THIS is a confounding report that offers something for nearly everyone in the carbon pricing debate, except for one notable group: those who claim that Australia is acting ahead of the world on climate change.
The Productivity Commission was asked to examine what key countries were doing to cut emissions and express it as a number - an ''effective'' carbon price imposed on key industries when policies such as emissions trading schemes and renewable energy subsidies were added up. Its chairman, Gary Banks, decided almost immediately that this was impossible.
Why? Because attempting to turn more than 1000 policies - the US, for example, has more than 300 overlapping and contradictory schemes - into one number for each country would be meaningless.
Instead, the commission has cobbled together its policy stocktake by asking: what are the current cost and cost effectiveness of major carbon policies in the nine countries investigated?
Most of the overarching findings are not surprising. It finds that all the countries are acting, and acting in a range of ways that vary markedly in effectiveness. Few policies have done much to cut emissions. But the commission finds that emissions trading schemes, as the multiparty climate committee proposes for Australia, have been the cheapest way to achieve cuts.
Beyond that, most of the analysis is so laden with caveats they add little to the debate. The commission added up the cost of cleaner energy subsidies and calculated it as a proportion of each country's GDP. Germany (up to 0.33 per cent) was easily spending the largest chunk. Britain (0.10) came next, following by Australia (0.05) and China (0.4), with the US (0.02) further back.
What does this tell us? On its own, not much.
So the commission has a stab at how much it cost for every tonne of emissions cut from the power industry in 2010. Australia made only a small cut in emissions - 12.5 million tonnes - at a relatively expensive price of between $44 and $99 per tonne.
Again, this places it in the middle of the pack, but the key comparison here is not with other countries - most of which were equally or less efficient - but with how Australia would have fared if it had a carbon tax or ETS. The commission estimates the same cut in emissions would have been much cheaper for industry: just $9 a tonne.
Of the countries examined, none had broad carbon taxes, but some tax fossil fuels. Britain taxes energy use; Japan is increasing a tax on crude oil and petroleum products.
Several countries have, or are considering an ETS. Britain and Germany are part of the European scheme, which covers power stations, iron and steel works, oil refineries and a range of factories - about 40 per cent of the continent's emissions all up. Its carbon price last month was $22-$23 a tonne.
In Britain, the ETS has led to some switching from coal to gas-fired power, cut emissions by 19 per cent and pushed electricity prices up 17 per cent. In Germany, the impact of the ETS has been swamped by generous subsidies.
Japan and South Korea have delayed proposed schemes; China has announced it will hold a limited pilot scheme.
In the US, where a national carbon price is off the agenda, the Environment Protection Agency has begun requiring polluters to hold a permit to emit, and will soon announce proposals for standards that will apply to permit holders. All countries examined have some form of renewable energy target or subsidies, and they always cost more in emissions reduction terms than a carbon price.
The commission's investigation is significantly weakened by the policies it didn't look at: research and development spending, energy and fuel efficiency schemes, changes in public transport.
And it squibs it on recommending a starting carbon price - there is just too much information missing.