Monday, October 10, 2011

Isra-Mart srl: Precious Metals Investing
The past three trading days have been devastating to the precious metals and the mining shares leaving markets rattled and investors scrambling for the exits.

Why is this happening?

It all started last week with the latest desperate scheme of the Federal Reserve: Operation Twist. It was the biggest investing story of the week and its consequences thus far have been detrimental to markets worldwide.

Under this ridiculously stupid plan, the Federal Reserve will buy $400 billion of long-dated Treasuries, financed by selling bonds with three years to go or less. The idea is to try to drive long-term rates lower, which the Fed thinks will help the mortgage market.

The Fed unveiled this latest Keynesian economic insanity (QE3, aka Operation Twist) on Wednesday, and the market quickly tallied its opinion to the downside.

This proves my point that I have been making for the past year that these Federal Reserve pukes have no idea what to do about the current economic situation other than apply more failed Keynesian economic doctrine.

It is their failed policies that have caused the problems to begin with — yet investors still look to these idiots for solutions.


Let’s look at the Fed’s recent track record of providing a fix for what ails the economy. Those attempts were called QE1 and QE2, and we were told as recently as June — three months ago — that there would be no need for any other QE events.

This contradiction itself should tell investors these people have no idea what to do about the current mess.

During the first two rounds of QE, the Fed purchased $2.3 trillion worth of debt and kept interest rates at near zero for almost three years.

What has this accomplished?

The answer is nothing. It has actually made things worse, and yet they want to apply more of this failed thinking that has kept Japan in the dark for over 30 years.

Japan already went down this road and has proven this philosophy will not work.

In reality, QE3 is just another attempt at protecting the banks under the guise of supporting the housing market. In reality, these elitist banking bastards couldn’t care less about the housing market, since the banks end up with all the property and get either the Fed or the U.S. "Goobermint" to pay for it.

In the meantime, banking executives get huge bonuses for the whole insidious scam while the U.S. taxpayer ultimately gets to foot the bill. What a plan.

In my book, this is called the hijacking of America by the elitist banks for the elitist banks so they can get even more power and control.

But don’t worry; Americans will keep voting for Republicans or Democrats who are bought and paid for by these elitist banksters thinking that something will change.