, businesses or national agencies in biodiversity hotspots develop protection schemes that would allow them to sell credits to companies or developers whose activities damage the environment.

However, Hamú is concerned that without an established value for diversity akin to the price of carbon, habitat banking projects could quickly go awry.

"I think that we tend to think that since we compensate, things are done, but it's not," she said. "I'm not saying [compensation is] not an instrument, but it cannot be an answer to everything. Because we tend to think, 'Well, I paid for this, so I can really deforest – I can build huge things'."

Hamú is also concerned that habitat banking might lead to enclaves of protected areas far away from where the initial environmental damage is being done.

"You can't shift things from one province to another," she argued. "Where are we going to stop? I think that there must be other obligations – compensation is very dangerous in that you won't have the environment back."

However, despite her opposition to habitat banking, Hamú is keen to better involve the private sector in conservation efforts. Worldwide WWF's Climate Savers club, a scheme that imposes strict emissions and environmental performance standards on member companies in return for a stamp of approval, has already engaged around 50 firms and is looking for additional members.

Currently, members of the group are primarily from Europe, North America and Australia, with only one member, Brazilian cosmetic company Natura, hailing from South America.

Hamú said that WWF Brazil is stepping up its efforts to attract more companies from the region and is increasing the number of staff focused on businesses from zero to seven, but she admits the NGO faces a real challenge to raise public awareness.

"Businesses are much more aware of [environmental] responsibilities, but there's still a long way to go," she said. "We don't see Brazilians as engaged as Europeans."

However, three Brazilian companies are currently going through the process of joining the Climate Savers group and Hamú is convinced the picture is changing.

"[Natura] is ahead of time: it's using biodiversity to become very rich, a huge company," she said. "[The others] are behind, but now they have woken up to the respectability [membership] brings. It's a different way people perceive your company – it's not them saying we are the best; it's a very independent group that certifies that."

Hamú added that companies were increasingly realising the benefits of appealing to green consumers, a trend that presents an opportunity for WWF.

"We are not saying we are against money. We are not against people getting happy and rich, and we are not against development. But what WWF advocates is that we have to share this and respect local communities and leave the benefits for them," she said. "[Businesses] are realising they have to go to a new approach, and we see this as a good opportunity."

She added that deals with large organisations from developed nations show what can be achieved by working with the private sector.

For example, the Rainforest Rescue project with Sky offers local people in the western province of Acre £200 a year to protect the rainforest and aims to save one billion trees in the Amazonian rainforest.

Hamú calls the project "sustainable development at its best", but admited it would not be possible without the broadcaster's guaranteed funding of £2m to support WWF's in-depth local knowledge.

Private sector involvement in conservation projects is now inescapable, Hamú said, especially if more ambitious goals, such as sustainable management of forests, enhancement of forest carbon stocks and the UN-backed REDD+ mechanism, are to be delivered.

"We are not only talking about biodiversity any more – we are talking about footprint, and we are talking about how is this planet sustainable. This is the future of conservation; there is no way out of this model," she said. "We cannot do things alone. Without the market we cannot accomplish our mission."

Isra-Mart srl:Frito-Lay makes big noise over quieter compostable bag

Isra-Mart srl news:

It was arguably the least impressive reason to drop a sustainability project, but last year Frito-Lay was forced to withdraw a new biodegradable chip bag after customers complained that it was too loud.

But now the company has returned to the idea of biodegradable packaging with a new chip packet that promises to be much quieter.

The firm has been researching a re-engineered compostable bag ever since withdrawing the unacceptably loud version last year and has now developed a different adhesive to put together the two layers of its chip bags, which its packaging experts say will help to insulate sound from the bag.

Reports suggest that the new bags will be around 15 per cent quieter than the old ones.

Last October, the PepsiCo-owned firm withdrew the earlier biodegradable bag after the noise it made when opened, around 85-95 dB, annoyed consumers so much that it prompted a Facebook campaign calling on the company to drop the new bags. Some likened it to a "revving motorcycle", while others went to the extent of measuring it with a sound meter.

Customers also implored theatre owners never to sell Frito-Lay snacks in their establishments, lest they disturb movie watchers' enjoyment.

The original bags, which were introduced in April 2009, were made from corn-based biopolymers and decomposed in around three months.

The company is reintroducing compostable bags for its line of plain-flavoured chips. This was the only one of its varieties that did not switch back to plastic bags. It will wait for customer feedback before rolling out the packaging to other flavours.

Isra-Mart srl:Saudi crisis talks aim to calm soaring oil prices

Isra-Mart srl news:

Oil prices appeared to be calming this morning after hitting a peak of almost $120 a barrel yesterday, following commitments from the Opec cartel that it will cover any shortfall in supplies resulting from the ongoing conflict in Libya.

Yesterday prices of Brent crude hit their highest level since August 2008, before falling back to $111 a barrel and settling at around $112 a barrel this morning.

Prices had spiked as reports emerged yesterday that opposition groups have taken control of oilfields in southern Libya and blocked all exports. Estimates ranged from 25 to 75 per cent of the country's oil production being disrupted.

The reports coincided with emergency talks between Saudi Arabian and European refiners that prompted a pledge from Saudi officials that Opec would make up any shortfall in supply resulting from the Libyan crisis.

One Saudi official told news agency Reuters that there was now "no reason for the price to go higher".

"Some Opec countries have started looking at ways to divert their crude to Europe," he added. "We are in active talks with European refineries to find out what quality they want, and we are ready to ship it as soon as they need it."

Oil prices have now risen 15 per cent in the past four days, with some analysts predicting that prices could top $200 a barrel if the uprisings in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya spread to other oil producing countries.

Meanwhile, the International Energy Agency has warned that rising oil prices could derail the fragile global economic recovery, while business leaders have begun to publicly call for moves that would reduce dependence on oil supplies.

In related news, International Airlines Group, the aviation giant created by the merger of British Airways and Iberia, today raised the prospect of cutting back its schedules if oil prices continue to increase.

Meanwhile, British plans to expand oil drilling in the North Sea were thrown into doubt after a High Court judge said he would hear a legal challenge from Greenpeace that could see deep water drilling licenses revoked.

Isra-Mart srl:Sime Darby plans £1.2bn sustainable palm oil expansion in Cameroon

Isra-Mart srl news:

The chief executive of the world's largest producer of sustainable certified palm oil has revealed the company is actively seeking to acquire land in Cameroon as part of a MYR6bn (£1.2bn) investment programme designed to bolster the company's presence in western Africa.

Mohd Bakke Salleh, president and group chief executive of Malaysian conglomerate Sime Darby, told reporters in Kuala Lumpur earlier today that the group has identified 300,000 hectares (ha) of land in Cameroon that could be suitable for palm oil plantation.

He insisted no deals have yet been signed, but confirmed Sime Darby is in the process of meeting with village elders and community heads to discuss the potential for development. He added that the company hopes to finalise a deal "in the next few years", after which it would plant 5,000 ha in the first year, followed by a programme to plant tranches of between 10,000 to 15,000 ha annually.

"Cameroon is our second preferred choice after Liberia," he said. "We're looking at potential areas in Cameroon and the development formula is to work closely with the local communities [...] but nothing has been concluded yet. It's all just pure discussion at this stage."

A move into Cameroon would represent the next stage of Sime Darby's expansion into western Africa, following plans for a 63-year, 220,000-ha concession it owns in Liberia where planting is scheduled to start next month. Bakke revealed that the company is also considering plantations in Ghana.

The news is likely to raise fresh concerns amongst green groups that an expansion of Africa's palm oil industry could drive deforestation.

Sime Darby insists it does not locate palm oil plantations on virgin forest land and has strict environmental and social policies, which it hopes will set a benchmark for new companies seeking investment.

"Some of these African countries are actually calling us to come in and open up plantations because of our good track record and sustainability practices," said Franki Anthony Das, executive vice president of Sime Darby's plantation division.

Sime Darby claims to be the leader in sustainable palm oil, boasting operating practices which go beyond certification standards set by the voluntary certification body The Round Table on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO).

For example, Sime Darby is in the process of completing a detailed environmental impact assessment of the first 10,000-ha tranche in Liberia, where the first seed is slated to be planted by president Ellen Johnson Sirleaf in May. The company says it has strict policy to avoid developing peat land virgin forests. It also has a zero-burning replanting technique, uses integrated pest management to avoid pesticides, and composts empty fruit bunches to avoid methane produced by palm oil mill effluent.

In addition, the company says it is committed, through its MYR70m pledged investment in Liberia, to ensuring that small holders develop sustainable practices, particularly thorough the Small Holder Acceleration and REDD Plan (SHARP), which will see Sime Darby provide 22,000 landowners in Liberia with high-grade seeds, education and technical help.

The success of the programme will be measured by a range of NGOs and financial project partners including the UK's Department for Food, Environment and Rural Affairs, Conservation International, and the International Finance Corporation (IFC).

However, some environmental groups have argued that while palm oil plantations that adhere to sustainability standards are preferable to uncertified plantations, there are still risks that the expansion of the industry will have a knock-on effect on land use in neighbouring forested areas.

Sime Darby's move into Africa is part of the company's wider plans to aquire arable land outside of Asia in order to grow its market share, increase yields, and reduce transportation costs to Europe.

But despite the huge opportunities presented by its proposed African plantations, it remains to be seen if the company will be able to adapt to the risks posed to its plants by new pests and diseases, as well as the political instability of some western African states.

Isra-Mart srl:Ontario boosts green powerhouse status with raft of project approvals

Isra-Mart srl news:

Ontario has this week underlined its status as one of North America's leading clean energy hubs, granting incentives to 40 large-scale renewable energy projects which combined are expected to deliver 872MW of clean energy.

The provincial government announced yesterday that the solar, wind and hydro projects have been granted access to Ontario's feed-in tariff incentive scheme, providing them with guaranteed above-market rates for the energy they produce.

The move is expected to spark C3bn ($3.06bn) of investment and create up to 7,000 jobs across the province's booming clean energy industry. It follows last year's feed-in tariff approval for 180 projects boasting 2.4GW of capacity.

The latest round of projects will result in 35 solar developments providing 257MW of capacity, four large wind farms promising 615MW and one 500kw hydroelectric project.

The government said that a third round of feed-in tariff contracts for smaller projects with less than 500kw of capacity will be signed in the coming months.

The feed-in tariff scheme is at the heart of Ontario's drive to shut all its coal-fired power plants by 2014, a move that has allowed the province to distance itself from Canada's national government and its controversial plans to expand carbon-intensive tar sands projects in the country.

In related news, US solar firm SunPower Corp announced this week that it has gained county-level approval for a flagship solar plant in central California that is expected to become one of the world's largest solar farms.

The proposed California Valley Solar Ranch is expected to produce enough power for around 100,000 homes while also creating 350 jobs during the construction phase.

California has approved a raft of solar farms in recent months, but many developments are still facing opposition from local and environmental groups concerned about the impact of such facilities on desert habitats.

Isra-Mart srl:IT industry steps up conflict minerals crackdown

Isra-Mart srl news:

A coalition of leading IT firms is accelerating efforts to ensure they do not source so-called 'conflict minerals' ahead of the introduction of new US legislation designed to tackle the trade in minerals from the Democratic Republic of Congo, which is widely blamed for fuelling conflict in the war-torn state.

The group, which includes Apple, Dell, HP, and Microsoft, as well as a number of investment and engineering firms such as Trillium Asset Management and General Electric, is working on a new supply chain mechanism whereby minerals sourced from mines that adhere to ethical and sustainability standards will be suitably labelled, and purchasers will only use smelters that have been certified as being 'conflict-free'.

Speaking to BusinessGreen, Tim Mohin, co-chair of the multi-stakeholder group and director for corporate responsibility at chip giant AMD, said the new system aims to provide a standardised approach for tracking minerals such as tantalum, tin, gold and tungsten, many of which are used in electronic equipment. Manufacturers will then be able to demonstrate that they are only sourcing minerals from conflict-free smelters.

The move comes as new legislation passed in the US last year as part of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act is poised to come into effect in the coming financial year.

The new rules require firms to disclose their due diligence efforts when sourcing minerals from conflict zones. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings will have to include this information.

Mohin said the rules would not block firms from sourcing conflict minerals, but he predicted that the majority of firms would look to improve their supply chain management and due diligence measures to avoid complaints from human rights groups and investors. "The pressure of the sunshine will be there," he said, adding that IT firms were now leading the way in attempting to tackle the problem.

In related news, the Enough group, which campaigns against human rights abuses, last week delivered a petition with over 26,000 signatures to the SEC urging it to ensure that the final version of the conflict minerals regulations are robust and adequately enforced.

Isra-Mart srl:Mutloses Klein-Klein bei Erneuerbaren Energien im Wärmebereich

Isra-Mart srl news:

Schwarz-Gelb hat die Chance verpasst, die Förderung Erneuerbarer Energien durch das Europarechtsanpassungsgesetz entscheidend voranzutreiben. Anstatt die Erneuerbaren Energien im Wärmebereich zu stärken und die Solarförderung bereits heute für die Zukunft zu rüsten, gibt sich die Koalition mit einem mutlosen Klein-Klein an Maßnahmen zufrieden. Die konstruktiven Beiträge der SPD-Bundestagsfraktion ignoriert sie. Dabei hätte sie so einfach bei uns abschreiben können“, sagte der zuständige Berichterstatter der SPD-Bundestagsfraktion Dirk Becker zum Beschluss des Europarechtsanpassungsgesetzes Erneuerbare Energien im Umweltausschuss.

Becker weiter: Angesichts des letztjährigen Zubau-Booms bei der Photovoltaik und die dadurch entstandenen Kosten für Stromverbraucher, benötigen wir eine grundsätzliche Neuregelung bei der Förderung, auf die sich Hersteller, Handwerker und Investoren für die kommenden zwei Jahre verlassen können. Eine quartalsweise Absenkung der Vergütung für Solarstrom in Höhe von vier beziehungsweise 4,5 Prozent würde die Kosten für kleine Dachanlagen bis 2013 auf Haushaltsstromniveau senken und sie stetig in Richtung Wettbewerbsfähigkeit führen. Genau das ist unser Ziel. Hier reicht es nicht, den EEG-Erfahrungsbericht abzuwarten. Provoziert die Koalition mit ihrer heute im Umweltausschuss beschlossenen vorgezogenen Einmalabsenkung zum Juli eine erneute Torschlusspanik mit einem massiven Zubau in 2011, ist der Weg der Koalition hin zu Zubau-Obergrenzen nicht mehr weit. Damit wäre die Axt ans Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz gelegt, was die SPD-Bundestagsfraktion mit allen Mitteln verhindern will.

Mit der Novellierung des Erneuerbare-Energien-Wärmegesetzes bleibt die Koalition weit hinter den Anforderungen aus der Erneuerbaren Energien-Richtlinie der EU zurück. Aus der notwendigen Vorbildfunktion öffentlicher Bestandsgebäude bei der Nutzung von Erneuerbaren Energien bleibt mit dem beschlossenen Gesetz lediglich ein bunter Mix aus Umgehungstatbeständen für die gesetzliche Nutzungspflicht.

Isra-Mart srl:Solar-Forschung: Parabolrinnenkraftwerk mit flüssigem Salz als Wärmeträgermedium

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Siemens Energy wird zusammen mit dem Deutschen Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) und Partnern aus der deutschen Industrie eine Kraftwerks-Testanlage für den Betrieb mit geschmolzenem Salz (Molten Salt) als Wärmeträgermedium in Portugal errichten. Salz ist kostengünstiger als bisherige Wärmeträgermaterialen, außerdem kann ein Kraftwerk dadurch bei höheren Temperaturen arbeiten, wodurch der Wirkungsgrad steigt.

Über einen Zeitraum von drei Jahren soll die Anlage auf dem Gelände der Universität Evora rund 130 Kilometer südöstlich von Lissabon getestet und optimiert werden. Das DLR beteiligt sich an der Planung und konzeptionellen Auslegung der Versuchsanlage sowie der Qualifizierung des Kollektorfeldes. DLR-Forscher werden zudem den Versuchsbetrieb wissenschaftlich begleiten. Das Forschungsprojekt "High Performance Solarthermie (HPS)" wird vom Bundesumweltministerium gefördert. Zu den Projektpartnern zählen neben dem DLR, die K+S AG und Senior Berghöfer GmbH. Das Gelände und die Infrastruktur für die Anlage werden durch den portugiesischen Energieversorger Energias de Portugal (EdP) zur Verfügung gestellt.

Ziel des Forschungsvorhabens unter der Leitung von Siemens ist es, die Wirtschaftlichkeit und die Betriebssicherheit von Parabolrinnenkraftwerken mit flüssigem Salz als Wärmeträgermedium zu untersuchen. Diese Art solarthermischer Kraftwerke konzentriert das Sonnenlicht mit Parabolspiegeln auf ein Receiverrohr, in dem sich ein Wärmeträgermedium befindet. Während in heutigen kommerziellen Parabolrinnenkraftwerken Thermoöle als Wärmeträgermedium zum Einsatz kommen, welche einen Dauereinsatz von bis zu 400 Grad Celsius erlauben, soll die Testanlage mit geschmolzenem Salz bei Temperaturen oberhalb von 500 Grad Celsius betrieben werden. In einem neuartigen Durchlaufdampferzeuger gibt das Salz seine Energie an einen angeschlossenen Wasser-Dampf-Kreislauf ab. Die gegenüber dem Stand der Technik erhöhten Dampftemperaturen erlauben höhere Wirkungsgrade des Kraftwerksblocks.

Isra-Mart srl:Elektromobil Zerotracer siegt in Genf

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Nach rund 30.000 km Fahrtstrecke durch 16 Länder bei häufig widrigen Straßen- und Wetterbedingungen gewann der Zerotracer gestern das im August 2010 gestartete „Zero Emission Race“ vor heimischem Publikum in Genf. Damit gelingt dem Schweizer Team ein Rekord: Zum ersten Mal in der Geschichte hat ein Elektrogefährt eine derart große Distanz innerhalb von 80 Tagen zurückgelegt.

Gestern endete das „Zero Emission Race“ vor dem UN-Hauptgebäude in Genf. Damit liegen 80 ereignisreiche Renntage hinter den drei teilnehmenden Teams aus unterschiedlichen Ländern. Die Rennbedingungen waren oftmals sehr widrig. Die Wettersituation wechselte zwischen Frost, Schnee, Regen und Hitze – dazu Schotterpisten und schlechte Straßen mit großen Schlaglöchern. Doch selbst die härtesten Bedingungen konnten dem Oerlikon Solar Racing Team mit seinem Zerotracer kaum etwas anhaben.

Der Siegeszug des hocheffizienten Elektromobils, das von dem Schweizer Unternehmen Designwerk konstruiert wurde, ließ sich nicht aufhalten. Dabei reichte es nicht aus, gestern einfach die Ziellinie vor dem UN Gebäude in Genf als Erster zu passieren. Eine Reihe weiterer Kriterien wie beispielsweise die Reichweite, die Verlässlichkeit des Elektromobils, die Energie-Effizienz oder auch Sicherheit und Design flossen in die Bewertung in Form eines Punktesystems ein. Regelmäßig wurden die Teams in den einzelnen Ländern vor Aufgaben gestellt, die sie mit ihren abgasfreien Fahrzeugen lösen mussten. Das Oerlikon Solar Racing Team bewährte sich dabei sehr gut und schob sich damit schon frühzeitig auf einen der vorderen Plätze.

Isra-Mart srl:LED-Lampen gewinnen Warentest

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Seit Glühlampen immer mehr vom Markt verschwinden, sind sie gefragt: Halogen-, LED- oder Energiesparlampen. Noch nie konkurrierten so viele Lampen um die Gunst des Käufers. Im Test konnten die teuren LED-Lampen den Wettstreit für sich entscheiden. Die Stiftung Warentest prüfte für die März-Ausgabe der Zeitschrift test 20 Energie sparende Lampen und vergab Noten von "Gut" bis "Mangelhaft".

Zum ersten Mal untersuchten die Tester drei verschiedene Lampentypen: 14 Kompaktleuchtstofflampen, die als Energiesparlampen bekannt sind, vier LED-Lampen, die ihr Licht mit leuchtstoffbeschichteten Chips produzieren und zwei Halogenglühlampen, die ähnlich wie die klassischen Glühlampen funktionieren. Testsieger sind diesmal die noch ziemlich teuren LED-Lampen von Philips, Toshiba und Osram.

Zum Beispiel konnte die Toshiba E-Core LED-Lampe mit 5,5 Watt vor allem hinsichtlich der sehr langen Haltbarkeit (bis zu 40.000 Stunden), der starken Leuchtkraft und durch das beste Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis aller getesteten Produkte punkten. Die Toshiba E-Core 5,5 Watt erreicht sofort nach dem Einschalten sowie bei Kälte oder hoher Temperatur eine maximale Helligkeit von 280 Lumen, vergleichbar der einer 30 Watt Glühbirne. Die von der Stiftung Warentest gemessene Leuchtkraft liegt sogar über dem Leistungsangaben auf der Packung. Einen weiteren Pluspunkt holte die E-Core im Bereich Umwelt und Gesundheit, da in der Toshiba LED-Lampe kein Quecksilber enthalten ist, das beim Zerbrechen austritt.

Isra-Mart srl:Bundestag beschließt flexible Photovoltaik-Förderkürzung

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Die Photovoltaik-Förderung kann ab 1. Juli um 3 bis 15 Prozent zusätzlich gekürzt werden. Die Förderanpassung greift aber nur, wenn der Zubau an Photovoltaik-Leistung in diesem Jahr entsprechend hoch ausfällt. Diese Änderung des Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetzes (EEG), die von der Photovoltaik-Branche mitgetragen wird, hat der Bundestag gestern Abend beschlossen.

Die neue Regelung sieht eine schrittweise und am Marktzuwachs orientierte Reduzierung der Photovoltaik-Förderung vor. Dadurch wird eine langfristige Begrenzung der EEG-Umlage zur Markteinführung der Photovoltaiktechnologie auf rund 2 Cent je Kilowattstunde ermöglicht. Damit macht die Photovoltaikstromumlage gleichbleibend etwa 8 Prozent vom Verbraucherstrompreis aus. Der Anteil von Photovoltaikenergie an der Stromerzeugung in Deutschland soll von rund 3 Prozent in diesem Jahr auf rund 10 Prozent im Jahr 2020 gesteigert werden.

Berechnungsgrundlage für die mögliche Förderkürzung ist die Entwicklung der Nachfrage nach Photovoltaik-Anlagen in den Monaten März bis Mai. Auf Basis dieses Zeitraums wird die Entwicklung für das Gesamtjahr prognostiziert.

Isra-Mart srl:Kalter Winter stellt Klimawandel nicht in Frage

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Auch in diesem Jahr hat es den Anschein, als wolle der Winter nicht enden. Wochenlang versanken Deutschland und ganz Nordeuropa in Eis und Schnee. Der Dezember 2010 war in Deutschland mehr als vier Grad kälter als im langjährigen Durchschnitt. Und auch jetzt herrschen in weiten Teilen des Landes noch eisige Temperaturen. Von Erderwärmung scheinbar keine Spur. Andererseits scheinen weltweit immer mehr Menschen unter wetterbedingten Extremereignissen zu leiden. Die sintflutartigen Überschwemmungen in Australien oder die Jahrhundertfeuer in Russland im letzten Sommer: Sind das nicht eindeutige Zeichen für den Klimawandel?

"Weder europäische Kälteperioden noch andere einzelne Extremereignisse lassen sich eindeutig mit dem Klimawandel in Verbindung bringen, sie sind weder Beweise noch Gegenbeweise für die Erderwärmung. Hier nützt uns unser persönliches Empfinden leider nichts", erklärt Jochem Marotzke, Direktor des Max-Planck-Instituts für Meteorologie und Vorsitzender des Deutschen Klimakonsortiums DKK. "Die vielen in letzter Zeit beobachteten extremen Wetterphänomene waren kurzfristig und regional begrenzt. Trotz des kalten nordeuropäischen Winters war das Jahr 2010 global gesehen sogar eines der drei wärmsten je gemessenen Jahre."

"Es ist wissenschaftlich erwiesen, dass sich das Klima ändert und wir eine globale Erwärmung erleben. Die wichtigste Ursache dafür sind die immer noch zunehmenden Treibhausgasemissionen aufgrund menschlicher Aktivitäten", betont Bundesforschungsministerin Annette Schavan. "Doch die aktuellen Phänomene zeigen: Die Zusammenhänge zwischen Klima und Wetter sind komplex und regional verschieden. Deshalb muss das Verständnis des Systems Erde weiter vertieft werden, um dem Klimawandel und seinen Folgen erfolgreich begegnen zu können."

Der Klimawandel kann nur in Langzeitbeobachtungen nachgewiesen werden. Insbesondere für die europäischen Breiten ist das gar nicht so einfach, denn hier ist das Klima recht großen natürlichen Schwankungen unterworfen und kann sich von Monat zu Monat und von Jahr zu Jahr wesentlich stärker ändern als etwa in den Tropen. Allein die ungewöhnliche Statistik des Jahres 2010 mit der Rekordhitze im Juli und den ungewöhnlich kalten Wintermonaten belegt das. Nur zu circa 20 Prozent lassen sich diese Schwankungen durch gut definierte Einflussfaktoren wie die Temperatur der Ozeanoberfläche oder solare Schwankungen erklären.

Isra-Mart srl:Saarland: Heizölpreise um 32,8% gestiegen

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Die saarländischen Verbraucherpreise lagen im Februar 2011 um 2,0% höher als vor einem Jahr. Drastische Preissteigerungen im Jahresvergleich gab es vor allem im Bereich der Haushaltsenergie, die sich gesamtdurchschnittlich um 9,7% verteuerte.

Den mit Abstand deutlichsten Preisanstieg mussten die Heizölkunden mit einem Plus von 32,8% hinnehmen, wobei hier die dramatische Preisentwicklung der letzten Tage noch gar nicht berücksichtigt ist. Bei der Elektrizität hat sich das Preisniveau um 7,0% erhöht und die Gasanbieter hoben die Preise um 6,1% an. Die Umlagen für die Zentralheizung und Fernwärme verteuerten sich im Schnitt um 5,2%.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Isra-Mart srl:O treime din banii BEI merg catre schimbari climatice

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Banca Europeana de Investitii (BEI) a crescut la 19 miliarde EUR finantarea alocata proiectelor privind actiunile impotriva schimbarilor climatice, ceea ce reprezinta o pondere de 30% in creditele acordate de banca in Uniunea Europeana (UE), potrivit unui comunicat al Comisiei Europene.

In 2010, totalul creditelor acordate de BEI s-a ridicat la 72 miliarde de euro – 63 miliarde de euro in UE si 9 miliarde de euro in afara UE – pentru sustinerea a circa 460 de proiecte de anvergura. Aceasta reprezinta o revenire treptata la nivelurile anterioare crizei, banca adaptandu-si activitatea la mediul economic.

BEI a finalizat distribuirea unui pachet de sprijin suplimentar in valoare de 61 miliarde euro in ultimii trei ani, cu 11 miliarde de euro peste suma prevazuta initial. Intreprinderile mici si mijlocii (IMM-uri) – care dobandesc foarte greu acces la finantare in circumstante economice dificile – si regiunile defavorizate din Europa au fost principalii beneficiari. In aceasta perioada de trei ani, circa 160 000 de IMM-uri au beneficiat de finantari BEI. Regiunile defavorizate din Europa au fost sprijinite in aceasta perioada prin finantarea a circa 430 de proiecte.

„Ne-am indeplinit misiunea de sustinere a redresarii in Europa prin finantarea proiectelor care stimuleaza cresterea, inovarea si crearea de locuri de munca si suntem foarte mandri de volumul record de proiecte privind actiunile impotriva schimbarilor climatice”, a declarat Philippe Maystadt, presedintele BEI.

Sprijinul BEI pentru proiectele privind actiunile impotriva schimbarilor climatice se axeaza in continuare pe energie (energie regenerabila si eficienta energetica) si transport durabil.

Banca a reusit sa mareasca ponderea energiei regenerabile si a eficientei energetice in portofoliul sau. In 2010, energia regenerabila a fost finantata cu peste 6 miliarde euro, iar proiectele din domeniul eficientei energetice cu peste 2 miliarde euro. Planurile nationale de actiune privind energia regenerabila s-au dovedit un catalizator important pentru investitiile in aceste domenii, fiind sprijinite toate cele trei tehnologii emergente (eoliana, solara si biomasa). In sectorul transporturilor, BEI joaca un rol central in sprijinirea dezvoltarii vehiculelor electrice.

Tarile din afara UE au primit in 2010 finantari in valoare de 2 miliarde euro pentru proiecte privind actiunile impotriva schimbarilor climatice. In urmatorii trei ani, banca isi va mari in mod substantial sprijinul pentru proiecte in domeniul energiei durabile in respectivele tari. Acest fapt se datoreaza cresterii de 1,5 miliarde euro convenite pentru Facilitatea pentru energie durabila, ajungandu-se la o suma totala de 4,5 miliarde EUR. Aceasta, impreuna cu mandatul de 2 miliarde euro propus pentru schimbari climatice (discutat in prezent de Parlamentul European si de Consiliu) plaseaza banca intr-o pozitie favorabila pentru a sprijini Uniunea Europeana la punerea in aplicare a obiectivelor sale globale privind actiunile impotriva schimbarilor climatice in afara Europei.

Isra-Mart srl:Care sunt principalele gaze cu efect de sera emise de om?

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Efectul de sera este sporit semnificativ de emisiile de gaze poluante care provin din activitatile industriale sau din orice alt tip de activitati umane, iar vaporii de apa, influentati direct sau indirect de activitatile umane, reprezinta principala cauza a incalzirii globale, scrie „The Guardian”.

Gazele de sera pe care oamenii le emit in mod curent, direct in atmosfera, in cantitati semnificative, sunt dioxidul de carbon, metanul, azotul si fluorul.

Dioxidul de carbon reprezinta trei patrimi din totalul emisiilor poluante ce provin din activitatile umane curente. Surse importante de dioxid de carbon sunt combustibilii fosili, dintre care amintim carbunele si petrolul, iar defrisarile contribuie in mod covarsitor la cresterea gradului de CO2 in atmosfera.

Metanul este cel de-al al doilea gaz cu efect de sera, emis in proportie de 14%. Cea mai mare parte de gaz metan provine din agricultura, din culturile de orez si din fermele de animale, din exploatarile de combustibili fosili, cat si din descompunerea gunoaielor din zonele supraaglommerate. Metanul nu persista in atmosfera la fel de mult ca dioxidul de carbon insa efectele sale sunt mai puternice si contribuie mai mult la incalzirea globala cu fiecare gram emis in plus peste limitele normale.

Azotul contribuie cu 8% la cantitatea de emisii de gaze cu efect de sera si provine din agricultura, in special din ingrasamintele pe baza de azot, cat si din gunoiul de grajd.

Fluorul este responsabil de 1% din cantitatea de emisii de gaze cu efect de sera din atmosfera si provine din industrie. Efectul sau, cu fiecare gram emis in plus fata de limitele normale, este mai puternic decat cel al azotului.

Isra-Mart srl:RAPORT. Tinta de reducere a emisiilor cu 30% in UE, avantaj financiar pentru Romania

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O crestere a tintei UE de reducere a emisiilor de la 20% la 30%, pana in 2020, ar reprezenta un avantaj financiar pentru Romania, deoarece ar creste pretul certificatelor de carbon de care dispune tara noastra si ar reduce costurile de sanatate cu 1,4 miliarde de euro, potrivit unui raport recent al retelei Climate Action Network Europe.

Raportul trece in revista 6 motive pentru care aceasta tinta nu numai ca va putea fi atinsa, dar chiar aduce beneficii considerabile statelor membre: cresterea numarului locurilor de munca, a competitivitatii, a inovarii, securitatii energetice si sanatatii, dar si reducerea costurilor.

Tinta de 20% e aproape atinsa

Potrivit unei comunicari a Comisiei Europene, tinta de 30% pentru reducerea emisiilor este fezabila atat din punct de vedere tehnic, cat si economic.

In primul rand, din cauza crizei economice, Europa se apropie deja de tinta de reduceri de emisii cu 20%, date fiind scaderea cu 5,5% a consumului de combustibili fosili in 2009, precum si cresterea ponderii de energie regenerabila la 10,3% in mixul energetic european.

Practic, emisiile Statelor Membre din 2009 sunt deja cu 17,3% sub cele din 1990. De asemenea, costurile anuale pentru atingerea tintei de 20%, realizate in 2008, erau de 70 miliarde euro, insa estimarile actuale pentru aceleasi costuri au scazut la 48 miliarde euro. Pentru o tinta de reduceri cu 30%, costurile depasesc doar cu 11 miliarde euro estimarile din 2008.

Din perspectiva veniturilor statelor membre provenite din comercializarea emisiilor de carbon (EU-ETS), scaderea pretului per tona de CO2 aduce pagube uriase bugetelor nationale. Germania pierde 15 miliarde de euro pe an, Marea Britanie – 9,5 miliarde, iar Italia – 7,1 miliarde. Pentru Romania, pierderile sunt estimate la 2,3 miliarde de euro.

Numarul de certificate alocate Romaniei prin schema europeana de comercializare a emisiilor de carbon (ETS) se situeaza la o medie anuala de 75.944.352 de certificate, in perioada 2008 – 2012. Acestea sunt distribuite companiilor, care le pot vinde in cazul in care produc mai putine emisii decat limita maxima care le-a fost impusa.

In conditiile scaderii emisiilor, exista o supra-alocare la nivel european a acestor certificate, fapt ce face ca pretul lor sa scada, acele companii care investesc in reducerea emisiilor sa fie descurajate. Dimpotriva, cei care nu fac investitii prefera acum sa cumpere aceste certificate, avand in vedere pretul lor scazut.

Trecerea la tinta de 30% ar insemna scoaterea de pe piata a 1,4 gigatone de CO2, ceea ce ar asigura cresterea pretului tonei de CO2 si, prin urmare, cresterea veniturilor statelor membre.

Costuri in sanatate, reduse

Reducerile de emisii mai mari vor conduce si la imbunatatirea calitatii aerului in UE, ceea ce ar reduce costurile cu serviciile de sanatate cu 14,6 pana la 30,5 miliarde euro pe an pana in 2020. Pentru Romania, estimarile arata reduceri maxime de costuri in sistemul de sanatate de 1,4 miliarde euro pe an.

Ca prioritate a Uniunii Europene, cele 3,4 milioane de locuri de munca verzi asigura 2,5% din PIB-ul UE, reprezentand aproximativ 40% din cota de piata mondiala. Comisia Europeana estimeaza ca trecerea la tinta de 30% ar genera inca 2 milioane de locuri de munca directe si indirecte.

Cel mai mare potential in acest sens il are sectorul constructiilor, intrucat cladirile reprezinta 42% din consumul final de energie la nivel UE, iar lucrarile de eficienta energetica pot asigura jumatate din reducerile de emisii necesare pana in 2050 (adica 80% fata de nivelul din 1990). Investitiile in eficienta energetica au costuri negative, adica aduc intre 12 si 60 de euro pe tona de CO2 ne-emisa in sectorul cladirilor si intre 74 si 107 euro in sectorul industrial.

Conform strategiei in domeniul eficientei energetice, Romania are un potential de reduceri de 40%. In contextul cresterii pretului petrolului, importanta eficientei energetice creste: pretul petrolului se afla in ianuarie 2011 la 91 de dolari pe baril, iar dependenta Europei de importuri de petrol se estimeaza ca va atinge 62% din consumul total de energie in 2020.

Astfel, conform Comisiei Europene, trecerea la tinta de 30% reduceri de emisii ar avea ca efect economisirea a 14 miliarde de euro prin reducerea importurilor de petrol ca urmare a cresterii eficientei energetice (calculat la un cost de 88,4 dolari/baril).

"Raportul arata ca trecerea la o tinta de reduceri de emisii de 30% aduce cu sine beneficii in domeniul sanatatii si stimuleaza crearea de noi locuri de munca. Tarile din Europa Centrala si de Est trebuie sa joace un rol constructiv pentru ca acest obiectiv sa fie posibil", a declarat Thomas Wyns, Senior Policy Officer la Climate Action Network Europe.

Raportul ”30% - De ce ar trebui Europa să-şi consolideze acţiunile climatice până în 2020” a fost publicat in contextul in care Organizatia Mondiala a Meteorologiei a confirmat faptul ca 2010 a fost cel mai cald an inregistrat vreodata in istoria serviciilor meteo.

Isra-Mart srl:Business urged to heed young people's green concerns

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Companies will today be warned that they must shift to low carbon business models, enhance resource efficiency and deliver greener products if they are to win over the next generation of consumers.

A new survey of over 1,000 16-24 year olds conducted by environmental charity Global Action Plan and pollsters YouGov found the vast majority of young adults felt businesses have a responsibility to make it easier for people to lead greener lifestyles.

Over 70 per cent thought that only products with the highest environmental standards should be stocked, reflecting the groundswell of support for recent campaigns such as Hugh's Fish Fight and its efforts to promote more sustainable fishing practices.

Renewable energy was also revealed as a top priority for young people with 81 per cent of those polled stating that they wanted to see the majority of homes producing their own energy via technologies such as solar panels.

Moreover, two-thirds supported the idea of a carbon-tax to encourage companies to invest in cleaner technologies.

The government was also seen as having a key role in promoting a low-carbon economy, not just through regulations, incentives and investment, but also by encouraging schools to teach the science of climate change, its impacts, and how to live more sustainably.

"This pioneering research shows that young people want to see a more sustainable UK," said Trewin Restorick, chief executive of Global Action Plan. "They can't do it on their own and want business and government to step-up-to-the mark and speed up the transition."

Laura Tenison, managing director of children's clothing retailer JoJo Maman Bébé, said business leaders had a "responsibility" to invest in long term sustainability and not just short term profits. "Our young people are placing enormous trust in us to lead the way - so let us do just that," she added.

Writing for BusinessGreen earlier this month, climate change minister Greg Barker predicted a new "low carbon army" of apprentices would be needed to provide the skills required to shift the UK's economy towards more renewable form of energy generation.

Eight out of 10 respondents to the survey agreed that science and engineering should be given more importance in schools in order to ensure people develop the skills required for the low carbon economy.

Commenting on today's survey, Barker said: "Britain's low carbon economy will need a massive injection of skills and today's young people are in pole position to grab hold of them."

Isra-Mart srl:Oil surges nears $120 a barrel on Libya and Middle East fears

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Oil prices soared to almost $120 a barrel on Thursday amid fears that the unrest in Libya and Bahrain could spread to other oil-rich countries in the Middle East, including Saudi Arabia.

Brent crude leapt $8.54 to $119.79 a barrel, the highest price since August 2008. It closed at $112.20 on Wednesday, up 5.4 per cent on the day. Oil prices have gained 15 per cent in the past four days as the revolt in Libya cut more than a quarter of the country's output. US crude for April delivery rallied to $103.41, the highest since September 2009.

Stock markets around the world tumbled again, with the FTSE 100 index in London down more than 20 points at 5901.16. The Dax in Frankfurt dropped about 80 points and the CAC in Paris fell nearly 30 points. Overnight, the Nikkei in Tokyo closed down 1.2 per cent.

Markets worry that the unrest could spread to Saudi Arabia, which pumps a tenth of the world's oil and is the only country with significant spare capacity that could be used to plug supply shortages.

Analysts at Goldman Sachs said further disruptions could create "severe" oil shortages that would require "substantial demand rationing". "The market cannot accommodate another disruption, in our view, with the problems in Libya potentially absorbing half of Opec's spare capacity," said commodity analyst Jeffrey Currie.

"Although we still see contagion to the large energy producers in the Gulf as relatively low, the stakes associated with further contagion are now much higher, which creates even further upside risk to our price forecasts."

The cost of oil hit an all-time high of $147.02 in July 2008, but then fell back as the recession in most western countries reduced demand for crude. Commodity analysts at Japanese bank Nomura have warned that prices could perhaps hit $220 a barrel if the crisis in the Middle East continues. They compared the current situation to the 1990-1991 Gulf war, saying if Libya and Algeria were to halt oil production, prices could peak above $220 a barrel. Others have predicted that oil could rise above $150 a barrel if the turmoil spreads.

The International Energy Agency warned this week that surging oil prices could derail the world economic recovery. Economists reckon that a $10 a barrel increase in the price of oil knocks about half a percentage point from global GDP growth, although some still expect oil prices to drop back later this year.

Gold prices hovered near a seven-week high as the surge in oil prices triggered inflation fears. Spot gold traded at $1,415.45 an ounce. "People don't have much confidence that the Libya crisis will be settled any time soon, so a lot of them are betting on gold," a dealer in Singapore told Reuters. "Gold will be king."

Isra-Mart srl:Massachusetts town finds solar use for landfill sites

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A town in Massachusetts is hoping to revitalise an old landfill site by letting a developer build a solar project on the land, as part of a project that could provide a template for landfill sites around the world.

Landfills are notoriously difficult to redevelop as leaking gases and the risk of subsidence make it virtually impossible to construct buildings on the sites. However, Southern Sky Renewable Energy has signed an agreement with the town of Canton in New England to build a 5.6MW solar array on its former landfill site, which was capped 25 years ago and remains an unused, grassy area. The site will consist of 24,000 three-by-five foot panels and should be producing energy by next year.

The town is hoping to save $70m over the next 25 years through the venture, which will bring it both energy savings and extra revenues, it said. The deal represents 7.4 per cent of the current solar energy base in the state.

A 2009 report produced for the EPA titled Solar Power Installations on Closed Landfills: Technical and Regulatory Considerations indicated some potential issues for landfill-based solar installations, warning that steep slopes, thin landfill caps, structural settlement, and landfill cap maintenance could all hamper development. But the EPA concluded that these issues could be resolved as many landfill sites may be suitable for solar development.

Other landfill-based solar projects have been agreed in the past. In 2008, North Carolina-based FLS Energy signed a power-purchase agreement with clients for a landfill-based solar plant in the state, while Republic Services, which owns the 48-acre Hickory Ridge landfill in Georgia, vowed to turn it into a solar project this year, having done the same with a site in San Antonio, Texas in 2009. That system used flexible photovoltaic strips designed to be shaped around the contours of the site to maximise exposure to sunlight. It also complemented a landfill-based biogas-to-energy system at the site, installed seven years prior.

Isra-Mart srl:Australia launches latest attempt to price carbon

Isra-Mart srl news:

Will it be a case of third time lucky for Australia's efforts to put a price on carbon emissions?

The Labor-led coalition government will certainly be hoping so after it today launched a third attempt to put a price on carbon, unveiling plans for a carbon tax that will come into effect from mid-2012.

Prime minister Julia Gillard – who last year ousted her predecessor Kevin Rudd and triggered an early election in the wake of the Labor government twice failing to pass a climate change bill – announced plans to impose a fixed carbon tax on heavy emitters from July 2012 before moving on to a carbon trading mechanism within five years.

"This is an essential economic reform, and it is the right thing to do," Gillard told reporters, highlighting how the recent devastating droughts and floods experienced by the country demonstrated the vital need to tackle climate change.

The proposals will be fiercely opposed by the Liberal Party, which twice defeated Labor efforts to introduce an emissions trading scheme during the previous parliament.

Liberal leader Tony Abbott, who has in the past expressed scepticism over the causes of climate change, slammed the new proposals. "We will fight this tax every second of every minute of every day of every week of every month," he said. "I think there will be a people's revolt against this carbon tax. I don't believe it will ever happen."

However, Gillard insisted she will take the fight to Abbott, vowing that she was "not intending to take a backwards step" in the upcoming debate over the proposals.

The coalition government only enjoys a narrow majority, but the new proposals have secured the support of a handful of independent and Green MPs, some of whom opposed previous carbon pricing proposals on the grounds that they were too modest.

The focus will now shift to the precise details regarding the level at which the carbon levy will be set, which firms will be covered, and how it will transition into a market-based mechanism.

Gillard will face a delicate balancing act if she is to find a compromise agreement that secures the continued support of the Greens, while satisfying rural independents and members of her own party concerned the levy will lead to rising energy prices.

Meanwhile, the price of electricity futures for the calendar year of 2012 jumped almost 10 per cent amidst fears the tax will hit the country's coal producers.

Isra-Mart srl:UN predicts surge in clean energy investment

Isra-Mart srl news:

Global investment in clean energy is set to reach $240bn this year, according to new figures from the UN Environment Programme (UNEP). This confirms that Brazil, China and India are continuing to accelerate green spending plans.

The spending represents an increase of around 20 per cent on the $180bn-$200bn invested globally in clean energy and energy-efficiency projects during 2010.

The figures were set out by Pavan Sukhdev, head of UNEP's Green Economy initiative, who yesterday told news agency Reuters that increased investment in emerging economies was driving the development of a global green economy.

The news comes just days after UNEP released a landmark report detailing how the world can build a green economy that will lead to improved economic growth compared to business-as-usual at an initial cost of just two per cent of GDP.

It also came on the same day as UNEP used its annual meeting in Nairobi to announce a wide-ranging agreement with the European Commission that will see the two bodies step up efforts to foster the emergence of green economies in developing countries.

"The EU and UNEP share many common priorities – from climate change and sustainable energy to environment and development," said EU environment commissioner Janez Potočnik. "Sustainable management of natural resources, sustainable consumption and production and the green economy are among those key priorities."

Specifically, UNEP and the EU will work together on a multimillion-euro project to help restore the north western part of the Mau forest complex in Kenya alongside the Kenyan government.

Elsewhere at the UNEP summit, scientists released a report detailing how targeting soot and methane emissions represents one of the most effective means of tackling climate change.

The report, entitled Integrated Assessment of Black Carbon and Tropospheric Ozone, predicts that tackling relatively short-lived greenhouse gases such as methane, ozone and so-called black carbon, could help cut global warming by up to 0.5°C by 2030, and as such play a key role in avoiding climatic tipping points that scientists fear could occur if temperatures rise by more than 2°C above pre-industrial levels.