Isra-mart srl news:
Aproximativ 20% din consumul de energie electrica din Romania se pierde din cauza furturilor, provocand producatorilor daune anuale cu o valoare intre 1,1 si 1,4 miliarde de euro, a anuntat azi Dragos Chivu, country manager la Nokia Siemens Networks.
El a explicat ca atat furnizorii de energie, cat si cei de alte servicii de utilitate publica vor fi constransi sa investiteasca in tehnologiile folosite pentru a reduce pierderile si consumul de energie.
”Peste 20% din energia din Romania este pierduta non-tehnic, prin frauda. Pe de alta parte, tara noastra are la dispozitie de la Uniunea Europeana 2,3 miliarde euro pentru 31 de proiecte energetice”, a spus Chivu.
Contoare inteligente si eficienta energetica
Reprezentantii Nokia Siemens Networks au prezentat solutii energetice pentru furnizorii de servicii de comunicatii care ar putea realiza, prin implementarea sistemelor, reduceri de pana la 70% ale consumului de energie, cu posibilitatea de a-si recupera investitia in aproximativ doi ani.
In plus, compania este in negocieri cu cei mai importanti furnizori de energie la nivel national pentru implementarea unui sistem inteligent de management si contorizare a electricitatii.
Una dintre solutiile Nokia Siemens Networks vizeaza introducerea contorizarii inteligente, in care citirea contoarelor se face prin retele wireless. Sistemul, implementat deja cu succes in Italia, le va permite consumatorilor sa isi monitorizeze si controleze consumul de energie.
Platesti cat consumi
Introducerea acestor tehnologii va oferi posibilitatea stabilirii unor tarife specifice pentru clienti si a unor servicii interactive de self-care. Aceste optiuni moderne au avantajul de a preveni pierderile si furturile de energie, imbunatatind eficienta si reducand costurile.
”Daca ar putea sa vada care este intervalul din zi in care tariful este cel mai mic, clientul ar putea sa isi optimizeze consumul si sa-si reduca cheltuielile”, a spus Chivu. Potrivit acestuia, in prezent, pretul energiei consumate este uniformizat, in timp ce tariful real are fluctuatii foarte mari, cea mai scumpa energie fiind cea consumata vara, in timpul zilei.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Isra-Mart srl : Energy efficiency study and Tim Murphy on carbon credits
Isra-Mart srl news:
Ask 500 average consumers to pick the least energy efficient way to move goods, and they’ll correctly choose airplanes over ships, trucks or trains. Ask them to choose the best of the rest and the whole thing falls apart.
That’s the bitter pill in a new study titled “Public perceptions of energy consumption and savings.”
It takes 11 times as much energy to move a ton of freight one mile on a truck than on a ship, and 12 times more than by train. Yet hundreds of survey respondents solicited through Craigslist said it was about the same for all three.
There are two morals to this story, according to Cliff Davidson, CMU professor of civil and environmental engineering & engineering and public policy, and one of the study’s co-authors. One is that people don’t understand what methods are most effective at saving energy. The other is that without incentive or penalty, they’re not likely to reach for the more difficult and costly solutions, such as buying energy efficient appliances or tuning up the car twice a year.
The study’s authors have gotten some flack for suggesting that setting a price and a limit on carbon emissions would incentivize people to buy more energy efficient technologies. Davidson’s response: Remember when the price of gasoline trampolined to $4 a gallon in the summer of 2008 and people actually curbed their driving?
“We have to be very careful when we publish a paper like this,” Davidson said. “It’s going to be very hard on people if we add a carbon tax. But one has to think about, gee, what are the long-term objectives here?”
The last time we heard talk of a carbon tax was at last week’s Energy Inc. conference, where Congressman Tim Murphy blasted the idea and coined it the “Seinfeld Credit,” after the episode of the show where Jerry and George try to pitch a sitcom about nothing to TV network executives.
Murphy’s take on cap and trade is this: Companies that can afford to buy carbon credits from other entities that don’t need them will do so. They will not reduce their carbon emissions.
“In reality, these credits represent nothing — which is why I call them Seinfeld credits. Nothing has changed, except that if the company decides that it costs too much to buy those credits to make something, they will move those jobs oversees. As Shakespeare warned us, nothing will come of nothing. Wall Street will make millions trading these credits. (But) try to put a carbon credit in the bank, in your wallet, under the mattress.”
Isra-Mart srl news:
Ask 500 average consumers to pick the least energy efficient way to move goods, and they’ll correctly choose airplanes over ships, trucks or trains. Ask them to choose the best of the rest and the whole thing falls apart.
That’s the bitter pill in a new study titled “Public perceptions of energy consumption and savings.”
It takes 11 times as much energy to move a ton of freight one mile on a truck than on a ship, and 12 times more than by train. Yet hundreds of survey respondents solicited through Craigslist said it was about the same for all three.
There are two morals to this story, according to Cliff Davidson, CMU professor of civil and environmental engineering & engineering and public policy, and one of the study’s co-authors. One is that people don’t understand what methods are most effective at saving energy. The other is that without incentive or penalty, they’re not likely to reach for the more difficult and costly solutions, such as buying energy efficient appliances or tuning up the car twice a year.
The study’s authors have gotten some flack for suggesting that setting a price and a limit on carbon emissions would incentivize people to buy more energy efficient technologies. Davidson’s response: Remember when the price of gasoline trampolined to $4 a gallon in the summer of 2008 and people actually curbed their driving?
“We have to be very careful when we publish a paper like this,” Davidson said. “It’s going to be very hard on people if we add a carbon tax. But one has to think about, gee, what are the long-term objectives here?”
The last time we heard talk of a carbon tax was at last week’s Energy Inc. conference, where Congressman Tim Murphy blasted the idea and coined it the “Seinfeld Credit,” after the episode of the show where Jerry and George try to pitch a sitcom about nothing to TV network executives.
Murphy’s take on cap and trade is this: Companies that can afford to buy carbon credits from other entities that don’t need them will do so. They will not reduce their carbon emissions.
“In reality, these credits represent nothing — which is why I call them Seinfeld credits. Nothing has changed, except that if the company decides that it costs too much to buy those credits to make something, they will move those jobs oversees. As Shakespeare warned us, nothing will come of nothing. Wall Street will make millions trading these credits. (But) try to put a carbon credit in the bank, in your wallet, under the mattress.”
Isra-Mart srl : How carbon footprint units affect climate change
Isra-Mart srl news:
Every individual and every organization has a carbon footprint, or, the amount of carbon dioxide that they produce over their lifetime in greenhouse gases.
This carbon footprint can be the direct source of the fossil fuels we burn, or the indirect result of the products we use and their effect on the environment. Either way, it is believed that the amount of units in our carbon footprint will eventually affect the climate, if they are not decreased, by changing the atmosphere and altering the amount and intensity of sunlight that reaches earth.
Many people have taken a test to see just what their carbon footprint is, and how they can contribute to the cause by decreasing their numbers. Of course, there are no end of green methods available to help decrease the carbon emissions. For individuals, the biggest source of their carbon footprint is in their homes, and the use of electricity and other fuels. However, other factors may include such things as the clothes we wear, the food we eat, and the products we purchase.
The use of synthetic products, plastics, and other non biodegradable products increases our footprint, as does the use of non sustainable materials in clothing, household furnishings, and building materials. The food we choose also has an impact, when you take into consideration the availability, the method of growing, and the way it is harvested and transported. Meat products have a higher carbon unit than vegetables, since they are from living creatures that are also producing carbon dioxide.
In order to reduce their carbon footprint, a lot of people are offsetting it by certain practices in their daily lives such as recycling, avoiding unnecessary use of energy, eating organic products, and using materials in and around the house that are sustainable.
Industries and businesses are also involved in decreasing their carbon footprints, and many have shown some real progress in their manufacturing, packaging and transportation practices, not to mention in the products that they produce. These businesses are further encouraged to apply new practices since they are regularly listed, according to their “greenness.”
Ideally, those who believe that greenhouse gases are having an effect on the climate would like to see every individual and industry reduce their footprint as much as possible, however, there has been some debate over just how much that may entail. Some argue that even if everyone reduced their carbon footprint, there would be very little change in the climate, or at least none that would show up for the next few hundred years.
Isra-Mart srl news:
Every individual and every organization has a carbon footprint, or, the amount of carbon dioxide that they produce over their lifetime in greenhouse gases.
This carbon footprint can be the direct source of the fossil fuels we burn, or the indirect result of the products we use and their effect on the environment. Either way, it is believed that the amount of units in our carbon footprint will eventually affect the climate, if they are not decreased, by changing the atmosphere and altering the amount and intensity of sunlight that reaches earth.
Many people have taken a test to see just what their carbon footprint is, and how they can contribute to the cause by decreasing their numbers. Of course, there are no end of green methods available to help decrease the carbon emissions. For individuals, the biggest source of their carbon footprint is in their homes, and the use of electricity and other fuels. However, other factors may include such things as the clothes we wear, the food we eat, and the products we purchase.
The use of synthetic products, plastics, and other non biodegradable products increases our footprint, as does the use of non sustainable materials in clothing, household furnishings, and building materials. The food we choose also has an impact, when you take into consideration the availability, the method of growing, and the way it is harvested and transported. Meat products have a higher carbon unit than vegetables, since they are from living creatures that are also producing carbon dioxide.
In order to reduce their carbon footprint, a lot of people are offsetting it by certain practices in their daily lives such as recycling, avoiding unnecessary use of energy, eating organic products, and using materials in and around the house that are sustainable.
Industries and businesses are also involved in decreasing their carbon footprints, and many have shown some real progress in their manufacturing, packaging and transportation practices, not to mention in the products that they produce. These businesses are further encouraged to apply new practices since they are regularly listed, according to their “greenness.”
Ideally, those who believe that greenhouse gases are having an effect on the climate would like to see every individual and industry reduce their footprint as much as possible, however, there has been some debate over just how much that may entail. Some argue that even if everyone reduced their carbon footprint, there would be very little change in the climate, or at least none that would show up for the next few hundred years.
Isra-Mart srl :Carbon tax on double cabs postponed
Isra-Mart srl news:
Pretoria – While the implementation of vehicle emissions tax on passenger cars will proceed as scheduled on 1 September, the tax on double cabs has been postponed.
Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan said on Tuesday that after consultations with the country’s largest motor car industry CEOs and taking into account some of the concerns of the industry, it was agreed that the tax on double cabs will be delayed slightly.
“It will come into effect in the next few months,” said Gordhan, addressing the National Assembly on taxation laws amendment bills yesterday.
He said this tax would be extended to all other light commercial vehicles at a later date.
“Though not implemented this year, we are considering the implementation of a CO2 vehicle emissions tax on all cars, new and old,” he said. This would be done through the reviewing of the approach to vehicle license fees which are implemented by the provinces.
“As we improve our public transport, we could also impose higher fuel levies and demand better quality fuel. All in all, there is a place for all these mechanisms if we want to reduce the emission of green house gases and ensure that we leave our children with a better legacy when it comes to air quality and reducing the risks of climate change,” said Minister Gordhan.
Isra-Mart srl news:
Pretoria – While the implementation of vehicle emissions tax on passenger cars will proceed as scheduled on 1 September, the tax on double cabs has been postponed.
Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan said on Tuesday that after consultations with the country’s largest motor car industry CEOs and taking into account some of the concerns of the industry, it was agreed that the tax on double cabs will be delayed slightly.
“It will come into effect in the next few months,” said Gordhan, addressing the National Assembly on taxation laws amendment bills yesterday.
He said this tax would be extended to all other light commercial vehicles at a later date.
“Though not implemented this year, we are considering the implementation of a CO2 vehicle emissions tax on all cars, new and old,” he said. This would be done through the reviewing of the approach to vehicle license fees which are implemented by the provinces.
“As we improve our public transport, we could also impose higher fuel levies and demand better quality fuel. All in all, there is a place for all these mechanisms if we want to reduce the emission of green house gases and ensure that we leave our children with a better legacy when it comes to air quality and reducing the risks of climate change,” said Minister Gordhan.
Isra-Mart srl :8,800kg of carbon saved in eco-contest
Isra-Mart llc news:
Fourteen organisations saved 8,872kg of carbon – equivalent to filling 37 double-decker buses – as part of Peterborough City Council’s Miles Better challenge.
The city council’s Travelchoice team challenged city organisations to reward employees for travelling by sustainable means over the course of three weeks last month.
Businesses of similar sizes competed against each other for the chance to win a selection of fantastic prizes.
The competition was run in three categories. The Environment Agency won the 250+ employee category, receiving a visit from an ice-cream van.
HC Solicitors took first place in the 50 to 250 employees category, winning the use of an office masseuse for the day who will give free massages at desks.
The final category, for organisations with 50 or less employees, was won by Peterborough Environment City Trust (PECT) who will enjoy a night out at Peterborough Greyhound stadium.
Samantha Dalton, the city council’s cabinet member for environment capital, said: “The results of the challenge demonstrate that people across the city are adopting greener lifestyles and can really reduce the impact they have on the environment with a little bit of effort.
“Using more sustainable forms of transport wherever possible is healthier and better for the environment, and builds on our growing reputation as the UK’s environment capital.”
James Harrison, the city council’s business travel plan officer, said: “The ‘Miles Better’ challenge has proved a great success.
“During the competition, 38,994 green miles were travelled by the employees that took part, saving almost 9,000kg of carbon for the city. This is a great achievement.”
Isra-Mart llc news:
Fourteen organisations saved 8,872kg of carbon – equivalent to filling 37 double-decker buses – as part of Peterborough City Council’s Miles Better challenge.
The city council’s Travelchoice team challenged city organisations to reward employees for travelling by sustainable means over the course of three weeks last month.
Businesses of similar sizes competed against each other for the chance to win a selection of fantastic prizes.
The competition was run in three categories. The Environment Agency won the 250+ employee category, receiving a visit from an ice-cream van.
HC Solicitors took first place in the 50 to 250 employees category, winning the use of an office masseuse for the day who will give free massages at desks.
The final category, for organisations with 50 or less employees, was won by Peterborough Environment City Trust (PECT) who will enjoy a night out at Peterborough Greyhound stadium.
Samantha Dalton, the city council’s cabinet member for environment capital, said: “The results of the challenge demonstrate that people across the city are adopting greener lifestyles and can really reduce the impact they have on the environment with a little bit of effort.
“Using more sustainable forms of transport wherever possible is healthier and better for the environment, and builds on our growing reputation as the UK’s environment capital.”
James Harrison, the city council’s business travel plan officer, said: “The ‘Miles Better’ challenge has proved a great success.
“During the competition, 38,994 green miles were travelled by the employees that took part, saving almost 9,000kg of carbon for the city. This is a great achievement.”
Isramart llc news:
The government’s Committee on Climate Change has identified which low carbon technologies the UK should concentrate on if it is to achieve its long term CO2 reduction targets and establish a world-class green economy. Jeff Whiting, Mitsubishi Electric’s Melsoft Energy Centre spokesman identifies some key issues in the report which would impact UK Industry and affect the goal of meeting carbon reduction targets.
The UK needs to create a portfolio of low carbon technologies to address its particular greenhouse gas issues and reach the target of an 80 per cent reduction in CO2 emissions by 2050. This breaks down as follows:
– Develop and deploy offshore wind, marine, carbon capture and storage (CCS) for power generation, aviation technologies, smart grids, and electric vehicle technologies.
– Deploy nuclear power, advanced insulation materials, heat pumps and CCS for energy intensive industries (there may also be scope for UK participation in demonstration of industry CCS).
– Research and develop hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, technologies in agriculture and industry, third generation solar PV technologies, energy storage and advanced biofuels technologies.
However current UK funding is low by international standards and well below the recommendations of the Stern report. The report suggests that investment levels need to at least double, and possibly be increased 5-10 fold. Successive governments need to mindful of this as they set economic strategy in the coming decades. Technological success in these fields will help establish a strong position in the emerging global green economy.
On the whole, power generation and carbon capture developments are on track, although there is still a very long way to go. However, more funding is needed for electric vehicles and radical technologies in aviation, such as blended wing geometries and cleaner burning engines. It is further recognized that some of these objectives will be addressed in international consortia, others will require public support.
Strong leadership is needed, with clear long term strategies for developing these technologies as well as identifying the level and form of public support along with clear mechanisms for delivery.
The energy report identifies that conversion to green technologies is slowed by both ‘design conservatism’ (an unwillingness to move too far from existing technologies and innovate) and ‘investment conservatism’ (financiers tend to back established ideas where returns are calculable, leaving innovators underfunded even though success could be very lucrative).
In addition consumers can find it difficult to identify and support green initiatives, for instance renewable power delivered via the National Grid. They are often unable to determine the greenest solution for their needs, and may even perceive low carbon products as less desirable than their traditional counterparts (e.g. electric cars seen as short range, low power and slow speed).
Risk management also brings problems. It is likely that some of the low carbon solutions and technologies under development will ultimately fail to deliver their projected results for one reason or another. The best approach is therefore to target many approaches so that there is a margin for under performance.
Any low carbon strategy must address these barriers as much as the technical solutions in order to secure financial backing. Further to this, it is also vital to bring the general populous on board, gaining social impetus and pressure to accept and implement new low carbon initiatives.
Technology paths
The report identifies that deciding what to do first, and what can wait, is a big barrier to getting started. A goal of the committee was to classify possibilities by both their difficulty and their effectiveness. Things that are easy and effective can be started immediately; hard but effective things need to be started early with the acceptance that the resolution may be long term; less effective things can be fitted into established schedules where convenient.
Decarbonising the nation’s generating capacity will have big effects and will also knock on into decarbonised transport through the use of electric vehicles. Fortunately wind power is already well established, as are the supporting infrastructures for offshore deployment. Similarly wave and tidal power and nuclear power are in and advanced states of development; but there remain massive political/social barriers to overcome. Other marine technologies, such as coastal and subsea current generators should be developed within a relatively short time. Carbon capture and storage also holds significant promise, although technical development and financial incentives for wide deployment remain some way off.
The Committee on Carbon Change identify that the decarbonising of energy generation is the first priority; activity is underway and significant gains should be made within the next 10 years. So from about 2020, the emphasis can shift more towards cleaning up transport, by which time electric drive train technology should be highly developed. Road vehicles will be the obvious change; rail is already largely electrical, although it needs to be fed with green power. Marine transport of goods – a significant carbon source – will also see considerable electrification, although there is also massive potential from cleaner diesel, wind assistance and other options.
Later still aviation can be addressed, but because fundamental developments are needed real effects are likely to be some decades off.
It is recognized that the built environment is a major consumer of energy so needs to be addressed. New building regulations focus on thermal insulation, water consumption, lighting power etc. Most technologies are mature, but there are advances in low energy lighting, efficient heating, and new building techniques. The report identifies issues with the innate conservatism of the construction sector and its customer base. Additionally, the long working life of most buildings means the economics of retrofitting new technologies has to be developed without adding cost to the UK commercial buildings and housing markets. Heat pumps, ground source heating and solar water heating are all likely to become the norm.
The committee has done good work, mapping out the mile stones of a 50 year strategy. Clearly reticent design and investment conservation needs to be laid aside, and the general population must embrace the new carbon reduction technologies to move forward. There is also a real need for new incentives, both supply side and demand led to be developed; releasing both public and private funding and ensuring a strong future for UK commerce and industry in the low carbon revolution.
Isramart llc news:
The government’s Committee on Climate Change has identified which low carbon technologies the UK should concentrate on if it is to achieve its long term CO2 reduction targets and establish a world-class green economy. Jeff Whiting, Mitsubishi Electric’s Melsoft Energy Centre spokesman identifies some key issues in the report which would impact UK Industry and affect the goal of meeting carbon reduction targets.
The UK needs to create a portfolio of low carbon technologies to address its particular greenhouse gas issues and reach the target of an 80 per cent reduction in CO2 emissions by 2050. This breaks down as follows:
– Develop and deploy offshore wind, marine, carbon capture and storage (CCS) for power generation, aviation technologies, smart grids, and electric vehicle technologies.
– Deploy nuclear power, advanced insulation materials, heat pumps and CCS for energy intensive industries (there may also be scope for UK participation in demonstration of industry CCS).
– Research and develop hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, technologies in agriculture and industry, third generation solar PV technologies, energy storage and advanced biofuels technologies.
However current UK funding is low by international standards and well below the recommendations of the Stern report. The report suggests that investment levels need to at least double, and possibly be increased 5-10 fold. Successive governments need to mindful of this as they set economic strategy in the coming decades. Technological success in these fields will help establish a strong position in the emerging global green economy.
On the whole, power generation and carbon capture developments are on track, although there is still a very long way to go. However, more funding is needed for electric vehicles and radical technologies in aviation, such as blended wing geometries and cleaner burning engines. It is further recognized that some of these objectives will be addressed in international consortia, others will require public support.
Strong leadership is needed, with clear long term strategies for developing these technologies as well as identifying the level and form of public support along with clear mechanisms for delivery.
The energy report identifies that conversion to green technologies is slowed by both ‘design conservatism’ (an unwillingness to move too far from existing technologies and innovate) and ‘investment conservatism’ (financiers tend to back established ideas where returns are calculable, leaving innovators underfunded even though success could be very lucrative).
In addition consumers can find it difficult to identify and support green initiatives, for instance renewable power delivered via the National Grid. They are often unable to determine the greenest solution for their needs, and may even perceive low carbon products as less desirable than their traditional counterparts (e.g. electric cars seen as short range, low power and slow speed).
Risk management also brings problems. It is likely that some of the low carbon solutions and technologies under development will ultimately fail to deliver their projected results for one reason or another. The best approach is therefore to target many approaches so that there is a margin for under performance.
Any low carbon strategy must address these barriers as much as the technical solutions in order to secure financial backing. Further to this, it is also vital to bring the general populous on board, gaining social impetus and pressure to accept and implement new low carbon initiatives.
Technology paths
The report identifies that deciding what to do first, and what can wait, is a big barrier to getting started. A goal of the committee was to classify possibilities by both their difficulty and their effectiveness. Things that are easy and effective can be started immediately; hard but effective things need to be started early with the acceptance that the resolution may be long term; less effective things can be fitted into established schedules where convenient.
Decarbonising the nation’s generating capacity will have big effects and will also knock on into decarbonised transport through the use of electric vehicles. Fortunately wind power is already well established, as are the supporting infrastructures for offshore deployment. Similarly wave and tidal power and nuclear power are in and advanced states of development; but there remain massive political/social barriers to overcome. Other marine technologies, such as coastal and subsea current generators should be developed within a relatively short time. Carbon capture and storage also holds significant promise, although technical development and financial incentives for wide deployment remain some way off.
The Committee on Carbon Change identify that the decarbonising of energy generation is the first priority; activity is underway and significant gains should be made within the next 10 years. So from about 2020, the emphasis can shift more towards cleaning up transport, by which time electric drive train technology should be highly developed. Road vehicles will be the obvious change; rail is already largely electrical, although it needs to be fed with green power. Marine transport of goods – a significant carbon source – will also see considerable electrification, although there is also massive potential from cleaner diesel, wind assistance and other options.
Later still aviation can be addressed, but because fundamental developments are needed real effects are likely to be some decades off.
It is recognized that the built environment is a major consumer of energy so needs to be addressed. New building regulations focus on thermal insulation, water consumption, lighting power etc. Most technologies are mature, but there are advances in low energy lighting, efficient heating, and new building techniques. The report identifies issues with the innate conservatism of the construction sector and its customer base. Additionally, the long working life of most buildings means the economics of retrofitting new technologies has to be developed without adding cost to the UK commercial buildings and housing markets. Heat pumps, ground source heating and solar water heating are all likely to become the norm.
The committee has done good work, mapping out the mile stones of a 50 year strategy. Clearly reticent design and investment conservation needs to be laid aside, and the general population must embrace the new carbon reduction technologies to move forward. There is also a real need for new incentives, both supply side and demand led to be developed; releasing both public and private funding and ensuring a strong future for UK commerce and industry in the low carbon revolution.
Isramart llc: Australia Plans to be Carbon-Neutral by 2020.
Isramart llc news:
By means of a huge new installation of concentrating solar thermal (CST) and wind-power and the electrification of its transportation infrastructure, Australia plans to have a zero-carbon economy by 2020, hence zero-use of all fossil fuels (coal, gas and oil).
A wholesale electrified transportation system is to be inaugurated, with electric trains and electric vehicles, to offset the 15% of total Australian energy which is used for transport in the form of oil. Indeed, an increased overall use of electricity is planned by 40% to an annual 325 TW by 2020. The report stresses that in hand with a combination of energy efficiency and fuel-switching measures, this growth in electricity production is enough to supplant all fossil fuel use (coal, gas and oil), including that for transport and space-heating.
Biofuels will be employed on a small scale in rural areas and to run emergency services. However, by using energy more efficiently and by largely eliminating internal-combustion engines with their recognised low-efficiencies, the total Australian energy demand will decline from the 3834 Petajoules (1065 TWh) used in 2007 to 1643 Petajoules (456 TWh) in 2020. A significant contribution to energy saving is planned from the building sector by moving over to heat-pump heating and better insulation of all units, both commercial and residential.
The engineering required to bring all of this about will prove staggering in its scale. However, the report further considers the material resources that will be necessary to bring it all about. Specifically: concrete, steel and glass for CST; concrete and steel for wind-power; concrete, steel and aluminium for transmission lines (grid power-distribution).
In a sense, the scheme is similar to the Desertec project, which proposes to use CST based stations in north Africa to provide electricity for Europe. However, the Australian plan is more inclusive in attempting to satisfy all the energy requirements of a nation of just over 20 million people, which might be feasible. For the whole of Europe, or indeed a single nation the size of the United Kingdom with 60 million, it might not be.
The most difficult problem to solve on the grand scale is replacing trasnportation run on liquid fuels derived from crude-oil, by renewable electricity, and that even on the Australian scale will prove a considerable challenge.
Isramart llc news:
By means of a huge new installation of concentrating solar thermal (CST) and wind-power and the electrification of its transportation infrastructure, Australia plans to have a zero-carbon economy by 2020, hence zero-use of all fossil fuels (coal, gas and oil).
A wholesale electrified transportation system is to be inaugurated, with electric trains and electric vehicles, to offset the 15% of total Australian energy which is used for transport in the form of oil. Indeed, an increased overall use of electricity is planned by 40% to an annual 325 TW by 2020. The report stresses that in hand with a combination of energy efficiency and fuel-switching measures, this growth in electricity production is enough to supplant all fossil fuel use (coal, gas and oil), including that for transport and space-heating.
Biofuels will be employed on a small scale in rural areas and to run emergency services. However, by using energy more efficiently and by largely eliminating internal-combustion engines with their recognised low-efficiencies, the total Australian energy demand will decline from the 3834 Petajoules (1065 TWh) used in 2007 to 1643 Petajoules (456 TWh) in 2020. A significant contribution to energy saving is planned from the building sector by moving over to heat-pump heating and better insulation of all units, both commercial and residential.
The engineering required to bring all of this about will prove staggering in its scale. However, the report further considers the material resources that will be necessary to bring it all about. Specifically: concrete, steel and glass for CST; concrete and steel for wind-power; concrete, steel and aluminium for transmission lines (grid power-distribution).
In a sense, the scheme is similar to the Desertec project, which proposes to use CST based stations in north Africa to provide electricity for Europe. However, the Australian plan is more inclusive in attempting to satisfy all the energy requirements of a nation of just over 20 million people, which might be feasible. For the whole of Europe, or indeed a single nation the size of the United Kingdom with 60 million, it might not be.
The most difficult problem to solve on the grand scale is replacing trasnportation run on liquid fuels derived from crude-oil, by renewable electricity, and that even on the Australian scale will prove a considerable challenge.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Isra-Mart srl :Holcim investeste 14 milioane de euro in eficienta energetica
Isra-Mart srl news:
Producatorul de materiale de constructii Holcim (Romania) va investi 14 milioane euro intr-un proiect de eficientizare energetica la fabrica de ciment de la Alesd, judetul Bihor, care va genera aproximativ 15% din necesarul de energie electrica al unitatii.
Instalatia va utiliza o tehnologie de recuperare a energiei termice prin care caldura rezultata din procesul de fabricare a cimentului este transformata in energie electrica, fara a folosi alti combustibili, iar proiectul va fi finalizat in al doilea trimestru al anului 2012, transmite Mediafax.
"Decizia de a investi in Romania in tehnologii verzi de ultima generatie face ca fabrica din Alesd sa fie prima locatie din Europa de Est care va trece la urmatorul nivel de implementare a solutiilor de energie alternativa", a declarat, intr-un comunicat, Markus Wirth, directorul general al companiei controlate de grupul elvetian Holcim.
Holcim precizeaza ca fabricile de ciment pe care le detine sunt optimizate pentru a avea un consum redus de energie termica.
Valoarea totala a investitiilor Holcim in Romania din 1997 si pana in prezent se ridica la peste 650 de milioane de euro, suma care cuprinde si achizitiile derulate pentru a extinde prezenta in Romania.
Bugetul alocat anul acesta pentru modernizarea fabricilor de la Campulung si Alesd, precum si a statiei de macinare de la Turda se ridica la 20 de milioane de euro.
Holcim (Romania) detine doua fabrici de ciment in Campulung si Alesd, o statie de macinare la Turda, 20 statii ecologice de betoane, cinci statii de agregate si un terminal de ciment in Bucuresti.
Isra-Mart srl news:
Producatorul de materiale de constructii Holcim (Romania) va investi 14 milioane euro intr-un proiect de eficientizare energetica la fabrica de ciment de la Alesd, judetul Bihor, care va genera aproximativ 15% din necesarul de energie electrica al unitatii.
Instalatia va utiliza o tehnologie de recuperare a energiei termice prin care caldura rezultata din procesul de fabricare a cimentului este transformata in energie electrica, fara a folosi alti combustibili, iar proiectul va fi finalizat in al doilea trimestru al anului 2012, transmite Mediafax.
"Decizia de a investi in Romania in tehnologii verzi de ultima generatie face ca fabrica din Alesd sa fie prima locatie din Europa de Est care va trece la urmatorul nivel de implementare a solutiilor de energie alternativa", a declarat, intr-un comunicat, Markus Wirth, directorul general al companiei controlate de grupul elvetian Holcim.
Holcim precizeaza ca fabricile de ciment pe care le detine sunt optimizate pentru a avea un consum redus de energie termica.
Valoarea totala a investitiilor Holcim in Romania din 1997 si pana in prezent se ridica la peste 650 de milioane de euro, suma care cuprinde si achizitiile derulate pentru a extinde prezenta in Romania.
Bugetul alocat anul acesta pentru modernizarea fabricilor de la Campulung si Alesd, precum si a statiei de macinare de la Turda se ridica la 20 de milioane de euro.
Holcim (Romania) detine doua fabrici de ciment in Campulung si Alesd, o statie de macinare la Turda, 20 statii ecologice de betoane, cinci statii de agregate si un terminal de ciment in Bucuresti.
Isra-Mart srl : México considera importar electricidad
Isra-Mart srl news:
México evalúa también la importación de electricidad. La Comisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE) incorporó el esquema de compra de energía eléctrica en el exterior como parte del programa de expansión del sector eléctrico en los próximos 15 años.
De acuerdo con el Programa de Obras e Inversiones de Sector Eléctrico (POISE) 2010-2024, que la paraestatal colocó en su página web (www.cfe.gob.mx), la capacidad adicional de generación que demanda el país podría satisfacerse, en parte, con la compra de energía generada del sistema eléctrico de Estados Unidos.
El documento, avalado por el director de CFE, Alfredo Elías Ayub, plantea que “en algunos casos la instalación de plantas eléctricas podría sustituirse por importación de energía”.
La empresa paraestatal licitará la construcción de nueva capacidad, aproximadamente 37 mil 615 megawatts (MW) para el servicio público entre 2010 y 2024, con un monto aproximado de inversiones de un billón 192 mil millones de pesos.
Parte de esa inversión será destinada a los contratos de suministro de energía eléctrica que provendrá del mercado estadounidense, informó la comisión.
La CFE estima que de los 37 mil 615 MW cerca de 14 mil 848 MW provendrá de diversas tecnologías disponibles, como carboeléctricas que incorporan equipos para captura y secuestro de dióxido de carbono (CO2), ciclo combinados (utilizando gas natural, gas natural licuado, gasificación de residuos de vacíos, gasificación de carbón o gasificación de otros combustibles), nucleoeléctricas, tecnologías con base en fuentes renovables, pero también a través de la importación de energía eléctrica.
El POISE cita que en los últimos años, el sistema Baja California ha operado con una alta dependencia del enlace de interconexión con los sistemas eléctricos del Oeste de Estados Unidos. Explica que a pesar de la disminución en el crecimiento de la demanda del área, “se prevé que en los meses de verano de 2010 a 2012, el sistema BC operará con déficit de capacidad y para cumplir con los criterios de reserva mínima y será necesario importar en esos años capacidad de la Unión Americana”.
Inversiones contra el cambio climático
El sector eléctrico federal tiene actualmente inversiones de más de dos mil millones de dólares en proyectos de energías renovables, sobre todo en los rubros de los recursos hidráulicos y eólicos, lo que supone una respuesta al reto de eliminar gradualmente los combustibles fósiles y con ello responder a la agenda internacional del cambio climático.
Esto lo informó el subtitular de la Secretaría de Energía, Benjamín Contreras, quien refirió que la meta del presente sexenio es que 26% de la demanda de energía que se tiene en el país, generado por fuentes renovables de parte del sector público.
Puntualizó el funcionario federal que el sector eléctrico del país tiene una agenda para enfrentar el calentamiento global en varias vertientes, como son la eficiencia energética, el uso de fuentes renovables de energía y la seguridad energética.
Para saber
México genera 1.5% del volumen mundial de gases de efecto invernadero. China y Estados Unidos generan 22% cada uno.
En sus retos para enfrentar el cambio climático el sector eléctrico nacional tiene el objetivo de establecer una capacidad instalada de siete mil megawatts en fuentes de energía renovable.
Isra-Mart srl news:
México evalúa también la importación de electricidad. La Comisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE) incorporó el esquema de compra de energía eléctrica en el exterior como parte del programa de expansión del sector eléctrico en los próximos 15 años.
De acuerdo con el Programa de Obras e Inversiones de Sector Eléctrico (POISE) 2010-2024, que la paraestatal colocó en su página web (www.cfe.gob.mx), la capacidad adicional de generación que demanda el país podría satisfacerse, en parte, con la compra de energía generada del sistema eléctrico de Estados Unidos.
El documento, avalado por el director de CFE, Alfredo Elías Ayub, plantea que “en algunos casos la instalación de plantas eléctricas podría sustituirse por importación de energía”.
La empresa paraestatal licitará la construcción de nueva capacidad, aproximadamente 37 mil 615 megawatts (MW) para el servicio público entre 2010 y 2024, con un monto aproximado de inversiones de un billón 192 mil millones de pesos.
Parte de esa inversión será destinada a los contratos de suministro de energía eléctrica que provendrá del mercado estadounidense, informó la comisión.
La CFE estima que de los 37 mil 615 MW cerca de 14 mil 848 MW provendrá de diversas tecnologías disponibles, como carboeléctricas que incorporan equipos para captura y secuestro de dióxido de carbono (CO2), ciclo combinados (utilizando gas natural, gas natural licuado, gasificación de residuos de vacíos, gasificación de carbón o gasificación de otros combustibles), nucleoeléctricas, tecnologías con base en fuentes renovables, pero también a través de la importación de energía eléctrica.
El POISE cita que en los últimos años, el sistema Baja California ha operado con una alta dependencia del enlace de interconexión con los sistemas eléctricos del Oeste de Estados Unidos. Explica que a pesar de la disminución en el crecimiento de la demanda del área, “se prevé que en los meses de verano de 2010 a 2012, el sistema BC operará con déficit de capacidad y para cumplir con los criterios de reserva mínima y será necesario importar en esos años capacidad de la Unión Americana”.
Inversiones contra el cambio climático
El sector eléctrico federal tiene actualmente inversiones de más de dos mil millones de dólares en proyectos de energías renovables, sobre todo en los rubros de los recursos hidráulicos y eólicos, lo que supone una respuesta al reto de eliminar gradualmente los combustibles fósiles y con ello responder a la agenda internacional del cambio climático.
Esto lo informó el subtitular de la Secretaría de Energía, Benjamín Contreras, quien refirió que la meta del presente sexenio es que 26% de la demanda de energía que se tiene en el país, generado por fuentes renovables de parte del sector público.
Puntualizó el funcionario federal que el sector eléctrico del país tiene una agenda para enfrentar el calentamiento global en varias vertientes, como son la eficiencia energética, el uso de fuentes renovables de energía y la seguridad energética.
Para saber
México genera 1.5% del volumen mundial de gases de efecto invernadero. China y Estados Unidos generan 22% cada uno.
En sus retos para enfrentar el cambio climático el sector eléctrico nacional tiene el objetivo de establecer una capacidad instalada de siete mil megawatts en fuentes de energía renovable.
Isra-Mart srl : Emisiones de C02 que sentencian irreversiblemente la vida en la Tierra
Isra-Mart srl news:
Con los datos facilitados por La Vanguardia del 16/08/2010 de los últimos 20 años constatan que se ha quintuplicado el consumo de carbono en China con las consiguientes emisiones de CO2 a la atmósfera y que ello está provocando el deshielo del 40% de los casquetes polares y que estos al hacer de reguladores de la temperatura terrestre y su ausencia provoca que disminuya la reflexión de los rayos solares sobre el hielo, rayos que absorbe el mar con el aumento de la temperatura media de los océanos y el nivel del mar provocando desastrosas consecuencias: tempestades, tornados y huracanes a todo lo largo del litoral, con inundaciones, corrimientos de tierra, maremotos y otros desastres.
Lo peor está por venir, ya que la temperatura media terrestre aumentará más de 5 grados en los próximos 20 años, por lo que aumentarán las olas de calor, los incendios y con ello el planeta se irá desertizando y desecando, las cosechas cada vez serán más exiguas, el agua potable será más escasa, pues al aumentar el nivel del mar anegará y salará todos los deltas de los ríos y de los acuíferos potables del litoral terrestre. Litoral donde vive el 50% de la población mundial y en donde se concentran las mayores explotaciones agrícolas, ganaderas y piscifactorías, así como desalinizadoras, puertos, zonas industriales y nucleares.
El desastre está garantizado y si queremos que nuestros hijos y nietos tengan alguna posibilidad de subsistencia sobre la faz de la Tierra, tendríamos que empezar a penalizar mundialmente las emisiones de CO2, ya sea realizando bloqueos económicos a los países más contaminantes: como China, EUA y Rusia.
Como consumidores de su producción industrial somos el "único instrumento capaz de obligar a estos países a reducir sus emisiones": si seguimos consumiendo productos de China, Rusia o EUA estamos "sentenciando a muerte" a nuestros descendientes. Tenemos que "castigar económicamente" a los responsables directos de dichas emisiones para que nuestros hijos y nietos tengan alguna posibilidad de sobrevivir en este Planeta o los sentenciamos a morir a 50 grados de calor con una atmósfera irrespirable.
Isra-Mart srl news:
Con los datos facilitados por La Vanguardia del 16/08/2010 de los últimos 20 años constatan que se ha quintuplicado el consumo de carbono en China con las consiguientes emisiones de CO2 a la atmósfera y que ello está provocando el deshielo del 40% de los casquetes polares y que estos al hacer de reguladores de la temperatura terrestre y su ausencia provoca que disminuya la reflexión de los rayos solares sobre el hielo, rayos que absorbe el mar con el aumento de la temperatura media de los océanos y el nivel del mar provocando desastrosas consecuencias: tempestades, tornados y huracanes a todo lo largo del litoral, con inundaciones, corrimientos de tierra, maremotos y otros desastres.
Lo peor está por venir, ya que la temperatura media terrestre aumentará más de 5 grados en los próximos 20 años, por lo que aumentarán las olas de calor, los incendios y con ello el planeta se irá desertizando y desecando, las cosechas cada vez serán más exiguas, el agua potable será más escasa, pues al aumentar el nivel del mar anegará y salará todos los deltas de los ríos y de los acuíferos potables del litoral terrestre. Litoral donde vive el 50% de la población mundial y en donde se concentran las mayores explotaciones agrícolas, ganaderas y piscifactorías, así como desalinizadoras, puertos, zonas industriales y nucleares.
El desastre está garantizado y si queremos que nuestros hijos y nietos tengan alguna posibilidad de subsistencia sobre la faz de la Tierra, tendríamos que empezar a penalizar mundialmente las emisiones de CO2, ya sea realizando bloqueos económicos a los países más contaminantes: como China, EUA y Rusia.
Como consumidores de su producción industrial somos el "único instrumento capaz de obligar a estos países a reducir sus emisiones": si seguimos consumiendo productos de China, Rusia o EUA estamos "sentenciando a muerte" a nuestros descendientes. Tenemos que "castigar económicamente" a los responsables directos de dichas emisiones para que nuestros hijos y nietos tengan alguna posibilidad de sobrevivir en este Planeta o los sentenciamos a morir a 50 grados de calor con una atmósfera irrespirable.
Isra-Mart srl : Dutch, Austria to auction 4.2 million EU carbon permits
Isra-Mart srl news:
The Dutch environment ministry will auction 4 million European Union carbon permits in two auctions on October 14 and November 18, the auction host, Amsterdam-based emissions exchange Climex, said on Wednesday.
Each auction will offer 2 million permits, called EU Allowances.
Climex will also host an auction for the Austrian Government on November 8 in which 200,000 EUAs will be sold, the bourse said.
All auctions will start at 1000 CET.
A Climex spokesman said these will be the exchange's final EUA auctions in 2010, though more are planned for next year.
All will be single round, sealed bid with a single clearing price, the same format as auctions to be held in the third phase of the EU's Emissions Trading Scheme (2013-2020).
The minimum bid size is 500 EUAs and while participation is free of charge, the Dutch government auctions also carry no transaction fees for the successful buyers, Climex said.
During the scheme's second phase (2008-2012), the Dutch government said it will auction some 16 million EUAs, or around 4 percent of its total allocation figure.
The Dutch State Treasury Agency sold 4 million EUAs for 14.10 euros a tonne on April 15 while Climex last auctioned 200,000 EUAs on behalf of the Austrian government for 12.78 euros ($16.17) each on March 23.
Benchmark spot EUA prices currently trade at 15.05 euros per tonne of carbon dioxide.
Isra-Mart srl news:
The Dutch environment ministry will auction 4 million European Union carbon permits in two auctions on October 14 and November 18, the auction host, Amsterdam-based emissions exchange Climex, said on Wednesday.
Each auction will offer 2 million permits, called EU Allowances.
Climex will also host an auction for the Austrian Government on November 8 in which 200,000 EUAs will be sold, the bourse said.
All auctions will start at 1000 CET.
A Climex spokesman said these will be the exchange's final EUA auctions in 2010, though more are planned for next year.
All will be single round, sealed bid with a single clearing price, the same format as auctions to be held in the third phase of the EU's Emissions Trading Scheme (2013-2020).
The minimum bid size is 500 EUAs and while participation is free of charge, the Dutch government auctions also carry no transaction fees for the successful buyers, Climex said.
During the scheme's second phase (2008-2012), the Dutch government said it will auction some 16 million EUAs, or around 4 percent of its total allocation figure.
The Dutch State Treasury Agency sold 4 million EUAs for 14.10 euros a tonne on April 15 while Climex last auctioned 200,000 EUAs on behalf of the Austrian government for 12.78 euros ($16.17) each on March 23.
Benchmark spot EUA prices currently trade at 15.05 euros per tonne of carbon dioxide.
Isra-Mart srl : CER prices rise on supply concerns
Isra-Mart srl news:
The price of certified emission reductions (CERs) have been boosted this month as doubts about reduced supply of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) credits weigh on buyers in the EU carbon market. As the UN scheme administrators take an ever harder line on emission reduction projects in China, concern is that a significant source of credits to the market up top 2012 may be cut off.
While the overall EU carbon market has lifted in August, with both EUAs and CERs on the rise, CERs have outstripped EUAs over the past ten days. The EUA-CER spread has subsequently narrowed to its lowest levels in four months and in the most-traded contracts stood at €1.81 at the close of trade on August 25. The benchmark Dec 10 CER contract closed at €13.58 while Dec 10 EUAs closed at €15.39.
UN officials said they will put a fifth project destroying potent industrial gases under review amid concerns factories are unnecessarily increasing the amount produced so that they then have more to destroy. Half of all CERs issued worldwide have been created by the destruction of industrial gases, mainly HFC-23, an extremely potent greenhouse gas. A global warming potency almost 12,000 times greater than carbon dioxide makes CDM projects to destroy HFC-23 very lucrative credit generators.
A number of wind energy projects in China have also been rejected by the board recently as not meeting additionality requirements for carbon credits.
“There are fears of a supply squeeze because of fears industrial gases will not be allowed to produce CERs,” said Henry Derwent, chief executive officer and president of the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) told Bloomberg.
The supply concerns may only intensify following comments by European climate commissioner Connie Hedegaard today that a “major overhaul” is needed of the UN from which CERs are generated. Hedegaard called for “quality restrictions” in the EU ETS after 2012 on the eligibility of CERs from industrial-gas destruction projects. A decision is expected by the end of November.
Meanwhile, demand for CERs might rise throughout this year as European economies recover and emissions return to more normal levels, providing a further boost to prices, Derwent added.
Isra-Mart srl news:
The price of certified emission reductions (CERs) have been boosted this month as doubts about reduced supply of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) credits weigh on buyers in the EU carbon market. As the UN scheme administrators take an ever harder line on emission reduction projects in China, concern is that a significant source of credits to the market up top 2012 may be cut off.
While the overall EU carbon market has lifted in August, with both EUAs and CERs on the rise, CERs have outstripped EUAs over the past ten days. The EUA-CER spread has subsequently narrowed to its lowest levels in four months and in the most-traded contracts stood at €1.81 at the close of trade on August 25. The benchmark Dec 10 CER contract closed at €13.58 while Dec 10 EUAs closed at €15.39.
UN officials said they will put a fifth project destroying potent industrial gases under review amid concerns factories are unnecessarily increasing the amount produced so that they then have more to destroy. Half of all CERs issued worldwide have been created by the destruction of industrial gases, mainly HFC-23, an extremely potent greenhouse gas. A global warming potency almost 12,000 times greater than carbon dioxide makes CDM projects to destroy HFC-23 very lucrative credit generators.
A number of wind energy projects in China have also been rejected by the board recently as not meeting additionality requirements for carbon credits.
“There are fears of a supply squeeze because of fears industrial gases will not be allowed to produce CERs,” said Henry Derwent, chief executive officer and president of the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) told Bloomberg.
The supply concerns may only intensify following comments by European climate commissioner Connie Hedegaard today that a “major overhaul” is needed of the UN from which CERs are generated. Hedegaard called for “quality restrictions” in the EU ETS after 2012 on the eligibility of CERs from industrial-gas destruction projects. A decision is expected by the end of November.
Meanwhile, demand for CERs might rise throughout this year as European economies recover and emissions return to more normal levels, providing a further boost to prices, Derwent added.
Isra-Mart srl : Investitie de 12 miliarde de dolari in biocombustibil
Isra Mart srl News:
Companiile Shell si Cosan au semnat un acord pentru infiintarea uneia dintre cele mai mari afaceri cu biocombustibil la nivel mondial, informeaza BusinessGreen.com.
Shell va investi o suma estimata la 12 miliarde de dolari, in parteneriat cu gigantul brazilian producator de etanol Cosan. Cele doua companii au anuntat ca au semnat o serie de acorduri pentru a infiinta un joint venture, ce a fost propus inca din luna februarie. Initiatorii se asteapta ca noua companie sa devina de la inceput un jucator major pe piata cu crestere accelerata a biocombustibilului, estimand vanzari anuale de 21 de miliarde de dolari.
”In urmatorii 20 de ani, biocombustibilii sunt cea mai realista solutie comerciala pentru a reduce cantitatile de dioxid de carbon generat de transporturi”, a declarat directorul Shell, Mark Williams.
Cele doua companii partenere isi vor desfasura operatiunile in Brazilia, cea mai mare piata a etanolului la nivel global, unde vor dezvolta o retea comuna de distributie.
Isra Mart srl News:
Companiile Shell si Cosan au semnat un acord pentru infiintarea uneia dintre cele mai mari afaceri cu biocombustibil la nivel mondial, informeaza BusinessGreen.com.
Shell va investi o suma estimata la 12 miliarde de dolari, in parteneriat cu gigantul brazilian producator de etanol Cosan. Cele doua companii au anuntat ca au semnat o serie de acorduri pentru a infiinta un joint venture, ce a fost propus inca din luna februarie. Initiatorii se asteapta ca noua companie sa devina de la inceput un jucator major pe piata cu crestere accelerata a biocombustibilului, estimand vanzari anuale de 21 de miliarde de dolari.
”In urmatorii 20 de ani, biocombustibilii sunt cea mai realista solutie comerciala pentru a reduce cantitatile de dioxid de carbon generat de transporturi”, a declarat directorul Shell, Mark Williams.
Cele doua companii partenere isi vor desfasura operatiunile in Brazilia, cea mai mare piata a etanolului la nivel global, unde vor dezvolta o retea comuna de distributie.
Isra-Mart srl : Primul pas catre o lege privind utilizarea biomasei
Isra-Mart srl news:
Senatorul UDMR de Covasna Albert Almos va initia, in noua sesiune parlamentara, la propunerea Asociatiei "Green Energy" din Covasna, un proiect de lege privind sprijinirea producerii si utilizarii biomasei, precum si a cultivarii plantelor energetice, anunta Mediafax.
Senatorul UDMR de Covasna Albert Almos a declarat, joi, intr-o conferinta de presa, ca Asociatia "Green Energy" din judetul Covasna i-a solicitat sprijinul in vederea elaborarii si promovarii unui proiect de lege care sa ofere rezolvare la problemele din domeniul energiei regenerabile, al plantelor energetice.
Senatorul a subliniat ca a ridicat aceasta problema in cadrul grupului parlamentar din Senat al UDMR si urmeaza sa fie elaborat un proiect de lege in acest sens.
"Plantele energetice deja se cultiva in judet si in alte zone ale tarii si consider ca folosirea acestora este mai rentabila decat taierea padurilor tinere. Mai bine sa cultivam plante energetice, care pot fi recoltate dupa trei ani si pe urma folosite in vederea producerii combustibilului pentru centrale termice", a spus Albert Almos.
Presedintele Asociatiei "Green Energy", Vajda Lajos, a declarat ca prin aceasta lege ar trebui sa se reglementeze recunoasterea salciei energetice si a plopului energetic si introducerea lor pe lista plantelor cultivate recunoscute. Acesta mai spune ca este nevoie de subventionarea infiintarii plantatiei in proportie de 50-70%.
Vajda Lajos a explicat ca, potrivit obiectivelor Uniunii Europene, pana in 2020 aproximativ 20% din sursele de energie trebuie sa provina din surse de energie regenerabila, iar o resursa importanta de energie regenerabila este biomasa.
Plantatii pe terenuri in paragina
Potrivit sursei citate, pe termen mediu si lung, cresterea cantitatii de biomasa se poate asigura din plantatii (arbori si arbusti cu crestere rapida) pe terenuri degradate sau scoase din circuitul agricol si din valorificarea integrala a resurselor existente de deseuri lemnoase.
Vajda a subliniat ca infiintarea de culturi de salcie energetica sau plop poate fi o rezolvare pentru terenurile aflate in paragina sau pentru terenurile mlastinoase necultivate.
Numai in judetul Covasna, exista aproximativ 12.000 de hectare de teren in paragina si circa 1.000-1.500 de hectare de teren mlastinos, a spus el, adaugand ca plantele energetice pot fi cultivate si langa statiile de epurare.
De asemenea, potrivit sursei citate, exploatarile forestiere, fabricile de cherestea si, in general, fabricile de prelucrare a lemnului produc, la randul lor, o mare cantitate de deseuri lemnoase, care intra in categoria biomasei.
Biomasa obtinuta poate fi utilizata ca material de combustibil ecologic in centrale termice - pentru asigurarea necesarului de energie termica a localitatilor mici, in cazane, boilere - pentru incalzirea cladirilor publice, iar tocatura de lemn poate fi folosita pentru fabricarea de peleti si de brichete.
Presedintele Asociatiei "Green Energy" a subliniat ca aceasta propunere privind elaborarea proiectului de lege, impreuna cu expunerea de motive, va fi inmanata parlamentarilor din judet.
Senatorul UDMR de Covasna Albert Almos va initia, in noua sesiune parlamentara, la propunerea Asociatiei "Green Energy" din Covasna, un proiect de lege privind sprijinirea producerii si utilizarii biomasei, precum si a cultivarii plantelor energetice, anunta Mediafax.
Senatorul UDMR de Covasna Albert Almos a declarat, joi, intr-o conferinta de presa, ca Asociatia "Green Energy" din judetul Covasna i-a solicitat sprijinul in vederea elaborarii si promovarii unui proiect de lege care sa ofere rezolvare la problemele din domeniul energiei regenerabile, al plantelor energetice.
Senatorul a subliniat ca a ridicat aceasta problema in cadrul grupului parlamentar din Senat al UDMR si urmeaza sa fie elaborat un proiect de lege in acest sens.
"Plantele energetice deja se cultiva in judet si in alte zone ale tarii si consider ca folosirea acestora este mai rentabila decat taierea padurilor tinere. Mai bine sa cultivam plante energetice, care pot fi recoltate dupa trei ani si pe urma folosite in vederea producerii combustibilului pentru centrale termice", a spus Albert Almos.
Presedintele Asociatiei "Green Energy", Vajda Lajos, a declarat ca prin aceasta lege ar trebui sa se reglementeze recunoasterea salciei energetice si a plopului energetic si introducerea lor pe lista plantelor cultivate recunoscute. Acesta mai spune ca este nevoie de subventionarea infiintarii plantatiei in proportie de 50-70%.
Vajda Lajos a explicat ca, potrivit obiectivelor Uniunii Europene, pana in 2020 aproximativ 20% din sursele de energie trebuie sa provina din surse de energie regenerabila, iar o resursa importanta de energie regenerabila este biomasa.
Plantatii pe terenuri in paragina
Potrivit sursei citate, pe termen mediu si lung, cresterea cantitatii de biomasa se poate asigura din plantatii (arbori si arbusti cu crestere rapida) pe terenuri degradate sau scoase din circuitul agricol si din valorificarea integrala a resurselor existente de deseuri lemnoase.
Vajda a subliniat ca infiintarea de culturi de salcie energetica sau plop poate fi o rezolvare pentru terenurile aflate in paragina sau pentru terenurile mlastinoase necultivate.
Numai in judetul Covasna, exista aproximativ 12.000 de hectare de teren in paragina si circa 1.000-1.500 de hectare de teren mlastinos, a spus el, adaugand ca plantele energetice pot fi cultivate si langa statiile de epurare.
De asemenea, potrivit sursei citate, exploatarile forestiere, fabricile de cherestea si, in general, fabricile de prelucrare a lemnului produc, la randul lor, o mare cantitate de deseuri lemnoase, care intra in categoria biomasei.
Biomasa obtinuta poate fi utilizata ca material de combustibil ecologic in centrale termice - pentru asigurarea necesarului de energie termica a localitatilor mici, in cazane, boilere - pentru incalzirea cladirilor publice, iar tocatura de lemn poate fi folosita pentru fabricarea de peleti si de brichete.
Presedintele Asociatiei "Green Energy" a subliniat ca aceasta propunere privind elaborarea proiectului de lege, impreuna cu expunerea de motive, va fi inmanata parlamentarilor din judet.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Isra-Mart srl : EU carbon nudges lower, EUA-CER spread rises
Isra-mart srl news:
European carbon futures slipped slightly on Friday morning, tracking lower crude oil prices and defying firmer gas and power prices, traders said.
EU Allowances for December delivery slid as low as 14.57 euros a tonne, down 13 cents or 0.9 percent. The futures climbed back to 14.64 euros by 0700 GMT on quiet volume of just over 800 lots traded in the first hour.
Traders said prices could fall further next week if the Dec-10 futures close below a key resistance level of 14.50 euros on Friday.
Dec-10 CERs were unchanged at 12.15 euros a tonne, setting the EUA-CER spread at around 2.50 euros.
Global stocks and commodities sold off on Thursday, with Asian shares continuing the dive on Friday, as investors exited risky assets and rushed into safe-havens like U.S. Treasuries, strengthening the dollar.
U.S. crude oil prices dropped to near $70 on Friday, after falling the previous day for a seventh time in eight sessions, on unabated fears that Europe's debt crisis could hurt global economic growth and slow energy demand.
German Calendar 2011 baseload power and nearby British natural gas futures bucked the downward trend, rising 41 cents and 0.2 pence to 51.25 euros and 38.65 pence respectively.
Carbon market participants will next week gather in Cologne, Germany for Carbon Expo, the world's biggest annual conference for the $136 billion market.
British tax investigators arrested four more people on Thursday they said were believed to be connected to a 38 million pound ($54.5 million) suspected tax fraud in European carbon credit trading.
The HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) investigators also found firearms and large amounts of cash during the early morning raids on seven properties in London and Leicester areas, the agency said in a statement.
Isra-mart srl news:
European carbon futures slipped slightly on Friday morning, tracking lower crude oil prices and defying firmer gas and power prices, traders said.
EU Allowances for December delivery slid as low as 14.57 euros a tonne, down 13 cents or 0.9 percent. The futures climbed back to 14.64 euros by 0700 GMT on quiet volume of just over 800 lots traded in the first hour.
Traders said prices could fall further next week if the Dec-10 futures close below a key resistance level of 14.50 euros on Friday.
Dec-10 CERs were unchanged at 12.15 euros a tonne, setting the EUA-CER spread at around 2.50 euros.
Global stocks and commodities sold off on Thursday, with Asian shares continuing the dive on Friday, as investors exited risky assets and rushed into safe-havens like U.S. Treasuries, strengthening the dollar.
U.S. crude oil prices dropped to near $70 on Friday, after falling the previous day for a seventh time in eight sessions, on unabated fears that Europe's debt crisis could hurt global economic growth and slow energy demand.
German Calendar 2011 baseload power and nearby British natural gas futures bucked the downward trend, rising 41 cents and 0.2 pence to 51.25 euros and 38.65 pence respectively.
Carbon market participants will next week gather in Cologne, Germany for Carbon Expo, the world's biggest annual conference for the $136 billion market.
British tax investigators arrested four more people on Thursday they said were believed to be connected to a 38 million pound ($54.5 million) suspected tax fraud in European carbon credit trading.
The HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) investigators also found firearms and large amounts of cash during the early morning raids on seven properties in London and Leicester areas, the agency said in a statement.
Isra-Mart srl : BarCap trims H2 2010 carbon price forecasts
Isra-Mart srl news:
Barclays Capital trimmed its outlook for European Union carbon prices in the second half of 2010 by one euro to 15 euros ($19.68) a tonne on Thursday, but raised its longer-term forecast to between 40-70 euros by 2020.
Trevor Sikorski, an analyst at the investment arm of Barclays Bank, cited a recent decline in permit prices mitigated by a lack of buying support from utilities for the lowered H2-2010 estimate, but left his 2011 price target of 20 euros unchanged.
He raised his view for EU carbon prices, or EUAs, in the third phase of the bloc's Emissions Trading Scheme (2013-2020) by 5 euros to 40 euros, assuming the EU maintains its current 2020 emissions cut target of 20 percent below 1990 levels.
The EU's executive, currently weighing a move up to a 30 percent target, will likely deliver its verdict in the autumn.
"(Under) a 30 percent reduction target ... EUA prices will hit 70 euros a tonne by 2020," Sikorski said in a note.
EUA futures for delivery in December, trading on the European Climate Exchange, were up 4 cents to 14.37 euros a tonne on Wednesday afternoon.
The benchmark EUA futures fell to a 4-month low of 13.34 euros in late July and finished the month down 7.3 percent.
Following a 24 percent rally in EUA prices in April, Sikorski on May 19 raised his H2-2010 EUA forecast to 16 euros, up from a 15 euro estimate made in April.
"The market continues to be driven by the twin features of utility buying and industrial sales," he said.
Recession-hit industrial firms like steel and cement producers, many of which were given extra EUAs to help them compete internationally, have in the past 18 months sold their surplus in an effort to raise cash.
BarCap said that although EU steel output in the first six months of 2010 was up 44 percent over the same period last year, cement, lime and oil refining companies saw production drop by 7 percent year over year.
"The recovery in industrial production is uneven between sectors and, with some sectors and countries still suffering difficult times, monetizing EUAs will remain attractive to some participants," Sikorski said, attributing the recent EUA price weakness to industrial sales and government permit auctions.
He added that utilities would support prices if they dropped by enough: "Experience now suggests that the new level for opportunistic buying by utilities is around 13.50 euros."
He estimated utilities forward selling power beyond 2012 will need to buy another 30-40 million EUAs before the end of the year, but said most of this demand will be offset by the 36 million more EUAs expected to come to market via upcoming government permit auctions.
Sikorski also lowered his estimate for U.N.-approved Certified Emissions Reduction (CER) prices by one euro, predicting the Dec-10 futures would average 12.50 euros in the second half of 2010.
Isra-Mart srl news:
Barclays Capital trimmed its outlook for European Union carbon prices in the second half of 2010 by one euro to 15 euros ($19.68) a tonne on Thursday, but raised its longer-term forecast to between 40-70 euros by 2020.
Trevor Sikorski, an analyst at the investment arm of Barclays Bank, cited a recent decline in permit prices mitigated by a lack of buying support from utilities for the lowered H2-2010 estimate, but left his 2011 price target of 20 euros unchanged.
He raised his view for EU carbon prices, or EUAs, in the third phase of the bloc's Emissions Trading Scheme (2013-2020) by 5 euros to 40 euros, assuming the EU maintains its current 2020 emissions cut target of 20 percent below 1990 levels.
The EU's executive, currently weighing a move up to a 30 percent target, will likely deliver its verdict in the autumn.
"(Under) a 30 percent reduction target ... EUA prices will hit 70 euros a tonne by 2020," Sikorski said in a note.
EUA futures for delivery in December, trading on the European Climate Exchange, were up 4 cents to 14.37 euros a tonne on Wednesday afternoon.
The benchmark EUA futures fell to a 4-month low of 13.34 euros in late July and finished the month down 7.3 percent.
Following a 24 percent rally in EUA prices in April, Sikorski on May 19 raised his H2-2010 EUA forecast to 16 euros, up from a 15 euro estimate made in April.
"The market continues to be driven by the twin features of utility buying and industrial sales," he said.
Recession-hit industrial firms like steel and cement producers, many of which were given extra EUAs to help them compete internationally, have in the past 18 months sold their surplus in an effort to raise cash.
BarCap said that although EU steel output in the first six months of 2010 was up 44 percent over the same period last year, cement, lime and oil refining companies saw production drop by 7 percent year over year.
"The recovery in industrial production is uneven between sectors and, with some sectors and countries still suffering difficult times, monetizing EUAs will remain attractive to some participants," Sikorski said, attributing the recent EUA price weakness to industrial sales and government permit auctions.
He added that utilities would support prices if they dropped by enough: "Experience now suggests that the new level for opportunistic buying by utilities is around 13.50 euros."
He estimated utilities forward selling power beyond 2012 will need to buy another 30-40 million EUAs before the end of the year, but said most of this demand will be offset by the 36 million more EUAs expected to come to market via upcoming government permit auctions.
Sikorski also lowered his estimate for U.N.-approved Certified Emissions Reduction (CER) prices by one euro, predicting the Dec-10 futures would average 12.50 euros in the second half of 2010.
Isra-Mart srl : Subventii pentru eficienta energetica in Japonia
Isra-Mart srl news:
Guvernul japonez intentioneaza sa ofere subventii persoanelor care isi monteaza centrale individuale de energie curata si aparatura eficienta energetic, relateaza publicatia Nikkei.
De asemenea, statul ar putea sprijini invstitiile in afaceri locale verzi, precum productia de baterii pentru vehiculele electrice.
Masurile vin pe fondul slabirii economiei japoneze si incercarii Guvernului de a stimula initiativele locale si investitiile verzi. In acest sens, autoritatile din Japonia au in vedere acordarea unor subventii pentru achizitia si montarea de aparate eficiente energetic in gospodarii.
Planul anti-criza va extinde programul de imprumuturi pentru locuinte ce urma sa se incheie anul acesta, incurajand cetatenii sa opteze pentru case eficiente energetic si rezistente la seisme.
Isra-Mart srl news:
Guvernul japonez intentioneaza sa ofere subventii persoanelor care isi monteaza centrale individuale de energie curata si aparatura eficienta energetic, relateaza publicatia Nikkei.
De asemenea, statul ar putea sprijini invstitiile in afaceri locale verzi, precum productia de baterii pentru vehiculele electrice.
Masurile vin pe fondul slabirii economiei japoneze si incercarii Guvernului de a stimula initiativele locale si investitiile verzi. In acest sens, autoritatile din Japonia au in vedere acordarea unor subventii pentru achizitia si montarea de aparate eficiente energetic in gospodarii.
Planul anti-criza va extinde programul de imprumuturi pentru locuinte ce urma sa se incheie anul acesta, incurajand cetatenii sa opteze pentru case eficiente energetic si rezistente la seisme.
Isra-Mart srl : China va fi responsabila de jumatate din consumul de energie la nivel global in 2020
Isra-Mart srl news:
China a surclasat Japonia in topul celor mai mari economii, devenind cea mai mare consumatoare de energie la nivel mondial, arata datele Agentiei Internationale de Energie (AIE), citata de earthtimes.org. Mai mult, cercetatorii chinezi prevad ca, daca isi va mentine ritmul de dezvoltare din ultima decada, China va fi responsabila de jumatate din consumul de energie la nivel global in 2020.
Potrivit AIE, China, care cu cei 1,3 miliarde de locuitori este cea mai populata tara din lume, a depasit SUA in ceea ce priveste consumul energetic, dupa cererea accelerata de energie din ultimii zece ani.
Evolutia Chinei a fost mai rapida decat se astepta, fiind mai putin afectata de criza economica mondiala decat SUA. In prezent, economia Chinei creste cu 10% pe an.
Consumul de energie a fost rationalizat
Cererea de energie a statului s-a dublat din anul 2000 pana in prezent, iar cresterea economica conduce la dezvoltarea resurselor energetice. Totusi, temperaturile ridicate inregistrate in aceasta vara si utilizarea intensiva a aparatelor de aer conditionat au condus la intreruperi de curent in multe zone ale Chinei. Multe provincii au fost nevoite sa rationalizeze consumul de electricitate pentru a evita penele de curent.
Saptamana trecuta, accesul la electricitate a fost intrerupt pentru o luna la aproximativ 500 de intreprinderi mari consumatoare de energie din provincia Anhui, in estul Chinei. Oficial, aceasta decizie a fost descrisa ca o sanctiune pe fondul incapacitatii autoritatilor locale de a impune masurile de conservare energetica si de reducere a emisiilor.
In cadrul Summitului de la Copenhaga de anul trecut, oficialii Chinei, tara cu cea mai mare cantitate de emisii, si-au luat angajamentul de a reduce consumul energetic cu 40-45% pana in anul 2020, comparativ cu cel din 2005.
Chiar si asa, cererea de energie si nivelul de emisii ar putea continua sa creasca tinand cont de avantul dezvoltarii economice.
Isra-Mart srl news:
China a surclasat Japonia in topul celor mai mari economii, devenind cea mai mare consumatoare de energie la nivel mondial, arata datele Agentiei Internationale de Energie (AIE), citata de earthtimes.org. Mai mult, cercetatorii chinezi prevad ca, daca isi va mentine ritmul de dezvoltare din ultima decada, China va fi responsabila de jumatate din consumul de energie la nivel global in 2020.
Potrivit AIE, China, care cu cei 1,3 miliarde de locuitori este cea mai populata tara din lume, a depasit SUA in ceea ce priveste consumul energetic, dupa cererea accelerata de energie din ultimii zece ani.
Evolutia Chinei a fost mai rapida decat se astepta, fiind mai putin afectata de criza economica mondiala decat SUA. In prezent, economia Chinei creste cu 10% pe an.
Consumul de energie a fost rationalizat
Cererea de energie a statului s-a dublat din anul 2000 pana in prezent, iar cresterea economica conduce la dezvoltarea resurselor energetice. Totusi, temperaturile ridicate inregistrate in aceasta vara si utilizarea intensiva a aparatelor de aer conditionat au condus la intreruperi de curent in multe zone ale Chinei. Multe provincii au fost nevoite sa rationalizeze consumul de electricitate pentru a evita penele de curent.
Saptamana trecuta, accesul la electricitate a fost intrerupt pentru o luna la aproximativ 500 de intreprinderi mari consumatoare de energie din provincia Anhui, in estul Chinei. Oficial, aceasta decizie a fost descrisa ca o sanctiune pe fondul incapacitatii autoritatilor locale de a impune masurile de conservare energetica si de reducere a emisiilor.
In cadrul Summitului de la Copenhaga de anul trecut, oficialii Chinei, tara cu cea mai mare cantitate de emisii, si-au luat angajamentul de a reduce consumul energetic cu 40-45% pana in anul 2020, comparativ cu cel din 2005.
Chiar si asa, cererea de energie si nivelul de emisii ar putea continua sa creasca tinand cont de avantul dezvoltarii economice.
Isra-Mart srl : Un nou parc eolian la Babadag
Isra-Mart srl news:
Potentialul eolian al Dobrogei va fi exploatat, din primavara viitoare, si la Babadag, unde Eviva Nalbant, subsidiara a grupului portughez Martifer, a inceput constructia unui parc eolian, informeaza Mediafax.
Compania va construi la Babadag 20 de turbine eoliene, cu o putere instalata totala de 42 MW.
"Inaugurarea partiala este posibila la sfarsitul acestui an", a anuntat Eviva Nalbant. Proiectul ar urma sa devina operational in aprilie 2011.
Constructia parcului eolian, initial estimata sa inceapa in iunie, a debutat mai devreme, in luna aprilie.
Eviva Nalbant a semnat contractul de racordare la retea a turbinelor eoliene cu Enel Dobrogea.
Eviva Nalbant a concesionat la Babadag, in 2007, un teren cu o suprafata de 260 de hectare, pentru a dezvolta un parc eolian de 48 MW, reprezentand prima etapa a unui proiect mai amplu.
Grupul portughez a anuntat in 2007 ca obiectivul pe piata energetica romaneasca este sa detina, pana in 2012, parcuri eoliene cu o capacitate totala instalata de 400 MW.
Isra-Mart srl news:
Potentialul eolian al Dobrogei va fi exploatat, din primavara viitoare, si la Babadag, unde Eviva Nalbant, subsidiara a grupului portughez Martifer, a inceput constructia unui parc eolian, informeaza Mediafax.
Compania va construi la Babadag 20 de turbine eoliene, cu o putere instalata totala de 42 MW.
"Inaugurarea partiala este posibila la sfarsitul acestui an", a anuntat Eviva Nalbant. Proiectul ar urma sa devina operational in aprilie 2011.
Constructia parcului eolian, initial estimata sa inceapa in iunie, a debutat mai devreme, in luna aprilie.
Eviva Nalbant a semnat contractul de racordare la retea a turbinelor eoliene cu Enel Dobrogea.
Eviva Nalbant a concesionat la Babadag, in 2007, un teren cu o suprafata de 260 de hectare, pentru a dezvolta un parc eolian de 48 MW, reprezentand prima etapa a unui proiect mai amplu.
Grupul portughez a anuntat in 2007 ca obiectivul pe piata energetica romaneasca este sa detina, pana in 2012, parcuri eoliene cu o capacitate totala instalata de 400 MW.
Isra-Mart srl : Standarde globale de masurare a emisiilor pentru companii
Isra-Mart srl news:
Peste 60 de companii au completat un chestionar privind noile standarde globale menite sa masoare nivelul de emisii generate de produsele lor si de distributia acestora.
Standardele sunt incluse intr-un protocol ce va intra in dezbatere publica timp de 30 de zile la sfarsitul lunii septembrie. Varianta oficiala va fi publicata pana in luna martie 2011.
Standardele globale pentru masurarea emisiilor au fost elaborate de Institutul International de Resurse (IIR) si Consiliul International de Afaceri pentru Dezvoltare Sustenabila. Documentul reprezinta un instrument de analiza ce furnizeaza metode de masurare a emisiilor asociate cu produsele lor in timpul ciclurilor de viata.
Companiile au testat instrumentul
La chestionar au raspuns 62 de companii, din 17 tari, provenind din mai multe sectoare de activitate. Acestea au inceput sa testeze standardele incepand cu luna ianuarie.
”Experimentul ilustreaza faptul ca regulamentele tot mai stricte privind masuratorile, raportarile si verificarile datelor implica decizii complexe din punct de vedere tehnic si in ceea ce priveste politica companiei. Abordarea protocolului privind dezvoltarea unor standarde internationale furnizeaza un model ce ar putea fi folosit si la dezvoltarea regulilor de masurare a emisiilor la nivel national”, a explicat Jennifer Morgan, directorul Programului Clima si Energie, derulat de IIR.
Reprezentantii companiilor au avut putine dificultati la completarea chestionarului in conformitate cu cerintele si au fost ajutati de ghidul chestionarului.
”Asteptam implementarea unor standarde ce vor putea fi folosite la nivel global. Testarea protocolului ne-a permis sa interactionam cu alte organizatii multinationale si sa intram in dialog cu ONG-uri, autoritati si institutii academice. Cand astfel de actori se reunesc pentru a elabora niste standarde, acestea vor fi respectate de toata lumea, iar noi vrem sa ne asiguram nu numai ca invatam din acest proces, ci si ca avem oportunitatea de a contribui la crearea si implementarea lui”, a declarat Robert ter Kuile, manager Energie si Schimbari Climatice la PepsiCo.
Transparenta in raportarea emisiilor
Potrivit feedback-ului primit de la cei mai multi reprezentanti de companii, chestionarul ar putea fi usor de completat, cu o frecventa anuala. Repondentii au confirmat faptul ca protocolul ajuta la identificarea oportunitatilor de reducere a emisiilor, prioritizand eforturile companiilor. De asemenea, instrumentul conduce la diferentierea produselor si la crearea de avantaje competitive, imbunatatind credibilitatea si transparenta in procesul de raportare a emisiilor.
”Completarea chestionarului a fost un proces util care ne-a permis sa evaluam nivelul de emisii pentru intreg procesul de productie si sa identificam procesele care necesita mai multa atentie”, a explicat Katie Wallace, specialist in sustenabilitate la compania New Belgium Brewing. Ea a mentionat ca rezultatele obtinute vor fi folosite pentru impunerea unor masuri de reducere a emisiilor de gaze cu efect de sera.
Isra-Mart srl news:
Peste 60 de companii au completat un chestionar privind noile standarde globale menite sa masoare nivelul de emisii generate de produsele lor si de distributia acestora.
Standardele sunt incluse intr-un protocol ce va intra in dezbatere publica timp de 30 de zile la sfarsitul lunii septembrie. Varianta oficiala va fi publicata pana in luna martie 2011.
Standardele globale pentru masurarea emisiilor au fost elaborate de Institutul International de Resurse (IIR) si Consiliul International de Afaceri pentru Dezvoltare Sustenabila. Documentul reprezinta un instrument de analiza ce furnizeaza metode de masurare a emisiilor asociate cu produsele lor in timpul ciclurilor de viata.
Companiile au testat instrumentul
La chestionar au raspuns 62 de companii, din 17 tari, provenind din mai multe sectoare de activitate. Acestea au inceput sa testeze standardele incepand cu luna ianuarie.
”Experimentul ilustreaza faptul ca regulamentele tot mai stricte privind masuratorile, raportarile si verificarile datelor implica decizii complexe din punct de vedere tehnic si in ceea ce priveste politica companiei. Abordarea protocolului privind dezvoltarea unor standarde internationale furnizeaza un model ce ar putea fi folosit si la dezvoltarea regulilor de masurare a emisiilor la nivel national”, a explicat Jennifer Morgan, directorul Programului Clima si Energie, derulat de IIR.
Reprezentantii companiilor au avut putine dificultati la completarea chestionarului in conformitate cu cerintele si au fost ajutati de ghidul chestionarului.
”Asteptam implementarea unor standarde ce vor putea fi folosite la nivel global. Testarea protocolului ne-a permis sa interactionam cu alte organizatii multinationale si sa intram in dialog cu ONG-uri, autoritati si institutii academice. Cand astfel de actori se reunesc pentru a elabora niste standarde, acestea vor fi respectate de toata lumea, iar noi vrem sa ne asiguram nu numai ca invatam din acest proces, ci si ca avem oportunitatea de a contribui la crearea si implementarea lui”, a declarat Robert ter Kuile, manager Energie si Schimbari Climatice la PepsiCo.
Transparenta in raportarea emisiilor
Potrivit feedback-ului primit de la cei mai multi reprezentanti de companii, chestionarul ar putea fi usor de completat, cu o frecventa anuala. Repondentii au confirmat faptul ca protocolul ajuta la identificarea oportunitatilor de reducere a emisiilor, prioritizand eforturile companiilor. De asemenea, instrumentul conduce la diferentierea produselor si la crearea de avantaje competitive, imbunatatind credibilitatea si transparenta in procesul de raportare a emisiilor.
”Completarea chestionarului a fost un proces util care ne-a permis sa evaluam nivelul de emisii pentru intreg procesul de productie si sa identificam procesele care necesita mai multa atentie”, a explicat Katie Wallace, specialist in sustenabilitate la compania New Belgium Brewing. Ea a mentionat ca rezultatele obtinute vor fi folosite pentru impunerea unor masuri de reducere a emisiilor de gaze cu efect de sera.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Isra-Mart srl : Hidroelectrica pregateste proiecte de 1,5 miliarde euro
Isra-Mart srl news:
Hidroelectrica va prezenta in septembrie sase proiecte noi de productie a energie in hidrocentrale, cu o valoare totala de circa 1,5 miliarde euro, a declarat astazi directorul general al companiei, Mihai David, citat de Mediafax.
El a precizat ca cele sase proiecte vor avea o putere instalata de 400 MW.
Hidroelectrica este cel mai mare producator de electricitate din Romania, cu o capacitate instalata de 6.422,71 MW in 272 de centrale hidroelectrice si statii de pompare.
Compania este controlata de stat, prin Ministerul Economiei. Unul dintre proiectele derulate in prezent de Hidroelectrica este constructia unei hidrocentrale de 1.000 MW de acumulare si pompaj la Tarnita-Lapustesti (judetul Cluj), proiect estimat la peste 1,1 miliarde euro.
Hidrocentrala de la Tarnita urmeaza sa fie echipata cu patru grupuri energetice, fiecare cu o putere de 250 MW. Realizarea acesteia va duce la imbunatatirea regimului de functionare al reactoarelor nuclearelectrice de la Cernavoda, a termocentralelor pe combustibili fosili si a celor in cogenerare. Totodata, hidrocentrala va putea sa asigure reglajul sistemului, rezerva de avarie de scurta durata si conditiile optime pentru instalarea unei puteri mai mari de 2.000 MW in centralele eoliene.
Isra-Mart srl news:
Hidroelectrica va prezenta in septembrie sase proiecte noi de productie a energie in hidrocentrale, cu o valoare totala de circa 1,5 miliarde euro, a declarat astazi directorul general al companiei, Mihai David, citat de Mediafax.
El a precizat ca cele sase proiecte vor avea o putere instalata de 400 MW.
Hidroelectrica este cel mai mare producator de electricitate din Romania, cu o capacitate instalata de 6.422,71 MW in 272 de centrale hidroelectrice si statii de pompare.
Compania este controlata de stat, prin Ministerul Economiei. Unul dintre proiectele derulate in prezent de Hidroelectrica este constructia unei hidrocentrale de 1.000 MW de acumulare si pompaj la Tarnita-Lapustesti (judetul Cluj), proiect estimat la peste 1,1 miliarde euro.
Hidrocentrala de la Tarnita urmeaza sa fie echipata cu patru grupuri energetice, fiecare cu o putere de 250 MW. Realizarea acesteia va duce la imbunatatirea regimului de functionare al reactoarelor nuclearelectrice de la Cernavoda, a termocentralelor pe combustibili fosili si a celor in cogenerare. Totodata, hidrocentrala va putea sa asigure reglajul sistemului, rezerva de avarie de scurta durata si conditiile optime pentru instalarea unei puteri mai mari de 2.000 MW in centralele eoliene.
Isra-Mart srl : Romania cauta solutii pentru stocarea carbonului
Isra-Mart srl news:
Expertii romani vor coopera pentru a gasi solutii privind captarea si stocarea dioxidului de carbon in tara noastra, in cadrul „Programului National pentru captarea si stocarea carbonului (Carbon Capture and Storage – CCS) cu orizont de timp 2020”.
Proiectul presupune analizarea posibilitatilor de implementarea a tehnologiilor de captare si stocare a dioxidului de carbon in conditiile concrete din tara noastra, atat din punct de vedere al integrarii instalatiilor de captare si transport la sursele care emit cantitati semnificative de gaze cu efect de sera, cat si al stocarii in structurile geologice.
De asemenea, unul dintre obiectivele programului cofinantat de Uniunea Europeana vizeaza pregatirea documentatiei pentru implementarea unui proiect demonstrativ CCS in Romania.
Ministerul Economiei si Comertului va derula campanii de constientizare si informare a populatiei privind tehnologiile CCS si impactul acestora asupra mediului si sanatatii.
Bani europeni pentru carbonul romanesc
Programul National pentru captarea si stocarea carbonului (Carbon Capture and Storage – CCS) cu orizont de timp 2020 este promovat de Ministerul Economiei in contextul pregatirii Romaniei pentru aplicarea Directivei 2009/31/CE, care stabileste cadrul juridic pentru stocarea geologica sigura, sub aspectul protectiei mediului, a dioxidului de carbon.
Pentru promovarea tehnologiilor CCS, Uniunea Europeana sustine financiar dezvoltarea unui numar de proiecte demonstrative prin contributii ce nu pot depasi 50% din totalul costurilor asociate unui astfel de proiect.
Isra-Mart srl news:
Expertii romani vor coopera pentru a gasi solutii privind captarea si stocarea dioxidului de carbon in tara noastra, in cadrul „Programului National pentru captarea si stocarea carbonului (Carbon Capture and Storage – CCS) cu orizont de timp 2020”.
Proiectul presupune analizarea posibilitatilor de implementarea a tehnologiilor de captare si stocare a dioxidului de carbon in conditiile concrete din tara noastra, atat din punct de vedere al integrarii instalatiilor de captare si transport la sursele care emit cantitati semnificative de gaze cu efect de sera, cat si al stocarii in structurile geologice.
De asemenea, unul dintre obiectivele programului cofinantat de Uniunea Europeana vizeaza pregatirea documentatiei pentru implementarea unui proiect demonstrativ CCS in Romania.
Ministerul Economiei si Comertului va derula campanii de constientizare si informare a populatiei privind tehnologiile CCS si impactul acestora asupra mediului si sanatatii.
Bani europeni pentru carbonul romanesc
Programul National pentru captarea si stocarea carbonului (Carbon Capture and Storage – CCS) cu orizont de timp 2020 este promovat de Ministerul Economiei in contextul pregatirii Romaniei pentru aplicarea Directivei 2009/31/CE, care stabileste cadrul juridic pentru stocarea geologica sigura, sub aspectul protectiei mediului, a dioxidului de carbon.
Pentru promovarea tehnologiilor CCS, Uniunea Europeana sustine financiar dezvoltarea unui numar de proiecte demonstrative prin contributii ce nu pot depasi 50% din totalul costurilor asociate unui astfel de proiect.
Isra-Mart srl : Vanzarea certificatelor de emisii ale Romaniei va fi negociata saptamana viitoare
Isra-Mart srl news:
Autoritatile au primit opt cereri pentru vanzarea de certificate de emisii de CO2, care variaza de la cateva milioane de tone la 100 milioane de tone, iar saptamana viitoare vor incepe negocierile cu potentialii cumparatori, a anuntat azi ministrului Economiei, Adriean Videanu, citat de Mediafax.
"Pina acum sunt exprimate opt cereri, care sunt intre cateva milioane tone pana la 100 milioane tone. Incepem de saptamana viitoare negocierile", a declarat Videanu, vineri, intr-o conferinta de presa.
Comercializarea surplusului de certificate va fi realizata numai de catre Guvern, fara intermediari, şi doar catre statele semnatare ale Protocolui de la Kyoto.
Romania are in acest an un disponibil de 300 milioane certificate de emisii poluante. Sumele obtinute astfel vor fi alocate investitiilor de mediu şi de inlocuire a unitatilor vechi de productie a energiei, a adaugat Videanu.
Prin vanzarea surplusului de certificate de emisii autoritatile estimeaza ca vor obtine intre 1,2 şi 2,5 miliarde euro.
Tinta de reducere de 8% pana in 2012
Pentru fiecare tona de dioxid de carbon se emite un certificat de emisii, denumit unitate a cantitatii atribuite (AAU). Romania şi-a asumat, in intervalul 2008-2012, reducerea cu 8% a emisiilor de gaze cu efect de sera, fata de nivelul anului 1989, procent similar cu cel convenit de Uniunea Europeana.
Pentru intervalul 2008-2012 Romania poate emite circa 1,279 miliarde tone de emisii de gaze cu efect de sera.
Certificatele sunt emise in baza unui sistem al Uniunii Europene legat de reducerea poluarii. Ele sunt alocate fiecarui stat membru, dupa ce guvernul acestuia stabileşte niveluri maxime nationale pentru emisiile de gaze şi aloca niveluri maxime pentru operatorii industriali. Certificatele emise in baza acestor alocari pot fi tranzactionate.
Isra-Mart srl news:
Autoritatile au primit opt cereri pentru vanzarea de certificate de emisii de CO2, care variaza de la cateva milioane de tone la 100 milioane de tone, iar saptamana viitoare vor incepe negocierile cu potentialii cumparatori, a anuntat azi ministrului Economiei, Adriean Videanu, citat de Mediafax.
"Pina acum sunt exprimate opt cereri, care sunt intre cateva milioane tone pana la 100 milioane tone. Incepem de saptamana viitoare negocierile", a declarat Videanu, vineri, intr-o conferinta de presa.
Comercializarea surplusului de certificate va fi realizata numai de catre Guvern, fara intermediari, şi doar catre statele semnatare ale Protocolui de la Kyoto.
Romania are in acest an un disponibil de 300 milioane certificate de emisii poluante. Sumele obtinute astfel vor fi alocate investitiilor de mediu şi de inlocuire a unitatilor vechi de productie a energiei, a adaugat Videanu.
Prin vanzarea surplusului de certificate de emisii autoritatile estimeaza ca vor obtine intre 1,2 şi 2,5 miliarde euro.
Tinta de reducere de 8% pana in 2012
Pentru fiecare tona de dioxid de carbon se emite un certificat de emisii, denumit unitate a cantitatii atribuite (AAU). Romania şi-a asumat, in intervalul 2008-2012, reducerea cu 8% a emisiilor de gaze cu efect de sera, fata de nivelul anului 1989, procent similar cu cel convenit de Uniunea Europeana.
Pentru intervalul 2008-2012 Romania poate emite circa 1,279 miliarde tone de emisii de gaze cu efect de sera.
Certificatele sunt emise in baza unui sistem al Uniunii Europene legat de reducerea poluarii. Ele sunt alocate fiecarui stat membru, dupa ce guvernul acestuia stabileşte niveluri maxime nationale pentru emisiile de gaze şi aloca niveluri maxime pentru operatorii industriali. Certificatele emise in baza acestor alocari pot fi tranzactionate.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Isra-Mart srl : Cea mai mare turbina din lume pe baza de energie a valurilor
Isra-Mart srl news:
Compania Atlantis Resources Co, ai carei investitori principali sunt Morgan Stanley si compania norvegiana Statkraft AS, a anuntat astazi lansarea celei mai mari turbine din lume pe baza de energie a valurilor. Rotoarele de 18 metri ale dispozitivului AK1000 au capacitatea de a genera 1 MW de energie, suficient pentru a alimenta cel putin 1000 de locuinte, se arata intr-un comunicat al companiei. Turbina va fi instalata spre sfarsitul anului, la Centrul European de Energie Marina de pe Insulele Orkney, din Scotia.
”Suntem la startul unui nou boom industrial, asemanator dezvoltarii exploatarilor de gaze si petrol din Marea Nordului”, a declarat Timothy Cornelius, director executiv al Atlantis. ”Daca am primi acelasi sprijin guvernamental pe care l-a primit industria de gaze si petrol pentru a face din Marea Nordului succesul care este astazi, atunci viitorul va fi foarte promitator pentru energia marina”, a mai spus acesta.
Valurile generate de apele care inconjoara Matea Britanie pot furniza suficienta energie pentru 1,4 locuinte pana in 2020, potrivit prognozelor anuntate de guvernul de la Londra in luna martie.
Cea mai mare sursa de energie a valurilor din Marea Britanie este o turbina dubla, de 1,2 MW, instalata in apele Irlandei de Nord, de Marine Current Turbines. Rotoarele turbinei duble SeaGen pot furniza de doua ori mai multa electricitate decat o turbina eoliana de aceeasi capacitate, deoarece forta valurilor este predictibila, in vreme ce vantul nu sufla tot timpul cu aceeasi putere.
Isra-Mart srl news:
Compania Atlantis Resources Co, ai carei investitori principali sunt Morgan Stanley si compania norvegiana Statkraft AS, a anuntat astazi lansarea celei mai mari turbine din lume pe baza de energie a valurilor. Rotoarele de 18 metri ale dispozitivului AK1000 au capacitatea de a genera 1 MW de energie, suficient pentru a alimenta cel putin 1000 de locuinte, se arata intr-un comunicat al companiei. Turbina va fi instalata spre sfarsitul anului, la Centrul European de Energie Marina de pe Insulele Orkney, din Scotia.
”Suntem la startul unui nou boom industrial, asemanator dezvoltarii exploatarilor de gaze si petrol din Marea Nordului”, a declarat Timothy Cornelius, director executiv al Atlantis. ”Daca am primi acelasi sprijin guvernamental pe care l-a primit industria de gaze si petrol pentru a face din Marea Nordului succesul care este astazi, atunci viitorul va fi foarte promitator pentru energia marina”, a mai spus acesta.
Valurile generate de apele care inconjoara Matea Britanie pot furniza suficienta energie pentru 1,4 locuinte pana in 2020, potrivit prognozelor anuntate de guvernul de la Londra in luna martie.
Cea mai mare sursa de energie a valurilor din Marea Britanie este o turbina dubla, de 1,2 MW, instalata in apele Irlandei de Nord, de Marine Current Turbines. Rotoarele turbinei duble SeaGen pot furniza de doua ori mai multa electricitate decat o turbina eoliana de aceeasi capacitate, deoarece forta valurilor este predictibila, in vreme ce vantul nu sufla tot timpul cu aceeasi putere.
Isra-Mart srl :Specialistii romani in tehnologii verzi, invitati in Norvegia
Isra-Mart srl news:
Specialistii romani in tehnologii eco-inovatoare au ocazia sa mearga in perioada 20-24 septembrie in Norvegia pentru un schimb de experienta, in cadrul proiectului ECOEMERGE derulat Ministerul Mediului si Padurilor si Guvernul Norvegiei.
O delegatie formata din reprezentanti ai unor companii si institute de cercetare din Romania, cu performante in dezvoltarea si aplicarea tehnologiilor eco-inovatoare se va intalni cu operatori economici cu activitate in domeniul tehnologiilor „curate”, cu universitati, centre de cercetare si institutii cu atributii in stimularea transferului tehnologic din tara partenera.
Delegatia romana va fi formata din zece specialisti. Candidatii trebuie sa aiba cetatenie romana, sa fie absolventi de studii superioare de lunga durata si sa aiba cunostinte foarte bune de limba engleza.
Dosarele de candidatura pot fi depuse pana la data de 18 august 2010, ora 12.00, la Registratura Ministerului Mediului si Padurilor.
Bani norvegieni pentru pietele ecologice din Romania
Ministerul Mediului si Padurilor a incheiat in luna aprilie 2009 un contract de finantare cu reprezentantul Guvernului Regatului Norvegiei, Innovation Norway, pentru implementarea proiectului “Dezvoltarea pietelor ecologice emergente din Romania” (ECOEMERGE). Finantarea este asigurata prin Programul Norvegian de Cooperare pentru Crestere Economica si Dezvoltare Durabila in Romania.
Scopul acestui proiect este de a crea un cadru integrat pentru dezvoltarea pietelor ecologice din Romania, imbunatatind legatura dintre sistemele de productie (prin eco-inovare si stimularea transferului tehnologic) si componenta de consum – prin stimularea consumului de tehnologii, produse si servicii ecologice.
Isra-Mart srl news:
Specialistii romani in tehnologii eco-inovatoare au ocazia sa mearga in perioada 20-24 septembrie in Norvegia pentru un schimb de experienta, in cadrul proiectului ECOEMERGE derulat Ministerul Mediului si Padurilor si Guvernul Norvegiei.
O delegatie formata din reprezentanti ai unor companii si institute de cercetare din Romania, cu performante in dezvoltarea si aplicarea tehnologiilor eco-inovatoare se va intalni cu operatori economici cu activitate in domeniul tehnologiilor „curate”, cu universitati, centre de cercetare si institutii cu atributii in stimularea transferului tehnologic din tara partenera.
Delegatia romana va fi formata din zece specialisti. Candidatii trebuie sa aiba cetatenie romana, sa fie absolventi de studii superioare de lunga durata si sa aiba cunostinte foarte bune de limba engleza.
Dosarele de candidatura pot fi depuse pana la data de 18 august 2010, ora 12.00, la Registratura Ministerului Mediului si Padurilor.
Bani norvegieni pentru pietele ecologice din Romania
Ministerul Mediului si Padurilor a incheiat in luna aprilie 2009 un contract de finantare cu reprezentantul Guvernului Regatului Norvegiei, Innovation Norway, pentru implementarea proiectului “Dezvoltarea pietelor ecologice emergente din Romania” (ECOEMERGE). Finantarea este asigurata prin Programul Norvegian de Cooperare pentru Crestere Economica si Dezvoltare Durabila in Romania.
Scopul acestui proiect este de a crea un cadru integrat pentru dezvoltarea pietelor ecologice din Romania, imbunatatind legatura dintre sistemele de productie (prin eco-inovare si stimularea transferului tehnologic) si componenta de consum – prin stimularea consumului de tehnologii, produse si servicii ecologice.
Isra-Mart srl : SUA taie datoriile Braziliei, in schimbul protectiei padurilor
Isra-Mart srl news:
Adminitratia Obama a anuntat ca va anula o parte din datoria Braziliei in schimbul unor masuri de protectie a padurilor luate de guvernul brazilian.
SUA au procedat la fel si in cazul altor state, precum Bangladesh, Belize, Botswana, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Indonezia, Jamaica, Panama, Paraguay, Peru si Insulele Filipine.
Despaduririle masive sunt responsabile pentru aproximativ 20% din emisiile de gaze cu efect de sera. Reducerea despaduririlor este o prioritate in state ca Brazilia si Indonezia, ce ocupa locul trei, respectiv patru, in clasamentul tarilor cu cele mai mari cantitati de emisii.
Isra-Mart srl news:
Adminitratia Obama a anuntat ca va anula o parte din datoria Braziliei in schimbul unor masuri de protectie a padurilor luate de guvernul brazilian.
SUA au procedat la fel si in cazul altor state, precum Bangladesh, Belize, Botswana, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Indonezia, Jamaica, Panama, Paraguay, Peru si Insulele Filipine.
Despaduririle masive sunt responsabile pentru aproximativ 20% din emisiile de gaze cu efect de sera. Reducerea despaduririlor este o prioritate in state ca Brazilia si Indonezia, ce ocupa locul trei, respectiv patru, in clasamentul tarilor cu cele mai mari cantitati de emisii.
Isra-Mart srl : LEGE: Romanii vor putea vinde energia verde produsa individual
Isra-Mart srl news:
Romanii care isi instaleaza in folos propriu eoliene sau panouri solare cu o capacitate de sub 1 MW si-ar putea vinde surplusul de energie la reteaua nationala, la un pret fix reglementat de stat, potrivit noii versiuni a Legii 220/2008 privind promovarea energiei din surse regenerabile. Astfel, legea 139/2010 de modificare si completare a legii 220/2008, intrata in vigoare de la 9 iulie, prevede posibilitatea ca distribuitorii locali de energie sa preia energia furnizata de micii producatori, urmand ca ANRE sa stabileasca pretul.
Facilitatea e similara sistemului feed-in tariff practicat cu mult succes in multe tari vest-europene. Spre exemplu, orice persoana fizica din Germania isi poate recupera investitia in echipamentele verzi instalate vanzand surplusul de energie la reteaua nationala, ceea ce a condus la o dezvoltare rapida a sectorului energiei verzi.
Exprimare neclara
Versiunea noua a legii 220 este insa in unele locuri contradictorie si, ca multe alte acte normative din Romania, contine o exprimare neclara. Astfel, arata legea, ”persoanele fizice ce deţin unităţi de producere a energiei electrice din surse regenerabile cu putere instalată sub 1 MW pe loc de consum, precum şi autorităţile publice care deţin capacităţi de producere a energiei electrice din surse regenerabile realizate, parţial sau total, din fonduri structurale pot beneficia din partea furnizorilor cu care au contract de furnizare a energiei electrice, la cerere, de serviciul de regularizare, financiară şi/sau cantitativă, între energia livrată şi energia consumată din reţea, conform unei metodologii elaborate de ANRE, în termen de 60 de zile de la intrarea în vigoare a prezentei legi”.
Cu alte cuvinte, ramane exclusiv la latitudinea distribuitorului de energie daca accepta sau nu aceasta formula. Totodata, paragraful sugereaza ca numai acele autoritati publice care-si instaleaza echipamente verzi finantate prin fonduri structurale au dreptul sa incheie aceasta intelegere, prevedere menita sa descurajeze initiative locale independente de banii europeni.
Desi investitorii din domeniu asteapta de mai bine de doi ani aceasta lege, prevederile ei vor fi aplicate abia spre sfarsitul anului, dupa elaborarea legislatiei secundare si dupa avizul Comisiei Europene. In 60 de zile de la intrarea in vigoare a legii ar trebui sa fie intocmite normele de aplicare, care ar trebui sa clarifice, printre altele, si modul in care se va face racordarea la sistem micilor producatori de energie verde.
Isra-Mart srl news:
Romanii care isi instaleaza in folos propriu eoliene sau panouri solare cu o capacitate de sub 1 MW si-ar putea vinde surplusul de energie la reteaua nationala, la un pret fix reglementat de stat, potrivit noii versiuni a Legii 220/2008 privind promovarea energiei din surse regenerabile. Astfel, legea 139/2010 de modificare si completare a legii 220/2008, intrata in vigoare de la 9 iulie, prevede posibilitatea ca distribuitorii locali de energie sa preia energia furnizata de micii producatori, urmand ca ANRE sa stabileasca pretul.
Facilitatea e similara sistemului feed-in tariff practicat cu mult succes in multe tari vest-europene. Spre exemplu, orice persoana fizica din Germania isi poate recupera investitia in echipamentele verzi instalate vanzand surplusul de energie la reteaua nationala, ceea ce a condus la o dezvoltare rapida a sectorului energiei verzi.
Exprimare neclara
Versiunea noua a legii 220 este insa in unele locuri contradictorie si, ca multe alte acte normative din Romania, contine o exprimare neclara. Astfel, arata legea, ”persoanele fizice ce deţin unităţi de producere a energiei electrice din surse regenerabile cu putere instalată sub 1 MW pe loc de consum, precum şi autorităţile publice care deţin capacităţi de producere a energiei electrice din surse regenerabile realizate, parţial sau total, din fonduri structurale pot beneficia din partea furnizorilor cu care au contract de furnizare a energiei electrice, la cerere, de serviciul de regularizare, financiară şi/sau cantitativă, între energia livrată şi energia consumată din reţea, conform unei metodologii elaborate de ANRE, în termen de 60 de zile de la intrarea în vigoare a prezentei legi”.
Cu alte cuvinte, ramane exclusiv la latitudinea distribuitorului de energie daca accepta sau nu aceasta formula. Totodata, paragraful sugereaza ca numai acele autoritati publice care-si instaleaza echipamente verzi finantate prin fonduri structurale au dreptul sa incheie aceasta intelegere, prevedere menita sa descurajeze initiative locale independente de banii europeni.
Desi investitorii din domeniu asteapta de mai bine de doi ani aceasta lege, prevederile ei vor fi aplicate abia spre sfarsitul anului, dupa elaborarea legislatiei secundare si dupa avizul Comisiei Europene. In 60 de zile de la intrarea in vigoare a legii ar trebui sa fie intocmite normele de aplicare, care ar trebui sa clarifice, printre altele, si modul in care se va face racordarea la sistem micilor producatori de energie verde.
Isra-Mart srl : Centrale termice moderne, cu bani din certificatele de CO2
Isra-Mart srl news:
Actualele sisteme centralizate de furnizare a caldurii catre populatie ar putea fi inlocuite cu centrale moderne, cu bani obtinuti din vanzarea certificatelor de CO2, potrivit presedintelui Institutul de Studii si Proiectări Energetice (ISPE), Dan Gheorghiu, citat de Mediafax.
El a explicat ca grupul ministerial care analizeaza variantele privind subventiile pentru plata energiei termice va propune premierului Emil Boc sa sisteze investitiile in sistemele actuale actuale si sa mentina ajutoarele pentru populatie.
”Vom propune premierului Emil Boc mentinerea subventiilor in acest an. Trebuie sa se opreasca investitiile in tehnologiile vechi, iar acestea sa fie inlocuite cu unele noi, pentru reducerea consumului de energie primara si diminuarea poluarii”, a declarat Gheorghiu.
El nu a putut preciza care va fi nivelul investitiilor pentru inlocuirea tuturor sistemelor termice din cele 85 de orase unde caldura este asigurata in sistem centralizat.
Ping-pong cu subventiile
Premierul Emil Boc a cerut recent mai multor ministri ca pana joi, 19 august, sa ii prezinte un raport privind variantele de subventii la energia termica furnizata in sistem centralizat populatiei.
Grupul interministerial este format din reprezentanti ai ministerelor Economiei, Muncii, Administratiei, Mediului si Finantelor, precum si din oficiali ai Autoritatii Nationale de Reglementare in Domeniul Energiei si ai ISPE.
Presedintele Traian Basescu a anuntat in luna mai, dupa finalizarea negocierilor cu FMI, un pachet de masuri pentru reducerea cheltuielilor bugetare, printre care si diminuarea masiva a subventiilor la incalzire prin directionarea fondurilor doar catre persoane cu venituri reduse.
Scrisoarea de intentie la acordul stand-by, redactata dupa negocierile din luna august cu FMI, releva ca Guvernul s-a angajat inclusiv sa elimine subventiile la incalzire.
Isra-Mart srl news:
Actualele sisteme centralizate de furnizare a caldurii catre populatie ar putea fi inlocuite cu centrale moderne, cu bani obtinuti din vanzarea certificatelor de CO2, potrivit presedintelui Institutul de Studii si Proiectări Energetice (ISPE), Dan Gheorghiu, citat de Mediafax.
El a explicat ca grupul ministerial care analizeaza variantele privind subventiile pentru plata energiei termice va propune premierului Emil Boc sa sisteze investitiile in sistemele actuale actuale si sa mentina ajutoarele pentru populatie.
”Vom propune premierului Emil Boc mentinerea subventiilor in acest an. Trebuie sa se opreasca investitiile in tehnologiile vechi, iar acestea sa fie inlocuite cu unele noi, pentru reducerea consumului de energie primara si diminuarea poluarii”, a declarat Gheorghiu.
El nu a putut preciza care va fi nivelul investitiilor pentru inlocuirea tuturor sistemelor termice din cele 85 de orase unde caldura este asigurata in sistem centralizat.
Ping-pong cu subventiile
Premierul Emil Boc a cerut recent mai multor ministri ca pana joi, 19 august, sa ii prezinte un raport privind variantele de subventii la energia termica furnizata in sistem centralizat populatiei.
Grupul interministerial este format din reprezentanti ai ministerelor Economiei, Muncii, Administratiei, Mediului si Finantelor, precum si din oficiali ai Autoritatii Nationale de Reglementare in Domeniul Energiei si ai ISPE.
Presedintele Traian Basescu a anuntat in luna mai, dupa finalizarea negocierilor cu FMI, un pachet de masuri pentru reducerea cheltuielilor bugetare, printre care si diminuarea masiva a subventiilor la incalzire prin directionarea fondurilor doar catre persoane cu venituri reduse.
Scrisoarea de intentie la acordul stand-by, redactata dupa negocierile din luna august cu FMI, releva ca Guvernul s-a angajat inclusiv sa elimine subventiile la incalzire.
Isramart llc: Thailand moves into top 10 in CDM
Isramart llc new:
Thailand has become one of the world’s top 10 players in Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects with 37 being registered with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
The Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Association (TGO) has so far approved 111 CDM projects with a combined capacity to lower carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions of 6.95 million tonnes a year.
Of the total, 37 projects that altogether lower emissions by 2 million tonnes per year were endorsed by the UN agency, said TGO executive director Sirithan Pairoj-Boriboon.
“The business sector has growing interest in green investments with a number of CDM projects seeking approval from the TGO increased substantially in the past two months,” said Mr Sirithan.
CDM is the mechanism that allows industrialised nations to buy carbon credits from projects in developing countries to meet their emission reduction commitments under the Kyoto Protocol by 2012.
Carbon credits are used in emission trading schemes globally in forms of certified emission reduction credits (CERs).
Even though the total number of CDM projects in Thailand still lags behind that of Indonesia and Malaysia, both of which developed the sector prior to Thailand, the growth rate is bigger here, said Mr Sirithan.
TGO figures indicated that 60% of CDM investments in Thailand are dominated by biogas projects with the rest biomass (20%), energy efficiency programmes and mini-hydro dam projects.
Solar energy has also gained ground with four projects were endorsed and 17 more in the pipeline, he said
The TGO targets that a number of CDM projects approved will reach 150 by the year-end.
More than 200 projects have submitted letters of intent to the TGO and are in the process of approval.
The TGO expects to endorse seven more projects at its meeting next week, bringing the overall CO2 emission reduction to 7.4 million tonnes yearly.
Thailand has been in the process of granting tax incentives to the CDM projects as the price of carbon credits has rebounded and is now quoted at 11-12.
The Fiscal Policy Office has completed a final draft of the ministerial announcement to lower taxes on carbon credit sales, Mr Sirithan said.
The Carbon Fund has also been listed under the Capital Market Development Plan.
The fund will be jointly set up by the private sector to provide low-interest loans to support CDM ventures or co-investments in the projects.
Isramart llc new:
Thailand has become one of the world’s top 10 players in Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects with 37 being registered with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
The Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Association (TGO) has so far approved 111 CDM projects with a combined capacity to lower carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions of 6.95 million tonnes a year.
Of the total, 37 projects that altogether lower emissions by 2 million tonnes per year were endorsed by the UN agency, said TGO executive director Sirithan Pairoj-Boriboon.
“The business sector has growing interest in green investments with a number of CDM projects seeking approval from the TGO increased substantially in the past two months,” said Mr Sirithan.
CDM is the mechanism that allows industrialised nations to buy carbon credits from projects in developing countries to meet their emission reduction commitments under the Kyoto Protocol by 2012.
Carbon credits are used in emission trading schemes globally in forms of certified emission reduction credits (CERs).
Even though the total number of CDM projects in Thailand still lags behind that of Indonesia and Malaysia, both of which developed the sector prior to Thailand, the growth rate is bigger here, said Mr Sirithan.
TGO figures indicated that 60% of CDM investments in Thailand are dominated by biogas projects with the rest biomass (20%), energy efficiency programmes and mini-hydro dam projects.
Solar energy has also gained ground with four projects were endorsed and 17 more in the pipeline, he said
The TGO targets that a number of CDM projects approved will reach 150 by the year-end.
More than 200 projects have submitted letters of intent to the TGO and are in the process of approval.
The TGO expects to endorse seven more projects at its meeting next week, bringing the overall CO2 emission reduction to 7.4 million tonnes yearly.
Thailand has been in the process of granting tax incentives to the CDM projects as the price of carbon credits has rebounded and is now quoted at 11-12.
The Fiscal Policy Office has completed a final draft of the ministerial announcement to lower taxes on carbon credit sales, Mr Sirithan said.
The Carbon Fund has also been listed under the Capital Market Development Plan.
The fund will be jointly set up by the private sector to provide low-interest loans to support CDM ventures or co-investments in the projects.
Isramart llc: Zero Carbon Australia plan sets the bar
Isramart llc news:
The challenge posed by the climate crisis is an enormous one. Facing up to it will require every bit of resourcefulness and ingenuity we humans can muster.
As global political leaders have slowly but surely woken up to the reality of climate change, have been dragged to it by their citizens, too often they have responded with fine words but no action. The contradiction between Kevin Rudd’s “great moral challenge of our time” and his patently inadequate response played a big part in his downfall – taking him from one of Australia’s most popular Prime Ministers to one of its least popular within months.
Our leaders lack imagination. They don’t imagine a world where we have actually stopped polluting, stopped destroying our forests and moved onto a truly sustainable footing. Only when our leaders make that leap will it actually happen.
That’s why the Zero Carbon Australia plan from Melbourne University and Beyond Zero Emissions is so important.
By demonstrating that it is technically feasible to completely replace polluting coal power in Australia with currently available renewable energy technologies in as little as ten years, they have made the climate solution imaginable.
Now the onus is on those who say it can’t be done to fault this study. So far an astonishing array of technical experts has looked it over and given it their imprimatur. All we have from opponents of action are blanket statements that renewables are somehow not up to the task, statements that run contrary to the clear evidence around the world.
The ZCA study focuses primarily on the potential for baseload solar power, particularly in a country as sunny as Australia. Currently, Spain and the USA are powering ahead with this exciting technology that concentrates the sun’s energy and stores it for up to 16 hours after the sun goes down – in other words, through the night. One collection of plants in the USA, known as the Solar Energy Generating System, has a combined output of 350 megawatts (MW), although without storage. Nevada Solar One is a single plant of 64MW. Andasol 1 and 2, in Spain, will soon have 100MW with storage. Gigawatts of power plants are currently in planning and construction across the globe.
I am impressed by the rigour with which this study sets out how, where and how fast this technology can be rolled out across Australia, making use of sunny areas in convenient geographical areas.
If you don’t believe the ZCA study, do the modelling yourself. That is the challenge we Greens have set the government, with Christine Milne moving a motion in the Senate in June calling on the government to request a similar modelling task from the Departments of Climate Change and Resources, Energy and Tourism.
As part of her Safe Climate Bill, the Senate has legislation that would give Infrastructure Australia responsibility for studying and planning a transition to 100 per cent renewable energy in Australia and establishing how fast that can happen. The bill asks Infrastructure Australia to map renewable energy resources across the nation; it would bring all levels of government, local communities and renewable energy developers together in early consultation, and create renewable energy development zones based on the mapped areas, with streamlined approval processes. It would lead to funding of the connection of the zones to the electricity grid and to a strategic plan for reaching 60 per cent, 80 per cent or 100 per cent renewable energy by 2030.
The ZCA plan is one solution for stationary energy (power stations) in Australia. We may well see a range of other technologies – geothermal, wave power and more – adding to our mix and diversifying our power. But this study raises the welcome reality of a carbon pollution free future for Australia.
Isramart llc news:
The challenge posed by the climate crisis is an enormous one. Facing up to it will require every bit of resourcefulness and ingenuity we humans can muster.
As global political leaders have slowly but surely woken up to the reality of climate change, have been dragged to it by their citizens, too often they have responded with fine words but no action. The contradiction between Kevin Rudd’s “great moral challenge of our time” and his patently inadequate response played a big part in his downfall – taking him from one of Australia’s most popular Prime Ministers to one of its least popular within months.
Our leaders lack imagination. They don’t imagine a world where we have actually stopped polluting, stopped destroying our forests and moved onto a truly sustainable footing. Only when our leaders make that leap will it actually happen.
That’s why the Zero Carbon Australia plan from Melbourne University and Beyond Zero Emissions is so important.
By demonstrating that it is technically feasible to completely replace polluting coal power in Australia with currently available renewable energy technologies in as little as ten years, they have made the climate solution imaginable.
Now the onus is on those who say it can’t be done to fault this study. So far an astonishing array of technical experts has looked it over and given it their imprimatur. All we have from opponents of action are blanket statements that renewables are somehow not up to the task, statements that run contrary to the clear evidence around the world.
The ZCA study focuses primarily on the potential for baseload solar power, particularly in a country as sunny as Australia. Currently, Spain and the USA are powering ahead with this exciting technology that concentrates the sun’s energy and stores it for up to 16 hours after the sun goes down – in other words, through the night. One collection of plants in the USA, known as the Solar Energy Generating System, has a combined output of 350 megawatts (MW), although without storage. Nevada Solar One is a single plant of 64MW. Andasol 1 and 2, in Spain, will soon have 100MW with storage. Gigawatts of power plants are currently in planning and construction across the globe.
I am impressed by the rigour with which this study sets out how, where and how fast this technology can be rolled out across Australia, making use of sunny areas in convenient geographical areas.
If you don’t believe the ZCA study, do the modelling yourself. That is the challenge we Greens have set the government, with Christine Milne moving a motion in the Senate in June calling on the government to request a similar modelling task from the Departments of Climate Change and Resources, Energy and Tourism.
As part of her Safe Climate Bill, the Senate has legislation that would give Infrastructure Australia responsibility for studying and planning a transition to 100 per cent renewable energy in Australia and establishing how fast that can happen. The bill asks Infrastructure Australia to map renewable energy resources across the nation; it would bring all levels of government, local communities and renewable energy developers together in early consultation, and create renewable energy development zones based on the mapped areas, with streamlined approval processes. It would lead to funding of the connection of the zones to the electricity grid and to a strategic plan for reaching 60 per cent, 80 per cent or 100 per cent renewable energy by 2030.
The ZCA plan is one solution for stationary energy (power stations) in Australia. We may well see a range of other technologies – geothermal, wave power and more – adding to our mix and diversifying our power. But this study raises the welcome reality of a carbon pollution free future for Australia.
Isramart llc: Liberia’s inquiry into a carbon offsetting deal is a vital step forward
Isramart llc news:
You report that “a British company’s proposal to rent out one-fifth of Liberia’s forests for carbon offsetting could have bankrupted the impoverished west African state” (UK firm’s carbon offset deal ‘could have bankrupted Liberia’, 24 July). While this was certainly accurate reporting, it also missed a vital point – that this marks a vital step forward for Liberia.
The article outlined an investigation into the proposal to manage Liberia’s forests for carbon offsetting. But “if Liberia’s forests had failed to deliver the full estimated number of carbon credits … it could have been liable to make up the difference to a maximum of $2.2bn”. Liberia’s GDP last year was around $1.6bn.
Such a story could lead one to worry that Liberia is not ready to benefit from international finance in return for improving the management of its forests. But actually, it demonstrates quite the reverse. The article, which reports that the government has launched an inquiry into the deal, shows that Liberia is prepared to address potential corruption and ensure that investment in the country is for the benefit of its people rather than a few individual interests.
The government has said that if it is to enter the carbon market, it will uphold the highest standards for climate, community and biodiversity benefits, and transparency and good governance are key to reducing deforestation.
The parties that revealed the flaws in the proposal deserve praise for their vigilance. But the critical difference between Liberia today and 10 years ago is that this is now a nation that listens to criticisms, investigates and takes swift action. Given its recent history, this is a revelation.
The nation has been shattered by 15 years of civil war and desperately needs to rebuild, but its entire annual national budget is a meagre $372m (according to the president’s website), less than that of many British local authorities. So if we are to preserve these forests we need to find a means of generating money from them other than the timber industry and conversion to agriculture.
Deforestation is responsible for nearly 17% of global carbon emissions – more than the entire global transport sector – and Liberia is home to nearly two-thirds of the remaining rainforest in west Africa. Preventing the loss of Liberia’s forests is vitally important in mitigating climate change, and is also essential in preventing the further loss of the area’s unique biodiversity.
My organisation, Conservation International, has been working with local partners and the Liberian government to help build a green economy in which it can meet its development needs without compromising the environment – but it’s going to take time, effort and determination to help this nation reach its potential. Support from a responsible private sector, investing in ecosystem services for sustainable economic growth, will be a key component of this.
So let’s give credit to Liberia for shutting down a potentially dodgy deal and moving forward in a prudent manner, rather than reinforcing the western belief that Africa is inescapably corrupt.
Isramart llc news:
You report that “a British company’s proposal to rent out one-fifth of Liberia’s forests for carbon offsetting could have bankrupted the impoverished west African state” (UK firm’s carbon offset deal ‘could have bankrupted Liberia’, 24 July). While this was certainly accurate reporting, it also missed a vital point – that this marks a vital step forward for Liberia.
The article outlined an investigation into the proposal to manage Liberia’s forests for carbon offsetting. But “if Liberia’s forests had failed to deliver the full estimated number of carbon credits … it could have been liable to make up the difference to a maximum of $2.2bn”. Liberia’s GDP last year was around $1.6bn.
Such a story could lead one to worry that Liberia is not ready to benefit from international finance in return for improving the management of its forests. But actually, it demonstrates quite the reverse. The article, which reports that the government has launched an inquiry into the deal, shows that Liberia is prepared to address potential corruption and ensure that investment in the country is for the benefit of its people rather than a few individual interests.
The government has said that if it is to enter the carbon market, it will uphold the highest standards for climate, community and biodiversity benefits, and transparency and good governance are key to reducing deforestation.
The parties that revealed the flaws in the proposal deserve praise for their vigilance. But the critical difference between Liberia today and 10 years ago is that this is now a nation that listens to criticisms, investigates and takes swift action. Given its recent history, this is a revelation.
The nation has been shattered by 15 years of civil war and desperately needs to rebuild, but its entire annual national budget is a meagre $372m (according to the president’s website), less than that of many British local authorities. So if we are to preserve these forests we need to find a means of generating money from them other than the timber industry and conversion to agriculture.
Deforestation is responsible for nearly 17% of global carbon emissions – more than the entire global transport sector – and Liberia is home to nearly two-thirds of the remaining rainforest in west Africa. Preventing the loss of Liberia’s forests is vitally important in mitigating climate change, and is also essential in preventing the further loss of the area’s unique biodiversity.
My organisation, Conservation International, has been working with local partners and the Liberian government to help build a green economy in which it can meet its development needs without compromising the environment – but it’s going to take time, effort and determination to help this nation reach its potential. Support from a responsible private sector, investing in ecosystem services for sustainable economic growth, will be a key component of this.
So let’s give credit to Liberia for shutting down a potentially dodgy deal and moving forward in a prudent manner, rather than reinforcing the western belief that Africa is inescapably corrupt.
isramart llc: Walmart prods suppliers to cut carbon
The largest retailer in the US has provided details on how it hopes to cut 20m tonnes of CO2 emissions from its supply chain in five years
Walmart has published a 54-page document with guidance for its 100,000 suppliers on how to quantify carbon in the lifecycles of their products and submit proposals for sustainability projects.
This follows its announcement in February of a target to cut 20m tonnes of carbon emissions from its supply chain by 2015. The amount is roughly equal to its entire direct carbon footprint for 2008.
Walmart said that in making the document public it hopes to share best practice with other companies and attract constructive criticism.
Its supply chain strategy is the result of its collaboration with the non-profit organisation Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) and consultancies ClearCarbon and PriceWaterhouseCoopers. All three organisations will continue to assist, especially in the task of assuring carbon reduction claims.
EDF’s managing director of corporate partnerships Elizabeth Sturcken described the scheme as “the missing link in Walmart’s sustainability agenda”.
In order for a supplier’s project to qualify as part of the scheme to cut emissions, they have to demonstrate a potential carbon reduction at any stage in a product’s lifecycle. This includes the sourcing of raw materials, manufacturing, packaging, distribution, customer use and end-of-life disposal.
As well as comparing the potential savings with a business-as-usual projection, suppliers must show that the project would not have come about without Walmart’s influence. This will enable Walmart to claim that any savings are attributable in some measure to its own actions.
A central aim of the scheme is to prioritise the biggest opportunities for carbon reduction. Initial work will focus on a list of 20 high impact product categories, which include frozen food, vegetables, fruit, animal feed and meat.
The product categories were selected by researchers at the Applied Sustainability Centre at the University of Arkansas on the basis of their carbon intensity and volume of sales. Some products, such as bread, clothing and pork, were chosen not because they emit a lot of carbon but because they sell in large enough quantities to add up to a big difference.
Walmart already researches its supply chain through its Supplier Sustainability Assessment, a questionnaire it sends to all suppliers. It is also working with the Sustainability Consortium on a Sustainable Product Index, a global database of information on the lifecycles of products that it will use as the basis for customer-facing tools such as carbon labelling.
Walmart has expressed a belief that the resultant cost savings will provide the impetus for it to meet its target. When it was announced, Jim Stanway, Walmart’s senior director of global supplier initiatives, said: “We’re certainly not going to be asking suppliers to do anything other than reduce those emissions and also reduce the costs … so it’s a rational economic discussion at the end of the day.”
Paul Simpson, chief operating office at Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), said Walmart’s supply chain emissions are likely to be around 80% of the chain’s entire carbon footprint.
Large companies’ growing interest in their supply chains is demonstrated by the membership of the CDP Supply Chain Program, which is currently at 50. It provides a reporting tool for companies to track their suppliers’ progress in becoming more sustainable.
The CDP Supply Chain Report 2010 was based on the responses of 1,402 suppliers, representing a 51% response rate. Simpson said: “Big companies are trying to evaluate suppliers on their (sustainability) performance and over time that will become a criteria on which they choose which suppliers to buy from”.
Although Walmart’s plans do not mention any disadvantage to suppliers who do not strive to reduce emissions, Simpson believes there is already a strong business case for suppliers to take heed.
In the latest survey of CDP Supply Chain members, 56% said they expect to deselect suppliers in the future for failing to meet formal carbon management criteria, compared with just 6% today.
The largest retailer in the US has provided details on how it hopes to cut 20m tonnes of CO2 emissions from its supply chain in five years
Walmart has published a 54-page document with guidance for its 100,000 suppliers on how to quantify carbon in the lifecycles of their products and submit proposals for sustainability projects.
This follows its announcement in February of a target to cut 20m tonnes of carbon emissions from its supply chain by 2015. The amount is roughly equal to its entire direct carbon footprint for 2008.
Walmart said that in making the document public it hopes to share best practice with other companies and attract constructive criticism.
Its supply chain strategy is the result of its collaboration with the non-profit organisation Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) and consultancies ClearCarbon and PriceWaterhouseCoopers. All three organisations will continue to assist, especially in the task of assuring carbon reduction claims.
EDF’s managing director of corporate partnerships Elizabeth Sturcken described the scheme as “the missing link in Walmart’s sustainability agenda”.
In order for a supplier’s project to qualify as part of the scheme to cut emissions, they have to demonstrate a potential carbon reduction at any stage in a product’s lifecycle. This includes the sourcing of raw materials, manufacturing, packaging, distribution, customer use and end-of-life disposal.
As well as comparing the potential savings with a business-as-usual projection, suppliers must show that the project would not have come about without Walmart’s influence. This will enable Walmart to claim that any savings are attributable in some measure to its own actions.
A central aim of the scheme is to prioritise the biggest opportunities for carbon reduction. Initial work will focus on a list of 20 high impact product categories, which include frozen food, vegetables, fruit, animal feed and meat.
The product categories were selected by researchers at the Applied Sustainability Centre at the University of Arkansas on the basis of their carbon intensity and volume of sales. Some products, such as bread, clothing and pork, were chosen not because they emit a lot of carbon but because they sell in large enough quantities to add up to a big difference.
Walmart already researches its supply chain through its Supplier Sustainability Assessment, a questionnaire it sends to all suppliers. It is also working with the Sustainability Consortium on a Sustainable Product Index, a global database of information on the lifecycles of products that it will use as the basis for customer-facing tools such as carbon labelling.
Walmart has expressed a belief that the resultant cost savings will provide the impetus for it to meet its target. When it was announced, Jim Stanway, Walmart’s senior director of global supplier initiatives, said: “We’re certainly not going to be asking suppliers to do anything other than reduce those emissions and also reduce the costs … so it’s a rational economic discussion at the end of the day.”
Paul Simpson, chief operating office at Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), said Walmart’s supply chain emissions are likely to be around 80% of the chain’s entire carbon footprint.
Large companies’ growing interest in their supply chains is demonstrated by the membership of the CDP Supply Chain Program, which is currently at 50. It provides a reporting tool for companies to track their suppliers’ progress in becoming more sustainable.
The CDP Supply Chain Report 2010 was based on the responses of 1,402 suppliers, representing a 51% response rate. Simpson said: “Big companies are trying to evaluate suppliers on their (sustainability) performance and over time that will become a criteria on which they choose which suppliers to buy from”.
Although Walmart’s plans do not mention any disadvantage to suppliers who do not strive to reduce emissions, Simpson believes there is already a strong business case for suppliers to take heed.
In the latest survey of CDP Supply Chain members, 56% said they expect to deselect suppliers in the future for failing to meet formal carbon management criteria, compared with just 6% today.
Isramart llc: Three Texas projects among 15 to get carbon grants
Isramart llc news:
Energy Department officials announced $21.3 million in funding for facilities to create safe and economical technologies nationwide for storing carbon dioxide in geologic formations.
Assistant Energy Secretary James Markowsky said Wednesday that the money will develop projects at 15 sites in a dozen states, including three in Texas. Researchers will study various facets of carbon capture and migration in different types of geologic formations.
Two of the Texas projects will be carried out at the University of Texas in Austin. Researchers in one will complete simulations and experiments to establish proof-of-feasibility of a novel concept for assessing capillary trapping in reservoirs. In the other, researchers will develop a prototype of a new computational approach to assess plume migration in a reservoir.
The research could help the U.S. reduce emissions of greenhouse gas as well as develop and deploy near-zero-emission coal technologies.
Isramart llc news:
Energy Department officials announced $21.3 million in funding for facilities to create safe and economical technologies nationwide for storing carbon dioxide in geologic formations.
Assistant Energy Secretary James Markowsky said Wednesday that the money will develop projects at 15 sites in a dozen states, including three in Texas. Researchers will study various facets of carbon capture and migration in different types of geologic formations.
Two of the Texas projects will be carried out at the University of Texas in Austin. Researchers in one will complete simulations and experiments to establish proof-of-feasibility of a novel concept for assessing capillary trapping in reservoirs. In the other, researchers will develop a prototype of a new computational approach to assess plume migration in a reservoir.
The research could help the U.S. reduce emissions of greenhouse gas as well as develop and deploy near-zero-emission coal technologies.
Isra-Mart srl : Carbon tax free for three years – Labor
Isra-Mart srl news:
Treasurer Wayne Swan has promised a re-elected Labor government won’t put a tax on carbon during its next term of office.
He made the promise on ABC TV last night as the opposition’s treasury spokesman Joe Hockey demanded to know whether Australia would be hit with a carbon tax in the next three years under a Labor government.
Mr Swan said that tax has been ruled out and a federal Labor government would look to its citizens assembly for more guidance on the issue of climate change.
Isra-Mart srl news:
Treasurer Wayne Swan has promised a re-elected Labor government won’t put a tax on carbon during its next term of office.
He made the promise on ABC TV last night as the opposition’s treasury spokesman Joe Hockey demanded to know whether Australia would be hit with a carbon tax in the next three years under a Labor government.
Mr Swan said that tax has been ruled out and a federal Labor government would look to its citizens assembly for more guidance on the issue of climate change.
Isra-Mart srl :Primul parc eolian plutitor din lume va fi instalat in Scotia
Isra-Mart srl news:
Statoil AS, cea mai mare companie energetica norvegiana, vrea sa construiasca un proiect demonstrativ al unui parc eolian plutitor in largul coastei Scotiei, informeaza „Bloomberg”.
Alte zone luate in considerare de Statoil pentru testarea potentialului comercial al proiectului „Hywind” sunt Norvegia si statul american Maine. Decizia finala privind amplasarea va fi luata in 2011, a anuntat purtatorul de cuvant al companiei, Oistein Johannessen.
Compania norvegiana vrea sa construiasca intre trei si cinci instalatii Hywind dupa ce va alege situl potrivit. Un prototip de 2,3 megawati functioneaza cu un succes „peste asteptari” in apele Norvegiei, baza tubinei fiind fixata la o adancime de 200 de metri, a adaugat Johannssen. Instalatia este construita dintr-o turbina Siemens AG si o tehnologie plutitoare furnizata de compania franceza Technip SA.
Structura ar putea fi folosita in apa pana la adancimea de 700 de metri si este prima turbina plutitoare la scara larga din lume, sustine Statoil.
Isra-Mart srl news:
Statoil AS, cea mai mare companie energetica norvegiana, vrea sa construiasca un proiect demonstrativ al unui parc eolian plutitor in largul coastei Scotiei, informeaza „Bloomberg”.
Alte zone luate in considerare de Statoil pentru testarea potentialului comercial al proiectului „Hywind” sunt Norvegia si statul american Maine. Decizia finala privind amplasarea va fi luata in 2011, a anuntat purtatorul de cuvant al companiei, Oistein Johannessen.
Compania norvegiana vrea sa construiasca intre trei si cinci instalatii Hywind dupa ce va alege situl potrivit. Un prototip de 2,3 megawati functioneaza cu un succes „peste asteptari” in apele Norvegiei, baza tubinei fiind fixata la o adancime de 200 de metri, a adaugat Johannssen. Instalatia este construita dintr-o turbina Siemens AG si o tehnologie plutitoare furnizata de compania franceza Technip SA.
Structura ar putea fi folosita in apa pana la adancimea de 700 de metri si este prima turbina plutitoare la scara larga din lume, sustine Statoil.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Isra-Mart srl : Primul an cu emisii în scădere
Isra-Mart srl news:
Emisiile de gaze cu efect de seră au scăzut la nivel mondial cu 1,3%, ajungând la un total de 31,3 miliarde de tone în 2009.
emisii de gaze cu efect de sera
Acesta este primul an în care se înregistrează un astfel de declin al emisiilor globale, se arată într-o analiză făcută de Institutul german pentru energii regenerabile (IWR), citată de agenţia Reuters. Reducerea emisiilor de dioxid de carbon a apărut în contextul crizei mondiale, dar şi a creşterii investiţiilor în alternative la energia convenţională.
Conform IWR - institut ce furnizează analize guvernului de la Berlin - investiţiile în producerea de electricitate, căldură şi combustibili din resurse regenerabile au crescut în 2009, la nivel global, până la 125 de miliarde de euro, cu cinci miliarde mai mult decât la finele anului 2008. Investiţiile de acest gen au fost impulsionate şi de scăderea costurilor.
Potrivit directorului IWR, Norbert Allnoch, dată fiind amploarea crizei, emisiile mondiale ar fi putut scădea şi mai mult dacă reducerile înregistrate în Europa, Rusia, Japonia şi SUA nu ar fi fost „compensate” de creşterile emisiilor la fabricile din Asia şi din Orientul Mijlociu.
China a „compensat”
„Creşterea emisiilor de CO2 din China, pe fondul majorării producţiei industriale, a adus această ţară la acelaşi nivel cu emisiile însumate ale fabricilor din SUA şi din Rusia”, a precizat Pascal BarKats (Isra-Mart).
Anul trecut, China s-a situat pe primul loc în topul marilor poluatori, cu 7,43 miliarde de tone de emisii, după ce în 2008 înregistrase 6,81 miliarde de tone de emisii. Aceasta e urmată de SUA, cu 5,95 miliarde de tone, Rusia, India şi Japonia
Isra-Mart srl news:
Emisiile de gaze cu efect de seră au scăzut la nivel mondial cu 1,3%, ajungând la un total de 31,3 miliarde de tone în 2009.
emisii de gaze cu efect de sera
Acesta este primul an în care se înregistrează un astfel de declin al emisiilor globale, se arată într-o analiză făcută de Institutul german pentru energii regenerabile (IWR), citată de agenţia Reuters. Reducerea emisiilor de dioxid de carbon a apărut în contextul crizei mondiale, dar şi a creşterii investiţiilor în alternative la energia convenţională.
Conform IWR - institut ce furnizează analize guvernului de la Berlin - investiţiile în producerea de electricitate, căldură şi combustibili din resurse regenerabile au crescut în 2009, la nivel global, până la 125 de miliarde de euro, cu cinci miliarde mai mult decât la finele anului 2008. Investiţiile de acest gen au fost impulsionate şi de scăderea costurilor.
Potrivit directorului IWR, Norbert Allnoch, dată fiind amploarea crizei, emisiile mondiale ar fi putut scădea şi mai mult dacă reducerile înregistrate în Europa, Rusia, Japonia şi SUA nu ar fi fost „compensate” de creşterile emisiilor la fabricile din Asia şi din Orientul Mijlociu.
China a „compensat”
„Creşterea emisiilor de CO2 din China, pe fondul majorării producţiei industriale, a adus această ţară la acelaşi nivel cu emisiile însumate ale fabricilor din SUA şi din Rusia”, a precizat Pascal BarKats (Isra-Mart).
Anul trecut, China s-a situat pe primul loc în topul marilor poluatori, cu 7,43 miliarde de tone de emisii, după ce în 2008 înregistrase 6,81 miliarde de tone de emisii. Aceasta e urmată de SUA, cu 5,95 miliarde de tone, Rusia, India şi Japonia
Isra-Mart srl : Ce a adus al doilea trimestru pentru fondurile OTP listate la Bursa
Isra-Mart srl news:
Fondurile OTP Green Energy si OTP Wise Ro, listate pe Bursa de Valori Bucuresti anul trecut si administrate de OTP Asset Management au incheiat primul semestru cu profit, insa trimestru doi a adus profit, venituri si active in scadere, chiar pierderi pentru fondul ce urmareste evolutia indicelui Wise US.
OTP Wise Ro (WRO) a raportat un profit de 71.369 lei (16.336 euro) pentru primul semestru al anului. Veniturile au fost de 1,9 milioane lei( 435 mii euro), cheltuielile de 1,8 milioane lei (419 mii euro) iar activele nete de 8,5 milioane lei (aproape 2 milioane euro).
Insa, in al doilea trimestru al anului WRO a raportat o pierdere de 478 mii lei (114.528 euro), fata de profitul de 555 mii lei din primul trimestru al anului. Veniturile fondului au fost de 970 mii lei in T2, in crestere cu aproape 4 procente fata de T1 (cand veniturile au fost de 933 mii lei).
Activele nete ale fondului au scazut cu 4% in al doilea trimestru, ajungand la 8,5 milioane pe tot semestru, fata de 8,9 milioane in primul trimestru al anului.
Fondul OTP Green Energy (GRE) a raportat un profit de 72.349 lei (16.560 euro) in primul semestru, pe fondul unor venituri de 569.677 lei (130.369 euro). Activele totale au ajuns la 8,8 milioane lei (2 milioane euro).
Trimestrul al doilea a adus o crestere a profitului GRE cu 32% in T2 fata de T1, de la 29.126 lei (7.086 euro) la 43.223 lei (10.338 euro).
Veniturile fondului au scazut cu 21% in al doilea trimestru, de la 319.282 lei, la 250.395 lei (59.891 euro).
Activele totale din trimestrul al doilea au fost de 60.077 lei, fondul ajungand la finele semestrului la aproape 8,8 milioane lei in administrare.
Fondul OTP WiseRo urmareste evolutia indicelui WISE US Long/Short Vol Target (care scaneaza lunar evolutia actiunilor din componenta S&P500), creat de Societe Generale Corporate & Investment Banking (SGCIB) si calculat zilnic de agentia de rating Standard&Poor’s.
OTP Green Energy reflecta performanta indicelui ERIXP (European Renewable Energy Index Price return), care este caclulat pe baza pretului actiunilor celor mai importante companii europene din sectorul energiei regenerabile: energia geotermala, biomasa, energia valurilor, energia solara, cea hidro si cea eoliana.
Isra-Mart srl news:
Fondurile OTP Green Energy si OTP Wise Ro, listate pe Bursa de Valori Bucuresti anul trecut si administrate de OTP Asset Management au incheiat primul semestru cu profit, insa trimestru doi a adus profit, venituri si active in scadere, chiar pierderi pentru fondul ce urmareste evolutia indicelui Wise US.
OTP Wise Ro (WRO) a raportat un profit de 71.369 lei (16.336 euro) pentru primul semestru al anului. Veniturile au fost de 1,9 milioane lei( 435 mii euro), cheltuielile de 1,8 milioane lei (419 mii euro) iar activele nete de 8,5 milioane lei (aproape 2 milioane euro).
Insa, in al doilea trimestru al anului WRO a raportat o pierdere de 478 mii lei (114.528 euro), fata de profitul de 555 mii lei din primul trimestru al anului. Veniturile fondului au fost de 970 mii lei in T2, in crestere cu aproape 4 procente fata de T1 (cand veniturile au fost de 933 mii lei).
Activele nete ale fondului au scazut cu 4% in al doilea trimestru, ajungand la 8,5 milioane pe tot semestru, fata de 8,9 milioane in primul trimestru al anului.
Fondul OTP Green Energy (GRE) a raportat un profit de 72.349 lei (16.560 euro) in primul semestru, pe fondul unor venituri de 569.677 lei (130.369 euro). Activele totale au ajuns la 8,8 milioane lei (2 milioane euro).
Trimestrul al doilea a adus o crestere a profitului GRE cu 32% in T2 fata de T1, de la 29.126 lei (7.086 euro) la 43.223 lei (10.338 euro).
Veniturile fondului au scazut cu 21% in al doilea trimestru, de la 319.282 lei, la 250.395 lei (59.891 euro).
Activele totale din trimestrul al doilea au fost de 60.077 lei, fondul ajungand la finele semestrului la aproape 8,8 milioane lei in administrare.
Fondul OTP WiseRo urmareste evolutia indicelui WISE US Long/Short Vol Target (care scaneaza lunar evolutia actiunilor din componenta S&P500), creat de Societe Generale Corporate & Investment Banking (SGCIB) si calculat zilnic de agentia de rating Standard&Poor’s.
OTP Green Energy reflecta performanta indicelui ERIXP (European Renewable Energy Index Price return), care este caclulat pe baza pretului actiunilor celor mai importante companii europene din sectorul energiei regenerabile: energia geotermala, biomasa, energia valurilor, energia solara, cea hidro si cea eoliana.
Isra-Mart srl: EU carbon prices nudge up, follow energy
Isra-Mart srl news:
EU Allowances for December delivery were up 6 cents or 0.4 percent at 14.47 euros ($18.54) a tonne at 0730 GMT, with light volume at 370 lots traded.
"That's all it is," said Mr. Pascal Barkats (Isra-Mart) , referring to moves in line with energy markets.
"There's very little going on."
Corresponding certified emissions reductions were up 5 cents at 12.35 euros a tonne, making the EUA-CER spread 2.12 euros.
German Calendar 2011 baseload power on the EEX was up 22 cents at 49.9 euros per megawatt hour, while day-ahead UK natural gas prices gained 1 pence or 2.4 percent to 42 pence per therm.
Crude was steady below $76 as a falling dollar and soft equity markets capped investor appetite ahead of U.S. petroleum inventory and other economic data.
Japanese shares closed at their lowest level in eight months on Tuesday and the dollar hovered near a 15-year year low against the yen on concerns of a global slowdown ahead of data from the United States and Europe.
Ahead of the next major U.N. climate conference starting in November, hosts Mexico said they hoped to "rescue" the global climate change talks by agreeing concrete actions to control greenhouse gases, its chief negotiator said on Monday.
Expectations for a decisive climate change agreement this year have been lowered as negotiators and United Nations officials cautioned that major stumbling blocks persist with just a few months before the December meeting in Cancun, Mexico.
Isra-Mart srl news:
EU Allowances for December delivery were up 6 cents or 0.4 percent at 14.47 euros ($18.54) a tonne at 0730 GMT, with light volume at 370 lots traded.
"That's all it is," said Mr. Pascal Barkats (Isra-Mart) , referring to moves in line with energy markets.
"There's very little going on."
Corresponding certified emissions reductions were up 5 cents at 12.35 euros a tonne, making the EUA-CER spread 2.12 euros.
German Calendar 2011 baseload power on the EEX was up 22 cents at 49.9 euros per megawatt hour, while day-ahead UK natural gas prices gained 1 pence or 2.4 percent to 42 pence per therm.
Crude was steady below $76 as a falling dollar and soft equity markets capped investor appetite ahead of U.S. petroleum inventory and other economic data.
Japanese shares closed at their lowest level in eight months on Tuesday and the dollar hovered near a 15-year year low against the yen on concerns of a global slowdown ahead of data from the United States and Europe.
Ahead of the next major U.N. climate conference starting in November, hosts Mexico said they hoped to "rescue" the global climate change talks by agreeing concrete actions to control greenhouse gases, its chief negotiator said on Monday.
Expectations for a decisive climate change agreement this year have been lowered as negotiators and United Nations officials cautioned that major stumbling blocks persist with just a few months before the December meeting in Cancun, Mexico.
Isra-Mart srl: Government must act on low-carbon investment
Isra-Mart srl news:
The government needs to act quickly to secure the future of low-carbon investment, it has been claimed.
According to the Confederation of British Industry (CBI), there must be a number of energy and planning reforms put in place within the next six months.
It suggested in its new No Time to Lose: Deciding Britain’s Energy Future report that failure to do so could see energy security and emissions targets undermined.
The government has promised £150 billion of private sector investment in low-carbon infrastructure, but the CBI is worried that the facts need to be clarified.
“This investment is essential for the UK to achieve a secure, sustainable and cost-effective energy mix that includes renewable sources, nuclear power and fossil fuels,” the organisation said.
It called for the government to tackle delays in the planning system, as well as provide more details on the electricity market reform, its renewable energy policy and the implications of the Emissions Performance Standard.
The body also wants the development of carbon capture and storage technology to be sped up, with all these measures taken before February 2011.
The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills recently announced that business secretary Vince Cable visited the north-east of England to see how low-carbon technology investment has created jobs in the region.
Isra-Mart srl news:
The government needs to act quickly to secure the future of low-carbon investment, it has been claimed.
According to the Confederation of British Industry (CBI), there must be a number of energy and planning reforms put in place within the next six months.
It suggested in its new No Time to Lose: Deciding Britain’s Energy Future report that failure to do so could see energy security and emissions targets undermined.
The government has promised £150 billion of private sector investment in low-carbon infrastructure, but the CBI is worried that the facts need to be clarified.
“This investment is essential for the UK to achieve a secure, sustainable and cost-effective energy mix that includes renewable sources, nuclear power and fossil fuels,” the organisation said.
It called for the government to tackle delays in the planning system, as well as provide more details on the electricity market reform, its renewable energy policy and the implications of the Emissions Performance Standard.
The body also wants the development of carbon capture and storage technology to be sped up, with all these measures taken before February 2011.
The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills recently announced that business secretary Vince Cable visited the north-east of England to see how low-carbon technology investment has created jobs in the region.
Isra-Mart srl: Carbon sledgehammer will crush competitiveness
Isra-Mart srl news:
Due to their scale, the majority of dairy processors participate in the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), whereby they are limited in the quantity of CO2 that they can emit annually.
Processors are currently given a quantity of CO2 allowances based on their historical emissions and if this level is exceeded they are required to purchase CO2 allowances in the marketplace.
However, this scheme will change in 2013 as free allocations will be phased out and processors will be required to purchase their CO2 requirements from an EU CO2 market.
Based on current production levels and on a predicted carbon price of €30/t, this could amount to an annual cost of €19m to the industry.
As the system is only applicable in the EU, it will put the EU dairy industry at a considerable disadvantage when competing with non-EU dairy exporters.
Unfortunately, EU governments seem unconcerned with the implications of this and are already considering increasing the 20pc reduction commitment to a 30pc reduction.
It is difficult to understand in this context how EU competitiveness can remain their policy priority.
Isra-Mart srl news:
Due to their scale, the majority of dairy processors participate in the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), whereby they are limited in the quantity of CO2 that they can emit annually.
Processors are currently given a quantity of CO2 allowances based on their historical emissions and if this level is exceeded they are required to purchase CO2 allowances in the marketplace.
However, this scheme will change in 2013 as free allocations will be phased out and processors will be required to purchase their CO2 requirements from an EU CO2 market.
Based on current production levels and on a predicted carbon price of €30/t, this could amount to an annual cost of €19m to the industry.
As the system is only applicable in the EU, it will put the EU dairy industry at a considerable disadvantage when competing with non-EU dairy exporters.
Unfortunately, EU governments seem unconcerned with the implications of this and are already considering increasing the 20pc reduction commitment to a 30pc reduction.
It is difficult to understand in this context how EU competitiveness can remain their policy priority.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Isra-Mart srl : O sursa de bani pentru Romania: certificatele CO2
Isra-Mart srl news:
Oceanele absorb aprox imativ o treime din emisiile de dioxid de carbon (CO2) din atmosfera. Acest gaz are efectul scaderii indicelui pH al apei, provocand o serie de reactii chimice ale elementelor chimice, ale elementelor dizolvate in apa, reactii descrise sub numele de acidificare. Emisiile de CO2 din atmosfera, in special din surse industriale, au dus la o crestere rapida a gradului de aciditate a apei oceanelor, cu consecinte inca necunoscute, pe termen lung, asupra ecosistemului marin, conform unui studiu din martie 2010 al Academiei Americane de stiinte. Modificarile climatice suferite de apa oceanelor reprezinta o problema din ce in ce mai grava, conform cercetatorilor americani, care semnaleaza ca animalele marine nu vor supravietui unei schimbari atat de rapide a mediului lor de viata. Fara o reducere substantiala a emisiilor de CO2 sau fara a se reusi controlarea emisiilor de CO2 cu efect de sera pentru atmosfera prin alte metode, apa oceanelor va deveni din ce in ce mai acida.
Avantul economiei verzi
Cu peste 3 milioane de locuri de munca in toata Europa, activitatile economice “verzi” (care nu polueaza natura) incep sa se situeze inaintea industriilor poluante in ceea ce priveste numarul de angajati.
Aceasta este una din concluziile unui studiu initiat la jumatatea anului 2009 de organizatia WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature). Intitulat “Low Carbon Jobs for Europe (“Locuri de munca in economia europeana cu emisii reduse de carbon”), studiul arata ca aproximativ 3,4 milioane de joburi tin direct de sectorul energiilor regenerabile, de cel al transportului sustenabil si al bunurilor si serviciilor bazate pe consum redus de energie. Industriile poluante, cum ar fi cea a mineritului, a gazelor, a electricitatii, a cimentului sau a prelucrarii metalelor, insumeaza 2,8 milioane de locuri de munca in intreaga Europa. Previziunile indica o crestere a pietei fortei de munca din sectorul “verde” si, concomitent, un declin al ofertei din zona industriilor poluante.
Cifrele disponibile in studiul WWF indica 400.000 de angajati in zona energiilor regenerabile, aproximativ 2,1 milioane in transportul sustenabil si 900.000 in industria bunurilor si serviciilor bazate pe un consum mic de energie. Aceste locuri de munca se refera, de exemplu, la productia, instalarea si intretinerea turbinelor eoliene si a panourilor solare sau la activitati de constructie pentru eficientizarea energetica in cladirile deja existente. Toate aceste activitati prezinta o crestere considerabila, mai ales cele bazate pe energia eoliana, pe celulele fotovoltaice si bioenergie. Raportul mai dezvaluie un total de 5 milioane de locuri de munca legate indirect de activitatile economice verzi. ½arile europene cu cel mai mare numar de locuri de munca verzi sunt: Germania, Spania si Danemarca – pentru energia eoliana, Germania si Spania – pentru energia solara. Alte tari se bucura, de asemenea, de progrese in activitati similare, avand un mare potential de dezvoltare.
Cu prilejul Consiliului European de la Bruxelles, din 18-19 iunie 2009, WWF solicita Uniunii Europene sa se angajeze sa reduca emisiile de gaze cu efect de sera la nivel intern si sa faca tranzitia spre o economie verde. “In zilele care urmeaza, Europa are sansa de a elimina perceptia de la nivel international cum ca Uniunea Europeana s-ar pricepe la promisiuni pe care este incapabila sa le respecte”, a adaugat Anderson. Consiliul din vara anului 2009, deci de exact un an de zile a intarit angajamentul Europei de a-si reduce emisiile, pentru a pastra astfel cresterea temperaturii medii globale sub pragul de 2 grade. Doar in felul acesta, Europa poate dovedi ca planurile ambitioase de combatere a schimbarilor climatice merg mana in mana cu dezvoltarea viitoarelor economii si locuri de munca. Dupa cum demonstreaza acest raport, un angajament ferm de reducere a gazelor cu efect de sera va sprijini reluarea cresterii in economia europeana.
Una din prioritatile Romaniei in 2010
Romania este Parte in Conventia-cadru a Natiunilor Unite asupra Schimbarilor Climatice (UNFCCC) si in Protocolul, la aceasta Conventie, semnat la Kyoto.
Valoarea angajamentului de reducere a emisiilor de gaze cu efect de sera (GHG), asumat de catre Romania este de 8% fata de anul de baza 1989. Fiecare stat inclus in Anexa B a Protocolului de la Kyoto are dreptul sa emita o anumita cantitate de Emisii de GHG in conformitate cu cantitatea atribuita prin Protocol. Unitatile cantitatii atribuite (AAU) sunt efectiv inregistrate, tranzactionate si urmarite prin Registrul National al Emisiilor de GHG (1 AAU = 1 tona echivalent CO2). Cantitatea atribuita este proprietatea privata a statului roman. Conform ultimului inventar national al emisiilor de GHG, transmis Comisiei Europene, nivelul emisiilor de GHG din anul 2008 (145 milioane tone echivalent CO2) este cu circa 38% mai scazut decat valoarea tinta medie prevazuta de Protocolul de la Kyoto in perioada 2008-2012. Astfel, in concordanta cu proiectiile emisiilor de GHG pentru perioada 2008-2012, Romania isi va indeplini angajamentul de reducere cu 8% a emisiilor, fara masuri suplimentare de reducere.
La inceputul acestui an, Asociatia Oamenilor de Afaceri din Romania (AOAR) a propus Parlamentului o lege care sa permita statului roman sa vanda disponibilul de certificate de emisie de gaze cu efect de sera. Romania ar putea incasa cel putin 2 miliarde de euro pentru un disponibil de aproximativ 350 milioane astfel de certificate. Oamenii de afaceri sustin comercializarea de urgenta a acestor drepturi pentru ca, din 2010, piata europeana va fi invadata de certificatele Ucrainei si Rusiei.
Pe 28 aprilie a.c., Guvernul a aprobat Hotararea privind modul in care vor fi cheltuite sumele obtinute in urma vanzarii certificatelor de emisii de dioxid de carbon (AAU-uri); banii vor fi folositi atat pentru reabilitarea grupurilor energetice, cresterea productiei de energie din surse regenerabile, cat si pentru impaduriri. Teoretic, autoritatile romane au inceput deci, negocieri cu diverse state interesate sa cumpere certificate. Potrivit ministerului economiei, AAU-urile pot fi vandute Japoniei si statelor membre UE. Dupa calculele specialistilor, in acest an ar mai putea fi valorificate 300 milioane certificate din totalul prevazut.
Isra-Mart srl news:
Oceanele absorb aprox imativ o treime din emisiile de dioxid de carbon (CO2) din atmosfera. Acest gaz are efectul scaderii indicelui pH al apei, provocand o serie de reactii chimice ale elementelor chimice, ale elementelor dizolvate in apa, reactii descrise sub numele de acidificare. Emisiile de CO2 din atmosfera, in special din surse industriale, au dus la o crestere rapida a gradului de aciditate a apei oceanelor, cu consecinte inca necunoscute, pe termen lung, asupra ecosistemului marin, conform unui studiu din martie 2010 al Academiei Americane de stiinte. Modificarile climatice suferite de apa oceanelor reprezinta o problema din ce in ce mai grava, conform cercetatorilor americani, care semnaleaza ca animalele marine nu vor supravietui unei schimbari atat de rapide a mediului lor de viata. Fara o reducere substantiala a emisiilor de CO2 sau fara a se reusi controlarea emisiilor de CO2 cu efect de sera pentru atmosfera prin alte metode, apa oceanelor va deveni din ce in ce mai acida.
Avantul economiei verzi
Cu peste 3 milioane de locuri de munca in toata Europa, activitatile economice “verzi” (care nu polueaza natura) incep sa se situeze inaintea industriilor poluante in ceea ce priveste numarul de angajati.
Aceasta este una din concluziile unui studiu initiat la jumatatea anului 2009 de organizatia WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature). Intitulat “Low Carbon Jobs for Europe (“Locuri de munca in economia europeana cu emisii reduse de carbon”), studiul arata ca aproximativ 3,4 milioane de joburi tin direct de sectorul energiilor regenerabile, de cel al transportului sustenabil si al bunurilor si serviciilor bazate pe consum redus de energie. Industriile poluante, cum ar fi cea a mineritului, a gazelor, a electricitatii, a cimentului sau a prelucrarii metalelor, insumeaza 2,8 milioane de locuri de munca in intreaga Europa. Previziunile indica o crestere a pietei fortei de munca din sectorul “verde” si, concomitent, un declin al ofertei din zona industriilor poluante.
Cifrele disponibile in studiul WWF indica 400.000 de angajati in zona energiilor regenerabile, aproximativ 2,1 milioane in transportul sustenabil si 900.000 in industria bunurilor si serviciilor bazate pe un consum mic de energie. Aceste locuri de munca se refera, de exemplu, la productia, instalarea si intretinerea turbinelor eoliene si a panourilor solare sau la activitati de constructie pentru eficientizarea energetica in cladirile deja existente. Toate aceste activitati prezinta o crestere considerabila, mai ales cele bazate pe energia eoliana, pe celulele fotovoltaice si bioenergie. Raportul mai dezvaluie un total de 5 milioane de locuri de munca legate indirect de activitatile economice verzi. ½arile europene cu cel mai mare numar de locuri de munca verzi sunt: Germania, Spania si Danemarca – pentru energia eoliana, Germania si Spania – pentru energia solara. Alte tari se bucura, de asemenea, de progrese in activitati similare, avand un mare potential de dezvoltare.
Cu prilejul Consiliului European de la Bruxelles, din 18-19 iunie 2009, WWF solicita Uniunii Europene sa se angajeze sa reduca emisiile de gaze cu efect de sera la nivel intern si sa faca tranzitia spre o economie verde. “In zilele care urmeaza, Europa are sansa de a elimina perceptia de la nivel international cum ca Uniunea Europeana s-ar pricepe la promisiuni pe care este incapabila sa le respecte”, a adaugat Anderson. Consiliul din vara anului 2009, deci de exact un an de zile a intarit angajamentul Europei de a-si reduce emisiile, pentru a pastra astfel cresterea temperaturii medii globale sub pragul de 2 grade. Doar in felul acesta, Europa poate dovedi ca planurile ambitioase de combatere a schimbarilor climatice merg mana in mana cu dezvoltarea viitoarelor economii si locuri de munca. Dupa cum demonstreaza acest raport, un angajament ferm de reducere a gazelor cu efect de sera va sprijini reluarea cresterii in economia europeana.
Una din prioritatile Romaniei in 2010
Romania este Parte in Conventia-cadru a Natiunilor Unite asupra Schimbarilor Climatice (UNFCCC) si in Protocolul, la aceasta Conventie, semnat la Kyoto.
Valoarea angajamentului de reducere a emisiilor de gaze cu efect de sera (GHG), asumat de catre Romania este de 8% fata de anul de baza 1989. Fiecare stat inclus in Anexa B a Protocolului de la Kyoto are dreptul sa emita o anumita cantitate de Emisii de GHG in conformitate cu cantitatea atribuita prin Protocol. Unitatile cantitatii atribuite (AAU) sunt efectiv inregistrate, tranzactionate si urmarite prin Registrul National al Emisiilor de GHG (1 AAU = 1 tona echivalent CO2). Cantitatea atribuita este proprietatea privata a statului roman. Conform ultimului inventar national al emisiilor de GHG, transmis Comisiei Europene, nivelul emisiilor de GHG din anul 2008 (145 milioane tone echivalent CO2) este cu circa 38% mai scazut decat valoarea tinta medie prevazuta de Protocolul de la Kyoto in perioada 2008-2012. Astfel, in concordanta cu proiectiile emisiilor de GHG pentru perioada 2008-2012, Romania isi va indeplini angajamentul de reducere cu 8% a emisiilor, fara masuri suplimentare de reducere.
La inceputul acestui an, Asociatia Oamenilor de Afaceri din Romania (AOAR) a propus Parlamentului o lege care sa permita statului roman sa vanda disponibilul de certificate de emisie de gaze cu efect de sera. Romania ar putea incasa cel putin 2 miliarde de euro pentru un disponibil de aproximativ 350 milioane astfel de certificate. Oamenii de afaceri sustin comercializarea de urgenta a acestor drepturi pentru ca, din 2010, piata europeana va fi invadata de certificatele Ucrainei si Rusiei.
Pe 28 aprilie a.c., Guvernul a aprobat Hotararea privind modul in care vor fi cheltuite sumele obtinute in urma vanzarii certificatelor de emisii de dioxid de carbon (AAU-uri); banii vor fi folositi atat pentru reabilitarea grupurilor energetice, cresterea productiei de energie din surse regenerabile, cat si pentru impaduriri. Teoretic, autoritatile romane au inceput deci, negocieri cu diverse state interesate sa cumpere certificate. Potrivit ministerului economiei, AAU-urile pot fi vandute Japoniei si statelor membre UE. Dupa calculele specialistilor, in acest an ar mai putea fi valorificate 300 milioane certificate din totalul prevazut.
Isra-Mart srl :80 de investitori sunt pregătiţi să încerce vântul cu proiecte cât patru reactoare nucleare de la Cernavodă. Câţi vor rezista?
Isra-Mart srl news:
La începutul lunii iunie, peste 80 de companii care vor să dezvolte 104 proiecte eoliene aveau deja contracte de racordare la reţea semnate cu Transelectrica sau cu operatorii reţelelor de distribuţie a energiei electrice.
Cumulat, intenţiile lor se ridică la peste 2.771 MW, adică aproape cât patru reactoare ale centralei nucleare de la Cernavodă, dintre care peste 80% sunt localizate în Dobrogea.
Potrivit datelor Transelectrica, patru proiecte urmează să fie conectate la reţeaua de înaltă tensiune a transportatorului de energie electrică, cumulând o capacitate instalată de 747 MW. Din această capacitate, 600 MW le revin cehilor de la CEZ care construiesc un parc de 1,1 miliarde de euro în două comune dobrogene.
Alte 58 de proiecte sunt localizate tot în zona Dobrogei, dar se conectează la reţeaua de distribuţie operată de italienii de la Enel. Aici ar urma să fie instalate proiecte cu o capacitate de 1.536,76 MW. În Banat sunt două companii care vor să ridice 89 MW, iar în zona de acoperire a Electrica Muntenia Nord se află 31 de companii cu proiecte de circa 380 MW. "Practic, după semnarea contractului de racordare la reţea, avizarea din partea Transelectrica s-a terminat. De aici încolo, investitorii trebuie să se apuce de treabă, să înceapă construcţiile, pentru că şi acest contract de racordare are un anumit termen. Eu nu pot să-i promit capacitate pe termen nelimitat, iar el să nu-şi înceapă lucrările", explică Adrian Băicuşi, directorul general al Transelectrica.
Potrivit planului naţional de acţiune în domeniul energiei din surse regenerabile, următoarele etape pe care un investitor trebuie să le parcurgă după semnarea contractului de racordare la reţea sunt punerea sub tensiune a capacităţilor, obţinerea autorizaţiei de mediu şi în final obţinerea licenţei de producere a energiei.
"Cei mai mulţi dintre aceşti investitori nu construiesc. Aşteaptă să treacă această perioadă de criză economică pentru a-şi vinde proiectele. Cei mai mulţi nu au posibilitatea de a merge mai departe, pentru că este vorba de investiţii foarte mari şi de aceea cred că din această capacitate de peste 2.700 MW, numai jumătate va mai rămâne în picioare", a mai spus Băicuşi.
Isra-Mart srl news:
La începutul lunii iunie, peste 80 de companii care vor să dezvolte 104 proiecte eoliene aveau deja contracte de racordare la reţea semnate cu Transelectrica sau cu operatorii reţelelor de distribuţie a energiei electrice.
Cumulat, intenţiile lor se ridică la peste 2.771 MW, adică aproape cât patru reactoare ale centralei nucleare de la Cernavodă, dintre care peste 80% sunt localizate în Dobrogea.
Potrivit datelor Transelectrica, patru proiecte urmează să fie conectate la reţeaua de înaltă tensiune a transportatorului de energie electrică, cumulând o capacitate instalată de 747 MW. Din această capacitate, 600 MW le revin cehilor de la CEZ care construiesc un parc de 1,1 miliarde de euro în două comune dobrogene.
Alte 58 de proiecte sunt localizate tot în zona Dobrogei, dar se conectează la reţeaua de distribuţie operată de italienii de la Enel. Aici ar urma să fie instalate proiecte cu o capacitate de 1.536,76 MW. În Banat sunt două companii care vor să ridice 89 MW, iar în zona de acoperire a Electrica Muntenia Nord se află 31 de companii cu proiecte de circa 380 MW. "Practic, după semnarea contractului de racordare la reţea, avizarea din partea Transelectrica s-a terminat. De aici încolo, investitorii trebuie să se apuce de treabă, să înceapă construcţiile, pentru că şi acest contract de racordare are un anumit termen. Eu nu pot să-i promit capacitate pe termen nelimitat, iar el să nu-şi înceapă lucrările", explică Adrian Băicuşi, directorul general al Transelectrica.
Potrivit planului naţional de acţiune în domeniul energiei din surse regenerabile, următoarele etape pe care un investitor trebuie să le parcurgă după semnarea contractului de racordare la reţea sunt punerea sub tensiune a capacităţilor, obţinerea autorizaţiei de mediu şi în final obţinerea licenţei de producere a energiei.
"Cei mai mulţi dintre aceşti investitori nu construiesc. Aşteaptă să treacă această perioadă de criză economică pentru a-şi vinde proiectele. Cei mai mulţi nu au posibilitatea de a merge mai departe, pentru că este vorba de investiţii foarte mari şi de aceea cred că din această capacitate de peste 2.700 MW, numai jumătate va mai rămâne în picioare", a mai spus Băicuşi.
Isra-Mart srl :Carbon markets await new direction
Isra-Mart srl news:
The EU carbon market is treading water currently, benchmark prices for EUAs and CERs hovering around €14 and €12 respectively. Prices have gone sideways over the past month, with little happening to move the market beyond the daily influences in energy commodities. Trade is listless and in low volumes as the height of the European holiday season approaches.
The benchmark EUA Dec 10 contract closed at €14.23 per tonne on Friday August 6, while Dec 10 CERs finished at €12.06, much the same levels as they were in early July and down €1 or more on June prices. Any chance of sustained higher prices depend on an improvement in the flat European economy or EU agreement to tighten the bloc’s 2020 emissions reduction target from 20 to 30 per cent, currently being considered.
In the primary market, for CER-generating projects being developed, prices are ranging from €8.30 to €10.70 per tonne depending on the share of delivery risk between buyer and seller, according to IDEAcarbon. Uncertainty over the future of the UN’s CDM scheme beyond 2012 also overhangs the CER market
Early trade in the New Zealand ETS sees a small volumes of trades in NZUs as momentum builds slowly. The focus of trade is predominantly in spot transactions with the latest sale reported by OMFinancial at $NZ18.45 (€10.20, $US13.50). The market is linked internationally via the eligibility of CERs in the NZ-ETS. However, lower NZU prices locally mean no demand for secondary CERs at present.
Intercontinental Exchange (ICE), the new owner of the Chicago Climate Exchange, says it will talk to participants in the pioneering US voluntary carbon trading programme about whether its worthwhile continuing the market. Interest has waned and prices have slumped amid the dashed hopes for a federal US cap and trade scheme being passed by Congress this year, or anytime soon.
Isra-Mart srl news:
The EU carbon market is treading water currently, benchmark prices for EUAs and CERs hovering around €14 and €12 respectively. Prices have gone sideways over the past month, with little happening to move the market beyond the daily influences in energy commodities. Trade is listless and in low volumes as the height of the European holiday season approaches.
The benchmark EUA Dec 10 contract closed at €14.23 per tonne on Friday August 6, while Dec 10 CERs finished at €12.06, much the same levels as they were in early July and down €1 or more on June prices. Any chance of sustained higher prices depend on an improvement in the flat European economy or EU agreement to tighten the bloc’s 2020 emissions reduction target from 20 to 30 per cent, currently being considered.
In the primary market, for CER-generating projects being developed, prices are ranging from €8.30 to €10.70 per tonne depending on the share of delivery risk between buyer and seller, according to IDEAcarbon. Uncertainty over the future of the UN’s CDM scheme beyond 2012 also overhangs the CER market
Early trade in the New Zealand ETS sees a small volumes of trades in NZUs as momentum builds slowly. The focus of trade is predominantly in spot transactions with the latest sale reported by OMFinancial at $NZ18.45 (€10.20, $US13.50). The market is linked internationally via the eligibility of CERs in the NZ-ETS. However, lower NZU prices locally mean no demand for secondary CERs at present.
Intercontinental Exchange (ICE), the new owner of the Chicago Climate Exchange, says it will talk to participants in the pioneering US voluntary carbon trading programme about whether its worthwhile continuing the market. Interest has waned and prices have slumped amid the dashed hopes for a federal US cap and trade scheme being passed by Congress this year, or anytime soon.
Isra-Mart srl : Cemex UK gains Carbon Trust Standard
The standard has been granted in recognition of the company’s efforts in measuring and reducing its carbon emissions by over 36% between January 2007 and December 2009.
The Carbon Trust Standard is based on a rigorous, independent assessment and certifies that organisations have measured, managed and reduced their carbon emissions across their own operations, and are committed to reducing them year on year.
Cemex UK has recorded energy, CO2, waste and water for every site through the company’s own software system, ‘Environmental Footprint Tracker’ and measures them through certified management systems to benchmark best practice and set reduction targets.
A vital element in the company’s reduction of carbon emissions is the use of alternative fuels to part-replace fossil fuels in the production of cement. Usage of alternative fuels has been increased by 30% during 2008 and 2009.
The standard has been granted in recognition of the company’s efforts in measuring and reducing its carbon emissions by over 36% between January 2007 and December 2009.
The Carbon Trust Standard is based on a rigorous, independent assessment and certifies that organisations have measured, managed and reduced their carbon emissions across their own operations, and are committed to reducing them year on year.
Cemex UK has recorded energy, CO2, waste and water for every site through the company’s own software system, ‘Environmental Footprint Tracker’ and measures them through certified management systems to benchmark best practice and set reduction targets.
A vital element in the company’s reduction of carbon emissions is the use of alternative fuels to part-replace fossil fuels in the production of cement. Usage of alternative fuels has been increased by 30% during 2008 and 2009.
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