Monday, January 11, 2010

Isramart : Man-made CO2 has negligible impact

Isramart news:
There is no science or math to support man-made global warming based on carbon dioxide emissions. It is scientifically and mathematically impossible for man-made CO2 to influence the Earth's climate. Any competent scientist can read the Earth's atmospheric absorption-transmission spectra and understand why.

Carbon dioxide's three narrow absorption bands absorb a very small amount of the sun's energy. Man-made CO2 is only 0.0014 percent compared with Mother Nature's CO2. Man-made CO2 absorption is microscopic when compared with water vapor. Man-made CO2 provides an insignificant 0.00064 percent increase in the absorption of the sun's radiation. To put this into perspective, if a $250,000 home is the Earth's atmosphere, we pay 1.6 cents per year for man-made CO2 interest payment.

Earth's water absorbs more than 95 percent of the sun's energy. Water, along with the sun, is responsible for our climate. Water and CO2 both go through cycles. They cycle from the Earth's surface up through the atmosphere and then back to the surface again. Water is responsible for nearly all of the sun's energy transfer. One would need to ignore water vapor and pretend CO2 is the only gas in order to predict long-term climate change. And this is exactly what these ignorant people have done.

Note: I am an ACS-certified analytical chemist with more than 35 years experience in lasers, electro-optics, spectroscopy and atmospheric sensing