Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Isramart : MP commits to cutting her carbon emissions by 10% in 2010

Isramart news:
Test Valley MP Sandra Gidley has added her name to the campaign to try to cut the country’s carbon emissions, and urges everyone in the Test Valley to join her.

The campaign 10:10 has been devised by the people who made the climate change film the “Age of Stupid”; a powerful call to arms for all those who want to save the planet.

10:10 gives individuals, schools, businesses and local authorities the chance to do their bit to reduce the UK’s carbon emissions by working out how they can cut the amount of CO2 they produce by 10% in 2010.

Commenting from Westminster today, Sandra said:

“I’m signing up to the 10:10 campaign because it gives me a chance to really show I can make a difference on a personal level to tackling climate change.

“I know that huge numbers of people in Hampshire and across the UK are also making a personal effort – whether it’s walking short journeys instead of driving; by separating out their packaging for recycling; or replacing old, incandescent bulbs with modern energy efficient lights.

“It’s also a chance to send a message to all those politicians meeting in Copenhagen at the end of the year to agree a deal on how the world can stop runaway climate change. Britain’s Climate Change Secretary, Ed Miliband, will be representing the UK, and the more UK citizens make their voice heard the better he can argue for an ambitious deal.

“Each one of us who signs up is showing world leaders that we are making a commitment personally – and those world leaders in turn must work as hard as possible for deal that will leave the planet safe for our children and grandchildren.”