Isra-Mart srl news:
Uniunea Europeana este pregatita pentru un plan ambitios de masuri de reducere a emisiilor, insa este nevoie de vointa politica si a celorlalte mari economii ale lumii, a subliniat Comisarul european pentru politici climatice, Connie Hedegaard, in cadrul Conferintei de la Cancun.
Hedegaard a precizat ca ”din pacate”, unele dintre celelalte economii majore nu sunt pregatite pentru un acord ferm. ”Totusi, conferinta de la Cancun poate face un pas semnificativ inainte la nivel mondial prin stabilirea, de comun acord, a unui set echilibrat de decizii care sa cuprinda multe aspecte esentiale. Este crucial ca la Cancun sa se realizeze acest progres”, a mai spus comisarul european. Potrivit acestuia, in caz contrar, procesul de negociere al ONU privind schimbarile climatice risca sa-si piarda avantul si relevanta, iar deocamdata nimeni nu a reusit sa propuna un forum alternativ care sa poata oferi rezultate mai bune.
Potrivit lui Joke Schauvliege, ministrul flamand al mediului, naturii si culturii, care va reprezenta presedintia belgiana a UE la Cancun, UE spera ca la Cancun sa se ajunga la un acord asupra unui pachet de decizii care trebuie sa porneasca de la Protocolul de la Kyoto si sa cuprinda orientarile politice oferite de Acordul de la Copenhaga.
Pachetul de decizii de la Cancun
Potrivit unui comunicat publicat pe pagina de internet a Comisiei Europene, UE considera ca la Cancun ar trebui sa fie elaborat un pachet echilibrat de decizii care sa reflecte progresele obtinute in cadrul negocierilor de pana acum si sa stabileasca principalele elemente ale structurii viitorului sistem mondial privind clima. De asemenea, deciziile luate la Cancun ar trebui sa permita lansarea unor actiuni concrete si imediate de combatere a schimbarilor climatice, mai ales in tarile in curs de dezvoltare.
Inca nu s‑a ajuns la un acord privind sfera de aplicare a pachetului de decizii. UE doreste ca pachetul echilibrat de decizii de la Cancun sa abordeze, printre altele, urmatoarele aspecte specifice:
- „Ancorarea” in procesul de negociere al ONU a angajamentelor referitoare la emisii asumate in cadrul acordului de la Copenhaga
- Normele privind transparenta (MRV)
- Reformarea si extinderea mecanismelor pietei carbonului
- Un mecanism pentru reducerea despaduririlor in zonele tropicale
- Normele contabile din domeniul gestionarii padurilor pentru tarile dezvoltate
- Adaptarea la schimbarile climatice
- Guvernanta viitorului Fond „verde” de la Copenhaga pentru clima
- Cooperarea tehnologica
- Consolidarea capacitatilor in tarile in curs de dezvoltare
- Emisiile generate de transporturile aeriene si maritime internationale
UE va face presiuni pentru un acord
Conferinta ONU privind schimbarile climatice care a inceput ieri la Cancun, in Mexic, trebuie sa faca un pas semnificativ spre instituirea unui cadru cuprinzator si obligatoriu din punct de vedere juridic pentru actiunile de combatere a schimbarilor climatice la nivel mondial.
”La Cancun, Uniunea Europeana va face presiuni pentru a se ajunge la un acord asupra unui set echilibrat de decizii care ar pregati terenul pentru crearea cat mai curand a unui cadru obligatoriu din punct de vedere juridic la nivel mondial si ar duce la actiuni imediate si concrete de combatere a schimbarilor climatice. UE, principalul donator de ajutoare al lumii, va prezenta la Cancun un raport complet si transparent privind finantarea initiala rapida pe care a furnizat‑o UE pentru a sprijini tarile in curs de dezvoltare”, se anunta pe site-ul Comisiei Europene (CE).
Pana la 10 decembrie, in cadrul conferintei vor continua negocierile ONU care vizeaza elaborarea unui sistem mondial de combatere a schimbarilor climatice pentru perioada de dupa 2012, cand expira principalele dispozitii ale Protocolului de la Kyoto. Acesta din urma este rezultatul conferintei ONU de anul trecut referitoare la schimbarile climatice si a fost aprobat de 140 de tari, inclusiv UE si statele sale membre. Acordul de la Copenhaga recunoaste nevoia limitarii incalzirii globale la maximum 2 °C peste temperatura din perioada preindustriala.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Isra-Mart srl:SUA isi pastreaza tinta de emisii asumata la Copenhaga
Isra-Mart srl news:
Statele Unite isi pastreaza angajamentul facut anul trecut, de a reduce emisiile de carbon cu 17% fata de nivelul din 2005, pana in 2020, informeaza Reuters.
La summit-ul climatic al ONU de anul trecut, de la Copenhaga, SUA s-au angajat sa reduca emisiile cu 17%, mizand pe cresterea utilizarii gazului natural.
Statele dezvoltate si-au luat de asemenea angajamentul de a aloca 100 de miliarde de dolari anual, incepand cu 2020, pentru a ajuta statele in curs de dezvoltare sa faca fata efectelor schimbarilor climatice.
Insa sperantele pentru un progres semnificativ in cadrul summit-ului de la Cancun sunt scazute, in contextul in care SUA si China, cei mai mari poluatori ai lumii, se cearta in legatura cu modul in care ar trebui sa imparta povara eforturilor de a combate schimbarile climatice.
Administratia de la Washington vrea ca statele cu o dezvoltare rapida, precum China si India, sa accepte obligatii de reducere a emisiilor mai ambitioase in viitorul acord care va inlocui protocolul de la Kyoto. Cu toate acestea, SUA vor avea o batalie dificila de dus, in contextul in care sunt singura natiune dezvoltata care nu s-a alaturat protocolului de la Kyoto. In acelasi timp, tinta de reducere a emisiilor cu 17% asumata de Obama este considerata slaba de multe state.
Esecul Congresului american de a adopta o lege climatica si succesul Republicanilor la recentele alegeri ridica noi semne de intrebare despre masura in care SUA vor putea atinge tinta promisa de Obama.
O crestere a productiei de gaze naturale ar putea ajuta SUA sa isi reduca dependenta de carbune, care emite de doua ori mai mult dioxid de carbon la ardere.
Ponderea gazului natural folosit pentru a genera electricitate in SUA a crescut la 23%, fata de 20%, cat era acum doi ani.
Isra-Mart srl news:
Statele Unite isi pastreaza angajamentul facut anul trecut, de a reduce emisiile de carbon cu 17% fata de nivelul din 2005, pana in 2020, informeaza Reuters.
La summit-ul climatic al ONU de anul trecut, de la Copenhaga, SUA s-au angajat sa reduca emisiile cu 17%, mizand pe cresterea utilizarii gazului natural.
Statele dezvoltate si-au luat de asemenea angajamentul de a aloca 100 de miliarde de dolari anual, incepand cu 2020, pentru a ajuta statele in curs de dezvoltare sa faca fata efectelor schimbarilor climatice.
Insa sperantele pentru un progres semnificativ in cadrul summit-ului de la Cancun sunt scazute, in contextul in care SUA si China, cei mai mari poluatori ai lumii, se cearta in legatura cu modul in care ar trebui sa imparta povara eforturilor de a combate schimbarile climatice.
Administratia de la Washington vrea ca statele cu o dezvoltare rapida, precum China si India, sa accepte obligatii de reducere a emisiilor mai ambitioase in viitorul acord care va inlocui protocolul de la Kyoto. Cu toate acestea, SUA vor avea o batalie dificila de dus, in contextul in care sunt singura natiune dezvoltata care nu s-a alaturat protocolului de la Kyoto. In acelasi timp, tinta de reducere a emisiilor cu 17% asumata de Obama este considerata slaba de multe state.
Esecul Congresului american de a adopta o lege climatica si succesul Republicanilor la recentele alegeri ridica noi semne de intrebare despre masura in care SUA vor putea atinge tinta promisa de Obama.
O crestere a productiei de gaze naturale ar putea ajuta SUA sa isi reduca dependenta de carbune, care emite de doua ori mai mult dioxid de carbon la ardere.
Ponderea gazului natural folosit pentru a genera electricitate in SUA a crescut la 23%, fata de 20%, cat era acum doi ani.
Isra-Mart srl:COP 16 SUA vede progrese in negocierile climatice cu China
Isra-Mart srl news:
Primele discutii din cadrul Summit-ului Climatic de la Cancun au un ton optimist, potrivit membrilor din delegatia SUA, care sustin ca au constatat o detensionare in negocierile cu China privind reducerea emisiilor, relateaza Reuters.
„Luna trecuta ne-am straduit mult sa ne punem de acord asupra unor probleme si sa le rezolvam. Sentimentul meu este ca am facut un real progres. Ramane de vazut care va fi deznodamantul acestei reuniuni”, a spus seful delegatiei SUA la Cancun, Jonathan Pershing, despre relatia dintre SUA si China.
Seful delegatiei chineze, Su Wei, s-a arata ceva mai rezervat cu privire progresul negocierilor pretins de americani, rezumandu-se la o declaratie formala: „Am avut un dialog sincer si deschis cu prietenii nostri americani si cred ca atat SUA, cat si China isi doresc mult un rezultat bun al discutiilor de la Cancun”.
Statele Unite si China sunt tarile cu cele mai dezvoltate economii din lume, dar si cele care polueaza cel mai mult. Washiongtonul si Beijingul se acuza reciproc ca in 2010 au depus prea putine eforturi pentru a adopta masuri de incetinire a incalzirii globala , contribuind astfel la impasul negocierilor climatice de anul acesta.
Schimbarile climatice reprezinta doar una dintre problemele care genereaza dispute in dialogul dintre cele doua mari puteri economice, pe langa comert si cursul de schimb.
Emisarul american Jonathan Pershing a tinut totodata sa dea asigurari ca administratia Obama se va tine de cuvant, iar SUA isi vor reduce emisiile cu 17 % pana in 2020 comparativ cu nivelul lor din 2005, in ciuda faptul ca, in urma alegerilor legislative din noiembrie, republicanii au preluat controlul asupra Congresului.
Securitate maxima la Cancun
Intalnirile dintre delegati au loc in Moon Palace Hotel, pazit de navele de razboi mexicane. Miza acestei reuniuni este reluarea negocierilor in vederea incheierii unui acord legal obligatoriu intre state privind reducerea emisiilor de carbon.
ONU doreste semnarea unui acord pentru un nou „fond verde” pentru ajutorarea natiunilor aflate in dezvoltare, pentru protejarea padurilor tropicale si pentru sprijin acordat celor saraci, carora le este greu sa se adapteze incalzirii globale. De asemenea, se doreste stabilirea unor tinte precise pentru reducerea emisiilor de gaze cu efect de sera.
In prima zi, la Cancun s-a mai discutat despre necesitatea combaterii efectelor nefaste ale inundatiilor, secetelor, valurilor de caldura si cresterii nivelului marii. Peste 100 de ministri ai mediului din diferite tari si aproximativ 25 de prim-ministri si presedinti se vor alatura saptamana viitoare negocierilor.
Punct critic
„Relatia noastra cu natura a ajuns la un punct critic”, a spus presedintele mexican Felipe Calderon, in deschiderea summit-ului climatic. La randul sau, Rajenda Pachauri, seful Grupului Interguvernamental al ONU privind Schimbarile Climatice (IPCC), s-a declarat ingrijorat de viteza redusa cu care se iau masuri: „Intarzierile nu fac decat decat sa creasca impactul negativ al schimbarilor climatice. Costurile necesare pentru combaterea acestora, respectiv de inlocuire a combustibililor fosili cu surse de energie regenerabila, eoliana sau solara, vor creste pe masura ce trece timpul”.
Alianta Statelor Insulare Mici a avertizat ca tari precum Tuvalu si Maldive fac deja fata unui adevarat dezastru din cauza cresterii nivelului marii, subliniind ca este nevoie urgenta de tinte mai dure pentru reducerea ritmului in care se produc schimbari climatice.
Prin aceste discutii se va incerca adoptarea unui acord care sa inlocuiasca Protocolul de la Kyoto, care impune statele bogate sa isi reduca emisiile cu 5.2% fata de nivelul din 1990, in perioada 2008-2012.
Succesul negocierilor va ajuta la recuperarea terenului pierdut anul trecut, la Copenhaga, in urma caruia a fost adoptat un acord de forma, care a statutat doar limita de 2 grade Celsius de crestere a temperaturilor globale fata de nivelurile din perioada pre-industriala.
Un esec al summit-ului climatic de la Cancun ar avea ca efect lipsa unor masuri de combaterea schimbarilor climatice care sa fie dupa anul 2012, cand expira Protocolul de la Kyoto.
Ministrul danez al mediului, Lykke Friis, considera ca summit-ul de anul trecut a generat asteptari exagerate: „Miza Summit-ului Climatic de la Cancun este foarte ridicata. Daca asteptarile de la discutiile de anul trecut, de la Copenhaga, au fost prea mari, acum trebuie sa evitam situatia inversa, in care asteptarile se situeaza la un nivel mult prea redus”.
Isra-Mart srl news:
Primele discutii din cadrul Summit-ului Climatic de la Cancun au un ton optimist, potrivit membrilor din delegatia SUA, care sustin ca au constatat o detensionare in negocierile cu China privind reducerea emisiilor, relateaza Reuters.
„Luna trecuta ne-am straduit mult sa ne punem de acord asupra unor probleme si sa le rezolvam. Sentimentul meu este ca am facut un real progres. Ramane de vazut care va fi deznodamantul acestei reuniuni”, a spus seful delegatiei SUA la Cancun, Jonathan Pershing, despre relatia dintre SUA si China.
Seful delegatiei chineze, Su Wei, s-a arata ceva mai rezervat cu privire progresul negocierilor pretins de americani, rezumandu-se la o declaratie formala: „Am avut un dialog sincer si deschis cu prietenii nostri americani si cred ca atat SUA, cat si China isi doresc mult un rezultat bun al discutiilor de la Cancun”.
Statele Unite si China sunt tarile cu cele mai dezvoltate economii din lume, dar si cele care polueaza cel mai mult. Washiongtonul si Beijingul se acuza reciproc ca in 2010 au depus prea putine eforturi pentru a adopta masuri de incetinire a incalzirii globala , contribuind astfel la impasul negocierilor climatice de anul acesta.
Schimbarile climatice reprezinta doar una dintre problemele care genereaza dispute in dialogul dintre cele doua mari puteri economice, pe langa comert si cursul de schimb.
Emisarul american Jonathan Pershing a tinut totodata sa dea asigurari ca administratia Obama se va tine de cuvant, iar SUA isi vor reduce emisiile cu 17 % pana in 2020 comparativ cu nivelul lor din 2005, in ciuda faptul ca, in urma alegerilor legislative din noiembrie, republicanii au preluat controlul asupra Congresului.
Securitate maxima la Cancun
Intalnirile dintre delegati au loc in Moon Palace Hotel, pazit de navele de razboi mexicane. Miza acestei reuniuni este reluarea negocierilor in vederea incheierii unui acord legal obligatoriu intre state privind reducerea emisiilor de carbon.
ONU doreste semnarea unui acord pentru un nou „fond verde” pentru ajutorarea natiunilor aflate in dezvoltare, pentru protejarea padurilor tropicale si pentru sprijin acordat celor saraci, carora le este greu sa se adapteze incalzirii globale. De asemenea, se doreste stabilirea unor tinte precise pentru reducerea emisiilor de gaze cu efect de sera.
In prima zi, la Cancun s-a mai discutat despre necesitatea combaterii efectelor nefaste ale inundatiilor, secetelor, valurilor de caldura si cresterii nivelului marii. Peste 100 de ministri ai mediului din diferite tari si aproximativ 25 de prim-ministri si presedinti se vor alatura saptamana viitoare negocierilor.
Punct critic
„Relatia noastra cu natura a ajuns la un punct critic”, a spus presedintele mexican Felipe Calderon, in deschiderea summit-ului climatic. La randul sau, Rajenda Pachauri, seful Grupului Interguvernamental al ONU privind Schimbarile Climatice (IPCC), s-a declarat ingrijorat de viteza redusa cu care se iau masuri: „Intarzierile nu fac decat decat sa creasca impactul negativ al schimbarilor climatice. Costurile necesare pentru combaterea acestora, respectiv de inlocuire a combustibililor fosili cu surse de energie regenerabila, eoliana sau solara, vor creste pe masura ce trece timpul”.
Alianta Statelor Insulare Mici a avertizat ca tari precum Tuvalu si Maldive fac deja fata unui adevarat dezastru din cauza cresterii nivelului marii, subliniind ca este nevoie urgenta de tinte mai dure pentru reducerea ritmului in care se produc schimbari climatice.
Prin aceste discutii se va incerca adoptarea unui acord care sa inlocuiasca Protocolul de la Kyoto, care impune statele bogate sa isi reduca emisiile cu 5.2% fata de nivelul din 1990, in perioada 2008-2012.
Succesul negocierilor va ajuta la recuperarea terenului pierdut anul trecut, la Copenhaga, in urma caruia a fost adoptat un acord de forma, care a statutat doar limita de 2 grade Celsius de crestere a temperaturilor globale fata de nivelurile din perioada pre-industriala.
Un esec al summit-ului climatic de la Cancun ar avea ca efect lipsa unor masuri de combaterea schimbarilor climatice care sa fie dupa anul 2012, cand expira Protocolul de la Kyoto.
Ministrul danez al mediului, Lykke Friis, considera ca summit-ul de anul trecut a generat asteptari exagerate: „Miza Summit-ului Climatic de la Cancun este foarte ridicata. Daca asteptarile de la discutiile de anul trecut, de la Copenhaga, au fost prea mari, acum trebuie sa evitam situatia inversa, in care asteptarile se situeaza la un nivel mult prea redus”.
Isra-Mart srl:Certificate de carbon de 15 milioane de euro, furate din contul Holcim
Isra-Mart srl news:
Certificate de carbon in valoare de aproximativ 15 milioane de euro au fost furate din conturile pe care Holcim Romania le detine la Registrul National al Emisiilor de Gaze cu Efect de Sera, dupa ce acestea au fost accesate ilegal pe 16 noiembrie.
“Persoane necunoscute au sustras 1,6 milioane certificate CO2, dintre care 600.000 au fost recuperate si returnate catre Holcim”, precizeaza comunicatul.
Un milion de certificate CO2 au fost transferate intr-un cont din Liechtenstein. Alte 600.000 de certificate au fost transferate catre o companie din Italia, care are conturi de certificate CO2 in Registrele din Italia si Marea Britanie. Ulterior, o parte dintre certificate au fost transferate catre alte conturi din Cehia, Marea Britanie si Franta.
Holcim Romania a informat Registrul National al Emisiilor de Gaze cu Efect de Sera si a solicitat blocarea, recuperarea certificatelor de CO2 si securizarea datelor. Compania a solicitat autoritatilor romane abilitate declansarea unei anchete penale. In acelasi timp, a fost initiata si o investigatie la nivel international.
Avand in vedere ca certificatele de CO2 sunt inregistrate electronic si nu pot parasi sistemele Registrelor Nationale de Emisii de Gaze cu Efect de Sera, Holcim a solicitat suportul Comisiei Europene pentru a cere Registrelor Nationale de CO2 din Uniunea Europeana sa urmareasca si sa impiedice comercializarea si diseminarea certificatelor furate.
Holcim este unul dintre cei mai importanti furnizori de ciment si agregate (piatra, nisip si pietris), precum si betoane si asfalt, incluzand serviciile aferente.
Isra-Mart srl news:
Certificate de carbon in valoare de aproximativ 15 milioane de euro au fost furate din conturile pe care Holcim Romania le detine la Registrul National al Emisiilor de Gaze cu Efect de Sera, dupa ce acestea au fost accesate ilegal pe 16 noiembrie.
“Persoane necunoscute au sustras 1,6 milioane certificate CO2, dintre care 600.000 au fost recuperate si returnate catre Holcim”, precizeaza comunicatul.
Un milion de certificate CO2 au fost transferate intr-un cont din Liechtenstein. Alte 600.000 de certificate au fost transferate catre o companie din Italia, care are conturi de certificate CO2 in Registrele din Italia si Marea Britanie. Ulterior, o parte dintre certificate au fost transferate catre alte conturi din Cehia, Marea Britanie si Franta.
Holcim Romania a informat Registrul National al Emisiilor de Gaze cu Efect de Sera si a solicitat blocarea, recuperarea certificatelor de CO2 si securizarea datelor. Compania a solicitat autoritatilor romane abilitate declansarea unei anchete penale. In acelasi timp, a fost initiata si o investigatie la nivel international.
Avand in vedere ca certificatele de CO2 sunt inregistrate electronic si nu pot parasi sistemele Registrelor Nationale de Emisii de Gaze cu Efect de Sera, Holcim a solicitat suportul Comisiei Europene pentru a cere Registrelor Nationale de CO2 din Uniunea Europeana sa urmareasca si sa impiedice comercializarea si diseminarea certificatelor furate.
Holcim este unul dintre cei mai importanti furnizori de ciment si agregate (piatra, nisip si pietris), precum si betoane si asfalt, incluzand serviciile aferente.
Isra-Mart srl:Carbon – the more you emit the greater the subsidy!
Isra-Mart srl news:
Recently the Gillard Government warned it might remove solar energy subsidies and review the value of Renewable Energy Certificates (RECS).
In New South Wales Premier Kristina Keneally reduced the gross feed-in tariff from 60 to 20 cents per kilowatt. Anyone installing solar in the future in NSW will receive less for their clean contribution to the grid than they pay for coal-fired electricity.
In the age of climate change, emissions trading and carbon prices, why is Australia’s solar industry being so poorly treated?
Despite Australia being drenched in sunlight (around 300 days a year) we lag behind Germany, Japan, Spain, France, and Greece, among others. Despite its miserable summers Germany has embraced solar technology. Visitors can travel down the Rhine River in solar powered boats even in the rain: but where are the solar boats in sunny Sydney?
Commentators have denounced rebate schemes as “middle class welfare”. Interestingly the take up of solar power in NSW has been largely in Western Sydney and regional areas. The demographics of those using solar power are more working family than merchant banker. Regardless, poor policy at a state and federal level is compromising our most promising renewable industry.
The NSW 60 cent tariff has been overly generous and the industry warned policy makers of this. The Solar Energy Industries Association is calling for a 45 cent gross feed-in tariff with annual reviews (similar to the ACT scheme). Premier Keneally refuses to meet with the association and so far there is no policy from Barry O’Farrell, the NSW Opposition leader, although at least the Liberals are open to dialogue.
Governments do not have a good record of consulting with the renewable energy sector. Hasty policy has swung the industry in cycles that go from boom to bust. Many argue that there should be no subsidies for the solar industry. Fair enough, there’s nothing wrong with that, but let’s examine the real cost of solar power and compare it with that of coal-fired power.
In NSW during the last nine years coal and coal-fired power together have received an annual subsidy of $1 billion. The subsidy for the renewable energy sector for the same time frame is a paltry $67 million a year. Coal-fired power receives 15 times the amount of subsidy compared with the renewable energy industry.
Meanwhile, NSW’s state-owned power companies, Energy Australia, Integral and Country Energy, have CEOs who are earning obscene amounts – $666,000 to $774,000 a year.
The spin regarding the feed-in tariff reduction in NSW was that the solar uptake was increasing electricity prices. The reality is infrastructure upgrades ignored by NSW Labor are the major driver of price increases. How can a $17.9 billion infrastructure upgrade for coal-fired energy be justified when there is a federal government target for Australia to be using 20 per cent renewable energy by 2020?
Germany has proven that major public take-up of renewable energy lessens grid demand and therefore the need for infrastructure upgrades.
Some are quick to judge if the investment in solar is “worth it”. Coal-fired power is treated as a given, yet the costs on many fronts mount up. Additional to infrastructure upgrades, NSW is currently in the process of negotiating low coal prices for electricity production, meaning that NSW residents will be shackled with billions of dollars in dirty coal subsidies tied up in long-term contracts.
Isra-Mart srl news:
Recently the Gillard Government warned it might remove solar energy subsidies and review the value of Renewable Energy Certificates (RECS).
In New South Wales Premier Kristina Keneally reduced the gross feed-in tariff from 60 to 20 cents per kilowatt. Anyone installing solar in the future in NSW will receive less for their clean contribution to the grid than they pay for coal-fired electricity.
In the age of climate change, emissions trading and carbon prices, why is Australia’s solar industry being so poorly treated?
Despite Australia being drenched in sunlight (around 300 days a year) we lag behind Germany, Japan, Spain, France, and Greece, among others. Despite its miserable summers Germany has embraced solar technology. Visitors can travel down the Rhine River in solar powered boats even in the rain: but where are the solar boats in sunny Sydney?
Commentators have denounced rebate schemes as “middle class welfare”. Interestingly the take up of solar power in NSW has been largely in Western Sydney and regional areas. The demographics of those using solar power are more working family than merchant banker. Regardless, poor policy at a state and federal level is compromising our most promising renewable industry.
The NSW 60 cent tariff has been overly generous and the industry warned policy makers of this. The Solar Energy Industries Association is calling for a 45 cent gross feed-in tariff with annual reviews (similar to the ACT scheme). Premier Keneally refuses to meet with the association and so far there is no policy from Barry O’Farrell, the NSW Opposition leader, although at least the Liberals are open to dialogue.
Governments do not have a good record of consulting with the renewable energy sector. Hasty policy has swung the industry in cycles that go from boom to bust. Many argue that there should be no subsidies for the solar industry. Fair enough, there’s nothing wrong with that, but let’s examine the real cost of solar power and compare it with that of coal-fired power.
In NSW during the last nine years coal and coal-fired power together have received an annual subsidy of $1 billion. The subsidy for the renewable energy sector for the same time frame is a paltry $67 million a year. Coal-fired power receives 15 times the amount of subsidy compared with the renewable energy industry.
Meanwhile, NSW’s state-owned power companies, Energy Australia, Integral and Country Energy, have CEOs who are earning obscene amounts – $666,000 to $774,000 a year.
The spin regarding the feed-in tariff reduction in NSW was that the solar uptake was increasing electricity prices. The reality is infrastructure upgrades ignored by NSW Labor are the major driver of price increases. How can a $17.9 billion infrastructure upgrade for coal-fired energy be justified when there is a federal government target for Australia to be using 20 per cent renewable energy by 2020?
Germany has proven that major public take-up of renewable energy lessens grid demand and therefore the need for infrastructure upgrades.
Some are quick to judge if the investment in solar is “worth it”. Coal-fired power is treated as a given, yet the costs on many fronts mount up. Additional to infrastructure upgrades, NSW is currently in the process of negotiating low coal prices for electricity production, meaning that NSW residents will be shackled with billions of dollars in dirty coal subsidies tied up in long-term contracts.
Isra-Mart srl:U.S. Carbon Trading Goes Up in Smoke
Isra-Mart srl news:
Just three years ago, George H. Stein, a managing director at New York-based recruiter Commodity Talent, was seeing a brisk volume in calls from Wall Streeters looking to make a career switch. While oil traders were getting pilloried on Capitol Hill, a new line of work promised to deliver wealth and social benefits: buying and selling carbon permits in the emerging market designed to control global warming pollution. “There was such a great deal of interest in carbon trading,” recalls Stein.
U.S. states were uniting to go on low-carbon diets. Companies were stepping up their own with targets. The Congressional Budget Office estimated that under a cap-and-trade plan, the U.S. market for the permits, which companies would need in order to emit CO2, could be worth as much as $300 billion by 2020. Today, with prospects for a federal cap-and-trade program dead and prices in voluntary carbon markets in the U.S. collapsing, “Carbon traders are calling to ask me what they should do now,” says Stein.
Energy trading consultant Peter Fusaro says he recently counseled a college grad looking to get into emissions trading to find a job on an oil and gas desk and bide his time until carbon comes back. “Carbon trading in the U.S.,” says Fusaro—”there’s no there there.”
The European Union’s carbon market, which has been operating since 2005, continues to grow. Trading volumes were up 8 percent in the third quarter compared with the same period last year. In the U.S., what activity there was is withering. The Chicago Climate Exchange (CCS), once billed as a Nasdaq for CO2, saw carbon prices drop to a nickel per ton before announcing on Nov. 17 that it would cease operations at the end of the year. CCS was founded in 2003 by Richard L. Sandor, an economist who’s been called the father of financial futures. Some 450 companies, including DuPont (DD), Honeywell (HON), and several utilities, signed legally binding contracts to reduce their emissions. Those who succeeded in cutting CO2 could sell their credits to others that were having a harder time complying with CCS emission targets.
Bloomberg New Energy Finance reported on Oct. 1 on the “collapse” of trading in another U.S. market, the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), a consortium of ten Northeastern states that joined together to cap and trade greenhouse gas emissions from power plants. The RGGI’s stated goal: cutting utility emissions by 10 percent by 2018.
Carbon jobs are dying, too: Last year JPMorgan Chase (JPM) acquired carbon brokerage EcoSecurities for $206 million. It has since cut staff and pulled out of projects. “There’s not enough clarity to continue to be able to invest in the market robustly,” EcoSecurities Chief Executive Officer Paul M. Kelly said at a conference in May.
It’s not all gloom and doom, says Sandor: “The message continues to be that in the absence of federal legislation, a bottom-up approach … seems to be key.” California, the world’s eighth-largest economy, is moving ahead with its own cap-and-trade program. The state’s Global Warming Solutions Act envisions a reduction in greenhouse gases to 1990 levels by 2020. On Nov. 17, Barclays Capital (BCS) announced it completed what it said is the first trade of carbon allowances under California’s program, in conjunction with power generator NRG Energy (NRG). Says Jason Patrick, the vice-president in charge of Bank of America Merrill Lynch’s Carbon Markets group: “You’ve got to be adaptable and find business where it exists.”
Isra-Mart srl news:
Just three years ago, George H. Stein, a managing director at New York-based recruiter Commodity Talent, was seeing a brisk volume in calls from Wall Streeters looking to make a career switch. While oil traders were getting pilloried on Capitol Hill, a new line of work promised to deliver wealth and social benefits: buying and selling carbon permits in the emerging market designed to control global warming pollution. “There was such a great deal of interest in carbon trading,” recalls Stein.
U.S. states were uniting to go on low-carbon diets. Companies were stepping up their own with targets. The Congressional Budget Office estimated that under a cap-and-trade plan, the U.S. market for the permits, which companies would need in order to emit CO2, could be worth as much as $300 billion by 2020. Today, with prospects for a federal cap-and-trade program dead and prices in voluntary carbon markets in the U.S. collapsing, “Carbon traders are calling to ask me what they should do now,” says Stein.
Energy trading consultant Peter Fusaro says he recently counseled a college grad looking to get into emissions trading to find a job on an oil and gas desk and bide his time until carbon comes back. “Carbon trading in the U.S.,” says Fusaro—”there’s no there there.”
The European Union’s carbon market, which has been operating since 2005, continues to grow. Trading volumes were up 8 percent in the third quarter compared with the same period last year. In the U.S., what activity there was is withering. The Chicago Climate Exchange (CCS), once billed as a Nasdaq for CO2, saw carbon prices drop to a nickel per ton before announcing on Nov. 17 that it would cease operations at the end of the year. CCS was founded in 2003 by Richard L. Sandor, an economist who’s been called the father of financial futures. Some 450 companies, including DuPont (DD), Honeywell (HON), and several utilities, signed legally binding contracts to reduce their emissions. Those who succeeded in cutting CO2 could sell their credits to others that were having a harder time complying with CCS emission targets.
Bloomberg New Energy Finance reported on Oct. 1 on the “collapse” of trading in another U.S. market, the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), a consortium of ten Northeastern states that joined together to cap and trade greenhouse gas emissions from power plants. The RGGI’s stated goal: cutting utility emissions by 10 percent by 2018.
Carbon jobs are dying, too: Last year JPMorgan Chase (JPM) acquired carbon brokerage EcoSecurities for $206 million. It has since cut staff and pulled out of projects. “There’s not enough clarity to continue to be able to invest in the market robustly,” EcoSecurities Chief Executive Officer Paul M. Kelly said at a conference in May.
It’s not all gloom and doom, says Sandor: “The message continues to be that in the absence of federal legislation, a bottom-up approach … seems to be key.” California, the world’s eighth-largest economy, is moving ahead with its own cap-and-trade program. The state’s Global Warming Solutions Act envisions a reduction in greenhouse gases to 1990 levels by 2020. On Nov. 17, Barclays Capital (BCS) announced it completed what it said is the first trade of carbon allowances under California’s program, in conjunction with power generator NRG Energy (NRG). Says Jason Patrick, the vice-president in charge of Bank of America Merrill Lynch’s Carbon Markets group: “You’ve got to be adaptable and find business where it exists.”
Isra-Mart srl:Climate Control: Unlikely Allies in the Fight on Carbon
Isra-Mart srl news:
Although aggressive climate action is basically frozen in the U.S., the hard work of emissions reduction continues among states, cities, corporations, and nonprofits. On Nov. 16, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger launched R20, a public-private partnership of regional players that seeks measurable reductions within five years. Environmental groups, while girding for courtroom battles against corporations seeking to roll back coming carbon regulations from the Environmental Protection Agency, are also working with companies that want to make their businesses more sustainable.
The first significant alliance between a corporate giant and an environmental nonprofit came in 1990, when McDonald’s (MCD) began working with activists at the Environmental Defense Fund to get rid of the chain’s ubiquitous foam clamshell containers. Another milestone came in 2005, when retail giant Wal-Mart Stores (WMT), working with Conservation International, EDF, and other groups, set ambitious targets to create zero waste, rely solely on renewable energy, and sell only products deemed “sustainable” by 2015. Now such partnerships are a key to the reduction of carbon emissions. In September, Duke Energy (DUK), Cisco Systems (CSCO), and local leaders in Charlotte, N.C., announced a push to reduce energy use in the city’s core commercial buildings by up to 20 percent by 2016.
“The tide has turned,” says Gwen Ruta, EDF’s vice-president for corporate partnerships. Despite setbacks in Washington, she says, “There’s this sense of inevitability that they have to adjust to a world where resources are scarcer and there’s a price for carbon.”
Successful green partnerships are rarely monogamous. While McDonald’s maintains ties with EDF, the bulk of the company’s sustainability efforts are channeled through broader industry initiatives that bring suppliers and even rivals into the mix. “The issues are so systemic that no one company can do it alone,” says Bob Langert, McDonald’s vice-president of corporate social responsibility.
Wal-Mart, long a target for green activists, announced a goal earlier this year of eliminating 20 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions from its global supply chain by the end of 2015. The behemoth is working with nongovernmental organizations at every level. “As big as we are, we can’t take on these issues on our own,” says Miranda Ballentine, Wal-Mart’s director of sustainability.
For watchdog groups, the aim is measurable results. “We’re supposed to be the voice for our mission, not the voice for shareholders of a corporation,” says Jonathan Lash, president of the World Resources Institute. “It’s our job to keep the pressure on.” WRI and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development have created the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, a widely used accounting tool to track emissions.
EDF remains one of the most active players, with a “Climate Corps” staffed this year with 51 business school interns. Working with 47 companies, this summer’s interns identified energy savings equal to taking some 67,000 SUVs off the road. At Eaton (ETN), Vice-President Dimitri Kazarinoff says collaboration with EDF and FedEx (FDX) to develop hybrid trucks helped generate technology that is now in use in hybrid buses in Beijing. EDF teamed up with Donlen, a Chicago company that leases and manages corporate fleets, in a push to cut emissions from the commercial fleet by 20 percent. “We could not have made this a global industrywide effort without EDF,” says Dan Hannan, Donlen’s senior vice-president of sustainability. “The inaction of the government has created a strong corporate sense of responsibility to do something ourselves.”
Isra-Mart srl news:
Although aggressive climate action is basically frozen in the U.S., the hard work of emissions reduction continues among states, cities, corporations, and nonprofits. On Nov. 16, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger launched R20, a public-private partnership of regional players that seeks measurable reductions within five years. Environmental groups, while girding for courtroom battles against corporations seeking to roll back coming carbon regulations from the Environmental Protection Agency, are also working with companies that want to make their businesses more sustainable.
The first significant alliance between a corporate giant and an environmental nonprofit came in 1990, when McDonald’s (MCD) began working with activists at the Environmental Defense Fund to get rid of the chain’s ubiquitous foam clamshell containers. Another milestone came in 2005, when retail giant Wal-Mart Stores (WMT), working with Conservation International, EDF, and other groups, set ambitious targets to create zero waste, rely solely on renewable energy, and sell only products deemed “sustainable” by 2015. Now such partnerships are a key to the reduction of carbon emissions. In September, Duke Energy (DUK), Cisco Systems (CSCO), and local leaders in Charlotte, N.C., announced a push to reduce energy use in the city’s core commercial buildings by up to 20 percent by 2016.
“The tide has turned,” says Gwen Ruta, EDF’s vice-president for corporate partnerships. Despite setbacks in Washington, she says, “There’s this sense of inevitability that they have to adjust to a world where resources are scarcer and there’s a price for carbon.”
Successful green partnerships are rarely monogamous. While McDonald’s maintains ties with EDF, the bulk of the company’s sustainability efforts are channeled through broader industry initiatives that bring suppliers and even rivals into the mix. “The issues are so systemic that no one company can do it alone,” says Bob Langert, McDonald’s vice-president of corporate social responsibility.
Wal-Mart, long a target for green activists, announced a goal earlier this year of eliminating 20 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions from its global supply chain by the end of 2015. The behemoth is working with nongovernmental organizations at every level. “As big as we are, we can’t take on these issues on our own,” says Miranda Ballentine, Wal-Mart’s director of sustainability.
For watchdog groups, the aim is measurable results. “We’re supposed to be the voice for our mission, not the voice for shareholders of a corporation,” says Jonathan Lash, president of the World Resources Institute. “It’s our job to keep the pressure on.” WRI and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development have created the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, a widely used accounting tool to track emissions.
EDF remains one of the most active players, with a “Climate Corps” staffed this year with 51 business school interns. Working with 47 companies, this summer’s interns identified energy savings equal to taking some 67,000 SUVs off the road. At Eaton (ETN), Vice-President Dimitri Kazarinoff says collaboration with EDF and FedEx (FDX) to develop hybrid trucks helped generate technology that is now in use in hybrid buses in Beijing. EDF teamed up with Donlen, a Chicago company that leases and manages corporate fleets, in a push to cut emissions from the commercial fleet by 20 percent. “We could not have made this a global industrywide effort without EDF,” says Dan Hannan, Donlen’s senior vice-president of sustainability. “The inaction of the government has created a strong corporate sense of responsibility to do something ourselves.”
Isra-Mart srl:EPA Finalizes Carbon Dioxide Rules
Isra-Mart srl news:
The EPA has finalized rules related to capture and sequestration of carbon dioxide (CSS) technology. CSS technology enables large emitters of carbon dioxide, such as coal fired power plants, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and store the carbon dioxide utilizing geologic sequestration.
The new rulings seek to protect drinking water and track the amount of carbon dioxide that is sequestered from facilities.
“The Obama Administration reaffirmed its commitment to leading the way in the clean energy future. We’re taking a major step towards path breaking innovations that will reduce greenhouse gases and put America in the forefront of the clean energy economy,” says EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson. “By providing clarity about greenhouse gas reporting and the necessary protections for drinking water sources during carbon sequestration, we’ve cleared the way for people to use this promising technology.”
The specifics of these rulings are as follows:
Drinking Water Protection:
EPA finalized a rule that sets requirements for geologic sequestration of carbon dioxide, including the development of a new class of injection well called Class VI, established under EPA’s Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program. The rule requirements are designed to ensure that wells used for geologic sequestration of carbon dioxide are appropriately sited, constructed, tested, monitored, and closed. The UIC Program was established under the authority of the Safe Drinking Water Act.
Greenhouse Gas Reporting:
EPA also finalized a rule on the greenhouse gas reporting requirements for facilities that carry out geologic sequestration. Information gathered under the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program will enable EPA to track the amount of carbon dioxide sequestered by these facilities. The program was established in 2009 under authority of the Clean Air Act and requires reporting of greenhouse gases from various source categories in the United States.
Isra-Mart srl news:
The EPA has finalized rules related to capture and sequestration of carbon dioxide (CSS) technology. CSS technology enables large emitters of carbon dioxide, such as coal fired power plants, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and store the carbon dioxide utilizing geologic sequestration.
The new rulings seek to protect drinking water and track the amount of carbon dioxide that is sequestered from facilities.
“The Obama Administration reaffirmed its commitment to leading the way in the clean energy future. We’re taking a major step towards path breaking innovations that will reduce greenhouse gases and put America in the forefront of the clean energy economy,” says EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson. “By providing clarity about greenhouse gas reporting and the necessary protections for drinking water sources during carbon sequestration, we’ve cleared the way for people to use this promising technology.”
The specifics of these rulings are as follows:
Drinking Water Protection:
EPA finalized a rule that sets requirements for geologic sequestration of carbon dioxide, including the development of a new class of injection well called Class VI, established under EPA’s Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program. The rule requirements are designed to ensure that wells used for geologic sequestration of carbon dioxide are appropriately sited, constructed, tested, monitored, and closed. The UIC Program was established under the authority of the Safe Drinking Water Act.
Greenhouse Gas Reporting:
EPA also finalized a rule on the greenhouse gas reporting requirements for facilities that carry out geologic sequestration. Information gathered under the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program will enable EPA to track the amount of carbon dioxide sequestered by these facilities. The program was established in 2009 under authority of the Clean Air Act and requires reporting of greenhouse gases from various source categories in the United States.
Isra-Mart srl:US and China signal thawing of relations in Cancun
Isra-Mart srl news:
The first day of the UN climate summit in Cancun kicked off yesterday with senior officials from the US and China revealing they have been engaged in in-depth talks over the last few weeks to try and end the deadlock that has marred previous climate talks.
Speaking to news agency Reuters, the head of the US delegation Jonathan Pershing said that both countries had "spent a lot of energy in the past month working on issues in which we disagree and trying to resolve them".
"My sense is that we have made progress," he added. "It remains to be seen how this meeting comes out."
China's chief delegate, Su Wei, also acknowledged that bilateral talks had taken place, telling Reuters that "we've had a very candid, very open dialogue with our US friends and I think both the US and China would very much like to see a good outcome at Cancun".
In what could prove a significant development, one of China's lead negotiators, Xie Zhenhua, has reportedly signaled that the country could soften its opposition to transparent reporting of emission reductions.
The US has insisted that so-called measurement, reporting and verification mechanisms (MRV), which would provide an independent assessment of whether countries are delivering on emissions reduction pledges, must form a central component of any international climate change deal. But China opposed the proposals at last year's Copenhagen Summit, arguing that any inspection regime would impinge upon its sovereignty.
However, while stopping short of announcing a shift in China's opposition to MRV, Xie reportedly told the influential China Dialogue website that the country was willing to be more transparent over its climate change policy.
"We now realise that in the past we took action, but didn't tell anyone about it," he said. "Now we think: if we've done something, why not say so? What China has done, what it has not done, what difficulties it faces - I'm willing to tell anyone about these."
He added that China would benefit from a more transparent approach that would allow other countries to see the measures it is taking to cut emissions.
"It's that lack of communication that, in the past, led some media to distort our policies and measures," he told the website. "If we make everything public and transparent, they would have no reason to do that anymore, even if they wanted to. So for this reason, China is willing to be transparent. But we want to get the details clear and principles decided."
Meanwhile, the UN summit formally opened yesterday with a series of speeches warning that the world is facing catastrophic levels of climate change and that the entire concept of multilateral international negotiations will be on trial in Cancun for the next fortnight.
Representatives from the Alliance of Small Island States warned that some low-lying countries are facing "the end of history", unless urgent action is taken to curb emissions. The alliance is expected to lead calls for more ambitious emission reduction targets and will also set out proposals for a new insurance mechanism to be set up to compensate those countries that endure the worst impacts of climate change.
Christiana Figueres, head of the UN climate secretariat, told delegates that it was possible to deliver real progress at the latest round of talks.
"Governments need to prove that the intergovernmental process can deliver," she said. "They know that they can do it. They know that they need to compromise. I'm not saying it's a done deal. It's still going to be a heavy lift."
Isra-Mart srl news:
The first day of the UN climate summit in Cancun kicked off yesterday with senior officials from the US and China revealing they have been engaged in in-depth talks over the last few weeks to try and end the deadlock that has marred previous climate talks.
Speaking to news agency Reuters, the head of the US delegation Jonathan Pershing said that both countries had "spent a lot of energy in the past month working on issues in which we disagree and trying to resolve them".
"My sense is that we have made progress," he added. "It remains to be seen how this meeting comes out."
China's chief delegate, Su Wei, also acknowledged that bilateral talks had taken place, telling Reuters that "we've had a very candid, very open dialogue with our US friends and I think both the US and China would very much like to see a good outcome at Cancun".
In what could prove a significant development, one of China's lead negotiators, Xie Zhenhua, has reportedly signaled that the country could soften its opposition to transparent reporting of emission reductions.
The US has insisted that so-called measurement, reporting and verification mechanisms (MRV), which would provide an independent assessment of whether countries are delivering on emissions reduction pledges, must form a central component of any international climate change deal. But China opposed the proposals at last year's Copenhagen Summit, arguing that any inspection regime would impinge upon its sovereignty.
However, while stopping short of announcing a shift in China's opposition to MRV, Xie reportedly told the influential China Dialogue website that the country was willing to be more transparent over its climate change policy.
"We now realise that in the past we took action, but didn't tell anyone about it," he said. "Now we think: if we've done something, why not say so? What China has done, what it has not done, what difficulties it faces - I'm willing to tell anyone about these."
He added that China would benefit from a more transparent approach that would allow other countries to see the measures it is taking to cut emissions.
"It's that lack of communication that, in the past, led some media to distort our policies and measures," he told the website. "If we make everything public and transparent, they would have no reason to do that anymore, even if they wanted to. So for this reason, China is willing to be transparent. But we want to get the details clear and principles decided."
Meanwhile, the UN summit formally opened yesterday with a series of speeches warning that the world is facing catastrophic levels of climate change and that the entire concept of multilateral international negotiations will be on trial in Cancun for the next fortnight.
Representatives from the Alliance of Small Island States warned that some low-lying countries are facing "the end of history", unless urgent action is taken to curb emissions. The alliance is expected to lead calls for more ambitious emission reduction targets and will also set out proposals for a new insurance mechanism to be set up to compensate those countries that endure the worst impacts of climate change.
Christiana Figueres, head of the UN climate secretariat, told delegates that it was possible to deliver real progress at the latest round of talks.
"Governments need to prove that the intergovernmental process can deliver," she said. "They know that they can do it. They know that they need to compromise. I'm not saying it's a done deal. It's still going to be a heavy lift."
Isra-Mart srl:EEA: Environmental damage will undermine Europe's economy
Isra-Mart srl news:
Increasing global demands for natural resources are heaping increased pressure on Europe's environment and posing a significant threat to the continent's economic health, the European Environment Agency (EEA) warned today.
Publishing its fourth Environment State and Outlook report (SOER 2010), the EEA said that if Europe's stocks of natural capital continue to be depleted, the region's economy would ultimately be undermined and social cohesion eroded.
It added that changing production and consumption patterns had heralded widespread alteration of landscapes, degradation of ecosystems and loss of natural capital, meaning the EU will not meet its target of halting biodiversity loss by 2010.
"We are consuming more natural resources than is ecologically stable. This is true for both Europe and the planet as a whole," said professor Jacqueline McGlade, executive director of the EEA. "Climate change is the most visible sign of instability so far, but a range of global trends suggests greater systemic risks to ecosystems in future. The nature of the current financial crisis should give us pause for thought."
The report also echoed scientific papers published earlier in the week, which warned that global and European targets for cutting greenhouse gas emissions are far from sufficient to keep average world temperature increases below 2°C.
The EEA said that Europe's 2009 greenhouse gas emissions were 17 per cent below the 1990 level, meaning that it is already close to meeting its target of cutting emissions 20 per cent by 2020.
However, the report stated that not all sectors are contributing to emission cuts, noting that transport emissions, for example, rose 24 per cent between 1990 and 2008.
The EEA called for far greater efforts to mitigate the effects of climate change, including adaptation measures it argued will be necessary to increase Europe's resilience.
It said that a shift towards a resource-efficient green economy required businesses and governments to factor environmental concerns into production, consumption and global trade decisions.
The report also mirrored the findings of the recent UN-backed report on biodiversity, The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity, concluding that dedicated management of natural capital, such as forests and clean water supplies, is required to help tackle environmental risks.
It recommended that such management should be informed by a new approach to economic and corporate accounting that attempts to put an economic price on environmental services.
"There are no quick fixes but regulators, businesses and citizens need to work together and find innovative ways to use resources more efficiently," McGlade said. "The seeds for future action exist: the task ahead is to help them take root and flourish."
Isra-Mart srl news:
Increasing global demands for natural resources are heaping increased pressure on Europe's environment and posing a significant threat to the continent's economic health, the European Environment Agency (EEA) warned today.
Publishing its fourth Environment State and Outlook report (SOER 2010), the EEA said that if Europe's stocks of natural capital continue to be depleted, the region's economy would ultimately be undermined and social cohesion eroded.
It added that changing production and consumption patterns had heralded widespread alteration of landscapes, degradation of ecosystems and loss of natural capital, meaning the EU will not meet its target of halting biodiversity loss by 2010.
"We are consuming more natural resources than is ecologically stable. This is true for both Europe and the planet as a whole," said professor Jacqueline McGlade, executive director of the EEA. "Climate change is the most visible sign of instability so far, but a range of global trends suggests greater systemic risks to ecosystems in future. The nature of the current financial crisis should give us pause for thought."
The report also echoed scientific papers published earlier in the week, which warned that global and European targets for cutting greenhouse gas emissions are far from sufficient to keep average world temperature increases below 2°C.
The EEA said that Europe's 2009 greenhouse gas emissions were 17 per cent below the 1990 level, meaning that it is already close to meeting its target of cutting emissions 20 per cent by 2020.
However, the report stated that not all sectors are contributing to emission cuts, noting that transport emissions, for example, rose 24 per cent between 1990 and 2008.
The EEA called for far greater efforts to mitigate the effects of climate change, including adaptation measures it argued will be necessary to increase Europe's resilience.
It said that a shift towards a resource-efficient green economy required businesses and governments to factor environmental concerns into production, consumption and global trade decisions.
The report also mirrored the findings of the recent UN-backed report on biodiversity, The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity, concluding that dedicated management of natural capital, such as forests and clean water supplies, is required to help tackle environmental risks.
It recommended that such management should be informed by a new approach to economic and corporate accounting that attempts to put an economic price on environmental services.
"There are no quick fixes but regulators, businesses and citizens need to work together and find innovative ways to use resources more efficiently," McGlade said. "The seeds for future action exist: the task ahead is to help them take root and flourish."
Isra-Mart srl:Cameron refuses to attend UN climate change talks
Isra-Mart srl news:
David Cameron has refused to attend the UN climate talks in Cancún, despite a direct appeal by the Mexican chair of the conference.
The talks, which began yesterday, have been accompanied by little of the razzamatazz that followed the host of celebrities and world leaders that attended last year's event in Copenhagen. The US, UK and EU have all played down the chances of a deal and the Mexican authorities expect about 22,000 people, including 9,000 official delegates and journalists - fewer than half the number that attended the at-times chaotic conference in the Danish capital.
Despite low expectations, at least 20 world leaders are expected to be present, the majority from Latin America. The small island states of Vanuatu, Samoa, Kiribati and Nauru are also planning to send their leaders. And although the US has little to offer, because of the failure of domestic climate legislation in the Senate earlier this year, the US energy secretary, Steven Chu, warned today that the US risks falling far behind advances made by China and other countries in the global race for clean energy, something he he referred to as a "Sputnik moment" - the US response to the Soviet Union's early lead in the space race. "We face a choice today," he said. "Are we going to continue America's innovation leadership or are we going to fall behind?"
Formal UN climate negotiations do not start until tomorrow but delegates already have been engaged in back-room diplomatic talks, indicating the areas where progress could be possible, without making public their negotiating positions. The US, however, is maintaining that it wants to see the voluntary deal reached in Copenhagen last year become the basis of the talks. "More than 80 countries have targets. We are looking to build on those targets and to progress. We hope to get a long way with all the tracks," said a state department spokesman.
He added that its offer of a 17 per cent cut in emissions on figures for 2000 still held, despite the US domestic situation making it impossible to pass strong legislation. "This a 10-year position. We are not ducking the issue," he said.
China and many other developing countries suggested during a meeting today that they were unhappy with the chair of the UN talks imposing a new negotiating text on countries. Although that is within UN rules, it was interpreted as a possible dangerous repeat of the Copenhagen debacle last year, when many countries were excluded from consultations.
Formal talks during the next two weeks are to focus on forests and finance, but sensitive questions on the legal status of a future agreement and the actual figures that countries are prepared to reduce their emissions by are expected to be put back until ministers arrive next week.
All countries have played down the prospects of the talks reaching any kind of conclusion, but today there is optimism that the 193 countries are still at the table and trust is rebuilding after Copenhagen.
In a report, Oxfam said that at least 21,000 people died due to weather-related disasters in the first nine months of this year - more than twice the number for the whole of 2009.
"This year is on course to experience more extreme-weather events than the 10-year average of 770. It is one of the hottest years ever recorded," wrote Tim Gore, Oxfam's EU climate change policy adviser and report's author.
"This year has seen massive suffering and loss due to extreme weather disasters. This is likely to get worse as climate change tightens its grip. The human impacts of climate change in 2010 send a powerful reminder why progress in Cancún is more urgent than ever."
Isra-Mart srl news:
David Cameron has refused to attend the UN climate talks in Cancún, despite a direct appeal by the Mexican chair of the conference.
The talks, which began yesterday, have been accompanied by little of the razzamatazz that followed the host of celebrities and world leaders that attended last year's event in Copenhagen. The US, UK and EU have all played down the chances of a deal and the Mexican authorities expect about 22,000 people, including 9,000 official delegates and journalists - fewer than half the number that attended the at-times chaotic conference in the Danish capital.
Despite low expectations, at least 20 world leaders are expected to be present, the majority from Latin America. The small island states of Vanuatu, Samoa, Kiribati and Nauru are also planning to send their leaders. And although the US has little to offer, because of the failure of domestic climate legislation in the Senate earlier this year, the US energy secretary, Steven Chu, warned today that the US risks falling far behind advances made by China and other countries in the global race for clean energy, something he he referred to as a "Sputnik moment" - the US response to the Soviet Union's early lead in the space race. "We face a choice today," he said. "Are we going to continue America's innovation leadership or are we going to fall behind?"
Formal UN climate negotiations do not start until tomorrow but delegates already have been engaged in back-room diplomatic talks, indicating the areas where progress could be possible, without making public their negotiating positions. The US, however, is maintaining that it wants to see the voluntary deal reached in Copenhagen last year become the basis of the talks. "More than 80 countries have targets. We are looking to build on those targets and to progress. We hope to get a long way with all the tracks," said a state department spokesman.
He added that its offer of a 17 per cent cut in emissions on figures for 2000 still held, despite the US domestic situation making it impossible to pass strong legislation. "This a 10-year position. We are not ducking the issue," he said.
China and many other developing countries suggested during a meeting today that they were unhappy with the chair of the UN talks imposing a new negotiating text on countries. Although that is within UN rules, it was interpreted as a possible dangerous repeat of the Copenhagen debacle last year, when many countries were excluded from consultations.
Formal talks during the next two weeks are to focus on forests and finance, but sensitive questions on the legal status of a future agreement and the actual figures that countries are prepared to reduce their emissions by are expected to be put back until ministers arrive next week.
All countries have played down the prospects of the talks reaching any kind of conclusion, but today there is optimism that the 193 countries are still at the table and trust is rebuilding after Copenhagen.
In a report, Oxfam said that at least 21,000 people died due to weather-related disasters in the first nine months of this year - more than twice the number for the whole of 2009.
"This year is on course to experience more extreme-weather events than the 10-year average of 770. It is one of the hottest years ever recorded," wrote Tim Gore, Oxfam's EU climate change policy adviser and report's author.
"This year has seen massive suffering and loss due to extreme weather disasters. This is likely to get worse as climate change tightens its grip. The human impacts of climate change in 2010 send a powerful reminder why progress in Cancún is more urgent than ever."
Isra-Mart srl:US watchdog ups ethanol targets for 2011
Isra-Mart srl news:
The US Environmental Protection Agency yesterday finalized its targets for renewable fuel use next year, increasing the proportion of road transport fuel that has to come from first and second generation biofuels.
Under the new standards, which have to be released each year under legislation that requires the US to increase renewable fuel production to 36 billion gallons in 2022, production of ethanol will be required to increase from 12.95 billion gallons this year to 13.95 billion gallons next year.
Overall renewable fuel will have to account for just over 8.01 per cent of all road transport fuel sold at US service stations if they are to meet the legally binding standards. The new target represents an increase on the proposed target of 7.95 per cent released earlier in the year by the EPA.
Total sales of ethanol could be higher still if the EPA rules that service stations can sell a higher proportion of ethanol in blended fuels that combine biofuels and conventional fuels. A final decision on whether fuels containing up to 15 per cent ethanol are suitable for older cars is expected in January.
Overall the target will result in 12.6 billion gallons of ethanol being produced and 1.35 billion gallons of alternative biofuels such as biodiesel, biomass-based fuels and cellulosic ethanol made from grasses and waste organic material.
The target for cellulosic ethanol of 6.6 million gallons or just 0.003 per cent of total fuel sales was lower than the statutory, but the EPA said that it was necessary given "an analysis of expected market availability". It added that the agency "remains optimistic that the commercial availability of cellulosic biofuel will continue to grow in the years ahead".
Bob Dineen, president and chief executive of the US Renewable Fuels Association (RFA), urged the EPA to be careful not to scale back targets for second generation biofuels too far.
"By reducing the standard for cellulosic biofuels, EPA is accurately reflecting the difficulties cellulosic biofuel technologies have encountered in obtaining the capital needed to fully commercialise," he said in a statement. "However, being aware of this fact, EPA should have been and must be careful to keep cellulosic biofuel targets ambitious so as to stimulate the kind of investment these technologies need to finish commercialisation."
Isra-Mart srl news:
The US Environmental Protection Agency yesterday finalized its targets for renewable fuel use next year, increasing the proportion of road transport fuel that has to come from first and second generation biofuels.
Under the new standards, which have to be released each year under legislation that requires the US to increase renewable fuel production to 36 billion gallons in 2022, production of ethanol will be required to increase from 12.95 billion gallons this year to 13.95 billion gallons next year.
Overall renewable fuel will have to account for just over 8.01 per cent of all road transport fuel sold at US service stations if they are to meet the legally binding standards. The new target represents an increase on the proposed target of 7.95 per cent released earlier in the year by the EPA.
Total sales of ethanol could be higher still if the EPA rules that service stations can sell a higher proportion of ethanol in blended fuels that combine biofuels and conventional fuels. A final decision on whether fuels containing up to 15 per cent ethanol are suitable for older cars is expected in January.
Overall the target will result in 12.6 billion gallons of ethanol being produced and 1.35 billion gallons of alternative biofuels such as biodiesel, biomass-based fuels and cellulosic ethanol made from grasses and waste organic material.
The target for cellulosic ethanol of 6.6 million gallons or just 0.003 per cent of total fuel sales was lower than the statutory, but the EPA said that it was necessary given "an analysis of expected market availability". It added that the agency "remains optimistic that the commercial availability of cellulosic biofuel will continue to grow in the years ahead".
Bob Dineen, president and chief executive of the US Renewable Fuels Association (RFA), urged the EPA to be careful not to scale back targets for second generation biofuels too far.
"By reducing the standard for cellulosic biofuels, EPA is accurately reflecting the difficulties cellulosic biofuel technologies have encountered in obtaining the capital needed to fully commercialise," he said in a statement. "However, being aware of this fact, EPA should have been and must be careful to keep cellulosic biofuel targets ambitious so as to stimulate the kind of investment these technologies need to finish commercialisation."
Isra-Mart srl:Counting carbon cuts costs, says Defra
Isra-Mart srl news:
Companies that voluntarily report greenhouse gas emissions are cutting costs and improving business relationships, according to government-backed research published today that will fuel further calls from industry for new mandatory carbon accounting rules.
The research, published jointly by Defra, financial services firm PwC and the investor-backed Carbon Disclosure Project, surveyed more than 150 large companies and found that over half believed the benefits arising from greenhouse gas reporting outweighed the costs entailed.
About 14 per cent of respondents quantified energy cost savings of more than £200,000 a year as a result of carbon accounting initiatives; significant savings given two thirds of those surveyed spent less than £50,000 on measuring emissions.
The report, which also drew on focus group findings and detailed interviews with senior executives, said the process of measurement and reporting had introduced pressure at boardroom level for executives to tackle climate change, reduce carbon emissions, and achieve energy and operational savings.
This pressure resulted in nearly three quarters setting reduction targets linked to their emissions measurement and reporting programme. Long-term decisions were also improved by the quantifiable data on climate change risks generated through carbon accounting initiatives, while enhanced environmental credentials attracted outside investment, according to the firms surveyed.
"Those businesses that publicly report on their greenhouse gas emissions are more ambitious and likely to want to become carbon leaders, moving beyond achieving legal compliance towards low-carbon leadership," said Martin Baxter, executive director of policy at the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment.
Environment minister Lord Henley said he was pleased that reporting was cutting costs and emissions, but stopped short of confirming whether or not the government will introduce mandatory reporting next year.
"The next steps for government will be to consider the findings of the report. We'll be announcing a way forward in early 2011," he said.
Last week, some of the UK's largest companies wrote to secretary of state Caroline Spelman to demand that large firms be legally obliged to measure and report on their emissions.
Today's report reveals that legislation may be necessary to drive universal adoption of carbon reporting, noting that while 62 per cent of FTSE-listed companies provided data on climate change or energy use in their 2009-2010 annual reports, 78 per cent are still failing to report data on their greenhouse gas emissions.
Baxter said the government now had the evidence base to make reporting on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions mandatory.
"Government needs to act now to introduce mandatory GHG reporting to ensure that UK businesses gain the benefits from embedding sustainability into their corporate strategy," he said. "Mandatory reporting is essential as it will create a consistent and clear framework to enable businesses to plan and benefit from GHG emissions reductions."
Alan McGill, a partner at PwC, said mandatory reporting would enable businesses to better identify risks and opportunities.
"A standard, regulatory reporting regime would mean reporting could more accurately reflect the entire scope of a company's risk profile and attitude and encourage much more widespread use of environmental information in investment decisions," he said.
Isra-Mart srl news:
Companies that voluntarily report greenhouse gas emissions are cutting costs and improving business relationships, according to government-backed research published today that will fuel further calls from industry for new mandatory carbon accounting rules.
The research, published jointly by Defra, financial services firm PwC and the investor-backed Carbon Disclosure Project, surveyed more than 150 large companies and found that over half believed the benefits arising from greenhouse gas reporting outweighed the costs entailed.
About 14 per cent of respondents quantified energy cost savings of more than £200,000 a year as a result of carbon accounting initiatives; significant savings given two thirds of those surveyed spent less than £50,000 on measuring emissions.
The report, which also drew on focus group findings and detailed interviews with senior executives, said the process of measurement and reporting had introduced pressure at boardroom level for executives to tackle climate change, reduce carbon emissions, and achieve energy and operational savings.
This pressure resulted in nearly three quarters setting reduction targets linked to their emissions measurement and reporting programme. Long-term decisions were also improved by the quantifiable data on climate change risks generated through carbon accounting initiatives, while enhanced environmental credentials attracted outside investment, according to the firms surveyed.
"Those businesses that publicly report on their greenhouse gas emissions are more ambitious and likely to want to become carbon leaders, moving beyond achieving legal compliance towards low-carbon leadership," said Martin Baxter, executive director of policy at the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment.
Environment minister Lord Henley said he was pleased that reporting was cutting costs and emissions, but stopped short of confirming whether or not the government will introduce mandatory reporting next year.
"The next steps for government will be to consider the findings of the report. We'll be announcing a way forward in early 2011," he said.
Last week, some of the UK's largest companies wrote to secretary of state Caroline Spelman to demand that large firms be legally obliged to measure and report on their emissions.
Today's report reveals that legislation may be necessary to drive universal adoption of carbon reporting, noting that while 62 per cent of FTSE-listed companies provided data on climate change or energy use in their 2009-2010 annual reports, 78 per cent are still failing to report data on their greenhouse gas emissions.
Baxter said the government now had the evidence base to make reporting on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions mandatory.
"Government needs to act now to introduce mandatory GHG reporting to ensure that UK businesses gain the benefits from embedding sustainability into their corporate strategy," he said. "Mandatory reporting is essential as it will create a consistent and clear framework to enable businesses to plan and benefit from GHG emissions reductions."
Alan McGill, a partner at PwC, said mandatory reporting would enable businesses to better identify risks and opportunities.
"A standard, regulatory reporting regime would mean reporting could more accurately reflect the entire scope of a company's risk profile and attitude and encourage much more widespread use of environmental information in investment decisions," he said.
Isra-Mart srl:More than 400 consumer giants issue Cancun climate commitment
Isra-Mart srl news:
One of the world's most influential business groups yesterday marked the launch of the Cancun summit with the unveiling of two new environmental pledges that promise to slash global emissions of greenhouse gases from deforestation and refrigeration technologies.
The Paris-based Consumer Good Forum (CGF), which includes more than 400 of the world's largest consumer goods manufacturers and retailers, said its members would use their collective resources to help achieve net zero deforestation by 2020 and begin phasing out the use of powerful hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) greenhouse gases in refrigeration equipment from 2015.
Muhtar Kent, chief executive of the Coca-Cola Company and co-chairman of the CGF, told an event in Cancun that he hoped negotiators would follow the lead demonstrated by global companies.
"The initiatives that our industry announced today are good examples of the kind of bold and positive action that will be needed to move the needle in combating climate change," he said.
Sir Terry Leahy of Tesco and Paul Polman of Unilever, who jointly lead the forum's sustainability programme, said the commitment to help tackle deforestation would see member companies develop specific action plans to ensure they are sourcing products such as soya, palm oil, beef, paper and timber in a sustainable manner.
Meanwhile, Kent and his co-chairman Lars Olofsson of Carrefour said the commitment to phase out HFCs would similarly help drive adoption of non-HFC refrigeration technologies across the industry.
"This is the first time that the entire sector has aligned around the importance of taking action to accelerate the move to climate-friendly refrigeration," they said in a statement. "The technologies exist today for our sector to significantly reduce the direct and indirect emissions of the refrigeration equipment we use."
Amy Larkin, director of solutions at Greenpeace, welcomed the commitment, hailing it as evidence of the difference businesses can make to greenhouse gas emissions when they work together. "Now it is time for national and international policy makers to match these corporations' ambition by outlawing HFCs and making the transition to a climate-friendly alternative both cheap and easy," she said.
Combined, the group has unparalleled purchasing power, boasting revenue of $2.8tn (£1.8tn) and counting some of the world's highest-profile brands among its members, including Carrefour, Coca-Cola, Johnson & Johnson, Kellogg, Kraft, L'Oréal, Nestlé, Procter & Gamble, Tesco, Unilever and Walmart.
As a result, the CGF pledges are likely to lead to a huge increase in demand for non-HFC refrigeration technologies, which should help to drive down the cost of the emerging technology. Similarly, pressure is set to increase further on suppliers to demonstrate that they are not contributing to deforestation.
Isra-Mart srl news:
One of the world's most influential business groups yesterday marked the launch of the Cancun summit with the unveiling of two new environmental pledges that promise to slash global emissions of greenhouse gases from deforestation and refrigeration technologies.
The Paris-based Consumer Good Forum (CGF), which includes more than 400 of the world's largest consumer goods manufacturers and retailers, said its members would use their collective resources to help achieve net zero deforestation by 2020 and begin phasing out the use of powerful hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) greenhouse gases in refrigeration equipment from 2015.
Muhtar Kent, chief executive of the Coca-Cola Company and co-chairman of the CGF, told an event in Cancun that he hoped negotiators would follow the lead demonstrated by global companies.
"The initiatives that our industry announced today are good examples of the kind of bold and positive action that will be needed to move the needle in combating climate change," he said.
Sir Terry Leahy of Tesco and Paul Polman of Unilever, who jointly lead the forum's sustainability programme, said the commitment to help tackle deforestation would see member companies develop specific action plans to ensure they are sourcing products such as soya, palm oil, beef, paper and timber in a sustainable manner.
Meanwhile, Kent and his co-chairman Lars Olofsson of Carrefour said the commitment to phase out HFCs would similarly help drive adoption of non-HFC refrigeration technologies across the industry.
"This is the first time that the entire sector has aligned around the importance of taking action to accelerate the move to climate-friendly refrigeration," they said in a statement. "The technologies exist today for our sector to significantly reduce the direct and indirect emissions of the refrigeration equipment we use."
Amy Larkin, director of solutions at Greenpeace, welcomed the commitment, hailing it as evidence of the difference businesses can make to greenhouse gas emissions when they work together. "Now it is time for national and international policy makers to match these corporations' ambition by outlawing HFCs and making the transition to a climate-friendly alternative both cheap and easy," she said.
Combined, the group has unparalleled purchasing power, boasting revenue of $2.8tn (£1.8tn) and counting some of the world's highest-profile brands among its members, including Carrefour, Coca-Cola, Johnson & Johnson, Kellogg, Kraft, L'Oréal, Nestlé, Procter & Gamble, Tesco, Unilever and Walmart.
As a result, the CGF pledges are likely to lead to a huge increase in demand for non-HFC refrigeration technologies, which should help to drive down the cost of the emerging technology. Similarly, pressure is set to increase further on suppliers to demonstrate that they are not contributing to deforestation.
Isra-Mart srl: * Home * News * * Policy * Politics US hard line threatens plan for Cancun compromise
Isra-Mart srl news:
The US looks to be on a collision course with both the EU and the Mexican hosts of the Cancun climate change summit, after a senior diplomat revealed the American team was not willing to postpone discussion of the more controversial elements of the negotiating text.
In a briefing with overseas journalists last week, reported by the Guardian, Washington's chief climate envoy, Todd Stern, flatly rejected mooted proposals from Mexico designed to ensure the Cancun summit delivers progress on a number of the less contentious elements of the negotiating text.
It had been hoped that some kind of informal agreement on issues such as forestry and climate financing would help to restore confidence in the UN process and increase the chances of a wider deal being reached next year that also addresses more controversial areas such as emission targets and verification.The proposals had secured support from a number of EU states, including the UK.
But Stern said the US would not subscribe to the new approach.
"We have heard a lot of talk this year about capturing the so-called low-hanging fruit by which countries who use that phrase often mean all the provisions dealing with financial and technology assistance, leaving the so-called hard issues of mitigation and transparency for sometime later," he told reporters. "We are not doing that."
He also warned that there would be little or no progress in Cancun if participants refused to engage with the full range of issues, including the US demand that large emerging economies make binding and verifiable commitments to curb their greenhouse gases.
"We're not going to race forward on three issues and take a first step on other important ones," he said. "We're going to have to get them all moving at a similar pace."
The revelation that the US is willing to take a hard line at the two-week talks will fuel fears that the negotiations could once again end in acrimony as developing countries accuse the superpower of failing to do enough to cut its own emissions.
It could also deliver a major blow to hopes that deals on forestry protection and carbon market reforms could be finalised.
However, Stern's colleague, head of the US delegation Jonathan Pershing, yesterday offered some hope for the talks, revealing that the US had been engaged in private talks with China designed to end the differences between the two countries.
Isra-Mart srl news:
The US looks to be on a collision course with both the EU and the Mexican hosts of the Cancun climate change summit, after a senior diplomat revealed the American team was not willing to postpone discussion of the more controversial elements of the negotiating text.
In a briefing with overseas journalists last week, reported by the Guardian, Washington's chief climate envoy, Todd Stern, flatly rejected mooted proposals from Mexico designed to ensure the Cancun summit delivers progress on a number of the less contentious elements of the negotiating text.
It had been hoped that some kind of informal agreement on issues such as forestry and climate financing would help to restore confidence in the UN process and increase the chances of a wider deal being reached next year that also addresses more controversial areas such as emission targets and verification.The proposals had secured support from a number of EU states, including the UK.
But Stern said the US would not subscribe to the new approach.
"We have heard a lot of talk this year about capturing the so-called low-hanging fruit by which countries who use that phrase often mean all the provisions dealing with financial and technology assistance, leaving the so-called hard issues of mitigation and transparency for sometime later," he told reporters. "We are not doing that."
He also warned that there would be little or no progress in Cancun if participants refused to engage with the full range of issues, including the US demand that large emerging economies make binding and verifiable commitments to curb their greenhouse gases.
"We're not going to race forward on three issues and take a first step on other important ones," he said. "We're going to have to get them all moving at a similar pace."
The revelation that the US is willing to take a hard line at the two-week talks will fuel fears that the negotiations could once again end in acrimony as developing countries accuse the superpower of failing to do enough to cut its own emissions.
It could also deliver a major blow to hopes that deals on forestry protection and carbon market reforms could be finalised.
However, Stern's colleague, head of the US delegation Jonathan Pershing, yesterday offered some hope for the talks, revealing that the US had been engaged in private talks with China designed to end the differences between the two countries.
Isra-Mart srl:Studie zur Nutzung erneuerbarer Energien
Isra-Mart srl news:
Der Auszeichnung im Wettbewerb „Leitstern 2010“ liegt eine wissenschaftliche Analyse der politischen Rahmenbedingungen sowie des Ausbaustandes und der Technologieentwicklung im Bereich Erneuerbare Energien zugrunde. Das Deutsche Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW) und das Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-Württemberg (ZSW) haben Anstrengungen und Erfolge der Bundesländer in 55 ausgewählten Bereichen untersucht. Regioweb dokumentiert hier auszugsweise den Thüringen betreffenden Teil der Studie.
„Die Energieversorgung beruht sehr stark auf Erdgas. Die eigene Stromerzeugung ist relativ gering, die Stromimporte machen 14 % des Primärenergieverbrauchs aus. Der Anteil Erneuerbarer Energien soll künftig weiter stark ansteigen. Nach dem „Zukunfts- und Innovationsprogramm (ZIP) Thüringen“ (2010) soll sich der Anteil am Endenergieverbrauch bis 2020 auf 30 % erhöhen.
Thüringen belegt im Bundesländervergleich insgesamt (nach Brandenburg) den zweiten Platz. Damit ist es im Ranking erheblich aufgestiegen - im Bundesländervergleich 2008 hatte es noch auf Platz zehn gelegen.
Die Anstrengungen zur Nutzung Erneuerbarer Energien haben sich in Thüringen deutlich verbessert, es ist hier vom vorletzten Platz (2008) nun auf Platz vier aufgestiegen. Thüringen gehört zu den Ländern, die bei Programmatik und Zielen führend sind. Bei anderen Indikatoren in dieser Gruppe wie Informationen, Programmen und Hemmnisvermeidung liegt Thüringen aber eher im unteren Mittelfeld. Von den Verbänden wird die Landespolitik für Erneuerbare Energien allgemein als relativ gut bewertet (Platz zwei nach Brandenburg). Spezifisch guten Bewertungen zur Solar- und Bioenergie steht allerdings eine schlechte Bewertung zur Windenergie gegenüber.
Thüringen weist unter allen Bundesländern die größten Erfolge bei der Nutzung Erneuerbarer Energien auf. Es hat sich damit gegenüber dem Bundesländervergleich 2008 noch um zwei Plätze verbessern können. Thüringen hat den zweithöchsten Anteil Erneuerbarer Energien am Primärenergieverbrauch und den höchsten Anteil Erneuerbarer Energien am Endenergieverbrauch (ohne Strom und Fernwärme). Mit 33,4 % hat es den zweithöchsten EEAnteil an der Stromerzeugung. Die Möglichkeiten der Windenergie wie auch der Photovoltaik werden aber noch vergleichsweise wenig genutzt. Dagegen zeigt sich bei der Verstromung von Biomasse ein starkes Wachstum. Thüringen ist bei der Potenzialausnutzung von Strom aus Biogas führend. Bei der Wärmeerzeugung aus Holz und Solarkollektoren liegt das Land im Mittelfeld.
In der Sonderauswertung dynamischer Indikatoren erreicht Thüringen neben Bayern den ersten Platz. Die Dynamik des Ausbaus Erneuerbarer Energien zeigt sich in Thüringen vor allem in stark gestiegenen Anteilen am Primärenergieverbrauch, Endenergieverbrauch (ohne Strom und Fernwärme) und an der Stromerzeugung. … Bei den Anstrengungen zum technologischen Wandel kommt Thüringen auf Platz fünf (2008: Platz sechs) - speziell bei den Forschungsausgaben bezogen auf die Wirtschaftskraft auf Platz vier. Mit seinen Erfolgen beim wirtschaftlichen und technologischen Wandel belegt Thüringen ähnlich wie 2008 einen mittleren Platz. Hervorzuheben sind hier die Beschäftigten im Bereich Photovoltaik und die Ausstattung mit Bioethanol-Tankstellen (jeweils Platz zwei). Die Erfolge in Form von Patentanmeldungen sind hingegen gering.
Die Position von Thüringen im Bundesländervergleich hat sich vor allem deshalb erheblich verbessert, weil dort Erneuerbare Energien rasch hohe Verbrauchs- bzw. Erzeugungsanteile erreicht haben. Es bestehen in Thüringen allerdings in allen Sparten noch große Potenziale für eine verstärkte Nutzung Erneuerbarer Energien. Dies gilt nicht zuletzt auch für eine stärkere Windenergienutzung. Als Hemmnisse werden hier genannt: Höhenbegrenzungen durch Änderungen des Landesentwicklungsplans von 2009, fehlender Vorrang für EE im Landesentwicklungsplan, zu anspruchsvolle arten- und naturschutzrechtliche Abstandsempfehlungen, Überbewertung des Denkmalschutzes, veraltete Planungsinstrumente in der Regionalplanung, zu geringe Ausweisung von Vorrangflächen und Streichung bestehender Vorranggebiete in Regionalplanentwürfen.
Neben der Prüfung und Verminderung solcher Hemmnisse sollten in Thüringen auch weitere Maßnahmen zur Nutzung Erneuerbarer Energien verstärkt werden, damit die ambitionierten Ziele für 2020 erreicht werden können. Darüber hinaus könnte sich die Landesregierung noch verstärkt im Bereich Forschung und Bildung engagieren und den wirtschaftlichen Wandel in Thüringen als Produktionsstandort für EE-Branchen beschleunigen.“
Isra-Mart srl news:
Der Auszeichnung im Wettbewerb „Leitstern 2010“ liegt eine wissenschaftliche Analyse der politischen Rahmenbedingungen sowie des Ausbaustandes und der Technologieentwicklung im Bereich Erneuerbare Energien zugrunde. Das Deutsche Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW) und das Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-Württemberg (ZSW) haben Anstrengungen und Erfolge der Bundesländer in 55 ausgewählten Bereichen untersucht. Regioweb dokumentiert hier auszugsweise den Thüringen betreffenden Teil der Studie.
„Die Energieversorgung beruht sehr stark auf Erdgas. Die eigene Stromerzeugung ist relativ gering, die Stromimporte machen 14 % des Primärenergieverbrauchs aus. Der Anteil Erneuerbarer Energien soll künftig weiter stark ansteigen. Nach dem „Zukunfts- und Innovationsprogramm (ZIP) Thüringen“ (2010) soll sich der Anteil am Endenergieverbrauch bis 2020 auf 30 % erhöhen.
Thüringen belegt im Bundesländervergleich insgesamt (nach Brandenburg) den zweiten Platz. Damit ist es im Ranking erheblich aufgestiegen - im Bundesländervergleich 2008 hatte es noch auf Platz zehn gelegen.
Die Anstrengungen zur Nutzung Erneuerbarer Energien haben sich in Thüringen deutlich verbessert, es ist hier vom vorletzten Platz (2008) nun auf Platz vier aufgestiegen. Thüringen gehört zu den Ländern, die bei Programmatik und Zielen führend sind. Bei anderen Indikatoren in dieser Gruppe wie Informationen, Programmen und Hemmnisvermeidung liegt Thüringen aber eher im unteren Mittelfeld. Von den Verbänden wird die Landespolitik für Erneuerbare Energien allgemein als relativ gut bewertet (Platz zwei nach Brandenburg). Spezifisch guten Bewertungen zur Solar- und Bioenergie steht allerdings eine schlechte Bewertung zur Windenergie gegenüber.
Thüringen weist unter allen Bundesländern die größten Erfolge bei der Nutzung Erneuerbarer Energien auf. Es hat sich damit gegenüber dem Bundesländervergleich 2008 noch um zwei Plätze verbessern können. Thüringen hat den zweithöchsten Anteil Erneuerbarer Energien am Primärenergieverbrauch und den höchsten Anteil Erneuerbarer Energien am Endenergieverbrauch (ohne Strom und Fernwärme). Mit 33,4 % hat es den zweithöchsten EEAnteil an der Stromerzeugung. Die Möglichkeiten der Windenergie wie auch der Photovoltaik werden aber noch vergleichsweise wenig genutzt. Dagegen zeigt sich bei der Verstromung von Biomasse ein starkes Wachstum. Thüringen ist bei der Potenzialausnutzung von Strom aus Biogas führend. Bei der Wärmeerzeugung aus Holz und Solarkollektoren liegt das Land im Mittelfeld.
In der Sonderauswertung dynamischer Indikatoren erreicht Thüringen neben Bayern den ersten Platz. Die Dynamik des Ausbaus Erneuerbarer Energien zeigt sich in Thüringen vor allem in stark gestiegenen Anteilen am Primärenergieverbrauch, Endenergieverbrauch (ohne Strom und Fernwärme) und an der Stromerzeugung. … Bei den Anstrengungen zum technologischen Wandel kommt Thüringen auf Platz fünf (2008: Platz sechs) - speziell bei den Forschungsausgaben bezogen auf die Wirtschaftskraft auf Platz vier. Mit seinen Erfolgen beim wirtschaftlichen und technologischen Wandel belegt Thüringen ähnlich wie 2008 einen mittleren Platz. Hervorzuheben sind hier die Beschäftigten im Bereich Photovoltaik und die Ausstattung mit Bioethanol-Tankstellen (jeweils Platz zwei). Die Erfolge in Form von Patentanmeldungen sind hingegen gering.
Die Position von Thüringen im Bundesländervergleich hat sich vor allem deshalb erheblich verbessert, weil dort Erneuerbare Energien rasch hohe Verbrauchs- bzw. Erzeugungsanteile erreicht haben. Es bestehen in Thüringen allerdings in allen Sparten noch große Potenziale für eine verstärkte Nutzung Erneuerbarer Energien. Dies gilt nicht zuletzt auch für eine stärkere Windenergienutzung. Als Hemmnisse werden hier genannt: Höhenbegrenzungen durch Änderungen des Landesentwicklungsplans von 2009, fehlender Vorrang für EE im Landesentwicklungsplan, zu anspruchsvolle arten- und naturschutzrechtliche Abstandsempfehlungen, Überbewertung des Denkmalschutzes, veraltete Planungsinstrumente in der Regionalplanung, zu geringe Ausweisung von Vorrangflächen und Streichung bestehender Vorranggebiete in Regionalplanentwürfen.
Neben der Prüfung und Verminderung solcher Hemmnisse sollten in Thüringen auch weitere Maßnahmen zur Nutzung Erneuerbarer Energien verstärkt werden, damit die ambitionierten Ziele für 2020 erreicht werden können. Darüber hinaus könnte sich die Landesregierung noch verstärkt im Bereich Forschung und Bildung engagieren und den wirtschaftlichen Wandel in Thüringen als Produktionsstandort für EE-Branchen beschleunigen.“
Isra-Mart srl:"Plan N" für neue Stromnetze
Isra-Mart srl news:
Erdkabel, intelligente Netze und die Einbeziehung von Anwohnern: Das "Forum Netzintegration Erneuerbare Energien" legt einen Kompromissvorschlag beim Stromtrassen-Ausbau vor. Aber die Übertragungsnetzbetreiber zeigen sich zurückhaltend.
Das "Forum Netzintegration Erneuerbare Energien" hat heute einen "Plan N" für einen zügigen Stromnetzausbau vorgestellt. In dem rund 80-seitigen Papier beschreiben Verbände, Bürgerinitiativen, Netzbetreiber und Unternehmen Maßnahmen, den Ausbau der Netze möglichst zurückhaltend und schonend für Menschen und Umwelt zu gestalten. Zu den Unterzeichnern gehören unter anderem mehrere Bürgerinitiativen gegen den Ausbau von Hochspannungsnetzen, der Bundesverband Erneuerbare Energien, der Netzbetreiber EWE, Germanwatch und der WWF, das Deutsche Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung und der Deutsche Bauernverband. Das Projekt entstand unter Federführung der Deutschen Umwelthilfe (DUH).
Mit dem Papier liegt erstmals ein Kompromissvorschlag zum Ausbau der deutsche Stromnetze vor. Die Deutsche Energie-Agentur (dena) hatte in einer vor kurzem veröffentlichten Studie den Ausbaubedarf wegen der Umstellung auf Ermeuerbare Energien auf 3600 Kilometer neue Trassen beziffert. An vielen Orten, für die schon Ausbaupläne vorliegen, haben sich jedoch Bürgerinitiativen gegen die meist als Hochspannungstrassen geplanten neue Netze gebildet. Mit dem "Forum Netzintegration Erneuerbare Energien", das vom Bundesumweltministerium finanziert wurde, sollten erstmals die unterschiedlichen Seiten an einen Tisch geholt werden. Dies gelang nur bedingt: Unter den Unterzeichnern fehlen die vier Betreiber von Übertragungsnetzen (Tennet, 50Hertz, EnBW und die RWE-Tochter Amprion) sowie der Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft (BDEW).
"Wer in einem großen Land wie der Bundesrepublik Projekte umsetzen will, muss sie plausibel und transparent erklären", sagte DUH-Geschäftsführer Rainer Baake bei der Vorstellung des Papiers. "Akzeptanz dafür zu schaffen heißt nicht, die Dinge lauter als in der Vergangenheit zu begründen", so Baake. Es werde keiner Bundesregierung gelingen, 3600 Kilometer Freileitungen auszubauen.
Im Einzelnen schlagen die Unterzeichner folgende Maßnahmen vor:
- die Erdverkabelung beim Bau von 110 kV-Hochspannungsleitungen. Diese sei bislang wegen "unzureichender rechtlicher und regulatorischer Rahmenbedingungen" nicht umgesetzt worden, die Gesetzesgrundlagen sollen nun geschaffen werden.
- bei Höchstspannungsleitungen (220 und 380 kV) fordern die Unterzeichner aufgrund der deutlich höheren Mehrkosten gegenüber Freileitungen keine grundsätzliche Erdverkabelung. Die derzeit laufenden Pilotvorhaben zur Teilerdverkabelung sollen aber genutzt werden, um zu prüfen, "ob und in welchem Umfang die Erdverkabelung auch auf andere Leitungsbauvorhaben übertragen werden kann". Dies beinhalte auch "die Prüfung einer kompletten Erdverkabelung".
- neue Freileitungen sollen entlang vorhandener Trassen oder Verkehrswege geplant werden.
- daneben soll über Stromspeicher, sogenannte intelligente Netze (smart grids), die sich flexibel an den Verbrauch anpassen, die Verschiebung von Spitzenlasten sowie Erneuerbare Kombi- und Hybridkraftwerke die Notwendigkeit von neuen Leitungen vermindert werden.
Peter Ahmels, Leiter Erneuerbare Energien bei der DUH, forderte eine veränderte Rolle der Bundesnetzagentur. Diese müsse in Zukunft auch für "akzeptable Stromleitungen" zuständig sein: "Stuttgart 21 muss sich nicht nicht zu Netz 21 entwickeln." Der Ausbau in Deutschland sei mit dem Netzausbauplan der EU abzustimmen. Klaus Rohmund von der "BI Keine 380 kV-Freileitung im Werra-Meißner-Kreis" wehrte sich dagegen, dass die Bürgerinitiativen "als Totalverweigerer" bezüglich des Netzausbaus hingestellt würden: "Die Gesellschaft muss Kritik aushalten." Schließlich sei unklar, ob der geplante Stromnetzausbau nur wegen der Integration Erneuerbarer Energien oder auch wegen des Zubaus von Kohlekraftwerken und dem europäischen Stromhandel notwendig werde. Rohmund regte zugleich an, Anwohner von neuen überidischen Stromtrassen zukünftig wegen der Wertminderung ihrer Häuser finanziell zu entschädigen.
Offen bleibt, inwieweit die Übertragungsnetzbetreiber für den Kompromiss gewonnen werden können. Drei der vier deutschen Unternehmen (Tennet, 50hertz, EnBW) legten dem Papier eine Stellungnahme bei, in der sie zwar die von der DUH "ergriffene Initiative begrüßten", sich ansonsten aber eher zurückhaltend äußerten. So unterstützen sie verbal zwar "die Stärkung der Beteiligungsrechte der betroffenen Anwohner", forderten aber zugleich "aufgrund der stetig steigenden installierten Leistung erneuerbarer Energien und des bisher stockenden Netzausbaus Beschleunigungsrechte im Verfahrensrecht". Die neuen Studien, die BI-Vertreter Rohmund über die Strahlungsfolgen von Freileitungen gefordert hatte, lehnten sie ab: "Auch nach jahrzehntelager intensiver Forschung liegen keine wissenschaftlichen Nachweise vor, die eine Kausalität von Krankheiten infolge elektrischer und magnetischer Immissionen unterhalb der 'Public Reference Levels' der EU-Empfehlung belegen."
Isra-Mart srl news:
Erdkabel, intelligente Netze und die Einbeziehung von Anwohnern: Das "Forum Netzintegration Erneuerbare Energien" legt einen Kompromissvorschlag beim Stromtrassen-Ausbau vor. Aber die Übertragungsnetzbetreiber zeigen sich zurückhaltend.
Das "Forum Netzintegration Erneuerbare Energien" hat heute einen "Plan N" für einen zügigen Stromnetzausbau vorgestellt. In dem rund 80-seitigen Papier beschreiben Verbände, Bürgerinitiativen, Netzbetreiber und Unternehmen Maßnahmen, den Ausbau der Netze möglichst zurückhaltend und schonend für Menschen und Umwelt zu gestalten. Zu den Unterzeichnern gehören unter anderem mehrere Bürgerinitiativen gegen den Ausbau von Hochspannungsnetzen, der Bundesverband Erneuerbare Energien, der Netzbetreiber EWE, Germanwatch und der WWF, das Deutsche Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung und der Deutsche Bauernverband. Das Projekt entstand unter Federführung der Deutschen Umwelthilfe (DUH).
Mit dem Papier liegt erstmals ein Kompromissvorschlag zum Ausbau der deutsche Stromnetze vor. Die Deutsche Energie-Agentur (dena) hatte in einer vor kurzem veröffentlichten Studie den Ausbaubedarf wegen der Umstellung auf Ermeuerbare Energien auf 3600 Kilometer neue Trassen beziffert. An vielen Orten, für die schon Ausbaupläne vorliegen, haben sich jedoch Bürgerinitiativen gegen die meist als Hochspannungstrassen geplanten neue Netze gebildet. Mit dem "Forum Netzintegration Erneuerbare Energien", das vom Bundesumweltministerium finanziert wurde, sollten erstmals die unterschiedlichen Seiten an einen Tisch geholt werden. Dies gelang nur bedingt: Unter den Unterzeichnern fehlen die vier Betreiber von Übertragungsnetzen (Tennet, 50Hertz, EnBW und die RWE-Tochter Amprion) sowie der Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft (BDEW).
"Wer in einem großen Land wie der Bundesrepublik Projekte umsetzen will, muss sie plausibel und transparent erklären", sagte DUH-Geschäftsführer Rainer Baake bei der Vorstellung des Papiers. "Akzeptanz dafür zu schaffen heißt nicht, die Dinge lauter als in der Vergangenheit zu begründen", so Baake. Es werde keiner Bundesregierung gelingen, 3600 Kilometer Freileitungen auszubauen.
Im Einzelnen schlagen die Unterzeichner folgende Maßnahmen vor:
- die Erdverkabelung beim Bau von 110 kV-Hochspannungsleitungen. Diese sei bislang wegen "unzureichender rechtlicher und regulatorischer Rahmenbedingungen" nicht umgesetzt worden, die Gesetzesgrundlagen sollen nun geschaffen werden.
- bei Höchstspannungsleitungen (220 und 380 kV) fordern die Unterzeichner aufgrund der deutlich höheren Mehrkosten gegenüber Freileitungen keine grundsätzliche Erdverkabelung. Die derzeit laufenden Pilotvorhaben zur Teilerdverkabelung sollen aber genutzt werden, um zu prüfen, "ob und in welchem Umfang die Erdverkabelung auch auf andere Leitungsbauvorhaben übertragen werden kann". Dies beinhalte auch "die Prüfung einer kompletten Erdverkabelung".
- neue Freileitungen sollen entlang vorhandener Trassen oder Verkehrswege geplant werden.
- daneben soll über Stromspeicher, sogenannte intelligente Netze (smart grids), die sich flexibel an den Verbrauch anpassen, die Verschiebung von Spitzenlasten sowie Erneuerbare Kombi- und Hybridkraftwerke die Notwendigkeit von neuen Leitungen vermindert werden.
Peter Ahmels, Leiter Erneuerbare Energien bei der DUH, forderte eine veränderte Rolle der Bundesnetzagentur. Diese müsse in Zukunft auch für "akzeptable Stromleitungen" zuständig sein: "Stuttgart 21 muss sich nicht nicht zu Netz 21 entwickeln." Der Ausbau in Deutschland sei mit dem Netzausbauplan der EU abzustimmen. Klaus Rohmund von der "BI Keine 380 kV-Freileitung im Werra-Meißner-Kreis" wehrte sich dagegen, dass die Bürgerinitiativen "als Totalverweigerer" bezüglich des Netzausbaus hingestellt würden: "Die Gesellschaft muss Kritik aushalten." Schließlich sei unklar, ob der geplante Stromnetzausbau nur wegen der Integration Erneuerbarer Energien oder auch wegen des Zubaus von Kohlekraftwerken und dem europäischen Stromhandel notwendig werde. Rohmund regte zugleich an, Anwohner von neuen überidischen Stromtrassen zukünftig wegen der Wertminderung ihrer Häuser finanziell zu entschädigen.
Offen bleibt, inwieweit die Übertragungsnetzbetreiber für den Kompromiss gewonnen werden können. Drei der vier deutschen Unternehmen (Tennet, 50hertz, EnBW) legten dem Papier eine Stellungnahme bei, in der sie zwar die von der DUH "ergriffene Initiative begrüßten", sich ansonsten aber eher zurückhaltend äußerten. So unterstützen sie verbal zwar "die Stärkung der Beteiligungsrechte der betroffenen Anwohner", forderten aber zugleich "aufgrund der stetig steigenden installierten Leistung erneuerbarer Energien und des bisher stockenden Netzausbaus Beschleunigungsrechte im Verfahrensrecht". Die neuen Studien, die BI-Vertreter Rohmund über die Strahlungsfolgen von Freileitungen gefordert hatte, lehnten sie ab: "Auch nach jahrzehntelager intensiver Forschung liegen keine wissenschaftlichen Nachweise vor, die eine Kausalität von Krankheiten infolge elektrischer und magnetischer Immissionen unterhalb der 'Public Reference Levels' der EU-Empfehlung belegen."
Isra-Mart srl:Fünf neue Info-Filme über Holzpellets
Isra-Mart srl news:
Immer mehr Bürger entscheiden sich für eine Holzpelletsheizung und damit für einen nachwachsenden und kostengünstigen Brennstoff. In NRW nutzen bereits über 16.300 Haushalte die wohlige Wärme von Holzpellets, bundesweit sind es über 125.000. Die Zahlen sind steigend und das aus guten Gründen. Über die vielen Vorteile und über Wissenswertes rund um das Themas Holzpellets berichtet die „Aktion Holzpellets NRW“ in fünf neuen Filme der Reihe EA.TV der EnergieAgentur.NRW.
Die Zuschauer erfahren beispielsweise wie die Welthungerhilfe aus Bonn mit ihrer 500-kw-Holzpelletsanlage jährlich 25.000 € an Heizkosten einspart oder warum Familie Stemberg aus Lage mit dem Bedienungskomfort und der Wirtschaftlichkeit ihrer Holzpelletsanlage zufrieden ist. Die Filme beantworten wichtige Fragen wie „Was muss ich bei der Planung und Anschaffung einer Holzpelletsanlage beachten?“ „Wer hilft mit bei der Realisierung?“, „Welche Kosten entstehen?“, „Wann rechnet sich die Investition?“ und verraten außerdem alles über die Produktion und Qualität der Holzpellets, worauf es bei der Anlieferung und Lagerung ankommt und wie sie die heimische Wirtschaft stärken.
Isra-Mart srl news:
Immer mehr Bürger entscheiden sich für eine Holzpelletsheizung und damit für einen nachwachsenden und kostengünstigen Brennstoff. In NRW nutzen bereits über 16.300 Haushalte die wohlige Wärme von Holzpellets, bundesweit sind es über 125.000. Die Zahlen sind steigend und das aus guten Gründen. Über die vielen Vorteile und über Wissenswertes rund um das Themas Holzpellets berichtet die „Aktion Holzpellets NRW“ in fünf neuen Filme der Reihe EA.TV der EnergieAgentur.NRW.
Die Zuschauer erfahren beispielsweise wie die Welthungerhilfe aus Bonn mit ihrer 500-kw-Holzpelletsanlage jährlich 25.000 € an Heizkosten einspart oder warum Familie Stemberg aus Lage mit dem Bedienungskomfort und der Wirtschaftlichkeit ihrer Holzpelletsanlage zufrieden ist. Die Filme beantworten wichtige Fragen wie „Was muss ich bei der Planung und Anschaffung einer Holzpelletsanlage beachten?“ „Wer hilft mit bei der Realisierung?“, „Welche Kosten entstehen?“, „Wann rechnet sich die Investition?“ und verraten außerdem alles über die Produktion und Qualität der Holzpellets, worauf es bei der Anlieferung und Lagerung ankommt und wie sie die heimische Wirtschaft stärken.
Isra-Mart srl:BioÖkonomieRat begrüßt „Nationale Forschungsstrategie BioÖkonomie“ der Bundesregierung
Isra-Mart srl news:
Anlässlich der Vorstellung der „Nationalen Forschungsstrategie BioÖkonomie“ durch Herrn Staatssekretär Thomas Rachel (BMBF) und Herrn Staatssekretär Dr. Robert Kloos (BMELV) hat der Vorsitzende des BioÖkonomieRats, Prof. Dr. Reinhard F. Hüttl, die Bedeutung der Strategie vor dem Hintergrund der globalen Herausforderungen wie Welternährung und Klimawandel unterstrichen. Er verwies auf die inhaltlichen Vorarbeiten des BioÖkonomieRats im Gutachten „Innovation Bioökonomie“, das der Bundesregierung am 08.September 2010 übergeben wurde.
Die Forschungsstrategie der Bundesregierung folgt in weiten Teilen der auch vom BioÖkonomieRat getragenen Auffassung eines integrierten Bioökonomie-Ansatzes, der alle wirtschaftlich relevanten Prozesse im Umgang mit Biomasse zusammenführt – von der Produktion über die Verarbeitung bis hin zur Nutzung in verschiedenen Wirtschaftsbereichen. Die in der Strategie zum Ausdruck kommenden Visionen und Ziele für eine biobasierte Wirtschaft bis zum Jahr 2030 verdeutlichen nach Ansicht des Rats die Dringlichkeit, die die Bundesregierung der Etablierung der Bioökonomie beimisst.
Die in der Strategie genannten prioritären Handlungsfelder, auf denen sich Deutschland zu einem führenden Forschungs- und Innovationsstandort entwickeln soll, sind die Sicherung der Ernährung, die Verbesserung der Qualität und Bekömmlichkeit von Lebensmitteln, die Förderung biobasierter Produkte und Verfahren sowie die Entwicklung von Biomasse-basierten Energieträgern. Mit dieser Strategie, die wesentliche Impulse aus dem Gutachten des BioÖkonomieRats aufnimmt, führt Deutschland die europäischen Bemühungen um die Entwicklung einer wissensbasierten Bioökonomie fort.
Mit der „Nationalen Forschungsstrategie BioÖkonomie“ reagiert die Bundesregierung auf die wachsende globale Bedeutung biologischer Ressourcen und die damit verbundenen neuen Herausforderungen. Um die Versorgung einer wachsenden Weltbevölkerung mit Nahrungsmitteln, Arzneimitteln, erneuerbaren Rohstoffen und Energieträgern unter gleichzeitiger Sicherung eines wirksamen Klimaschutzes zu gewährleisten, sind nicht nur neue effizientere Wege in der Biomasseerzeugung zu beschreiten. Es ist darüber hinaus von wesentlicher Bedeutung, übergreifende Konzepte für Bereitstellung und Nutzung von Biomasse zu entwickeln. Daher begrüßt Prof. Dr. Reinhard F. Hüttl die Nationale Forschungsstrategie BioÖkonomie als einen „wichtigen Meilenstein für den notwendigen Strukturwandel in der deutschen Forschungs- und Wirtschaftslandschaft“.
Isra-Mart srl news:
Anlässlich der Vorstellung der „Nationalen Forschungsstrategie BioÖkonomie“ durch Herrn Staatssekretär Thomas Rachel (BMBF) und Herrn Staatssekretär Dr. Robert Kloos (BMELV) hat der Vorsitzende des BioÖkonomieRats, Prof. Dr. Reinhard F. Hüttl, die Bedeutung der Strategie vor dem Hintergrund der globalen Herausforderungen wie Welternährung und Klimawandel unterstrichen. Er verwies auf die inhaltlichen Vorarbeiten des BioÖkonomieRats im Gutachten „Innovation Bioökonomie“, das der Bundesregierung am 08.September 2010 übergeben wurde.
Die Forschungsstrategie der Bundesregierung folgt in weiten Teilen der auch vom BioÖkonomieRat getragenen Auffassung eines integrierten Bioökonomie-Ansatzes, der alle wirtschaftlich relevanten Prozesse im Umgang mit Biomasse zusammenführt – von der Produktion über die Verarbeitung bis hin zur Nutzung in verschiedenen Wirtschaftsbereichen. Die in der Strategie zum Ausdruck kommenden Visionen und Ziele für eine biobasierte Wirtschaft bis zum Jahr 2030 verdeutlichen nach Ansicht des Rats die Dringlichkeit, die die Bundesregierung der Etablierung der Bioökonomie beimisst.
Die in der Strategie genannten prioritären Handlungsfelder, auf denen sich Deutschland zu einem führenden Forschungs- und Innovationsstandort entwickeln soll, sind die Sicherung der Ernährung, die Verbesserung der Qualität und Bekömmlichkeit von Lebensmitteln, die Förderung biobasierter Produkte und Verfahren sowie die Entwicklung von Biomasse-basierten Energieträgern. Mit dieser Strategie, die wesentliche Impulse aus dem Gutachten des BioÖkonomieRats aufnimmt, führt Deutschland die europäischen Bemühungen um die Entwicklung einer wissensbasierten Bioökonomie fort.
Mit der „Nationalen Forschungsstrategie BioÖkonomie“ reagiert die Bundesregierung auf die wachsende globale Bedeutung biologischer Ressourcen und die damit verbundenen neuen Herausforderungen. Um die Versorgung einer wachsenden Weltbevölkerung mit Nahrungsmitteln, Arzneimitteln, erneuerbaren Rohstoffen und Energieträgern unter gleichzeitiger Sicherung eines wirksamen Klimaschutzes zu gewährleisten, sind nicht nur neue effizientere Wege in der Biomasseerzeugung zu beschreiten. Es ist darüber hinaus von wesentlicher Bedeutung, übergreifende Konzepte für Bereitstellung und Nutzung von Biomasse zu entwickeln. Daher begrüßt Prof. Dr. Reinhard F. Hüttl die Nationale Forschungsstrategie BioÖkonomie als einen „wichtigen Meilenstein für den notwendigen Strukturwandel in der deutschen Forschungs- und Wirtschaftslandschaft“.
Isra-Mart srl:Setze Lichtzeichen - Entsorge deine Energiesparlampen
Isra-Mart srl news:
In mehr als 90 Prozent der deutschen Haushalte werden mittlerweile Sparlampen verwendet. Aus gutem Grund: Energiesparlampen halten, was ihr Name verspricht. Sie sparen bis zu 80 Prozent Strom im Vergleich zur herkömmlichen Glühlampe und haben mit 10.000 Stunden eine 10 mal höhere Lebensdauer. Trotz des höheren Kaufpreises rentiert sich die Anschaffung von Energiesparlampen sowohl für den Geldbeutel als auch für das Klima.
Der Umweltnutzen von Energiesparlampen kommt allerdings erst dann voll zum Tragen, wenn Sie Altlampen fachgerecht entsorgt werden. Denn ausgediente Energiesparlampen sind Elektronik-Altgeräte und enthalten geringe Mengen Quecksilber. In ganz Deutschland können Verbraucher an mehr als 2.100 Sammelstellen in Kommunen und Handel ihre Energiesparlampen zurückgeben und so Lichtzeichen setzen. Dank der Wiederverwertung der Sparlampen lassen sich Bestandteile wie Glas und Metall fast vollständig in den Kreislauf zurückführen und anschließend in verschiedenen Bereichen wieder einsetzen, etwa bei der Lampenproduktion oder im Bausektor.
Isra-Mart srl news:
In mehr als 90 Prozent der deutschen Haushalte werden mittlerweile Sparlampen verwendet. Aus gutem Grund: Energiesparlampen halten, was ihr Name verspricht. Sie sparen bis zu 80 Prozent Strom im Vergleich zur herkömmlichen Glühlampe und haben mit 10.000 Stunden eine 10 mal höhere Lebensdauer. Trotz des höheren Kaufpreises rentiert sich die Anschaffung von Energiesparlampen sowohl für den Geldbeutel als auch für das Klima.
Der Umweltnutzen von Energiesparlampen kommt allerdings erst dann voll zum Tragen, wenn Sie Altlampen fachgerecht entsorgt werden. Denn ausgediente Energiesparlampen sind Elektronik-Altgeräte und enthalten geringe Mengen Quecksilber. In ganz Deutschland können Verbraucher an mehr als 2.100 Sammelstellen in Kommunen und Handel ihre Energiesparlampen zurückgeben und so Lichtzeichen setzen. Dank der Wiederverwertung der Sparlampen lassen sich Bestandteile wie Glas und Metall fast vollständig in den Kreislauf zurückführen und anschließend in verschiedenen Bereichen wieder einsetzen, etwa bei der Lampenproduktion oder im Bausektor.
Isra-Mart srl:Zertifizierter Klimaschutz-Supermarkt kühlt und heizt mit HAUSER CO2-Hybridanlage
Isra-Mart srl news:
HAUSER hat den ersten international anerkannten Klimaschutz-Supermarkt von SPAR in Murau mit Kältetechnik ausgestattet. Neben energiesparenden HAUSER Kühl- und Tiefkühlmöbeln kommt erstmals eine CO2-Hybridanlage zum Einsatz, die das neue Kältemit-tel XP10 für den Normalkreislauf mit Kohlenstoffdioxid als natürlichem Kältemittel für die Tiefkühlung kombiniert. Mit der neuen Lösung können gegenüber dem derzeitigen Kältemittel-Industriestandard R404A die direkten Treibhausgasemissionen um mehr als 80 Prozent reduziert werden. Auch die Kühlmöbel tragen zum Energiesparen bei: Sämtliche HAUSER Wandkühlregale und Tiefkühlschränke im SPAR-Supermarkt wurden mit Drehtüren ausgestattet, die Tiefkühlinseln verfügen über Schiebedeckel. Dadurch ist der komplette Kühlbereich geschlossen. Energie in Form von Kälte, die bei offenen Kühlmöbeln ungenützt entweicht, bleibt im System. Für eine weitere Reduktion der CO2-Emissionen wurde die eingesetzte Hybridanlage als so genanntes „Eco-ES System“ ausgeführt. „Somit wird das gesamte Gebäude mit der Abwärme der Kälteanlage beheizt. Eine fossile Öl- oder Gasheizung ist daher überflüssig“, erklärt Andreas Schauer, Leiter Technik & Energie bei HAUSER.
Satte 80 Tonnen CO2 – das entspricht einem Verbrauch von 35 Mittelklasse PKWs – werden im neuen SPAR Supermarkt Murau jährlich im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Märkten eingespart. Für diese Leistung hat SPAR von der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Nachhaltige Immobilienwirtschaft (ÖGNI) die Auszeichnung in Gold erhalten. Mit dem international anerkannten Zertifizierungssystem werden Gebäude ausgezeichnet, die besonders umweltschonend betrieben werden, Ressourcen sparen, sowie langfristig wirtschaftliche und soziale Anforderungen berücksichtigen. Neben Passivbauweise und linearer LED-Beleuchtung sorgt in Murau vor allem innovative Kältetechnik von HAUSER für eine signifikante Reduktion von Treibhausemissionen. Mit seiner bewährten H-Pole-Strategie (Pakete zur Optimierung von Leistung und Energie, „more than cooling“) bietet der Kältetechnik-Spezialist das nahtlose Zusammenspiel von Kühlmöbeln, Technik und Regelung sowie Dienstleistungen für den Kunden. Durch dieses optimal aufeinander abgestimmte Gesamtpaket konnte HAUSER die spezifischen Anforderungen von SPAR erfüllen und ein innovatives, funktionales und zuverlässiges sowie gleichzeitig auch nachhaltiges System in die Praxis umsetzen.
Wegweisende Hybrid-Kälteanlage
Kernstück des Klimaschutz-Supermarkts ist die weltweit erste HAUSER Hybridanlage, die für den Bereich Normalkühlung das neue Kältemittel XP10 und für den Tiefkühlkreislauf CO2 als Kältemittel nutzt. Das nicht brennbare Kältemittelgemisch XP10 erreicht einen signifikant verringerten GWP-Wert (Global Warming Potential) im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Kältemitteln – und das bei ähnlichen thermodynamischen Eigenschaften. Daher eignet es sich sowohl als Alternativkältemittel für Tetrafluorethan-Neuanlagen (R134a), als auch als Drop-In-Kältemittel in bestehenden Anlagen. Nach Berechnungen von HAUSER lässt sich mit dem neuen System der sogenannte TEWI-Wert (Gesamtauswirkung auf den Treibhauseffekt), der auch CO2-Emissionen aus dem Energiebedarf der Kälteanlage einbezieht, um mehr als 40 Prozent verringern. Als Pilotanlage soll das System im laufenden Betrieb wichtige Erkenntnisse über neue, künftig auf breiter Basis einsetzbare Kältemittel liefern.
Heizen mit der Kälteanlage
Die neue Hybrid-Kälteanlage kann jedoch nicht nur kühlen. Sie ist als „Eco-ES“-System ausgeführt und nutzt die Abwärme beziehungsweise die Kondensationswärme der Kälteanlage zum Heizen des Gebäudes. In Murau können dadurch über 90 Prozent der Heizkosten eingespart werden. Bei Bedarf arbeitet die Kälteanlage zusätzlich als Wärmepumpe und entzieht dem Erdreich über Tiefensonden Wärme, mit der dann der gesamte Heizbedarf des Supermarkts abgedeckt werden kann. HAUSER hat bereits 2003 erstmals das „Heizen mit der Kälteanlage“ erfolgreich umgesetzt. Seit damals beweisen über 100 realisierte Anlagen dieser Art, dass Supermärkte mit dem System ohne Öl- und Gasheizung betrieben werden können.
Energiesparende Kühlmöbel
Im neuen SPAR Murau versorgt die Hybrid-Kälteanlage insgesamt 15 Meter, für den geschlossenen Einsatz optimierte REGAS Kühlregale für Molkereiprodukte und Wurstwaren, 10 Meter VARIUS Bedientheken, einen MIRENGO Tiefkühlschrank mit 15 Türen und eine MERANIS Tiefkühlinsel sowie die dazu gehörigen Kühl- und Tiefkühlräume. Alle Kühlmöbel sind für maximale Energieeffizienz geschlossen ausgeführt und verfügen über Glasdrehtüren oder Glasabdeckungen. Darüber hinaus kommt überall energiesparende LED-Beleuchtung zum Einsatz.
Isra-Mart srl news:
HAUSER hat den ersten international anerkannten Klimaschutz-Supermarkt von SPAR in Murau mit Kältetechnik ausgestattet. Neben energiesparenden HAUSER Kühl- und Tiefkühlmöbeln kommt erstmals eine CO2-Hybridanlage zum Einsatz, die das neue Kältemit-tel XP10 für den Normalkreislauf mit Kohlenstoffdioxid als natürlichem Kältemittel für die Tiefkühlung kombiniert. Mit der neuen Lösung können gegenüber dem derzeitigen Kältemittel-Industriestandard R404A die direkten Treibhausgasemissionen um mehr als 80 Prozent reduziert werden. Auch die Kühlmöbel tragen zum Energiesparen bei: Sämtliche HAUSER Wandkühlregale und Tiefkühlschränke im SPAR-Supermarkt wurden mit Drehtüren ausgestattet, die Tiefkühlinseln verfügen über Schiebedeckel. Dadurch ist der komplette Kühlbereich geschlossen. Energie in Form von Kälte, die bei offenen Kühlmöbeln ungenützt entweicht, bleibt im System. Für eine weitere Reduktion der CO2-Emissionen wurde die eingesetzte Hybridanlage als so genanntes „Eco-ES System“ ausgeführt. „Somit wird das gesamte Gebäude mit der Abwärme der Kälteanlage beheizt. Eine fossile Öl- oder Gasheizung ist daher überflüssig“, erklärt Andreas Schauer, Leiter Technik & Energie bei HAUSER.
Satte 80 Tonnen CO2 – das entspricht einem Verbrauch von 35 Mittelklasse PKWs – werden im neuen SPAR Supermarkt Murau jährlich im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Märkten eingespart. Für diese Leistung hat SPAR von der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Nachhaltige Immobilienwirtschaft (ÖGNI) die Auszeichnung in Gold erhalten. Mit dem international anerkannten Zertifizierungssystem werden Gebäude ausgezeichnet, die besonders umweltschonend betrieben werden, Ressourcen sparen, sowie langfristig wirtschaftliche und soziale Anforderungen berücksichtigen. Neben Passivbauweise und linearer LED-Beleuchtung sorgt in Murau vor allem innovative Kältetechnik von HAUSER für eine signifikante Reduktion von Treibhausemissionen. Mit seiner bewährten H-Pole-Strategie (Pakete zur Optimierung von Leistung und Energie, „more than cooling“) bietet der Kältetechnik-Spezialist das nahtlose Zusammenspiel von Kühlmöbeln, Technik und Regelung sowie Dienstleistungen für den Kunden. Durch dieses optimal aufeinander abgestimmte Gesamtpaket konnte HAUSER die spezifischen Anforderungen von SPAR erfüllen und ein innovatives, funktionales und zuverlässiges sowie gleichzeitig auch nachhaltiges System in die Praxis umsetzen.
Wegweisende Hybrid-Kälteanlage
Kernstück des Klimaschutz-Supermarkts ist die weltweit erste HAUSER Hybridanlage, die für den Bereich Normalkühlung das neue Kältemittel XP10 und für den Tiefkühlkreislauf CO2 als Kältemittel nutzt. Das nicht brennbare Kältemittelgemisch XP10 erreicht einen signifikant verringerten GWP-Wert (Global Warming Potential) im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Kältemitteln – und das bei ähnlichen thermodynamischen Eigenschaften. Daher eignet es sich sowohl als Alternativkältemittel für Tetrafluorethan-Neuanlagen (R134a), als auch als Drop-In-Kältemittel in bestehenden Anlagen. Nach Berechnungen von HAUSER lässt sich mit dem neuen System der sogenannte TEWI-Wert (Gesamtauswirkung auf den Treibhauseffekt), der auch CO2-Emissionen aus dem Energiebedarf der Kälteanlage einbezieht, um mehr als 40 Prozent verringern. Als Pilotanlage soll das System im laufenden Betrieb wichtige Erkenntnisse über neue, künftig auf breiter Basis einsetzbare Kältemittel liefern.
Heizen mit der Kälteanlage
Die neue Hybrid-Kälteanlage kann jedoch nicht nur kühlen. Sie ist als „Eco-ES“-System ausgeführt und nutzt die Abwärme beziehungsweise die Kondensationswärme der Kälteanlage zum Heizen des Gebäudes. In Murau können dadurch über 90 Prozent der Heizkosten eingespart werden. Bei Bedarf arbeitet die Kälteanlage zusätzlich als Wärmepumpe und entzieht dem Erdreich über Tiefensonden Wärme, mit der dann der gesamte Heizbedarf des Supermarkts abgedeckt werden kann. HAUSER hat bereits 2003 erstmals das „Heizen mit der Kälteanlage“ erfolgreich umgesetzt. Seit damals beweisen über 100 realisierte Anlagen dieser Art, dass Supermärkte mit dem System ohne Öl- und Gasheizung betrieben werden können.
Energiesparende Kühlmöbel
Im neuen SPAR Murau versorgt die Hybrid-Kälteanlage insgesamt 15 Meter, für den geschlossenen Einsatz optimierte REGAS Kühlregale für Molkereiprodukte und Wurstwaren, 10 Meter VARIUS Bedientheken, einen MIRENGO Tiefkühlschrank mit 15 Türen und eine MERANIS Tiefkühlinsel sowie die dazu gehörigen Kühl- und Tiefkühlräume. Alle Kühlmöbel sind für maximale Energieeffizienz geschlossen ausgeführt und verfügen über Glasdrehtüren oder Glasabdeckungen. Darüber hinaus kommt überall energiesparende LED-Beleuchtung zum Einsatz.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Isra-Mart srl:ANALIZA: Care este miza summit-ului climatic de la Cancun?
Isra-Mart srl news:
Reprezentantii a 193 de guverne din intreaga lume se reunesc incepand de astazi si pana pe 10 decembrie la summit-ul climatic al ONU de la Cancun (COP 16), pentru a pune bazele unor noi reglementari globale care sa limiteze riscurile accelerarii schimbarilor climatice. Spre deosebire de conferinta climatica de anul trecut, de la Copenhaga (COP 15), evenimentul de anul acesta prefigureaza sanse minime de stabilirea unor tinte obligatorii de reducere a emisiilor pentru statele puternic industrializate. Dovada ca niciun sef de stat nu si-a anuntat inca participarea la summit, fapt ce va oferi oamenilor de stiinta si ecologistilor ocazia de a se face mai bine auziti.
Trenul fara locomotiva
Unul dintre marile obstacole care vor impiedica adoptarea unor tinte de emisii este lipsa unui angajament clar al Statelor Unite. Presedintele Barack Obama incearca de aproape doi ani sa convinga Congresul sa aprobe noul pachet legislativ anti-schimbari climatice, lovindu-se de un lobby agresiv din partea marilor corporatii din industria americana. In urma alegerilor legislative de la inceputul lunii noiembrie, cand republicanii au reusit sa preia controlul asupra Camerei Reprezentantilor, sansele adoptarii acestei legislatii s-au redus considerabil.
Drept rezultat, este posibil ca si alte mari economii sa evite sa isi asume obligatii semnificative de monitorizare si raportare a emisiilor nationale. In conditiile in care aceasta este una din solicitarile cheie la adresa statelor puternic industrializate, este foarte probabil ca negocierile de la Cancun sa ajunga intr-un punct mort.
Delegatiile celor 193 de tari, intre care si cea a Romaniei, ar putea profita totusi de intalnire pentru a-si ajusta pozitiile din cadrul negocierilor si a gasi solutii pentru a le accelera. De asemenea, participantii vor trebui sa programeze o serie de etape pentru finalizarea deciziilor si sa incheie summit-ul cu o intelegere de principiu care sa puna bazele unui acord legal obligatoriu. Acesta ar urma sa fie semnat cu ocazia summit-ului COP 17 de anul viitor, din Africa de Sud.
Marile probleme de pe agenda summit-ului
In prim-plan se va afla problema finantarii statelor slab industrializate si modul in care fondurile le vor fi distribuite. De asemenea, va fi luata in discutie si necesitatea unor sume suplimentare pentru a ajuta tarile sarace sa faca fata schimbarilor climatice. Din cele 30 de miliarde de dolari pe care statele dezvoltate s-au angajat anul trecut sa le acorde pana in 2012, statele sarace au primit pana acum numai 13%. Acestea privesc din start cu neincredere rezultatele programului de sprijin financiar, deoarece o buna parte din bani sunt alocati prin Banca Mondiala.
Un alt subiect va fi dezvoltarea controversatului program REDD (Reducerea Emisiilor cauzate de Despaduriri si Degradarea Padurilor), in conditiile in care pe viitor va fi necesar un angajament de intermediere a finantarii statelor slab industrializate pentru REDD.
De asemenea, se vor discuta detalii despre modul in care statele ar trebui sa isi reduca emisiile de carbon si cu cat ar trebui sa le reduca, astfel incat cresterea temperaturilor globale medii sa nu depaseasca 2 grade Celsius pana la sfarsitul secolului. Peste aceasta limita, dupa cum avertizeaza climatologii, efectele schimbarilor climatice vor deveni imposibil de controlat.
La ce sa ne asteptam?
Asteptarile privind un rezultat pozitiv al negocierilor nu sunt foarte mari, iar acest lucru este recunoscut chiar de catre secretarul executiv al Conventiei Cadru ONU pentru Schimbari Climatice (UNFCCC), Christiana Figueres. Aceasta declarat recent ca, in opinia sa, pe durata vietii ei nu va fi posibila adoptarea unui acord legal obligatoriu si atotcuprinzator, care sa tina cont de toate partile implicate.
Negocierile se vor concentra si asupra mecanismelor de piata, alaturi de alte metode de incurajare a unui flux de capital privat necesar pentru a aduna cele 250-380 de milioane de dolari necesari pana in 2030 pentru a limita efectele schimbarile climatice, potrivit UNFCCC.
Sectorul privat este vazut ca o sursa importanta de finantare suplimentara, in conditiile in care acesta ruleaza 90% din fluxul investitional. Cu toate acestea, in cazul in care comunitatea internationala doreste sa mobilizeze acest capital, conferinta de la Cancun va trebui sa produca reglementari clare si sa reprezinte un progres in ce priveste noile mecanisme de piata, instrumentele ce pot fi folosite pentru transferul tehnologiilor din statele bogate catre cele sarace, precum si o reforma a Mecanismului de Dezvoltare Curata (Clean Development Mechanism).
Chiar daca nu se va incheia cu un acord climatic global, sperantele pentru summit-ul de la Cancun sunt legate de progresul negocierilor privid impaduririle, finantarea proiectelor climatice si angajamentele de reducere a ritmului schimbarilor climatice.
Copenhaga, portul sperantelor moarte
Summit-ul COP15 de anul trecut, de la Copenhaga, a fost considerat un esec deoarece partile participante nu au reusit sa incheie un angajament global, care sa limiteze schimbarile climatice prin stabilirea unor tinte obligatorii de reducere a emisiilor de carbon pentru toate statele.
Rezultatul a fost un acord de doua pagini, care le cere statelor puternic industrializate sa isi anunte tinte voluntare de reducere a emisiilor, sa creasca transparenta monitorizarii emisiilor, sa promoveze tehnologiile curate si sa isi stabileasca drept tinta mentinerea incalzirii globale la sub 2 grade Celsius pana la finele secolului.
In 2012 expira protocolul de la Kyoto, iar cum la Copenhaga nu s-a ajuns la un acord care sa il inlocuiasca, summit-ul de anul acesta ar fi o oportunitate de a pune bazele viitorului acord global obligatoriu care sa fie adoptat la anul, la conferinta COP 17 din Africa de Sud.
In ciuda asteptarilor mari de dinaintea summit-ului, Acordul de la Copenhaga nu a avut un caracter legal obligatoriu, fiind doar un document ale carui prevederi ”au fost luate la cunostinta” de catre cele 192 de tari participante.
Insa cel mai important rezultat in urma summit-ului de la Copenhaga a fost faptul ca statele au agreat pentru prima oara sa infiinteze un fond de ajutor financiar de 100 de miliarde de dolari care va fi alocat pana in 2020 statelor in curs de dezvoltare. Fondul le va ajuta sa faca fata viitoarelor efecte ale schimbarilor climatice, dar si sa implementeze programe ”verzi” de reducere a emisiilor.
Cele 130 de state non-industrializate din cadrul UNFCCC, responsabile pentru 15% din emisiile totale de carbon la nivel global, asteapta de la Cancun adoptarea unui cadru prin care alimentarea fondului de sprijin sa se materializeze.
Isra-Mart srl news:
Reprezentantii a 193 de guverne din intreaga lume se reunesc incepand de astazi si pana pe 10 decembrie la summit-ul climatic al ONU de la Cancun (COP 16), pentru a pune bazele unor noi reglementari globale care sa limiteze riscurile accelerarii schimbarilor climatice. Spre deosebire de conferinta climatica de anul trecut, de la Copenhaga (COP 15), evenimentul de anul acesta prefigureaza sanse minime de stabilirea unor tinte obligatorii de reducere a emisiilor pentru statele puternic industrializate. Dovada ca niciun sef de stat nu si-a anuntat inca participarea la summit, fapt ce va oferi oamenilor de stiinta si ecologistilor ocazia de a se face mai bine auziti.
Trenul fara locomotiva
Unul dintre marile obstacole care vor impiedica adoptarea unor tinte de emisii este lipsa unui angajament clar al Statelor Unite. Presedintele Barack Obama incearca de aproape doi ani sa convinga Congresul sa aprobe noul pachet legislativ anti-schimbari climatice, lovindu-se de un lobby agresiv din partea marilor corporatii din industria americana. In urma alegerilor legislative de la inceputul lunii noiembrie, cand republicanii au reusit sa preia controlul asupra Camerei Reprezentantilor, sansele adoptarii acestei legislatii s-au redus considerabil.
Drept rezultat, este posibil ca si alte mari economii sa evite sa isi asume obligatii semnificative de monitorizare si raportare a emisiilor nationale. In conditiile in care aceasta este una din solicitarile cheie la adresa statelor puternic industrializate, este foarte probabil ca negocierile de la Cancun sa ajunga intr-un punct mort.
Delegatiile celor 193 de tari, intre care si cea a Romaniei, ar putea profita totusi de intalnire pentru a-si ajusta pozitiile din cadrul negocierilor si a gasi solutii pentru a le accelera. De asemenea, participantii vor trebui sa programeze o serie de etape pentru finalizarea deciziilor si sa incheie summit-ul cu o intelegere de principiu care sa puna bazele unui acord legal obligatoriu. Acesta ar urma sa fie semnat cu ocazia summit-ului COP 17 de anul viitor, din Africa de Sud.
Marile probleme de pe agenda summit-ului
In prim-plan se va afla problema finantarii statelor slab industrializate si modul in care fondurile le vor fi distribuite. De asemenea, va fi luata in discutie si necesitatea unor sume suplimentare pentru a ajuta tarile sarace sa faca fata schimbarilor climatice. Din cele 30 de miliarde de dolari pe care statele dezvoltate s-au angajat anul trecut sa le acorde pana in 2012, statele sarace au primit pana acum numai 13%. Acestea privesc din start cu neincredere rezultatele programului de sprijin financiar, deoarece o buna parte din bani sunt alocati prin Banca Mondiala.
Un alt subiect va fi dezvoltarea controversatului program REDD (Reducerea Emisiilor cauzate de Despaduriri si Degradarea Padurilor), in conditiile in care pe viitor va fi necesar un angajament de intermediere a finantarii statelor slab industrializate pentru REDD.
De asemenea, se vor discuta detalii despre modul in care statele ar trebui sa isi reduca emisiile de carbon si cu cat ar trebui sa le reduca, astfel incat cresterea temperaturilor globale medii sa nu depaseasca 2 grade Celsius pana la sfarsitul secolului. Peste aceasta limita, dupa cum avertizeaza climatologii, efectele schimbarilor climatice vor deveni imposibil de controlat.
La ce sa ne asteptam?
Asteptarile privind un rezultat pozitiv al negocierilor nu sunt foarte mari, iar acest lucru este recunoscut chiar de catre secretarul executiv al Conventiei Cadru ONU pentru Schimbari Climatice (UNFCCC), Christiana Figueres. Aceasta declarat recent ca, in opinia sa, pe durata vietii ei nu va fi posibila adoptarea unui acord legal obligatoriu si atotcuprinzator, care sa tina cont de toate partile implicate.
Negocierile se vor concentra si asupra mecanismelor de piata, alaturi de alte metode de incurajare a unui flux de capital privat necesar pentru a aduna cele 250-380 de milioane de dolari necesari pana in 2030 pentru a limita efectele schimbarile climatice, potrivit UNFCCC.
Sectorul privat este vazut ca o sursa importanta de finantare suplimentara, in conditiile in care acesta ruleaza 90% din fluxul investitional. Cu toate acestea, in cazul in care comunitatea internationala doreste sa mobilizeze acest capital, conferinta de la Cancun va trebui sa produca reglementari clare si sa reprezinte un progres in ce priveste noile mecanisme de piata, instrumentele ce pot fi folosite pentru transferul tehnologiilor din statele bogate catre cele sarace, precum si o reforma a Mecanismului de Dezvoltare Curata (Clean Development Mechanism).
Chiar daca nu se va incheia cu un acord climatic global, sperantele pentru summit-ul de la Cancun sunt legate de progresul negocierilor privid impaduririle, finantarea proiectelor climatice si angajamentele de reducere a ritmului schimbarilor climatice.
Copenhaga, portul sperantelor moarte
Summit-ul COP15 de anul trecut, de la Copenhaga, a fost considerat un esec deoarece partile participante nu au reusit sa incheie un angajament global, care sa limiteze schimbarile climatice prin stabilirea unor tinte obligatorii de reducere a emisiilor de carbon pentru toate statele.
Rezultatul a fost un acord de doua pagini, care le cere statelor puternic industrializate sa isi anunte tinte voluntare de reducere a emisiilor, sa creasca transparenta monitorizarii emisiilor, sa promoveze tehnologiile curate si sa isi stabileasca drept tinta mentinerea incalzirii globale la sub 2 grade Celsius pana la finele secolului.
In 2012 expira protocolul de la Kyoto, iar cum la Copenhaga nu s-a ajuns la un acord care sa il inlocuiasca, summit-ul de anul acesta ar fi o oportunitate de a pune bazele viitorului acord global obligatoriu care sa fie adoptat la anul, la conferinta COP 17 din Africa de Sud.
In ciuda asteptarilor mari de dinaintea summit-ului, Acordul de la Copenhaga nu a avut un caracter legal obligatoriu, fiind doar un document ale carui prevederi ”au fost luate la cunostinta” de catre cele 192 de tari participante.
Insa cel mai important rezultat in urma summit-ului de la Copenhaga a fost faptul ca statele au agreat pentru prima oara sa infiinteze un fond de ajutor financiar de 100 de miliarde de dolari care va fi alocat pana in 2020 statelor in curs de dezvoltare. Fondul le va ajuta sa faca fata viitoarelor efecte ale schimbarilor climatice, dar si sa implementeze programe ”verzi” de reducere a emisiilor.
Cele 130 de state non-industrializate din cadrul UNFCCC, responsabile pentru 15% din emisiile totale de carbon la nivel global, asteapta de la Cancun adoptarea unui cadru prin care alimentarea fondului de sprijin sa se materializeze.
Isra-Mart srl:ANRE: Energia curata ar putea creste cu 30% pretul electricitatii in Romania, pana in 2017
Isra-mart srl news:
Indeplinirea tintei asumate de tara noastra pentru anul 2020 privind productia de energie din surse regenerabile ii va face pe romani sa plateasca cu pana la 30% mai mult pentru factura la energie in 2017, potrivit vicepresedintelui Autoritatii Nationale de Reglementare in domeniul Energiei (ANRE), Zoltan Nagy-Bege.
Prezent la conferinta ”Energie verde” organizata de Business Magazin, reprezentantul ANRE a mentionat ca evolutia pretului energiei va fi influentata de piata certificatelor verzi, avand ca efect o crestere cu pana la 33 euro/MWh in 2017, fata de pretul actual.
”Ne-am asumat in fata Comisiei Europene o tinta de 24% energie din surse regenerabile care include energia termica si combustibilii utilizati in transport. Bugetul estimat acestei schema pana in 2020 este de peste 10 miliarde de euro, suma ce va fi platita de consumatorul roman pentru atingerea acestei tinte. Vor fi cresterile de pret ce vor crea probleme inclusiv consumatorilor industriali”, a mai spus Zoltan Nagy-Bege.
Avize pentru 5.000 MW
Potrivit unei estimari a ANRE pana in anul 2020, inclusa in Planul National de Actiune in domeniul producerii de energie din surse regenerabile, in Romania se vor instala aproape 5.000 MW, din care cea mai mare parte (aproximativ 60%) vor proveni din proiectele de energie eoliana.
Totusi, situatia investitiilor este inca incerta, in conditiile in care Legea 220/2008 privind promovarea energiei din surse regenerabile nu se poate aplica in totalitate.
”Este adevarat ca am depasit termenul de aprobare al unor reglementari, dar in maximum doua saptamani vor fi aprobate. Toata lumea se intreaba ce se intampla cu schema de sprijin. Nu se aplica pentru ca are nevoie de avizul CE. Astazi vom definitiva ultimul set de raspunsuri catre CE. Personal, nu cred ca vom putea aplica schema mai devreme de luna mai, anul viitor, pentru ca este un proces foarte birocratic. Legea are cateva probleme iar CE va mai avea cu siguranta intrebari”, a reprezentantul ANRE.
Facturi mai mari incepand cu 2013
Potrivit previciunilor Ministerului Economiei, plata emisiilor de CO2 de catre producatori va fi resimtita de consumatori incepand cu anul 2013. ”Impactul achizitionarii de permise de emisii in pretul final va avea efecte din 2013, pentru ca pana atunci producatorii primesc o serie de certificate cu titlu gratuit. In urma cu 2 ani am realizat o estimare a impactului certificatelor in pretul final. Depinde foarte mult de cat va fi pretul tonei de CO2. La un pret de 35 euro/tona - pretul pe MWh va ajunge la 27 euro”, a explicat directorul pentru politici energetice din Ministerul Economiei, Alexandru Sandulescu.
El a apreciat ca in anii urmatori productia de carbune va scadea, tehnologiile se vor schimba si vor fi mai performante, iar investitiile in proiecte de exploatare a gazului natural vor creste.
Potrivit datelor Ministerului Economiei, anul acesta au existat 419 cereri pentru fonduri structurale destinate proiectelor de energie din surse regenrabile. ”Se solicitau doua miliarde euro pentru aceste proiecte. Din ele au ramas putin peste 300, care urmeaza sa intre in evaluarea economica ce se face cu un consultant strain si in circa patru luni vom avea lista completa a contractelor de cofinantare”, a mai spus Sandulescu.
Isra-mart srl news:
Indeplinirea tintei asumate de tara noastra pentru anul 2020 privind productia de energie din surse regenerabile ii va face pe romani sa plateasca cu pana la 30% mai mult pentru factura la energie in 2017, potrivit vicepresedintelui Autoritatii Nationale de Reglementare in domeniul Energiei (ANRE), Zoltan Nagy-Bege.
Prezent la conferinta ”Energie verde” organizata de Business Magazin, reprezentantul ANRE a mentionat ca evolutia pretului energiei va fi influentata de piata certificatelor verzi, avand ca efect o crestere cu pana la 33 euro/MWh in 2017, fata de pretul actual.
”Ne-am asumat in fata Comisiei Europene o tinta de 24% energie din surse regenerabile care include energia termica si combustibilii utilizati in transport. Bugetul estimat acestei schema pana in 2020 este de peste 10 miliarde de euro, suma ce va fi platita de consumatorul roman pentru atingerea acestei tinte. Vor fi cresterile de pret ce vor crea probleme inclusiv consumatorilor industriali”, a mai spus Zoltan Nagy-Bege.
Avize pentru 5.000 MW
Potrivit unei estimari a ANRE pana in anul 2020, inclusa in Planul National de Actiune in domeniul producerii de energie din surse regenerabile, in Romania se vor instala aproape 5.000 MW, din care cea mai mare parte (aproximativ 60%) vor proveni din proiectele de energie eoliana.
Totusi, situatia investitiilor este inca incerta, in conditiile in care Legea 220/2008 privind promovarea energiei din surse regenerabile nu se poate aplica in totalitate.
”Este adevarat ca am depasit termenul de aprobare al unor reglementari, dar in maximum doua saptamani vor fi aprobate. Toata lumea se intreaba ce se intampla cu schema de sprijin. Nu se aplica pentru ca are nevoie de avizul CE. Astazi vom definitiva ultimul set de raspunsuri catre CE. Personal, nu cred ca vom putea aplica schema mai devreme de luna mai, anul viitor, pentru ca este un proces foarte birocratic. Legea are cateva probleme iar CE va mai avea cu siguranta intrebari”, a reprezentantul ANRE.
Facturi mai mari incepand cu 2013
Potrivit previciunilor Ministerului Economiei, plata emisiilor de CO2 de catre producatori va fi resimtita de consumatori incepand cu anul 2013. ”Impactul achizitionarii de permise de emisii in pretul final va avea efecte din 2013, pentru ca pana atunci producatorii primesc o serie de certificate cu titlu gratuit. In urma cu 2 ani am realizat o estimare a impactului certificatelor in pretul final. Depinde foarte mult de cat va fi pretul tonei de CO2. La un pret de 35 euro/tona - pretul pe MWh va ajunge la 27 euro”, a explicat directorul pentru politici energetice din Ministerul Economiei, Alexandru Sandulescu.
El a apreciat ca in anii urmatori productia de carbune va scadea, tehnologiile se vor schimba si vor fi mai performante, iar investitiile in proiecte de exploatare a gazului natural vor creste.
Potrivit datelor Ministerului Economiei, anul acesta au existat 419 cereri pentru fonduri structurale destinate proiectelor de energie din surse regenrabile. ”Se solicitau doua miliarde euro pentru aceste proiecte. Din ele au ramas putin peste 300, care urmeaza sa intre in evaluarea economica ce se face cu un consultant strain si in circa patru luni vom avea lista completa a contractelor de cofinantare”, a mai spus Sandulescu.
Isra-Mart srl:Orasele monoindustriale, victime sigure ale inchiderii centralelor electrice neperformante
Isra-Mart srl news:
Sansa Romaniei de a atrage investitii in economie se bazeaza pe un pret competititv al energiei, iar acesta se traduce printr-o rata de profitabilitate mai redusa, a avertizat astazi directorul Hidroelectrica, Mihai David la conferinta ”Energia verde” organizata de Business Magazin. David a precizat ca in acest moment in Romania este necesara o restructurare masiva a sistemului, care ar trebui sa inceapa cu inchiderea grupurilor de productie energetica neperformante.
”Avem nevoie de fonduri pentru modernizare. A cheltui sume importante de bani in unitati care nu au clar niciun viitor e o problema de decizie. Au existat discutii legate de forta de munca si de toti acei oameni care lucreaza in domeniu. Dar lucreaza doar ca sa produca pierderi”, a mai spus David. Potrivit directorului Hidroelectrica, problema zonelor monoindustriale romanesti va fi foarte greu de rezolvat din punct de vedere social.
Necesitatea inchiderii unitatilor de productie depasite a fost subliniata si de directorul pentru Afaceri Corporatiste al CEZ, Adrian Borotea. ”Pe langa faptul ca sunt vechi, aceste centrale sunt si ineficiente. Trebuie facute investitii in tehnologii de ultima generatie care sa ne asigure un impact in pretul final al consumatorului din Romania”, a spus Borotea. El a adaugat ca, desi in prezent exista proiecte de energie regenerabila si multe cereri de racordare la reteaua nationala, s-a facut foarte putin pentru atingerea tintelor asumate de Romania.
Hidroelectrica face lobby pentru energia nucleara
Comisia Europeana a solicitat marirea capacitatii de racordare intre tarile membre, ceea ce inseamna ca Romania va trebui sa asigure statelor vecine accesul la piata energetica nationala. Acest lucru va conduce la cresterea competitivitatii pe piata interna.
Potrivit directorului Hidroelectrica, dezvoltarea pietei energetice romanesti va trebui sa tina cont de acest aspect, mai ales in contextul in care statele vecine isi dezvolta masiv capacitatile de productie, cum este cazul Bulgariei care construieste o noua centrala nucleara.
”Eu cred in viitorul in care Romania va dezvolta o noua centrala nucleara. Este clar ca energia viitorului este o combinatie intre cea verde si cea nucleara. Avand in vedere ca perioada de implementare a unui astfel de proiect este de circa 8 ani, iar costurile sunt substantiale, ar trebui sa ne apucam de treaba”, a conchis directorul Hidroelectrica.
Eficienta energetica va fi o alta prioritate pentru ca ar putea fi una dintre modalitatile principale de a tine facturile sub control, in contextul cresterii pretului energiei.
Isra-Mart srl news:
Sansa Romaniei de a atrage investitii in economie se bazeaza pe un pret competititv al energiei, iar acesta se traduce printr-o rata de profitabilitate mai redusa, a avertizat astazi directorul Hidroelectrica, Mihai David la conferinta ”Energia verde” organizata de Business Magazin. David a precizat ca in acest moment in Romania este necesara o restructurare masiva a sistemului, care ar trebui sa inceapa cu inchiderea grupurilor de productie energetica neperformante.
”Avem nevoie de fonduri pentru modernizare. A cheltui sume importante de bani in unitati care nu au clar niciun viitor e o problema de decizie. Au existat discutii legate de forta de munca si de toti acei oameni care lucreaza in domeniu. Dar lucreaza doar ca sa produca pierderi”, a mai spus David. Potrivit directorului Hidroelectrica, problema zonelor monoindustriale romanesti va fi foarte greu de rezolvat din punct de vedere social.
Necesitatea inchiderii unitatilor de productie depasite a fost subliniata si de directorul pentru Afaceri Corporatiste al CEZ, Adrian Borotea. ”Pe langa faptul ca sunt vechi, aceste centrale sunt si ineficiente. Trebuie facute investitii in tehnologii de ultima generatie care sa ne asigure un impact in pretul final al consumatorului din Romania”, a spus Borotea. El a adaugat ca, desi in prezent exista proiecte de energie regenerabila si multe cereri de racordare la reteaua nationala, s-a facut foarte putin pentru atingerea tintelor asumate de Romania.
Hidroelectrica face lobby pentru energia nucleara
Comisia Europeana a solicitat marirea capacitatii de racordare intre tarile membre, ceea ce inseamna ca Romania va trebui sa asigure statelor vecine accesul la piata energetica nationala. Acest lucru va conduce la cresterea competitivitatii pe piata interna.
Potrivit directorului Hidroelectrica, dezvoltarea pietei energetice romanesti va trebui sa tina cont de acest aspect, mai ales in contextul in care statele vecine isi dezvolta masiv capacitatile de productie, cum este cazul Bulgariei care construieste o noua centrala nucleara.
”Eu cred in viitorul in care Romania va dezvolta o noua centrala nucleara. Este clar ca energia viitorului este o combinatie intre cea verde si cea nucleara. Avand in vedere ca perioada de implementare a unui astfel de proiect este de circa 8 ani, iar costurile sunt substantiale, ar trebui sa ne apucam de treaba”, a conchis directorul Hidroelectrica.
Eficienta energetica va fi o alta prioritate pentru ca ar putea fi una dintre modalitatile principale de a tine facturile sub control, in contextul cresterii pretului energiei.
Isra-Mart srl:Green data centre code of conduct breaks through 100MW mark
Isra-Mart srl news:
A year on from the official launch of the EU's green code of conduct for data centres, the initiative has over 60 data centres signed up to the efficiency guidelines and a further 70 currently having their applications processed, according to one of the executives that worked on the development of the scheme.
Liam Newcombe, chief technology officer at Romonet, said that the code had attracted a large number of high profile participants with data centres responsible for over 100MW of energy use, who are now either signed up to the scheme or in the process of doing so.
A year on from the official launch of the EU's green code of conduct for data centres, the initiative has over 60 data centres signed up to the efficiency guidelines and a further 70 currently having their applications processed, according to one of the executives that worked on the development of the scheme.
Liam Newcombe, chief technology officer at Romonet, said that the code had attracted a large number of high profile participants with data centres responsible for over 100MW of energy use, who are now either signed up to the scheme or in the process of doing so.
Isra-Mart srl news:
A year on from the official launch of the EU's green code of conduct for data centres, the initiative has over 60 data centres signed up to the efficiency guidelines and a further 70 currently having their applications processed, according to one of the executives that worked on the development of the scheme.
Liam Newcombe, chief technology officer at Romonet, said that the code had attracted a large number of high profile participants with data centres responsible for over 100MW of energy use, who are now either signed up to the scheme or in the process of doing so.
A year on from the official launch of the EU's green code of conduct for data centres, the initiative has over 60 data centres signed up to the efficiency guidelines and a further 70 currently having their applications processed, according to one of the executives that worked on the development of the scheme.
Liam Newcombe, chief technology officer at Romonet, said that the code had attracted a large number of high profile participants with data centres responsible for over 100MW of energy use, who are now either signed up to the scheme or in the process of doing so.
Isra-Mart srl:Oil companies and banks will profit from UN forest protection scheme
Isra-Mart srl news:
Some of the world's largest oil, mining, car and gas corporations will make hundreds of millions of dollars from a UN-backed forest protection scheme, according to a new report from the Friends of the Earth International.
The group's new report - launched on the first day of the global climate summit in Cancun, Mexico, where 193 countries hope to thrash out a new agreement - is the first major assessment of the several hundred, large-scale Redd (Reduced emissions from deforestation and degradation) pilot schemes. It shows that banks, airlines, charitable foundations, carbon traders, conservation groups, gas companies and palm plantation companies have also scrambled into forestry protection.
While forestry is billed as one issue where significant progress could be made at the talks, over the weekend David Cameron, Chris Huhne, the climate change secretary, and the government's chief scientists all played down the prospect of a global deal to cut carbon emissions.
"British ministers are going to Mexico this week with an approach that is both realistic and optimistic," the prime minister wrote in the Observer . "Realistic, because we don't expect a global deal to be struck in Cancun, but optimistic too, because we are viewing this as a stepping stone to future agreement."
Huhne, who will attend the second week of the talks, was more blunt: "No one expects a binding deal on climate change in Cancun." But he said deforestation and longer-term climate finance were areas where progress could be made.
The Redd scheme is central to slowing, or halting, deforestation, which causes huge releases of carbon dioxide. But critics say that the scheme amounts to privatisation of natural resources.
FoE's report shows, for example that the Anglo-Dutch oil firm Shell has linked with Russian gas giant Gazprom and the Clinton Foundation to invest in the Rimba Rey project, 100,000ha of peat swamp in Indonesia. The project is expecting to prevent 75m tonnes of carbon being emitted over 30 years, which could earn the three groups $750m at a modest carbon price of $10 a tonne.
It also says that an investment of little more than $10m by the bank Merrill Lynch, the conservation group Flora and Fauna International and an Australian carbon trading company could generate more than $430m, over 30 years, from a project to protect 750,000ha of forest in Aceh province, Indonesia.
The "Redd rush" is limited to voluntary carbon offsets for now but is expected to become a stampede if the 193 countries meeting this week reach an outline forestry protection agreement that would allow governments to offset national emissions against forest conservation. It could result in eventual cash flows of $30bn a year from rich countries - who need to offset emissions - to poor countries, where most of the world's endangered forests are.
But the report's authors say great social risks attached to the schemes must be addressed. "There are significant risks that Redd will lead to the privatisation of the world's forests, transferring them out of the hands of indigenous peoples and local communities and into the hands of bankers and carbon traders," they say.
Many of the world's greatest stretches of forests are the traditional home of indigenous peoples, and millions of others may be dependent on access to forests, say the authors, who urge that ownership of land and carbon rights must be resolved. "Many Redd-related disputes are now unfolding. Respect for indigenous peoples' rights seems to be a missing element," says the report. "A Redd race is under way. Redd is emerging as a mechanism that has the potential to exacerbate inequality, reaping huge rewards for corporate investors whilst bringing considerably fewer benefits or even serious disadvantages to forest dependent communities. It could become a dangerous distraction from the business of implementing real climate change cuts."
One major concern is that the weak legal definitions of "forest" and "degraded land" would let the powerful logging and palm companies carry on business as usual by persuading governments to redefine what constitutes a forests.
Isra-Mart srl news:
Some of the world's largest oil, mining, car and gas corporations will make hundreds of millions of dollars from a UN-backed forest protection scheme, according to a new report from the Friends of the Earth International.
The group's new report - launched on the first day of the global climate summit in Cancun, Mexico, where 193 countries hope to thrash out a new agreement - is the first major assessment of the several hundred, large-scale Redd (Reduced emissions from deforestation and degradation) pilot schemes. It shows that banks, airlines, charitable foundations, carbon traders, conservation groups, gas companies and palm plantation companies have also scrambled into forestry protection.
While forestry is billed as one issue where significant progress could be made at the talks, over the weekend David Cameron, Chris Huhne, the climate change secretary, and the government's chief scientists all played down the prospect of a global deal to cut carbon emissions.
"British ministers are going to Mexico this week with an approach that is both realistic and optimistic," the prime minister wrote in the Observer . "Realistic, because we don't expect a global deal to be struck in Cancun, but optimistic too, because we are viewing this as a stepping stone to future agreement."
Huhne, who will attend the second week of the talks, was more blunt: "No one expects a binding deal on climate change in Cancun." But he said deforestation and longer-term climate finance were areas where progress could be made.
The Redd scheme is central to slowing, or halting, deforestation, which causes huge releases of carbon dioxide. But critics say that the scheme amounts to privatisation of natural resources.
FoE's report shows, for example that the Anglo-Dutch oil firm Shell has linked with Russian gas giant Gazprom and the Clinton Foundation to invest in the Rimba Rey project, 100,000ha of peat swamp in Indonesia. The project is expecting to prevent 75m tonnes of carbon being emitted over 30 years, which could earn the three groups $750m at a modest carbon price of $10 a tonne.
It also says that an investment of little more than $10m by the bank Merrill Lynch, the conservation group Flora and Fauna International and an Australian carbon trading company could generate more than $430m, over 30 years, from a project to protect 750,000ha of forest in Aceh province, Indonesia.
The "Redd rush" is limited to voluntary carbon offsets for now but is expected to become a stampede if the 193 countries meeting this week reach an outline forestry protection agreement that would allow governments to offset national emissions against forest conservation. It could result in eventual cash flows of $30bn a year from rich countries - who need to offset emissions - to poor countries, where most of the world's endangered forests are.
But the report's authors say great social risks attached to the schemes must be addressed. "There are significant risks that Redd will lead to the privatisation of the world's forests, transferring them out of the hands of indigenous peoples and local communities and into the hands of bankers and carbon traders," they say.
Many of the world's greatest stretches of forests are the traditional home of indigenous peoples, and millions of others may be dependent on access to forests, say the authors, who urge that ownership of land and carbon rights must be resolved. "Many Redd-related disputes are now unfolding. Respect for indigenous peoples' rights seems to be a missing element," says the report. "A Redd race is under way. Redd is emerging as a mechanism that has the potential to exacerbate inequality, reaping huge rewards for corporate investors whilst bringing considerably fewer benefits or even serious disadvantages to forest dependent communities. It could become a dangerous distraction from the business of implementing real climate change cuts."
One major concern is that the weak legal definitions of "forest" and "degraded land" would let the powerful logging and palm companies carry on business as usual by persuading governments to redefine what constitutes a forests.
Isra-Mart srl:Mexican hosts to focus on climate adaptation and opportunity
Isra-Mart srl news:
The Cancun climate change summit will kick off today with a call to ministers and officials to deliver progress on a handful of crunch issues, rather than try to thrash out a finalised agreement.
Mexican diplomats have been working for months to narrow down the topics for discussion during the first week of the talks, in an attempt to avoid a repeat of last year's Copenhagen summit where little progress was made during the initial phase of the meeting. As a result, ministers and world leaders arrived for the final few days to be confronted by negotiating texts that ran to hundreds of pages.
Officials arriving in Cancun will today be urged to focus on a number of areas where an agreement could be reached this week, including plans for a green fund and new mechanisms for protecting rainforests under the so-called REDD+ initiative.
In addition, the hosts will try to ensure voluntary emission reduction pledges made in Copenhagen are formally incorporated in the ongoing negotiations.
UK climate change and energy secretary Chris Huhne, who will jet out to Cancun later this week, praised the shift in tactics undertaken by the summit's hosts. "The Mexican hosts have done their homework, they've gone to enormous lengths to build trust and confidence among the countries, and there is every reason this morning for all negotiators to roll up their sleeves and get talking," he said.
Speaking at an event to inaugurate a wind turbine that will power the Moon Palace Hotel outside Cancun which is to host the summit, Mexican president Felipe Calderon said throughout the talks he would stress the economic and commercial opportunities that accompany efforts to cut greenhouse gas emissions.
"This dilemma between protecting the environment and fighting poverty, between combating climate change and economic growth is a false dilemma," he said.
The EU and several developing countries have signalled they will use the summit to highlight the business opportunities that can be realised through a low-carbon economy, arguing that the main reason the Copenhagen summit failed was the belief among some countries that their economies would suffer if they cut emissions.
Writing in the Observer newspaper yesterday, British prime minister David Cameron argued that the "profit motive" could be harnessed to effectively tackle climate change. "I passionately believe that by recasting the argument for action on climate change away from the language of threats and punishments and into positive, profit-making terms, we can have a much wider impact," he wrote.
However, Calderon said that the talks would also have to focus on how to adapt to climate change, noting that "basically, what we're going to discuss is adaptation."
His comments came as a series of scientific reports released over the weekend warned that based on current emission reduction pledges, the world can still expect average temperature increases to reach about 4°C by the end of the century.
Meanwhile, representatives from the global business community are preparing to gather on the sidelines of the UN summit to reiterate calls for a global deal to tackle emissions.
"Businesses are already taking steps to reduce emissions and are creating the products that will power the low-carbon economy. But there is only so much that can be done without the international framework in place," said Rhian Kelly, CBI head of climate change.
"We need politicians to pave the way towards a full deal on emissions in 2011. That means we need to see two weeks of real progress in climate finance, technology co-operation and emissions reporting. We may not expect everything from Cancun, but we can't accept nothing."
Isra-Mart srl news:
The Cancun climate change summit will kick off today with a call to ministers and officials to deliver progress on a handful of crunch issues, rather than try to thrash out a finalised agreement.
Mexican diplomats have been working for months to narrow down the topics for discussion during the first week of the talks, in an attempt to avoid a repeat of last year's Copenhagen summit where little progress was made during the initial phase of the meeting. As a result, ministers and world leaders arrived for the final few days to be confronted by negotiating texts that ran to hundreds of pages.
Officials arriving in Cancun will today be urged to focus on a number of areas where an agreement could be reached this week, including plans for a green fund and new mechanisms for protecting rainforests under the so-called REDD+ initiative.
In addition, the hosts will try to ensure voluntary emission reduction pledges made in Copenhagen are formally incorporated in the ongoing negotiations.
UK climate change and energy secretary Chris Huhne, who will jet out to Cancun later this week, praised the shift in tactics undertaken by the summit's hosts. "The Mexican hosts have done their homework, they've gone to enormous lengths to build trust and confidence among the countries, and there is every reason this morning for all negotiators to roll up their sleeves and get talking," he said.
Speaking at an event to inaugurate a wind turbine that will power the Moon Palace Hotel outside Cancun which is to host the summit, Mexican president Felipe Calderon said throughout the talks he would stress the economic and commercial opportunities that accompany efforts to cut greenhouse gas emissions.
"This dilemma between protecting the environment and fighting poverty, between combating climate change and economic growth is a false dilemma," he said.
The EU and several developing countries have signalled they will use the summit to highlight the business opportunities that can be realised through a low-carbon economy, arguing that the main reason the Copenhagen summit failed was the belief among some countries that their economies would suffer if they cut emissions.
Writing in the Observer newspaper yesterday, British prime minister David Cameron argued that the "profit motive" could be harnessed to effectively tackle climate change. "I passionately believe that by recasting the argument for action on climate change away from the language of threats and punishments and into positive, profit-making terms, we can have a much wider impact," he wrote.
However, Calderon said that the talks would also have to focus on how to adapt to climate change, noting that "basically, what we're going to discuss is adaptation."
His comments came as a series of scientific reports released over the weekend warned that based on current emission reduction pledges, the world can still expect average temperature increases to reach about 4°C by the end of the century.
Meanwhile, representatives from the global business community are preparing to gather on the sidelines of the UN summit to reiterate calls for a global deal to tackle emissions.
"Businesses are already taking steps to reduce emissions and are creating the products that will power the low-carbon economy. But there is only so much that can be done without the international framework in place," said Rhian Kelly, CBI head of climate change.
"We need politicians to pave the way towards a full deal on emissions in 2011. That means we need to see two weeks of real progress in climate finance, technology co-operation and emissions reporting. We may not expect everything from Cancun, but we can't accept nothing."
Isra-Mart srl:The world four degrees warmer: flooded, starving, and broke
Isra-Mart srl news:
Scientists have warned that increases in global average temperatures of four degrees Celsius, resulting in drought, desertification and rapid sea level rise, could be terrifyingly real by 2060.
A lack of progress towards a global deal to curb greenhouse emissions means the target agreed at last year's Copenhagen Summit of limiting average temperature rise to two degrees is now almost impossible to achieve, according to a special series of journal papers published by the Royal Society.
The international study team behind the research wrote that increasing greenhouse gas emissions over the coming decade rendered the two-degree target "extremely difficult, arguably impossible, raising the likelihood of global temperature rises of three or four degrees Celsius within this century".
The research comes just days after the Met Office released a report warning that the world has warmed more quickly than was previously thought over the past decade. A series of further studies have predicted over the last week that 2010 is likely to be the joint hottest year on record.
The latest research published by the Royal Society analysed the non-binding emission pledges made at the Copenhagen summit a year ago based on actual tonnes of emissions, rather than percentage reductions. It concluded that the cuts are not deep or rapid enough, and projects a nightmarish scenario where food supplies collapse, leaving millions of migrants seeking refuge across the globe.
Scientists at Oxford University warned that the sheer speed of temperature increases could outstrip nature and civilisation's adaptation efforts. "Dangerous climate change depends on how fast the planet is warming up, not just how hot it gets," Myles Allen, of the university's department of Physics, told the Guardian. "It's not just how much we emit, but how fast we do so."
Another paper estimated that sea levels might rise by between 0.5 and 2 meters by 2100 if temperatures rose four degrees Celsius. It warned that such a scenario would require annual investments of up to $270bn a year to help economies adapt.
"Drought and desertification would be widespread ... There would be a need to shift agricultural cropping to new areas, impinging on [wild] ecosystems," said Rachel Warren from the University of East Anglia, in a paper contributed to the series. "Large-scale adaptation to sea-level rise would be necessary. Human and natural systems would be subject to increasing levels of agricultural pests and diseases, and increases in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events."
While the prospect of a four-degree rise is seen as extreme, researchers argue that it is becoming more plausible with the current trend of ever-rising emission with no global deal to limit them.
Negotiations begin today in Cancun, and the papers' authors called on governments to take stock of the progress made so far, and move quickly to cut emissions and increase investment geo-engineering projects, such as artificial trees that suck carbon from the atmosphere.
"This paper is not intended as a message of futility, but rather a bare and perhaps brutal assessment of where our 'rose-tinted' and well-intentioned approach to climate change has brought us," Anderson wrote in the report. "Real hope and opportunity, if it is to arise at all, will do so from a raw and dispassionate assessment of the scale of the challenge faced by the global community."
Isra-Mart srl news:
Scientists have warned that increases in global average temperatures of four degrees Celsius, resulting in drought, desertification and rapid sea level rise, could be terrifyingly real by 2060.
A lack of progress towards a global deal to curb greenhouse emissions means the target agreed at last year's Copenhagen Summit of limiting average temperature rise to two degrees is now almost impossible to achieve, according to a special series of journal papers published by the Royal Society.
The international study team behind the research wrote that increasing greenhouse gas emissions over the coming decade rendered the two-degree target "extremely difficult, arguably impossible, raising the likelihood of global temperature rises of three or four degrees Celsius within this century".
The research comes just days after the Met Office released a report warning that the world has warmed more quickly than was previously thought over the past decade. A series of further studies have predicted over the last week that 2010 is likely to be the joint hottest year on record.
The latest research published by the Royal Society analysed the non-binding emission pledges made at the Copenhagen summit a year ago based on actual tonnes of emissions, rather than percentage reductions. It concluded that the cuts are not deep or rapid enough, and projects a nightmarish scenario where food supplies collapse, leaving millions of migrants seeking refuge across the globe.
Scientists at Oxford University warned that the sheer speed of temperature increases could outstrip nature and civilisation's adaptation efforts. "Dangerous climate change depends on how fast the planet is warming up, not just how hot it gets," Myles Allen, of the university's department of Physics, told the Guardian. "It's not just how much we emit, but how fast we do so."
Another paper estimated that sea levels might rise by between 0.5 and 2 meters by 2100 if temperatures rose four degrees Celsius. It warned that such a scenario would require annual investments of up to $270bn a year to help economies adapt.
"Drought and desertification would be widespread ... There would be a need to shift agricultural cropping to new areas, impinging on [wild] ecosystems," said Rachel Warren from the University of East Anglia, in a paper contributed to the series. "Large-scale adaptation to sea-level rise would be necessary. Human and natural systems would be subject to increasing levels of agricultural pests and diseases, and increases in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events."
While the prospect of a four-degree rise is seen as extreme, researchers argue that it is becoming more plausible with the current trend of ever-rising emission with no global deal to limit them.
Negotiations begin today in Cancun, and the papers' authors called on governments to take stock of the progress made so far, and move quickly to cut emissions and increase investment geo-engineering projects, such as artificial trees that suck carbon from the atmosphere.
"This paper is not intended as a message of futility, but rather a bare and perhaps brutal assessment of where our 'rose-tinted' and well-intentioned approach to climate change has brought us," Anderson wrote in the report. "Real hope and opportunity, if it is to arise at all, will do so from a raw and dispassionate assessment of the scale of the challenge faced by the global community."
Isra-Mart srl:Air field solar park prepares for take-off
Isra-Mart srl news:
A former World War II airfield has joined the race to become the UK’s first functioning solar park after its owners secured planning permission to install the first tranche of 1,500 panels.
Rockspring Property Investment Managers confirmed on Friday that it has received permission to develop a solar park on runway 31 at the former Westcott airfield in Buckinghamshire.
Ecotricity gets green light for UK's first 'sun park'
Barker reveals sun could be setting solar farm incentives
The first phase of the project will see 1,500 solar panels deployed in the middle of the runway, with a combined capacity of about 350kW. The company hopes the energy will power nearly all of the 70 companies located in its adjacent Wescott Venture Park.
Advised by renewable energy firm Ownergy, Rockspring wants to expand the project, ultimately extending the park's capacity to at least 1.2MW.
Commenting on the project, Ownergy chairman Philip Wolfe said it was "exactly" how businesses should be making use of the government's Feed-In Tariff (FiT) incentive.
"This location is absolutely perfect for a solar park. It is an excellent use for this 'brown-field' site," he said. "The occupiers of the Westcott Venture Park will be able to use the electricity we produce and so maximise the financial return for Rockspring."
Returns from feed-in tariffs tend to be higher when the electricity is used on site because the avoided cost of buying electricity is higher than the additional 3p per kWh paid for exporting electricity back to the grid.
Ownergy is currently in the process of appointing the project's main sub-contractors, with construction slated to start in the New Year and finish in spring.
As part of the approval process, the council's archaeological planning and conservation officer commended the application as "a very effective re-use of the heritage asset [and] in character with the innovative technological history of the site".
Westcott airfield was built as a training base for World War II Lancaster bomber crews, and then became the main repatriation facility for prisoners of war. During the Cold War it was used for rocket research.
The news comes just days after wind energy provider Ecotricity secured planning permission for its first solar farm at a site adjacent to one of its wind farms in Lincolnshire.
Ecotricity plans to begin construction in the coming weeks, after East Lindsey Council approved plans for the company to install 1MW of photovoltaic solar panels next to its Fen Farm wind turbines.
However, climate change minister Greg Barker has hinted that the government could reform feed-in tariffs to stop large-scale solar arrays from taking advantage of the scheme.
Responding to parliamentary questions earlier this month, Barker said the government had inherited a system of incentives that had failed to anticipate the fact that it would drive the deployment of photovoltaic field arrays. He added that the current incentive structure could tilt the market in favour of larger scale arrays at the expense of smaller roof-mounted systems.
Isra-Mart srl news:
A former World War II airfield has joined the race to become the UK’s first functioning solar park after its owners secured planning permission to install the first tranche of 1,500 panels.
Rockspring Property Investment Managers confirmed on Friday that it has received permission to develop a solar park on runway 31 at the former Westcott airfield in Buckinghamshire.
Ecotricity gets green light for UK's first 'sun park'
Barker reveals sun could be setting solar farm incentives
The first phase of the project will see 1,500 solar panels deployed in the middle of the runway, with a combined capacity of about 350kW. The company hopes the energy will power nearly all of the 70 companies located in its adjacent Wescott Venture Park.
Advised by renewable energy firm Ownergy, Rockspring wants to expand the project, ultimately extending the park's capacity to at least 1.2MW.
Commenting on the project, Ownergy chairman Philip Wolfe said it was "exactly" how businesses should be making use of the government's Feed-In Tariff (FiT) incentive.
"This location is absolutely perfect for a solar park. It is an excellent use for this 'brown-field' site," he said. "The occupiers of the Westcott Venture Park will be able to use the electricity we produce and so maximise the financial return for Rockspring."
Returns from feed-in tariffs tend to be higher when the electricity is used on site because the avoided cost of buying electricity is higher than the additional 3p per kWh paid for exporting electricity back to the grid.
Ownergy is currently in the process of appointing the project's main sub-contractors, with construction slated to start in the New Year and finish in spring.
As part of the approval process, the council's archaeological planning and conservation officer commended the application as "a very effective re-use of the heritage asset [and] in character with the innovative technological history of the site".
Westcott airfield was built as a training base for World War II Lancaster bomber crews, and then became the main repatriation facility for prisoners of war. During the Cold War it was used for rocket research.
The news comes just days after wind energy provider Ecotricity secured planning permission for its first solar farm at a site adjacent to one of its wind farms in Lincolnshire.
Ecotricity plans to begin construction in the coming weeks, after East Lindsey Council approved plans for the company to install 1MW of photovoltaic solar panels next to its Fen Farm wind turbines.
However, climate change minister Greg Barker has hinted that the government could reform feed-in tariffs to stop large-scale solar arrays from taking advantage of the scheme.
Responding to parliamentary questions earlier this month, Barker said the government had inherited a system of incentives that had failed to anticipate the fact that it would drive the deployment of photovoltaic field arrays. He added that the current incentive structure could tilt the market in favour of larger scale arrays at the expense of smaller roof-mounted systems.
Isra-Mart srl:UN issues 20 million credits to controversial offset projects
Isra-Mart srl news:
The executive board in charge of the UN's Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) carbon offsetting scheme has issued a substantial number of new credits to controversial projects that destroy the greenhouse gas HFC-23, despite acknowledging misgivings that the scheme could have inadvertently led to increased production of the gas.
According to reports from analyst Point Carbon, a meeting of the CDM executive board late last week approved the issuance of about 20 million tonnes of offsets, primarily to industrial gas projects in China and India.
Industrial gas projects have proved extremely divisive in recent months, with critics accusing projects of increasing output of HFC-23 in order to generate credits. Meanwhile, in Europe the prospect of earning HFC-related credits has also been blamed for "carbon leakage", where manufacturers move their operations outside of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) to developing countries where they can earn credits.
The EU has already begun a move to ban industrial gas emission, but critics have argued that a blanket ban would simply remove the financial incentive for reducing HFC-23 emissions and lead to increased emissions of the powerful greenhouse gas.
A report by the CDM's methodology panel found that a significant increase in the manufacture of refrigerant and chemical feedstock HCFC-22, of which HFC-23 is a byproduct, "might indicate" that plants would have reduced production in the absence of the CDM.
"It cannot be ruled out that in the absence of the incentives from the CDM, CDM plants (which tend to be older and of which many are less-efficient swing plants) would have reduced their production and the load factor in newer (non-CDM) plants would be higher because of their higher efficiency," the panel's report read.
The report also highlighted concerns that the methodology of awarding credits to industrial gas projects could result in over-issuing of credits, prompting the board to suspend the method that HFC-23 projects currently use while reforms are finalised.
Even so, the board issued Certified Emissions Reduction (CER) credits to 12 of the 17 HFC-related projects it was reviewing, rejecting just one request on an "unrelated matter".
"Without the CDM there is no incentive to incinerate HFC-23 waste gas, an extremely potent greenhouse gas," said Clifford Mahlung, chair of the executive board. "With a revision of the methodology we'll be working to further ensure that the important incentive provided by the CDM leads to real emission reductions."
Isra-Mart srl news:
The executive board in charge of the UN's Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) carbon offsetting scheme has issued a substantial number of new credits to controversial projects that destroy the greenhouse gas HFC-23, despite acknowledging misgivings that the scheme could have inadvertently led to increased production of the gas.
According to reports from analyst Point Carbon, a meeting of the CDM executive board late last week approved the issuance of about 20 million tonnes of offsets, primarily to industrial gas projects in China and India.
Industrial gas projects have proved extremely divisive in recent months, with critics accusing projects of increasing output of HFC-23 in order to generate credits. Meanwhile, in Europe the prospect of earning HFC-related credits has also been blamed for "carbon leakage", where manufacturers move their operations outside of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) to developing countries where they can earn credits.
The EU has already begun a move to ban industrial gas emission, but critics have argued that a blanket ban would simply remove the financial incentive for reducing HFC-23 emissions and lead to increased emissions of the powerful greenhouse gas.
A report by the CDM's methodology panel found that a significant increase in the manufacture of refrigerant and chemical feedstock HCFC-22, of which HFC-23 is a byproduct, "might indicate" that plants would have reduced production in the absence of the CDM.
"It cannot be ruled out that in the absence of the incentives from the CDM, CDM plants (which tend to be older and of which many are less-efficient swing plants) would have reduced their production and the load factor in newer (non-CDM) plants would be higher because of their higher efficiency," the panel's report read.
The report also highlighted concerns that the methodology of awarding credits to industrial gas projects could result in over-issuing of credits, prompting the board to suspend the method that HFC-23 projects currently use while reforms are finalised.
Even so, the board issued Certified Emissions Reduction (CER) credits to 12 of the 17 HFC-related projects it was reviewing, rejecting just one request on an "unrelated matter".
"Without the CDM there is no incentive to incinerate HFC-23 waste gas, an extremely potent greenhouse gas," said Clifford Mahlung, chair of the executive board. "With a revision of the methodology we'll be working to further ensure that the important incentive provided by the CDM leads to real emission reductions."
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