Monday, November 30, 2009

Isramart : UE exercită presiuni asupra Chinei privind clima, Beijingul îşi apără dezvoltarea

Isramart news:

Uniunea Europeană a cerut luni Chinei să joace un rol de lider privind schimbarea climatică, cu o săptămână înainte de conferinţa de la Copenhaga, dar Beijingul a răspuns că "eforturile sale enorme" nu pot fi făcute în detrimentul dezvoltării, relatează AFP.

Imaginea 1/1

"Provocarea climei (...) nu poate fi înfruntată fără ca China să îşi asume un rol de lider şi să îşi (accepte - responsabilitatea", a declarat premierul suedez Fredrik Reinfeldt, a cărui ţară asigură preşedinţia UE, după un summit chinezo-european organizat la Nankin (estul ţării).

"Contribuţiile mondiale puse pe masă pentru reducerea (emisiilor - nu sunt suficiente" pentru a limita creşterea temperaturii la două grade, a declarat el, subliniind că "trebuie făcute mai multe".

Reinfeldt s-a exprimat în timpul unei conferinţe de presă comune cu premierul chinez Wen Jiabao şi cu preşedintele Comisiei Europene Jose Manuel Barroso, după un summit scurt dominat de climă, cu o săptămână înainte de începerea conferinţei ONU de la Copenhaga (7-18 decembrie).

Salutând eforturile Chinei, ţara cu cele mai mari emisii de gaze cu efect de seră, Reinfeldt a explicat că europenii au pus unele întrebări. "Ce înseamnă acest lucru pentru situaţia actuală? Care sunt măsurile luate de economia chineză pentru a răspunde acestor obiective?", a explicat el.

"Atingerea unui obiectiv va necesita eforturi enorme şi marchează o contribuţie majoră la eforturile mondiale", a replicat premierul chinez.

"China a decis să facă să progreseze conferinţa în direcţia bună", a dat asigurări Wen, care va merge personal în capitala daneză. "Cheia succesului va fi urmarea principiului responsabilităţilor comune, dar diferenţiate", a mai spus el.

Economiile emergente, în frunte cu China, apreciază că schimbarea climatică este treaba tuturor, dar ţările industrializate sunt responsabile într-o măsură mai mare şi trebuie să îşi asume aceste responsabilităţi istorice. De asemenea, ele aşteaptă din partea ţărilor dezvoltate o susţinere financiară pentru a le ajuta să se adapteze mai bine schimbării climatice.

În aceste condiţii, Wen Jiabao şi-a exprimat speranţa că "Uniunea Europeană îşi va lua angajamentul privind transferuri de tehnologie" pentru a favoriza economia verde.

Unul dintre cele cinci acorduri semnate luni între China şi UE se referă la un protocol de acord privind un proiect comun de "cărbune curat".

China a anunţat pentru prima dată săptămâna trecută obiective clare privind controlul emisiilor, luându-şi angajamentul să reducă raportul dintre emisiile de dioxid de carbon şi unitatea de PIB cu 40%-45% în 2020, faţă de nivelul din 2005.

"China este o ţară în dezvoltare, care se află într-un stadiu-cheie al industrializării şi urbanizării", a spus Wen, subliniind că, în ceea ce priveşte emisiile pe cap de locuitor, această ţară de 1,3 miliarde de locuitori "rămâne mult în urma ţărilor dezvoltate".

Isramart : 91 de proiecte depuse in prima etapa a programului "Casa Verde"

Isramart news:
Un numar de 91 de proiecte depuse in cadrul primei etape a Programului "Casa Verde", derulata in perioada 15 iulie - 14 august 2009, vor primi finantare in valoare de 79,9 milioane de lei, mai putin cu 14,3% fata de suma solicitata initial, de 93,3 milioane lei, potrivit datelor Administratiei Fondului de Mediu (AFM) publicate, vineri, pe pagina de Internet a institutiei, informeaza Agerpres.

In afara acestor dosare acceptate, alte 54 au fost respinse de comisia de analiza pe motiv de documentatie incompleta, iar cinci solicitari au fost amanate pana la o evaluare urmatoare. De pe lista celor 91 de proiecte aprobate, cel mai mare punctaj (100) l-a obtinut Consiliul Judetean Prahova, care a solicitat 880.000 lei pentru cinci proiecte in care vor fi inlocuite sau completate sistemele clasice de incalzire cu cele care utilizeaza energii alternative: doua centre de plasament, doua complexuri de servicii comunitare si Centrul pentru persoane adulte cu handicap Nedelea.

Pentru aceste proiecte, AFM a aprobat, in cele din urma, suma de 874.708 lei, mai putin cu 0,60 la suta decat CJ Prahova ceruse in prima faza. La capitolul cea mai mare suma acordata, conduce Municipiul Piatra Neamt, care cu 65 de puncte a primit 3,78 milioane lei fata de 3,99 milioane lei cat se solicitase initial. Cu acesti bani, pe raza municipiului vor fi definitivate 20 de proiecte ce includ: patru crese, un liceu si 15 gradinite.

Solicitantii acceptati pot incheia contractele de finantare cu AFM incepand cu data de 2 decembrie 2009, in timp ce pentru proiectele respinse se depun contestatii in termen de trei zile de la publicarea rezultatelor finale. In prima etapa a programului "Casa Verde", destinat unitatilor administrativ-teritoriale (UAT), au fost depuse 151 proiecte, iar in cea de-a doua, incheiata pe 9 octombrie a.c, 140 de proiecte.

"Casa Verde" reprezinta un program de inlocuire sau completare a sistemelor clasice de incalzire cu sisteme ecologice de incalzire, care utilizeaza energie alternativa (solara, eoliana, fotovoltaica, etc.) ce va costa, in acest an, 310 milioane lei (circa 75 milioane euro). Potrivit Ministerului Mediului, subventia ce va fi alocata fiecarui proiect din suma colectata la Fondul de Mediu pentru taxa auto, este de 80 la suta din valoarea totala, in care este inclusa atat racordarea la sistemul termic, cat si TVA-ul.

Finantarea nu trebuie sa depaseasca anumite limite. Aceasta porneste de la maximum patru milioane lei pentru administratiile locale care deservesc orase sau municipii de peste 100.000 de locuitori si ajunge pana la 500.000 lei pentru cele cu sub 3.000 de locuitori. AFM a demarat, in perioada 9-27 noiembrie, a treia etapa a Programului "Casa Verde", care se adreseaza, de aceasta data, hotelierilor denumiti "operatorii economici", pentru noua sesiune fiind alocata suma de 100.000 de lei.

Isramart : UE, acuzata ca pericliteaza negocierile de la Copenhaga

Isramart news:
Uniunea Europeana a fost acuzata ca pericliteaza negocierile globale pe tema schimbarilor climatice, dupa ce mai multe documente confidentiale obtinute de The Guardian au aratat faptul ca Uniunea doreste mai degraba ca statele sarace sa primeasca ajutoare din fondurile deja existente pentru a face fata incalzirii globale, fara sa primeasca sume suplimentare, informeaza publicatia.

In documentele descoperite se poate observa ca UE a eliminat anumite prevederi din textul negocierilor care va fi discutat luna viitoare la Copenhaga. Noua varianta a textului ar stipula faptul ca ajutoarele pe care statele sarace ar urma sa le primeasca pentru a se adapta schimbarilor climatice se vor limita la sumele deja existente in tintele oficiale de dezvoltare.

“Niciun stat sarac nu va semna un acord care nu ii aduce niciun ban in plus . UE si alte state bogate trebuie sa aloce fonduri mai mari, altfel nu va exista niciun acord”, a declarat Rob Bailey, consultant la organizatia de ajutor umanitar Oxfam.

Marea Britanie si Olanda se numara printre statele care sunt de acord cu majorarea fondurilor pentru statele sarace, in timp ce Franta, Germania si mai multe state mici se opun.

UE vrea reduceri mai ambitioase de emisii

Premierul suedez, Fredrik Reinfeldt, a declarat luni ca tintele de reducere a emisiilor de gaze cu efect de sera pe care si le-au asumat statele sunt insuficiente.

„Eforturile globale asumate pentru reducerea fenomenului incalzirii globale nu sunt suficiente. Trebuie mai mult”, a declarat Reinfeldt, al carui stat detine presedintia UE.

Declaratiile au fost facut in cadrul unui summit UE-China, care precede intalnirea de la Copenhaga. De asemenea, Reinfeldt a declarat ca ambele parti au decis sa evite protectionismul si sa isi pastreze pietele deschise.

Isramart : Cei mai mari poluatori ai lumii

Isramart news:
Un top al celor mai mari poluatori, calculat in functie de emisiile absolute de dioxid de carbon pe an, plaseaza China pe primul loc in randul statelor cu cele mai mari emisii. Aceasta este urmata, conform datelor din 2007, de Statele Unite, in timp ce locul al treilea este ocupat de Rusia, informeaza site-ul International Energy Agency.

Topul poluatorilor in functie de emisiile absolute (in milioane de tone de dioxid de carbon)

1. China - 6,027
2. SUA - 5,769
3. Rusia - 1,587
4. India - 1,324
5. Japonia - 1,236
6. Germania -798
7. Canada - 572
8. Marea Britanie - 523
9. Coreea de Sud - 488
10. Mexic - 437
11 - Indonezia - 377
12. Franta - 369
13. Brazil - 347
14. Africa de Sud - 345
15. Argentina - 162
16. Pakistan – 138

In functie de emisiile de dioxid de carbon pe cap de locuitor, Statele Unite isi mentin intaietatea in topul poluatorilor, urmate de Canada, Rusia, Coreea de Sud si Germania. China se afla pe locul al zecelea in top, fiind intrecuta de Africa de Sud si Franta, aflate pe locurile 8 si 9.

Isramart : Energia regenerabila din gospodariile britanice poate ajunge la 6%

Isramart news:
Ponderea energiei regenerabile in totalul consumului ar putea fi de 6% pana in 2020 in Marea Britanie, daca guvernul va majora subventiile pentru panouri solare si turbine eoliene, informeaza The Guardian.

Energia regenerabila obtinuta la scara mica poate acoperi 6% din consumul Marii Britanii in urmatorii zece ani daca guvernul va majora subventiile prevazute a fi lansate in aprilie, sustin reprezentantii organizatiei Friends of Earth.

"Energia verde la scara mica, de genul panourilor solare amplasate in gospodarii si birouri sau al turbinelor eoliene folosite la nivel de comunitate, poate juca un rol crucial in reducerea emisiilor si accelerarea dezvoltarii unei economii bazata pe emisii reduse de dioxid de carbon", a declarat Dave Timms, energy campaigner al organizatiei FoE.

Pentru a ajunge la acest procent, guvernul ar trebui sa majoreze suportul acordat gospodariilor cu 1,2 lire, pana la 2,37 lire de gospodarie pe an, in urmatorii patru ani.

Pe de alta parte, autoritatile britanice sunt presate de catre jucatorii de pe piata energiei nucleare, care fac lobby impotriva surselor regenerabile, un competitor direct.

Deocamdata, tinta guvernului britanic este ca 2% din energie sa fie obtinuta din surse regenerabile la scara mica pana in 2020.

Isramart : Delphi becomes UK’s first auto industry firm to receive Carbon Trust award news

Isramart news:
The UK operations of auto components supplier Delphi Automotive LLP has been awarded the Carbon Trust, for for reducing its total carbon footprint year-over-year by 4 per cent, and CO2 per piece output by 8.8 per cent.

The Carbon Trust Standard is a UK Government certification that recognizes achievements in carbon management and reduction. Recipients of this prestigious award number less than 100 in the entire UK with only a handful of those being manufacturing-based companies. Delphi is the first automotive company to achieve this standard.

“We are very proud to be the first automotive company in the UK to be accredited with this prestigious standard” said Mark Andrews, Operations Support Group (OSG) Director for Delphi Europe, Middle-East and Africa. “This is further validation of Delphi’s ability to apply its safe, green and connected philosophies not only to the products we sell but also to the facilities in which they are designed and manufactured.”

Led by Peter Vallance from Delphi’s OSG, this project involved a team of UK facility management personnel at Delphi sites in Gillingham, Stonehouse, Liverpool, Park Royal, Leamington Spa and Sudbury.

The Carbon Trust Standard recognises organisations that have genuinely acted on climate change and committed to ongoing emission reductions. The Standard also positions Delphi at the forefront of tackling climate change and related measures to reduce carbon emissions directly, rather than off-setting emissions through other means.

Isramart : BBC dispatches 35 staff to climate talks – creating as much carbon as an African village does in a year

Isramart news:
The BBC is sending 35 people to next month’s climate change talks in Copenhagen – creating as much carbon dioxide as an African village does in a whole year.

The corporation said its delegation of 12 presenters, along with a backup team of researchers, producers and camera crews, will spend up to two weeks in the Danish capital on expenses to cover the global summit.

Critics said the numbers were ‘absolutely staggering’ and accused the BBC of playing fast and loose with licence payers’ money.

If all 35 BBC staff go by plane, they will generate around six or seven tons of carbon dioxide.

Conservative MP Philip Davies said: ‘It’s absolutely staggering. It’s yet another example of how wasteful the BBC is.

It begs the question what all of these people will be doing when they are there.

‘On the subject of climate change, the BBC seems to lose all its critical faculties and it will probably be just a fawning exercise over these environmentalists anyway.

‘It would be nice if one of these 35 people asked some pertinent and critical questions about climate change. But I suspect they will all be subscribers to the extreme environmental agenda.’

The BBC delegation is expected to include the corporation’s environment analyst Roger Harrabin along with a team of science and environment reporters.

Political editor Nick Robinson may also attend, given the expected presence of Gordon Brown, while the BBC is considering presenting the Ten O’Clock News live from the summit at some point during the fortnight.

Next month’s United Nations talks were intended to create a new global climate treaty that would commit developed and developing countries to cutting greenhouse gas emissions.

Without a deal, most scientists and environmentalists say the world is heading for a ‘dangerous’ rise in global temperatures of between 2c and 6c by the end of the century.

However, world leaders now concede there is not enough time to get a formal treaty in place, and that another climate summit will be needed next year.

Earlier this month the BBC came under fire for spending £20million on an army of advisers, strategists and ‘decision makers’ at a time when programme makers were facing fierce budget cuts.

A spokesman for the BBC defended its decision to send such a large team to Copenhagen.

The BBC will provide in-depth multimedia coverage across a wide range of outlets, including the main network news bulletins, BBC Breakfast, the BBC News channel, BBC World News, BBC Radio including Five Live and Radio Four, and the BBC News website,’ he said.

‘The Copenhagen conference is a major global news story and we will deploy 12 on-air presenters and reporters, supported by 23 producers, camera operators, engineers in total.

They will be phased over the course of the ten-day event – and won’t all be there at the same time.’

However, he refused to say how much the corporation was spending on the talks or how many of its staff would be going to the capital by plane.

The Government has yet to announce how many people it is sending to Copenhagen. Mr Brown has promised to go, along with Energy and Climate Change Secretary Ed Miliband.

One insider said: ‘It’s a standing joke here that the BBC will have more people there than the Government. On the last summit we sent around 30 people.’

In contrast to the BBC’s delegation, Greenpeace is sending just two people from the UK, while Friends of the Earth pans to send 12.

Susie Squire, of the Taxpayers’ Alliance, said: ‘It’s unnecessary for the BBC to send so many people – and hypocritical.

It’s out of touch with what most licence fee payers are thinking. After the scandal about BBC waste, you’d think they would be tightening their belts.’

Six to seven tons of carbon dioxide is equal to the carbon footprint of 18 Kenyans for one year.

Isramart : Carbon dioxide emissions, gas mileage at early ’80s levels

Isramart news:
Carbon dioxide emissions from new vehicles have decreased for the fifth consecutive year, along with a corresponding increase in fuel economy, according to a new report from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Gas mileage decreased and carbon dioxide increased in the U.S. vehicle fleet between 1987 and 2004, according to the report. Thanks to a trend of improvement that began in 2005, however, both figures are now at levels prevalent in the early 1980s, it said.

Average carbon dioxide emissions have fallen 39 grams per mile, or 8 percent, since 2004, and average fuel economy has increased 1.8 mpg, or 9 percent, the report said.

Isramart : Work starts on first zero carbon settlement

Isramart news:
Work officially starts today on England’s first large-scale zero carbon development at Hanham Hall near Bristol. Start on site will be marked by the arrival of key construction workers along with portable site offices and construction equipment. This follows completion of the formal contractual commitments and planning permissions between the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA), the national housing and regeneration agency for England; and Barratt Developments PLC; and South Gloucestershire Council.

Welcoming the start on site, Robert Napier, chairman of the HCA said: “In the current economic climate, it is even more important that we take steps towards achieving a low carbon future. This milestone marks real progress for Hanham Hall, which will help people to live more sustainable lifestyles and provide homes that are attractive, affordable and extremely energy efficient.”

Mark Clare, Chief Executive of Barratt Developments PLC, said: “We are delighted to be starting work on the first zero carbon community at Hanham Hall. There is no doubt that there will need to be significant changes in the way that homes are constructed to meet higher environmental standards. This project places us at the forefront of that important agenda.”

The development will be the first created as part of the government’s Carbon Challenge initiative, which aims to help the housebuilding industry fast track a number of developments that significantly reduce the impact on the environment; provide important lessons for delivering low carbon development; and encourage people to live more sustainable lifestyles.

Recently, the innovative nature of the project was recognised with £0.8m additional funding from the government’s low carbon infrastructure initiative to provide an extension of the heat network from the onsite biomass CHP plant. This will be key to not only making the homes zero carbon but will also have the additional advantage of taking waste heat to neighbouring community buildings.

Hanham Hall is a former hospital site set in 6.6ha and features a Grade 2 Listed building.

Plans for the site include 195 homes that will conform to the highest level of the Code for Sustainable Homes and a range of shops and offices that will offer employment opportunities for the community. The homes will use energy and water efficiently, as well as minimising waste and carbon emissions.

Allotment gardens and greenhouses will be provided to encourage residents to grow their own fruit and vegetables and a farm shop will offer a range of locally sourced products. Existing hedgerows, meadows and orchards will be retained and extended, and some of the heritage buildings will be adapted for community use including a nursery and a café for residents and visitors.

Barratt Developments Plc will be responsible for the preservation and restoration of the listed hospital building and for the conservation of green spaces that surround it. Additionally a Residents’ Trust will be established to oversee the ongoing maintenance and care of the whole site.

Isramart : Helijet goes carbon neutral

Isramart news:
Helicopters are likely the most polluting form of air travel, but now a Victoria company is working to mitigate its impact.

Helijet International became the first private company to buy carbon offsets from the new provincial Crown corporation, Pacific Carbon Trust.

“We’re using a made-in-B.C. solution that reflects the interests of our passengers,” said Danny Sitnam, president and CEO in a press release.

The company has committed to make all its scheduled flights between Victoria and Vancouver carbon neutral. Its ambulance service and chartered flights are not part of the deal.

From March through July, it paid $22,500 to offset 900 tonnes of CO2 emissions, and plans to make monthly purchases in the future.

Pacific Carbon Trust was set up by the provincial government in March 2008 with $24 million.

Until Helijet signed on as a client, it catered exclusively to the civil service, which has a provincial mandate to be carbon neutral.

Pacific Carbon Trust is one of about 20 vendors already operating in the international offset marketplace.

Not all vendors operate by the same standards and the David Suzuki Foundation rates them, giving four Canadian companies top grades, including Less, Planetair, CarbonZero and LivClean.

The foundation estimates the 2008 carbon-market at $460 million, a number which only includes voluntary transactions in the private market.

Offset vendors pay companies to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. They then sell these “offsets” to clients, such as Helijet, who wish to purchase them.

For instance, when Lefarge Cement in Richmond changed its fuel source from coal to biofuel, Pacific Carbon Trust paid it to make the change by offering a negotiated price per tonne of emissions reduced.

Pacific Carbon Trust then sold these emission reductions to its clients at $25 per tonne, said Scott MacDonald, CEO.

While Helijet is the first private company to sign on to the crown corporation, MacDonald said two more local companies are expected to declare carbon neutrality soon.

Isramart : Deloitte publishes carbon accounting report

Isramart news:
The accountancy firm Deloitte has issued a report on the challenges of carbon accounting, reports Envido.

Online PR News – 20-November-2009 – The development of carbon markets worldwide has created a host of challenges for companies. Of all these challenges, carbon accounting is among the least understood.

What is carbon accounting?

Carbon accounting is the accounting undertaken to measure the amount of carbon dioxide equivalents that will not be released into the atmosphere as a result of Flexible Mechanisms projects under the Kyoto Treaty. These projects include (but are not limited to) renewable energy projects, biomass, energy saving projects etc.

Europe has so far been unable to reach an agreement on how to account for its carbon emissions. Carbon traders in the US have only just started to engage with the issue of carbon accounting in an already complex and unfamiliar market.

In the report, Deloitte addresses several commonly asked questions that organisations ask about carbon accounting. More specifically Deloitte discusses the following issues:
1. Carbon emission allowances
2. Obligations
3. Presentation of carbon allowances and obligation
4. Forward carbon emission contracts

Deloitte also address addresses different carbon accounting results that can exist as companies develop accounting policies individually in the absence specific carbon accounting guidelines to follow.

Ifti Akbar from Envido welcomes the report, saying that “The issue of carbon accounting needs to be addressed. This Deloitte report is incredibly helpful for organisations that are unsure about the steps they should take with regards to carbon accounting.

Carbon markets are evolving all the time. With new regulations and increased growth they are becoming more and more complex. Organisations need to have a carbon accounting processes in place so they can keep up”.

Isramart : Australia’s Rudd faces showdown on carbon vote

Isramart news:
Australia’s parliament votes next week on Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s plan for a sweeping carbon trade scheme with hopes it will finally win approval after two years of divisive debate.

Isramart : EcoAid LLC sees green in carbon offsets

Isramart news:
A growing movement toward more sustainable business practices and the pending federal cap-and-trade legislation have resulted in a new business model, and one Scottsdale startup is at the forefront.

EcoAid LLC is among those companies born out of changing dynamics in the business community. It’s working to help companies understand how they affect the environment and what they can do about it, from buying renewable power to funding reforestation projects.

Founded about 18 months ago, EcoAid has been building a client base of companies that see green as a good foundation for future operations. It recently moved from Phoenix to new offices at ASU SkySong in Scottsdale. It already has 20-plus business clients in the Valley, including Bar-S Foods, Local First Arizona and the Open.

Baron Bruno, the company’s business development director, said going green is a good business decision.

“At some point down the road, we won’t have a second chance to say we should have done this earlier,” he said.

Cap-and-trade regulations in the U.S., like those already implemented in some European countries, would require businesses to track their greenhouse gas emissions. The proposed legislation would allow companies that exceed a specified limit to offset those emissions by buying credits on the open market from companies that kept their emissions under the cap.

Such a system already is in place in the U.S. through several regional climate boards and the Chicago Climate Exchange, a voluntary carbon-trading program.

EcoAid doesn’t trade credits between companies. Instead, it buys carbon offsets in the form of tree reforestation projects or stakes in renewable energy power generation, then brokers them to companies seeking to lower their carbon use, according to Chief Operating Officer George Gebran.

The company also offers businesses a carbon-emissions analysis to determine how they can reduce their emissions before purchasing offsets on the open market.

“What we want to do is pre-empt the legislation, miscommunication and greenwashing,” said Bruno.

“Greenwashing” is used to describe the pitching of products, services or business practices that might not truly be as environmentally friendly as they are made out to be.

The Chicago exchange, known as the CCX, was founded in 2003. About 450 companies — including the likes of Ford Motor Co., Intel Corp. and Motorola Inc. — along with an array of specialized brokers make it easier for businesses to access carbon credits, said Brookly McLaughlin, director of communications for the exchange.

“There are companies that want to do this to further their sustainable goals,” she said. “There are companies that do this because they want to get hands-on experience before it becomes law. There are a lot of different reasons.”

EcoAid has had some success as more businesses look to become environmentally sustainable. The company helped the Open become the first carbon-neutral golf event in the Valley, and it recently unveiled a carbon professional school to train people on carbon trading and other positions in sustainability.

A lot of its clients are early adopters. Park Howell, president of Park&Co., a Phoenix agency that specializes in marketing for sustainable companies, sees services such as EcoAid’s as a way for businesses to examine green technologies and decide how much they’re willing to do.

Howell contracted with EcoAid to get more information beyond changing out light bulbs and encouraging recycling. He wanted to make green principles as integral to his business as they are to clients. As a result, the agency purchased offsets that pay for a reforestation project in Michigan, making it carbon-neutral.

“I don’t know if carbon offsets and cap and trade are the answers to global warming, but at least they’re something,” Howell said. “The way I see it, purchasing carbon credits is basically a self-imposed tax to help somewhat offset our impact on the environment.”

EcoAid helps businesses develop strategies at a time when consumers are looking at companies’ green claims with a skeptical eye, said Mara DeFilippis, founder and CEO of the Arizona Green Chamber of Commerce.

For the early adopters, the services are easy to subscribe to, whether it’s through EcoAid or another company. The majority of the business community, however, still has a lot to learn, DeFilippis said.

“I think there’s such a process of education, and there’s a disconnect for businesses that really don’t know where to go,” she said.

EcoAid is a member of three exchanges: CCX, the Voluntary Carbon Standard and the Climate Action Reserve.

The company would not disclose its financial information, but Gebran said EcoAid is close to finalizing its first round of funding from a San Francisco-area venture capital firm. He would not share details of that deal either, as it is still pending.

Isramart : Carbon credits spell new future for forests

Isramart news:
Driving through the verdant timberlands of Oregon’s Coast Range, Matt Fehrenbacher pointed out a mountainside where every tree had been clearcut.

“That’s business as usual,” said Fehrenbacher, a forester with The Pacific Forest Trust, a conservation group that manages private forest both to produce lumber and to store carbon as a hedge against global warming.

Later Fehrenbacher walked through the forest he manages for the Van Eck Forest Foundation, showing off tall Douglas firs that are breaking into a new growth spurt after trees around them were cut to let in more sun, dead logs with mushrooms sprouting from them left behind on the forest floor, and hemlock seedlings planted next to stumps left from logs sold for lumber.

“There’s a sweetspot where a landowner can potentially balance your timber value with your carbon values,” said Fehrenbacher. “As this market emerges it’s becoming more of a reality. Landowner’s interest is very high right now.”

The Van Eck Oregon Forest that Fehrenbacher manages is not yet getting paid for the carbon it stores, but it is positioning itself for the day when it will be, either under an emerging voluntary market for carbon credits, or if climate legislation — one of President Obama’s top priorities — is enacted in the U.S. Senate.

Trees naturally absorb carbon dioxide as part of photosynthesis, and store it in their leaves and wood. When trees burn, rot, or are cut down, they return carbon to the atmosphere. The trick is to maximize the amount that gets stored.

While the climate bill has drawn strong opposition from conservatives wary of creating a cap and trade system that charges carbon producers, like coal-fired power plants, it has united two longtime adversaries.

Timberland owners and environmental groups both want to see the bill pass. For timberland owners, it means new sources of revenue immune to the boom and bust of the housing industry. One comes from the cap and trade market paying for leaving trees standing. Another comes from promoting the sale of biomass — small trees cut to reduce fire danger and make room for other trees to grow — that can be mixed with coal in power plants, or turned into pellets for wood-fired furnaces.

For conservation groups, it is a way to stop millions of acres of forest land from falling to development, leaving it standing for fish and wildlife habitat.

“A lot of people in the Senate want to get the whole thing through without cap and trade,” said Andrew Light, a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress, a liberal think tank in Washington, D.C. “Some are starting to realize … that if you don’t get cap and trade, you don’t get all the great forestry stuff, which is bringing together a lot of strange bedfellows.”

As yet, the bill does not address national forests, or the desire of wood products manufacturers to get credit for lumber and plywood that will store carbon in buildings for a century or more.

The “forestry stuff” it does have has timberland owners very interested.

“We’re taking it on the chin right now,” said Dave Tenny, a former Bush administration timber official now heading the National Alliance of Forest Owners. “Markets are down. The economics pressures are real for every class of landowner. Now here comes an opportunity for new incentives or markets for these forests to make a contribution, not only to the environment, but to landowners as well.”

Landowners are already starting to reap the benefits of leaving trees standing as companies look for ways to voluntarily offset their carbon footprint.

The Walt Disney Co. recently pledged $7 million to protect or restore tens of thousands of acres of forest in the Congo basin, the Amazon basin, California’s North Coast and the lower Mississippi Valley.

Pacific Gas and Electric Co. is paying the city of Arcata, Calif., $400,000 to manage part of its city forest to store carbon for the next 100 years.

Brian C. Murray, director for economic analysis at Duke University’s Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions, said carbon credits could move tens of millions of acres of cropland into forest, particularly in the Southeast and Midwest, where they have moved back and forth since the Civil War.

Isramart : Liberals ditch carbon tax in favour of cap-and-trade climate policy

Isramart news:
Michael Ignatieff is abandoning Stéphane Dion’s consumer-focused carbon-tax for an industrial cap-and-trade system to tackle climate change.

He vowed, too that if he becomes Prime Minister he won’t wait for Washington to act first – as the Tories are doing – to put it into place.

The Liberal Leader made his remarks today in a major speech at Laval University in Quebec City. It comes amid the criticism that Prime Minister Stephen Harper will not attend next month’s major climate change summit in Copenhagen – this, after U.S. President Barack Obama announced that he would be going to Denmark.

He did not directly criticize Mr. Harper for reluctance to attend. Rather he outlined what he would have done as a leader in Copenhagen.

“I would have hoped to see Canada accept our own responsibility to reduce carbon pollution, in line with other developed countries,” he said.

And he congratulated Quebec Premier Jean Charest for leading North America in the climate change battle. Mr. Charest said Quebec is going its own way on the issue, breaking with the federal government. It will reduce greenhouse-gas emissions by 20 per cent below 1990 levels by 2020, a goal similar to the target adopted by the European Union.

Mr. Ignatieff said today his Liberals would set their greenhouse-gas reduction targets at 1990 levels as opposed to Harper government policy to set them at 2006 levels.

Still, Mr. Ignatieff did not name a specific target. Rather, he says in his speech that “a Liberal government will fight for ambitious targets to reduce carbon pollution.”

This week, however, the Liberals supported a Bloc motion calling for a target of 25 per cent below 1990 levels by 2020.

Since becoming leader almost a year ago, Mr. Ignatieff has been widely criticized for not offering any substantive policy. In part, this speech is an effort to start addressing that criticism.

As well, environmentalists have criticized the Liberals for voting with the Tories against an NDP bill that would have set deep greenhouse-gas emission targets for Canada in advance of the Copenhagen summit.

The Liberals lost badly in the last election, partly as a result of Mr. Dion’s complicated Green Shift plan that would put a tax on carbon. It was not communicated well; Canadians did not understand it.

It appears now that the Liberals have totally abandoned a carbon tax.

This speech outlines specific programs the Liberals would develop if they formed government, including a new Clean Energy Act, a national freshwater strategy, which would begin with cleaning up the “Great Lakes down the St. Lawrence” and also Lake Winnipeg.

He also outlined a Northern strategy that would include helping Inuit adapt to climate change and a vigorous defence of Canada’s sovereignty over the Northwest Passage.

Isramart : Taiwan states case for UNFCCC participation

Isramart news:
Taiwan’s participation in the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change would represent a win-win outcome for the organization and the island’s 23 million people, according to Alice Wang, deputy minister for the Government Information Office.

“We urge the UNFCCC to heed the needs of our people, recognize the contributions we can make, and find the appropriate means to accept our participation as early as possible,” Wang said during a GIO-organized Taiwan-Denmark video conference on Taiwan’s UNFCCC involvement Nov. 27.

“Taiwan is especially vulnerable to extreme weather conditions, rising temperatures, unpredictable storms and loss of biodiversity,” she said. “Climate change is an issue that cannot be ignored and must be confronted swiftly.”

Anne Grete Holmsgaard, member of the Danish parliament and opposition spokeswoman for climate and energy, said it is of great importance for Taiwan to participate in the UNFCCC. “We hope the country can repeat its success in attaining observer status in the World Health Organization’s governing body and look forward to seeing the Taiwan delegation in Copenhagen.”

Stephen Shu-hung Shen, minister of the Cabinet-level Environmental Protection Administration, said Taiwan planned to use the World Health Assembly model to secure participation in the UNFCCC.”

“As a member of the global village, the ROC government has adopted strong measures to fight climate change,” he said. “Taiwan’s participation in the UNFCCC would help the public and private sectors further upgrade efforts to manage this pressing environmental challenge.”

Hsu Fang-min, deputy director of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd., said Taiwan’s UNFCCC participation would help his firm reduce its global carbon footprint and cement its position as the world’s top chip-maker.

“Our firm is taking the lead in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and already exceeding benchmarks set in Japan and South Korea,” Hsu said “Being involved in the UNFCCC will allow the company to share its landmark green building standards with the world.”

TSMC initiated a green building program in 2006 to strengthen environmental protection and energy conservation. The program covers design and construction of new fabs, enhancement of existing fabs, internal training, and encouraging subcontractors to gain green building certification.

According to Robert Yang, a senior advisor with Industrial Technology Research Institute—the largest nonprofit R&D organization in Taiwan—UNFCCC involvement is key to combating the effects of climate change and sharing Taiwan’s technical expertise with the world.

“Of course, we can rely on ourselves for assistance in dealing with natural disasters such as Typhoon Morakot, but we need to be able to work with the international community to garner their support, like all other economies of the world. In this way, we can also share our experiences with developing and developed nations.”

Yang said Taiwan has always been enlightened when it came to enacting environmental laws and can make a valuable contribution to the global targets for mitigating climate change and advancing clean technology. “We stand ready to play very useful role in fighting climate change.”

Isramart : Beyond Copenhagen there’s more than just cutting CO2

Isramart news:
Imagine for a minute that global warming is not changing our planet’s biosphere and the ecosystems that sustain life on Earth.

Imagine that climate change abetted by rising human-generated emissions of greenhouse gases does not threaten freshwater supplies, agriculture, marine ecosystems, human health, coastal settlements and the very existence of small island states.

Imagine climate changes are not likely to trigger mass migrations and state conflicts, as growing populations of landless, hungry and thirsty people scramble to grab portions of the shrinking global pie.

If this were true, would there still be any reason for our leaders to gather in Copenhagen next month and agree on concrete plans for reducing greenhouse-gas (GHG) emissions, such as of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and fluorocarbons?

The short but emphatic answer is “Yes.”

According to recent research, climate is just one of at least nine critical biophysical parameters that are essential for Earth to maintain its capacity for self-regulation, and for humans to remain within these limits will require the very best international cooperation we can muster.

Which is why getting it right in Copenhagen is so important.

Substantial progress in December will give us a blueprint for dealing with climate and for dealing with each of the other biophysical limits we are going to bump up against in coming decades.

Yet, with the conference in Denmark just weeks away, some commentators have already chosen to declare the talks a failure. This knee-jerk pessimism is unfortunate, because it encourages low expectations at a time when policymakers and negotiators should be redoubling their efforts to craft a comprehensive and effective treaty.

There is no denying that complex and very real obstacles stand in the way of international cooperation on climate change: Opinions among developing and developed countries differ greatly on who should take responsibility for the phonomenon, and how; there are fears that efforts to reduce GHGs will trip up already limping economies; and, there is considerable disagreement over how best to measure and reduce emissions.

Nevertheless, international cooperation remains key for dealing successfully with global environmental challenges, and Copenhagen offers a chance to step boldly beyond 1997’s Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which was finally ratified in November 2004.

Critics of global climate negotiations predictably argue that the Kyoto Protocol did not successfully curb GHG emissions, with few countries achieving their reductions and many, including Japan, allowing emissions to climb.

But despite its shortcomings, Kyoto did succeed in galvanizing global awareness, creating various mechanisms for nations to cooperate in reducing GHGs, and building international momentum toward the Copenhagen talks.

Copenhagen, too, can already be considered a success in some respects.

“In a short span, many nations have pledged to cut their emissions of greenhouse gases by considerable amounts, well beyond any commitments they had made before,” notes a commentary appearing last month in Nature magazine (Oct. 22). “Norway, for example, offered this month to reduce its own emissions by 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2020. Indonesia said it would curb its emissions over that same time by 26 percent below the levels expected under a business-as-usual scenario, with even stronger cuts possible under an international agreement. The European Union has committed to a 20 percent reduction below 1990 levels and would increase that to 30 percent with a global pact. And, for the first time,” the commentary continues, “the U.S. Congress is moving towards establishing laws that mandate emissions cuts.”

As Nature points out, though, promises are not achievements. Nevertheless, “they at least show that countries have started to analyse their own emissions seriously and to develop domestic agendas that would set them on course to meet their commitments. Such unilateral decisions are an essential starting point for an international agreement, and they suggest that countries are now ready to back up their rhetoric in a way that was not true 12 years ago, when they signed the Kyoto Protocol. This is real progress, and it would not have happened without the pressure to produce a treaty,” states Nature.

Which is good news, because human society is going to need all the cooperation and commitment it can muster in coming decades as human populations undermine other biophysical thresholds and threaten Earth’s ability to provide for human life.

In Sweden, a team of Earth-system and environmental scientists led by Johan Rockstrom of the Stockholm Resilience Centre has already begun research “to define the boundaries of the biophysical processes that determine the Earth’s capacity for self-regulation,” a feature article in the September issue of Nature reported.

The scientists there are attempting to take a holistic look at planetary systems and how human demands on these systems are putting stress on the entire planet, states the article, titled “A Safe Operating Space for Humanity.”

“We have tried to identify the Earth-system processes and associated thresholds which, if crossed, could generate unacceptable environmental change. We have found nine such processes for which we believe it is necessary to define planetary boundaries: climate change; rate of biodiversity loss (terrestrial and marine); interference with the nitrogen and phosphorus cycles; stratospheric ozone depletion; ocean acidification; global freshwater use; change in land use; chemical pollution; and atmospheric aerosol loading,” explain the authors.

The boundaries for three systems — climate change, rate of biodiversity loss, and human interference with the nitrogen cycle — have already been overstepped with unknown consequences for the environment and human society, warn the scientists.

For the past 10,000 years, Earth’s environment has remained remarkably stable, with regular temperatures, freshwater availability, and biogeochemical flows fluctuating within narrow ranges. This period, known as the Holocene, has now been replaced by the Anthropocene, during which human activities have become primary sources of global environmental change.

“Now, largely because of a rapidly growing reliance on fossil fuels and industrialized forms of agriculture, human activities have reached a level that could damage the systems that keep Earth in the desirable Holocene state,” explain the authors. “The result could be irreversible and, in some cases, cause abrupt environmental change, leading to a state less conducive to human development.”

Not surprisingly, this process of identifying systems and thresholds requires many qualifications. The values chosen as boundaries by Rockstrom’s team are for the most part arbitrary, the boundaries do not always apply globally as local circumstances often differ, and “assigning ‘acceptable’ limits to processes that ultimately determine our own survival is risky as some of the suggested limits may be easier to balance with ethical and economic issues than others,” note Nature’s editors.

Nevertheless, the challenge is an essential one in much the same way carbon footprinting is: It helps to calculate, and respond to, the demands that production, consumption and wastes put on local, regional and global ecosystems.

With a better understanding of how Earth’s biophysical systems work, we can better craft land use, resource use, agriculture and emissions policies, both nationally and internationally.

“The evidence so far suggests that, as long as the thresholds are not crossed, humanity has the freedom to pursue long-term social and economic development,” conclude the authors.

The danger, of course, is that in our eagerness to grow our economies and exploit Earth’s bounty, we will push our planet beyond these thresholds — compromising the life quality of our children and grandchildren.

For better and worse, risk-taking is in our genes. We often push to the limit and when we do we win or lose big. So far we have taken the big payouts, leaving the losses to future generations.

The very least those generations now deserve is a push to the limit in Copenhagen.

Isramart : Van Rompuy wants the EU to run on CO2

Isramart news:
No doubt as we contemplate the figure who has rocketed from obscurity to became “the President of Europe”, we have all made silly little jokes about “Mr Rumpy”. After the eight tortuous years it has taken to get the “Constitution for Europe” into place, with all the talk of how vital it was for the EU to have a figurehead to represent Europe on the world stage as the equivalent of the President of the United States, some may now think of the poet Horace’s famous line, parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus (”the mountains are in labour, and will give birth to a ridiculous mouse”).

But it would be wrong to underestimate Herman Van Rompuy, the first permament president of the European Council. This Belgian economist is a clever and ruthless political operator. Once, to win a political battle, he changed the locks to prevent his opponents entering a crucial meeting. (For details of his character, see the Brussels Journal blog by one of his former colleagues, Paul Belien.) And the reason why he was very much the preferred candidate of the European Commission is that the one thing for which President Van Rompuy can be relied on is a determination to use all his crafty skills to further the power of our new government in Brussels.

At the heart of the “European project”, there has always been one core goal in all it does – to absorb ever more of the powers of national governments into the centre. And almost the only thing we know about Mr Van Rompuy’s ambitions in his new office is that he wants “more Europe”.

Much of his wish list may have been drearily familiar ever since the Addenino report of 1985: more flying of the “ring of stars” flag, more singing of the “European anthem”, EU number plates on cars, EU identity cards. But the one thing the EU has needed to make its powers complete, and which not even its Constitution could give, was the power to levy its own direct taxes. It is no accident that this is now at the top of Mr Van Rompouy’s list – nor that the way in which he plans to raise those taxes is by levying new charges on every kind of activity that emits CO2.

Way back in1991, Brussels first proclaimed its intention to give a “moral lead” to the world in “combating climate change”. The following year it published plans for an EU-wide “carbon tax”. Ever since, saving the planet has risen steadily higher on the EU’s agenda, as the perfect idealistic cause to justify more new laws – from the landfill directive that has reduced our rubbish collection to chaos, to the legislation that forces us to encumber our countryside with useless wind turbines, and to use nasty, inefficient, mercury-filled light bulbs.

Still the one thing lacking, despite that 1992 proposal for a carbon tax, has been some way to harness this noble cause to provide an almost limitless source of money for the EU itself. How appropriate then that the coming into force of the EU’s constitution should bring to power a man who wishes to see the EU funded entirely from taxes designed to save the world from global warming.

Unfortunately for the President, this has come to pass at just the moment when the scare over global warming is beginning to run out of steam. The science behind it looks increasingly shaky as the world heads for a Copenhagen conference which, as even its organisers admit, is unlikely to produce anything resembling the much tougher successor to Kyoto that they have striven for so long.

In other words, just when little Mr Rumpy imagines that he has found the Holy Grail of Brussels – an income source that will give the EU more money than it could ever have dreamed of – the cause he is relying on to provide the unlimited bonanza is itself beginning to disintegrate. As many might think, how neat it would be if both of these great edifices founded on wishful thinking should collapse together, leaving our new Mr President gazing forlornly from the bridge of his slowly sinking ship.

Isramart : Australia May Call Early Poll If Carbon Plan Fails – Minister

Isramart news:
A senior Australian government minister said Friday that Prime Minister Kevin Rudd could call an early election if Parliament fails to pass his carbon trading program.

The government is negotiating possible changes to the program with opposition lawmakers who control the upper house Senate. It is hopeful a deal can be brokered over the weekend.

Parliament enters its final week of the year on Monday, leaving just days for the government to push through its carbon program before a long summer recess.

Business groups are calling on lawmakers to settle the issue, given uncertainty around the carbon program is hampering firms’ ability to make investment decisions and strike forward contracts, particularly in the electricity sector.

“This has been rejected once, we want to pass it the second time,” Trade Minister Simon Crean told Sky News Television.

Australia’s center-left Labor government won a majority in the lower House of Representatives in a November 2007 election. But it needs the Senate support of either the main conservative Liberal-National opposition, or all seven minor party senators to pass any new laws.

Opposition lawmakers already rejected the legislation once, in August. Under Australian electoral laws, the government can call an early election if the same piece of legislation is twice rejected by the Senate, three months’ apart.

Australia is the biggest per capita polluter in the developed world, due mainly to the fact that it uses fossil fuels, chiefly coal, for around 90% of its electricity generation.

The climate bills currently before the Senate, if passed, would see Australia introduce a market-based carbon trading scheme, similar to one already operating in Europe, in July 2011, forcing the nation’s biggest polluters to pay for their greenhouse-gas emissions.

The aim, by 2020, is to reduce Australia’s emissions by at least 5% from levels at the turn of the century.

Some conservative lawmakers still harbor deep concerns about the program and are threatening to vote it down, even if a deal is brokered by conservative party negotiators to increase compensation for industry.

That would be a break from the more usual situation where coalition party members vote as a block. Already, senators from junior coalition partner the rural-based Nationals have said they’ll block the legislation regardless of any negotiation outcomes.

The government has been negotiating with the conservative Liberal-National coalition on a series of demands ranging from agriculture to coal mining, food processing and others.

The government said Sunday it is prepared to exclude agriculture from its carbon trading program but Climate Change Minister Penny Wong wouldn’t be drawn Friday on other possible concessions.

“We want a scheme that is environmentally effective as well as economically responsible. That’s how we’ll judge all of the issues that are on the table,” she told Australian Broadcasting Corp. radio.

Conservative Senator Nick Minchin, who leads the Liberal party in the Senate, Thursday described the carbon program as an “abomination”.

His comments are at odds with Liberal-National coalition leader Malcolm Turnbull, who has staked his leadership on delivering enough conservative votes to pass the program if the coalition amendments are agreed to by the government.

Isramart : Study on carbon dioxide emission of Indian airlines

Isramart news:
The Minister of Civil Aviation, Shri Praful Patel informed the Lok Sabha today that the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) has decided to commission a study to determine Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions by airline aircraft in India and set up an emission database with 2005 as base year.

As the proposal is yet in its preliminary stage, a time frame cannot be specified.

The global contribution of aviation sector in carbon emission is approximately 2% of the total emission. The contribution of individual countries including India has not been identified.

The DGCA has asked the airlines to cut the emissions by way of improvement in fuel efficiency; adhering to proper maintenance of aircraft and implementing weight reduction measures in their aircraft, etc.

(c) Centre for Asia Pacific Aviation. Date posted: 20-Nov-09 In-depth analysis of the Indian airline and airport sectors, including latest traffic and financial reports and outlooks, is available each month in the Monthly Essential India.

Isramart : Living A Low Carbon Life

Isramart news:
Purchase any book from environmental publishers Earthscan and get a copy of Chris Goodall’s IVCA Clarion Award-winning book How to Live A Low-Carbon Life thrown in completely free! And, go into the prize draw to win a Sony E-Reader.

Climate science suggests that the Earth can absorb no more than 3 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions each year for every person if we are to keep temperature and rainfall change within tolerable limits. Yet from cars and holiday flights to household appliances and the food we eat, Western consumer lifestyles leave each of us responsible for over 12 tonnes of carbon dioxide a year – four times what the Earth can handle.

Chris argues that individual action is essential to avoid climate chaos. How to Live A Low-Carbon Life shows how easy it is to take responsibility. It’s a comprehensive, one-stop reference guide to calculating your CO2 emissions and reducing them to a sustainable 3 tonnes a year.

To get your free copy and the chance to win an E-Reader:

Step 1
Go direct to Earthscan and browse their wide range of environmental and sustainable development titles to order your book/s.


First browse a selection of Earthscan books on carbon markets, forest carbon and climate change chosen by Carbon Positive before checking the full range:
Books: Carbon markets
Books: Climate Change
Books: Forests and carbon

Step 2
Whichever option you choose, make sure in your shopping cart you enter in the voucher code How2Live and hit ‘recalculate’. Chris Goodall’s “How to live a low carbon life” will automatically be added to your order at no charge.

Isramart : Region sets carbon move

Isramart news:
More cycling and walking facilities and bus priority measures will be crucial in cutting emissions, according to research by the East of England Development Agency.

The study, carried out by Atkins with the University of Aberdeen, also identified access to low-carbon fuels, public transport improvements, speed restrictions and road pricing as possible options for carbon cuts.

Implementing these low-carbon transport systems would affect the regional economy, it suggests. The results will be used by the Highways Agency and councils to help manage the environmental and economic impact of planned growth.

The study indicates that the region’s transport emissions are forecast to grow by 35 per cent between now and 2031 and will primarily come from rising car use.

Isramart : Total Carbon Offset Red Diesel to Help Meet Carbon Reduction Obligations

Isramart news:
Independent national energy supplier, Crown Oil UK, has launched its latest innovation – a fuel with 100 percent carbon offset. Targeted at businesses in construction, utility, plant and rail industries, the standard red-diesel has been totally carbon offset in an arrangement with a leading carbon offset provider, allowing users to more easily meet their carbon reduction commitment.

Managing director, Matthew Greensmith, explained, “Nine months ago, we decided at Crown to carbon-offset the transportation of our commercial diesel. This proved extremely popular, especially with clients in construction, where the pressure to reduce the carbon impact of their operations is intense. The new ‘green’ diesel takes this a step further.”

The carbon credits purchased by Crown Oil UK on behalf of its customers will go into worldwide carbon reduction projects. These may include: green energy production by the combustion of the landfill gas – one of the most potent greenhouse gasses, reforestation projects to lock-up carbon – this often has additional benefits for wildlife, recreation and reduction in flash flooding. These high quality carbon credits are retired from the market, reducing the world capacity to produce carbon dioxide.

Over and above this, Crown Oil UK is actively taking further steps to reduce their carbon footprint. This includes upgrading the tanker fleet to more efficient vehicles and taking active energy saving steps in the workplace with low energy bulbs, better controls and a comprehensive recycling programme for waste material.

Crown Oil UK provides a nationwide service to the construction industry, working with major contractors to provide fuel and secure storage to plant depots and construction sites.
Crown Oil UK, The Oil Centre, Bury New Road, Heap Bridge, Bury, Lancashire, BL9 7HY, UK
The aim of carbon offsetting is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Carbon offsets are measured in metric tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent. One carbon offset equals one metric tonne. Industries that are heavy producers of green house gasses have consents, known as carbon credits that set a limit on their capacity to produce carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses. If they need to go beyond this cap then they must offset their carbon production by buying carbon offsets.

New carbon offsets are created by projects such as forestry or wind farms that either absorb carbon or produce carbon-free energy. Offsetting can therefore be achieved by either supporting ‘green’ initiatives or by the purchase and retirement of carbon credits so that there is less capacity available to produce greenhouse gas.

Isramart : News Corp. Picks Hara for Carbon Accounting

Isramart news:
Hara, the carbon and energy accounting software that’s landed such clients as Coca-Cola and the cities of Palo Alto and San Jose, has gained another big client – Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp.

Hara will provide its Environmental and Energy Management platform to help the media giant measure and analyze energy and emissions information from hundreds of facilities around the world, the two announced Thursday.

Chalk it up as another big win for the two year old, Menlo Park, Calif.-based startup, which came out of stealth mode in May with news that it had raised $6 million from VC powerhouse Kleiner Perkins, Caufield & Byers (see Energy Management Startup Hara Lands Coke as Client, $6M From Kleiner).

Since then, Hara has added $14 million to its war chest with a Series B financing including Kleiner and new investors JAFCO Ventures and Nth Power (see Hara Grabs $14M, Seeks International Markets).

Hara is one of the best-funded startups competing in the nascent, but primed-for-growth business of carbon and energy accounting software. Others include CarbonFlow, Planet Metrics, Carbonetworks and CSRWare (see Carbon Accounting: It’s All About Appearances).

Analysts say these startups will need deep pockets to compete against enterprise software giants such as SAP and CA that are entering the field – some by purchasing startups of their own – as well as others with a long history of helping companies manage energy and environmental data (see Giants vs. Startups: SAP Stakes Carbon Accounting Claim).

Hara and News Corp. did not disclose financial terms of the deal announced Thursday. But News Corp. has set a goal of making all its business units carbon neutral by next year – down from 641,150 tons of carbon dioxide equivalents it emitted in the 52 countries in which it operated in 2006 – so it looks like Hara will have its work cut out for it.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Isramart :China vrea un acord climatic substantial la Copenhaga

Isramart news:
China va avea o contributie substantiala la Conferinta ONU privind schimbarile climatice, prevazuta sa se desfasoare luna viitoare, la Copenhaga, si cere incheierea unui acord real, nu a unuia lipsit de continut, a declarat negociatorul chinez Li Gao, citat de agentiile Xinhua si Reuters.
“Vom incerca sa asiguram succesul summitului si nu vom accepta ca acesta sa se incheie cu un acord “gol” precum o simpla declaratie politica”, a insistat cu ocazia unui forum desfasurat la Beijing, Li Gao, reprezentand Comisia Nationala pentru Dezvoltare si Reforma (NDRC). Oficialul chinez a mai spus ca negocierile de pana acum s-au soldat cu unele progrese, dar nu suficiente.
Un nou acord privind incalzirea globala, menit sa inlocuiasca protocolul de la Kyoto, a carui valabilitate expira in 2012 este principalul obiectiv al apropiatei Conferinte ONU de la Copenhaga, insa negocierile sunt greoaie din cauza dezacordului privind cuantumul reducerii emisiei de gaze cu efect de sera intre tarile dezvoltate si cele in curs de dezvoltare.
Guvernul danez, care organizeaza reuniunea, a propus amanarea semnarii unui acord global pe aceasta tema pana in 2010, la Copenhaga urmand sa fie semnata o declaratie politica generala. Presedintele american Barack Obama a sustinut aceasta propunere, insistand insa ca doreste incheierea unui acord “cu efect operational imediat”. Conform majoritatii analistilor politici, declaratia presedintelui Obama confirma faptul ca, in pofida numerosilor ani de negocieri, incheierea unui acord complet, bazat pe Protocolul de la Kyoto, este o problema ce nu poate fi abordata la summit-ul ONU in capitala daneza.
In pofida angajamentelor asumate de actualul sef al Casei Albe, in speranta unei rupturi fata de politicile fostului presedinte american George W. Bush, oficialii europeni le reproseaza americanilor ca nu iau suficiente masuri si manifesta temeri ca Congresul american va fi in masura sa adopte pana anul viitor o lege privind reducerea emisiilor de gaze cu efect de sera.
China a anuntat ca “studiaza” planul danez, dar se pare ca il accepta implicit, Li afirmand ca oferta inaintata de tarile dezvoltate privind finantarea transferului de tehnologie si crearea unui fond de surse nepoluante deschide calea spre un viitor acord.
China a depus mari eforturi diplomatice pentru incheierea unui nou acord, in domeniu. Pe de alta parte, presedintele chinez Hu Jintao s-a angajat pentru prima data, la inceputul acestui an, ca tara sa va reduce emisiile de dioxid de carbon, mai subliniaza agentia Reuters.
China detine, incepand de anul trecut, primul loc in ceea ce priveste emisiile de gaze cu efect de sera, devansand cu putin SUA. Impreuna, cele doua state sunt responsabile pentru 40% din emisiile globale de CO2.

Isramart :Cum pot salva soarta Planetei ultimele 38% din padurea amazoniana

Isramart news:
In fiecare an, o suprafata de padure de dimensiunile statului New York dispare, iar dioxidul de carbon care ajunge astfel in atmosfera insumeaza circa 17% din totalul emisiilor la nivel global care contribuie la schimbarea climei.

Indiferent de cate ori le auzi, sunt unele statistici care te dau intotdeauna peste cap. Una care ma incremeneste de fiecare data este asta: imaginati-va ca am lua toate masinile, camioanele, avioanele, trenurile si vapoarele din lume cu toate emisiile lor anuale. Cantitatea de dioxid de carbon (CO2) pe care o emit in atmosfera toate aceste masini, camioane, avioane, trenuri si vapoare laolalta este de fapt mai mica decat emisiile de dioxid de carbon care rezulta in fiecare an din defrisarea padurilor tropicale din Brazilia, Indonezia si Congo. In fiecare an, o suprafata de padure de dimensiunile statului New York dispare, iar dioxidul de carbon care ajunge astfel in atmosfera insumeaza circa 17% din totalul emisiilor la nivel global care contribuie la schimbarea climei.

Va mai trece o buna bucata de vreme pana cand vom putea transforma flota de transport a lumii intr-una cu emisii de noxe zero. Dar chiar de acum, adica de maine, am putea elimina 17% din toate emisiile de noxe la nivel global daca am opri defrisarea si arderea padurilor tropicale. Dar ca sa facem asta ar trebui sa punem in functiune un nou sistem de dezvoltare economica, una care sa faca mai profitabil pentru natiunile mai sarace, dar bogate in paduri sa pastreze si sa aiba grija de copacii lor in loc sa-i dea jos ca sa-i faca mobila si sa planteze soia in locul lor.

In lipsa unui nou sistem de dezvoltare economica pentru statele bogate in materie lemnoasa ne putem lua adio de la padurile tropicale. Vechiul model de crestere economica le va devora. Singurul Amazon de care nepotii nostri vor mai sti va fi cel care are www in fata si care se ocupa de comercializarea cartilor.

Ca sa intelegeti mai bine problema, ma aflu in vizita in Padurea Nationala Tapajos din inima Amazonului brazilian, intr-o excursie organizata de organizatia Conservation International si guvernul brazilian. Daca zbori pana aici de la Manaus intelegi de ce padurea tropicala amazoniana este considerata unul dintre plamanii lumii. Chiar de la 6.000 de metri, tot ce se vede in orice directie este o fasie neintrerupta de padure care, din aer, seamana cu un covor vast, nesfarsit de broccoli.

Odata ajuns pe pamant, am mers cu masina de la Santarem in interiorul Tapajos, unde ne-am intalnit cu cooperativa familiala care gestioneaza afacerile ecologice de aici, ce sustin 8.000 dintre bastinasii acestor paduri protejate. Ce afli cand vizitezi o minuscula comunitate braziliana din padure este un adevar simplu: ca sa ai un ecosistem al naturii ai nevoie de un ecosistem de piete si de guvernare.

"Avem nevoie de un nou model de dezvoltare economica - unul care sa fie bazat pe ridicarea nivelului de trai al oamenilor prin mentinerea capitalului lor natural, nu doar prin convertirea capitalului natural in ferme, exploatari agricole industriale sau cherestea", spune Jose Maria Silva, vicepresedinte pentru America de Sud al Conservation International.

Chiar acum, cei care protejeaza padurea tropicala sunt platiti cu maruntis - comparativ cu cei ce se ocupa de defrisarea ei - desi stim ca padurea tropicala ofera de toate, de la retinerea dioxidului de carbon din atmosfera pana la mentinerea fluxului de ape proaspete catre rauri.

Vestea buna este ca Brazilia a pus laolalta toate componentele unui sistem de compensare a locuitorilor padurilor, pentru meritul de a mentine copacii in viata. Brazilia a rezervat 43% din padurea tropicala amazoniana pentru conservare si pentru populatiile indigene. O cota de 19% din padurea amazoniana, totusi, a fost deja defrisata de fermieri.

Asa ca marea intrebare este ce se va intampla cu restul de 38%. Cu cat mai mult din acest sistem brazilian va functiona, cu atat mai mult din acesti 38% vor fi pastrati si lumea va fi nevoita tot mai putin sa reduca din emisiile de CO2. Dar e nevoie de bani.
Locuitorii din rezervatia Tapajos sunt organizati in cooperative care vand circuite ecoturistice pe potecile padurii amazoniene, mobila si alte produse din lemn facute din defrisarea controlata a padurilor si o foarte atragatoare gama de posete facute din "piele ecologica" - cauciuc extras din arbori. Pentru aceasta ei primesc si subventii guvernamentale.
Sergio Pimentel, 48 de ani, mi-a explicat cum obisnuia sa cultive doua hectare pentru subzistenta, dar acum foloseste doar jumatate pentru a-si hrani familia formata din sase persoane. Restul veniturilor vin din afacerile cooperativei. "Noi ne-am nascut in padure", adauga el. "Asa ca stim cat e de important sa o pastram, dar avem nevoie de un acces sporit la pietele globale pentru produsele pe care le fabricam aici. Ne puteti ajuta cu asta?"
Exista cooperative comunitare ca aceasta in toate zonele protejate din padurea amazoniana. Dar un astfel de sistem are nevoie de bani - bani ca sa se extinda in mai multe piete, bani ca sa pastreze supravegherea si paza si bani ca sa imbunatateasca productivitatea agriculturii pe terenurile deja degradate, astfel incat oamenii sa nu mai fie tentati sa defriseze mai mult. De aceea trebuie sa fim siguri ca, indiferent ce lege cu privire la energia regenerabila si clima va emite Congresul SUA si indiferent ce plan de masuri va elabora conferinta asupra climei de luna viitoare de la Copenhaga, ele vor include stimulente pentru conservarea sistemelor din padurea ecuatoriala asa cum sunt cele din Brazilia. Ultimele 38 de procente din padurea amazoniana ne sunt inca la dispozitie. E datoria noastra sa le salvam. Nepotii ne vor multumi.

Isramart : Concentratia de CO2 din atmosfera se apropie de 390 de parti per milion

Isramart news:
Cu doua saptamani inaintea dema­ra­rii conferintei de la Copenhaga, con­sa­crata problemei incalzirii globale, Or­ga­nizatia Mondiala de Meteorologie a pu­bli­cat un raport a carui concluzie cons­tituie un foarte serios semnal de alarma. Potrivit studiului, concentratia de gaze cu efect de sera din atmosfera continua sa creasca.

In 2008, cele 200 de statii de ma­surare repartizate in aproape 50 de state au calculat ca, in medie, numarul mo­leculelor de dioxid de carbon (CO2) a atins astazi 385,2 parti per milion (ppm), adica o crestere de 2 unitati fata de 2007. „Aceasta crestere de 0,52% este aceeasi de mai multi ani si reprezinta ceea ce in lim­­baj stiintific se numeste crestere exponentiala”, a declarat presedintele or­ganizatiei, Michel Jarraud. Vestile nu sunt deloc bune: concentratia de gaze cu efect de sera continua sa creasca si ne-am apropiat foarte mult de scenariul pesi­mist preconizat de Grupul International de

Isramart : Parlamentul European cere UE să-şi asume rolul de lider în lupta împotriva schimbărilor de climă

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Stabilirea strategiei Uniunii Europene la apropiata Conferinţă la nivel înalt de la Copenhaga consacrată luptei împotriva efectelor schimbărilor de climă a fost una dintre temele de mare interes ale actualei sesiuni a Parlamentului European. Ei i-a fost consacrată o întreagă şedinţă plenară, în cadrul căreia au participat la dezbateri nu mai puţin de 54 de eurodeputaţi din toate grupurile politice existente în PE. Laitmotivul proiectului de rezoluţie şi al dezbaterilor a fost - uneori sub forma unor apeluri pline de dramatism - necesitatea ca la conferinţa de la Copenhaga să se ajungă la un acord "ambiţios şi obligatoriu sub aspect legal" care să vizeze reducerea drastică şi cât mai urgentă a emisiilor de gaze cu efect de seră în perioada post-2012, incluzând, totodată, angajamente financiare din partea ţărilor dezvoltate faţă de ţările emergente, precum şi sancţiuni pentru cazurile de nerespectare a acordului. Mulţi dintre participanţii la dezbateri au avertizat că în lipsa unor măsuri urgente la nivel mondial, s-ar putea ca generaţiile viitoare să nu mai poată controla schimbările de climă. Obiectivul principal, asupra căruia a fost exprimat sprijin unanim, este reducerea - până în 2010 - a emisiilor de CO2 cu 30 la sută şi menţinerea restricţionării procesului de încălzire a climei la mai puţin de 2 grade Celsius. În acest scop, europarlamentarii au cerut, prin rezoluţia adoptată, şefilor de state şi Guverne "să dezvolte o politică externă privitoare la schimbările de climă" şi să adopte o poziţie comună, să vorbească "pe o singură voce", asigurându-şi astfel rolul de lider şi succesul la negocierile ce vor avea loc la Copenhaga. În textul final al rezoluţiei PE - adoptat cu 516 voturi pentru, 92 împotrivă şi 70 abţineri - membrii PE cer ca acordul ce va fi realizat la Copenhaga să asigure în mod obligatoriu:
- o reducere colectivă, până în 2020, a emisiilor de gaze cu efect de seră în ţările dezvoltate la un nivel apropiat de limita superioară a scării de 25-40 la sută şi, pe termen mai lung, o reducere cu 80 la sută, până în 2050, comparativ cu cifrele anului 1990;
- ţărilor în curs de dezvoltare, în ansamblu, li se cere să-şi diminueze creşterea emisiilor de CO2 cu 15-30 la sută. Având însă în vedere ponderea lor economică, China, India şi Brazilia ar trebui să se oblige să realizeze obiective similare cu cele ale ţărilor industrializate;
- ţărilor dezvoltate li se cere să acorde sprijin financiar şi tehnic "suficient, durabil şi previzibil" ţărilor în curs de dezvoltare, pentru a le permite astfel să-şi asume angajamente privind reducerea emisiilor de CO2. Conform estimărilor specialiştilor UE, până în 2012 ar fi necesare, anual, circa 5-7 miliarde de euro.
Nivelul total al contribuţiei colective a UE la eforturile de combatere a efectelor încălzirii climei, inclusiv la cele destinate adaptării ţărilor în curs de dezvoltare la aceste eforturi, ar trebui să atingă, în opinia membrilor PE, până în 2020, cel puţin 30 miliarde de euro pe an;
- este considerată imperios necesară stabilirea unui regim de respectare a obligaţiilor asumate prin acord, care să includă mecanisme de alertă rapidă şi sancţiuni;
- vor trebui respectate standarde calitative riguroase în privinţa proiectelor de adaptare tehnologică aplicate în ţările în curs de dezvoltare, pentru a preveni însuşirea de către ţările dezvoltate a opţiunilor ieftine de reducere a emisiilor de CO2; garantarea că proiectele aplicate răspund unor standarde înalte, verificabile şi reale, care să sprijine inclusiv dezvoltarea durabilă a ţărilor în curs de dezvoltare;
- PE cere crearea unui mecanism mondial care să sprijine ţările în curs de dezvoltare să oprească, până în 2020, despăduririle masive din zona tropicală. Citând cele mai recente studii, ministrul suedez al Mediului, Andreas Carlgren, sublinia că defrişarea pădurilor, îndeosebi a celor tropicale, este cauza a o cincime din emisiile de gaze cu efect de seră la nivelul planetei;
- să se prevadă includerea sectoarelor transporturilor aeriene şi maritime internaţionale
într-un acord conform Convenţiei ONU privind schimbările de climă. Rezoluţia, ca şi dezbaterile ce au avut loc pe marginea ei, au subliniat că un acord eficient, cu rezultate în reducerea emisiilor de CO2, nu poate avea şanse de succes fără participarea tuturor "marilor actori" ai poluării atmosferei planetare, cu referire expresă la SUA, China, India sau Japonia.

Barack Obama va fi prezent la summit-ul de la Copenhaga

Liderii UE au salutat decizia preşedintelui Obama de a participa la summit-ul de la Copenhaga, unde intenţionează să anunţe primele măsuri de reducere a emisiilor de CO2, cunoscând faptul că SUA, alături de China şi India, sunt principalii "furnizori" de gaze cu efect de seră de pe planetă. Miercuri, Washingtonul şi-a asumat două angajamente importante: reducere cu 30 la sută a emisiilor de CO2 în 2025 şi de 42 la sută în 2030. Este adevărat, releva ieri Jean-Louis Borloo, ministrul francez pentru Protecţia mediului, cifrele amintite sunt inferioare celor ale UE, dar avem de-a face cu "un prim răspuns extrem de încurajator": un angajament american însoţit pentru prima oară de cifre şi termene.

Isramart : România va plăti 6,1 miliarde euro pentru angajamentele de mediu

Isramart news:
Banca Mondială estimează la 6,1 miliarde euro costul pe care România îl va suporta până în 2015 pentru conformarea la angajamentele de mediu ale Uniunii Europene şi la 12,5 miliarde euro până în 2020, potrivit unui raport realizat de Centrul Român de Politici Europene (CRPE) şi publicat în urmă cu două zile.
“Până în prezent, România nu a avut politici şi poziţii coerente în UE (…). Dar ţintele asumate de UE ni se vor aplica şi nouă, iar strategia 20-20-20 a UE (conţinând şi anumite ţinte de reducere a emisiilor până în 2020 la care UE s-a angajat unilateral, indiferent de decizia de la Copenhaga) implică deja costuri pentru România. Banca Mondială estimează costul pe care îl va suporta România pentru a fi în conformitate cu angajamentele luate de UE la 12,5 miliarde euro până în 2020 (6,1 miliarde euro până în 2015)”, se arată în raportul CRPE.
Potrivit documentului, contribuţia României la obiectivele generale ale UE ar consta în creşterea cotei energiei regenerabile, precum şi în proiecte de eficienţă energetică în clădiri rezidenţiale, în industrie şi transport.
Raportul avertizează şi că unele dintre unităţile de generare de energie electrică vor trebui să fie închise treptat din cauza emisiilor de oxizi de azot (NOx) şi dioxid de sulf (SO2), dacă nu vor fi făcute investiţii pentru ca acestea să funcţioneze “curat”, şi vor trebui să plătească pentru emisiile suplimentare de CO2.
Principala cauză a întârzierilor în investiţiile de “curăţare” a energiei produse de aceste unităţi ţine de lipsa banilor pentru a efectua aceste investiţii costisitoare, deoarece valoarea totală a fondurilor UE disponibile pentru energie este de circa 700 milioane euro, în timp ce investiţiile necesare în producţia de energie electrică ar fi de până la 35 miliarde euro în următorii 10 ani, doar pentru a aduce generarea de energie termică la standardele de eficienţă şi emisie internaţionale.

Isramart : Politicile Romaniei in materie de mediu si energie, inainte de Copenhaga. Ce facem. Ce ar trebui sa facem

Isramart news:
Pe 6 decembrie incepe la Copenhaga summitul mondial privind schimbarea climatica. Un raport al CRPE vine ca o pregatire a pozitiilor Romaniei la acest eveniment si in acelasi timp ca o informare pentru opinia publica privind cele mai importante subiecte care vor face agenda pentru Romania in domeniul climatic.

Pana in prezent, Romania nu am avut politici si pozitii coerente in UE, am participat ca spectatori pasivi in timp ce angajamentele noastre ca stat membru au devenit deja foarte costisitoare. Dar tintele asumate de UE ni se vor aplica si noua, iar strategia 20-20-20 a UE (anumite tinte de reducere a emisiilor pana in 2020 la care UE s-a angajat unilateral, indiferent de decizia de la Copenhaga) implica deja costuri pentru Romania. Banca Mondiala estimeaza costul pe care il va suporta Romania pentru a fi in conformitate cu angajamentele luate de UE la 12,5 miliarde euro pana in 2020 (6,1 miliarde de euro pana in 2015). Contributia Romaniei la obiectivele generale ale UE ar consta in principal din cresterea cotei energiei regenerabile si proiecte de eficienta energetica in cladiri rezidentiale, industrie, transport.

Raportul Centrului Roman pentru Politici Europene avertizeaza ca o parte din unitatile de generare de energie electrica (de la Turceni, Rovinari, etc) vor trebui sa fie inchise treptat din cauza emisiilor de NOx si SO2, daca nu se fac investitiile pentru ca acestea sa functioneze "curat", sau vor trebui sa plateasca pentru emisiile suplimentare de CO2. Principala cauza a intarzierilor in investitiile de "curatare" a energiei produse de aceste unitati este faptul ca guvernul nu are bani pentru a efectua aceste investitii costisitoare. De asemenea valoarea totala a fondurilor UE disponibile pentru energie este de circa 700 milioane euro, in timp ce investitiile necesare in productia de energie electrica ar fi de pana la 35 de miliarde de euro in urmatorii 10 ani doar pentru a aduce generarea de energie termica la standardele de eficienta si emisie internationale (majoritatea fondurilor pot fi atrase de pe piata privata, daca schimbam actualele politici).

Majoritatea acestor investitii de 35 miliarde de euro sunt eficiente din punct de vedere economic (deci pot fi facute prin investitii private). Investitorii s-au inscris la privatizarea productiei de energie electrica incepand din 2004. Cu toate acestea, guvernul a oprit complet orice privatizari in 2005 si nu intentioneaza sa vanda productia de energie electrica in viitorul apropiat (in ciuda angajamentelor noastre din Energy Road Map 2003-2013, de cand am negociat Capitolul 14 Energie la aderarea la UE).

Dimpotriva, ultimele discutii din guvern, transpartinice, merg spre crearea a una sau doua companii integrate de energie. Acestea nu vor putea atrage fonduri de pe bursa de valori sau angaja credite (pentru ca grupeaza unitati eficiente si ineficiente, reduc transparenta tranzactiilor cu energie electrica, ar avea nevoie de ani de performanta dovedita pentru a fi listate la bursa). O serie de investitori interesati de sursele de energie regenerabila sunt ingrijorati de posibilitatea de a concura cu una sau doua companii gigant care ar putea juca in functie de reguli diferite, mai favorabile.

Mai mult decat atat, unul dintre obiectivele crearii societatii(lor) integrate este acela de a "mentine locurile de munca in sectorul
minier". De fapt aceasta inseamna un angajament fata de alegatori pentru continuarea subventionarii mineritului (de data aceasta prin intermediul subventiilor incrucisate, deoarece ne-am angajat sa nu mai subventionam carbunele din 2010). Astfel de masuri contrazic eforturile de reducere a emisiilor de CO2. Abandonarea privatizarii si crearea unor societati energetice integrate reprezinta pasi inapoi pentru obiectivele de mediu.

Ca o consecinta a acestor politici inconsistente care au speriat investitorii privati si au intarziat privatizarile, Romania se confrunta cu un risc serios in ce priveste furnizarea de energie electrica: in urmatoarele doua decenii aproximativ 50% din productia de energie electrica ar trebui fie sa fie complet inchisa. Ne-am putea confrunta chiar cu pene si deficite de curent.

Pierderile de caldura la blocurile construite in perioada comunista sunt foarte mari si reprezinta aproximativ 30% din consumul total de energie termica al cladirilor. Un apartament cu 2 camere in Romania consuma la fel de multa caldura ca doua apartamente de 4 camere din Germania.

Reabilitarea unui bloc necesita cooperarea autoritatilor locale si centrale, plus disponibilitatea de fonduri de la proprietari. Aceasta explica de ce programul este foarte intarziat (numai cateva zeci de blocuri au fost finalizate). Pana la sfarsitul lui 2009, doar 35.000 apartamente vor fi finalizate (2-3% din numarul total de 84.000 de blocuri). Raportul CRPE face recomandari pentru ca procesul sa fie mai rapid si proprietarii responsabilizati.

Tranzactionarea AAU si lipsa de coerenta a politicilor

Angajamentul luat de Romania in conformitate cu Protocolul de la Kyoto este de a reduce emisiile cu 8% pana in 2012 fata de cele din 1989. Cu alte cuvinte, Romaniei ii este permis sa produca 1,279 miliarde tone CO2 intre 2008-2012. Cu toate acestea, avem un avantaj: economia noastra s-a restructurat major in ultimele doua decenii si industria grea si-a redus treptat cota din PIB. Prin urmare, producem cantitati semnificativ mai mici de CO2. Asta, Romania beneficiaza de ”drepturi de poluare”, numite unitati ale cantitatilor atribuite (AAU - assigned amount unit, 1 AAU echivaleaza cu dreptul de a emite 1 tona de CO2). In prezent, Romania are dreptul a avea aproximativ 350 milioane AAU.

Cel mai probabil, cresterea PIB-ului sau acordul pentru reduceri viitoare nu vor epuiza AAU-urile Romaniei, astfel incat cel putin o parte din ele ar putea fi vandute altor tari (Japonia, Europa de Vest). In ultimii ani, guvernul roman a fost nedecis in privinta celor doua optiuni. Acum guvernul se confrunta cu o alegere dificila: sa vanda AAU la un pret scazut in lunile urmatoare (dupa ce legislatia necesara este adoptata), sau sa riste sa le piarda cu totul daca un nou acord international post-Kyoto nu va permite ca AAU sa fie raportate dupa 2012.

Isramart : O divizie Gazprom, interesata de creditul Elcen Bucuresti

Isramart news:
Patru companii straine, printre care o banca si o divizie a gigantului rus Gazprom, sunt interesate sa acorde Elcen Bucuresti un imprumut de 30 milioane de euro si sa accepte drept gaj patru milioane de certificate de emisii de carbon.

“La licitatia organizata au depus oferte: Vertis Environmental Finance Budapesta, Gazprom Marketing&Trading Marea Britania, Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) si Barclay’s Capital", au declarat reprezentantii Elcen Bucuresti.

Isramart : Cruciaţii climatului

Isramart news:

Datorită lor nimeni sau aproape nimeni nu mai contestă încălzirea globală. Timp de 20 de ani, Grupul interguvernamental de experţi asupra climatului (Giec) modelează opinia publică. Anchetă asupra unei reţele astăzi contestate.

Nori grei se anunţă pentru GIEC. În ultimele luni, Grupul interguvernamental de experţi asupra climatului este ţinta unei dezlănţuiri de critici pe internet. Exemplu: "Încălzirea globală este doar o fantezie de stânga", "o mistificare pentru a lansa un capitalism verde", etc. Cauza acestei dezlănţuiri ? Câţiva cercetători (britanicii celebrului Centru pentru Cercetare Meteorologică Hadley şi ai Universităţii din East Anglia, şi germanii Universităţii din Kiel) au bruiat recent mesajul asupra încălzirii globale repetat de douăzeci de ani de GIEC.

GIEC afirmă că fenomenul rezultă din acumularea de gaze cu efect de seră (GES) de care este în mare măsură responsabilă activitatea umană. Dar după aceste laboratoare germane şi britanice, se pare că temperatura globală ar fi rămas aproape neschimbată între 1998 şi 2008. Şi chiar ar putea scădea timp de una sau două decenii. O notă falsă care cade în momentul cel mai nepotrivit, cu câteva zile înainte de Conferinţa ONU asupra climatului, la Copenhaga, care va aborda sistemul internaţional de luptă împotriva schimbărilor climatice.

GIEC pe toate planurile

Creat în 1988 de Organizaţia Meteorologică Mondială (OMM) şi Programul Naţiunilor Unite pentru Mediu (UNEP) la cererea G7-ului, GIEC a produs patru rapoarte care au modelat opinia publică. "Un strigăt de avertisment, aceasta este misiunea noastră", se flatează acum Jean Jouzel, co-preşedinte al unuia dintre grupurile care alcătuiesc această vastă reţea de experţi (climatologi, ecologi, biologi, geografi, sociologi si economişti). În decursul unui deceniu, GIEC a alăturat cauzei sale marii lideri politici ai lumii, pregătiţi să ne vălmăşească vieţile la mare cost, în speranţa de a reduce emisiile de CO2. Şi a convins şi presa, releu al rapoartelor sale "evenimenţiale".

Primul raport din 1990 a confirmat informaţiile ştiinţifice la baza preocupărilor legate de schimbările climatice şi a condus la crearea unei Convenţii climat a ONU la summit-ul din Rio de Janeiro (1992); al doilea, cinci ani mai târziu, oferă bazele adoptării Protocolului de la Kyoto (1997), primul tratat internaţional împotriva încălzirii globale; al treilea, în 2001, conţine pentru prima dată o sinteză destinată decizionarilor politici; iar ultimul, în 2007, incendiază dezbaterile la Conferinţa asupra climatului de la Bali. Acestuia îi datorează lumea obsesia unei reduceri ale emisiilor de CO2 ale ţărilor industrializate cu 25% la 40% până în 2020, dacă umanitatea doreşte să prevină creşterea temperaturii globale de mai mult de 2°C până la sfârşitul secolului. Umanitatea este deci bântuită de ameninţarea evenimentelor meteorologice extreme (uragane, ploi torenţiale, secetă, etc.) pe baza acestui raport.

O misiune inedită

GIEC îşi trage eficienţa extraordinară dintr-o misiune inedită. "Fiecare raport al GIEC face un inventar al celor mai reuşite cercetări mondiale asupra climatului", explică Jean Jouzel. O mega-sinteză negociată cuvânt cu cuvânt. "Suma constituită, aproximativ 3.000 de pagini, este comentată de comunitatea ştiinţifică şi de reprezentanţi ai organismelor guvernamentale", adaugă Stéphane Hallegatte, cercetător pentru Meteo France şi membru GIEC. O primă serie de rezumate este extrasă din această sumă, apoi un al doilea şi mai condensat pentru decizionarii politici. "Apoi vine faza de adoptare a raportului de către reprezentanţi ai guvernelor, orice modificări trebuind să se bazeze pe raportul complet, ceea ce asigură că rezumatul adoptat este expresia acestuia", continuă Jean Jouzel. Pentru al patrulea raport, "800 de oameni de ştiinţă au scris paginile semnând cu numele lor, şi 2 000 de recititori sau comentatori au fost mobilizaţi ", reaminteşte Stephane Hallegatte.

Martirii cauzei climatice ? Se numără în ambele tabere. De partea scepticilor, Richard Lindzen, profesor la MIT, a plecat din GIEC trântind uşa după el, estimând că obiecţiile sale asupra retro-acţiunilor climatice nu erau ascultate. Într-un articol publicat de Wall Street Journal acum trei ani, el aminteşte îndepărtările colegilor lui Henk Tennekes (Olanda), Aksel Winn-Nielsen (WMO-OMM), Alfonso Sutera şi Antonio Speranza (Italia), vinovaţi de a fi emis îndoieli cu privire la teza încălzirii globale. De partea convinşilor climatici, James Hansen, cercetător la Institutul Goddard pentru Studii ale spaţiului (NASA), a trebuit să suporte presiunea administraţiei Bush, contrariată de apelurile sale de a reduce emisiile de C02 din cauza încălzirii. La originea îndoielii, Margaret Thatcher, fostul prim-ministru britanic, a fost de la bun început acuzată de a fabrica întrebările cu privire la climat pentru a ascunde mai bine strategia sa de emancipare energetică a Orientului Mijlociu. Dar "de acolo până a susţine că lumea este manipulată de câţiva oameni de ştiinţă... ", spune Stéphane Hallegatte cu nerăbdare.

Isramart : Decizie istorica: Beijingul intentioneaza sa reduca emisiile poluante cu 40-45% pana in 2020

Isramart news:
China intentioneaza sa reduca cu 40-45% emisiile de gaze in atmosfera, pana in anul 2020, comparativ cu anul 2005, a anuntat agentia de stat Xinhua, citand Guvernul de la Beijing, potrivit Reuters. Anuntul vine cu o saptamana inaintea summit-ului ONU pe probleme climatice de la Copenhaga, din luna decembrie, unde liderii mondiali vor incerca sa obtina un acord care sa inlocuiasca asa-numitul protocol de la Kyoto.poluare in China

“Este o initiativa voluntara a guvernului chinez si o contributie majora la efortul global de a tine piept schimbarilor climatice” a aratat guvernul de la Beijing, citat de Xinhua.

Anuntul Chinei vine la doar o zi dupa ce Casa Alba a confirmat ca presedintele Obama va participa la summitul de la Copenhaga. In plus, Statele Unite au anuntat ca intentioneaza sa reduca emisiile de gaze cu efect de sera cu 17 procente sub nivelul din 2005 in urmatorii 10 ani. In plus, Washingtonul are in plan o reducere a emisiilor cu 83 de procente pana in 2050.

Premierul danez Lars Loekke Rasmussen a invitat 191 de sefi de stat si de guvern sa participe la reuniunea consacrata climei care se va desfasura intre 7 si 18 decembrie, la Copenhaga.

Isramart : Australia’s Senate rejects carbon-trade vote delay

Isramart news:
Australia’s Senate rejected on Wednesday attempts to delay a vote on the government’s carbon-trade legislation, indicating that draft laws may pass a vote in the upper house of parliament this week.

The scheme, already rejected once by the Senate, is scheduled to start in July 2011, covering 1,000 of Australia’s biggest polluters. It would be the world’s most comprehensive carbon-reduction scheme outside of Europe.

Isramart : Premier see benefits in carbon trading plan

Isramart news:
The Tasmanian Premier expects the state to benefit from the proposed carbon trading scheme.

David Bartlett says the state generates 75 per cent of its energy from renewable sources and the Government is trying to reduce costs to Tasmanians.

He says there are opportunities in the carbon pollution reduction scheme for the state.

“Tasmania through the combination of the CPRS and the mandatory renewable energy target, through all the treasury modelling, is the only state that shows a net positive economic benefit.”

Isramart : Tokyo arcade to sell CO2 quota to Seiyu

Isramart news:
A shopping district association in Tokyo plans to break new ground by selling carbon dioxide emission credits gained by replacing mercury lamps lighting an arcade with more efficient light-emitting diodes to major supermarket operator Seiyu Ltd.

Although about 75 firms and municipalities across the country are trading carbon dioxide emission quotas, the Happy Road Oyama arcade in the Oyamacho area in Itabashi Ward likely will be the first arcade to join the scheme.

“We want to do our bit to prevent global warming,” said Mitsugu Ohara, the head of the arcade’s promotion association, which plans to complete a plan this month for the deal to be submitted to the government.

The arcade in front of the Tobu Tojo Line’s Oyama Station is dotted with about 200 shops and is one of the ward’s busiest shopping streets. The association was chewing over whether to replace the 560-meter-long arcade’s lighting in September when, in a stroke of good timing, it learned about the government’s system that allows greenhouse gas emission quotas to be sold to companies.

The association estimates switching to the more efficient lights can reduce the arcade’s greenhouse gas emissions by 85 percent, or about 150 tons a year. As an added bonus, the arcade’s lighting expenses are likely to fall significantly with the new lights.

Though the price of emission reduction credits has yet to be determined, the association plans to use the proceeds of the sale for installing and maintaining the LEDs.

Seiyu has been trying to go green by reducing the number of plastic shopping bags it uses, and is considering using some of the proceeds from sales of eco-friendly shopping bags to buy the association’s carbon dioxide credits.

“You could say supermarkets and shopping streets are rivals, but working together for the environment will benefit both of us,” a Seiyu spokesman said.

The eco-friendly lights will be installed this month, and the association will hold a lighting ceremony on Dec. 1.

Trading of carbon dioxide emission quotas can only begin after a business plan submitted to a government agency is approved.

Although it will take some time for the transactions between Seiyu and Happy Road Oyama to begin, Ohara, 63, is just pleased the arcade will be doing its bit for the environment.

“Prime Minister [Yukio] Hatoyama declared Japan will cut its emissions by 25 percent [from the 1990 level by 2020],” he said. “Even a small shopping street should chip in.”

Isramart : Global CO2 emissions to drop 2.8 pct in ‘09 -report

Isramart news:
*CO2 emissions up 2 pct in ‘08, to dip 2.8 pct in ‘09-report

* Emissions from developing nations continue to soar

* Consumer demand from rich countries partly to blame (Adds details, quotes throughout)

SINGAPORE, Nov 18 (Reuters) – Global carbon dioxide emissions are set to fall an estimated 2.8 percent this year because of the financial crisis, after having risen two percent in 2008, a leading annual report on the globe’s “carbon budget” says.

Isramart : Carbon Accounting – Building the case for a green work place

Isramart news:
An environmentally friendly office is not hard to achieve says ACCA (the Association for Chartered Certified Accountants) today as it offers ten practical tips for a sustainable workplace as part of its drive towards carbon accounting.

Wyn Mears, Director of ACCA UK says: “With politicians struggling to come to an agreement on climate change, and with the global Climate Change Summit in Copenhagen weeks away, it is now more important than ever that businesses large and small help to become more sustainable.

“Carbon accounting is really important but the following ten points are more practical solutions that
we should be doing already, but sometimes we all need a gentle reminder. Getting the office be that bit greener is all about changing people’s habits, so staff buy-in and involvement is the first step – and then the challenge is to keep the momentum going.”

1. Involve staff -– It’s no good a business having an environmental policy if staff don’t know what it is. Recycling efforts are often undermined by staff not knowing what goes in which bin, while attempts to cut paper usage may be scuppered by staff not using smaller fonts or not printing double-sided. Communicating with your staff about what is going on is a priority.

2. Get the business’s carbon footprint measured – can help carry out an environmental audit to identify carbon hotspots in a business. They can work with you to reduce the carbon footprint, and can recommend ways to offset carbon emissions.

3. Trim paper usage – Cutting paper waste is vital. Each year, the amount of paper buried in the UK could fill more than 100,000 double decker buses. Always think twice before printing. And make sure the paper you do use is from a sustainable source.

4. Label your recycling bins – Recycling bins need to be labelled clearly so cross contamination doesn’t happen, with paper, metal, plastic getting mixed up. This defeats the recycling objective.

5. A collective waste bin? – A single waste bin for the whole office floor is an option, but make sure everyone knows why this is being done. It’s almost office culture to have your own waste bin, but there’s no point in surprising staff with a change of direction without explaining it first.

6. Control the air conditioning – Reducing the heating thermostat by one or two degrees can make a massive difference to the office environment and the bills; legally, temperatures in the workplace are covered by the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992, which place a legal obligation on employers to provide a “reasonable” temperature in the workplace. The Approved Code of Practice suggests a minimum temperature in workrooms should normally be at least 16 degrees Celsius, but some offices have the heating in the low 20s.

7. Switch off Computers – One single computer left on all day will produce 1,500 pounds of CO2 in a year. Staff must down computers every night so it becomes the company’s culture to do so.

8. Turn off the lights – Switching off unnecessary lights could reduce the average bill by up to 19%. And switching to energy efficient light bulbs will make a difference. The last one out of the building should turn out the lights. Movement sensitive lights that turn off automatically are a worthwhile consideration.

9. Consider staff transport
needs – For car users, you could introduce a car-sharing scheme, do a deal for supplying electric cars or provide shuttle buses to local transport links. Companies can promote cycling to their staff as an alternative as tax free bike loans are available through

10. Reappraise your business travel – A report by the World Wildlife Fund in 2008 revealed that 85% of FTSE350 companies believe video conferencing and other technologies could reduce dependence in business travel. You can also look at carbon offsetting travel, and making sure this is a company policy.