Isramart news:
A TALK on saving energy was the highlight of Tuesday’s meeting of Henley Rotary Club, held at Henley Golf Club.
It was given by former Henley mayor Janine FitzGerald, a member of the steering group for Henley in Transition, part of a nationwide movement of “transition towns”.
The campaigners aim to make every community work towards sustainability by using local supplies of energy, food, housing and transport without being dependent on external sources.
Ms FitzGerald said that Henley had registered as a transition town comparatively early in the campaign but that Totnes in Devon and Lewes in East Sussex had been the founding localities and now used their own currency to promote local trading. Emphasising that the movement was apolitical, she said it did not claim to have all the answers but urged everyone to ask: “how can I influence others to reduce our carbon footprint?”
The Henley group was formed in 2008 and one of the first projects was to use a thermal imaging camera to take images of 500 buildings in the town.
There were some interesting results showing where heat loss was greatest, particularly in non-insulated structures.
Ms FitzGerald suggested all sorts of ways to help under the heading of “Use less, use local, waste less, recycle.”
Smaller, fuel-efficient cars, herb gardens, installing a smart meter, solar power were among her ideas. There were a number of questions, many suggesting that people were not convinced by the idea of global warming but that anything that could be done to reduce carbon emissions must be beneficial. Harry Lambert proposed the vote of thanks.
lThe Henley in Transition group is inviting residents to two presentations about its work and aims. They are both at the King’s Arms Barn — one on Thursday (June 10) and the other next Monday. A short film, The Transition Movie, will be shown followed by a discussion about the implications of transition and the possibilities for Henley. The sessions are suitable for all ages. Doors will open at 7pm and refreshments will be provided.