Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Isra-Mart srl: Carbon Trust launches Footprint Verification service

The Carbon Trust has today launched a service designed to independently verify carbon emissions data published by companies and other organisations.

Dubbed Footprint Verification, the new service will allow firms to carry a Carbon Trust-backed logo alongside any carbon footprint data they provide in annual reports, CSR reports, or marketing material.

The company said that the verification service is compliant with established carbon reporting standards such as the GHG Protocol and the Carbon Disclosure Project and will provide independent assurance that companies' emissions claims are accurate.

The service follows a two-stage process whereby the Carbon Trust initially checks whether a company has omitted any emissions data from the final footprint, before then offering to correct any omissions ahead of full verification of its calculations.

Businesses are under growing pressure to report on their carbon footprint and the government is expected to make a decision in the coming weeks on whether or not large companies should be legally required to publish emissions data.

However, research has shown that while the majority of large businesses now report on their emissions only some provide the third-party assurance of that data that would accompany financial reports.

Harry Morrison, director of Carbon Trust Certification, said that demand for assurance services was likely to increase.

"With the prospect of mandatory carbon reporting on the horizon and increasing pressure from shareholders for carbon disclosure, more companies and organisations are seeking independent assurance that their carbon footprint has been measured robustly and accurately," he said. "Most companies understand now that what you can't measure, you can't manage. And Footprint Verification is a key service for those wanting to build a robust foundation for their carbon management strategy."

Speaking to BusinessGreen last month, Carbon Trust chief executive Tom Delay signalled that he sees certification services as a major growth area for the company as it seeks to build on the success of the Carbon Trust Standard, which is awarded to firms that consistently cut their emissions.