Monday, January 4, 2010

Isramart :Rainforests and Co2

Isramart news:
Global warming is on the tip of every tongue in many countries today. It is synonymous with Co2 emissions, and how our planet is gradually heating up. Many scientists are focusing on the problem and possible solutions that may lead to a decrease, or eventual halt in human created global warming. These solutions have come in the forms of renewable energies, as well as more environmentally products and structures.

One of the ways to reduce global warming is however, getting far less notice than those driven by human innovation. One of these ways, involves the rain forests of the world. Rain forests, and trees in general provide our world with a valuable resource in cleaning the air of Co2. To lower emissions, the protection of our rain forests must occur. These rain forests could potentially lower the amount of Co2 emissions by 20%, and if they were to grow unhindered by the wants and needs of humanity, that percentage could grow to become even larger.

However, due to deforestation, this number may never be realized. With Brazil and Indonesia leading the way in hectares of land cleared per year, the issue needs to be addressed now. As not only do rain forests aid in carbon capture and storage, they also help to create stable rainfall patterns. These stable patterns help correct the problems raised by global warming and the affects it has on our weather systems. Intense and extreme weather is lessened due to these more stable patterns, which aid in keeping the earths ecosystem balanced. With deforestation occurring from between 8-15 million hectares a year, the issue of global warming and deforestation must be raised soon if positive action in this regard is to occur.