Thursday, August 12, 2010

Isra-Mart srl: Go green with carbon footprint drive

Isra-Mart srl news:
Fareham Borough Council is supporting The Greening Campaign which will work across five areas of Fareham.

The campaign is a community-led initiative and helps communities reduce their carbon footprint by guiding them through a programme designed to encourage people to join in and change their behaviour.

Communites can have a launch event which will help make the group visible in the town and make houses which are taking action visible by using a branded challenge card, giving households a list of easy ways to save energy.

The Greening Campaign will also help work out how much energy the community has saved by taking this action. So far, there three areas are up and running in Stubbington, North Fareham and Portchester.

Councillor Leslie Keeble, executive member for performance and improvement, said: ‘The Greening Campaign is an excellent way for individuals and groups in the local community to get involved with reducing their carbon footprint.

‘There are some very easy and simple steps we can all take to make that all important difference.

‘I would encourage other people in the borough to apply to be part of the campaign for their area.’