Isra-Mart srl news:
Guvernele a sase tari emergente – Brazilia, Rusia, India, Mexic, China si Africa de Sud – au cheltuit in 2008 mai multi bani pe cercetare, dezvoltare si proiecte demonstrative in domeniul tehnologiilor energetice decat au alocat in total, catre acelasi sector, cele mai bogate 20 de state ale lumii.
Surprinzatoarea descoperire a fost facuta, in cadrul unui studiu, de o echipa de cercetare a politicilor de inovare in tehnologii energetice de la Harvard Kennedy School din SUA. Potrivit studiului, cel putin 13,8 miliarde de dolari au fost investite in 2008 de catre guvernele centrale si de catre companiile de stat din cele 6 tari, cunoscute sub numele de grupul statelor BRIMCS. Majoritatea fondurilor (82%) au fost investite de companiile chineze detinute integral de stat.
Prin comparatie, investitiile totale ale guvernelor nationale si regionale din tarile membre ale Agentiei Internationale de Energie (IEA) au fost de 12,7 miliarde de dolari. Studiul a colectat si analizat informatii despre investitiile in cercetarea tehnologica din tarile BRIMCS in perioada 2000 – 2008. Cele s6 tari au consumat o treime din productia mondiala de energie, devenind jucatori strategici pe piata energiei. Insa, in ciuda rolului lor important in sectorul energetic, se stia foarte putin despre investitiile in cercetarea, dezvoltarea si proiectele demonstrative pe care le desfasoara.
Prioritatile investitionale in tehnologii energetice, pe tari:
Brazilia: generare electricitate, hidrogen, energie regenerabila, petrol, gaze si carbune, energie nucleara
Rusia: Energie nucleara, tehnologii energetice pe baza de hidrogen, energii regenerabile, eficienta energetica si conservare, motoare eficiente energetic, combustibili fosili
India: materiale inovative, biocombustibili, energie inovativa pentru transportul feroviar, hidrogen, tehnologii avansate pe baza de carbune, sisteme de stocare a energiei, eficienta energetica, LED, vehicule electrice
Mexic: eficienta energetica si conservare, standarde de eficienta energetica, recoperare secundara a petrolului prin injectie de CO2, centrale de co-generare in industria cimentului, otelului si zaharului, productie de biocombustibili, reduceri de emisii in transportul maritim si aerian
China: Tehnologii avansate pe baza de carbune, reactoare de mare temperatura, retele inteligente, energie eoliana, tehnologii de productie a siliciului, biocombustibili, tehnologii de economisire a energiei, turbine ecoliene de 2-3 MW si echipamente de transport energetic de inalta calitat
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Isra-Mart srl:Marea Britanie: Companiile performante sunt cele mai poluante
Isra-Mart srl news:
Companiile farmaceutice si cele din domeniul constructiilor, a caror activitate se bazeaza foarte mult pe resursele naturale, au cele mai slabe performante cand vine vorba de grija pentru mediu, desi sunt printre cele mai performante pe bursa londoneza, arata un raport citat de “The Ecologist”.
Numai 6% dintre cele 1.800 de multinationale listate la bursa londoneza au politici adecvate in ce priveste biodiversitatea, spun specialistii financiari.
Luna trecuta, la Cancun, liderii mondiali au semnat un acord ONU prin care s-au angajat sa reduca pierderea de biodiversitate prin cresterea numarului zonelor protejate. Insa observatorii spun ca avertismentele referitoare la pierderea biodiversitatii nu au atras inca masuri semnificative si decisive din partea guvernelor.
In lipsa unui acord global obligatoriu la summit-ul de la Cancun, progresul va depinde de masurile voluntare ale corporatiilor.
Cercetatorii de la grupul non profit EIRIS au descoperit ca 58% dintre companiile din topul FTSE din Marea Britanie opereaza in sectoare cu un impact considerabil asupra mediului. Ingrijorator, numai 6% dintre acestea au politici sustenabile de mediu, cum ar fi raportarea voluntara a impactului asupra mediului sau asumarea unor tinte de reducere a acestuia.
EIRIS considera ca multe dintre companiile cu cele mai slabe performante, in special in domeniul farmaceutic, chimic sau al constructiilor ar putea deveni curand tinte ale grupurilor de activisti de mediu.
Riscurile pe care pierderea de biodiversitate le implica pentru mediul de afaceri cuprind cresterea costurilor cu materia prima, cu asigurarile pentru dezastre, noi taxe si politici privitoare la biodiversitate, precum si o imagine negativa.
Isra-Mart srl news:
Companiile farmaceutice si cele din domeniul constructiilor, a caror activitate se bazeaza foarte mult pe resursele naturale, au cele mai slabe performante cand vine vorba de grija pentru mediu, desi sunt printre cele mai performante pe bursa londoneza, arata un raport citat de “The Ecologist”.
Numai 6% dintre cele 1.800 de multinationale listate la bursa londoneza au politici adecvate in ce priveste biodiversitatea, spun specialistii financiari.
Luna trecuta, la Cancun, liderii mondiali au semnat un acord ONU prin care s-au angajat sa reduca pierderea de biodiversitate prin cresterea numarului zonelor protejate. Insa observatorii spun ca avertismentele referitoare la pierderea biodiversitatii nu au atras inca masuri semnificative si decisive din partea guvernelor.
In lipsa unui acord global obligatoriu la summit-ul de la Cancun, progresul va depinde de masurile voluntare ale corporatiilor.
Cercetatorii de la grupul non profit EIRIS au descoperit ca 58% dintre companiile din topul FTSE din Marea Britanie opereaza in sectoare cu un impact considerabil asupra mediului. Ingrijorator, numai 6% dintre acestea au politici sustenabile de mediu, cum ar fi raportarea voluntara a impactului asupra mediului sau asumarea unor tinte de reducere a acestuia.
EIRIS considera ca multe dintre companiile cu cele mai slabe performante, in special in domeniul farmaceutic, chimic sau al constructiilor ar putea deveni curand tinte ale grupurilor de activisti de mediu.
Riscurile pe care pierderea de biodiversitate le implica pentru mediul de afaceri cuprind cresterea costurilor cu materia prima, cu asigurarile pentru dezastre, noi taxe si politici privitoare la biodiversitate, precum si o imagine negativa.
Isra-Mart srl:TSB announces £9m funding for low carbon vehicle technologies
Isra-Mart srl news:
Funding worth £9 million is to be provided by the Technology Strategy Board (TSB) for the development of low carbon vehicle innovations in the UK.
Some £8 million is to be awarded through a collaborative research and development competition to vehicle centric technologies, which have the potential to significantly reduce carbon emissions.
From March 7th, researchers are invited to apply for grants of between £250,000 to £750,000 per project.
Four technology areas – internal combustion engines, energy storage and energy management, lightweight vehicle and powertrain structures, and electric machines and power electronics – will each receive £2 million worth of funding.
The remaining £1 million of funding will be used within a feasibility study competition, looking for “highly innovative, vehicle centric, industry-led projects targeted at disruptive technology and research that challenges current conventions”.
Each project will be awarded no more than £100,000 in funding, which can cover up to 75 percent of the cost, and must last no longer than 12 months. The TSB said a another initiative of this type may take place in 2012 allowing for more funding opportunities.
Isra-Mart srl news:
Funding worth £9 million is to be provided by the Technology Strategy Board (TSB) for the development of low carbon vehicle innovations in the UK.
Some £8 million is to be awarded through a collaborative research and development competition to vehicle centric technologies, which have the potential to significantly reduce carbon emissions.
From March 7th, researchers are invited to apply for grants of between £250,000 to £750,000 per project.
Four technology areas – internal combustion engines, energy storage and energy management, lightweight vehicle and powertrain structures, and electric machines and power electronics – will each receive £2 million worth of funding.
The remaining £1 million of funding will be used within a feasibility study competition, looking for “highly innovative, vehicle centric, industry-led projects targeted at disruptive technology and research that challenges current conventions”.
Each project will be awarded no more than £100,000 in funding, which can cover up to 75 percent of the cost, and must last no longer than 12 months. The TSB said a another initiative of this type may take place in 2012 allowing for more funding opportunities.
Isra-Mart srl:Energy market reforms promise surge in low-carbon investment
Isra-Mart srl news:
The government will today unveil its long-awaited proposals for reform of the electricity market, detailing plans that are already being hailed as the biggest shake-up of the energy sector since privatisation in the 1980s.
Energy and climate change secretary Chris Huhne will present the proposals to parliament early this afternoon, before releasing them for consultation.
The proposed reforms are intended to drive investment in low-carbon energy sources and infrastructure, while also enhancing the UK’s energy security by replacing the network of ageing coal and nuclear power stations.
They are likely to prove highly controversial with critics claiming they will lead to a significant increase in energy prices. However, prime minister David Cameron recently defended the upcoming reforms to a Commons select committee, insisting energy prices would rise regardless over the next decade, and arguing that a more “planned approach” to the energy market was necessary to ensure the UK delivers its pledged cuts in carbon emissions.
Central to the reforms will be the introduction of a carbon floor price, which the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) has said will “ensure that energy prices reflect their carbon content and encourage investment in low-carbon generation”.
However, the precise level of the floor price remains unknown with observers arguing that it is critical that it is set at a level that drives investment in genuine low-carbon energy technologies, and does not simply lead to a new generation of gas-fired power plants.
It is also unclear how the floor price will be enforced without disrupting the existing carbon pricing mechanism, delivered through the EU emissions trading scheme.
The reforms are also expected to include an Emissions Performance Standard (EPS) that commentators believe could effectively ban the construction of new coal-fired power stations that do not include carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology. However, the question remains as to whether the government will adhere to recommendations from the Committee on Climate Change and set the standard at a level that will eventually also ban gas-fired power stations that fail to use CCS.
Meanwhile, the renewable industry will be keeping a close eye on whether the reforms make good on the government’s promise to encourage increased investment in badly needed grid infrastructure and introduce a new support mechanism for low-carbon energy projects.
According to industry sources, the DECC has been investigating phasing out the existing renewable obligation scheme and replacing it with a new “contract for difference” mechanism that works similar to a feed-in tariff and effectively provides a guaranteed price for the energy generated by renewable energy projects.
Nick Molho, head of energy policy at WWF-UK, said the proposals offered a “once-in-a-generation opportunity to fundamentally change the electricity industry, in a way that could take the UK economy on a path towards a low-carbon future and make the UK an industrial leader in marine renewables”.
“In the future we will not only want to charge up our phones and computers, but power our cars, and heat our homes, through the plug socket,” he added. “Successful reform of the market could protect consumers against steep energy price increases, and support the progression of our digital age, with least cost to the environment and great benefit to our economy.”
His comments were echoed by Friends of the Earth’s senior climate change campaigner Tony Bosworth, who similarly warned that the government had one shot to get its energy policy right if it wanted to meet its 2020 emissions targets.
“It’s crucial the government makes the right decisions to ensure renewable power thrives instead of locking us into a dangerous high-carbon world,” he said. “The future is electric – and harnessing the UK’s massive potential to produce much more green electricity will create jobs, reduce our reliance on overseas oil and help us slash climate-changing emissions.”
Isra-Mart srl news:
The government will today unveil its long-awaited proposals for reform of the electricity market, detailing plans that are already being hailed as the biggest shake-up of the energy sector since privatisation in the 1980s.
Energy and climate change secretary Chris Huhne will present the proposals to parliament early this afternoon, before releasing them for consultation.
The proposed reforms are intended to drive investment in low-carbon energy sources and infrastructure, while also enhancing the UK’s energy security by replacing the network of ageing coal and nuclear power stations.
They are likely to prove highly controversial with critics claiming they will lead to a significant increase in energy prices. However, prime minister David Cameron recently defended the upcoming reforms to a Commons select committee, insisting energy prices would rise regardless over the next decade, and arguing that a more “planned approach” to the energy market was necessary to ensure the UK delivers its pledged cuts in carbon emissions.
Central to the reforms will be the introduction of a carbon floor price, which the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) has said will “ensure that energy prices reflect their carbon content and encourage investment in low-carbon generation”.
However, the precise level of the floor price remains unknown with observers arguing that it is critical that it is set at a level that drives investment in genuine low-carbon energy technologies, and does not simply lead to a new generation of gas-fired power plants.
It is also unclear how the floor price will be enforced without disrupting the existing carbon pricing mechanism, delivered through the EU emissions trading scheme.
The reforms are also expected to include an Emissions Performance Standard (EPS) that commentators believe could effectively ban the construction of new coal-fired power stations that do not include carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology. However, the question remains as to whether the government will adhere to recommendations from the Committee on Climate Change and set the standard at a level that will eventually also ban gas-fired power stations that fail to use CCS.
Meanwhile, the renewable industry will be keeping a close eye on whether the reforms make good on the government’s promise to encourage increased investment in badly needed grid infrastructure and introduce a new support mechanism for low-carbon energy projects.
According to industry sources, the DECC has been investigating phasing out the existing renewable obligation scheme and replacing it with a new “contract for difference” mechanism that works similar to a feed-in tariff and effectively provides a guaranteed price for the energy generated by renewable energy projects.
Nick Molho, head of energy policy at WWF-UK, said the proposals offered a “once-in-a-generation opportunity to fundamentally change the electricity industry, in a way that could take the UK economy on a path towards a low-carbon future and make the UK an industrial leader in marine renewables”.
“In the future we will not only want to charge up our phones and computers, but power our cars, and heat our homes, through the plug socket,” he added. “Successful reform of the market could protect consumers against steep energy price increases, and support the progression of our digital age, with least cost to the environment and great benefit to our economy.”
His comments were echoed by Friends of the Earth’s senior climate change campaigner Tony Bosworth, who similarly warned that the government had one shot to get its energy policy right if it wanted to meet its 2020 emissions targets.
“It’s crucial the government makes the right decisions to ensure renewable power thrives instead of locking us into a dangerous high-carbon world,” he said. “The future is electric – and harnessing the UK’s massive potential to produce much more green electricity will create jobs, reduce our reliance on overseas oil and help us slash climate-changing emissions.”
Isra-Mart srl:Dutch hail sewage power potential
Isra-Mart srl news:
Europe's sewage treatment plants could be transformed into energy-generating powerhouses by 2030, according to a major new report.
The international research project commissioned by STOWA, the Dutch Foundation for Applied Water Research, found that it would be technologically possible to upgrade existing sewage works to become energy-neutral or even energy-generating.
The report recommends that techniques to enhance the primary sedimentation of waste water by adding chemicals can create an energy-neutral plant, before the deployment of energy-generating techniques such as thermal hydrolysis of waste can be deployed.
The first such facility is currently being built in Utrecht, although other Dutch water authorities are investigating a more centralised approach in which all sewage sludge from a specific region will be treated in a single 'energy factory'.
Other concepts to make better use of waste include recovering valuable resources such as phosphates from sewage or reusing waste water for boilers and agriculture.
"Currently, the focus is on energy factories, but the challenge is to combine the three concepts into one: nutrient energy water factories, or NEWs," said Paul Roeleveld, one of the report's authors, who works for wastewater firm MWH. "The sewage treatment plant of the future will be a NEWater factory, where waste is seen as a valuable resource."
The Dutch wastewater authorities have signed up to an annual two per cent reduction in energy usage across the sector until 2030, which, along with rising energy prices, has forced waste water plants to explore energy saving and energy-generating technologies.
Richard Ratcliff, water sector director at MWH, said the UK water industry could learn from plants deployed by the Dutch.
"These NEWater factory concepts are transferable to the UK water industry, which in turn is under pressure to reduce energy consumption and maximise renewable energy generation," he said. "Also, UK water companies are now recognising the real need to recover and recycle phosphorus as its global price increases and its global reserves reduce."
Isra-Mart srl news:
Europe's sewage treatment plants could be transformed into energy-generating powerhouses by 2030, according to a major new report.
The international research project commissioned by STOWA, the Dutch Foundation for Applied Water Research, found that it would be technologically possible to upgrade existing sewage works to become energy-neutral or even energy-generating.
The report recommends that techniques to enhance the primary sedimentation of waste water by adding chemicals can create an energy-neutral plant, before the deployment of energy-generating techniques such as thermal hydrolysis of waste can be deployed.
The first such facility is currently being built in Utrecht, although other Dutch water authorities are investigating a more centralised approach in which all sewage sludge from a specific region will be treated in a single 'energy factory'.
Other concepts to make better use of waste include recovering valuable resources such as phosphates from sewage or reusing waste water for boilers and agriculture.
"Currently, the focus is on energy factories, but the challenge is to combine the three concepts into one: nutrient energy water factories, or NEWs," said Paul Roeleveld, one of the report's authors, who works for wastewater firm MWH. "The sewage treatment plant of the future will be a NEWater factory, where waste is seen as a valuable resource."
The Dutch wastewater authorities have signed up to an annual two per cent reduction in energy usage across the sector until 2030, which, along with rising energy prices, has forced waste water plants to explore energy saving and energy-generating technologies.
Richard Ratcliff, water sector director at MWH, said the UK water industry could learn from plants deployed by the Dutch.
"These NEWater factory concepts are transferable to the UK water industry, which in turn is under pressure to reduce energy consumption and maximise renewable energy generation," he said. "Also, UK water companies are now recognising the real need to recover and recycle phosphorus as its global price increases and its global reserves reduce."
Isra-Mart srl:EU motors ahead with van emissions targets
Isra-Mart srl news:
The EU this week moved to curb emissions from vans by imposing new fuel-efficiency targets, although campaigners remain adamant the proposed standards are not stringent enough to reduce businesses' fuel bills.
Environment ministers meeting in Brussels yesterday voted for a deal to cut carbon dioxide emissions from vans by around 14 per cent to an average of 175 grams per kilometre by 2017.
An agreement was reached at the second time of asking, after Germany, home to car giants Mercedes and Volkswagen, objected to a much tougher target of 135 grams per kilometre by 2020, put forward by the European Commission last week.
Germany's environment minister, Norbert Roettgen, hailed the new standards as a good compromise deal. "It achieves substantial CO2 reductions – to my knowledge 27 per cent," he said. "It is feasible, it is a technological challenge, but it keeps us in a leadership position."
EU climate commissioner Connie Hedegaard similarly welcomed the deal, hailing the new rules as "an important step forward in curbing transport emissions".
"Although less ambitious than our proposal, it will stimulate innovation," she added. "It will also generate fuel savings for consumers, mainly small- and medium-size enterprises."
However, green campaigners felt that given the significant efficiency improvements manufacturers have made in recent years, the watered down target will put little pressure on car firms to step up fuel efficiency efforts.
"The industry said it couldn't make a 14 per cent improvement in van efficiency over nine years; meanwhile, it managed to improve car efficiency at more than three times that rate last year," said Kerstin Meyer, senior campaigner at lobbying group Transport and Environment. "Policymakers must to a better job of holding the industry to account when it makes such claims."
She warned that lax CO2 standards would see vans continuing to consume high levels of fuel, piling a further cost burden onto small businesses.
"The automotive industry, which has benefited from billions of euros of taxpayer money in subsidies, low-interest loans and research grants has once again bullied politicians into getting an easy ride," she said. "Meanwhile, thousands of small businesses that have received little help in the crisis but depend on vans to run their operations will suffer from higher fuel bills for years to come."
Isra-Mart srl news:
The EU this week moved to curb emissions from vans by imposing new fuel-efficiency targets, although campaigners remain adamant the proposed standards are not stringent enough to reduce businesses' fuel bills.
Environment ministers meeting in Brussels yesterday voted for a deal to cut carbon dioxide emissions from vans by around 14 per cent to an average of 175 grams per kilometre by 2017.
An agreement was reached at the second time of asking, after Germany, home to car giants Mercedes and Volkswagen, objected to a much tougher target of 135 grams per kilometre by 2020, put forward by the European Commission last week.
Germany's environment minister, Norbert Roettgen, hailed the new standards as a good compromise deal. "It achieves substantial CO2 reductions – to my knowledge 27 per cent," he said. "It is feasible, it is a technological challenge, but it keeps us in a leadership position."
EU climate commissioner Connie Hedegaard similarly welcomed the deal, hailing the new rules as "an important step forward in curbing transport emissions".
"Although less ambitious than our proposal, it will stimulate innovation," she added. "It will also generate fuel savings for consumers, mainly small- and medium-size enterprises."
However, green campaigners felt that given the significant efficiency improvements manufacturers have made in recent years, the watered down target will put little pressure on car firms to step up fuel efficiency efforts.
"The industry said it couldn't make a 14 per cent improvement in van efficiency over nine years; meanwhile, it managed to improve car efficiency at more than three times that rate last year," said Kerstin Meyer, senior campaigner at lobbying group Transport and Environment. "Policymakers must to a better job of holding the industry to account when it makes such claims."
She warned that lax CO2 standards would see vans continuing to consume high levels of fuel, piling a further cost burden onto small businesses.
"The automotive industry, which has benefited from billions of euros of taxpayer money in subsidies, low-interest loans and research grants has once again bullied politicians into getting an easy ride," she said. "Meanwhile, thousands of small businesses that have received little help in the crisis but depend on vans to run their operations will suffer from higher fuel bills for years to come."
Isra-Mart srl:Future of UK's high speed rail network revealed
Isra-mart srl news:
Transport Secretary Philip Hammond unveiled the route for the next generation of high speed rail in the Commons yesterday.
As expected, a consultation published alongside his statement confirms the route from London to Birmingham will link to Crossrail and the High Speed 1 line, which connects London and the channel tunnel, during the first phase of construction. A second phase of construction will then link the route to Heathrow airport.
The route travels west out of London through the Chilterns, taking it directly through Conservative heartlands, before skirting Leamington Spa and winding into Birmingham. Later phases will extend in a Y-shape towards Leeds and Manchester before heading towards Scotland.
Hammond said that by linking with existing inter-city routes, the network would bring Glasgow and Edinburgh within three-and-a-half hours of London, inducing a "major shift of passengers from domestic aviation".
He said concessions had been made to alleviate environmental concerns, including the creation of additional bridges and tunnels to limit visual impact and avoid severing public rights of way.
In all, around half of the line has been changed in some way since the government published its plans over the summer, he said.
Those whose property values will be affected by the line will also be offered some form of compensation, with a range of options published in the consultation.
However, he was adamant that the local costs would not outweigh the national benefits generated by the project, insisting the financial case for HS2 was sound.
"It is my view that a high speed rail network would deliver a transformational change to the way Britain works and competes in the 21st century," Hammond said. "It would allow the economies of the Midlands and the North to benefit much more directly from the economic engine of London, tackling the North-South divide more effectively than half a century of regional policy has done, expanding labour markets and bringing our major conurbations closer together."
However, green groups remain unconvinced by the government's proposals. Friends of the Earth pointed out that only 1.6 per cent of UK transport emissions are from domestic flights, while the government's own figures show that only 16 per cent of HS2 passengers will be people who would otherwise have travelled by air or car.
"We urgently need investment in faster, better rail travel - but current high- speed rail plans will do little to cut climate-changing emissions or entice people out of planes and cars," said Friends of the Earth's transport campaigner, Richard Dyer. "The Government's priority should be to upgrade our existing overcrowded rail network - so ordinary travellers can benefit from better commuter and longer-distance services."
He also warned that any extension of high speed rail had to be supported by a huge increase in the UK's renewable energy capacity.
"High-speed rail could play a part in a low-carbon transport network, but only if it is powered from renewable sources and backed by action to make rail travel cheaper and more attractive than flying or driving," he said.
Isra-mart srl news:
Transport Secretary Philip Hammond unveiled the route for the next generation of high speed rail in the Commons yesterday.
As expected, a consultation published alongside his statement confirms the route from London to Birmingham will link to Crossrail and the High Speed 1 line, which connects London and the channel tunnel, during the first phase of construction. A second phase of construction will then link the route to Heathrow airport.
The route travels west out of London through the Chilterns, taking it directly through Conservative heartlands, before skirting Leamington Spa and winding into Birmingham. Later phases will extend in a Y-shape towards Leeds and Manchester before heading towards Scotland.
Hammond said that by linking with existing inter-city routes, the network would bring Glasgow and Edinburgh within three-and-a-half hours of London, inducing a "major shift of passengers from domestic aviation".
He said concessions had been made to alleviate environmental concerns, including the creation of additional bridges and tunnels to limit visual impact and avoid severing public rights of way.
In all, around half of the line has been changed in some way since the government published its plans over the summer, he said.
Those whose property values will be affected by the line will also be offered some form of compensation, with a range of options published in the consultation.
However, he was adamant that the local costs would not outweigh the national benefits generated by the project, insisting the financial case for HS2 was sound.
"It is my view that a high speed rail network would deliver a transformational change to the way Britain works and competes in the 21st century," Hammond said. "It would allow the economies of the Midlands and the North to benefit much more directly from the economic engine of London, tackling the North-South divide more effectively than half a century of regional policy has done, expanding labour markets and bringing our major conurbations closer together."
However, green groups remain unconvinced by the government's proposals. Friends of the Earth pointed out that only 1.6 per cent of UK transport emissions are from domestic flights, while the government's own figures show that only 16 per cent of HS2 passengers will be people who would otherwise have travelled by air or car.
"We urgently need investment in faster, better rail travel - but current high- speed rail plans will do little to cut climate-changing emissions or entice people out of planes and cars," said Friends of the Earth's transport campaigner, Richard Dyer. "The Government's priority should be to upgrade our existing overcrowded rail network - so ordinary travellers can benefit from better commuter and longer-distance services."
He also warned that any extension of high speed rail had to be supported by a huge increase in the UK's renewable energy capacity.
"High-speed rail could play a part in a low-carbon transport network, but only if it is powered from renewable sources and backed by action to make rail travel cheaper and more attractive than flying or driving," he said.
Isra-Mart srl:Samsung sets sights on Macedonian wind farm
Isra-Mart srl news:
Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI), South Korea's third largest shipbuilder, is set to join with the Korea South-East Power (Kosep) to build a 100MW wind farm in Stip, Macedonia.
According to local press reports, SHI and Kosep, a unit of the state-run Korea Electric Power, will fund about 51 per cent of the $208m (£134m) project, with the remainder to be financed by the Macedonian government and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
Forty wind turbines with maximum power of 2.5MW will be constructed next August at four locations.
The facility, which is expected to be completed by the end of 2012, is located about 110km east of Madeconia's capital city of Skopje.
Once completed, the two firms have contracts to operate the facility for the next 20 years.
SHI last month received certification for its new 2.5MW turbine design.
The firm has just completed work on a turbine manufacturing complex in Geoje, South Korea, and has a large offshore wind turbine in development.
Traditionally a shipbuilder, SHI is looking to diversify into wind turbine construction to capitalise on what it sees as an upcoming boom in offshore wind.
Analysts say its forays into onshore wind are intended to gain expertise before the nascent offshore wind market begins to pick up.
As well as a planned $8.2bn offshore wind farm near South Korea, the firm is targeting China, which plans to install 30GW of offshore wind by 2030.
SHI has already received orders for the construction of ships that would help install offshore wind turbines.
It is one of a number of South Korean engineering firms currently investing heavily in the offshore wind market. Another South Korean firm, Hyundai Heavy Industries, this year announced the development of a 5MW wind turbine primarily for use in the offshore wind industry.
Isra-Mart srl news:
Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI), South Korea's third largest shipbuilder, is set to join with the Korea South-East Power (Kosep) to build a 100MW wind farm in Stip, Macedonia.
According to local press reports, SHI and Kosep, a unit of the state-run Korea Electric Power, will fund about 51 per cent of the $208m (£134m) project, with the remainder to be financed by the Macedonian government and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
Forty wind turbines with maximum power of 2.5MW will be constructed next August at four locations.
The facility, which is expected to be completed by the end of 2012, is located about 110km east of Madeconia's capital city of Skopje.
Once completed, the two firms have contracts to operate the facility for the next 20 years.
SHI last month received certification for its new 2.5MW turbine design.
The firm has just completed work on a turbine manufacturing complex in Geoje, South Korea, and has a large offshore wind turbine in development.
Traditionally a shipbuilder, SHI is looking to diversify into wind turbine construction to capitalise on what it sees as an upcoming boom in offshore wind.
Analysts say its forays into onshore wind are intended to gain expertise before the nascent offshore wind market begins to pick up.
As well as a planned $8.2bn offshore wind farm near South Korea, the firm is targeting China, which plans to install 30GW of offshore wind by 2030.
SHI has already received orders for the construction of ships that would help install offshore wind turbines.
It is one of a number of South Korean engineering firms currently investing heavily in the offshore wind market. Another South Korean firm, Hyundai Heavy Industries, this year announced the development of a 5MW wind turbine primarily for use in the offshore wind industry.
Isra-Mart srl:Co-op and Marks & Spencer named UK's 'greenest' supermarkets
Isra-Mart srl news:
The Co-op and Marks & Spencer are today named as the UK's "greenest" supermarkets in a new survey which rates retailers' progress in areas such as sustainable and ethical sourcing. Tesco, Asda and Netto were identified as the three worst performing companies.
As households stock up for the festive season, Ethical Consumer magazine urges shoppers to cut the environmental cost of Christmas by shopping from retailers with a proven track record of pursuing "green policies".
The environmental and ethical performance of 19 of the country's leading supermarkets and convenience stores were scrutinised in the survey, included detailed analysis of the companies' corporate social responsibility reports.
The results reveal a clear divide between the top two performing supermarkets - the Co-op and M&S - and the other 17 companies.
Policies praised at these two major high street chains include the Co-op's fish policy, whose goal is to operate its fish-sourcing policy in line with the aims and objectives of the Marine Stewardship Council. The Co-op also sources 98 per cent renewable electricity in its 5,500 sites across the UK.
M&S was highly praised for its palm oil policies. It now stipulates the use of sustainable palm oil in many of its own-brand goods and is advised on the issue by WWF. M&S also scored well for its climate change policies which include a target of using non-crop derived biofuels in its fleet of vehicles.
Rob Harrison of Ethical Consumer, and co-author of the buyers' guide, said: "If you're lucky enough to live close to a local independent shop that has an ethical stocking policy then this is where we would recommend people to shop. However the reality is that the vast majority of us now shop in supermarkets and we would therefore urge shoppers to choose either the Co-op or M&S."
He went on: "These two companies have made genuine efforts to reduce the environmental and ethical impact of their operations and have demonstrated that they are setting the environmental agenda for supermarkets."
Isra-Mart srl news:
The Co-op and Marks & Spencer are today named as the UK's "greenest" supermarkets in a new survey which rates retailers' progress in areas such as sustainable and ethical sourcing. Tesco, Asda and Netto were identified as the three worst performing companies.
As households stock up for the festive season, Ethical Consumer magazine urges shoppers to cut the environmental cost of Christmas by shopping from retailers with a proven track record of pursuing "green policies".
The environmental and ethical performance of 19 of the country's leading supermarkets and convenience stores were scrutinised in the survey, included detailed analysis of the companies' corporate social responsibility reports.
The results reveal a clear divide between the top two performing supermarkets - the Co-op and M&S - and the other 17 companies.
Policies praised at these two major high street chains include the Co-op's fish policy, whose goal is to operate its fish-sourcing policy in line with the aims and objectives of the Marine Stewardship Council. The Co-op also sources 98 per cent renewable electricity in its 5,500 sites across the UK.
M&S was highly praised for its palm oil policies. It now stipulates the use of sustainable palm oil in many of its own-brand goods and is advised on the issue by WWF. M&S also scored well for its climate change policies which include a target of using non-crop derived biofuels in its fleet of vehicles.
Rob Harrison of Ethical Consumer, and co-author of the buyers' guide, said: "If you're lucky enough to live close to a local independent shop that has an ethical stocking policy then this is where we would recommend people to shop. However the reality is that the vast majority of us now shop in supermarkets and we would therefore urge shoppers to choose either the Co-op or M&S."
He went on: "These two companies have made genuine efforts to reduce the environmental and ethical impact of their operations and have demonstrated that they are setting the environmental agenda for supermarkets."
Isra-Mart srl:Auto industry sues EPA over biofuel blend ruling
Isra-Mart srl news:
The roster of court cases faced by the US Environmental Protection Agency was extended again yesterday, when a group of auto and engine manufacturers launched legal action against the watchdog over its decision to allow higher blends of ethanol for use in cars built after 2007.
The EPA ruled in October that cars with a model year of 2007 or later could safely use fuel containing up to 15 per cent ethanol, so-called E15, a richer blend than current ethanol blends that contain no more than 10 per cent biofuel.
The decision was made in response to federal mandates requiring increasing levels of ethanol to be used in the US. The EPA is also currently weighing whether to allow older cars built since 2001 to similarly use richer blends of ethanol – a decision that has been delayed until next year.
However, many car makers remain opposed to the use of E15 and a new coalition, dubbed the Engine Products Group (EPG), yesterday filed a suit against the EPA alleging that the decision would confuse customers and lead to engine damage if the fuel is used in older engines.
The petition, which was filed in the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, requests that the EPA reconsider the decision and calls for a judicial review of the E15 ruling. It also alleges that the EPA does not have the authority under the Clean Air Act to grant a partial waiver for some ethanol blends and not others.
The group claims to represent 400 million engine products and brings together the Alliance of Automobile Manufactures, the Association of International Automobile Manufacturers, the National Marine Manufacturers Association, and the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute.
Kris Kiser, an executive with the outdoor equipment group, told the influential Washington-based Hill blog that the group was concerned that the ruling would result in customers putting the wrong fuel in the wrong engine.
"While all members of the EPG have and continue to support the development and use of safe and sustainable alternative fuels, the action EPA has taken to permit E15 to be sold as a legal fuel, even if limited only to certain products, will have adverse consequences for the environment and consumers," he said. "A partial waiver, by its nature, necessarily will result in the misfueling of products not designed or tested for E15 use."
The ethanol and biofuels industry maintains E15 is safe for all engines and is pushing for the EPA to combat customer confusion by authorising the richer blend for use by all vehicles.
The EPA is currently carrying out tests on older vehicles and could reach a decision on whether to allow E15 for use in older vehicles as early as next month.
Wider use of E15 is widely regarded as essential for the take-up of the fuel as currently many filling stations are reluctant to invest in new pumps given only part of the US fleet are authorised to use the fuel.
The EPG suit is the second to target the E15 ruling and comes just weeks after the Grocery Manufacturers Association filed a similar suit challenging the EPA decision on the grounds it could push up food prices by increasing demand for corn.
Isra-Mart srl news:
The roster of court cases faced by the US Environmental Protection Agency was extended again yesterday, when a group of auto and engine manufacturers launched legal action against the watchdog over its decision to allow higher blends of ethanol for use in cars built after 2007.
The EPA ruled in October that cars with a model year of 2007 or later could safely use fuel containing up to 15 per cent ethanol, so-called E15, a richer blend than current ethanol blends that contain no more than 10 per cent biofuel.
The decision was made in response to federal mandates requiring increasing levels of ethanol to be used in the US. The EPA is also currently weighing whether to allow older cars built since 2001 to similarly use richer blends of ethanol – a decision that has been delayed until next year.
However, many car makers remain opposed to the use of E15 and a new coalition, dubbed the Engine Products Group (EPG), yesterday filed a suit against the EPA alleging that the decision would confuse customers and lead to engine damage if the fuel is used in older engines.
The petition, which was filed in the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, requests that the EPA reconsider the decision and calls for a judicial review of the E15 ruling. It also alleges that the EPA does not have the authority under the Clean Air Act to grant a partial waiver for some ethanol blends and not others.
The group claims to represent 400 million engine products and brings together the Alliance of Automobile Manufactures, the Association of International Automobile Manufacturers, the National Marine Manufacturers Association, and the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute.
Kris Kiser, an executive with the outdoor equipment group, told the influential Washington-based Hill blog that the group was concerned that the ruling would result in customers putting the wrong fuel in the wrong engine.
"While all members of the EPG have and continue to support the development and use of safe and sustainable alternative fuels, the action EPA has taken to permit E15 to be sold as a legal fuel, even if limited only to certain products, will have adverse consequences for the environment and consumers," he said. "A partial waiver, by its nature, necessarily will result in the misfueling of products not designed or tested for E15 use."
The ethanol and biofuels industry maintains E15 is safe for all engines and is pushing for the EPA to combat customer confusion by authorising the richer blend for use by all vehicles.
The EPA is currently carrying out tests on older vehicles and could reach a decision on whether to allow E15 for use in older vehicles as early as next month.
Wider use of E15 is widely regarded as essential for the take-up of the fuel as currently many filling stations are reluctant to invest in new pumps given only part of the US fleet are authorised to use the fuel.
The EPG suit is the second to target the E15 ruling and comes just weeks after the Grocery Manufacturers Association filed a similar suit challenging the EPA decision on the grounds it could push up food prices by increasing demand for corn.
Isra-Mart srl:UN establishes IPBES - the "IPCC for nature"
Isra-mart srl news:
A new UN body tasked with analysing and reporting on the global state of biodiversity was created yesterday in a move that is expected to better promote the extent to which economies are dependent upon healthy ecosystems.
A resolution at the UN General Assembly was the last approval needed to officially establish the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), after governments endorsed the body in June and reiterated their support for the new agency at the recent Nagoya Summit on biodiversity.
The IPBES will bring together a panel of experts to advise governments on the accelerating rates of biodiversity and habitat loss, and explore solutions that can be employed to reverse these trends. It will be loosely modelled on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which provides independent advice to policy makers on the latest climate change science.
The IPBES will initially be tasked with reviewing current research on biodiversity and ecosystem services and bringing together different methodologies to produce a single gold-standard report to help support government action.
It will also aim to bring new areas of research to the attention of governments to provide a better "early warning system" for biodiversity loss, after the scientific community complained some debates, such as the pros and cons of biofuels, took too long to reach the in-trays of policymakers.
Achim Steiner, UN under-secretary general and UN Environment Programme (UNEP) executive director, hailed the launch of the new body as "a major breakthrough in terms of organising a global response to the loss of living organisms and forests, freshwaters, coral reefs and other ecosystems that underpin all life – including economic life – on Earth".
He added that the formation of the new group combined with the positive conclusion to the Nagoya Summit suggested governments were finally starting to take biodiversity loss seriously.
"2010, the International Year of Biodiversity, began on a mute note after it emerged that no single country had achieved the target of substantially reversing the rate of loss of biodiversity," he said. "But it has ended on a far more positive one that underlines a new determination to act on the challenges and deliver the opportunities possible from a far more intelligent management of the planet's nature-based assets."
The birth of IPBES comes on the back of further advances in biodiversity research this year, with the launch of The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) report helping to highlight the links between ecosystem services and economic growth and the Convention on Biological Diversity Summit in Nagoya, Japan, resulting in an international agreement.
The Nagoya summit saw almost 200 countries adopt new targets for addressing biodiversity loss, including increasing the extent of land-based protected areas and national parks to 17 per cent of the Earth's surface and extending marine protected areas to 10 per cent, up from under one per cent currently.
However, some environmentalists warned that the targets contained in the agreement are entirely voluntary and are unlikely to be met, particularly given previous biodiversity targets have been missed by wide margins.
Isra-mart srl news:
A new UN body tasked with analysing and reporting on the global state of biodiversity was created yesterday in a move that is expected to better promote the extent to which economies are dependent upon healthy ecosystems.
A resolution at the UN General Assembly was the last approval needed to officially establish the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), after governments endorsed the body in June and reiterated their support for the new agency at the recent Nagoya Summit on biodiversity.
The IPBES will bring together a panel of experts to advise governments on the accelerating rates of biodiversity and habitat loss, and explore solutions that can be employed to reverse these trends. It will be loosely modelled on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which provides independent advice to policy makers on the latest climate change science.
The IPBES will initially be tasked with reviewing current research on biodiversity and ecosystem services and bringing together different methodologies to produce a single gold-standard report to help support government action.
It will also aim to bring new areas of research to the attention of governments to provide a better "early warning system" for biodiversity loss, after the scientific community complained some debates, such as the pros and cons of biofuels, took too long to reach the in-trays of policymakers.
Achim Steiner, UN under-secretary general and UN Environment Programme (UNEP) executive director, hailed the launch of the new body as "a major breakthrough in terms of organising a global response to the loss of living organisms and forests, freshwaters, coral reefs and other ecosystems that underpin all life – including economic life – on Earth".
He added that the formation of the new group combined with the positive conclusion to the Nagoya Summit suggested governments were finally starting to take biodiversity loss seriously.
"2010, the International Year of Biodiversity, began on a mute note after it emerged that no single country had achieved the target of substantially reversing the rate of loss of biodiversity," he said. "But it has ended on a far more positive one that underlines a new determination to act on the challenges and deliver the opportunities possible from a far more intelligent management of the planet's nature-based assets."
The birth of IPBES comes on the back of further advances in biodiversity research this year, with the launch of The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) report helping to highlight the links between ecosystem services and economic growth and the Convention on Biological Diversity Summit in Nagoya, Japan, resulting in an international agreement.
The Nagoya summit saw almost 200 countries adopt new targets for addressing biodiversity loss, including increasing the extent of land-based protected areas and national parks to 17 per cent of the Earth's surface and extending marine protected areas to 10 per cent, up from under one per cent currently.
However, some environmentalists warned that the targets contained in the agreement are entirely voluntary and are unlikely to be met, particularly given previous biodiversity targets have been missed by wide margins.
Isra-Mart srl:Report: South Korea carbon trading bill delayed until 2011
Isra-Mart srl news:
South Korea will delay proposals for new carbon trading legislation until early next year, according to reports from news agency Reuters.
Chun-kyoo, general director of the Presidential Green Growth Committee, told the news agency that opposition to the proposals from some business groups meant the draft bill would not now be presented to parliament this year as originally planned.
He said the government was still in talks with industry groups in an attempt to "find a common ground", and as a result the bill would not be presented until February.
The South Korean government is keen to position the country as one of the world's leading low-carbon economies and is planning to launch a cap-and-trade scheme in 2013 that would place a steadily rising price on carbon emissions.
However, a coalition of business groups are opposed to the scheme and recently issued a petition calling on the government to delay the introduction of the scheme until other countries similarly put a price on carbon.
South Korea is one of a host of countries to pursue plans for a carbon trading scheme with Australia, Japan, China and a group of US states all working on plans for regional or national cap-and-trade scheme that are due to be introduced over the next five years.
However, plans for emissions trading in Japan and Australia have been repeatedly delayed while proposals for a national US scheme were blocked in the Senate earlier this year.
Only New Zealand has managed to join the EU this year in launching a national cap-and-trade scheme, prompting fears that carbon-intensive firms are successfully lobbying for the delay of further carbon pricing mechanisms.
Isra-Mart srl news:
South Korea will delay proposals for new carbon trading legislation until early next year, according to reports from news agency Reuters.
Chun-kyoo, general director of the Presidential Green Growth Committee, told the news agency that opposition to the proposals from some business groups meant the draft bill would not now be presented to parliament this year as originally planned.
He said the government was still in talks with industry groups in an attempt to "find a common ground", and as a result the bill would not be presented until February.
The South Korean government is keen to position the country as one of the world's leading low-carbon economies and is planning to launch a cap-and-trade scheme in 2013 that would place a steadily rising price on carbon emissions.
However, a coalition of business groups are opposed to the scheme and recently issued a petition calling on the government to delay the introduction of the scheme until other countries similarly put a price on carbon.
South Korea is one of a host of countries to pursue plans for a carbon trading scheme with Australia, Japan, China and a group of US states all working on plans for regional or national cap-and-trade scheme that are due to be introduced over the next five years.
However, plans for emissions trading in Japan and Australia have been repeatedly delayed while proposals for a national US scheme were blocked in the Senate earlier this year.
Only New Zealand has managed to join the EU this year in launching a national cap-and-trade scheme, prompting fears that carbon-intensive firms are successfully lobbying for the delay of further carbon pricing mechanisms.
Isra-Mart srl:Phoenix Solar AG baut 5,9 MW Photovoltaik-Carport in Italien
Isra-Mart srl news:
Die Phoenix Solar AG errichtet einen Photovoltaik-Carport auf dem Gelände der Logistikgruppe Altmann in Piadena in Italien mit einer Spitzenleistung von 5,9 Megawatt (MWp). Im Auftrag der von der SOLARWATT PV Italia GmbH gehaltenen Projektgesellschaft "CIC PV Project Piadena KG der CIC Italia GmbH & Co." (CIC) werden auf vier Teilflächen mit einer Gesamtfläche von rund 13.000 Quadratmetern etwa 24.700 kristalline Solarwatt-Module installiert, die dann das Dach des Carports bilden. Der Photovoltaik-Carport, der Platz für cirka 6.000 Neuwagen bietet, erzeugt pro Jahr etwa 6,4 Millionen Kilowattstunden sauberen Photovoltaik-Strom und schützt die Fahrzeuge gleichzeitig vor Wettereinflüssen und Verschmutzung.
"Wir freuen uns sehr, dass wir dieses Leuchtturmprojekt für die SOLARWATT PV Italia GmbH umsetzen dürfen und sind stolz darauf, einen der größten Solar Carports weltweit zu errichten", so Ulrich Reidenbach, Vertriebsvorstand der Phoenix Solar AG. "Wir sehen in der Doppelfunktion von Solar Carports ein zukunftsweisendes Geschäftssegment, in dem wir uns mit dem in diesem Jahr fertig gestellten Megawatt Carport in Berlin und diesem neuen Carport bereits hervorragend positioniert haben."
"In dieser Photovoltaikanlage verbinden sich Funktionalität und nachhaltiges Wirtschaften auf überzeugende Weise", erklärt Dr. Jürgen Müller, Geschäftsführer der SOLARWATT PV Italia GmbH und Generalbevollmächtigter der SOLARWATT AG in Dresden. "Phoenix Solar verfügt über das Know-how und die Erfahrungen beim Bau solarer Carport-Anlagen und war deshalb bei der Auftragsvergabe zur Realisierung dieses Projektes der ideale Partner", so Müller.
Isra-Mart srl news:
Die Phoenix Solar AG errichtet einen Photovoltaik-Carport auf dem Gelände der Logistikgruppe Altmann in Piadena in Italien mit einer Spitzenleistung von 5,9 Megawatt (MWp). Im Auftrag der von der SOLARWATT PV Italia GmbH gehaltenen Projektgesellschaft "CIC PV Project Piadena KG der CIC Italia GmbH & Co." (CIC) werden auf vier Teilflächen mit einer Gesamtfläche von rund 13.000 Quadratmetern etwa 24.700 kristalline Solarwatt-Module installiert, die dann das Dach des Carports bilden. Der Photovoltaik-Carport, der Platz für cirka 6.000 Neuwagen bietet, erzeugt pro Jahr etwa 6,4 Millionen Kilowattstunden sauberen Photovoltaik-Strom und schützt die Fahrzeuge gleichzeitig vor Wettereinflüssen und Verschmutzung.
"Wir freuen uns sehr, dass wir dieses Leuchtturmprojekt für die SOLARWATT PV Italia GmbH umsetzen dürfen und sind stolz darauf, einen der größten Solar Carports weltweit zu errichten", so Ulrich Reidenbach, Vertriebsvorstand der Phoenix Solar AG. "Wir sehen in der Doppelfunktion von Solar Carports ein zukunftsweisendes Geschäftssegment, in dem wir uns mit dem in diesem Jahr fertig gestellten Megawatt Carport in Berlin und diesem neuen Carport bereits hervorragend positioniert haben."
"In dieser Photovoltaikanlage verbinden sich Funktionalität und nachhaltiges Wirtschaften auf überzeugende Weise", erklärt Dr. Jürgen Müller, Geschäftsführer der SOLARWATT PV Italia GmbH und Generalbevollmächtigter der SOLARWATT AG in Dresden. "Phoenix Solar verfügt über das Know-how und die Erfahrungen beim Bau solarer Carport-Anlagen und war deshalb bei der Auftragsvergabe zur Realisierung dieses Projektes der ideale Partner", so Müller.
Isra-Mart srl:Neuer Leitfaden Contracting
Isra-Mart srl news:
Das Kompetenzzentrum Contracting für öffentliche Gebäude der Deutschen Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena) hat nun für Entscheider aus Bund, Ländern und Kommunen einen neuen Leitfaden zum Energieliefer-Contracting erstellt. Als praxisnahe Arbeitshilfe zum Einsparen von Energiekosten und CO2-Emissionen schildert der Leitfaden ausführlich das Vorgehen beim Energieliefer-Contracting von der Projektentwicklung über die Ausschreibung bis zur Bewertung der Angebote und dem Vertragsabschluss.
Der erste Teil des Leitfadens vermittelt Erfahrungen aus Vergabeverfahren in Bundesliegenschaften, gibt Antworten auf typische Fragen der Bauverwaltungen und erläutert alle wesentlichen Schritte des Energieliefer-Contractings. Der zweite Teil des Leitfadens enthält umfangreiche Arbeitsmaterialien zur rechtssicheren Vergabe von Energieliefer-Contracting-Verträgen. Dazu gehören Musterdokumente für die Bekanntmachung der Vergabe, die Aufforderung zur Abgabe der Angebote und die Verträge zur Strom- und Wärmelieferung. Auf einer ebenfalls mitgelieferten CD finden sich die Musterdokumente und verschiedene Berechnungswerkzeuge So lassen sich zum Beispiel die Angebote kalkulieren und mit den Kosten für eine Eigenrealisierung vergleichen.
Energieliefer-Contracting ist vor allem dann sinnvoll, wenn die Energieversorgung einer Liegenschaft veraltet ist. Der Dienstleister, auch Contractor genannt, plant, finanziert, errichtet und betreibt eine neue Anlage, zum Beispiel eine Heizkesselanlage. Der Eigentümer wird von der organisatorischen Umsetzung entlastet und erhält eine langfristige Garantie für eine energieeffiziente Versorgung. Dafür muss er keine zusätzlichen Haushaltsmittel aufbringen. Die Kosten werden durch die erzielten Einsparungen gedeckt.
Der Leitfaden Energieliefer-Contracting wurde im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung (BMVBS) entwickelt, kostet 75 Euro (zzgl. MwSt.) und kann unter >> www.zukunft-haus.info/publikationen bestellt werden.
Isra-Mart srl news:
Das Kompetenzzentrum Contracting für öffentliche Gebäude der Deutschen Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena) hat nun für Entscheider aus Bund, Ländern und Kommunen einen neuen Leitfaden zum Energieliefer-Contracting erstellt. Als praxisnahe Arbeitshilfe zum Einsparen von Energiekosten und CO2-Emissionen schildert der Leitfaden ausführlich das Vorgehen beim Energieliefer-Contracting von der Projektentwicklung über die Ausschreibung bis zur Bewertung der Angebote und dem Vertragsabschluss.
Der erste Teil des Leitfadens vermittelt Erfahrungen aus Vergabeverfahren in Bundesliegenschaften, gibt Antworten auf typische Fragen der Bauverwaltungen und erläutert alle wesentlichen Schritte des Energieliefer-Contractings. Der zweite Teil des Leitfadens enthält umfangreiche Arbeitsmaterialien zur rechtssicheren Vergabe von Energieliefer-Contracting-Verträgen. Dazu gehören Musterdokumente für die Bekanntmachung der Vergabe, die Aufforderung zur Abgabe der Angebote und die Verträge zur Strom- und Wärmelieferung. Auf einer ebenfalls mitgelieferten CD finden sich die Musterdokumente und verschiedene Berechnungswerkzeuge So lassen sich zum Beispiel die Angebote kalkulieren und mit den Kosten für eine Eigenrealisierung vergleichen.
Energieliefer-Contracting ist vor allem dann sinnvoll, wenn die Energieversorgung einer Liegenschaft veraltet ist. Der Dienstleister, auch Contractor genannt, plant, finanziert, errichtet und betreibt eine neue Anlage, zum Beispiel eine Heizkesselanlage. Der Eigentümer wird von der organisatorischen Umsetzung entlastet und erhält eine langfristige Garantie für eine energieeffiziente Versorgung. Dafür muss er keine zusätzlichen Haushaltsmittel aufbringen. Die Kosten werden durch die erzielten Einsparungen gedeckt.
Der Leitfaden Energieliefer-Contracting wurde im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung (BMVBS) entwickelt, kostet 75 Euro (zzgl. MwSt.) und kann unter >> www.zukunft-haus.info/publikationen bestellt werden.
Isra-Mart srl:Energieverbrauch in Deutschland wieder gestiegen
Isra-Mart srl news:
Nach Angaben der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Energiebilanzen (AGEB) ist der Energieverbrauch in Deutschland im Jahr 2010 um 4,1 Prozent im Vergleich zum Vorjahr angestiegen. Der Energieverbrauch in Deutschland liegt damit im Jahr 2010 bei 14.012 Petajoule. Trotz des Anstiegs gegenüber dem Vorjahr liegt der Wert - abgesehen vom Verbrauch im Jahr 2009 - damit auf dem niedrigsten Niveau seit 1990.
Für den Anstieg im Vergleich zu 2009 gibt es im Wesentlichen zwei Gründe. Zum einen hat der außerordentlich gute Konjunkturverlauf mit einer Ausweitung der Produktion zu einer erhöhten Energienutzung geführt. Zum anderen hat der strenge Winter 2010 den Heizbedarf und damit den Energieverbrauch zusätzlich erhöht. Über die Hälfte des Anstiegs geht allein auf den Witterungseffekt zurück.
Isra-Mart srl news:
Nach Angaben der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Energiebilanzen (AGEB) ist der Energieverbrauch in Deutschland im Jahr 2010 um 4,1 Prozent im Vergleich zum Vorjahr angestiegen. Der Energieverbrauch in Deutschland liegt damit im Jahr 2010 bei 14.012 Petajoule. Trotz des Anstiegs gegenüber dem Vorjahr liegt der Wert - abgesehen vom Verbrauch im Jahr 2009 - damit auf dem niedrigsten Niveau seit 1990.
Für den Anstieg im Vergleich zu 2009 gibt es im Wesentlichen zwei Gründe. Zum einen hat der außerordentlich gute Konjunkturverlauf mit einer Ausweitung der Produktion zu einer erhöhten Energienutzung geführt. Zum anderen hat der strenge Winter 2010 den Heizbedarf und damit den Energieverbrauch zusätzlich erhöht. Über die Hälfte des Anstiegs geht allein auf den Witterungseffekt zurück.
Isra-Mart srl:Neue Photovoltaik-Anlage auf den BEHALA-Dächern in Berlin
Isra-Mart srl news:
Die EnTerra Solar Holding GmbH hat auf den Dächern der Berliner Logistikgesellschaft BEHALA - Berliner Hafen- und Lagerhausgesellschaft mbH zwei Photovoltaik-Anlagen mit einer Gesamtleistung von 268 kWp installiert. Die Gesamtanlage produziert 253 MWh sauberen Strom im Jahr. Dadurch werden rund 224 Tonnen Kohlenstoffdioxid eingespart. Mit dem von den Anlagen erzeugten Strom können bis zu 60 Vier-Personenhaushalte versorgt werden. Beide Unternehmen leisten damit einen wertvollen Beitrag zum Umwelt- und Klimaschutz.
Zum Einsatz kommt deutsche Spitzentechnologie gepaart mit fundierter Berliner Handwerksleistung: Bei den Photovoltaik-Modulen handelt es sich um moderne „IST220-Module“ des Herstellers InnotechSolar IST München GmbH. Mit den Montagearbeiten wurde die MBG Mastbau Gärtner GmbH aus Berlin beauftragt. Ralph Butters, Geschäftsführer der EnTerra Solar Holding GmbH: „Als junges Energiedienstleistungsunternehmen in Berlin setzen wir auf lokale Kooperationen. Dadurch können wir selbst flexibel bleiben und projektbezogene Teams aufstellen, das spart dem Auftraggeber Kosten.“
Mit der Anlage auf den BEHALA-Dächern betreibt die EnTerra Solar Holding in Berlin jetzt Photovoltaik-Anlagen mit einer Gesamtleistung von 500 kWp. Auch im Jahr 2011 plant das Unternehmen gemeinsam mit seinen Kooperationspartnern die Realisierung weiterer Photovoltaik-Projekte in der Stadt. Mittelfristiges Ziel der EnTerra Solar Holding ist die Installation von 3.000 kWp Leistung auf Berliner Dächern.
Isra-Mart srl news:
Die EnTerra Solar Holding GmbH hat auf den Dächern der Berliner Logistikgesellschaft BEHALA - Berliner Hafen- und Lagerhausgesellschaft mbH zwei Photovoltaik-Anlagen mit einer Gesamtleistung von 268 kWp installiert. Die Gesamtanlage produziert 253 MWh sauberen Strom im Jahr. Dadurch werden rund 224 Tonnen Kohlenstoffdioxid eingespart. Mit dem von den Anlagen erzeugten Strom können bis zu 60 Vier-Personenhaushalte versorgt werden. Beide Unternehmen leisten damit einen wertvollen Beitrag zum Umwelt- und Klimaschutz.
Zum Einsatz kommt deutsche Spitzentechnologie gepaart mit fundierter Berliner Handwerksleistung: Bei den Photovoltaik-Modulen handelt es sich um moderne „IST220-Module“ des Herstellers InnotechSolar IST München GmbH. Mit den Montagearbeiten wurde die MBG Mastbau Gärtner GmbH aus Berlin beauftragt. Ralph Butters, Geschäftsführer der EnTerra Solar Holding GmbH: „Als junges Energiedienstleistungsunternehmen in Berlin setzen wir auf lokale Kooperationen. Dadurch können wir selbst flexibel bleiben und projektbezogene Teams aufstellen, das spart dem Auftraggeber Kosten.“
Mit der Anlage auf den BEHALA-Dächern betreibt die EnTerra Solar Holding in Berlin jetzt Photovoltaik-Anlagen mit einer Gesamtleistung von 500 kWp. Auch im Jahr 2011 plant das Unternehmen gemeinsam mit seinen Kooperationspartnern die Realisierung weiterer Photovoltaik-Projekte in der Stadt. Mittelfristiges Ziel der EnTerra Solar Holding ist die Installation von 3.000 kWp Leistung auf Berliner Dächern.
Isra-Mart srl:Post- und Lieferverkehr in Berlin unter Strom
Isra-Mart srl news:
In Berlin werden Kurier-, Express- und Paketsendungen sowie Güter nun auch mit Elektro-Lkw und Elektro-Transportern geliefert. Das Projekt E-Stadtlogistik wird im Rahmen der Modellregionen Elektromobilität vom Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung (BMVBS) mit insgesamt 1,3 Millionen Euro gefördert. Projektpartner sind die Spedition Meyer & Meyer, die Deutsche Post DHL und die Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. Damit sind alle Projekte in den Modellregionen Elektromobilität angelaufen.
Konventionelle Nutzfahrzeuge erzeugen gerade in dicht besiedelten Stadtteilen aufgrund der häufigen Stopps überdurchschnittlich hohe Emissionen. Ziel des Projektes E-Stadtlogistik ist es, die Vorteile und Möglichkeiten von elektrisch angetriebenen Nutzfahrzeugen im innerstädtischen Belieferungsverkehr zu demonstrieren. Hierzu werden zwei Feldversuche durchgeführt.
Hauptziel des Vorhabens mit der deutschen Post DHL ist die Einführung von E-Zustellfahrzeugen in der Innenstadt. Hierzu werden in Berlin drei elektrisch angetriebene Lieferfahrzeuge für Kurier-, Express- und Paketsendungen eingesetzt. Das Projekt wird vom BMVBS mit 291.000 Euro gefördert.
Im zweiten Feldversuch mit der Spedition Meyer & Meyer soll der Einsatz von zwei 11 Tonnen-Elektro-Nutzfahrzeugen in der Textillogistik (Filialbelieferung) aus dem Brandenburger Umland in die Berliner Innenstadt erprobt werden. Neben der erwarteten Emissionssenkung (Luftschadstoff- und Lärmemissionen) soll dank angepasster Logistikkonzepte die Wirtschaftlichkeit elektrischer Nutzfahrzeuge erhöht werden. Dazu soll u.a. die Wirkung ordnungsrechtlicher Anreize wie die Freigabe des nächtlichen Lieferverkehrs untersucht werden. Das Projekt wird vom BMVBS mit 242.000 Euro gefördert.
Das Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionsanlagen und Konstruktionstechnik (IPK) koordiniert das Verbundprojekt und wird die Versuche wissenschaftlich auswerten. Mit den Erhebungsdaten sollen u.a. Lade- und Betriebszyklen weiter optimiert werden. Damit sollen die Grundlagen für ein kombiniertes Energie- und Logistikmanagement geschaffen werden. Das Projekt wird vom BMVBS mit 773.000 Euro gefördert.
Das Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung (BMVBS) stellt für bundesweit acht Modellregionen rund 130 Millionen Euro aus dem Konjunkturpaket II zur Verfügung. Berlin/Potsdam ist eine der Modellregionen Elektromobilität. Hier werden Projekte im Umfang von rund 12,5 Millionen Euro gefördert. Mit der Beteiligung der Projektpartner ergibt sich ein Gesamtbudget von rund 27 Millionen Euro. Weitere Regionen sind: Hamburg, Bremen/Oldenburg, München/Allgäu, Rhein-Main, Rhein-Ruhr, Sachsen, und Stuttgart.
Isra-Mart srl news:
In Berlin werden Kurier-, Express- und Paketsendungen sowie Güter nun auch mit Elektro-Lkw und Elektro-Transportern geliefert. Das Projekt E-Stadtlogistik wird im Rahmen der Modellregionen Elektromobilität vom Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung (BMVBS) mit insgesamt 1,3 Millionen Euro gefördert. Projektpartner sind die Spedition Meyer & Meyer, die Deutsche Post DHL und die Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. Damit sind alle Projekte in den Modellregionen Elektromobilität angelaufen.
Konventionelle Nutzfahrzeuge erzeugen gerade in dicht besiedelten Stadtteilen aufgrund der häufigen Stopps überdurchschnittlich hohe Emissionen. Ziel des Projektes E-Stadtlogistik ist es, die Vorteile und Möglichkeiten von elektrisch angetriebenen Nutzfahrzeugen im innerstädtischen Belieferungsverkehr zu demonstrieren. Hierzu werden zwei Feldversuche durchgeführt.
Hauptziel des Vorhabens mit der deutschen Post DHL ist die Einführung von E-Zustellfahrzeugen in der Innenstadt. Hierzu werden in Berlin drei elektrisch angetriebene Lieferfahrzeuge für Kurier-, Express- und Paketsendungen eingesetzt. Das Projekt wird vom BMVBS mit 291.000 Euro gefördert.
Im zweiten Feldversuch mit der Spedition Meyer & Meyer soll der Einsatz von zwei 11 Tonnen-Elektro-Nutzfahrzeugen in der Textillogistik (Filialbelieferung) aus dem Brandenburger Umland in die Berliner Innenstadt erprobt werden. Neben der erwarteten Emissionssenkung (Luftschadstoff- und Lärmemissionen) soll dank angepasster Logistikkonzepte die Wirtschaftlichkeit elektrischer Nutzfahrzeuge erhöht werden. Dazu soll u.a. die Wirkung ordnungsrechtlicher Anreize wie die Freigabe des nächtlichen Lieferverkehrs untersucht werden. Das Projekt wird vom BMVBS mit 242.000 Euro gefördert.
Das Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionsanlagen und Konstruktionstechnik (IPK) koordiniert das Verbundprojekt und wird die Versuche wissenschaftlich auswerten. Mit den Erhebungsdaten sollen u.a. Lade- und Betriebszyklen weiter optimiert werden. Damit sollen die Grundlagen für ein kombiniertes Energie- und Logistikmanagement geschaffen werden. Das Projekt wird vom BMVBS mit 773.000 Euro gefördert.
Das Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung (BMVBS) stellt für bundesweit acht Modellregionen rund 130 Millionen Euro aus dem Konjunkturpaket II zur Verfügung. Berlin/Potsdam ist eine der Modellregionen Elektromobilität. Hier werden Projekte im Umfang von rund 12,5 Millionen Euro gefördert. Mit der Beteiligung der Projektpartner ergibt sich ein Gesamtbudget von rund 27 Millionen Euro. Weitere Regionen sind: Hamburg, Bremen/Oldenburg, München/Allgäu, Rhein-Main, Rhein-Ruhr, Sachsen, und Stuttgart.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Isra-Mart srl:Analiza 2Celsius: Wikifuel. Bioleaks
Isra-Mart srl news:
Pana si campionul scepticilor climatici, scriitorul danez Bjorn Lomborg, mi-a spus in urma cu doi ani ca suntem ”prima generatie care isi arde propria hrana”. Declaratia a fost facuta in contextul crizei alimentare din 2008, an in care o treime din populatia lumii a fost lovita de foamete. Un aspect notabil este ca, intre timp, criza financiara s-a dezlantuit in SUA.
Text de Raul Cazan
Chiar daca scepticul danez nu a fost preocupat in aceasta perioada de problema emisiilor, zeci de studii aduc argumente solide in favoarea faptului ca biocombustibilii exercita presiune asupra ecosistemelor. Schimbarea indirecta a utilizarii terenurilor este e una dintre cele mai dificile probleme pe care ONU trebe sa le rezolve.
La Cancun nu s-a progresat prea mult la capitolul schimbarii destinatiei terenurilor si al exploatarii padurilor. Statale dezvoltate si cele in curs de dezvoltare au ramas impartite in doua tabere in privinta asa numitului ”logging loophole”, care a blocat negocierile si care ar permite statelor in curs de dezvoltare sa aleaga ce activitati vor lua sau nu in considerare pentru contorizarea emisiilor.
Din perspectiva ultimelor propuneri, tarile dezvoltate ar avea posibilitatea sa ascunda pana la 5% din cantitatea de emisii inregistrata la nivelul anului 1990, o cantitate aproape egala cu tinta de reducere colectiva impusa de Protocolul de la Kyoto, a anuntat Climate Action Network. Din cauza unor tari cu greutate in industria forestiara, Uniunea Europeana este, la randul ei, divizata intern. In plus, exista ingrijorarea ca, pentru a finaliza negocierile in directia celor de la Kyoto, statele in curs de dezvoltare le vor permite celor bogate sa triseze la reglementarea contabilizarii cantitatilor reale de emisii.
Kenneth Richter a postat rezumatul unor documente secrete pe blogul ”Friends of the Earth”. ”Wikileaks” dezvaluie dovezi si mai clare despre SUA care incearca sa impinga plantele modificate genetic spre Africa. Documentele contin, de asemenea, note de la o reuniune internationala initiata de Gordon Brown, pe tema biocombustibililor si a crizei alimentare, in anul 2008.
Joachim von Braun, director general al ”Inter Food Policy Institute Research” (IFPRI), a sugerat un moratoriu pentru porumbul destinat productiei de biocombustibili. Modelul propus ar fi condus la o reducere imediata a pretului porumbului cu 20%, si cu 10% pentru grau, cu posibilitatea unor reduceri suplimentare, deoarece ar fi fost descurajate speculatiile.
Ideea a fost insa respinsa de catre ceilalti participanti. Ruth Rawling de la compania Cargill a prezis ca pretul graului va scadea destul de repede si fara moratoriu. ”Overseas Development Institute” a estimat ca preturile vor scadea de la nivelul de varf al anului 2008 pana la nivelul celor de la inceputul anilor 1990.
Pretul graului a crescut in prezent cu aproape doua treimi in ultimele sase luni. Pier Luigi Sigismondi, seful lantului de aprovizionare de la Unilever, recunoaste: ”Lumea pierde teren arabil cu o rata de aproximativ 64.000 de kilometri patrati pe an. Acesta este terenul utilizat pentru productia de biocarburanti, in timp ce schimbarile climatice erodeaza solul fertil”.
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) prezice acum o alta criza majora alimentara globala pentru anul 2011. Este revoltator faptul ca principalele efecte a ceea ce a fost considerat un panaceu al emisiilor si al consumului de energie, biocarburantii, sunt in prezent cauza cresterii nivelului de emisii, a distrugerii ecosistemelor ai a foametei.
Isra-Mart srl news:
Pana si campionul scepticilor climatici, scriitorul danez Bjorn Lomborg, mi-a spus in urma cu doi ani ca suntem ”prima generatie care isi arde propria hrana”. Declaratia a fost facuta in contextul crizei alimentare din 2008, an in care o treime din populatia lumii a fost lovita de foamete. Un aspect notabil este ca, intre timp, criza financiara s-a dezlantuit in SUA.
Text de Raul Cazan
Chiar daca scepticul danez nu a fost preocupat in aceasta perioada de problema emisiilor, zeci de studii aduc argumente solide in favoarea faptului ca biocombustibilii exercita presiune asupra ecosistemelor. Schimbarea indirecta a utilizarii terenurilor este e una dintre cele mai dificile probleme pe care ONU trebe sa le rezolve.
La Cancun nu s-a progresat prea mult la capitolul schimbarii destinatiei terenurilor si al exploatarii padurilor. Statale dezvoltate si cele in curs de dezvoltare au ramas impartite in doua tabere in privinta asa numitului ”logging loophole”, care a blocat negocierile si care ar permite statelor in curs de dezvoltare sa aleaga ce activitati vor lua sau nu in considerare pentru contorizarea emisiilor.
Din perspectiva ultimelor propuneri, tarile dezvoltate ar avea posibilitatea sa ascunda pana la 5% din cantitatea de emisii inregistrata la nivelul anului 1990, o cantitate aproape egala cu tinta de reducere colectiva impusa de Protocolul de la Kyoto, a anuntat Climate Action Network. Din cauza unor tari cu greutate in industria forestiara, Uniunea Europeana este, la randul ei, divizata intern. In plus, exista ingrijorarea ca, pentru a finaliza negocierile in directia celor de la Kyoto, statele in curs de dezvoltare le vor permite celor bogate sa triseze la reglementarea contabilizarii cantitatilor reale de emisii.
Kenneth Richter a postat rezumatul unor documente secrete pe blogul ”Friends of the Earth”. ”Wikileaks” dezvaluie dovezi si mai clare despre SUA care incearca sa impinga plantele modificate genetic spre Africa. Documentele contin, de asemenea, note de la o reuniune internationala initiata de Gordon Brown, pe tema biocombustibililor si a crizei alimentare, in anul 2008.
Joachim von Braun, director general al ”Inter Food Policy Institute Research” (IFPRI), a sugerat un moratoriu pentru porumbul destinat productiei de biocombustibili. Modelul propus ar fi condus la o reducere imediata a pretului porumbului cu 20%, si cu 10% pentru grau, cu posibilitatea unor reduceri suplimentare, deoarece ar fi fost descurajate speculatiile.
Ideea a fost insa respinsa de catre ceilalti participanti. Ruth Rawling de la compania Cargill a prezis ca pretul graului va scadea destul de repede si fara moratoriu. ”Overseas Development Institute” a estimat ca preturile vor scadea de la nivelul de varf al anului 2008 pana la nivelul celor de la inceputul anilor 1990.
Pretul graului a crescut in prezent cu aproape doua treimi in ultimele sase luni. Pier Luigi Sigismondi, seful lantului de aprovizionare de la Unilever, recunoaste: ”Lumea pierde teren arabil cu o rata de aproximativ 64.000 de kilometri patrati pe an. Acesta este terenul utilizat pentru productia de biocarburanti, in timp ce schimbarile climatice erodeaza solul fertil”.
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) prezice acum o alta criza majora alimentara globala pentru anul 2011. Este revoltator faptul ca principalele efecte a ceea ce a fost considerat un panaceu al emisiilor si al consumului de energie, biocarburantii, sunt in prezent cauza cresterii nivelului de emisii, a distrugerii ecosistemelor ai a foametei.
Isra-Mart srl:Multi-pronged tack expected for US carbon cuts
Isra-Mart srl news:
Cap-and-trade to continue as part of portfolio of emission reduction tools for states and regions; scheme co-operation expected
The US is likely to move forward with a piecemeal approach to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, according to speakers at the US-China Carbon Finance Cooperation and Development Conference in New York yesterday.
“Cap-and-trade is alive in the US and will continue to move forward,” said Jonathan Schrag, executive director of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), the first mandatory, market-based scheme to reduce GHG emissions in the US.
Speaking on a panel about the US carbon market at the conference yesterday, he said states would continue to use cap-and-trade as part of a portfolio of mechanisms to reduce carbon emissions. Others could include energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy standards (RESs), according to panelists.
Schrag also said he was “cautiously optimistic” about states’ ability to work together to roll out emissions trading schemes nationally over the next two years, rather than relying on a federal cap-and-trade programme. “There is no federal department of motor vehicles, but we are all able to drive in other states,” he argued.
RGGI and the Western Climate Initiative (WCI) – a collaboration of US and Canadian jurisdictions that published details of a forthcoming cap-and-trade initiative in July 2010 for implementation in January 2012 – have already been comparing notes on industry best practices, according to Schrag.
A May 2010 white paper addressing the use of offsets in North American trading schemes was also released by the two entities along with the Midwestern Greenhouse Gas Reduction Accord, a seven-member US/Canadian grouping currently exploring options for a Midwest cap-and-trade programme.
State or regional schemes have recently come to be regarded as the only viable route forward for US carbon trading in the short to medium term. The US House of Representatives passed climate change legislation that contained a carbon cap-and-trade scheme design in June 2009, but federal legislation stalled when the Senate failed to pass a similar bill during the last Congress.
The introduction of the regulation of GHGs by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in January 2011 could also contribute to state and region emission reduction aims. The agency launched its Greenhouse Gas Reporting Programme in October 2009, which requires large emission sources and fuel suppliers in industrial sectors to report GHG emissions data. The data will be used to guide the development of future initiatives to reduce GHG emissions.
However, the EPA’s move to regulate GHGs has attracted significant opposition from both industry and political players, who believe carbon emission reductions should be dictated by legislation, rather than EPA regulation.
According to David Hunter, US director of the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA), the House could pass a bill to repeal the EPA’s powers in this area during the next Congress. But he argued the Senate would probably vote for a more bipartisan bill that restricts EPA powers, but includes certain elements of recent climate bills that failed to make it through Congress, such as a RES.
“A bill to wipe out the EPA’s powers won’t be passed by Congress,” Hunter added. “A bill with restrictions [on the EPA], as well as other clean energy mechanisms is possible.”
Peter Goldmark, program director, climate and air, at the Environmental Defense Fund, and chair of the panel, noted that opposition to a ’serious’ climate bill has moved from the industrial sector to parts of the Republican party, such as many of the Tea Party activists elected in the November mid-terms.
Another panelist, Chelsea Henderson Maxwell, former senior advisor on energy and climate change to Republican Senator John Warner, agreed. She added: “We need more utilities and industrials talking about economic benefits such as clean energy jobs and manufacturing to move [climate legislation] forward.”
Isra-Mart srl news:
Cap-and-trade to continue as part of portfolio of emission reduction tools for states and regions; scheme co-operation expected
The US is likely to move forward with a piecemeal approach to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, according to speakers at the US-China Carbon Finance Cooperation and Development Conference in New York yesterday.
“Cap-and-trade is alive in the US and will continue to move forward,” said Jonathan Schrag, executive director of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), the first mandatory, market-based scheme to reduce GHG emissions in the US.
Speaking on a panel about the US carbon market at the conference yesterday, he said states would continue to use cap-and-trade as part of a portfolio of mechanisms to reduce carbon emissions. Others could include energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy standards (RESs), according to panelists.
Schrag also said he was “cautiously optimistic” about states’ ability to work together to roll out emissions trading schemes nationally over the next two years, rather than relying on a federal cap-and-trade programme. “There is no federal department of motor vehicles, but we are all able to drive in other states,” he argued.
RGGI and the Western Climate Initiative (WCI) – a collaboration of US and Canadian jurisdictions that published details of a forthcoming cap-and-trade initiative in July 2010 for implementation in January 2012 – have already been comparing notes on industry best practices, according to Schrag.
A May 2010 white paper addressing the use of offsets in North American trading schemes was also released by the two entities along with the Midwestern Greenhouse Gas Reduction Accord, a seven-member US/Canadian grouping currently exploring options for a Midwest cap-and-trade programme.
State or regional schemes have recently come to be regarded as the only viable route forward for US carbon trading in the short to medium term. The US House of Representatives passed climate change legislation that contained a carbon cap-and-trade scheme design in June 2009, but federal legislation stalled when the Senate failed to pass a similar bill during the last Congress.
The introduction of the regulation of GHGs by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in January 2011 could also contribute to state and region emission reduction aims. The agency launched its Greenhouse Gas Reporting Programme in October 2009, which requires large emission sources and fuel suppliers in industrial sectors to report GHG emissions data. The data will be used to guide the development of future initiatives to reduce GHG emissions.
However, the EPA’s move to regulate GHGs has attracted significant opposition from both industry and political players, who believe carbon emission reductions should be dictated by legislation, rather than EPA regulation.
According to David Hunter, US director of the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA), the House could pass a bill to repeal the EPA’s powers in this area during the next Congress. But he argued the Senate would probably vote for a more bipartisan bill that restricts EPA powers, but includes certain elements of recent climate bills that failed to make it through Congress, such as a RES.
“A bill to wipe out the EPA’s powers won’t be passed by Congress,” Hunter added. “A bill with restrictions [on the EPA], as well as other clean energy mechanisms is possible.”
Peter Goldmark, program director, climate and air, at the Environmental Defense Fund, and chair of the panel, noted that opposition to a ’serious’ climate bill has moved from the industrial sector to parts of the Republican party, such as many of the Tea Party activists elected in the November mid-terms.
Another panelist, Chelsea Henderson Maxwell, former senior advisor on energy and climate change to Republican Senator John Warner, agreed. She added: “We need more utilities and industrials talking about economic benefits such as clean energy jobs and manufacturing to move [climate legislation] forward.”
Isra-Mart srl:Factbox: Carbon trading schemes around the world
Isra-Mart srl news:
(Reuters) - Companies and governments around the world are turning to emissions trading as a weapon to fight climate change and join a global carbon market worth $144 billion last year.
Under cap-and-trade schemes, companies or countries face a carbon limit. If they exceed the limit they can buy allowances from others. They can also buy carbon offsets from outside projects which avoid greenhouse gas emissions, often from developing countries.
Following is a list of established and proposed schemes:
1. Kyoto Protocol: Mandatory for 37 developed nations, excluding the United States which never ratified the pact.
Launched: 2005
Covers: All six main greenhouse gases.
Target: 5 percent average cut in 1990 emissions in 2008-2012 first phase.
How it works: Rich countries cut greenhouse gases at home or buy emissions rights from one other -- if one country stays within its target it can sell the difference to another emitting too much. Or they can buy carbon offsets from projects in developing countries under Kyoto's clean development mechanism.
The present round of the Kyoto Protocol expires in 2012 and U.N. climate talks in Mexico last week put off decisions on cutting emissions to next year.
2. European Union Emissions Trading Scheme:
Launched: 2005
Covers: Nearly half of all EU carbon emissions. Mandatory for all 27 EU members.
Target: 21 percent cut below 2005 levels by 2020
How it works: Member states allocate a quota of carbon emissions allowances to 11,000 industrial installations. Companies get most permits free now but many electricity generators will have to pay for all these from 2013.
Companies can buy carbon offsets from developing countries if that works out cheaper than cutting their own emissions.
Isra-Mart srl news:
(Reuters) - Companies and governments around the world are turning to emissions trading as a weapon to fight climate change and join a global carbon market worth $144 billion last year.
Under cap-and-trade schemes, companies or countries face a carbon limit. If they exceed the limit they can buy allowances from others. They can also buy carbon offsets from outside projects which avoid greenhouse gas emissions, often from developing countries.
Following is a list of established and proposed schemes:
1. Kyoto Protocol: Mandatory for 37 developed nations, excluding the United States which never ratified the pact.
Launched: 2005
Covers: All six main greenhouse gases.
Target: 5 percent average cut in 1990 emissions in 2008-2012 first phase.
How it works: Rich countries cut greenhouse gases at home or buy emissions rights from one other -- if one country stays within its target it can sell the difference to another emitting too much. Or they can buy carbon offsets from projects in developing countries under Kyoto's clean development mechanism.
The present round of the Kyoto Protocol expires in 2012 and U.N. climate talks in Mexico last week put off decisions on cutting emissions to next year.
2. European Union Emissions Trading Scheme:
Launched: 2005
Covers: Nearly half of all EU carbon emissions. Mandatory for all 27 EU members.
Target: 21 percent cut below 2005 levels by 2020
How it works: Member states allocate a quota of carbon emissions allowances to 11,000 industrial installations. Companies get most permits free now but many electricity generators will have to pay for all these from 2013.
Companies can buy carbon offsets from developing countries if that works out cheaper than cutting their own emissions.
Isra-Mart srl:Vestas confirms Fallago Rig deal
Isra-Mart srl news:
Vestas has signed a deal to supply 48 wind turbines to EDF Energy paving the way for a controversial wind farm to be built on the Scottish borders.
Vestas was forced to confirm the agreement late last week after the developer of the 144MW Fallago Rig wind farm in the Lammermuir Hills, North British Windpower, issued a statement saying investor EDF had signed the deal.
"Today, there is information in the market regarding Vestas entering into an agreement with EDF Energy Renewables," the company said in a statement. "Vestas can confirm that we have entered into an agreement with EDF Energy Renewables regarding a wind power project in Scotland. The agreement is expected to fulfil Vestas' announced definition for disclosure of firm and unconditional orders at the beginning of 2011."
A spokesman from North British Windpower told the BBC the deal will allow construction to begin in 2011, with the wind farm slated to be fully operational within the next two years.
Fallow Rig was approved by the Scottish government last month in the face of a lengthy opposition campaign backed by high-profile botanist David Bellamy.
The campaign group said it was concerned that Fallago Rig would link with other nearby wind farms, "transforming the entire area into a wind factory".
However, the Scottish government approved the plans saying the 48 turbines "will play a vital role in Scotland meeting its world leading climate change targets".
Vestas declined to provide further details on the deal.
Earlier this year Vestas was scolded by the Copenhagen stock exchange NASDAQ OMX over its allowing rumours to leak into the market about another 570MW turbine order from the Terra-Gen project in California.
Isra-Mart srl news:
Vestas has signed a deal to supply 48 wind turbines to EDF Energy paving the way for a controversial wind farm to be built on the Scottish borders.
Vestas was forced to confirm the agreement late last week after the developer of the 144MW Fallago Rig wind farm in the Lammermuir Hills, North British Windpower, issued a statement saying investor EDF had signed the deal.
"Today, there is information in the market regarding Vestas entering into an agreement with EDF Energy Renewables," the company said in a statement. "Vestas can confirm that we have entered into an agreement with EDF Energy Renewables regarding a wind power project in Scotland. The agreement is expected to fulfil Vestas' announced definition for disclosure of firm and unconditional orders at the beginning of 2011."
A spokesman from North British Windpower told the BBC the deal will allow construction to begin in 2011, with the wind farm slated to be fully operational within the next two years.
Fallow Rig was approved by the Scottish government last month in the face of a lengthy opposition campaign backed by high-profile botanist David Bellamy.
The campaign group said it was concerned that Fallago Rig would link with other nearby wind farms, "transforming the entire area into a wind factory".
However, the Scottish government approved the plans saying the 48 turbines "will play a vital role in Scotland meeting its world leading climate change targets".
Vestas declined to provide further details on the deal.
Earlier this year Vestas was scolded by the Copenhagen stock exchange NASDAQ OMX over its allowing rumours to leak into the market about another 570MW turbine order from the Terra-Gen project in California.
Isra-Mart srl:Powerfuel rescue bid in doubt over lack of government support
Isra-Mart srl news:
A proposed rescue bid for Powerfuel, the company behind one of the UK's most ambitious carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects, is hanging in the balance after the government signaled it was unlikely to provide financial backing for the project.
Earlier this month it emerged that Powerfuel, the parent company behind a proposed 900MW CCS project at Hatfield colliery, had filed for administration, revealing that it was unable to raise the £635m of funding needed to undertake the project.
KPMG was appointed to find a buyer for the company and according to reports in yesterday's Observer, it has received interest from a consortium led by 2Co Energy and backed by private equity group TPG.
However, 2Co Energy has signaled that any rescue bid is likely to be dependent on the government providing some form of support for the project, which would see captured carbon pumped into oil fields under the North Sea to help extract more oil.
But the government is reluctant to back such a large-scale project, arguing that given the embryonic nature of CCS technology, its pledged funding for four demonstration plants should be targeted at smaller-scale projects that are no larger than 450MW.
"As there is not a significant amount of additional learning from a 900MW project compared with a 450MW project, it would not be appropriate to support [it] through our demonstration programme," a government spokeswoman told the Observer. "We have always been clear about this."
Separate electricity market reform proposals unveiled by the government last week that promise a floor price on carbon emissions and improved incentives for low-carbon energy generators could serve to boost the economic case for the Hatfield projects, but it remains to be seen if the new regime can be put into place quickly enough to attract a rescue bid.
Isra-Mart srl news:
A proposed rescue bid for Powerfuel, the company behind one of the UK's most ambitious carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects, is hanging in the balance after the government signaled it was unlikely to provide financial backing for the project.
Earlier this month it emerged that Powerfuel, the parent company behind a proposed 900MW CCS project at Hatfield colliery, had filed for administration, revealing that it was unable to raise the £635m of funding needed to undertake the project.
KPMG was appointed to find a buyer for the company and according to reports in yesterday's Observer, it has received interest from a consortium led by 2Co Energy and backed by private equity group TPG.
However, 2Co Energy has signaled that any rescue bid is likely to be dependent on the government providing some form of support for the project, which would see captured carbon pumped into oil fields under the North Sea to help extract more oil.
But the government is reluctant to back such a large-scale project, arguing that given the embryonic nature of CCS technology, its pledged funding for four demonstration plants should be targeted at smaller-scale projects that are no larger than 450MW.
"As there is not a significant amount of additional learning from a 900MW project compared with a 450MW project, it would not be appropriate to support [it] through our demonstration programme," a government spokeswoman told the Observer. "We have always been clear about this."
Separate electricity market reform proposals unveiled by the government last week that promise a floor price on carbon emissions and improved incentives for low-carbon energy generators could serve to boost the economic case for the Hatfield projects, but it remains to be seen if the new regime can be put into place quickly enough to attract a rescue bid.
Isra-Mart srl:Obama signs off clean energy tax break extensions
Isra-Mart srl news:
President Barack Obama signed a controversial new tax bill into law on Friday, extending key incentives for the biofuel and renewable energy industries as part of a package of measures that also included tax cuts for all Americans.
After weeks of wrangling between Democrats and Republicans over the content of the new tax package, the bill passed through the Senate and the House of Representatives last week despite opposition from some Democrats furious at the extension of tax cuts for top earners.
Crucially for the renewable energy industry, the package includes a one-year extension of the Department of Treasury Section 1603 grant program, which provides up-front grants to renewable energy developers in lieu of a 30 per cent tax break.
The move was welcomed by renewable industry groups, which had warned of job losses and reduced investment if the scheme had been allowed to lapse at the end of the year.
"This is a great day for America's solar industry," said Rhone Resch, president and chief executive of the Solar Energy Industries Association. "With an extension of the 1603 program now in place, the solar industry can continue its record growth, creating new career opportunities for Americans in all 50 states in 2011."
The bill also includes a one-year extension of the 1603 investment tax credit for renewable energy sources that similarly drew praise from clean energy operators.
"This is a great holiday present for the 85,000 American workers in the wind energy industry, tens of thousands of whom will now be able to get back to work in a sector that has been a bright spot in the recession so far," said Denise Bode, chief executive of the American Wind Energy Association. "Orders will be on the rise for new wind power, and investors will put more capital into the US economy because of what happened in Congress."
Controversially, the bill extends tax breaks for ethanol producers and biofuel firms, despite criticism from some Senators who regard many of the tax credits offered to the biofuel industry as over generous.
The bill extends for one year the 45 cents per gallon blenders credit and a 54 cents per gallon import tariff. It also reintroduces a $1.00 per gallon biodiesel credit.
However, the debate over the incentive regime for the industry is expected to continue next year with a number of groups pushing for the tax breaks to be reformed.
Speaking last week, Bob Dinneen, chief executive and president of the US Renewable Fuels Association, signaled that the industry was willing to co-operate with efforts to reform support mechanisms.
"Extending [the tax breaks] would provide the breathing room necessary to fully vet all the ideas on responsible reform of ethanol tax policy, including ideas on how to accelerate commercialisation of advanced and cellulosic ethanol technologies," he said. "It also would allow for a thorough conversation on all energy subsidies, including those for fossil fuels."
Isra-Mart srl news:
President Barack Obama signed a controversial new tax bill into law on Friday, extending key incentives for the biofuel and renewable energy industries as part of a package of measures that also included tax cuts for all Americans.
After weeks of wrangling between Democrats and Republicans over the content of the new tax package, the bill passed through the Senate and the House of Representatives last week despite opposition from some Democrats furious at the extension of tax cuts for top earners.
Crucially for the renewable energy industry, the package includes a one-year extension of the Department of Treasury Section 1603 grant program, which provides up-front grants to renewable energy developers in lieu of a 30 per cent tax break.
The move was welcomed by renewable industry groups, which had warned of job losses and reduced investment if the scheme had been allowed to lapse at the end of the year.
"This is a great day for America's solar industry," said Rhone Resch, president and chief executive of the Solar Energy Industries Association. "With an extension of the 1603 program now in place, the solar industry can continue its record growth, creating new career opportunities for Americans in all 50 states in 2011."
The bill also includes a one-year extension of the 1603 investment tax credit for renewable energy sources that similarly drew praise from clean energy operators.
"This is a great holiday present for the 85,000 American workers in the wind energy industry, tens of thousands of whom will now be able to get back to work in a sector that has been a bright spot in the recession so far," said Denise Bode, chief executive of the American Wind Energy Association. "Orders will be on the rise for new wind power, and investors will put more capital into the US economy because of what happened in Congress."
Controversially, the bill extends tax breaks for ethanol producers and biofuel firms, despite criticism from some Senators who regard many of the tax credits offered to the biofuel industry as over generous.
The bill extends for one year the 45 cents per gallon blenders credit and a 54 cents per gallon import tariff. It also reintroduces a $1.00 per gallon biodiesel credit.
However, the debate over the incentive regime for the industry is expected to continue next year with a number of groups pushing for the tax breaks to be reformed.
Speaking last week, Bob Dinneen, chief executive and president of the US Renewable Fuels Association, signaled that the industry was willing to co-operate with efforts to reform support mechanisms.
"Extending [the tax breaks] would provide the breathing room necessary to fully vet all the ideas on responsible reform of ethanol tax policy, including ideas on how to accelerate commercialisation of advanced and cellulosic ethanol technologies," he said. "It also would allow for a thorough conversation on all energy subsidies, including those for fossil fuels."
Isra-Mart srl:Government to unveil new high-speed rail route
Isra-Mart srl news:
The preferred route for the government's £17bn high-speed rail line, which promises to whisk passengers from London to Birmingham in just over half an hour, is to be revealed later today.
The scheme is backed by Conservatives and many business leaders who say it will boost the economy outside of London, reduce overcrowding on the rail network, and help cut carbon emissions from short-haul flights and road transport.
However, campaigners opposed to the high-speed line, dubbed HS2, claim that running 200mph-plus trains through picturesque parts of the Chilterns and south Midlands, including many Conservative constituencies, could have devastating effects on the countryside and local communities.
Transport secretary Philip Hammond signalled yesterday that the government was listening to concerns from local residents' and Tory MPs', telling BBC radio that the route had been altered.
"The route we publish tomorrow is our preferred route and will be changed from the original route the (previous) government proposed," Hammond said. "Not to a completely different corridor but small changes in the alignment of the route so that it goes further away from sensitive areas, making it deeper in many places so that it is buried in cuttings rather than on the surface."
Around half the route is expected to have been "refined" by putting tracks in deeper cuttings and building tunnels to help mitigate some of the worst environmental effects.
However, Hammond insisted that the environmental impact of the scheme had been over-played.
"I believe there is some complete misinformation out there about the extent of the impact of the railway and when people understand precisely what is being proposed, I think many of them will realise that the impact will be far less than they have been led to believe," he said.
Hammond is also expected to announce a multi-million pound compensation scheme for homes directly affected by the project, while stressing the government is willing to face down opposition to the proposals.
"High-speed rail is in the national interest and will create huge economic benefits for our great cities in the Midlands and the north," he said. "It will bring Britain closer together and help secure our prosperity in the 21st century."
Work on the London to Birmingham route is due to start in 2015 and finish in 2026. The government plans to extend the railway north of Birmingham in a Y shape to reach northern England and Scotland, which could see costs rise to around £33bn.
Spain is currently leading the way in terms of European high-speed rail and yesterday opened a 438km (272 mile) route between the Spanish capital and the Mediterranean port of Valencia, bringing its total high-speed rail network to 2,056km (1,278 miles).
The network has been credited with slashing the number of domestic flights, leading to significant cuts in greenhouse gas emissions.
Isra-Mart srl news:
The preferred route for the government's £17bn high-speed rail line, which promises to whisk passengers from London to Birmingham in just over half an hour, is to be revealed later today.
The scheme is backed by Conservatives and many business leaders who say it will boost the economy outside of London, reduce overcrowding on the rail network, and help cut carbon emissions from short-haul flights and road transport.
However, campaigners opposed to the high-speed line, dubbed HS2, claim that running 200mph-plus trains through picturesque parts of the Chilterns and south Midlands, including many Conservative constituencies, could have devastating effects on the countryside and local communities.
Transport secretary Philip Hammond signalled yesterday that the government was listening to concerns from local residents' and Tory MPs', telling BBC radio that the route had been altered.
"The route we publish tomorrow is our preferred route and will be changed from the original route the (previous) government proposed," Hammond said. "Not to a completely different corridor but small changes in the alignment of the route so that it goes further away from sensitive areas, making it deeper in many places so that it is buried in cuttings rather than on the surface."
Around half the route is expected to have been "refined" by putting tracks in deeper cuttings and building tunnels to help mitigate some of the worst environmental effects.
However, Hammond insisted that the environmental impact of the scheme had been over-played.
"I believe there is some complete misinformation out there about the extent of the impact of the railway and when people understand precisely what is being proposed, I think many of them will realise that the impact will be far less than they have been led to believe," he said.
Hammond is also expected to announce a multi-million pound compensation scheme for homes directly affected by the project, while stressing the government is willing to face down opposition to the proposals.
"High-speed rail is in the national interest and will create huge economic benefits for our great cities in the Midlands and the north," he said. "It will bring Britain closer together and help secure our prosperity in the 21st century."
Work on the London to Birmingham route is due to start in 2015 and finish in 2026. The government plans to extend the railway north of Birmingham in a Y shape to reach northern England and Scotland, which could see costs rise to around £33bn.
Spain is currently leading the way in terms of European high-speed rail and yesterday opened a 438km (272 mile) route between the Spanish capital and the Mediterranean port of Valencia, bringing its total high-speed rail network to 2,056km (1,278 miles).
The network has been credited with slashing the number of domestic flights, leading to significant cuts in greenhouse gas emissions.
Isra-Mart srl:Australia delays crucial Queensland CCS project
Isra-Mart srl news:
The Queensland government has indefinitely delayed plans for Australia's first full-scale coal-fired carbon capture and storage (CCS) power station, it announced yesterday.
The state government has spent A$102m (£65m) researching CCS technology with a view to building a $4.3bn power station, known as ZeroGen, in central Queensland by 2015.
But premier Anna Bligh said the original plan was not viable and that further research was needed into suitable storage sites where carbon can be sequestered safely.
"A fully functional power station by 2015, using this technology, is technically possible but it is not economically viable," she said.
Bligh said the Queensland government would not abandon the project, arguing that the state possessed 300 years worth of coal supplies that would see its value eroded unless CCS technology is deployed.
She added that the state will now spend at least three to four years researching storage sites. But experts said the delay meant a CCS power station is unlikely to be operational before 2025 at the earliest.
ZeroGen was the most advanced of four flagship projects funded jointly by the federal government, the state governments and the coal industry to produce clean electricity from a station with CCS technology.
The previous federal Labor administration bet heavily on clean coal as the only major low-carbon technology it backed with significant state support, setting up a $1bn Carbon Capture and Storage Institute last year.
The federal government yesterday criticised the state government's decision. Resources minister Martin Ferguson said he was disappointed because the federal government was lobbied hard by the state to financially support the project.
But Coal Industry Association spokesman Ralph Hillman said the continued faith of the government and the industry was needed if the technology was to succeed.
"Developing and demonstrating low-emission technologies such as CCS, solar thermal and geothermal involve very large expenditures and substantial risks," he said. "It is essential however the governments continue to make the investment in this development and demonstration work as all of these technologies will be essential to maintaining energy security while reducing carbon emissions."
Hillman added that Queensland remained at the forefront of CCS development worldwide, with the completion of an oxy-fuel demonstration project scheduled for next year and a small-scale pilot post-combustion capture plant already operating at Tarong.
Isra-Mart srl news:
The Queensland government has indefinitely delayed plans for Australia's first full-scale coal-fired carbon capture and storage (CCS) power station, it announced yesterday.
The state government has spent A$102m (£65m) researching CCS technology with a view to building a $4.3bn power station, known as ZeroGen, in central Queensland by 2015.
But premier Anna Bligh said the original plan was not viable and that further research was needed into suitable storage sites where carbon can be sequestered safely.
"A fully functional power station by 2015, using this technology, is technically possible but it is not economically viable," she said.
Bligh said the Queensland government would not abandon the project, arguing that the state possessed 300 years worth of coal supplies that would see its value eroded unless CCS technology is deployed.
She added that the state will now spend at least three to four years researching storage sites. But experts said the delay meant a CCS power station is unlikely to be operational before 2025 at the earliest.
ZeroGen was the most advanced of four flagship projects funded jointly by the federal government, the state governments and the coal industry to produce clean electricity from a station with CCS technology.
The previous federal Labor administration bet heavily on clean coal as the only major low-carbon technology it backed with significant state support, setting up a $1bn Carbon Capture and Storage Institute last year.
The federal government yesterday criticised the state government's decision. Resources minister Martin Ferguson said he was disappointed because the federal government was lobbied hard by the state to financially support the project.
But Coal Industry Association spokesman Ralph Hillman said the continued faith of the government and the industry was needed if the technology was to succeed.
"Developing and demonstrating low-emission technologies such as CCS, solar thermal and geothermal involve very large expenditures and substantial risks," he said. "It is essential however the governments continue to make the investment in this development and demonstration work as all of these technologies will be essential to maintaining energy security while reducing carbon emissions."
Hillman added that Queensland remained at the forefront of CCS development worldwide, with the completion of an oxy-fuel demonstration project scheduled for next year and a small-scale pilot post-combustion capture plant already operating at Tarong.
Isra-Mart srl:EPA carbon rules to take effect in new year as Senate vote is blocked
Isra-Mart srl news:
Efforts to strip the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of the regulatory power to curb greenhouse gas emissions have been delayed until next year, after Democrat Senator Jay Rockefeller conceded late last week that he would not be able to secure a Senate vote on proposals to block new EPA carbon rules for two years.
Rules requiring carbon-intensive power stations and industrial plants to obtain permits demonstrating that any new facilities or upgrades use only the most efficient technologies available will now come into effect next month as planned.
Senator Rockefeller, who represents the coal-rich state of West Virginia, had been pushing for a vote in the Senate that would delay the new rules by two years, arguing that their introduction would harm the economy and push up energy bills.
However, on Friday he issued a statement conceding that he had not secured the support required to trigger a vote, laying the blame squarely at the door of the Republicans.
"Republican proponents of my bill to suspend EPA regulations on greenhouse gas emissions have pulled their support for this year so that they can gain some political advantage trying to take over this issue in 2011," he said.
The Republicans have signaled that they will move to strip the EPA of its power to regulate greenhouse gas emissions when they take control of the House of Representatives next month.
The EPA and the Obama administration maintain that using the agency to regulate greenhouse gas emissions under the Clean Air Act represent the only route open to them after Congress consistently failed to pass energy and climate change legislation.
They also point to a series of independent reports that suggest the EPA's new rules will have a minimal impact on the economy and energy bills while helping to deliver cuts in carbon emissions.
Isra-Mart srl news:
Efforts to strip the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of the regulatory power to curb greenhouse gas emissions have been delayed until next year, after Democrat Senator Jay Rockefeller conceded late last week that he would not be able to secure a Senate vote on proposals to block new EPA carbon rules for two years.
Rules requiring carbon-intensive power stations and industrial plants to obtain permits demonstrating that any new facilities or upgrades use only the most efficient technologies available will now come into effect next month as planned.
Senator Rockefeller, who represents the coal-rich state of West Virginia, had been pushing for a vote in the Senate that would delay the new rules by two years, arguing that their introduction would harm the economy and push up energy bills.
However, on Friday he issued a statement conceding that he had not secured the support required to trigger a vote, laying the blame squarely at the door of the Republicans.
"Republican proponents of my bill to suspend EPA regulations on greenhouse gas emissions have pulled their support for this year so that they can gain some political advantage trying to take over this issue in 2011," he said.
The Republicans have signaled that they will move to strip the EPA of its power to regulate greenhouse gas emissions when they take control of the House of Representatives next month.
The EPA and the Obama administration maintain that using the agency to regulate greenhouse gas emissions under the Clean Air Act represent the only route open to them after Congress consistently failed to pass energy and climate change legislation.
They also point to a series of independent reports that suggest the EPA's new rules will have a minimal impact on the economy and energy bills while helping to deliver cuts in carbon emissions.
Isra-Mart srl:Defra confirms crippling cuts for Environment Agency and WRAP
Isra-Mart srl news:
The full impact of the budget cuts at the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) were revealed today after the government published the budget allocations for the next four years for the department and its related bodies.
Defra was one of the hardest hit departments in Chancellor George Osborne's October Comprehensive Spending Review, agreeing with the Treasury to deliver savings of £661m by the end of the spending review period in 20114-15.
The department had already announced it would cut 5.5 per cent from its 2010-11 budget in an attempt to save £162m and has now confirmed the full scope of the coming cuts.
As expected, the Waste Resources Action Program (WRAP), which provides advice to businesses on how to reduce waste and improve resource efficiency, and the Environment Agency, are to face deep budget cuts starting from April.
According to Defra figures, the total WRAP budget will fall 28 per cent – from £48.1m in 2010-11 to £34.7m in 2011-12. By the end of the budget period in 2014-15 the organisation's annual budget will have dropped 37 per cent from today's levels to £30.1m.
A spokeswoman for WRAP said that in reality the agency's budget cut for next year would be closer to 25 per cent as it received a number of one-off grants from Defra this year that it did not expect to be replicated in 2011-12.
Meanwhile, the Environment Agency's non-flood related spending will fall six per cent next year – from £199.9m this year to £187.9m in 2011-12. It will continue to fall each year through to 2014-15, resulting in a 16 per cent cut by 2014-15 when the budget will stand at £167m.
Controversially, spending on flood management will also fall significantly, dropping 17 per cent next year – from £629m to £520.8m. By 2014-15 the annual budget will have fallen 23 per cent compared with 2010-11, dropping to £485.2m.
A government spokesman defended the flood spending cuts, noting that Defra will still spend £2.1bn on flood management over the next four years at an average of £540m a year – a cut of just eight per cent on the £590m spent on average each year over the last four years.
Defra said in a statement that the budget allocations reflect its "priorities to support and develop British farming and encourage sustainable food production; to help enhance the environment and biodiversity to improve quality of life; and to support a strong and sustainable green economy, which is resilient to climate change".
However, green businesses and environmental groups remain furious at the scale and speed of the cuts, warning that numerous crucial services are likely to be impacted by the deep budget cuts.
Defra confirmed that overall its total budget allocations for arm's length bodies will fall 29 per cent – from £3.11bn this year to £2.43bn in 2014-15.
A spokesman added that the department is expecting between 5,000 and 8,000 job losses as a result of the budget cuts.
Isra-Mart srl news:
The full impact of the budget cuts at the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) were revealed today after the government published the budget allocations for the next four years for the department and its related bodies.
Defra was one of the hardest hit departments in Chancellor George Osborne's October Comprehensive Spending Review, agreeing with the Treasury to deliver savings of £661m by the end of the spending review period in 20114-15.
The department had already announced it would cut 5.5 per cent from its 2010-11 budget in an attempt to save £162m and has now confirmed the full scope of the coming cuts.
As expected, the Waste Resources Action Program (WRAP), which provides advice to businesses on how to reduce waste and improve resource efficiency, and the Environment Agency, are to face deep budget cuts starting from April.
According to Defra figures, the total WRAP budget will fall 28 per cent – from £48.1m in 2010-11 to £34.7m in 2011-12. By the end of the budget period in 2014-15 the organisation's annual budget will have dropped 37 per cent from today's levels to £30.1m.
A spokeswoman for WRAP said that in reality the agency's budget cut for next year would be closer to 25 per cent as it received a number of one-off grants from Defra this year that it did not expect to be replicated in 2011-12.
Meanwhile, the Environment Agency's non-flood related spending will fall six per cent next year – from £199.9m this year to £187.9m in 2011-12. It will continue to fall each year through to 2014-15, resulting in a 16 per cent cut by 2014-15 when the budget will stand at £167m.
Controversially, spending on flood management will also fall significantly, dropping 17 per cent next year – from £629m to £520.8m. By 2014-15 the annual budget will have fallen 23 per cent compared with 2010-11, dropping to £485.2m.
A government spokesman defended the flood spending cuts, noting that Defra will still spend £2.1bn on flood management over the next four years at an average of £540m a year – a cut of just eight per cent on the £590m spent on average each year over the last four years.
Defra said in a statement that the budget allocations reflect its "priorities to support and develop British farming and encourage sustainable food production; to help enhance the environment and biodiversity to improve quality of life; and to support a strong and sustainable green economy, which is resilient to climate change".
However, green businesses and environmental groups remain furious at the scale and speed of the cuts, warning that numerous crucial services are likely to be impacted by the deep budget cuts.
Defra confirmed that overall its total budget allocations for arm's length bodies will fall 29 per cent – from £3.11bn this year to £2.43bn in 2014-15.
A spokesman added that the department is expecting between 5,000 and 8,000 job losses as a result of the budget cuts.
Isra-Mart srl:Stromkosten dauerhaft senken durch unabhängige Energiesparberatung mit intelligenten Stromzählern
Isra-Mart srl news:
Discovergy, Deutschlands erster unabhängiger Energiesparberater, bietet ab sofort umfassende, persönliche Stromberatung auf Basis der neuen digitalen Smart Meter Technologie. Der Service ist möglich durch die neuen gesetzlichen Rahmenbedingungen, mit denen die Bundesregierung auf die Verbreitung „intelligenter“ Stromzähler (Smart Meter) zur großflächigen Einsparung von Energie setzt.
Deutschlands Stromkunden bezahlen zu viel. So können die meisten Verbraucher ihre Stromkosten um rund ein Drittel senken – das sind für einen durchschnittlichen 3-Personen Haushalt immerhin rund 250 Euro im Jahr – wenn sie ihren Stromverbrauch intelligent steuern und den richtigen Tarif nutzen, rechnet Discovergy-Geschäftsführer Nikolaus Starzacher vor. Das Problem: Bislang ist der Wechsel von Anbieter oder Tarif vielen Verbrauchern zu umständlich. Und mit den alten Zählern lässt sich der Stromverbrauch nicht transparent beobachten und gezielt senken. Die Discovergy GmbH mit Sitz in Aachen hat dafür ein Geschäftsmodell entwickelt: Mit digitalen Stromzählern und darauf aufsetzender Stromspar- und Tarifberatung macht es das Unternehmen Deutschlands Verbrauchern erstmals wirklich einfach, ihre Stromkosten dauerhaft zu senken.
Die neuen digitalen Stromzähler sollen nach dem Willen der Bundesregierung bis zum Jahr 2020 in 80 Prozent der Haushalte installiert sein. Denn sie helfen nachweislich Stromkosten zu senken. Ein digitaler Stromzähler erfasst den Stromverbrauch sekundengenau. Auf Basis dieser Daten gibt Discovergy dem Verbraucher zum einen ganz konkrete, persönliche Tipps, wie er seinen Stromverbrauch und seine Kosten – selbst im bestehenden Stromtarif – deutlich senken kann. Dies geschieht zum einen durch den optimalen zeitlichen Einsatz von Stromverbrauchern – zum Beispiel den bevorzugten Betrieb von Waschmaschinen in den Abendstunden. Zum anderen lassen sich durch energieeffiziente Geräte die Stromkosten deutlich senken. Bei der Auswahl solcher Geräte berät Discovergy seine Kunden ebenfalls.
Der zweite Teil des Discovergy Services ist die Tarifberatung. Dazu überwacht das Unternehmen fortlaufend den gesamten deutschen Strommarkt. Auf dieser Basis gleicht die Software des Unternehmens sämtliche in Deutschland verfügbaren Stromtarife mit den Daten seiner Kunden ab und gibt – ebenfalls ganz konkret – Tipps, welcher Tarif der für den jeweiligen Verbraucher günstigste ist. Sobald ein günstigeres Angebot vorliegt, erhält der Kunde eine Nachricht. Das Beste daran: Der Wechsel wird auf Knopfdruck vollzogen und Discovergy übernimmt die gesamte Arbeit. Sämtliche Daten, Informationen und Spartipps sind leicht verständlich übers Internet abrufbar. Nikolaus Starzacher: „Mit unserem Service lebt der Kunde stets in der ruhigen Gewissheit, dass er nie zu viel bezahlt – und er tut ganz nebenbei der Umwelt etwas Gutes.“
Nach den Berechnungen von Discovergy kann ein typischer Kunde so allein im ersten Jahr bis zu 350 Euro sparen – nach Abzug der Kosten für den Discovergy-Service. In der Folge belaufen sich die Einsparungen – abhängig von der weiteren Entwicklung des Strommarkts – auf voraussichtlich rund 250 Euro im Jahr. Das beginnt schon damit, dass dank Discovergy die Gebühren entfallen, die Netzbetreiber und Versorger für den Betrieb ihres alten Zählers erheben. Allein dadurch spart der Kunde durchschnittlich 24 Euro im Jahr, womit die Mehrkosten der Discovergy Dienstleistung – jährlich 60 Euro – unter 40 Euro im Jahr liegen.
Die einmaligen Anschlusskosten für einen Discovergy Smart Meter betragen 69 Euro. Die darin enthaltenen Arbeitskosten – rund 50 Euro – kann jeder Haushalt steuerlich absetzen. Und: Für seine Dienstleistung gibt Discovergy sogar ab einem jährlichen Mindeststromverbrauch von 2.000 kWh eine „Geld-zurück-Garantie“: Wenn Discovergy dem Kunden nicht helfen kann, mindestens genau so viel zu sparen, wie die Stromsparberatung kostet, bekommt der Kunde die Mehrkosten automatisch zurück erstattet. Dadurch geht der Kunde keinerlei finanzielles Risiko ein. Zum Vergleich: der durchschnittliche deutsche 2-Personen Haushalt verbraucht 2.800 kWh im Jahr. „Das können wir garantieren, weil wir absolut sicher sind, dass das Einsparpotenzial um ein Mehrfaches über den Kosten liegt“, so Nikolaus Starzacher.
Discovergy ist ein vollkommen unabhängiges Unternehmen und verkauft selbst keinen Strom. Dadurch handelt Discovergy immer im Interesse des Kunden. Dazu gehört auch das Thema Datensicherheit: Anders als bei existierenden Smart Meter Anbietern behält der Kunde die vollständige Kontrolle über seine persönlichen Verbrauchsdaten. Discovergy übermittelt nur das Minimum an notwendigen Informationen an den Versorger, damit er dem Kunden eine korrekte Stromrechnung schicken kann. Unvorhergesehene Nachzahlungen gehören damit der Vergangenheit an, ohne dass der Verbraucher zum „gläsernen Kunden“ wird.
Nikolaus Starzacher: „Wer selber Strom verkauft, will immer zwei Dinge: möglichst viel Strom verkaufen und Strom möglichst teuer verkaufen. Stromanbieter haben letztlich kein Interesse daran, dass ihre Kunden ihren Verbrauch reduzieren – geschweige denn, dass sie zum billigsten Tarif wechseln. Da Discovergy vollkommen unabhängig ist und selbst keinen Strom vertreibt, haben wir diesen Interessenskonflikt nicht. Stattdessen machen wir uns für den Verbraucher stark und helfen ihm dabei, mühelos Strom und Geld zu sparen.“
Isra-Mart srl news:
Discovergy, Deutschlands erster unabhängiger Energiesparberater, bietet ab sofort umfassende, persönliche Stromberatung auf Basis der neuen digitalen Smart Meter Technologie. Der Service ist möglich durch die neuen gesetzlichen Rahmenbedingungen, mit denen die Bundesregierung auf die Verbreitung „intelligenter“ Stromzähler (Smart Meter) zur großflächigen Einsparung von Energie setzt.
Deutschlands Stromkunden bezahlen zu viel. So können die meisten Verbraucher ihre Stromkosten um rund ein Drittel senken – das sind für einen durchschnittlichen 3-Personen Haushalt immerhin rund 250 Euro im Jahr – wenn sie ihren Stromverbrauch intelligent steuern und den richtigen Tarif nutzen, rechnet Discovergy-Geschäftsführer Nikolaus Starzacher vor. Das Problem: Bislang ist der Wechsel von Anbieter oder Tarif vielen Verbrauchern zu umständlich. Und mit den alten Zählern lässt sich der Stromverbrauch nicht transparent beobachten und gezielt senken. Die Discovergy GmbH mit Sitz in Aachen hat dafür ein Geschäftsmodell entwickelt: Mit digitalen Stromzählern und darauf aufsetzender Stromspar- und Tarifberatung macht es das Unternehmen Deutschlands Verbrauchern erstmals wirklich einfach, ihre Stromkosten dauerhaft zu senken.
Die neuen digitalen Stromzähler sollen nach dem Willen der Bundesregierung bis zum Jahr 2020 in 80 Prozent der Haushalte installiert sein. Denn sie helfen nachweislich Stromkosten zu senken. Ein digitaler Stromzähler erfasst den Stromverbrauch sekundengenau. Auf Basis dieser Daten gibt Discovergy dem Verbraucher zum einen ganz konkrete, persönliche Tipps, wie er seinen Stromverbrauch und seine Kosten – selbst im bestehenden Stromtarif – deutlich senken kann. Dies geschieht zum einen durch den optimalen zeitlichen Einsatz von Stromverbrauchern – zum Beispiel den bevorzugten Betrieb von Waschmaschinen in den Abendstunden. Zum anderen lassen sich durch energieeffiziente Geräte die Stromkosten deutlich senken. Bei der Auswahl solcher Geräte berät Discovergy seine Kunden ebenfalls.
Der zweite Teil des Discovergy Services ist die Tarifberatung. Dazu überwacht das Unternehmen fortlaufend den gesamten deutschen Strommarkt. Auf dieser Basis gleicht die Software des Unternehmens sämtliche in Deutschland verfügbaren Stromtarife mit den Daten seiner Kunden ab und gibt – ebenfalls ganz konkret – Tipps, welcher Tarif der für den jeweiligen Verbraucher günstigste ist. Sobald ein günstigeres Angebot vorliegt, erhält der Kunde eine Nachricht. Das Beste daran: Der Wechsel wird auf Knopfdruck vollzogen und Discovergy übernimmt die gesamte Arbeit. Sämtliche Daten, Informationen und Spartipps sind leicht verständlich übers Internet abrufbar. Nikolaus Starzacher: „Mit unserem Service lebt der Kunde stets in der ruhigen Gewissheit, dass er nie zu viel bezahlt – und er tut ganz nebenbei der Umwelt etwas Gutes.“
Nach den Berechnungen von Discovergy kann ein typischer Kunde so allein im ersten Jahr bis zu 350 Euro sparen – nach Abzug der Kosten für den Discovergy-Service. In der Folge belaufen sich die Einsparungen – abhängig von der weiteren Entwicklung des Strommarkts – auf voraussichtlich rund 250 Euro im Jahr. Das beginnt schon damit, dass dank Discovergy die Gebühren entfallen, die Netzbetreiber und Versorger für den Betrieb ihres alten Zählers erheben. Allein dadurch spart der Kunde durchschnittlich 24 Euro im Jahr, womit die Mehrkosten der Discovergy Dienstleistung – jährlich 60 Euro – unter 40 Euro im Jahr liegen.
Die einmaligen Anschlusskosten für einen Discovergy Smart Meter betragen 69 Euro. Die darin enthaltenen Arbeitskosten – rund 50 Euro – kann jeder Haushalt steuerlich absetzen. Und: Für seine Dienstleistung gibt Discovergy sogar ab einem jährlichen Mindeststromverbrauch von 2.000 kWh eine „Geld-zurück-Garantie“: Wenn Discovergy dem Kunden nicht helfen kann, mindestens genau so viel zu sparen, wie die Stromsparberatung kostet, bekommt der Kunde die Mehrkosten automatisch zurück erstattet. Dadurch geht der Kunde keinerlei finanzielles Risiko ein. Zum Vergleich: der durchschnittliche deutsche 2-Personen Haushalt verbraucht 2.800 kWh im Jahr. „Das können wir garantieren, weil wir absolut sicher sind, dass das Einsparpotenzial um ein Mehrfaches über den Kosten liegt“, so Nikolaus Starzacher.
Discovergy ist ein vollkommen unabhängiges Unternehmen und verkauft selbst keinen Strom. Dadurch handelt Discovergy immer im Interesse des Kunden. Dazu gehört auch das Thema Datensicherheit: Anders als bei existierenden Smart Meter Anbietern behält der Kunde die vollständige Kontrolle über seine persönlichen Verbrauchsdaten. Discovergy übermittelt nur das Minimum an notwendigen Informationen an den Versorger, damit er dem Kunden eine korrekte Stromrechnung schicken kann. Unvorhergesehene Nachzahlungen gehören damit der Vergangenheit an, ohne dass der Verbraucher zum „gläsernen Kunden“ wird.
Nikolaus Starzacher: „Wer selber Strom verkauft, will immer zwei Dinge: möglichst viel Strom verkaufen und Strom möglichst teuer verkaufen. Stromanbieter haben letztlich kein Interesse daran, dass ihre Kunden ihren Verbrauch reduzieren – geschweige denn, dass sie zum billigsten Tarif wechseln. Da Discovergy vollkommen unabhängig ist und selbst keinen Strom vertreibt, haben wir diesen Interessenskonflikt nicht. Stattdessen machen wir uns für den Verbraucher stark und helfen ihm dabei, mühelos Strom und Geld zu sparen.“
Isra-Mart srl:Lidls neue Filialgeneration setzt Standards für Energieeffizienz und Nachhaltigkeit
Isra-Mart srl news:
100 Prozent weniger Heizenergie, 30 Prozent weniger CO2-Ausstoß und 10 Prozent weniger Stromverbrauch im Vergleich zu einem herkömmlichen Lebensmittelmarkt – mit der neuen Filialgeneration setzt das Neckarsulmer Handelsunternehmen Lidl neue Standards für Energieeffizienz und Nachhaltigkeit. Alle geeigneten neuen Filialen sollen in den nächsten Jahren nach dem zukunftsweisenden Konzept errichtet werden.
Nachdem die neue Filialgeneration im Oktober 2009 vorgestellt wurde und bereits das Vorzertifikat der Deutschen Gesellschaft nachhaltiges Bauen (DGNB) in Silber erhalten hat, folgte im Oktober 2010 die Verleihung des DGNB-Qualitätssiegels in Silber für die erste Filiale, bei der das gesamte wegweisende Technikkonzept umgesetzt wurde. Bereits im November 2009 hat die nun ausgezeichnete Lidl-Filiale in Hannover in der Tresckowstraße eröffnet. Die in der Zwischenzeit gesammelten Messwerte zeigen eindrucksvoll, dass die prognostizierten Energieeinsparungen erreicht werden. Damit bestätigt sich in der Realität, was bisher in Computersimulationen prognostiziert und von der DGNB vorzertifiziert wurde. Die Filiale in Hannover markiert den Anfang einer Reihe von weiteren klimafreundlichen Filialen der neuen Generation. Anfang 2010 hat Lidl damit begonnen, das Technikkonzept der neuen Filialgeneration sukzessive bei allen geeigneten neuen Filialen umzusetzen. Bis Mitte Oktober wurden bereits 15 Filialen nach diesem Konzept errichtet, bis zum Ende des Geschäftsjahres sind es dann sogar schon über 60 neue Filialen. Weiterhin ist die Zertifizierung eines „Bau-Masterplans“ geplant. Alle nach dieser Vorgabe erstellten Gebäude entsprechen dann dem Standard des DGNB-Zertifikates in Silber.
Für das neue Filialkonzept hat Lidl gemeinsam mit den Engineeringexperten von Drees & Sommer jeden Teilbereich seiner Lebensmittelmärkte unter die Lupe genommen und energetisch optimiert. So wird die neue Filialgeneration zu 100 Prozent durch die Nutzung der Abwärme aus den Kühlregalen beheizt. Eine Integralanlage erzeugt dabei den gesamten Wärme- und Kältebedarf der Filiale. Dadurch werden zukünftig keine fossilen Brennstoffe mehr benötigt. Lidl setzt zudem ausschließlich natürliche Kältemittel ein. Weitere Energiesparpotenziale entstehen durch den Einsatz von Fußbodenheizungen anstelle von Umluftheizgeräten. Eine verbesserte Lüftungsanlage reduziert den Aufwand für die maschinelle Lüftung zudem um über 75 Prozent. Bei der Beleuchtung garantieren Röhrenlampen mit Reflektor hohe Energieeffizienz.
Passend zu dem wegweisenden Energiekonzept setzt Lidl künftig auf einen modernen Gebäudetypus. Die neu entwickelte Filialarchitektur verbindet hochwertige, langlebige Materialien und eine optimierte Wärmedämmung mit einer ansprechenden Pultdachoptik.
Neben der Verleihung des Deutschen Gütesiegels Nachhaltiges Bauen in Silber wurde das nachhaltige Energiekonzept von Lidl im Oktober 2009 mit dem Spezialpreis des Energiemanagement Awards für herausragende technische Leistung ausgezeichnet.
Das 500 Mitglieder zählende wissenschaftliche Institut des Handels (EHI) honoriert damit das nachhaltige Gebäudekonzept des Neckarsulmer Handelsunternehmens, das Energieeffizienz, Wirtschaftlichkeit und Behaglichkeit miteinander verbindet.
Zudem ist Lidl mit der neuen Filialgeneration Partner des Europäischen GreenBuilding-Programms, das von der Europäischen Kommission initiiert wurde, um die Reduktion des Energieverbrauchs und der CO2-Emissionen von Nichtwohngebäuden zu fördern.
Isra-Mart srl news:
100 Prozent weniger Heizenergie, 30 Prozent weniger CO2-Ausstoß und 10 Prozent weniger Stromverbrauch im Vergleich zu einem herkömmlichen Lebensmittelmarkt – mit der neuen Filialgeneration setzt das Neckarsulmer Handelsunternehmen Lidl neue Standards für Energieeffizienz und Nachhaltigkeit. Alle geeigneten neuen Filialen sollen in den nächsten Jahren nach dem zukunftsweisenden Konzept errichtet werden.
Nachdem die neue Filialgeneration im Oktober 2009 vorgestellt wurde und bereits das Vorzertifikat der Deutschen Gesellschaft nachhaltiges Bauen (DGNB) in Silber erhalten hat, folgte im Oktober 2010 die Verleihung des DGNB-Qualitätssiegels in Silber für die erste Filiale, bei der das gesamte wegweisende Technikkonzept umgesetzt wurde. Bereits im November 2009 hat die nun ausgezeichnete Lidl-Filiale in Hannover in der Tresckowstraße eröffnet. Die in der Zwischenzeit gesammelten Messwerte zeigen eindrucksvoll, dass die prognostizierten Energieeinsparungen erreicht werden. Damit bestätigt sich in der Realität, was bisher in Computersimulationen prognostiziert und von der DGNB vorzertifiziert wurde. Die Filiale in Hannover markiert den Anfang einer Reihe von weiteren klimafreundlichen Filialen der neuen Generation. Anfang 2010 hat Lidl damit begonnen, das Technikkonzept der neuen Filialgeneration sukzessive bei allen geeigneten neuen Filialen umzusetzen. Bis Mitte Oktober wurden bereits 15 Filialen nach diesem Konzept errichtet, bis zum Ende des Geschäftsjahres sind es dann sogar schon über 60 neue Filialen. Weiterhin ist die Zertifizierung eines „Bau-Masterplans“ geplant. Alle nach dieser Vorgabe erstellten Gebäude entsprechen dann dem Standard des DGNB-Zertifikates in Silber.
Für das neue Filialkonzept hat Lidl gemeinsam mit den Engineeringexperten von Drees & Sommer jeden Teilbereich seiner Lebensmittelmärkte unter die Lupe genommen und energetisch optimiert. So wird die neue Filialgeneration zu 100 Prozent durch die Nutzung der Abwärme aus den Kühlregalen beheizt. Eine Integralanlage erzeugt dabei den gesamten Wärme- und Kältebedarf der Filiale. Dadurch werden zukünftig keine fossilen Brennstoffe mehr benötigt. Lidl setzt zudem ausschließlich natürliche Kältemittel ein. Weitere Energiesparpotenziale entstehen durch den Einsatz von Fußbodenheizungen anstelle von Umluftheizgeräten. Eine verbesserte Lüftungsanlage reduziert den Aufwand für die maschinelle Lüftung zudem um über 75 Prozent. Bei der Beleuchtung garantieren Röhrenlampen mit Reflektor hohe Energieeffizienz.
Passend zu dem wegweisenden Energiekonzept setzt Lidl künftig auf einen modernen Gebäudetypus. Die neu entwickelte Filialarchitektur verbindet hochwertige, langlebige Materialien und eine optimierte Wärmedämmung mit einer ansprechenden Pultdachoptik.
Neben der Verleihung des Deutschen Gütesiegels Nachhaltiges Bauen in Silber wurde das nachhaltige Energiekonzept von Lidl im Oktober 2009 mit dem Spezialpreis des Energiemanagement Awards für herausragende technische Leistung ausgezeichnet.
Das 500 Mitglieder zählende wissenschaftliche Institut des Handels (EHI) honoriert damit das nachhaltige Gebäudekonzept des Neckarsulmer Handelsunternehmens, das Energieeffizienz, Wirtschaftlichkeit und Behaglichkeit miteinander verbindet.
Zudem ist Lidl mit der neuen Filialgeneration Partner des Europäischen GreenBuilding-Programms, das von der Europäischen Kommission initiiert wurde, um die Reduktion des Energieverbrauchs und der CO2-Emissionen von Nichtwohngebäuden zu fördern.
Isra-Mart srl:Polen: Anzahlungen auf die Gebühr für Netzanschluss – haben sie den Markt bereinigt?
Isra-Mart srl news:
Kürzlich hat sich unter anderem für die polnische Windenergie entschieden, wie viele der in letzter Zeit erlassenen Netzanschlussbedingungen ihre Gültigkeit behalten. Dies steht in Zusammenhang mit der Änderung des Gesetzes über das Energierecht, die am 11. März 2010 in Kraft getreten ist (Gesetz vom 8. Januar 2010 zur Änderung des Gesetzes über das Energierecht und zur Änderung weiterer Gesetze, GBl. vom 8. Februar 2010). Mit der Novellierung wird ein neues Verfahren eingeführt, das spekulativen Handlungen in der Energiebranche vorbeugen soll. Diese Spekulationen beruhten in der Vergangenheit auf der Reservierung von Anschlusskapazitäten und der Weiterveräußerung der Dokumente, die die Netzanschlussbedingungen gewährten. Bis zum Inkrafttreten der Gesetzesnovelle konnte jeder solche Netzanschlussbedingungen praktisch kostenlos erhalten, wobei deren Erlangung allerdings nicht einfach war, insbesondere in Hinsicht auf die technischen Einschränkungen des polnischen Energetiksystems.
Seit März 2010 ist die Beantragung von Netzanschlussbedingungen nun mit einer wesentlichen Investition verbunden. Spätestens innerhalb von 7 Tagen nachdem der Antrag auf Netzanschluss einer Quelle mit einer Spannung über 1 kV eingereicht wurde, muss der Betreiber eine Anzahlung auf die Gebühr für den Netzanschluss leisten, andernfalls wird nicht über den Antrag entschieden. Die Anzahlung beträgt 30 PLN pro Kilowatt der beantragten Anschlussspannung, wobei die Höhe der Anzahlung einerseits die Höhe der voraussichtlichen Gebühr für Netzanschluss und andererseits den Betrag von 3 Mio. PLN nicht übersteigen darf. Die Anzahlung führt dazu, dass wesentliche Geldmittel für eine längere Zeit eingefroren bleiben, weil keine anderen Formen der Finanzierung, wie z.B. durch Bankgarantien, zugelassen wurden.
Bis zum Inkrafttreten der Novelle hatten viele Investoren noch fieberhaft versucht, Netzanschlussverträge auf Grund der bisher erhaltenen technischen Netzanschlussbedingungen abzuschließen. Grund dafür war, dass die Investoren, die bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt bereits Verträge abgeschlossen hatten, keine Anzahlungen entrichten mussten. Von den Anzahlungen waren darüber hinaus die Investoren befreit, die die Netzanschlussbedingungen vor dem Inkrafttreten des Gesetzes erhalten hatten, dessen Gültigkeit vor dem 11. September 2010 erlosch. Die Investoren hingegen, die ihre Netzanschlussbedingungen zwar vom dem 11. September 2010 erhalten haben, zu diesem Zeitpunkt jedoch noch keinen Vertrag über den Netzanschluss abgeschlossen hatten, waren verpflichtet, ihre Anzahlung innerhalb von 60 Tagen nach dem Inkrafttreten der Novellierung zu entrichten. Andernfalls wurden ihre Netzanschlussbedingungen unwirksam. In Fällen, in denen die Netzanschlussbedingungen vor dem Inkrafttreten der Novelle beantragt aber noch nicht erteilt wurden, waren die Investoren verpflichtet, die Anzahlung innerhalb von 180 Tagen nach dem Inkrafttreten der Novelle zu entrichten, andernfalls wurde nicht über die Anträge entschieden. Da nun alle Übergangsperioden abgelaufen sind, wird demnächst bekannt werden, ob und in welchem Umfang der Markt von Spekulationen bereinigt wurde und ob sich die damit verbundenen Hoffnungen der ernsthaften Investoren für erneuerbare Energien und der Energieerzeuger erfüllt haben.
Isra-Mart srl news:
Kürzlich hat sich unter anderem für die polnische Windenergie entschieden, wie viele der in letzter Zeit erlassenen Netzanschlussbedingungen ihre Gültigkeit behalten. Dies steht in Zusammenhang mit der Änderung des Gesetzes über das Energierecht, die am 11. März 2010 in Kraft getreten ist (Gesetz vom 8. Januar 2010 zur Änderung des Gesetzes über das Energierecht und zur Änderung weiterer Gesetze, GBl. vom 8. Februar 2010). Mit der Novellierung wird ein neues Verfahren eingeführt, das spekulativen Handlungen in der Energiebranche vorbeugen soll. Diese Spekulationen beruhten in der Vergangenheit auf der Reservierung von Anschlusskapazitäten und der Weiterveräußerung der Dokumente, die die Netzanschlussbedingungen gewährten. Bis zum Inkrafttreten der Gesetzesnovelle konnte jeder solche Netzanschlussbedingungen praktisch kostenlos erhalten, wobei deren Erlangung allerdings nicht einfach war, insbesondere in Hinsicht auf die technischen Einschränkungen des polnischen Energetiksystems.
Seit März 2010 ist die Beantragung von Netzanschlussbedingungen nun mit einer wesentlichen Investition verbunden. Spätestens innerhalb von 7 Tagen nachdem der Antrag auf Netzanschluss einer Quelle mit einer Spannung über 1 kV eingereicht wurde, muss der Betreiber eine Anzahlung auf die Gebühr für den Netzanschluss leisten, andernfalls wird nicht über den Antrag entschieden. Die Anzahlung beträgt 30 PLN pro Kilowatt der beantragten Anschlussspannung, wobei die Höhe der Anzahlung einerseits die Höhe der voraussichtlichen Gebühr für Netzanschluss und andererseits den Betrag von 3 Mio. PLN nicht übersteigen darf. Die Anzahlung führt dazu, dass wesentliche Geldmittel für eine längere Zeit eingefroren bleiben, weil keine anderen Formen der Finanzierung, wie z.B. durch Bankgarantien, zugelassen wurden.
Bis zum Inkrafttreten der Novelle hatten viele Investoren noch fieberhaft versucht, Netzanschlussverträge auf Grund der bisher erhaltenen technischen Netzanschlussbedingungen abzuschließen. Grund dafür war, dass die Investoren, die bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt bereits Verträge abgeschlossen hatten, keine Anzahlungen entrichten mussten. Von den Anzahlungen waren darüber hinaus die Investoren befreit, die die Netzanschlussbedingungen vor dem Inkrafttreten des Gesetzes erhalten hatten, dessen Gültigkeit vor dem 11. September 2010 erlosch. Die Investoren hingegen, die ihre Netzanschlussbedingungen zwar vom dem 11. September 2010 erhalten haben, zu diesem Zeitpunkt jedoch noch keinen Vertrag über den Netzanschluss abgeschlossen hatten, waren verpflichtet, ihre Anzahlung innerhalb von 60 Tagen nach dem Inkrafttreten der Novellierung zu entrichten. Andernfalls wurden ihre Netzanschlussbedingungen unwirksam. In Fällen, in denen die Netzanschlussbedingungen vor dem Inkrafttreten der Novelle beantragt aber noch nicht erteilt wurden, waren die Investoren verpflichtet, die Anzahlung innerhalb von 180 Tagen nach dem Inkrafttreten der Novelle zu entrichten, andernfalls wurde nicht über die Anträge entschieden. Da nun alle Übergangsperioden abgelaufen sind, wird demnächst bekannt werden, ob und in welchem Umfang der Markt von Spekulationen bereinigt wurde und ob sich die damit verbundenen Hoffnungen der ernsthaften Investoren für erneuerbare Energien und der Energieerzeuger erfüllt haben.
Isra-Mart srl:GASAG tritt Entwicklungsplattform Berlin Energie bei
Isra-Mart srl news:
Der Berliner Energieversorger GASAG ist der Entwicklungsplattform Berlin Energie beigetreten. Die Plattform war am 10. November des Jahres auf einem von Senator Harald Wolf veranstalteten Symposium "Energie 2020- die Berliner Linie" gemeinsam mit der BSR, den Berliner Wasserbetrieben und der Berliner Energieagentur gegründet worden. Erklärtes Ziel ist die Schaffung eines kommunalen Energieversorgers, der basierend auf bereits vorhandenen Energieerzeugungskapazitäten kommunaler Unternehmen ins Berliner Stromgeschäft einsteigen soll. Auf dieser Grundlage soll sich Berlin Energie zu einem kommunalen Ökostrom-Anbieter entwickeln, Energieeffizienzdienstleistungen anbieten und Möglichkeiten für Bürgerengagement ermöglichen. Darüber hinaus ist vereinbart, im Rahmen der Entwicklungsplattform auch das Thema der Zukunft der Netzinfrastrukturen zu bearbeiten.
Harald Wolf, Bürgermeister und Senator für Wirtschaft, Technologie und Frauen: "Ich freue mich, die GASAG an Bord begrüßen zu können. Der Beitritt der GASAG setzt ein deutliches Zeichen dafür, dass Berlin Energie als kommunaler Akteur partnerschaftlich mit allen bereits in diesem Bereich aktiven Unternehmen zusammenarbeiten will. Es zeigt aber auch, dass Berlin Energie Zukunftspotenzial zugeschrieben wird und die Ziele der Plattform nicht als Angriff sondern als Chance verstanden werden. Diese Plattform setzt einen politischen Impuls, der alle Akteure zu gemeinsamem Handeln aufruft: Ziel ist eine klimagerechte und ressourceneffiziente Entwicklung der Berliner Energiewirtschaft."
Olaf Czernomoriez, Vorstand GASAG: "Die GASAG war schon immer ein stark regional verwurzeltes und orientiertes Unternehmen. Wir wollen Verantwortung für die Stadt übernehmen, indem wir uns konstruktiv einbringen in die Entwicklung ihrer energiewirtschaftlichen Strukturen. Die GASAG kann mit ihren Erfahrungen in Netzbetrieb und Energieversorgung erheblich dazu beitragen, dass die Entwicklung von Berlin Energie zu einem erfolgreichen Projekt wird. Gerade die Herausforderungen in Netzintelligenz, Dezentralität, Klimaschutz, sowie Versorgungs- und Preisstabilität für Privatkunden und Unternehmen fordert von uns allen, Trends nicht nur nachzuvollziehen, sondern Vorreiter zu werden bei der Entwicklung einer nachhaltigen und modernen Versorgungsstruktur für die Hauptstadt.“
Isra-Mart srl news:
Der Berliner Energieversorger GASAG ist der Entwicklungsplattform Berlin Energie beigetreten. Die Plattform war am 10. November des Jahres auf einem von Senator Harald Wolf veranstalteten Symposium "Energie 2020- die Berliner Linie" gemeinsam mit der BSR, den Berliner Wasserbetrieben und der Berliner Energieagentur gegründet worden. Erklärtes Ziel ist die Schaffung eines kommunalen Energieversorgers, der basierend auf bereits vorhandenen Energieerzeugungskapazitäten kommunaler Unternehmen ins Berliner Stromgeschäft einsteigen soll. Auf dieser Grundlage soll sich Berlin Energie zu einem kommunalen Ökostrom-Anbieter entwickeln, Energieeffizienzdienstleistungen anbieten und Möglichkeiten für Bürgerengagement ermöglichen. Darüber hinaus ist vereinbart, im Rahmen der Entwicklungsplattform auch das Thema der Zukunft der Netzinfrastrukturen zu bearbeiten.
Harald Wolf, Bürgermeister und Senator für Wirtschaft, Technologie und Frauen: "Ich freue mich, die GASAG an Bord begrüßen zu können. Der Beitritt der GASAG setzt ein deutliches Zeichen dafür, dass Berlin Energie als kommunaler Akteur partnerschaftlich mit allen bereits in diesem Bereich aktiven Unternehmen zusammenarbeiten will. Es zeigt aber auch, dass Berlin Energie Zukunftspotenzial zugeschrieben wird und die Ziele der Plattform nicht als Angriff sondern als Chance verstanden werden. Diese Plattform setzt einen politischen Impuls, der alle Akteure zu gemeinsamem Handeln aufruft: Ziel ist eine klimagerechte und ressourceneffiziente Entwicklung der Berliner Energiewirtschaft."
Olaf Czernomoriez, Vorstand GASAG: "Die GASAG war schon immer ein stark regional verwurzeltes und orientiertes Unternehmen. Wir wollen Verantwortung für die Stadt übernehmen, indem wir uns konstruktiv einbringen in die Entwicklung ihrer energiewirtschaftlichen Strukturen. Die GASAG kann mit ihren Erfahrungen in Netzbetrieb und Energieversorgung erheblich dazu beitragen, dass die Entwicklung von Berlin Energie zu einem erfolgreichen Projekt wird. Gerade die Herausforderungen in Netzintelligenz, Dezentralität, Klimaschutz, sowie Versorgungs- und Preisstabilität für Privatkunden und Unternehmen fordert von uns allen, Trends nicht nur nachzuvollziehen, sondern Vorreiter zu werden bei der Entwicklung einer nachhaltigen und modernen Versorgungsstruktur für die Hauptstadt.“
Isra-Mart srl:Erdgas 15,6% teurer als im Vorjahr
Isra-Mart srl news:
Der Index der Erzeugerpreise gewerblicher Produkte lag im November 2010 um 4,4% höher als im November 2009. Den größten Einfluss auf die Jahresveränderungsrate hatten im November 2010 die Preissteigerungen für Energie. Im Vergleich zum Vorjahresmonat legten die Energiepreise um 7,4% zu, gegenüber Oktober 2010 um 0,2%. Ohne Berücksichtigung von Energie lagen die Erzeugerpreise im November 2010 um 3,2% höher als im November 2009. Gegenüber Oktober 2010 stiegen sie um 0,1%.
Bei den Hauptenergieträgern zeigten die Preise für Erdgas gegenüber dem Vorjahresmonat die höchste Veränderung. Im November 2010 waren sie 15,6% höher als ein Jahr zuvor (+ 0,3% gegenüber Oktober 2010). Erdgas für Haushalte war 1,3% teurer als im Vorjahresmonat (+ 0,2% gegenüber Oktober 2010), Ortsgasversorgungsunternehmen mussten 25,2% mehr bezahlen (+ 0,6% gegenüber Oktober 2010).
Mineralölerzeugnisse kosteten im November 2010 insgesamt 12,3% mehr als im November 2009 (leichtes Heizöl + 25,7%, Kraftstoffe + 9,0%, Flüssiggas als Kraft- oder Brennstoff + 27,9%). Im Vormonatsvergleich stiegen die Preise für Mineralölerzeugnisse insgesamt um 1,7% (leichtes Heizöl + 4,7%, Kraftstoffe + 1,2%, Flüssiggas als Kraft- oder Brennstoff + 5,6%).
Über alle Abnehmergruppen hinweg betrachtet lagen die Preise für elektrischen Strom 1,4% höher als im letzten Jahr (- 0,7% gegenüber Oktober 2010).
Isra-Mart srl news:
Der Index der Erzeugerpreise gewerblicher Produkte lag im November 2010 um 4,4% höher als im November 2009. Den größten Einfluss auf die Jahresveränderungsrate hatten im November 2010 die Preissteigerungen für Energie. Im Vergleich zum Vorjahresmonat legten die Energiepreise um 7,4% zu, gegenüber Oktober 2010 um 0,2%. Ohne Berücksichtigung von Energie lagen die Erzeugerpreise im November 2010 um 3,2% höher als im November 2009. Gegenüber Oktober 2010 stiegen sie um 0,1%.
Bei den Hauptenergieträgern zeigten die Preise für Erdgas gegenüber dem Vorjahresmonat die höchste Veränderung. Im November 2010 waren sie 15,6% höher als ein Jahr zuvor (+ 0,3% gegenüber Oktober 2010). Erdgas für Haushalte war 1,3% teurer als im Vorjahresmonat (+ 0,2% gegenüber Oktober 2010), Ortsgasversorgungsunternehmen mussten 25,2% mehr bezahlen (+ 0,6% gegenüber Oktober 2010).
Mineralölerzeugnisse kosteten im November 2010 insgesamt 12,3% mehr als im November 2009 (leichtes Heizöl + 25,7%, Kraftstoffe + 9,0%, Flüssiggas als Kraft- oder Brennstoff + 27,9%). Im Vormonatsvergleich stiegen die Preise für Mineralölerzeugnisse insgesamt um 1,7% (leichtes Heizöl + 4,7%, Kraftstoffe + 1,2%, Flüssiggas als Kraft- oder Brennstoff + 5,6%).
Über alle Abnehmergruppen hinweg betrachtet lagen die Preise für elektrischen Strom 1,4% höher als im letzten Jahr (- 0,7% gegenüber Oktober 2010).
Isra-Mart srl:Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz EEG unter Beschuss
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Zu der Forderung des CDU-Politikers Michael Fuchs nun auch Kürzungen bei der Biomasse-Förderung vorzunehmen erklärt der zuständige Berichterstatter der SPD-Bundestagsfraktion Dirk Becker: Das Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz (EEG) gerät immer mehr unter Beschuss. Es ist zu befürchten, dass Schwarz-Gelb so lange daran rumschraubt, bis es am Ende dieses Jahres nicht mehr wiederzuerkennen ist. Nun fordert der CDU-Abgeordnete Michael Fuchs neben der Solarförderung auch die Biogas-Förderung in 2011 einer zusätzlichen Kürzung zu unterziehen. Außerdem will er die gesetzliche Abnahmegarantie von Strom aus Erneuerbaren Energien von derzeit 20 Jahren verringern.
Das EEG ist eine absolute Erfolgsgeschichte für den Ausbau der Erneuerbaren Energien. Kern des Gesetzes sind eine Einspeisegarantie sowie feste Vergütungssätze für Strom aus Erneuerbaren Energien für einen Zeitraum von 20 Jahren. An diesen Grundsätzen darf nicht gerüttelt werden, auch wenn Nachsteuerungen und Anpassungen bei den Vergütungssätzen durchaus geboten sind, um Fehlentwicklungen und Überförderungen zu vermeiden.
So besteht beim Thema Biomasse durchaus Anpassungsbedarf. Im kommenden Jahr muss Sinnhaftigkeit und Zielrichtung der zahlreichen Boni genau unter die Lupe genommen werden müssen. Insbesondere der Bonus für Nachwachsende Rohstoffe (NaWaRo-Bonus) bedarf einer entsprechenden Überprüfung. Schnellschüsse helfen uns aber nicht weiter. Bevor die schwarz-gelbe Bundesregierung in Aktionismus verfällt, sollte sie den vom Gesetzgeber vorgeschriebenen EEG-Erfahrungsbericht abwarten, der in der ersten Hälfte des kommenden Jahres vorgestellt wird. Erst auf dieser Grundlage sollte entschieden werden, an welchen Punkten das EEG mit der Novelle 2012 nachgebessert werden muss.
Eine Ausnahme erkennen wir bei der Vergütung der Photovoltaik. Auch im kommenden Jahr wird von der Branche und der Politik ein massiver Zubau-Boom erwartet. Da es sich bei der Solarenergie um eine noch verhältnismäßig teure Technologie handelt, steigt die Belastung der Stromverbraucher rapide an. Um die Akzeptanz für die Erneuerbaren Energien im Ganzen nicht zu gefährden, benötigen wir bereits 2011 einen neuen Foerder-Mechanismus für Solar-Strom. Dieser könnte so gestaltet sein, dass wir ab April 2011 quartalsweise Vergütungsabsenkungen von vier bis 4,5 Prozent vornehmen, um schließlich 2013 unter den Haushaltsstrompreisen zu liegen. Unternehmen wir nichts, spielen wir jenen aus Union und FDP in die Hände, die am Ende des Jahres mit Verweis auf explodierende Kosten die Photovoltaik und letztlich auch das EEG über die Klinge springen lassen wollen.
Isra-Mart srl news:
Zu der Forderung des CDU-Politikers Michael Fuchs nun auch Kürzungen bei der Biomasse-Förderung vorzunehmen erklärt der zuständige Berichterstatter der SPD-Bundestagsfraktion Dirk Becker: Das Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz (EEG) gerät immer mehr unter Beschuss. Es ist zu befürchten, dass Schwarz-Gelb so lange daran rumschraubt, bis es am Ende dieses Jahres nicht mehr wiederzuerkennen ist. Nun fordert der CDU-Abgeordnete Michael Fuchs neben der Solarförderung auch die Biogas-Förderung in 2011 einer zusätzlichen Kürzung zu unterziehen. Außerdem will er die gesetzliche Abnahmegarantie von Strom aus Erneuerbaren Energien von derzeit 20 Jahren verringern.
Das EEG ist eine absolute Erfolgsgeschichte für den Ausbau der Erneuerbaren Energien. Kern des Gesetzes sind eine Einspeisegarantie sowie feste Vergütungssätze für Strom aus Erneuerbaren Energien für einen Zeitraum von 20 Jahren. An diesen Grundsätzen darf nicht gerüttelt werden, auch wenn Nachsteuerungen und Anpassungen bei den Vergütungssätzen durchaus geboten sind, um Fehlentwicklungen und Überförderungen zu vermeiden.
So besteht beim Thema Biomasse durchaus Anpassungsbedarf. Im kommenden Jahr muss Sinnhaftigkeit und Zielrichtung der zahlreichen Boni genau unter die Lupe genommen werden müssen. Insbesondere der Bonus für Nachwachsende Rohstoffe (NaWaRo-Bonus) bedarf einer entsprechenden Überprüfung. Schnellschüsse helfen uns aber nicht weiter. Bevor die schwarz-gelbe Bundesregierung in Aktionismus verfällt, sollte sie den vom Gesetzgeber vorgeschriebenen EEG-Erfahrungsbericht abwarten, der in der ersten Hälfte des kommenden Jahres vorgestellt wird. Erst auf dieser Grundlage sollte entschieden werden, an welchen Punkten das EEG mit der Novelle 2012 nachgebessert werden muss.
Eine Ausnahme erkennen wir bei der Vergütung der Photovoltaik. Auch im kommenden Jahr wird von der Branche und der Politik ein massiver Zubau-Boom erwartet. Da es sich bei der Solarenergie um eine noch verhältnismäßig teure Technologie handelt, steigt die Belastung der Stromverbraucher rapide an. Um die Akzeptanz für die Erneuerbaren Energien im Ganzen nicht zu gefährden, benötigen wir bereits 2011 einen neuen Foerder-Mechanismus für Solar-Strom. Dieser könnte so gestaltet sein, dass wir ab April 2011 quartalsweise Vergütungsabsenkungen von vier bis 4,5 Prozent vornehmen, um schließlich 2013 unter den Haushaltsstrompreisen zu liegen. Unternehmen wir nichts, spielen wir jenen aus Union und FDP in die Hände, die am Ende des Jahres mit Verweis auf explodierende Kosten die Photovoltaik und letztlich auch das EEG über die Klinge springen lassen wollen.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Isra-Mart srl:Drees&Sommer: Romania va avea o piata a cladirilor verzi in 3-5 ani
Isra-Mart srl news:
Piata cladirilor verzi este inca la inceput in Romania, insa in urmatorii 3-5 ani se va dezvolta datorita know-how-ului adus de investitorii straini, sustine Marc Porath, managing director al companiei Drees&Sommer.
„Multi investitori au inceput, in aceasta perioada de criza, sa-si optimizeze cladirile, in special cele de birouri, aceasta fiind si piata spre care ne orientam pentru 2011. Construirea de cladiri verzi, eficientizarea energetica a celor deja existente, investitiile in infrastructura rutiera sunt tinte clare ale companiei pentru perioada imediat urmatoare”, a adaugat Porath.
Compania Drees&Sommer ofera servicii de consultanta si management in domeniul constructiilor si este membru al Romanian Green Building Council. Incepand cu anul viitor, compania va incepe sa ofere certificari ecologice pentru cladirile din Romania, serviciu deja disponibil in alte state europene. De asemenea, compania are in plan monitorizarea proiectelor de constructie a parcurilor eoliene.
Pana in 2010, Drees & Sommer a coordonat demolarea si dezafectarea a peste 200 de amplasamente (depozite petroliere si statii de alimentare) apartinand OMV Petrom in intreaga tara. Unul dintre noile contracte ale companiei germane are in vedere demolarea, modernizarea si ecologizarea depozitelor de carburanti ale Petrom din jurul aeroporturilor.
Isra-Mart srl news:
Piata cladirilor verzi este inca la inceput in Romania, insa in urmatorii 3-5 ani se va dezvolta datorita know-how-ului adus de investitorii straini, sustine Marc Porath, managing director al companiei Drees&Sommer.
„Multi investitori au inceput, in aceasta perioada de criza, sa-si optimizeze cladirile, in special cele de birouri, aceasta fiind si piata spre care ne orientam pentru 2011. Construirea de cladiri verzi, eficientizarea energetica a celor deja existente, investitiile in infrastructura rutiera sunt tinte clare ale companiei pentru perioada imediat urmatoare”, a adaugat Porath.
Compania Drees&Sommer ofera servicii de consultanta si management in domeniul constructiilor si este membru al Romanian Green Building Council. Incepand cu anul viitor, compania va incepe sa ofere certificari ecologice pentru cladirile din Romania, serviciu deja disponibil in alte state europene. De asemenea, compania are in plan monitorizarea proiectelor de constructie a parcurilor eoliene.
Pana in 2010, Drees & Sommer a coordonat demolarea si dezafectarea a peste 200 de amplasamente (depozite petroliere si statii de alimentare) apartinand OMV Petrom in intreaga tara. Unul dintre noile contracte ale companiei germane are in vedere demolarea, modernizarea si ecologizarea depozitelor de carburanti ale Petrom din jurul aeroporturilor.
Isra-Mart srl:BEI acorda 200 milioane euro pentru un parc eolian CEZ in Constanta
Isra-Mart srl news:
Banca Europeana de Investitii (BEI) a acorda firmelor Tomis Team si MW Team Invest, ambele din grupul ceh de utilitati CEZ, un imprumut de 200 milioane euro pentru finantarea constructiei unei ferme eoliene la Fantanele, judetul Constanta.
„Noua ferma eoliana va avea o capacitate totala instalata de 347,5 MW. Ferma va furniza electricitate catre reteaua nationala de distributie a energiei electrice din Romania”, se arata intr-un comunicat al BEI.
CEZ a comunicat in noiembrie, pentru Mediafax, ca MW Team Invest si Tomis Team vor contracta acest credit de la BEI pentru proiectul de la Fantanele.
MW Team Invest din Bucuresti este detinuta integral de Tomis Team, societate controlata de grupul ceh de utilitati CEZ si de subsidiara CEZ Polonia.
Ferma va avea 139 de turbine, fiecare avand o capacitate nominala de 2,5 MW. BEI a finantat in 2009 proiecte de energie regenerabila si eficienta energetica cu peste 4,2 miliarde euro. Din 1990, imprumuturile BEI in Romania, incluzand creditul pentru CEZ, totalizeaza circa 8,7 miliarde euro.
CEZ este prezent pe piata distributiei si furnizarii de electricitate din Romania din 2005. Prin constructia parcurilor eoliene de la Cogealac si Fantanele, CEZ a devenit o companie energetica integrata pe piata romaneasca de profil.
Isra-Mart srl news:
Banca Europeana de Investitii (BEI) a acorda firmelor Tomis Team si MW Team Invest, ambele din grupul ceh de utilitati CEZ, un imprumut de 200 milioane euro pentru finantarea constructiei unei ferme eoliene la Fantanele, judetul Constanta.
„Noua ferma eoliana va avea o capacitate totala instalata de 347,5 MW. Ferma va furniza electricitate catre reteaua nationala de distributie a energiei electrice din Romania”, se arata intr-un comunicat al BEI.
CEZ a comunicat in noiembrie, pentru Mediafax, ca MW Team Invest si Tomis Team vor contracta acest credit de la BEI pentru proiectul de la Fantanele.
MW Team Invest din Bucuresti este detinuta integral de Tomis Team, societate controlata de grupul ceh de utilitati CEZ si de subsidiara CEZ Polonia.
Ferma va avea 139 de turbine, fiecare avand o capacitate nominala de 2,5 MW. BEI a finantat in 2009 proiecte de energie regenerabila si eficienta energetica cu peste 4,2 miliarde euro. Din 1990, imprumuturile BEI in Romania, incluzand creditul pentru CEZ, totalizeaza circa 8,7 miliarde euro.
CEZ este prezent pe piata distributiei si furnizarii de electricitate din Romania din 2005. Prin constructia parcurilor eoliene de la Cogealac si Fantanele, CEZ a devenit o companie energetica integrata pe piata romaneasca de profil.
Isra-Mart srl:UE accepta reduceri de emisii mai modeste, la presiunile industriei auto
Isra-Mart srl news:
Industria automobilelor, sprijinita de guvernele Germaniei, Italiei si Frantei a reusit sa obtina modificarea unei legi europeana ce stabileste standarde ale emisiilor de CO2 pentru furgonetele noi, astfel incat sa fie acceptate furgonetele cu emisii mai ridicate, arata un comunicat al organizatiei Transport & Environment (T&E).
Intelegerea a fost agreata in spatele usilor inchise intr-o intalnire a reprezentantilor Comisiei Europene, Parlamentului si statelor membre.
Acordul va duce la cresterea preturilor combustibililor pentru milioane de mici firme europene si urmeaza o cale impotriva trendului de progres rapid in domeniul reducerii emisiilor in transporturi din ultimii ani, potrivit organizatiei Transport & Environment.
Acordul trilateral dintre reprezentantii celor trei institutii europene prevede ca o noua furgoneta de marime medie vanduta in UE sa emita maximum 175 g CO2/km in 2017 si 147 g CO2/km in 2020. Propunerea initiala a Comisiei de 135 g CO2/km in 2020 a fost diluata in urma unei presiuni din partea statelor producatoare de masini, in frunte cu Germania.
“Industria a spus ca nu poate aduce o imbunatatire de 14% la eficienta furgonetelor in urmatorii noua ani, insa, in acelasi timp, a reusit anul trecut sa imbunatateasca cu peste 300% eficienta autoturismelor. Politicienii trebuie sa faca o treaba mai buna in a responsabiliza industria cand emite astfel de pretentii“, a declarat Kerstin Meyer, senior campaigner la T&E.
Deoarece emisiile de CO2 si eficienta energetica sunt intrinsec legate, standarde mai laxe pentru emisiile furgonetelor vor duce la arderea a mai mult combustibil, arata comunicatul T&E. Combustibilul este unul dintre costurile majore resimtite de micile intreprinderi care depind de furgonete in operatiunile lor. Spre deosebire de industria automobilelor, care a primit miliarde de euro din banii contribuabililor in timpul crizei financiare, micile intreprinderi au primit sume foarte mici.
Industria vehiculelor pretinde ca va fi extrem de scump sa produca furgonete mai eficiente in privinta consumului de combustibil. Insa cercetarile TNO/CE Delft pentru T&E au aratat ca doar prin simpla revenire la nivelul puterii motorului din anul 1997, costurile combustibilului si emisiilor de CO2 ar putea fi taiate cu 16%, costul vehiculelor la cumparare cu 10%, iar costul total al proprietatii unei furgonete cu pana la 12%. Schimbarile cerute ar putea fi introduse rapid in modelele deja existente.
Campania este derulata la Bruxelles de organizatia Transport & Environment in cadrul programului “Winning over the Member States“, la care, din partea Romaniei, participa si Fundatia Terra Mileniul III.
Isra-Mart srl news:
Industria automobilelor, sprijinita de guvernele Germaniei, Italiei si Frantei a reusit sa obtina modificarea unei legi europeana ce stabileste standarde ale emisiilor de CO2 pentru furgonetele noi, astfel incat sa fie acceptate furgonetele cu emisii mai ridicate, arata un comunicat al organizatiei Transport & Environment (T&E).
Intelegerea a fost agreata in spatele usilor inchise intr-o intalnire a reprezentantilor Comisiei Europene, Parlamentului si statelor membre.
Acordul va duce la cresterea preturilor combustibililor pentru milioane de mici firme europene si urmeaza o cale impotriva trendului de progres rapid in domeniul reducerii emisiilor in transporturi din ultimii ani, potrivit organizatiei Transport & Environment.
Acordul trilateral dintre reprezentantii celor trei institutii europene prevede ca o noua furgoneta de marime medie vanduta in UE sa emita maximum 175 g CO2/km in 2017 si 147 g CO2/km in 2020. Propunerea initiala a Comisiei de 135 g CO2/km in 2020 a fost diluata in urma unei presiuni din partea statelor producatoare de masini, in frunte cu Germania.
“Industria a spus ca nu poate aduce o imbunatatire de 14% la eficienta furgonetelor in urmatorii noua ani, insa, in acelasi timp, a reusit anul trecut sa imbunatateasca cu peste 300% eficienta autoturismelor. Politicienii trebuie sa faca o treaba mai buna in a responsabiliza industria cand emite astfel de pretentii“, a declarat Kerstin Meyer, senior campaigner la T&E.
Deoarece emisiile de CO2 si eficienta energetica sunt intrinsec legate, standarde mai laxe pentru emisiile furgonetelor vor duce la arderea a mai mult combustibil, arata comunicatul T&E. Combustibilul este unul dintre costurile majore resimtite de micile intreprinderi care depind de furgonete in operatiunile lor. Spre deosebire de industria automobilelor, care a primit miliarde de euro din banii contribuabililor in timpul crizei financiare, micile intreprinderi au primit sume foarte mici.
Industria vehiculelor pretinde ca va fi extrem de scump sa produca furgonete mai eficiente in privinta consumului de combustibil. Insa cercetarile TNO/CE Delft pentru T&E au aratat ca doar prin simpla revenire la nivelul puterii motorului din anul 1997, costurile combustibilului si emisiilor de CO2 ar putea fi taiate cu 16%, costul vehiculelor la cumparare cu 10%, iar costul total al proprietatii unei furgonete cu pana la 12%. Schimbarile cerute ar putea fi introduse rapid in modelele deja existente.
Campania este derulata la Bruxelles de organizatia Transport & Environment in cadrul programului “Winning over the Member States“, la care, din partea Romaniei, participa si Fundatia Terra Mileniul III.
Isra-Mart srl:Marea Britanie: Program de finantare a energiei verzi pentru mediul privat
Isra-Mart srl news:
Guvernul britanic a anuntat ca va investi 110 miliarde de lire sterline in noi centrale energetice, inclusiv nucleare, pentru a-si atinge tinta de crestere a ponderii energiei verzi de la 7% la 30% pana in 2020, informeaza agentia Xinhua.
Chris Huhne, secretarul pe Energie si Schimbari Climatice din Marea Britanie, le-a transmis membrilor Parlamentului ca au o sansa unica de a reface piata energetica a tarii, de a restabili increderea investitorilor si de a reconstrui centralele energetice.
Guvernul britanic estimeaza ca cererea de electricitate s-ar putea dubla pana in 2050 si sustine ca investitiile trebuie facute acum, deoarece un sfert dintre centralele din reteaua electrica nationala a Marii Britanii au fost construite pe vremea cand carbunele local era principala sursa de energie si trebuie sa fie inlocuite in urmatorii zece ani.
Un sfert din capacitatea de generare a tarii va trebui sa fie inlocuita pana in 2020, din cauza ca foarte multe centrale energetice si nucleare si-au atins durata maxima de viata.
Huhne intentioneaza sa stimuleze piata privatizata a energiei din Marea Britanie - dominata de energie electrica si gaze naturale si sustinuta de carbune - pentru a investi in dezvoltarea unor centrale cu emisii reduse, inclusiv centrale nucleare sau parcuri eoliene. Investitia de 110 miliarde de lire va proveni din sectorul privat, care va cauta sa isi scada costurile aplicand preturi mai mari la energie pentru consumatori in aceasta perioada.
Planul lui Huhne cuprinde atragerea investitiilor catre proiecte cu emisii reduse sau zero, precum si folosirea unor combustibili fosili mai putini poluanti. Potrivit propunerilor sale, legislatia ar urma sa intervina in cresterea pretului energiei din combustibili fosili – de la 20 de lire pe tona pana la 40 de lire pe tona pana in 2020 - pentru ca energia regenerabila sa devina mai atractiva pentru investitori.
Isra-Mart srl news:
Guvernul britanic a anuntat ca va investi 110 miliarde de lire sterline in noi centrale energetice, inclusiv nucleare, pentru a-si atinge tinta de crestere a ponderii energiei verzi de la 7% la 30% pana in 2020, informeaza agentia Xinhua.
Chris Huhne, secretarul pe Energie si Schimbari Climatice din Marea Britanie, le-a transmis membrilor Parlamentului ca au o sansa unica de a reface piata energetica a tarii, de a restabili increderea investitorilor si de a reconstrui centralele energetice.
Guvernul britanic estimeaza ca cererea de electricitate s-ar putea dubla pana in 2050 si sustine ca investitiile trebuie facute acum, deoarece un sfert dintre centralele din reteaua electrica nationala a Marii Britanii au fost construite pe vremea cand carbunele local era principala sursa de energie si trebuie sa fie inlocuite in urmatorii zece ani.
Un sfert din capacitatea de generare a tarii va trebui sa fie inlocuita pana in 2020, din cauza ca foarte multe centrale energetice si nucleare si-au atins durata maxima de viata.
Huhne intentioneaza sa stimuleze piata privatizata a energiei din Marea Britanie - dominata de energie electrica si gaze naturale si sustinuta de carbune - pentru a investi in dezvoltarea unor centrale cu emisii reduse, inclusiv centrale nucleare sau parcuri eoliene. Investitia de 110 miliarde de lire va proveni din sectorul privat, care va cauta sa isi scada costurile aplicand preturi mai mari la energie pentru consumatori in aceasta perioada.
Planul lui Huhne cuprinde atragerea investitiilor catre proiecte cu emisii reduse sau zero, precum si folosirea unor combustibili fosili mai putini poluanti. Potrivit propunerilor sale, legislatia ar urma sa intervina in cresterea pretului energiei din combustibili fosili – de la 20 de lire pe tona pana la 40 de lire pe tona pana in 2020 - pentru ca energia regenerabila sa devina mai atractiva pentru investitori.
Isra-Mart srl:Goverment ‘must speed up carbon price’
Isra-Mart srl news:
The federal government is hopeful of a future binding global agreement on climate change following a last-minute deal in Cancun, Mexico.
More than 190 countries represented at the United Nations talks agreed to seek “deep cuts” in carbon emissions, which are linked to global warming.
For the first time, the world’s major emitters have agreed to report on how they are reducing carbon pollution in their own economies.
The Cancun conference failed to reach a binding agreement on emission targets but Acting Prime Minister Wayne Swan has suggested the latest developments could lead to a future pact between the world’s polluters.
“This is a well-balanced outcome,” he told reporters in Canberra on Sunday.
“It puts in place the building blocks of future negotiations, it paves the way for eventually a comprehensive agreement.”
Mr Swan said a carbon price would remain central to the government’s efforts to tackle climate change.
But opposition climate action spokesman Greg Hunt said the Cancun conference was not a mandate for Labor to push for a carbon price.
“It shouldn’t be an excuse by the Gillard government to impose a great, big new tax on electricity,” his spokeswoman said.
‘Government must act faster’
Conversely The Climate Institute, a member of the official non-government roundtable on climate change, has urged the government to move faster on legislating a carbon price.
“Just before dawn overnight in Mexico, the UN got its mojo back in terms of taking action on pollution and climate change,” the institute’s chief executive John Connor told reporters in Sydney.
“It’s really time Australia got cracking with some action here and that’s the challenge for the Australian parliament so we can match international efforts.”
The 16th UN framework convention on climate change also agreed to start a new “green climate fund” to manage billions of dollars in aid to poor nations.
It anchors pledges made by developed and developing nations at the 2009 Copenhagen conference.
The global fund would become operational in late 2011 and help developing nations deal with climate change.
Aid group Oxfam Australia said the new fund would help those vulnerable nations.
But it criticised Cancun for failing to resolve where long-term climate financing would come from.
“Negotiators have missed an opportunity to implement a global emissions reductions scheme or levies on international aviation and shipping that could generate the long-term finance needs of developing countries,” Oxfam’s climate change adviser Kelly Dent said in a statement.
The conference also agreed to put in place a mechanism for developing nations to reduce carbon emissions that result from deforestation, a major source of global carbon emissions.
Debate on a larger pact was deferred to the 2011 conference in Durban, South Africa.
Climate Change Minister Greg Combet, who represented Australia, on Saturday night hailed the Cancun agreement as an important step in achieving a comprehensive international agreement covering all major carbon emitters.
“This is important because it provides an agreed pathway to achieve major emissions cuts,” Mr Combet said.
“This is the first time that all major emitters have agreed to report to the world community their commitments and efforts to reduce carbon pollution in their own economies.”
Isra-Mart srl news:
The federal government is hopeful of a future binding global agreement on climate change following a last-minute deal in Cancun, Mexico.
More than 190 countries represented at the United Nations talks agreed to seek “deep cuts” in carbon emissions, which are linked to global warming.
For the first time, the world’s major emitters have agreed to report on how they are reducing carbon pollution in their own economies.
The Cancun conference failed to reach a binding agreement on emission targets but Acting Prime Minister Wayne Swan has suggested the latest developments could lead to a future pact between the world’s polluters.
“This is a well-balanced outcome,” he told reporters in Canberra on Sunday.
“It puts in place the building blocks of future negotiations, it paves the way for eventually a comprehensive agreement.”
Mr Swan said a carbon price would remain central to the government’s efforts to tackle climate change.
But opposition climate action spokesman Greg Hunt said the Cancun conference was not a mandate for Labor to push for a carbon price.
“It shouldn’t be an excuse by the Gillard government to impose a great, big new tax on electricity,” his spokeswoman said.
‘Government must act faster’
Conversely The Climate Institute, a member of the official non-government roundtable on climate change, has urged the government to move faster on legislating a carbon price.
“Just before dawn overnight in Mexico, the UN got its mojo back in terms of taking action on pollution and climate change,” the institute’s chief executive John Connor told reporters in Sydney.
“It’s really time Australia got cracking with some action here and that’s the challenge for the Australian parliament so we can match international efforts.”
The 16th UN framework convention on climate change also agreed to start a new “green climate fund” to manage billions of dollars in aid to poor nations.
It anchors pledges made by developed and developing nations at the 2009 Copenhagen conference.
The global fund would become operational in late 2011 and help developing nations deal with climate change.
Aid group Oxfam Australia said the new fund would help those vulnerable nations.
But it criticised Cancun for failing to resolve where long-term climate financing would come from.
“Negotiators have missed an opportunity to implement a global emissions reductions scheme or levies on international aviation and shipping that could generate the long-term finance needs of developing countries,” Oxfam’s climate change adviser Kelly Dent said in a statement.
The conference also agreed to put in place a mechanism for developing nations to reduce carbon emissions that result from deforestation, a major source of global carbon emissions.
Debate on a larger pact was deferred to the 2011 conference in Durban, South Africa.
Climate Change Minister Greg Combet, who represented Australia, on Saturday night hailed the Cancun agreement as an important step in achieving a comprehensive international agreement covering all major carbon emitters.
“This is important because it provides an agreed pathway to achieve major emissions cuts,” Mr Combet said.
“This is the first time that all major emitters have agreed to report to the world community their commitments and efforts to reduce carbon pollution in their own economies.”
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