Friday, July 9, 2010

Isra-Mart srl: Police bid to improve carbon footprint

Isra-Mart srl news:
GREATER Manchester Police is making an effort to save public money by improving its carbon footprint.

The force, which spends about £13,000 a day on gas and electricity at its 120 buildings, hopes to cut costs by taking simple energysaving steps.

Assistant Chief Officer Lynne Potts said: “Policing 492 square miles, with about 2.5 million people, requires some significant resources.

“It is imperative the force targets the greatest proportion of its resources towards policing priorities, achieving value for money while at the same time having a positive impact on the environment.”

GMP’s sustainability team is examining ways to reduce building running costs and vehicle mileage.

Sustainability manager Robert Hayes said: “Our carbon emissions stand at more than 32,000 tonnes and, with about 10,000 computers, we have to look at ways to reduce the power they consume.”

The introduction of videoconferencing, as an alternative to travelling to meetings, is another option for the force to reduce its costs and carbon footprint