Isramart news:
Congress is wrestling with a new environmental plan to save our planet. I can’t tell how comfortable that makes me. The fact that it is being discussed at the Congressional level scares the daylights out of me. Congress has not fixed anything, and everything they touch turns to a gold-plated boondoggle.
I do not want them to touch my health care, I do not want them running American car companies and with the new cap-and-trade scheme; where and how can they fix that? I think we all can agree it will be bad for America, all thinking people that is; the other side thinks America will be wonderful and the earth will be fixed as soon as Congress gets a handle on it.
My point is this: What will this cap-and-trade do to airplane traffic? The way I see it, O’Hare Airport was the fifth-largest polluter in the state. That was a while ago, when we still had industry and jobs; most of that has gone away so it may have moved up on the list.
Jets of today are filthy and noisy. Will they be able to tax the noise that jets make, or just the carbon it spews out? I see the airport buying many many carbon credits, or will they be exempt? Maybe one of our Congressmen can tell me that one. I just think if they have to buy credits from the government, or one of Al Gore’s companies, the cost of an airplane ticket will run in the thousands.