Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Isramart : Industry waits on elusive carbon trading consensus

Isramart news:
There are two questions at the heart of the political debate over an emissions trading scheme. Will we be environmentally doomed if we don’t? Or economically ruined if we do?

Outside Parliament, the question is how much of the debate is in public rather than political interests, and energy industry figures are wondering when genuine negotiations for a reasonable outcome will begin.

“The industry certainly hopes that we’re now going into a period of genuine negotiation - negotiation that actually gets us the sort of effective, equitable, efficient emissions trading scheme that the country needs,” says the Energy Supply Association of Australia’s Brad Page.

Carbon Market Economics director Bruce Mountain agrees that the time has come to do “the very best analysis and thinking” on cutting pollution.

“That’s true not just for the emissions trading scheme,” he said.

“It’s also true for specific subsidy schemes we might have for cleaner energy.”

On Thursday, the Senate said no to the Federal Government’s big idea, the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS) Bill.

As expected, the proposed CPRS was finally formally rejected by the Greens, the Coalition, Family First’s Steve Fielding and independent Nick Xenophon - in other words, anyone not a member of the Government.

“This bill may be going down today, but this is not the end,” Senator Penny Wong told Parliament after the votes were counted.

The CPRS is scheduled to make a comeback in a few months, bringing with it the threat of a double dissolution and early election if it again fails to pass.

Frontier report

Opposition Leader Malcolm Turnbull started the week releasing a set of CPRS policy options modelled by Frontier Economics.

“If the Government comes back with their legislation in November, we have got to have an answer to it,” Mr Turnbull said.

Frontier Economics managing director Danny Price says it is possible to have a cheaper, greener emissions trading scheme, but so far, the Coalition has failed to embrace the report as policy and the Government has simply condemned it.

“It was designed to try and stimulate a debate,” he said.

“In terms of the backlash we received from the Government, that was a surprise. Particularly seeing the government rejected it without actually ever reading the report.”

Frontier took four weeks to come up with its proposals but say they have been working on the issue for a decade, and last year prepared a similar report for the New South Wales Labor Government, but that was buried.

“It looked at what we’ve now presented as an idea, in terms of applying a different treatment of electricity within the context of the CPRS, and we found the same result,” Mr Price said.

Frontier’s model differs from the Federal Government’s CPRS in treating electricity generators differently to all other industry, which would still be subject to a cap and trade scheme.

But Mr Price says allowing free permits to be allocated to electricity generators, up to a certain limit or baseline of emissions, will cut power costs and the level of compensation required for industry and households.

“A lot of the complexity that the government has had to put in the legislation and the regulations is dealing with the way that they recycle revenue back to consumers to offset the damage that they’ve done.”

Questions of compensation

Brad Page is the chief executive of the Energy Supply Association of Australia, which represents Australia’s 40-odd electricity and gas companies, including AGL, Origin and TRUenergy.

He says one element of Frontier’s report does appeal.

“We’ve been beavering away pretty solidly on it this week and at this stage we’re not entirely quite clear on its benefits and its costs,” he said.

“The Opposition has indicated that through that particular process they can see how the assistance to generators could raise to between $8 and $10 billion.

“Now we’re starting to get into the right sort of ballpark for the asset value loss that these schemes will cause.”

Bruce Mountain of Carbon Market Economics says it is impossible to predict how the CPRS will be changed, but the policy debate should be about the carbon price and compensation for industries impacted by higher electricity bills.

“This is not a new idea in the policy debate of emissions trading schemes and arrangements,” he said.

“Baseline credit is a known approach. It’s not a mainstream approach.

“If there’s a $25 a tonne carbon price we might expect electricity prices at a wholesale level to go up by $15 to $18 per unit at a wholesale level, which might mean … a 30 to 50 per cent increase at the wholesale level.”

In a positive move, the Government today announced it is making amendments to the less contentious plank of climate change policy, the renewable energy target scheme, to break the Senate deadlock.

So while the politics of the issue is still fraught, at least some consensus is possible.