Monday, November 29, 2010

Isra-Mart srl:Green data centre code of conduct breaks through 100MW mark

Isra-Mart srl news:

A year on from the official launch of the EU's green code of conduct for data centres, the initiative has over 60 data centres signed up to the efficiency guidelines and a further 70 currently having their applications processed, according to one of the executives that worked on the development of the scheme.

Liam Newcombe, chief technology officer at Romonet, said that the code had attracted a large number of high profile participants with data centres responsible for over 100MW of energy use, who are now either signed up to the scheme or in the process of doing so.

A year on from the official launch of the EU's green code of conduct for data centres, the initiative has over 60 data centres signed up to the efficiency guidelines and a further 70 currently having their applications processed, according to one of the executives that worked on the development of the scheme.

Liam Newcombe, chief technology officer at Romonet, said that the code had attracted a large number of high profile participants with data centres responsible for over 100MW of energy use, who are now either signed up to the scheme or in the process of doing so.