Isramart news:
Clients of the Cueto Law Group in Miami, Florida can now pay up to 20% of their legal fees with carbon credits.
I love reading about innovative solutions to the environmental crisis that we face. The Cueto Law Group, which is based in Miami, Fla., has a program that allows its clients to pay up to 20 percent of their legal bill with carbon credits. This idea is in response to the Copenhagen climate summit’s call for innovation.
Although the Cueto Law Group will be receiving up to 20 percent fewer revenue dollars, they will be able to offset a portion of the firm’s carbon footprint thanks to the clients that choose to participate in the CO Too program.
"The current economic climate is a golden opportunity for the professional services industry to develop new ways to tackle global emissions. Carbon credits represent a paradigm shift in the way that business is transacted," said attorney Santiago A. Cueto. "Our CO Too program is a way to help the environment, while at the same time providing an alternative way for clients to pay for professional services. We are proud to be leading the legal industry in this initiative and are optimistic that other industries will follow," added Mr. Cueto.” (Source: PR Newswire)
Carbon credits are becoming increasingly popular, despite the lack of a formal cap-and-trade program here in the United States. Cueto Law Group is thinking outside of the box by implementing this unique carbon credit program. I’m anxious to see what other innovative ideas are created as a result of the Copenhagen climate talks.